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| Candy Display Case (Finished Fanfiction) A dazzling showcase of fully wrapped-up stories, these sweet treats are polished and ready for your reading pleasure! |
03-08-2004, 01:30 AM
#1 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
| A Girl, a Problem, and a Book With a Brain - Sa13+ Note from FF Staff: This thread has had all comments pruned from it so you may enjoy the story without interruption. -evlpez
Hi everyone!  I really really really like to write, and I love the Harry Potter books! :sorcerer: I thought it would be fun to write a fan fic, so here I go....
Hermione wrote the last word of her Herbology paper, and sighed. She was FINALLY done! Five rolls of parchment seemed like a mile! She lay back in the large armchair that she had been sitting in for the last hour. She was in the Gryffindor common room, a bottle of ink and quill by her side, and five rolls of parchment in her lap. She shoved her finished report into her bag, and hastely began flipping through a thick book.
"Hermione! You told me you finished that reading assignment!"
Hermione flipped around to see Ron and Harry standing behind her in their pajamas. She noticed that Ron had a new pair of blue bunny slippers.
"Nice shoes, Ron," she chuckled.
Ron flushed red. "Mum sent them from home. They are very warm."
Hermione turned back to her book and began franticly flipping pages.
Harry sat down on the chair beside her. "Homework on Sunday night?" he asked. "So unlike you."
Hermione closed the book and sighed. "I know," she replyed. "But I spent all Saturday and today at the library, and now" she gestured to the massive stack of books on the table, "I have so many books and so little time to read them!" She sunk into the chair.
Ron sat down beside her and thumbed through the book that Hermione had been flipping through earlier. "This one isn't too hard..." he commented, handing the book back to Hermione. He leaned back in the chair. "You've read it, right?"
"Of course," replied Hermione, thumbing through her book. "It's the questions that worry me."
"Hermione, you ace every test, every paper, and every reading assignment! Why is this one any different?" asked Harry.
Hermione looked up at him. "Because of time," she grumbled. "If only I hadn't procrastinated..."
Ron jumped up and covered his ears. "Stop it!" he yelled. "Hermione, you are worrying over NOTHING! Besides, compared to the rest of us, you look like a genius! Even if we had days to do it, and you had minutes, you would STILL be better!"
Harry jumped up. "Ron!" he excalaimed. "You'll wake the whole castle!" Ron slouched down in his chair, flushing as red as his hair. Harry turned to Hermione. "Ron's right, Hermione. You always get good grades! Sometimes I wonder why you didn't end up in Ravenclaw." He looked at Hermione's work. She had answered every question in at least two paragraphs. "That's good," he commented as she shoved the parchment and her book into her bag. "Now come on up, it's getting late."
Harry and Ron helped Hermione gather up all her books and papers. Then the two boys scurryed up the stairs, chatting with Hermione bringing up the rear. They tried to include her in the conversation, but she wasn't listening. Was she really ment for Ravenclaw?
Okay, I know nothing has happened yet, but I needed to start out somewhere. I'll post more later.
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Last edited by evlpez; 01-07-2007 at 08:34 PM.
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03-09-2004, 02:59 PM
#2 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
No one has responded yet, so I don't really know weither I should continue, :unsure: but maybe that is because nothing has happened yet, so here I go....
The next morning, Hermione sat at the Griffindor's table in the Great Hall, eating breakfast. She was contently reading one of the books that she had gotten out of the library yesterday, Everything You Needed to Know about Magical Monsters but Were Afraid to Ask*. A plate of eggs, bacon, and toast lay in front of her, but so far it sat untouched. The only thing Hermione could think about was weither the Sorting Hat had REALLY made a mistake, and weither she really did belong in Ravenclaw. She was smart, after all, and a lot of her friends were in Ravvenclaw, but still...the Sorting Hat had never made a mistake yet, so why would he now? Hermione didn't get much sleep last night, and so she got up earlier than most of her house and was using all her energy reading a book. She really needed to go to the library and get a book on the houses or Hogwarts, but she doubted that she could get there in time.
