I promised you a middle of the night post...It is now 12:43 in the morning...And I have a new post!!
Hope you like it
Chapter 36
“What was that about?” Mrs. Weasley said looking to the table.
“I didn’t do anything. Ron is just being moody today.” Ginny replied, putting her hands up in mock surrender.
“He’s sorry Gin.” Hermione said automatically and stood from her chair. “Will you excuse me for a sec, Mrs. Weasley?” she said and went outside after Ron.
“Ginny, what happened?” Mrs. Weasley asked, tilting her head and putting her hands on her hips; the “Mrs. Weasley stance.”
“I don’t know. I just asked him what was the matter with him and he got all mad.” Ginny said noticing a forgotten piece of parchment on the table.
Picking up the letter curiously, she turned away from her mother and read. Her eyes went through three stages; confusion, shock, then anger. She realized now what was up with her brother. It also explained the shimmering tears in Hermione’s eyes. Harry just straight up left them.
Straining her eyes, she tried to read the part where her name was crossed out multiply times. But it was too hard to read. What had he written about her? It looked like it said something about telling her something. Tell her what? Where had he gone? When was he coming back? The way he wrote, it sounded as if he wasn’t coming back. What did he have to do? Why did it say, “Wish me luck” at the end? Why did he have to be so stubborn? All these questions went through her head as Ron and Hermione came back through the back door.
It looked Hermione had calmed him down. He said nothing to anybody, though, and sat down at the end of the table. Hermione took the empty seat next to him and gave everybody a reassuring smile. Ginny, without anybody noticing set the letter back on the table.
“Well, now that you two are back, would you like some breakfast?”
“No thank you Mrs. Weasley.” Hermione said kindly.
”I’m not hungry.” Ron replied.
“Little Ronniekins isn’t hungry?” George said with a wide smile, walking into the kitchen.
“Are the pigs flying yet?” Fred chuckled, following his twin.
Mrs. Weasley also looked surprised that Ron didn’t was any food. “Are you feeling ok Ron?”
“I’m fine.” He said staring at the table. His neck was scarlet red as he avoided eye contact with everybody.
“Well what about Harry? Is he not hungry either?” Ron cringed at the sound of Harry’s name. Hermione hiccupped and also didn’t make eye contact with anybody.
“Ron? Hermione? Where is Harry?” Mrs. Weasley said, beginning to get suspicious.
Ron looked up and his eyes set on the letter in the middle of the table. He reached over and grabbed it, setting it in his pocket, not saying anything the whole time.
“Fred? George? Ginny? Have you seen Harry?” Mrs. Weasley asked, beginning to panic.
“No.” The twins said in union.
“Me either.” Ginny spoke up.
“Eye ezn’t zeeing him either.” Patricia said serenely, braiding Gabrielle’s hair.
“Arthur!” Mrs. Weasley called franticly.
“Mum, what is the matter?” Charlie asked returning into the kitchen.
“Charlie, have you seen Harry?” Mrs. Weasley asked walking toward her second born son.
Ginny knew she would’ve been crushed under her mother’s penetrating look, but Charlie looked calm and cool as ever. She began to wonder if she should tell her mother about Harry, but she then remembered that she shouldn’t have read the letter in the first place.
“Mum you can’t freak out alright?” Charlie said, looking down at his mother. “He left last night.”
“Left? What do you mean left?” she asked, daggers in her eyes.
”He told me to tell you thank you for everything and not to worry about him. So don’t.”
“Molly?” Mr. Weasley asked tentatively, entering the crowded kitchen.
“Arthur!” she said going to her husband and embracing him.
“What has happened?” he asked confused.
“Harry is missing.” She said beginning to sob on his chest.
Ginny watched her parents with sorrowful eyes. Harry was one of their own. She knew her mother was hurting cause she felt like she just lost one of her sons. Ginny didn’t know what to make of it. She just hoped he came back soon.