Okay so I'm back!!!! Yay!!!!!

lol....I just wanted to let you guys know how glad I am that you're reading my story and that I'm sorry I kind of dropped off the snitchseeker planet over the summer...I was busy with some other stuff

...oh, by the way I know that I don't usually name chapters but sometimes I find titles that really fit so I can't resist the urge to put them in....
Chapter 27 (The backup plan)
It was really hard for Harry to resist the burning feeling inside him and not kick the hell out of the man that was sitting opposite him in the questioning room; yet as he had told James they were not like them, revenge wasn't the solution and more importantly there were just too many witnesses. Harry glanced at the two aurors behind Dolohov and sighed; they were supposed to be there in order to protect him but he really wished he could do the interrogation without them or the aurors behind the glass. It would be easier to...express himself.
"Who would have thought that you would actually get something out of all of these Potter?" Dolohov said.
"What's that suppose to mean?"
"Look at you; you're the Head of the department now, aren't you? Last time we were together in this room, you were just a pathetic little auror", Dolohov smirked, but Harry did so too.
"Yeah, a pathelic little auror that had basted you", Harry reminded him and Dolohov's smirk faded.
"I got away eventually".
"True", Harry shrugged. "But at least I gave you that scar on your face as a reminder of our meeting".
Dolohov growled but didn't say anything. Harry opened the file that was in front of him.
"You are accused of being a Death Eater, escaping custody, five known murders and kidnapping my son", Harry finished, the rage inside him burning. "Are you admitting to those accusations?"
"No, actually", Dolohov said and Harry raised his eyebrows. "I also kidnapped Malfoy's son and I'm admitting six murders, if you count me killing that mudblood old classmate of yours...Dean Thomas, was it?"
Harry froze.
"You did that?"
"Yeah, I did that", Dolohov laughed as Harry's hands were actually trembling from anger.
"Listen to me, you scum", Harry said with a hollow voice. "I'm gonna get you into prison for the rest of your pathetic life and I'm gonna personally make sure that your life in there will be as miserable as possible".
"And here I thought you didn't like me", Dolohov smirked.
"Go to hell", Harry said as he stood up picking his stuff. "And stay there", he added as he walked to the door the aurors behind him opened for him.
"Wait, Potter" Dolohov said and Harry turned. "Aren't you going to offer me a deal? Like letting me free if I tell you where you can find Artemis or something like that?"
Harry walked in front of Dolohov again.
"No", he said. "I am not going to do that".
"What kind of an auror are you?" Dolohov laughed.
"The kind that wants to see monsters like you behind bars. I will find Artemis and I will give her what she deserves and I don't need your help to do that", Harry replied. "Now excuse me but I don't think I'll be able to restrain myself for much longer if I keep talking to you", he added and made to leave again.
"That's too bad then", Dolohov laughed watching Harry's reflection in the glass. "You won't even get to hear my offer".
"You have nothing I want Dolohov", Harry replied.
"No, but you have the book and we need that".
That made Harry turn again and look at Doohov's back.
"Right", Harry laughed. "And of course I should just go and gift-wrap it for you to take, because you have such an advantage over us, is that it?"
"As a matter of fact that is it", Dolohov smirked. "Did you really think that we didn't have a plan B? Or that your kids could beat
me in a fight if I didn't allow them to?"
Ginny was in the basement, trying to find the basinet they had used for Lilly, because she didn't want to leave everything for when the baby would come and she and Harry had agreed that since they already had like an entire pile of baby stuff they should use those. It was hard to find what she was looking for after all these years though and the pointless searching was getting on her nerves.
She dropped another box on the floor and turned to glare at the two aurors behind her.
"Since you are here", she said irritated, "can't you help me find what I'm looking for?"
"I'm sorry ma'am", the taller one said. "We're only here to protect you from exterior dangers. Our orders are not to intervene in your life otherwise".
Ginny grunted.
"Yeah, but you took those orders from my husband because I asked him to", she tried to explain. "So if I say that I want you to help me, you can do it".
"We are very sorry but this is not the time to defy a direct order", the other auror said.
"Huh", Ginny said. "So can't help me but you have no problem at all eating stuff".