"Morning 'mione,"
Hermione flipped around, only to see Ron and Harry standing behind her. That was the second time in less than 12 hours that she had been startled by her best friends. She sighed and respoded warily, "Good morning Ron. Did you sleep well? What about you Harry?"
Harry sat down beside her and flopped a piece of toast onto his plate. "Ron couldn't stop snoring last night," he groaned. "Seamus kept yelling 'Shut up!', which didn't help with all the noise." Hermione giggled. Ron had a blank expression on his face, he was sitting across from Hermione, and stirring his scrambled eggs.
"I dunno what you guys are talking about," he said slowly. "I didn't sleep a wink last night! I could only think about Snape and that Potions assignment I didn't finish!"
Harry groaned. "You slept, Ron. You slept for nine hours, and the rest of us only slept about one! You must have been dreaming." He slowly bit into his toast.
Hermione looked at her watch and stood up. "I better get going," she said franticly. She scooped some eggs into her mouth and took a gulp of orange juice. She stood up and shoved her book into her bag. "I have to get to the library." Ron grabbed her sleeve.
"Hermione, you were at the library all day yesterday, all day Saturday, you were complaining last night about your visits to the library interfering with your homework, and now you are going to the library again?" Ron looked both perplexed and annoyed.
"Guys, I have things to do before our first class!" Hermione insisted. She freed her sleeve from Ron's grip and ran out of the Great Hall.
"Hermione!" Harry called, but she didn't hear him. She was already halfway down the hall.
Okay, so nothing has happened yet either, but it will, as soon as she goes to the library.
*Compliments of our third grade play, Everything you wanted to know about Fairy Tales but were Afraid to Ask!
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03-10-2004, 01:28 AM
#3 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
Wow, thanks guys! I didn't think my story was that good! This is my first time at this thing. So anyway, I'll continue from where I left off.
Hermione scoured the shelves of the library. Already she had taken Secrets of the Sorting Hat, The First Class Guide to the Houses of Hogwarts, [/I]and The Unabridged Handbook to the Houses. As she began flipping through a copy of The Sorting Hat- From Cloth to Cleverness a thick green book with gold lettering caught her eye. She pulled it off the shelf and read the cover.
" The Brain- Everything You Needed to Know About Everything ," she read aloud. "An odd name for a book, but it might help me," she said to herself. She attempted to stuff it in her bag, succeeding, but there was no more room for anything more. She glanced at the large clock on the wall, and almost fell over. She had to be in the greenhouse in one minute! She rushed over and checked out all the books that she had been holding and rushed out to Herbology.
Hermione rushed in a minute too late. Everyone else already had settled in. It didn't look like she had missed much, though. People were talking and giggling and exchanging notes as they put on gardening gloves. Professor Sprout sighed. She couldn't seem to get the class's attention.
"Ahh, Miss Granger. Glad you could join us. Please find a seat...CHILDREN! QUIET DOWN NOW!"
Hermione slouched into the only empty chair. She placed her report on her desk and slipped on the pair of old, faded gardening gloves. They itched, and they were a orangish brown. There was a small pot of dirt in front of her. Professor Sprout clapped her hands.
"ATTENTION!" she commanded. The whole class grew quiet. She smiled. "Thank you," she said. "Now today, we are going to review the effects of the qualities of soil on seeds. But first, I should collect your reports on the Gwalliping Gordio Fruit. Accio, accio, ACCIO!" At that moment, every paper flew into the air, out of bags and desks. They all landed neatly in a pile on her desk. She smiled and began the lesson.
That night, after Hermione had completed all her homework she began to flip through all the books that she had gotten at the library. When she found something intersting that would help her, she wrote it on a roll of parchment. She ended up using four rolls of parchment, and she was wondering if she would have any left for tomorrows work. She looked at the last book that she had to look over. It was The Brain- Everything You Need to Know About Everything . She carefully opened the thick green book, and almost screamed when a huge green brain popped out of the book.
