Okay here's some more. I just want to let you know guys that you're gonna find out who the real spy is either in the next post or in the one after that and also that Apostollo won't be a mystery for much longer. Thanks for your posting, please keep doing that, it helps me see what you like the most (plus it makes me happy

!!!!!! ). Oh, Spence, Greece is simply amazing, I live here for 18 years now and I can't get enough of this country!!! Plus no one cooks better than us (and I've tried eating in a lot of other countries when travelling with my folks).
Chapter 21 continue
31 of July 20:29
Harry was waiting in the living room for Ginny to get ready along with Albus and Lily; James' band had come and picked him up earlier. Harry and Albus were wearing dress robes and Lily a beautiful pink dress her mum had picked out for her.
Since it was Harry's birthday today they had spent most of the day celebrating it and having members of the Weasley family popping in every now and then. Everybody had left about two hours before however to give them time to get ready for the party, which Ginny still hadn't done.
"Gin, for God's sake, we're gonna be late!" Harry yelled from the end of the stairs but he didn't get a response.
"She hasn't gotten ready yet?" Ron asked coming in the room; he wasn't wearing any dress robes but jeans and a t-shirt.
"No and we're gonna be late", Harry responded irritated.
"Well, man, women will be women, right?" Ron shrugged.
Hermione came from upstairs.
"Okay, I'm ready, let's go", she said but stopped as she noticed that they were all looking at her. She was dressed in a beautiful, long, silk, blue dress with golden details on the cleavage; her hair were falling loose on her shoulders not in their normal frizzy state, but straight and smooth and her high heels were clacking as she came dows the stairs. "What?" she asked looking down at herself.
"Honey, you look...perfect...but...but..." Ron tried to say.
"But you know, you're not gonna be at the party, right?" Harry finished the sentence for his friend.
"And you think that's a good enough reason for me not to take the opportunity to get all dressed up?"
"But don't forget we're gonna have to sneak into the Ministry. Isn't that dress going to...delay you or something?" Ron asked.
"Oh, come on. What if we get caught?"
"What about it?" Harry asked confused.
"Well", said Hermione taking her usual explaining-why two and two make four- to a three yeah old look. "If I'm going down, I'm going down in style, either you two like it or not!"
"I see", Harry smiled as Ron was laughing. Hermione poked her husband on the ribs and turned to Harry again.
"Besides wait until you see your girl", she said enigmatically and dragging Ron from the hand they left the room and went to the kitchen to apparate.
"What's mum wearing?" Albus asked his father and he shrugged.
"I don't know but I didn't like your aunt's little comment".
"Oh, but she looks beautiful!" Lily said looking at the stairs and Harry turned.
Ginny was coming down on her red heels, wearing an amazing, long, white dress that was tied behind her neck leaving almost all her back exposed. Her hair was pulled up in a bun but some curls were left to encircle her face. Harry couldn't get over how beautiful she looked and he couldn't stop looking at her, until she came and stood in front of him and he realized the difference.
"Gin...what...? What did you do with the baby?" he asked looking at her flat stomach completely taken aback.
"Oh, nothing, don't worry", she smiled. "I just casted a small illusion spell".
"Because I can't go to a party looking pregnant!"
"Why not?"
"Because..." she widened her eyes. "I'll look fat!"
"Come on! Don't you want your girl to be the most beautiful woman in the room?"
"Gin, you're gonna be the most beautiful woman for me either way, so can you please take that spell back before it hurts our unborn child?"
"Oh, relax it's not gonna..."
"Fine", she gave up rolling her eys and pulled her wand out from her magically enlarged red bag, hit her stomach with it and her belly enlarged until it reached its real size. "Are you happy now? I look like a whale!"
"You look amazing", said Harry and kissed her forehead ignoring her frowned face. "Can we please go now?"
31 of July 21:43
"James, James, check this out!"
James turned to look at his friend David, a tall handsome darkhaired boy, who was the drumer of the band. He was holding a disk up for him to see.
"What's that?"
"A demo, duh!"
"Of us?"
"No of Weird Sisters!" David answered ironically. "What is it with you today? Anyway...did you see that guy that was sitting behind that really, really tall woman?"
"Madam Maxim", said James.
"Yeah, whatever, Thomas overheard that he is in the music business!" said David thrilled but his face fell when James didn't get as excited as he was. "Come on! We'll give him the demo and next thing we know we're famous!"
"Yeah, great", James said forcing a smile. "Um...what's in the demo? Don't you think that we had to go through the songs together?"
"Oh, yeah, we had to do that, only you missed all the rehearsals", David pointed out.
"I said I'm sorry, okay? So what songs are in it?"
"Well, since the person who has written most of our songs wasn't there I just put the four songs we're gonna say tonight in it".
"We're saying four songs tonight?" asked James. "It was a joke, a joke!" he added hastily seeing the look of terror on his friend's face.
"You got me scared for a second!" David breathed out. "Do you remember in what order we're gonna say them?"
"We were gonna start with 'Crime of the Heart' but we discussed it and we're gonna start with 'Without Breath' instead and then go to that. Then we're gonna say 'Door to Heaven' and we're gonna close with 'Winter's set in'. Okay?"
