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| Candy Display Case (Finished Fanfiction) A dazzling showcase of fully wrapped-up stories, these sweet treats are polished and ready for your reading pleasure! |
04-08-2004, 08:31 PM
#26 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
The_Revenge_of_the_Nerds- "In tow" means pulling someone along.
Hello! I'm going to squeeze in a short post.
That evening, Hermione sat in the Common Room, reading all the papers from The Brain. The Brain had provided a page complete on each house. She was reading the one on Ravenclaw, when she saw a note jotted in green ink at the bottom of the page. It wasn't in the type form that the rest was in, it was more like someone had jotted it down. It read- Current password to Dumbledore's Office- Pumpkin Pasties.
Hermione stared at it. She wondered what she would do with it. Suddenly, it hit her like a lightning bolt. The Sorting Hat was always kept in Dumbledore's office.
Hermione suddenly began to feel afraid. Was she allowed to go into Dumbledore's office? Under the circumstances, most likely no. She had to talk to the Sorting Hat, but she really didn't want to break the rules. Well, there was one person that would know enough about Dumbledore's office that would be able to get her in.
Hermione collapsed into her chair. She was not on speaking terms with Ron OR Harry. She wished that she could just make up with them, she hated not having any friends. She had to talk with Ron and Harry. Just then, as if fate had been eavesdropping her mind, Ron and Harry walked into the Common Room. As they headed up the stairs, Hermione stood up and said, "Wait, guys."
The pair stopped in their tracks. They faced Hermione, who was staring at her toes. Ron answered, "Yes, Hermione?" Hermione just stared at them, and stared and stared, and stared....
More later today!
Comments and constructive criticism appreciated.
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04-09-2004, 03:18 AM
#27 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
Hello! Thanks to devils_work for help with the colors... Refreshers in blue Story in red
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hermione collapsed into her chair. She was not on speaking terms with Ron OR Harry. She wished that she could just make up with them, she hated not having any friends. She had to talk with Ron and Harry. Just then, as if fate had been eavesdropping her mind, Ron and Harry walked into the Common Room. As they headed up the stairs, Hermione stood up and said, "Wait, guys."
The pair stopped in their tracks. They faced Hermione, who was staring at her toes. Ron answered, "Yes, Hermione?" Hermione just stared at them, and stared and stared, and stared.... Harry was about to say something, but Hermione cut him off with a loud wail, "I just don't understand!" Hermione was on the verge of tears.
Ron ignored Hermione's teary-eyed look and said, "What don't we understand?"
"I just... how come you can't understand that I like someone? You guys acted this way with Krum, too! Why can't you just accept that I can have crushes and boyfriends too? Why can't you?" Hermione's lip was quivering.
Ron still didn't look compassionate enough, but Harry understood Hermione's feelings. "Hermione, it's because... well, we don't like to see you dating Slytherins!"
"Why? Because of encounters with ONE Slytherin, you don't let me date ANY of them? Even one who understands exactly how I feel?" A small tear leaked out of Hermione's eye.
Ron began to soften up a little bit, but he hadn't done laps in the water yet. He was just wading. "Hermione, I don't understand exactly how you could share feelings with a Slyth..."
"WELL MAYBE IF YOU WERN'T SUCH A KNOW-IT-ALL AND EXPLAIN IT IN THAT KNOW-IT-ALL WAY THEN WE WOULD!" It looked like Ron thought the water was too cold and was coming out.
Unfortunately, it looked like every insult Ron hurled at her hit her heart. Hermione's duplicating tears became large, wet, choked sobs. The sob instantly turned into an ocean of tears. Hermione had finally fallen apart at the seams. Harry and Ron stood in shock as they saw Hermione kneel on the ground, sobbing in tears and gasping for air. She choked out a few words- "Har-ry, Ro-n... pl-ease... for...forgive... m-" Hermione never finished her words. She collapsed on the ground.
"HERMIONE!" cried Harry, running down the stairs. Ron ran after him. Harry just stood there, holding her hand. Ron smacked his head that would have sent it spinning.
"DON'T JUST STAND THERE YOU FOOL! GET HER TO THE HOSPITAL WING!" Ron screamed as Harry picked her up. The two boys ran out of the room, running to the Hospital Wing at top speed.
Comments and constructive criticism appreciated.
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04-13-2004, 12:28 AM
#28 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
Hello! I've got a long post for you, to make up for the days I haven't posted.
DISCLAIMER- I do not own any of these charcacters, they belong strictly to JK Rowling. :sad:
Hermione opened her eyes. She realized that she was in the Hospital Wing, in one of the metal beds with clean white sheets in the corner of the room. There was a vase with daisies in it at the foot of her bed. She couldn't remember anything from the night before, except that she had been crying so hard that she could hardly breathe, and then the whole world turned black. Hermione sat up as Madame Pomfrey walked in to check on Hermione and the other patients that were sitting in the room.
"Hermione! Thank goodness you are up! Mr. Weasley and Mr. Potter brought you in just as soon as I was heading off to bed. You seemed to have fainted, though I'm still not exactly sure what you have..." Madame Pomfrey raised her wand and called, "Accio medicine tray!" A large tray of medicine swooshed out of nowhere and hovered in midair as table legs sprouted out of the bottom of the tray and made an odd looking table on the ground. Madame Pomfrey fussed with them for a moment before snatching a green glass bottle of medicine. "Aha!" she said in triumph as she poured greenish-brown liquid into a glass. She handed it to Hermione. "Drink up," she ordered. Hermione drank the medicine, which tasted a lot like turkey broth.
Madame Pomfrey took the glass and tapped the side of the medicine tray. The legs began to walk, and they followed Madame Pomfrey. "Mr. Duncan will be in soon." Madame Pomfrey said with one glance at the clipboard at the foot of Hermione's bed.
Hermione cocked her head. "Who?" she asked in curiosity.
Madame Pomfrey shrugged. "Mr. Duncan. I think his name's John, Jimmy..."
"You mean Joey?" asked Hermione excitedly.
"Yes, that's the one." Said Madame Pomfrey with a smile. "He'll be in around lunch hour.
Hermione lay back in the pillows. At least there was something to look forward to...
Around noontime, Madame Pomfrey walked in with Joey. "She's right there, Mr. Duncan." Hermione was reading a thick book, and taking notes on it; Harry and Ron had come in earlier and apologized, along with the assignments that they had gotten that morning and a large box of Chocolate Frogs.
Hermione looked up. "Hello Joey," she said as she closed her book and stacked her papers neatly.
Joey walked over and handed her a huge bouquet of flowers. "Hello Hermione," he said with a gentle kiss on the top of her head. "These are for you."
Hermione sniffed them and gave them to Madame Pomfrey who put them in a large vase and set them on her bedside table. "Thank you, Joey," she said quietly.
He knelt down and took her hand. "How are you feeling," he asked.