"Hello," said the brain. "I am The Brain of Knowledge. You need help with something?" Hermione was speechless. This gross green thing had popped out of a book and was talking to her!
"I....I....I'm.....Her....Her...Hermi....Hermi one Granger." She stuttered. " I wanted to know, well, I wanted to know weither I would have done better in Ravenclaw. I'm in Gryffindor, you see."
"I see," said the Brain. "So you want to sneak into the Sorting Hat's mind?"
"Well, no," mumbled Hermione. "I just want to know a bit about how the Sorting Hat put me in Gryffindor." Her lip quivered.
"I see," said the Brain. "I'll tell you everything you need to know tomorrow. I have quite a lot to work with, you see. Judging this book's size, there should be no problem in me finding out what you need to know. However, I don't know much about you, so I can't really tell you WHY the Sorting Hat did what he did, but from my research, I'm sure that you'll find out all you need to know to put two and two together." Suddenly, the huge brain dissolved into the pages. Hermione slammed the book shut and lay back into the couch. Did taht really happen, or was she just dreaming? Was this brain really going to help her solve all her problems?
Hermione looked at the door to the Griffindor Common Room. There stood Neville, looking at Hermione with a worried look on his face.
"Hermione? Are you okay? You look a little pale," Neville stared at Hermione with concern.
Hermione sat up immeditely. "I'm fine, Neville. I'm fine, never felt better." She grabbed all her books and papers. "Gotta go now Neville. Bye." She rushed up the stairs. leaving Neville behind in the room alone.
Neville sat down on the couch. He wondered why Hermione had rushed out of the room so fast. He knew that Hermione didn't feel that way about him, and no matter how he liked her, she would never like him back. He sighed and looked at the table where Hermione had been sitting.
"What's this?" he said, picking up a large green book with golden lettering. "Everything you needed to know about everything, huh?" he said. "I wonder if this book could tell me how I could get a girl to like me," he said, cracking the spine.
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03-10-2004, 02:51 PM
#4 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
Thanks guys! Glad to see there is support for my fan fic  This one will be short since I have to get to school real soon, but here i go...
"Hermione? Hello? Hermione?"
Hermione screamed in horror, only to see Harry and Ron standing around her. She jerked herself up into an upright position. "Ron, Harry? This is the girl's dormitory! GET OUT!"
"Hermione, Hermione, calm down," said Harry. "We just wanted to let you know that you have 20 minutes before our first class. Hermione jumped out of bed.
"Thanks guys, that's not going to make me worry at all!" she said sarcasticly. She pulled out her robes and ran into one of the small curtained dressing rooms. "Give me ten minutes."
"Okay," said Ron. "We'll be downstairs. Hurry up will you?" Both boys left the girls dormitory.
After Hermione had gotten her bag, and herself, ready for school, she noticed the pile of books by her bed. She needed to check what The Brain had to say! She rushed over and searched through the pile of books. Ron threw open the door to the dormitory.
"'Mione, come ON! How long does it take you....what are you looking for?" Ron stared at her while Hermione rushed around the room, shaking her head in disbelief. Harry came into the room.
"Ron, I told you to take her straight down, ready or n...Hermione?" Harry gasped. "Herm, are you okay?" Hermione sighed and turned to the two boys.
"The Brain," she said. "It's gone."
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03-11-2004, 03:13 PM
#5 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
Hi guys! AHHHH I typed this two times, both I lost! AHH! Well, I hope this one will work...
"The WHAT?" Ron and Harry stared at Hermione as if she had sprouted an extra head. Hermione realized one second too late that Ron and Harry didn't know about The Brain, and she wasn't about to tell them. They would be hurt, and maybe they would think that she didn't like being in Gryffindor! She had to think of a cover story, and FAST.
