I'm so sorry for the delay you guys!!! Hopefully you haven't give up on me!!! Kate, honey, are you still drunk from yesterday? No? Just a vibe I'm getting? Okay...
Chapter 20 continue
Harry looked at Matthias bewildered for a few moments but then he chuckled.
"Matthias seriously, what's going on?"
"Harry, this is not a joke".
"Oh, okay", said Harry ironically. "I guess then that Hermione is a spy!"
"She is", Matthias nodded. "I'm surprised you took it so well", he added. Harry's smile started fading away.
"See now I'm scared because I don't think you're kidding anymore".
"Harry we have evidence that..."
"Evidence? Are you kidding me? Hermione would never betray us!" Harry yelled and Matthias sighed.
"She did, Harry, she did".
"I don't believe it", he said shaking his head. Matthias grabbed some of the papers in front of him and threw them in front of him.
"Believe those", he said.
Harry took them in his hands and glanced at them. Everything Matthias had told him that the spy did was there and so was Hermione's name. Harry threw the papers back on the desk.
"I don't care; it's a lie", Harry shrugged.
"It is not a lie, Harry. I'm shocked myself but..."
"Where's Hermione?" Harry interrupted him again.
"She's at the lower level", Matthias replied.
"You got her arrested?" Harry shouted exasperated.
"I had no choice. Harry, you have to understand how things are for Hermione right now; the Minister has been alerted and if he wants he can order her immediate transport to Azkaban" Matthias explained.
Harry closed his eyes for a few moments.
"What if she's been Imperiused?" Harry asked then wearily.
"She couldn't have been. The protective spells in Azkaban would have detected the curse and the alarm would have gone off", Matthias responded. Harry bit his lips.
"I wanna see her", he said then.
"Harry, I don't think that they'll let you..."
"Oh, they will let me in", said Harry and turned around to leave but stopped at the door, walked back towards Matthias' office and took the file with the papers Matthias showed him. "I wanna show them to her and see what she has to say; you have another copy right?" he asked; Matthias nodded.
Hermione was sitting in the interrogating room she had sat in a million times before, only this time she was on the wrong side. She glanced at the big glass window in front of her; she knew that there was someone watching her even though she couldn't see them.
She grunted and hid her head in her arms. How could this have happened? How could they think that she would betray the aurors after everything she had done for the office? And more importantly how could they possibly think that she would betray her family? According to them not only she helped the Death Eaters escape but she helped them get James and attack Luna's house. Yeah, because that would be what every rational person would do: give their nephew to Death Eaters and sent them after one of their best friends!
They should have some evidence though; they wouldn't have arrested her otherwise. How, how did they get those? She hadn't even used her card before, how did the true spy get it and used it to let the Death Eaters out of Azkaban? She sure hoped that Harry could find an explanation for all of these and help her, because as it seemed she was in big trouble! Everybody thought she was a traitor!
What if Harry believed it? And oh God, what if Ron believed it too? What if he left her? How could he love a traitor? But she wasn't a traitor! They couldn't believe that she was. No, they wouldn't. Would they? She grunted again. If Ginny believed she is a spy too, she would kill her for giving her son to them! And then she would bring her back only to kill her again!
She looked up as she heard arguing from outside and the door opened. Hermione bit her lip as Harry sat opposite her and the aurors outside closed the door again. He appeared to be fine physically, even though the healers in Saint Mungo's told them that they couldn't figure out what was wrong with him; so Hermione caught right to the chase.
"Harry, I swear I don't know what's happening; I had nothing to do with this!" Hermione started as soon as the door closed.
"Hermione they say you are the leak", said Harry slowly.
"I know! It's crazy! How could I do that?"
"That's what I'm thinking".
"How could you do that?"
"Wait...Harry; you don't believe them, do you? It's crazy! They don't have anything that can prove that..."
"They have everything Hermione! It's right here!" Harry shouted back throwing the file on the table. She took it with trembling hands and opened it. She looked at it for a few long moments, like she couldn't believe her eyes and then she sighed.
"It's not true", she said placing the file on her lap.
"It's not?"
"No, Harry! How can you think that I would do that to my family? To our family?"
"Hermione all I know is that there's evidence that show that my best friend helped the Death Eaters get my son!" Harry shouted.
"I would never do that to James!" Hermione yelled as tears run down her eyes, but she didn't bother to wipe them in spite that Harry and the aurors behind the glass were watching.
"Then why is your key-card that let the Death Eaters out?"
"Someone stole it and someone pretended to be me using Polyjuice Potion or that other spell from the book", said Hermione.
"All's well then, except one thing...they have your finger print! And you cannot duplicate that! How do you explain it?"
"I...I can't" , Hermione mumbled. "But there has to be an explanation. Come on, Harry, do you honestly think that I would ever do anything to hurt you guys? Why? Why would I help them since they're after me and Ron and my kids? They attacked us, Harry! They burned our house down!"
"The office believes that it was a cover up; something that would make all of us believe that you have nothing to do with all of these".
"I do not have anything to do with all of these!" Hermione screamed outraged.
"I'm sorry Hermione", said Harry and he got up, giving the mirror window a look. "But it seems that you did and honestly...I think that locking you up in Azkaban is what you deserve".
Hermione placed her head in her arms again as Harry left the room.
Harry was waiting in a small alley behind the Ministry. He didn't wait for long though because Hermione apparated next to him with a loud pop. Harry sighed relieved.
"Thank God, you got out".
"Yeah, thank God and you", she added giving him his key-card back. "You had me scared for a moment though; then I saw the key-card in the file".
"Hermione this whole thing is ridiculous. How could the Death Eaters think that we would believe you were the spy?"
"So you believe me?" Hermione smiled in spite her watery eyes.
"No, I helped you get away because I want you to help me get in touch with the Death Eaters so I can join in too", he said ironically and she laughed, but then she glanced back at the Ministry and her smile faded.
"Harry, what am I going to do?" You may believe me but no one else does!"
"Okay, okay, don't panic", Harry told her taking her hand. "Come on, we'll go home and panic".
And they turned on the spot.
Ha, ha I got ya! Hermione is not the spy! How could she ever do that to them?