"Better, but Madame Pomfrey insists that I stay another day. Harry and Ron are bringing me my assignments so I don't fall behind," said Hermione.
Joey leaned in and kissed Hermione gently on the forehead. "I've always loved that about you," he said soothingly.
Hermione giggled and gave him a small peck on the cheek. They spent the next hour talking. Joey pampered Hermione with soft kisses and hugs, and Hermione loved it. When Madame Pomfrey insisted that Joey head to his next class, Joey leaned in for a last kiss. This one was longer, but not very passionate. He promised to visit again that evening, after Ron and Harry. After he left, Hermione couldn't help think how lucky she was to have such a great boyfriend.
Hermione recovered from what Madame Pomfrey called 'a sudden attack' and was let out the next morning. She met up with Harry and Ron at the Gryffindor table and gave them the rest of the Chocolate Frogs that she didn't eat (which was most of them). When she turned to the Slytherin table, she saw Joey grinning at her. He pointed to the exit to the Great Hall and left. Hermione stood up and left also.
When she walked into the corridor, she saw Joey leaned up against the wall. She ran over to him and threw her arms out for a hug. He opened his arms and they hugged briefly. Joey grinned and said, "I missed you Hermy."
Hermione grinned. "I've missed you too, though it hasn't even been twelve hours since I saw you last."
Joey grabbed Hermione around the waist and kissed her. "I can't seem to bear even a second not with you," he said soothingly. Hermione smiled and said sincerely, "I have to get to class now. I have some papers I want to give to my Professors."
Joey cracked a smile. "Okay. See you later then," he said heading back into the Great Hall. Hermione waved and ran toward her next class.
That should keep you busy until I post next (which will hopefully be soon). Remember, three posts please!
Comments and constructive criticism appreciated.
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04-16-2004, 12:45 AM
#29 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
Here's an update, like I promised.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Did you get it?"
"Not yet."
"Are you trying?"
"Yes, my Lord."
"Well then how come it is not in my possession?"
"My Lord, there are many battles I have to fight for it, and..."
Hermione woke up with a start. Her head was throbbing, and beads of sweat trickled down the back of her neck. She needed something, something to soothe her. As she stood up and feebly threw on her bathrobe and slippers, she thought about the dream. She didn't see anything, but she could hear voices. One loud, harsh, and piercing, another, soft, sweet, and strangely familiar. She couldn't work it out, and she knew better than to think she was up too late working on that Arthmacy assignment. In the end, she decided that she needed a cup of tea to soothe her mind.
When she arrived in the kitchens, the house elfs were busy as ever. It was four in the morning, and the house elves were busy preparing breakfast. Hermione bit her lip, but she said nothing about hard manual labor. Instead, she asked Dobby (who had rushed up to her the moment she set foot in the room) for a small cup of mint tea with lemon.Immediately,a few house elves rushed up with a tray containing a pot of tea, a white china cup with blue patterning with a matching saucer, some sliced lemon, and a number of vanilla flavored biscuits. Hermione sat down and sipped her tea as she nibbled on a biscuit. She kept thinking about the dream. What did it mean? What did the cruel-sounding man want from the kind-sounding man?
No matter how much tea she drank, she couldn't get the questions out of her head. She thanked the house elves for the tea (who bowed and merely said that it was their job) and headed back to Gryffindor Tower.
When she got back to her dormitory, it was almost five. She threw on her robes and made her bed. When she was done, Ginny woke up.
"Morning 'Mione," said Ginny with a yawn. She too put on her robes and they both went to the library. Hermione helped Ginny pick out a few books that would help her with Transfiguration (She still couldn't transform a hedgehog into a pin cushion), and then they headed off to breakfast.
Comments and constructive criticism appreciated...
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04-17-2004, 02:43 PM
#30 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
Hello everyone! Today is a lazy day so I'll probably add a few long posts. Also, I'm planning on starting another fanfic (Lily and James). If I do, I'll still post on this one, and I hope that everyone here will read it.
Tonks- The dreams DO seem a little cliche now, but it will make sense later...
Hermione and Ginny walked into the Great Hall. The tables weren't quite fully filled up yet, but there was a good number of people from each house. Harry and Ron had taken seats at the head of the table, and Ginny and Hermione went over to greet them.
"Hello, Ron. Hello Harry." Ginny looked fondly at Harry, who was staring at Cho.
"Hello, Ginny," replied Harry, eyes fixed on the Ravenclaw.
"Hmello Gfigmmy," said Ron, his mouth full of bacon and toast.
Hermione sat down and took a helping of eggs, a few pieces of bacon, and a slice of toast. Harry lifted his spoon out of his porridge and took a bite, still staring at Cho. Ginny looked annoyed. Ron kept shoving more then his share of bacon into his mouth. The table was very quiet. Hermione leaned into Ginny.
"Do you like Harry?" she asked.
Ginny looked VERY annoyed. "If only he could get his eyes off that little Ravenclaw, WHAT does he see in her, anyway?" Hermione was not sure if this was directed to her, or a thought of Ginny's accidently spoken out loud. Hermione said nothing and returned to her eggs. Ginny was now stabbing some fruit with her fork as if she was trying to kill it.
The rest of the day droned on. Hermione looked around for Joey, but she didn't see him all day. She began to worry a bit so she spent the afternoon classes daydreaming a little bit, which annoyed Snape (double potions that day).
"Miss Granger, please get your head out of the clouds and finish slicing your aparmus root," Snape sneered. Hermione jerked back to attention and began slicing the thick root.
Hermione's last class was Herbology, which (to Hermione's relief) was held with the Slytherins. She would finally be able to see Joey.
Professor Sprout looked especially annoyed today. "GREENHOUSE NUMBER FOUR EVERYONE!" she yelled. The Gryfindors and the Slytherins filed into the Greenhouse with the large gold number four sparkling above the door.
Everyone stood around a large, glass table in the middle of the greenhouse. A potted plant was in front of every student. Hermione was pleased, though not surprised to see that hers was the greenest, tallest, and most healthy looking of the lot. Ron's medicine plant looked rather droopy and brown, and so did Ron. Professor Sprout tapped the huge pot in front of her with her wand.
"GOOD MORNING EVERYONE!" she bellowed.
"Good morning, Professor Sprout," echoed the class in a dull tone.
"Yes, Professor Sprout," the class grumbled in a monotone.
"Good," said Professor Sprout, turning to the first pot next to her. "Hmm, very good Miss Brown. Your plant seems to be a little overgrown and covered in bugs, but for that I have a special spray..."
Hermione flipped her book to the section about her medicine plant. As she read, she looked around for Joey. He was nowhere to be seen.
Comments and constructive critisicm appreciated.
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04-18-2004, 11:55 PM
#31 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
|  Hello!
Yeah, you guys are right! (It IS pretty obvious, but Hermione is a little slow and she doesn't know that yet.)