"Uhhhh...I mean....my....BRAIN! I thought I lost it.....because....uh....I forgot a Potions formula, that's all." Hermione couldn't believe that she was lying to her best friends, but it was too late to take it back now. Fortunatly, Ron and Harry were both gullable enough to believe it.
Ron rolled his eyes. "Seriously Hermione, who remembers anything that old fart says?"
Harry chuckled. "And anyway, since when do you remember POTIONS formulas? Seriously Hermy, we have to go to class." He grabbed one of Hermione's arms and Ron grabbed the other. "Come on," he said, pulling her out of the dormitory. "We have to get to class."
That night, Hermione had given up the search for The Brain and was walking down the corridor to Gryffindor House. She didn't know what she was going to do. She felt angry with herself for losing the book, and sad that she would never figure out her problems. She wasn't paying any attention to where she was walking, and she only realized that she had passed the Fat Lady when she bumped into a large body who was carrying a stack of books and papers.
Hermione felt horrible. "Oh Neville," she said, picking up books and papers. "I'm so sorry."
Neville smiled. "No problem, 'Mione. Besides, I think that I have something that was yours." He produced a green book with golden letters embossed into it. Hermione squealed.
"NEVILLE! YOU FOUND IT!" She threw her arms around him. "HOW CAN I EVER THANK YOU?"
Neville smiled. "It's no problem, really. You left it in the commo..."
Neville was cut off by a cold, piercing voice.
"Well, well, look what the Mudblood dragged in."
Hermione flipped around, only to see Draco Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle standing over them, smirking.
Gotta go to school now. Bye!
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03-13-2004, 02:46 AM
#6 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
Hey everyone!
Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. We have a math test every week and I had to study a lot for this one! UGH! I hate logorithms!  I have to do a campaign poster for Thomas Jefferson during the election after Washington retired. (And the point of making a poster after someone has already been elected is...)
Anyway, I'll pick up where I left off. Hermione and Neville on the floor, with Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle standing around them, books this way and that.
Hermione sat on the floor, speechless. Malfoy had a huge grin on his face.
"Well, lookee here. Looks like you found your home, Granger. On the floor, right where TRASH belongs." He burst into laughter. Crabbe snorted. Goyle cackled.
Neville stood up. "Ddd-on't cccc-all Hermione that!" Neville's lip quivered. He couldn't beileve what he was saying! But that didn't stop him from going on. "Besides," he said, his voice growing stronger with every word. "She's a better at magic than most other people in this school! And everyone in this hallway!" Neville couldn't believe what he just said! Malfoy must have felt the same way, because he ran up and grabbed Neville by the front of the robes. Neville was pretty heavy, but Malfoy was pretty strong. He glared into Neville's eyes. Hermione shrieked. Malfoy only sneered.
"Shut up, Granger." He turned to Neville. "So," he said. "I'm not good as Miss Mudblood, eh? Well, I'll guess we'll have to prove that won't we? You, me, on the Quiddich Field. We'll have a duel." He dropped Neville on the ground. Neville yelped in pain. Hermione gasped. "Three o' clock, tomorrow." he said. "You can bring ol' Potty and the Weasel, too. Maybe not, though. They will hate to see you lose." He walked away, laughing with Crabbe and Goyle bringing up the rear. Neville could only stare. Hermione burst into tears.
"It's all my fault," she whimpered. "I'm so sorry Neville. If it wern't for me, you wouldn't be in this mess!" She grabbed The Brain and ran to the Gryffindor house.
I'll post soon, and when I do, the duel will begin.
Dracnyzz- Yeah I know it is a little unaccurate, but it's hard to remember the details. :ermsmile: Sorry!
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03-13-2004, 04:33 AM
#7 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
Hey all! I'm glad you like my fan fic. Dont' worry the duel shall begin soon! I just need to prepare Neville. After all, we don't want him to lose!
Hermione could barely sleep that night. She could only think about how much pain she put on Neville. She also felt a pang of guilt in her heart, because Harry and Ron didn't know anything about this. They probably would, saying that Neville probably told them everything that evening.