"What?" James asked forgetting about his unwillingness to play for a few seconds. "No, David that is so wrong!"
"Well, first of all, we're in the middle of summer! You can't say a song called 'Winter's set in' in the middle of summer! And besides that you should have left 'Crime of the Heart' first; they're aurors, they're gonna love the referral to crimes!"
"Well, we don't have time to change them now!" David said irritated. "And honestly I think the order we've chosen and the songs are great! If you wanted to pick the songs you should have came to practice", he added and walked away.
James grunted to himself as Roxanne approached him. She came backstage to wish him good luck but when she saw him, she realized that he still hadn't gotten over his whole 'I can't play' thing.
"Hey, James", she said and the boy turned to look at her.
"Why everybody has to be incompetent?" he asked irritated.
"Why are you saying that?"
"Because the guys from the band chose the worst possible songs they could for tonight!" he answered giving her the list David had left.
"James what are talking about? I absolutely love those songs! They're the best you got!" she said but James just grunted and sat on a step of a stair that led to higher floors.
"What am I gonna do?"
"You're gonna go up there and you're gonna blow their minds as I know you can", she said sitting next to him.
"You don't understand...it's not..."
"Over here Al", Roxanne waved at the boy and he and Scorpius walked over to them.
"Hey", Scorpius nodded at James and he nodded back.
"What are you doing here?" James asked him.
"Well, my father insisted that we should come. Apparently there are really important people here tonight", the boy shrugged.
"Does your father know that you're backstage with two Potters and a Weasley?" Roxanne asked grinning.
"Rox, be nice", James said to her before Albus could open his mouth to tell her off; he looked at his brother startled.
"It's okay", Scorpius shrugged. "No he doesn't know; he's not really that interest about where I'm going or what I'm doing".
"Okay" Roxanne said taken aback and then she turned to James again. "What are you gonna do?"
"About what?"
"None of your business", James told his brother.
"James, what's up?" Scorpius asked and the boy grunted.
"Well, we have to perform at this thing tonight and I...I just...I don't feel like it!"
"But why? You keep telling me that you can't play and stuff but you're not giving me a good enough reason!" said Roxanne exasperated.
"Because! Because music...music doesn't feel so important as before!" James confessed.
"Why?" asked Albus.
"It's just...it almost ruined my relationship with dad, it made me run away and I just don't feel like dancing and singing! Gosh, I wish everybody could realize that!" the boy said and Roxanne and Albus looked at each other trying to find something to say, but Scorpius laughed.
"What are you laughing at?" Roxane asked the boy aggressively as James looked at him and frowned.
"It's just...come on James, do you honestly think that it was music that made you run away or your stubborness?"
"Scorpius, I'm feeling really low right now, so I'd appreciate it of you could say these things in a time I'll be able to tell you to go to hell".
"Look, if you don't want to play tonight, don't", Scorpius shrugged. "But if music used to mean something to you before it should mean much more now!"
"Becauses people need music! One great rock show can change the world!" said Scorpius.
"Okay, they're not that good", Albus pointed out to receive a grunt from his brother.
"James, the Malfoy kid is right. Come on! You used to love music and now you must let other people see why they should love music too", said Roxanne.
"Yeah, and my father said that the guy who signed Weird Sisters is out there. This is a chance in a lifetime! Do you know how many bands would kill to perform on that stage tonight?" Scorpius added. James grunted unconvinced and hid his face in his hands.
"Yeah, plus if you don't do the show, it will be like giving up", Albus said and James pulled his hands off and looked at him.
"What?" he asked irritated. Albus smirked.
"It would be like giving up and admitting defeat!"
"Defeat...? I'm not defeated!" James shouted.
"Well, you look like a loser to me", Scorpius put in making James' jaw drop.
"Total loser", Roxanne agreed.
"Oh, we'll se who the loser is when I curse each one of you!" James exclaimed outraged.
"And that will stop us from being right...how exactly?" Roxanne asked and James looked at her viciously.
"James we're on in five minutes!" David yelled from the opposite side of backstage.
"I think you should give the show, bro" Albus nodded. Roxanne bit her lips.
"Yeah, you should", Scorpius agreed. "Come on, James, you didn't lose it all this time in Austria, are you gonna lose it now?"
"James, you get over here now!" David yelled again.
"Come on, James, what are you gonna do?" Roxanne asked him and the boy got up. He looked at the three of them and shrugged.
"One great rock show can change the world, right?" he asked Scorpius, who nodded. "Well, I guess this world needs some changes", he said and the others exchanged looks thrilled. "Plus I hate to lose", he added and grabbing his guitar he walked over to the band.
Roxanne looked at the boys cheerfully and nodded.
"Thanks I don't think I would have made it by my own", she said and Scorpius laughed.
"It was all Albus' doing", he said and the boy shrugged.
"Well, I grew up with him, I know what can get my brother motivated", he said. "But let's not get all excited from now, he hasn't given the show just yet".
"Oh, God, I hope he won't froze up on the stage", said Roxanne anxiously.
"Oh, come on, let's have some faith in him", said Scorpius and the other two nodded, though none of them, neither Scorpius was certain that James would manage to do it.