Hermione finally decided to head to dinner after walking around the school, looking for Joey. She felt worried and scared. What if something had happened to him. She decided to stop at Gryffindor Tower to get a book to read at dinner when she saw a outline of someone standing near the portrait...
"JOEY!" Hermione squealed, running into his open arms. "I missed you all day, where were you?"
Joey kissed Hermione on the top of her head and said, "It doesn't matter, just as long as we're together now."
Hermione sighed as he held her tighter. "Joey, I..." Joey pressed a finger to her lips and leaned in and kissed her. Hermione felt her knees give way. Joey pulled her back up and kissed her again. Hermione wanted it never to end. She wrapped her arms around him and moved closer to him. He wrapped his arms around her hips and brought the kiss to her neck. Hermione pulled away. Joey must have looked hurt, because Hermione said polietly, "Let's go for a walk."
The pair went outside and took a walk around the school grounds. The sun was crawling lower and lower into the sky, but still was in good height. Hagrid was outside his house, cleaning up after his lesson with the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws. Joey looked at him.
"That's Hagrid, right? He's a pretty good teacher, though he has some... conections with dangerous animals. He's better than that Grubby Plank lady though..."
Hermione smiled. "Yeah, he's a really good friend of mine, actually. You want to go meet him?" Joey grinned and let Hermione pull him across the lawn. "Hagrid! Hagrid!" she called.
Hagrid turned around. He was now collecting wood from a huge stack by his house. "Why, 'Ello Hermione!" Hagrid greeted with a huge hug. "Are you Hermione's friend?" he asked Joey.
Joey smiled. "Yes, I'm a good friend of Hermione's." He shook hands with Hagrid. "Joey. Joey Duncan."
Hagrid smiled. "Any friend of Hermione's is a friend of mine," he said picking up some wood. "Why don't you come on in? 'Arry and Ron are in already..." Hagrid went into his house, Joey and Hermione following.
Harry and Ron were chatting by the fire, trading Chocolate Frog cards. Fang was curled up by Hagrid's huge bed. Harry and Ron looked up and saw Hermione and Joey standing in the doorway. Hagrid cleared his throat.
"'Arry, Ron... Hermione is here with her friend, Joey." Hagrid began to feed the fire with a few logs and put the rest in his woodbox. Then he began to chop some vegetables. Harry stood up and offered his hand to Joey.
"I'm Harry. This is Ron," Harry said shaking Joey's hand.
"I'm Joey, a friend of Hermione's," said Joey kindly. Hermione sat down on a chair. Joey sat on the armrest of Hermione's chair. Ron raised his eyebrows, but Hermione gave him a stern look. Ron pulled some Chocolate Frogs from a box. He tossed one to Joey and one to Hermione. Joey ate his frog quiety. Hermione nibbled on hers. Joey tossed his card over to Ron.
"I don't collect these. After I got Dumbledore on the first ten I got, I gave up with them." Joey said, biting off a leg on his frog. Hermione tossed her's over too. She didn't have to explain, she never collected Chocolate Frog cards. Harry and Ron began to trade. Hagrid was dropping vegetables and some tough looking meat into a large black cauldren. Hermione stood up as she finished her frog. Joey stood up as well.
"Bye, Hagrid," Hermione called as she walked out the door, Joey following.
Comments and constructive criticism appreciated.
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04-19-2004, 01:46 PM
#32 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
I lost this post yesterday, so here it is.
P.S- You know who the two men are, but what are they trying to get and from whom? Just a little question for you to ponder...
Hermione and Joey had sprawled out on the grass by the lake. It was getting later and dinner would start soon, but the two of them decided to rest by the lake. Hermione sat cross-legged while Joey lay on his side. Hermione turned to him and asked, "So where were you today?"
Joey said nothing. After awhile, he said in a soft voice, "Around."
Hermione began to grow suspicious. "Joey, tell me the truth."
Joey sighed. "I was getting something."
Hermione raised her eyebrows. "And what might that be?"
Joey chuckled. "You're so nosy," he said in an affectionate way, leaning in to kiss Hermione. Hermione pulled away.
"Joey, PLEASE," Hermione grumbled in an annoyed tone.
Joey was taken aback, but he stood up and said, "C'mon, lets go to dinner."
Hermione stood up and walked with Joey to the Great Hall. He tried to take her hand, but Hermione just put her hand in the pocket of her robes. Joey finally got the message and walked a little faster. Hermione knew that she hurt him, but she didn't really feel like talking with him anymore. Why couldn't he just tell her where he had been?
She found a empty spot at the Gryffindor table. She helped herself to some chicken, pasta, and vegetables. She ate quietly. After awhile, Ginny came over with a plate and sat down next to Hermione.
"Hey, Hermy," Ginny greeted, taking a bite of chicken. "Have you seen Harry and Ron?"
"Hagrid's," said Hermione in a low tone.
Ginny looked at Hermione. "Is something wrong?"
Hermione turned to Ginny. "Joey won't tell me where he was today," she said, sipping some water.
Ginny shrugged and took a bite of beans. "Boys are so secretive sometimes, he's probably planning something for you?"
"And miss a whole day of school?" Hermione said doubtfully, cutting her chicken.
Ginny shrugged again. "Don't take it personally, Hermione." Ginny took a sip of pumpkin juice, looking around.
Hermione sighed and took a small bite of her dinner.
Joey, wait... "
Hermione had talked to Ginny through dinner about Joey. Ginny said to make up, since she claimed boys were so secretive it wasn't abnormal. Joey turned around. He looked pretty hurt, but he still seemed warm to Hermione.
"Hey, Hermione," he said.
Hermione pulled him out of the doorway of the Great Hall, through the entrance hall, and to a small corridor away from the throng of people making their way to their dormitories. Joey stood there in shock as Hermione looked at her feet and began to sob.
"Joey, I'm so sorry!" Hermione wailed.
Joey grabbed Hermione by the shoulders and bent down so they were at eye level, though Hermione kept staring at the ground. "Hermione, sorry about what?" Joey asked in a concerned tone.
Hermione sobbed louder. "Joey, I'm so sorry that I wouldn't let you kiss me or hold my hand. I was just... I was just upset because you didn't tell me where you had been today, and I was really worried." Hermione's sobs became tears.
Joey looked like those tears were melting his heart. He let go of Hermione's shoulders, and put his hands on her hips. He leaned in and kissed her on the lips. Hermione suddenly forgot about her sadness. She lifted her head and she wrapped her arms around his neck. Finally, Joey broke the kiss, leaned in and whispered in Hermione's ear, "Don't worry, Hermione. I'll take care of myself."
Hermione giggled. She leaned against the wall as Joey kissed her cheek. Then he kissed her neck, then her cheek again, and finally he moved the kiss to her lips. When he let go, he asked Hermione, "Did I make it all better now?"
