Like I promised, hers another chapter 
Nice and long for my dedicated readers
Chapter 35
Hermione woke bright and early the next day. She has always been an early bird. Slipping out of her bed next to Ginny’s, she began changing out of her pajamas. In front of her was a single window with lavender nightshades. Outside the ground was covered in pure white snow. The sky was a murky gray and was giving off a moody setting.
Putting on a pair of baby blue slippers, she tip toed toward the door and quietly opened it. Ginny stirred in her sleep but Patricia didn’t make a peep. She almost seemed angelic as her blond hair flowed onto her pillow. A few curls were still intact and fell blissfully onto her cheek.
Hermione shut the door and began walking to Ron’s room. The house was deathly quiet and as Hermione climbed up the stairs, she began getting really bad vibes from his room. She couldn’t explain the feeling, but she knew something was wrong.
Not bothering to knock, she opened the door to Ron’s room and walked inside. A slight smile escaped onto Hermione’s lips as she looked over at Ron’s sleeping body. His hair clashed magnificently with the color of his bed. The color had slowly returned to his face and light freckles were visible going across his nose. He looked like a little boy, innocent, and nothing could disturb him. Hermione stood watching him breath slow, steady breaths. A piece of his flaming red hair moved up and down lazily from his calm breathing.
She stood over him and looked into his face with a soft smile on her face. His eyes opened slowly and looked into her beautiful brown eyes.
“How you feeling?” she asked quietly.
“Better.” He said sitting up on his own.
“Did Harry go down to breakfast already?” Ron asked. Hermione looked over and saw Harry’s cot empty. The space around his bed was also clean. Starting to get suspicious, she stood up and walked around the other side of his bed.
“His trunk is gone.” Hermione said. Ron climbed out of his bed and stumbled. Her eyes widened, anticipating a fall, but he regained his balance and stood over Harry’s bed.
“Well where is it?” Ron asked.
“I don’t know. He wouldn’t leave would he?” she said slowly.
“Maybe mom just moved it for space.” Ron suggested. Hermione was unsure about this explanation (she knew Ron was too) and without saying anything; they walked to the door, went down stairs and entered the kitchen.
The kitchen was empty except for Charlie, who was drinking coffee. Mrs. Weasley wasn’t even up yet. Hermione and Ron both scanned the kitchen twice before taking a seat at the table.
“Charlie, have you seen-“
”He’s gone.” Charlie said simply, before Hermione could finish her sentence.
”Gone?” Ron asked.
“He left.” Charlie said taking a calm sip from his coffee mug.
“What do you mean he left?!” Ron said franticly.
“Last night he packed his things and left the Burrow.” Charlie said without flinching at Ron’s obvious frustration.
“And you just let him?!” Ron said slamming his fist on the table.
“Why would you do that? Why didn’t he tell anybody? Why didn’t you stop him?” Ron said angrily, bombarding him with questions.
“Because it’s not my place to do that.” Charlie said, not bothered by his little brother’s irritated state.
“What do you mean it’s not your place?!” Ron practically shouted.
“Ron calm down. Did he tell you where he went?” Hermione asked, placing her hand on Ron’s arm to try and sooth him.
“He couldn’t tell me, so I didn’t question him. He said he felt really guilty about what happened to Ron last night and didn’t want you two to get hurt even more.” Charlie said and took another drink from his coffee mug.
“He told you what happened?” Hermione asked, shocked.
“He told me a fuzzy version. Some things he couldn’t say. But he did say Ron got hurt and he wasn’t going to let it happen again.”
“But I’m fine!” Ron said irritably Charlie shrugged and stood, with his empty coffee mug. He walked to the sink and set it down.
Hermione felt her insides turn cold as she realized Harry went to go find the horcruxes on his own. How could he do this? Didn’t he realize going alone was worse than taking them along? Doesn’t he know by now that she and Ron were going to be by his side no matter what? She looked over at Ron and saw that his face was red with anger.
Lifting a shaky hand, she placed into his. “He thinks he can do this alone.”
”He can’t! Not without us!” Ron said looking into her eyes intensely. The look was so intense, she wanted to break down and look away, but instead, she looked even deeper into his eyes. The passion and loyalty he had for Harry was so admirable. She knew he had the same feelings for her and that began to fill her heart with warmth.
“He wanted me to give this to you two.” Charlie said, breaking the connection between them. He held a letter in his hand. Hermione took it from him. Charlie then walked out of the kitchen, leaving them alone.
Dear Ron and Hermione,
I’m really sorry for not saying good-bye. But I knew if I stayed, you two would of tried to come. Ron, if you’re reading this, I’m sorry for what happened. That shouldn’t have happened. I was just being selfish when I let you two come. I really didn’t want to return to Gordic’s Hollow alone, so I didn’t fight back when you two said you were coming. I’m sorry. Go back to Hogwarts. Finish school. Go on with your lives. I’ll miss you two. Please don’t worry about me. Tell Ginny
I’ll miss all of you guys. Wish me luck.
Hermione finished the short letter; her hands were now trembling. Ron took the letter from her, and re-read it.
“I can’t believe he thought he was being selfish.” Ron said. He put the letter on the table as he shook his head back and forward.
Just then it seemed like the whole family entered the kitchen. Gabrielle, with her fine blond hair, which was still in eccentric curls, was rubbing her baby blue eyes. She was following behind her cousin, who you could tell was a morning person. Ginny, who had a grumpy look on her face walked in after them. Mrs. Weasley, who was the morning person out of the Weasleys, walked into the kitchen a dreamy smile on her face. She immediately turned on the stove and began making eggs.
Ginny sat down across from Ron. “Patricia decided she wanted to wake me up for company.” She said grouchily.
She then saw the grim expressions on their faces and said, “Whats up with you two?”
”Nothing.” Ron said through gritted teeth. The arrival of people seemed to have irritated him even more.
“You don’t have to be so mean, I just asked you a simple question.” Ginny retorted. But that just pushed Ron over the edge. He shot up from his chair and stormed out the back door. The slamming of the door made everybody jump and Mrs. Weasley put her hand over her heart.