That night she had bizzare dreams, and awoke hot and sweaty. She couldn't go back to bed, so she got up and did homework. When she finished, it was seven o'clock in the morning. It was a Saturday, and she wanted to get to the library before the duel. She wondered if she could get a book or two on how to properly fight in duels. Besides, she had a number of books to return. She also had to check out the Brain. She thought that it might be asleep right now, but she wasn't sure. She decided that she would check on him after the duel, saying that his voice was pretty loud, and she was probably the only one up right now. She threw on her robes and headed down to the library.
Hermione was flipping through the shelves. She was trying to pick the best books about duels based on her own knowledge, books with good ratings, and the inside summary of the book. So far she had How to Win a Duel in Three Easy Steps, The Do's and Don't's of Dueling, and Professer Frinkle's 50 Tips on Dueling and Matching. After searching for another 10 minutes, she had also obtained Duels, Duels, and More Duels, Dueling Can Be Fun, The Big Book of Spells to Use in Duels, and Mastering Duels. Then Hermione sat down and bookmarked pages that Neville could read so he wasn't flipping through the whole book. She marked each useful page with a small lime green Post-It note. After one hour, she had placed the last Post-It. She shoved all the books into her bag and headed for the Great Hall.
"Here, Neville."
Hermione dumped her bag of books by Neville, who was eating soft, fluffy pancakes with jam. Harry and Ron were sitting across from him, eating eggs and bacon. They looked puzzled, so Hermione guessed that Neville haden't told them about anything that had happened last night. Neville didn't seem to notice. He seemed startled, but pleased at the same time. He grinned at Hermione.
"Gee, Hermione. Thanks. That was really nice of you." He opened the thinnest one, which was Mastering Duels. He smiled. "Nice color of Post It notes," he commented. He propped open the book in front of him and began to read and eat pancakes at the same time.
Hermione sat on the bench beside him and helped herself to a banana and a piece of bacon. She ate rather slowly, cutting her bacon into small pieces so she wouldn't have to chew. She opened another book she had gotten for herself, Picking the Right Potion- Potions Developing Over the Ages. Potions wasn't her favorite subject, but history was the most appealing to Hermione lately. Ron just stared at Neville, who was now taking notes on a large roll of parchment. Harry spoke up.
"Could someone please tell Ron and me why Neville is reading a book on dueling and Hermione looks stressed?" Neville looked at Hermione. Hermione looked at Neville. Ron peeled an orange. Harry stared at Hermione and Neville. "Well?" he asked.
Neville told a very detailed account of what happened the other night. "So I was just giving Hermione The Brain back and..."
Ron cut off Neville with a piercing accusation. "So this Brain thing comes up again huh Hermione. Potions formula indeed." Neville cut HIM off.
"That's not the point you guys. It's just a book Hermione lent me for Transfiguration. That's all."
Hermione would have hugged him if Ron and Harry weren't engrossed in Neville's account of the recent event. Instead she sighed and peeled her banana.
The rest of the morning and early afternoon, both Ron, Harry, and Hermione trained Neville for the upcoming event. Finally, three o'clock came. The four friends marched out onto the Quiddich field. Malfoy and his gang were waiting. He wore a grin on his face.
"Ready for the duel, Neville? I see you brought Mudblood, Potty, and the Weasel with you." He cackled. He cleverly rubbed his hands together and drew his wand. Pointing to the very center of the Quiddich field, he declared, "Let the games begin."
I'm going to let you guess what happens till I update  I know, I hate cliffhangers too, but I have to go now. Bye!
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03-13-2004, 05:44 PM
#8 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
devils_work- I can't do what?
Neville bit his lip. He was incredibly nervous. Hermione was just staring at Malfoy. He had a wicked grin on his face.
"So," Malfoy said to Neville. "Are you ready to lose?"
Neville clenched his teeth. "No," he said with great strength in his voice. "I'm ready to win."