Hermione nodded and with a final kiss, Joey disappeared down the hall. As Hermione walked the opposite way, she heard a voice behind her.
"Getting a kick out of that Slytherin, are you?"
Hermione didn't need to turn her head to know who it was. Ron and Harry stood behind her, with grim looks on their faces.
Hermione turned around and smiled politely at the two boys. She smiled and said, "I was kissing him, if that's what you mean."
"Guess that makes you boyfriend and girlfriend, huh?" Ron spat.
"Glad you finally realized."
"Thank you."
Hermione turned, but Harry spoke up. "Why WERE you kissing him Hermy? I mean, I thought you liked Krum."
"He fell in love with a girl watching his Quidditch practice," Hermione grumbled. "I caught them making out in a broom closet."
Ron snickered.
"And YES, I was enjoying my time with him, if that's what you mean," Hermione said. "He's a great kisser, and a great person too."
"And a great Slytherin git," grumbled Ron under his breath.
"I HEARD THAT!" Hermione yelled. She ran down the hall, face cupped in her hands. To her surprise, she heard Harry running after her.
"Hermione, stop," called Harry.
Hermione stopped in the middle of the hall. Harry caught up with her.
"Hermione, Ron didn't mean those things he said," said Harry, panting and out of breath. "He's just upset."
Hermione looked at him doubtfully.
"Okay, well maybe he does mean them, but I guess you could... I mean... I'm not going to stop being your friend because of a person you like," concluded Harry.
Hermione smiled and hugged him. "Thanks Harry." Harry patted her back, and when Hermione lifted her arms, he looked rather happy. "Harry," she said. "I have something to ask you."
Harry nodded.
"How do you get into Professor Dumbledore's office without getting in trouble?"
"Well, you get the password first..."
"I have the password."
Harry looked surprised. "Well, then you go in I guess."
"But, wouldn't I get in trouble?"
"You just need a pretty good excuse where you got the password."
Hermione looked at him with a 'I got the password from somewhere I wasn't supposed to and you know it' look.
Harry nodded. "Then you need my Invisibility Cloak."
Comments and constructive criticism appreciated.
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04-20-2004, 02:21 AM
#33 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
Addie, you say one more word...
:bittenchoco: :bittenchoco: :bittenchoco: :bittenchoco: :bittenchoco: :bittenchoco:
Ha ha
Back to my story... :sorcerer:
Hermione had no tendency of breaking rules, nor did she like to, but she was so desperate to find out why she wasn't in Ravenclaw that she would do almost anything. She had stayed up rather late with Harry doing homework and talking about their plan. Ron had taken one look at them and stormed up the stairs. Hermione knew Ron's feelings were hurt, but she decided to let him cool down a little.
Harry and Hermione's plan was stout and certin after a few talks in the common room and a few chats in the hallways. During dinnertime the very next day, Hermione would hide under the invisiblitly cloak and sneak to Professor Dumbledore's office. She would ask the Sorting Hat about her problem and sneak out before Professor Dumbledore returned from his meal. Harry was postitive the plan would work, but Hermione just wanted to find the answer to her problem.
To Hermione's great relief, Harry didn't flip out when she told him about her problems. Hermione couldn't even remember why she thought he would, it wasn't like Harry at all. Harry even said that he asked the Sorting Hat about being in Slytherin, so he expressed his empathy.
Short post, I know, but I'll write more tomorrow. Bye!
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04-22-2004, 01:51 AM
#34 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
Hello! Here's another post...
Hermione grudged through a day of classes before the night when she would find the answer to her problem. Harry had planned the outing on the perfect night: Halloween.
After the last class of the day (double Herbology with the Hufflepuffs) Harry and Hermione headed off to dinner. They arrived in the Great Hall when everyone began to trickle in and sit down at the four long tables. Dumbledore stood at the staff table, watching the students sit with their friends. After everyone had settled in, Professor McGonagal tapped her glass.
"Your attention, please." Her voice rung through the hall and all eyes looked at Dumbledore.
"Let the feast, begin!" Dumbledore announced.
Right on que, the plates filled with food. Apples, sugar mountains topped with gumdrops, roast beef, potatoes, and everything else that Hogwarts served on Halloween. Hermione helped herself to a small amount of food, and ate before tiptoeing out of the Great Hall.
Hermione and Harry had decided that the invisibility cloak was in no need except if Filch or someone else saw Hermione go into the Headmaster's office, which would look very suspicious saying that it was obvious that Dumbledore was at dinner.
Hermione walked through the hall, and found herself at the huge statue in front of Dumbledore's office.
"Pumpkin pastie," she said. The statue did not budge. Hermione was shocked. Had this been a trick from the Brain?
"Uhh... well, Harry always said that Dumbledore liked to name his passwords after candy..." Hermione thought out loud.
"Indeed I do."
Hermione screamed, looking around to see none other than Professor Dumbledore himself.
So anyway, I need your opinion on how to end this story.
All in favor of ending this story short (two or three more normal posts) and simply, say cheese.
All in favor of ending this story after many intricate posts, say crackers.
Cheese or crackers?
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04-25-2004, 10:23 PM
#35 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
No one reading?  No one reading my other story?  So sad... :sad:
If Hermione's jaw hadn't been fastened onto her face, it would have dropped to the floor. Caught red-handed BY PROFESSOR DUMBLEDORE HIMSELF! She could have fainted.
"P-professor D-dumbledore!" Hermione stuttered. "I d-didn't s-see you there!"
Professor Dumbledore cleared his throat. "Into my office, Miss Granger," he said calmly. Hermione froze up. "Fizzing whizbee," Dumbledore said. The statue sprang to life and Dumbledore hopped on the moving stairs. Hermione followed suit.
When the two had arrived in Dumbledore's office, Fawkes cawed (do phenoxes chirp, or caw, or..). "Fawkes," said Dumbledore. "I'm just back for something I forgot for Minerva." Fawkes chirped and closed her eyes. Dumbledore sat down at his desk and looked at Hermione with a bit of amusement in his eyes.
"Please, Miss Granger. Take a seat!" A chair flew up behind Hermione, who reluctantlysat down. Dumbledore smiled. "Miss Granger, you aren't in trouble. I'd just like to know why you were trying to get into my office?"
Hermione's eyes were glossy. "I-I just wanted to know... why... because..."
Dumbledore just sat patiently.
"I just wanted to know why I was put in Gryffindor and not Ravenclaw. I thought the Sorting Hat..."
Dumbledore had a look of understanding on his face. "Ahh... so THAT'S why you're here!" He flicked his wand and the Sorting Hat plopped down on the table. "Perhaps," started Dumbledore. "The Sorting Hat will tell you."
The Sorting Hat spoke up. "It's Granger, eh? I remember you. You were very clever, oh yes. I remember that you would have done well in Ravenclaw." The Sorting Hat was whisked back on the shelf by Dumbledore, who stood up and said, "I remember now. The Sorting Hat told me about Mr. Harry Potter, and then he mentioned you. I remember why he did it Miss Granger."