"What?" the aurors said together.
"Never mind", the woman growled.
"Mum can you come up here for a second?" James's voice came from the kitchen.
"Yeah, honey, I'm coming", she yelled back and she glared at the aurors before climbing the stairs.
"That woman is a handfull", the taller auror whispered to the other. "And what did she mean about us eating stuff?"
"I don't know", the other one shrugged and they both followed her upstairs.
"Care to elaborate that?" Harry asked Dolohov standing opposite him again. The man exhaled smiling.
"You so ruined the way I had planned for this to come up when you said you didn't wanna make me any offers but anyway", he shrugged. "We want the book, Potter and you're gonna give it to us".
"Oh, and why would I do that again?"
"Because there's something you don't know", Dolohov said.
"Oh, please do tell", Harry said tiredly.
"I didn't grab your daughter that night because I wanted to use
her as a bargain. I only did it because I wanted to get caught. The fact that it was your son the one who stopped me just made the whole thing easier".
"What are you talking about?" Harry asked, his curiosity overcoming his anger now.
"You should have allowed the boy to do it, to kill me. You sure gonna wish you did, same time tomorrow".
"And why is that?"
Dolohov smiled, raised his hand to his ear and pulled his earring out. He left it on the table and Harry looked at it. It was a round, golden ring totally ordinary except the fact that ever since it left Dolohov's ear a red light turned on right in the middle of it.
"What is that?" Harry asked Dolohov.
"It's a signal that I actually send off when I saw your son again. I had to wear it for a couple of days so I can make sure it worked, but now that I took it off you can just destroy it; it has already started anyway".
"James?" Ginny said entering the living room.
"Hey, mum, do you have a painkiller to give me, I have a terrible migraine", the boy said coming from the kitchen with his hand on his forehead.
"Really?" Ginny asked placing her hand on his forehead too. "Well, you're not warm, you don't have a fever. I can't give you a painkiller just for a migraine, honey".
"Oh, come on, mum. I've been having those migraines for days", James complained.
"What? Why didn't you say anything?"
"Well, you and dad were both so busy since the night at the Ministry, I didn't wanna give you more things to worry about and..."
"James, what are you talking about? Since when do you have those migraines?"
"It's not such a big deal, mum, stop yelling", the boy sighed.
"Since when, James?"
"Since the Ministry", James said.
"You should have told us" she said irritated and grabbed his hand dragging him in the kitchen. "Look, I'll give you a painkiller for now but I'll have Teddy to check on you first thing tomorrow morning, okay?
"What? No, mum, I'm fine", the boy said.
"Do not argue with me little Potter", she said strictly as she looked at the shelfs for painkillers, her voice still an octave higher than normal. "No matter what your father and I are up to, your health is always more important, you hear me?"
"It's kind of hard not to the way you're yelling".
"I hope so" she said giving him the pill and a glass of water. "There's nothing else you haven't say, right?"
James glanced at her and then looked away quickly.
"No", he said.
"Oh, God, what else?" she asked.
"James", she said warningly.
"It's just...the scars around my hands", he said after taking the pill.
"What about them?" Ginny asked.
"They're kind of itchy for like some days now".
"Okay, that's it", she said. "I'm gonna send Teddy a Patronus right now".
"Mum, it's one in the morning and Teddy will probably be sleeping or doing stuff with Victoire".
"All I mean is that it can wait until the morning", he said and she sighed.
"Fine", she said. "But first thing..."
"Yeah, okay, okay".
"Do not roll your eyes at your mother!" Ginny said narrowing her eyes.
"Do not narrow your eyes at your son".
"I made you; I can do whatever I want!"
James grunted as his mother came next to him, folded her arms around his neck and gave him a big kiss on the cheek.
"Yeah, keep talking like that and my little sis in there would not wanna come out and really meet you", James told her pointing at her stomach.
Ginny smacked the back of his head as the boy laughed.
"I'm kidding" he smiled as he took the glass from the table and walked to the fridge. "You know we..." but his voice trailed off.
"James?" Ginny said looking at his back. The glass dropped from the boy's hand and got smashed hitting the floor. "James!" Ginny shouted walking to him but she was only half way to him and the boy fell on the floor.