Here's the last post, not very eventful but it ends the story.
Hermione fell smack into the ground. She lay on a dusty, dirty set of ground, which she identified as the area outside the Quidditch Pitch.
"Hermione! Hermione!"
Ron, Harry, Dumbledore, and most of the teachers huddled around Hermione and Neville. The teachers helped Neville to his feet, while Ron helped Hermione to hers.
"Oh Hermione," Ron said kissing her cheek. "I was so worried!"
Hermione threw her arms around Ron. "Oh Ron! I had to! I had to save Neville! Voldemort was going to get him!" She burst into tears. Ron gently rubbed her back.
Harry smiled. "Well, you're okay now! And Neville is too!" he said, gesturing to Neville, who had walked over to Hermione.
"Umm... Hermione? Can I have a word? If it's okay with Ron..." he said quietly.
Ron smiled and let Neville take over. He and Harry went over toward the stands. Neville approached Hermione.
"Hey, Hermione, thanks for the whole saving-my-life thing," he said, rocking on his feet. Hermione smiled.
"No problem, Neviile," she smiled and began to run toward Ron. Neville stopped her.
"Hey, Hermione! Wait!"
Hermione stopped in her tracks. She walked toward Neville. "Yes?"
Neville gulped. "I know you're Ron's girlfriend, but can you give me a hug? Like a friendly one." He stared at his toes, afraid that he had gone too far.
Hermione smiled. She walked over toward Neville, gave him a hug and a peck on the cheek. Leaving Neviile dumbstruck, she skipped to Ron, who was chatting with Harry about Quidditch. When he saw Hermione, he wrapped his arms around her waist.
"How'd it go?" he asked, gently kissing her ear.
"Great, Ron." He moved the kiss to her mouth. Hermione wrapped her arms around his neck. Joey was a great boyfriend, she thought. But in the end, friends definitly make the best boyfriends. The End
__________________  [FODW] [STDTST] [FF] [X] ~Une rose est beauté*- |