Hermione nodded. "Why was that, Professor?"
Dumbledore smiled. "There was a part of your heart, that was caring, loving, and brave. You were willing to use the cleverness in your heart to act up and be brave. It was the biggest part of your cleverness, and the Sorting Hat saw this and instead of putting you in the house where all is clever and wise, put you in the house where you fit in best." He went up to Hermione and said, "Never doubt the Sorting Hat." He winked and Hermione smiled. She stood up and while Dumbledore went to his bookshelves, he turned around and called, "Oh Miss Granger!"
Hermione turned around.
"Where, may I ask, did you get my the password to my office that I changed only yesterday?"
"Uh... a book Professor."
"Which book, Miss Granger?"
"A book from the library. The Brain. Everything you wanted to know about everything."
Dumbledore looked worried, and he ran over to Hermione. "Hermione, that Brain is a tricky one. I still regret passing it into our library, for that book only wants to get you in trouble, Miss Granger." Hermione nodded and went back to the feast.
I have to post in my other story, but I'll post on this soon. Please read?
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05-02-2004, 09:49 PM
#36 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
Arg. I typed this up and sent it, but it didn't get sent! I thought itwas sent and i came back and I was like :kill_computer:
So ne way...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Did you get it?"
"I tried, but the stupid portrait wouldn't let me in. She saw my badge, I think."
"Well, then take off your badge and try again!"
"I did my Lord, but she reconized me and threatened to tell Dumbledore if I came back."
"Well put on a wig then!"
"Umm... my Lord, I don't think..."
Hermione woke up covered in sweat. She was shaking like a leaf. Wigs? What was she thinking?
Hermione walked over to the window to get a drink of water from the pitcher below it. As she drank, she noticed a student walking across the lawn. Still drinking, she peered a little closer and choked when she realized what she saw. THE PERSON WAS CARRYING A RED WIG!
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Hermione screamed. The entire girls' dormitory woke up and ran over to Hermione, who had crawled underneath her covers and was quaking and whimpering.
Gotta run! Comments and constructive criticism appreciated!
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05-04-2004, 02:04 AM
#37 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
HPfan9- Yea, you guessed it! It is pretty obvious I guess...
Pleez read my other story! Link in my sig
"Hermy? Hermy? Hermy? You okay?"
Ginny stood over Hermione's bed, rubbing her back. "Are you okay?"
Hermione poked her face out of the sheets. "I dreamed... I've been dreaming about these two voices, they were talking, and then this one man said to the other to put on a wig, and I woke up to get a drink of water, and someone was running across the lawn carrying a wig!" Hermione stuck her head back under the covers.
Ginny rubbed her back. "It's okay, it was just a dream."
Hermione poked her head out again. "You don't understand. I think that this may be going on right now! This person is trying to get something from another person! I just know it!"
Ginny sighed. "It's okay. Nothing is happening. It's probably not a wig. It might be something else."
Hermione sniffled. "I'm just really scared now..." Suddenly, the girls heard the Fat Lady scream.
Ginny looked up with surprise. "What was that?"
The entire girls' dormitory headed outside to see what the noise was about. All except Hermione.
Ginny looked over at Hermione. "Hermy! Don't you want to come to see what the Fat Lady wants?"
Hermione was frozen stiff. "I know what happened. The person put the wig on and tried to get into our tower. I dreamt this just a few minutes ago."
Ginny looked surprised. "Well, lets go find out."
And with that, the two girls headed outside to find out if what Hermione said was true.
Kinda a small cliffy, but it's pretty obvious what they're going to find.
Comments and constructive... oh you know what I mean!
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05-05-2004, 02:10 AM
#38 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
Thank you, Gymchic321! A flower for you for posting :flowersmile: Okay, back to my story.
Hermione and Ginny walked downstairs, where they met up with some of the boys out in the corridor, looking at the Fat Lady. Ron looked pretty stupid standing there in his blue bunny slippers. Harry smiled when they crawled through the entrance hole. "Hermy, Ginny!" he greeted warmly.
Ginny giggled and flipped her hair a little. "Hey, Harry," she said, walking over toward him.
Harry smiled. "Did you guys hear her scream? Neville just went to get McGonagal so she can get Dumbledore, cause the Fat Lady won't talk to anyone else." Hermione felt her face go red. Would Joey get in trouble?
Ginny flipped her hair a little more. "So... how did you sleep Harry?"
Harry smiled. "Fine, until I heard a scream. Then I thought I was having a horrible nightmare." Ginny giggled and touched his arm. Harry didn't move it away.
Short, I know, but I have to go now. Bye!
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05-08-2004, 03:07 AM
#39 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
Hello! Sorry that I didn't post! Homework is getting in the way of everything, and our social studies teacher is trying to get us ready for our standardized test coming up, so we have like 5 review packets! Arg. Well, here's a post!
:sorcerer: ~*~*~MeSuM~*~*~ :sorcerer:
Hermione giggled at the sight of Ginny and Harry. She was trying every so hard, and Harry was eating it up! What a show that made. She went over to look at the Fat Lady, who had an indignant look on her face. Ron looked up at her, acting rather quiet. Hermione went up to him.
"Hi Ron," she said. Ron was still acting a little cold to her.
"Hello, Hermione," said Ron. He could have been talking to a portrait.
Hermione took a breath. "Ron, I'm really..."
Ron cut her off. "I don't want to hear it, Hermione. We just make up, and then we fight again."
Hermione bit her lip. "Well, try to get along with him. You don't have to like him, but I just want you to respect my love life. Okay?"
Ron said nothing. Hermione looked at him with a "please do this I really want to be your friend" look. Ron finally said, "Okay."
Hermione smiled. "Good." She gave him a friendly hug. Ron smiled and patted her on the back. When Hermione let go, she giggled and pointed over to Harry and Ginny. "They are really cute together, aren't they?" Ginny was now stroking Harry's arm. Harry was stroking her hair.
Ron smiled. "Oy, would you look at that? My sister's hitting on my best friend, oh boy!" he smacked his head playfully. Hermione giggled.
I'm going to Dover tomorrow, so don't expect a post! However, Sunday will probably come with a nice long post! TTYL!
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05-09-2004, 08:15 PM
#40 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
Hello! Here's a post as I promised...
Suddenly, the whole corridor became silent. Dumbledore and McGonagal were standing at the head of the corridor with Neville behind them. The Fat Lady let out a huge sigh.
"Oh Dumbledore!" she called. "Thank goodness you're here! There is a Slytherin boy trying to get into Gryffindor Tower!"
Dumbledore was silent. McGonagal spoke up. "Describe him," she said flatly.
The Fat Lady sniffed. "Tall," she said. "Hazel colored hair, brown eyes."
