Chapter 13
Everybody was happy to see Charlie was all right when he came back home. He arrived back at the Burrow the day before Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny were to go back to Hogwarts. Having put their packing to the last minute, Harry and Ron were only able to visit with him for a little while, before grudgingly going up the stairs to their empty trunks. Harry was surprised to see that only a few of his items had remained in his trunk. Every thing was scattered around Ron’s already messy room. Harry was in the middle of restacking his schoolbooks so they would fit in his trunk, when Ginny walked in.
“Hey Gin.” Harry said automatically.
Ron looked up from the side of his bed. “Oi! What are you doing in here?” he said holding a bag of owl treats in his hand.
“I’m not here for you.” She said sarcastically.
“Well unless you here to pack my trunk for me, get out.” He replied flicking his wrist toward the door.
“I was wondering if I could talk to you, Harry.” Ginny said ignoring her brother.
“Sure. What about?” Harry said, getting up from the floor.
“Well…um…” she looked over at Ron like she was uncomfortable to say it in front of him. Ron didn’t seem to notice but began stuffing inkbottles into his trunk.
“I just wanted to talk about-“
“Here you are boys.” Mrs.Weasley said, walking into the room with freshly washed clothes.
“Thanks mum.” Ron said taking his clothes.
“Yeah thank you Mrs.Weasley.” Harry said, piling his own into his trunk.
“Dinner will be done in a few minutes. Come down when your done.” She said and left them.
Ron went back to packing his trunk and Harry turned back to Ginny. “What were you saying?” he asked her.
She looked sheepishly at Ron before answering. “Well I just wanted to ask you-“
“There you two are! We wanted to show it to you guys first.” George said, barging into the room; Fred along side him.
Ginny sighed next to him and said, “I’ll talk to you later Harry.” And she left them all behind. Harry watched as she left. What was it that she wanted to talk to him about? And why was she being so subtly?
“What is it?” Ron asked breaking Harry out of his thoughts.
“It works for us, but we want to make sure it works on other people besides ourselves. Care to try it out?” Fred asked.
“What is it first?” Ron said.
Fred smiled impishly and lifted his wrist. He began to fumble with a flesh colored bracelet, then suddenly disappeared.
“And that’s not all. Watch.” George said and walked to the spot where Fred stood a few seconds before. “He’s not solid, so I can walk through him.” He backed away and Fred reappeared.
“That’s awesome! Let me try.” Ron said walking forward.
Fred slipped the bracelet off and handed it to Ron. He put it on but nothing happened. Ron looked up at the twins questionably.
“You need to flip it for it to work.” George said walking over and doing it for him. With a loud snap, they both disappeared. It hadn’t made a noise when Fred did it.
“Wow! We didn’t think we made it powerful enough for it to make two people disappear.” Fred said excitedly. The two of them reappeared with smiles on their faces.
“How did you guys make this?” Harry asked taking the flesh colored bracelet in turn.
“With our awesome skills.” George said with a wink. Ron rolled his eyes behind him.
Harry slipped it on his right wrist. It went on easily. He then flipped it like the twins had. The next thing he knew, he felt a weird sensation happening. It was like somebody had sucked all his body weight off him and he was now lighter than a feather. Like his invisibility cloak, he could see right through his body, but the cloak didn’t give him weightlessness. George beamed and walked right where Harry was standing. It was like Harry wasn’t even there. Like he was a ghost. It was the strangest feeling he had ever felt.
“Another cool thing about it is people can stand there jinxing and cursing you but it just goes right through you.” George said and stepped away so Harry could reappear.
Harry moved what he figured was his left arm and flipped the bracelet again. His body became solid and visible in an instant.
“What about the unforgivable curses?” Ron asked in awe.
“Well we wouldn’t know. We’ve never tried them before.” Fred retorted.
“Yeah and were not planning to in the future.” George said darkly.
“How many of these do you have made?” Harry asked. They were an extraordinary item and Harry wouldn’t mind buying one from them. He was amazed at how smart Fred and George had to be to be able to make one of these. Even though they didn’t finish their last year at Hogwarts, they really knew their stuff.
“Just two. George has the other. They’ve been really hard to develop. We’ve been trying to make these every since our fourth year.” Fred said.
“But we want you to keep that one, Harry. It was you after all who gave us the idea.” Said George.
“Me?” Harry said in disbelieve.
“Yeah. We heard about you running into Karkoff when you were wearing your invisibility cloak. And we thought to ourselves,
What if there was something to make you invisible and not
solid? That was where our work began.”
“How do you know about Karkoff? I never told anybody about that.” Harry said suspiciously.
“We over heard you telling Hermione in the common room. You really should be more careful where you have private conversations, mate.” George said with a smile.
Harry chuckled. “Yeah Sirius told me that once too.”
“Yeah well, keep the
Invisebrace. We’re going to go down and see if dinner is ready.” Fred said putting his hand on the doorknob.
“Hey! What about me?” Ron piped up.
“What about you?” Fred said looking back.
“Don’t I get one?” he said.
“We need to keep one to work off of. It’s probably going to be awhile before we make another one.” Said George.
“Don’t worry. You’ll be the next person we give one to. Happy?” Fred said, when Ron looked put down.
“Yeah all right.” Ron said a little more cheerfully.
“Thanks for the bracelet.” Harry said. The twins nodded at him and departed.
There an extra long chapter to make up for the tiny ones.
Hope you all enjoyed it 