If Malfoy was tormented by Neville's words, he didn't show it. Instead, he cracked his knuckles and stood in the very center of the Quidditch field. Neville grabbed his wand and marched out till he was standing opposite Malfoy. Hermione, Ron and Harry stood on the sideline with Crabbe and Goyle, who were stuffing donuts in their mouths leftover from lunch. Malfoy and Neville and raised their wands in front of them. Then, Hermione said the countdown.
"Three, two..." Before Hermione could finish, Malfoy spat a spell out at Neville and shot him across the field. Hermione shreaked, and Harry blocked Ron from shooting out a spell at Malfoy. Neville stood up warily, but Malfoy shot another spell at Neville. Before Neville could stand up again, Malfoy shot another. Neville moaned and dropped his wand. Then, before Hermione could stop him, Malfoy ran up to Neville and began to shoot spells at his face. Worms gushed out of Neville's mouth, hornets buzzed out of Neville's ears, and flies swarmed around his eyes. Neville cried out in pain. Malfoy was grinning, and suddenly, Hermione lost it. She ran up to Malfoy, snatched his wand, and slapped him across the face.
"HOW DARE YOU HURT NEVILLE LIKE THAT!" she screamed, slapping him across the face yet another time. "HOW DARE YOU HURT HIM LIKE THAT, YOU NO GOOD SCUMBAG!" Before Harry and Ron could stop her, she hexed Malfoy.
"MICANDRA ELPHEN*!" Malfoy shot across the field and was laying there. He was screaming things that wern't words, and was jerking in an unpleasent way. Crabbe and Goyle ran to his side, but before they could get there, Hermione shot a spell which produced a invisible wall. They smacked against it and lay there, unconsious. Harry and Ron grabbed Hermione by her elbows and snatched her wand. Then all three ran to Neville's side.
"WHAT'S GOING ON OUT HERE?" Suddenly, the three of them looked up to see Professor McGonagal staring at them in horror.
*I couldn't find any good hexes, so I made up one of my own.
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03-14-2004, 08:39 PM
#9 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
Hey! Thankz to The_Revenge_of_the_Nerds for ideas to help me write this post...
Hermione groaned. She had just come back from detention. McGonagall had decided that they should all be assigned detention with different teachers. The friends had all crossed fingers for Hagrid, but Goyle got him. Ron looked like he wanted to punch his brains out. He got Snape. Harry got Professer Sprout, Neville got Professer Trelawny (Spelling?), Malfoy got Professer Flitwick, Crabbe got Professer Binns, and Hermione got Professor McGonagall. She had spent two hours cleaning the classrooms. Then she had gone to dinner. Ron and Harry both left in the middle of dinner, and they still weren't back. Malfoy and Neville got it the hardest becuase they were the ones participating in the duel.
Hermione lay back into her favorite chair. Suddenly, a small piece of paper caught her eye. It was a small wrinkled piece of parchment, lightly stained with ink. Her name was written on the front. She opened the small piece of paper and sighed when she read it. Herm,
Can you do me a favor? Go to the library and pick up the following books-
"Owl Care"
"How to Please an Owl"
"An Owl's Favorite Things"
"Five Minute Owl Treats"
Pig is acting up. See you. -Ron
Hermione groaned. So THAT was what the screeching was! She rolled over, grabbed her bag, and ran out the door.
Hermione was lurking around the library, looking for Ron's books when she caught sight of a boy. She couldn't exactly see his face, but she assumed that he was older. She wondered why she hadn't seen him before. She tried not to be interested, but she couldn't help it. She watched him out of the corner of her eye when Ginny ran up to her.
"Hey Hermione," she chirped. "I thought you were in detention."
Hermione groaned. "I was. I worked in McGonagall's office till 6."
Ginny groaned. "Ouch." She pulled a fat book off the shelf and flipped through it. Then she leaned toward Hermione. "Hey Hermione," she giggled. "See that guy over there?"