Dumbledore was still silent. Suddenly, he spoke up. "Everyone go back to bed. Everything is fine, we will find this person and speak with him. Good night." He walked out of the corridor, McGonagal following.
I have to go, but there will be more later!
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05-11-2004, 01:50 PM
#41 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
| The_Revenge_of_the_Nerds- No, this is during their 6th year, so Dumbledore wouldn't suspect. Also, the Fat Lady described the person as having light hazel colored hair and brown eyes, which doesn't include Sirius. devils_work-Ron's trying to keep his cool, I guess. All my readers- Thank you for posting! Flower for you! :flowersmile:
After they ("they" being McGonagall and Dumbledore) left, the Gryffindors formed a line for the portrait hole. Hermione watched as Ginny and Harry walked hand-in-hand to the end of the line. Ginny had her head leaning on Harry's shoulder and Harry was stroking her hand. Ron was with them, blabbering about the next Hogsmeade visit. Hermione was almost positive that he was egging his best friend to ask his sister out. For a person that was overprotective, it seemed that he was eager to hook up his sister with his best friend. Hermione decided that it would be best not to join them, and walked to the end of the line.
"Psst, Hermione!"
Hermione turned around and quietly snuck away from the line. She walked around a corner and saw Joey beckoning her into a small room. Hermione followed. When she came in, she saw Joey leaning on a desk, arms outstretched, as if waiting for a bear hug. Hermione ran into his arms.
"Oh Joey! I was so worried!" Hermione said with a few tears in her eyes. Joey brushed them away.
"Baby, don't cry. It breaks my heart to see tears falling down your face." Joey said looking deep into Hermione's eyes.
Hermione smiled and ran her fingers through his hair. "I can fix that," she said, gently kissing him on the lips.
Joey smiled as he leaned in an put in his two cents. Hermione felt as he moved his hands down to her waist and pulled her closer to him. Hermione gently broke the kiss and ran her hands down his arms. "Joey, why did you try to break into Gryffindor tower?"
"To see you," said Joey promptly.
Hermione pulled out of his grip. "I'm serious, Joey. I saw you running across the lawn carrying something."
Joey grinned. "That something is a present for you," he said with a grin, pulling out a large package covered in red wrapping paper.
Hermione carefully took the box and gently pulled off the wrapping paper and the ribbons. She pulled out a mess of tissue paper, and then a small box. She looked at him oddly. "All that paper for a small box," she said doubtfully.
Joey grabbed her hips and pulled her into his lap. "Just open it," he said.
Hermione smiled and opened the little box. Then, she gasped. There nestled in cotton was the prettiest ring she had ever seen. It had a thin gold band, with a ruby on it. On either side of the ruby was a small diamond. Hermione gasped.
Joey smiled. "Do you like it?"
Hermione was lost for words. "Joey! This must have cost you a fortune!"
Joey leaned her back so she was draped across his legs. "I can't put a price tag on my love," he said leaning in for a kiss. Hermione returned the kiss, and when they stopped, she pulled the ring out of the box and slipped it on her finger.
"Thank you, Joey," she said sincerely. "I love it."
Joey smiled. "Now, for one last thing. Will you go to Hogsmeade with me? We haven't really been on a formal date yet..."
Hermione smiled. "Of course, Joey. I can't say no." They kissed for a split second before they rushed back off to their dormitories.
R/R please!
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05-15-2004, 03:52 AM
#42 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
devils_work- Yea, they did, but that wasn't really formal in comparison of the date that i'm going to make them go on...
everyone else- Thx for replying! Flower 4 u! :flowersmile:
Hermione was joyful the next few days. Classes seemed to skip by smoothly and easily. Her relationship with Ron and Harry was the best it had been recently. Every day she would wake up and see the ring on her finger. He really does love me, she would think.
So the week passed by and before Hermione knew it she was ready for her date with Joey. With Ginny's help, she picked out a perfect outfit- a cream woolen pull-over sweater over a silky blue blouse paired with tight-fitting jeans and leather boots. She brushed her hair and even applied a little make-up (borrowed from Ginny.)
"You look sooo good!" exclaimed Ginny as Hermione faced herself in the mirror before she left. "He's going to die when he sees you."
Hermione tilted her head a little. "You really think so?" she asked, fluffing her hair.
Ginny smiled. "I know so." She stood up and looked at herself in the mirror. She was heading out as well with a date with Harry. She wore a cable-gray hooded sweatshirt and long brown pants with a pair of gray cowboy boots. Her hair was teased out, and she wore tiny silver earrings in her ears. "How do I look?" she asked.
"Amazing," Hermione said honestly. The two girls grabbed their bags and walked into the Great Hall at exactly 9 o' clock AM.
Actually not supposed to be on, so R/R please!
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05-16-2004, 10:01 PM
#43 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
Hello! I'll post some more now...
Harry was waiting for Ginny in the Great Hall with Ron. When the two girls came down, their eyes boggled out.
"Ginny!" exclaimed Ron. "I never thought a stupid little sister could look so good!"
"Hands off, Ron," said Harry, still staring at Ginny. "She's mine."
Ron laughed. "Mate, I don't have a go at my little sister!" He looked at Hermione. "Wow, Hermione..." he was lost for words.
Hermione smiled. "Thanks, Ron. I better go meet Joey now..." Hermione walked around, looking for Joey. She still couldn't find him after looking for ten minutes. She only found him after the students had been moved into the entrance hall and seated in the awating carrages outside. Joey, out of breath and running down the corridor, found Hermione waiting at the door connecting the Great Hall and the entrance hall.
She was not happy.
"Joey, where were you!" she exclaimed. Joey was out of breath and clutched the stitch in his side.
"Her-mione, I'm sor-ry... was just..." Joey gasped the words as he took breaths.
"Hermione!" exclaimed Joey, who had taken all the breaths he needed. "I woke up late and I... "
"I told you to be here at nine o' clock sharp!" Hermione hissed.
"Well my alarm clock broke and..."
"Very funny," Hermione snapped. "You were the one who tried to get into Gryffindor tower and I know it! And I want to know why!"
"Hermione, I can't tell you that..."
"Well I can't have a dishonest relationship!" Hermione walked about 10 yards away, but suddenly she stopped. She took off the ring and threw it at Joey's face. Then she ran out the door to the awaiting carrages outside, leaving a very sad Joey to pick up the ring and retire to Hogsmeade himself.
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05-18-2004, 01:53 PM
#44 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
I've decided I'm going to wrap this story up after a few posts, so enjoy it while you can! If you want to read some more of my stories, read Thorns of a Rose, link in my sig.
Hermione avoided Joey at Hogsmeade. Instead, she paraded the streets with Ron, buying jokes from Zonkos and sweets from Honeydukes. After their bags were stuffed with purchases, they headed to the Three Broomsticks for hot butterbeer.
"So why aren't you on your date with Joey? Did he cancel or something?" Ron asked, sipping his butterbeer.
