Heeeeheeee Thanx Kelcie 
Well I have finished 
I hope you all like it 
And the post is in Orange because...Well thats obvious
Chapter 33
As soon as the mouthpiece hit his skin, Ron was lifted into the air.
“RON!” Hermione screamed. His face was growing pale at lighting speed, as a blood red color emitted from the baby pacifier. Harry jumped up and grabbed Ron’s leg. He pulled with all his might, but was soon hovering over the ground too. They began to go up higher and higher.
“Accio pacifier!” Hermione yelled.
Nothing happened. She then did what the plausible thing was to do, and grabbed Ron’s other leg. Ron dropped a few inches, but Hermione was still lifted into the air. Harry threw his hand up and pulled on the little handle on the pacifier but it wouldn’t budge.
“Hermione! Help me!” Harry shouted, still hanging on tightly to Ron’s leg, his other hand pulling the pacifier. Hermione climbed up his leg and shot her hand at Harry’s wrist. Harry felt her pulling on his arm, but the pacifier wouldn’t come out.
Ron didn’t even look like he knew what was going on. His eyes were glassy and vacant. He was so white he looked dead. Panicking, Harry let go of Ron’s leg and let his weight help pull it out. Hermione let go also and with their combined weight the pacifier slipped out of Ron’s mouth.
The three of them hit the floor hard. Harry groaned but sat up. His spine had landed right onto an upright brick. It was a wonder how he didn’t break it. When he looked around to find the other two, he saw Hermione struggling underneath Ron. Harry immediately shot up and pulled him off her. He was unconscious.
“Thanks.” Hermione said sitting up.
They both got on their knees and examined what was left of Ron. Hermione grabbed his wrist and set two fingers over his veins.
“He has a pulse.” She said and moved her fingers under his nose. “And he’s breathing.”
“So he’ll be ok, right?” Harry asked.
“Yeah. I think he will.” Hermione replied. She then began trying to wake him.
Harry got up and looked around for the pacifier. He saw it lying innocently near an overturned rocking chair that matched with the wood from the crib. He didn’t get why it didn’t affect him when he touched it, but it took control of Ron when he touched it. Then it hit him. Harry had touched the handle of the pacifier; Ron had touched the mouthpiece. Whenever somebody touched the mouthpiece it did something to them, but it didn’t do anything when you touched the handle. He walked back over to the crib and picked up the baby blanket. Using the blanket as a glove, he picked up the pacifier and wrapped it up. Then he placed it in his pocket. He rather of destroyed it here and now, but he had no idea how.
Harry turned back around as a gasp of air was taking in quickly by a waking Ron. He was still extremely pale. His eyes flashed open as Harry made his way toward him. He sat up quickly with wide eyes and looked around franticly.
“Ron, keep still for a second.” Hermione said calmly to him.
“Where is he?” Ron said.
“Who?” Hermione said trying to keep her calm voice.
“Him. He’s here. He’s going to kill the baby!” Ron said hysterically.
“Ron there is no baby.” Hermione told him soothingly.
“No there is! He is going to kill him!” Ron said urgently. Hermione looked at Harry for help.
“Only the three of us are here mate.” Harry said.
“No were not! He’s already killed that woman. He was turning to the baby when I blacked out.” Ron said trying to stand. He stumbled forward and Harry thought he was going to crash back to the ground, but Hermione caught his arm and steadied him.
“Ron it wasn’t real. It was just the horcrux.” Hermione said to him.
“No it wasn’t! He was going to kill the baby in the crib just like he killed that woman!” Ron said hysterically as before.
Harry and Hermione both turned and looked at the crib. Besides it being sprinkled with snow, nothing was in the crib. Harry looked back at Ron.
“It was just the horcrux mate.” He said to him.
“I’m telling you it wasn’t! I think he killed somebody downstairs because I heard a yell down there too. Then he blew the door off and came in here. The woman was yelling something. I couldn’t hear her. But I think she was telling him to kill her instead of the baby. Then there was a green light and she was on the floor.”
“Harry!” Hermione said suddenly. Harry turned to her and saw a look of realization cross her face.
“Did the baby have black hair?” she asked.
“Yeah.” Ron replied.
“Did the woman have auburn colored hair?”
“Yeah. What are you getting at Hermione?” Ron said a little agitated. It hit Harry before it hit Ron.
“Ron the baby was…”
“Me.” Harry finished for her.
“What do you mean?” Ron asked, not understanding.
“What you saw was the night
he killed Harry’s parents.” Hermione explained.
“Oh.” Ron said quietly. He leaned on Hermione, as he finally understood.
“We need to get back to the Burrow.” Harry decided.
“Where is the “thing”?” Hermione asked.
“I have it. Lets go.” Harry said, getting ready to apparate.
“Ok. Hang on to my arm.” Hermione said to Ron. He was so weak; he didn’t even argue that he could do it himself. He just hung on to her neck as she turned on the spot.
Harry watched as they disappeared. He lingered in what use to be his old room a little longer before also turning on the spot.