Hermione turned around, and realized in horror that Ginny was gesturing to the same guy she was looking at before. She turned back to Ginny. "Yeah?" she said with growing enthusiasm.
Ginny giggled. "He's extremley cute, isn't he?"
Hermione tittered. "Well, he is comely, if that's what you mean."
Ginny just stared at her. "Comely? English, please."
Hermione sighed. "Cute. Attractive. Good-looking."
Ginny giggled. "I heard he was a Ravenclaw seventh year. He's really cute." They both wandered over to a nearer shelf and crouched down, peering at him. He was cute. He had hazel colored hair, with deep brown eyes. He had a soft touching of freckles, too. He was very tanned. After watching him for awhile, Ginny jumped up and grabbed Hermione's wrist. "I'm gunna go flirt with him. You come too, Hermione." Hermione tugged her wrist from Ginny's grip, but Ginny resisted. Finally, Hermione gave in and reluctenly followed Ginny over to the cute guy. He noticed them and walked over.
"Hey," he said. He had a thick accent. It was very attractive. Ginny was first to strike.
"Hey," she said, titing her head a little. "I'm Ginny, and this is Hermione." Hermione shifted her books, and flipped her hair a little.
"Hey, she said.
He grinned."I'm Joey. You guys sixth years?"
Ginny giggled. "I'm not," she said. "But Hermione is." She gave Hermione a teeny tiny shove. She leaned close to her and whispered, "He likes you. I gotta get more books. I'll meet you at the Gryffindor Common Room." Hermione giggled and leaned towards Ginny.
"Don't you like him too?" she asked.
Ginny shook her head. "Yeah, but it's just fun flirting. Besides, I'm already taken." She giggled and left Hermione there.
Hermione talked with Joey for about ten minutes more, and then went back to the Common Room to meet Ginny.
Sure enough, after entering the Common Room, Ginny was sitting opposite the fire, waiting for Hermione. She smiled. "So?"
Hermione giggled. "I'm going to Hogsmeade with him," she replied. "This Saturday."
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03-14-2004, 09:47 PM
#10 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
"GET OUT!" Ginny jumped out of the chair and threw her arms around Hermione. "SERIOUSLY? THIS IS SO AMAZING! WAIT TILL I TELL RON AND HAR..."
"NO!" screeched Hermione. "I mean....um...." Ginny stared at Hermione and tapped her foot.
"Okay, what's going on?"
Hermione collasped into a chair. "You know how you said he was in Ravenclaw?"
Ginny nodded her head.
Hermione sighed. "He's in Slytherin."
Ginny jumped up. "Okay," she said. "I won't say a word." Both girls knew that Ron and Harry always had something against Slytherins. They hugged each other and ran up to the girls' dormitorys.
"What do you mean you're busy?"
It was the next morning in the Great Hall. Ron and Harry both stared at Hermione as she spread cream cheese on a bagel. Ron drummed his fingers on the table. Harry was scrambling his scrambled eggs.
"Hermione, answer my question," Ron demanded.
Hermione bit into her bagel. "I mean that I'm busy."
Harry lay down his fork. "Hermione, no wizard or witch misses a Hogsmeade trip."
Hermione lay down her bagel and grabbed a carton of yogurt. "I didn't say I wasn't going to Hogsmeade. I just said that I can't."
Ron slammed down his banana. "Come on Hermione! It's not like Fred and George do this every day, you know." He opened his banana and was upset to see that it was soggy from all the force. "Aww..." he moaned.
Hermione twirled her spoon in her yogurt cup. "Ron, seeing fake wands and pasties that make you sprout feathers unveiled isn't my idea of a show." She spooned some yogurt into your mouth.
Harry sighed. "Come on, Hermione. It's not like you have anything better to do at Hogsmeade."
Hermione thought fast. "I could sure use a new quill..."
Ron spat milk out of his nose. "Puleese..." he said, wiping his mouth. "That's one of the oldest tricks in the book! Trust me, Fred and George used that when I was four."