Hermione picked at a crumpet. "I'd rather not talk about it Ron. Our relationship is pretty much over," she admitted.
Ron looked interested. "Really?" he sipped his butterbeer. He took a deep breath. "Hermione..."
Ron and Hermione greeted Ginny and Harry with warm welcomes. Ginny was carrying a small bag. Their cheeks were red from the cold. Harry went to buy him and Ginny butterbeers, leaving Ginny to whisper to Hermione about her date with Harry.
"Oh, Hermione," breathed Ginny. "It was amazing! He took me to Zonkos, we didn't buy anything, but he tried on these glasses that made you look like a cat, it was so funny! And then we went to Honeydukes and he bought me all these candies! And then we went to the..." Ginny exploded in giggles. "...he took me to the wizarding jewelry store."
The two girls exploded in squeals. Ginny showed Hermione the ring on her pointer finger. It had a emerald in the middle, with two small diamonds nestled beside it. It looked a lot like Hermione's old ring.
"So where's Joey?" Ginny asked as Harry returned with butterbeer.
"Let's just say that we aren't really seeing each other any more..."
Ginny dropped her butterbeer with a thunk. Hermione sipped hers.
The four of them brought up light conversation until half past one. Harry and Ginny decided to roam the streets for awhile, so they bid good-bye to Ron and Hermione and left the shop.
Hermione picked at a scone. "So, what were you saying before we were inturrupted?" she asked.
Ron took a deep breath. "Hermione... there was a reason why I was being so overprotective when you were dating Joey..."
Hermione nodded.
"It's just.." Ron's ears had turned red. "I... I... I think I like you Hermione. Like more than a friend."
Hermione looked surprised. Ron had feelings for her? She didn't really have any for him, but still. He was pretty cute, and he looked so embarressed. She decided that there was no harm in liking him, and there was no point in breaking his heart. "Ron," she said quietly. "I think I like you too. More than a friend, like I mean."
Ron managed to reveal a sheepish smile. Hermione grinned and stood up. "We should really get going..."
"Yeah," Ron said. The pair left the shop. Outside, the crisp fall breeze ruffled through the trees. Hermione felt Ron's hand grasp her shoulder cap. She smiled as she took his other hand. Then, before she knew it, she felt Ron's lips on hers...
...and it was probably the best feeling in the entire world.
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05-19-2004, 01:26 AM
#45 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
| I'm here! And with another post! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Ron pulled his lips from Hermione's. Hermione frowned.
"Why did you do that, Ron?"
"Oh, Hermione. I'm sorry! I guess I was going too fast, it's just that I wanted to kiss you for a long time..."
"Me too, and you have to go and ruin it and pull your lips away!" Hermione's eyes sparkled.
Ron laughed, and kissed her again. It only lasted for a split second, but Hermione had fallen into his sweetness.
"Oh get a room, Weasley!"
Ron glared at Malfoy, who had appeared out of nowhere. "Get lost, Malfoy."
Malfoy smirked. "In your dreams." He turned to Hermione. "I see that you couldn't get any better than a Mudblood as your girlfriend. What a shame..."
Ron pulled out his wand. "Don't you dare insult my girl, Malfoy."
Malfoy grinned as he strided away. Hermione smiled. "Thanks, Ron."
Ron smiled. "Don't mention it," he said, kissing her on the top of her head. The pair walked toward the awaiting carriages.
--------------------- "Well..."
"I still couldn't get in, Master."
"Oh, and so you come running back to me! I won't accept you into my group until you get me it!"
"Not to worry, Master. I captured a boy from Gryffindor tower, he'll be able to get the book for you."
"Alright. Bring him here."
"He's asleep, Lord."
"Perfect. As soon as I can make him do my acts in his body, I can get that book. I can find everything I need to know, and me and my Death Eaters will conquer all!"
"AHHHHHHHHHH!" Hermione sat up in bed and screamed. She screamed the loudest she had ever screamed before.
"Hermione, Hermione!!!" Ginny was shaking her. "Get up! What's the problem?"
"IT'S YOU-KNOW-WHO! HE'S GOT A BOY FROM GRYFFINDOR! HE'S GOING TO USE HIM TO GET A BOOK, AND THEN HE'S GOING TO BE KILLING PEOPLE LIKE HE WAS 16 YEARS AGO!" Hermione rushed to the boys' dormitory and began knocking wildly on the door.
"Hermione?" a groggy Harry answered. "What's going on?"
"Which boy is missing from this dormitory?" Hermione asked franticly.
"Well, Neville never came back in from the library..."
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ R/R!
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05-20-2004, 01:54 PM
#46 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
Hello! Here's another post...
Hermione just stood there. Harry looked baffled. Suddenly, Hermione burst into tears.
"Hermione!" Ron said as he came to see why Harry had gotten out of bed. "What's wrong?" He sat down next to her.
Tears flooded down Hermione's face. She leaned into Ron's chest. "Oh Ron!" she cried. "V-voldemort's got Neville!"
Ron looked surprised. "How do you know this, 'Mione?" he asked, rubbing her back.
"I just dreamt it!" Hermione's lip quivered. "Voldemort is trying to get a book from Gryffindor Tower, and he needed a boy to get into it! That's why the Slytherin boy was trying to get in!" She began to sob loudly. "Maybe if I had told a teacher about these dreams, Neville wouldn't be in Voldemort's hands!"
Ron kissed Hermione on the top of her head. "Well, we better go get a teacher now." Helping Hermione up, he and Hermione walked out of Gryffindor tower.
They walked to Professor McGonagall's office. Ron rapped on the door.
Professor McGonagall opened the door. She placed her hand on her heart. "Miss Granger! Why are you crying? Why are you two walking about the school at night?"
"Please, Professor McGonagall, let me explain," said Ron quickly. "Hermione had a dream about You-Know-Who. A boy from Slytherin was helping him get a book or something from Gryffindor Tower. And the worse part is, now he's got Neville to do his dirty work." Hermione made a yelping noise, and buried her head into Ron's arm. Ron rubbed her back. McGonagall looked scared.
"I'm glad you came to me, Weasley," said McGonagall. "But this is out of my hands. This must be brought to Professor Dumbledore immediately." And with that said, the three of them scurried through the halls, right to Professor Dumbledore's office.
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05-22-2004, 04:47 PM
#47 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
McGonagall led Ron and Hermione to Professor Dumbledore’s office. They stood on the platform, while McGonagall uttered the password.
“Pumpkin pasty,” she said. The platform began to move in a corkscrew formation. When they reached Professor Dumbledore’s office, Dumbledore was sitting at his desk, writing something in a thick book. Seeing that Ron and Hermione had arrived, he set his quill down and shut the book.
“Ahh, Miss Granger, Mr. Weasley, sit down, please.” The pair sat down in straight-backed, wooden chairs. “Now, Professor McGonagall has informed me of the situation, and I will take this into my hands. Everything is falling into place. There is one thing that I need you to do, Miss Granger,” said Dumbledore. “I need The Brain.” Hermione nodded. So that’s what Voldemort wanted! As if he could read her mind, Dumbledore spoke up. “Voldemort wanted the book for one reason, Miss Granger. He wanted it to know everything about regaining power, and since he could not get Mr. Duncan to do it, he decided to take the matters into his own hands. He decided to use Neville to get the book. The only way we can free Neville is to burn that book.” Dumbledore took a breath. “Well, that’ll be all. Off you go, now.”
Ron and Hermione walked out of the office and back to Gryffindor Tower. Ron bid Hermione good night, and they kissed in the shadows. They retired to the dormitories, only hoping to get Neville back…
Hermione felt a warm glow of sunlight creep out from the cracks in the blinds. She pulled herself out of bed and stretched. Throwing open her closet doors, she threw on a pair of heavy jeans and a cable gray hooded sweatshirt and tied the strings on her cloak. Running a brush through her hair, she slipped on her running shoes and ran down to the common room. Finding the common room empty, she headed to the Great Hall, assuming everyone had gone to breakfast, but when she walked into the Great Hall, it was entirely empty.
Except for McGonagall.
Hermione rushed up to McGonagall. “Professor McGonagall, where is everyone?”
McGonagall smiled. “Well, I thought you would have remembered, Miss Granger. Today is the first Quidditch game of the season.” Her eyes sparkled. “I was just heading there myself…” she pulled two Gryffindor flags from her cloak and the two of them headed out to the Quidditch pitch.
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05-25-2004, 12:17 AM
#48 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
Okay I’m writing this off the top of my head…
Hermione and McGonagall bustled out to the stands, McGonagall to the teacher’s section and Hermione to the main stands. She found Ron, who was peering through a small set of binoculars at the entrance to the Gryffindor locker rooms.
“Hey, Ron,” Hermione greeted, taking a seat by him.
Ron smiled and kissed her on the top of her head. It was a warm, friendly kiss. As well as being boyfriend and girlfriend, they were also best friends. “Hey, Hermione. You’re just in time! The game’s about to start!” Sure enough, Lee Jordan blared through his magical megaphone a moment later.
“Welcome to Hogwarts first Quidditch game of the season! Today, Hufflepuff verses Gryffindor!” Lee yelled, even though he had a mega phone. The stands erupted in cheers, waving flags. First, the Hufflepuffs zoomed out, wearing canary yellow robes. Following them from the opposite side of the field, the Gryffindors swooped out, wearing bright red robes. The captains shook hands, and then Madame Hooch let out the bludgers, followed by the Snitch. Lastly, the Quaffle was released, and the game began.
Short, I know.
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05-27-2004, 10:35 PM
#49 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
Thank you! *Bows* Now, I’ll add some more!
Hermione and Ron watched the game, screaming and stamping their feet at every Gryffindor goal.
“We’re steamrolling Hufflepuff!” Ron roared, waving his flag rapidly in the air. Hermione smiled and watched Harry zoom around on his Firebolt, searching for the Snitch through Ron’s binoculars. Suddenly, Hermione felt claws grasp her shoulders.
“Eeek!” she screeched, dropping the binoculars. She looked on her shoulder to see a handsome owl carrying a small scroll in his beak. She gently pulled it out and unrolled it. She read the note silently. If you wish to rescue Neville yourself, find the Bludger that you can summon.
Hermione held the note in her hands. They were hot and sweaty. Find the Bludger that you can summon? Hermione pulled out her wand.
“Accio, Bludger!” she called. Sure enough, a jet black Bludger zoomed toward her. As she caught it in her hands, she felt a jerk behind her navel. The Quidditch game blurred around her, and she left Hogwarts. Where she was going she did not know, but she knew that she had to save Neville.
Just to let you know, the next post will be the last one.
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05-28-2004, 02:16 PM
#50 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
Here’s the second to last post:
Hermione fell with a thud on hard, cold stone. She grasped onto the Bludger for dear life, but the Bludger seemed to have different properties. It was square, lighter, and made of a soft material… it was The Brain! Hermione clutched it to her chest and stood up. The floor was made of slate, and there was fog all around. She walked deep into the fog. Suddenly, she saw Neville.
And Voldemort.
Neville was tied to a wooden stake in the ground. His eyes were closed, and he looked as if in a deep sleep. Voldemort was sitting in a chair, Death Eaters all around him, and someone else, too.
Hermione screamed. “JOEY!” she hollered.
Voldemort turned to her. “She has it…” he said in a raspy voice.
“I’ll get it my Lord,” Joey said, approaching Hermione. Hermione backed away with her eyes wide open. Joey stopped. “Hermione,” he said slowly. “Give me that book.”
“It was a hoax all the time,” she said, eyes fixed on him. Her lip was quivering.
Voldemort laughed. “Joey, you may bring her into our group if you wish…”
“NEVER!” Hermione screamed. Joey laughed.
“Master, she prefers to die, I assume,” he said. “Hermione, give me that book, or your friend here will die!” Hermione noticed that Death Eaters were inclosing around Neville’s silent body. Hermione was scared. She knew that if she gave the book to Voldemort, he would rise in power. If she didn’t, Neville would die. Hermione racked her brain to remember what Dumbledore said.
The Brain must be destroyed…burned or something, but…there’s no wood!
Her brain shifted to her first year in Hogwarts. She remembered Ron saying, “ARE YOU MAD? ARE YOU A WITCH OR NOT?” Hastily, Hermione pulled out her wand.
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” Joey roared.
Hermione dropped the book on the ground. “LACANUM INFLAMARE!” she screamed, and the book burst into flames.
“KILL HER!” yelled Voldemort, and Death Eaters swooped out away from Neville and toward Hermione.
Think, think, Hermione thought. She could only think of one spell right now, and was it strong enough?
“Accio, Broomstick!” she said quavering, praying that there was a broomstick somewhere in the vicinity. No broomstick came.
“Accio, Broomstick!” she said clearly, but no broomstick came. Joey laughed.
“No spell can save you now, Hermione!” he said, cackling.
Hermione was nervous. Suddenly, a red phoenix zoomed out from nowhere carrying a Firebolt. Hermione was amazed. Had Fawkes heard her? Without thinking twice, she hopped on the broomstick, and even though she was not a good flier, she managed to get to Neville and snap the ropes binding him. Throwing him on the back of the Firebolt, she zoomed around.
I need a Portkey, I need a Portkey, she thought quickly. Suddenly, she felt Fawkes drop a tin can on the ground. Hermione zoomed down to the ground, and holding the Firebolt and Neville, she grabbed the tin can. She felt a jerk behind her navel, and the ground dissolved underneath her. She was going back.
The last post will follow tonight…
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