Hermione grabbed her bag. "I gotta go..." she said, grabbing an apple. She ran out of the Great Hall.
"HERMIONE!" Harry yelled, but Hermione just kept running.
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03-15-2004, 12:48 AM
#11 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
Hey everyone. This is going to be really short but I have to eat dinner soon...
Hermione kept running till she got to the library. She was hoping that Ron and Harry wern't following her. When she arrived at the library, she looked all around for Joey. After looking for awhile, she gave up and walked to her first class. On her way there, she heard a voice behind her.
"Hey Hermione. Why do you look so dissipointed?"
Hermione flipped around, only to see Joey leaning against the wall.
Okay sry if that was really short bye!
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03-15-2004, 02:48 PM
#12 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
Okay I just looked at my post from yesterday and I almost screamed when I saw how short it was. I have to go soon, but I'll try to make this one long to make up for yesterday.
Hermione smiled at Joey. "Hey," she said casually.
Joey fished around in the pocket of his robes and pulled out a red rose. Every thorn had been carefully taken off. "This is for you," he said, handing the rose to her.
Hermione almost fainted. This was only the second day they had talked and he was giving her a rose! She giggled. "Thanks," she said, carefully putting the rose in her bag. Joey held out a hand and bowed a little.
"May I escort you to your first class, Hermione?" he asked. Hermione giggled and carefully placed her hand in his. He carefully held her hand as they walked out to the greenhouse.
They began to chat about things they liked. It turned out that he liked books, just like Hermione. He also was very smart. "Sometimes," he said. "I wonder why I didn't get into Ravenclaw." Hermione gasped. He had the exact same thoughts as her! She just smiled. When they arrived at the greenhouse, he let go of her hand and blew her a kiss. "See you later," he said, running back into the castle. Hermione waved a teeny wave and ran inside the greenhouse, unaware that Neville had seen the whole thing.
What do you think? It is still a little short, but I think that is a pretty good cliffhanger!  We get out early today, so expect another post real soon!
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03-15-2004, 09:25 PM
#13 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
Gotta type fast- I got 15 minutes!
Hermione stepped into the greenhouse. She noticed Ron and Harry sitting at the far back of the classroom. She took a seat at the very front by the door, hoping that they wouldn't see her and she could slip away to her next class. If she kept this up, she wouldn't encounter them till lunchtime. She carefully put down her bag and pulled on the scratchy gardening gloves.
"Hey Hermione."
Hermione turned to her side to see that Neville had taken the seat next to her. He was smiling. She smiled, too.
"Hey, Neville," she said politely. Professor Sprout clapped her hands loudly.
"EVERYONE TAKE A SEAT AND LOOK UP HERE!" she yelled. The entire class looked up at the front. Professor Sprout smiled. "Today, we will be studing about healing plants. Eventually, you will all be growing your own healing plant. You will feed it, water it, and give it sunlight. Your plants will live in the greenhouse, but at the end of the unit you will take it to your dormitorys. Madam Pomfry also warns that anyone who uses their healing plant on any student or teacher shall me punished. Now....Miss Granger. Will you please hand out one packet of seeds to each person?" Professor Sprout pointed to a numerous amount of pots at the front of the room. Hermione stood up and carefully picked up the tray of pots and handed them out. She sat down in her seat once more.
When she sat down, she noticed a small folded piece of ripped parchment on her desk. She carefully opened it and frowned when she read what it contained. Hermione,
Do you want to go to Hogsmeade with me?
Neville was so timid around girls, Hermione was startled to see that he had slipped her a note. How was she going to say no to him? It was going to hurt his feelings terribly, but she wasn't canceling her date with Joey.
No matter what.
Okay pleez respond!
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03-16-2004, 02:57 PM
#14 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
Hey guys! Thanks for all the nice things you said about my fan fic!
DALeader-I know that my fan fic is a little unaccurate, but I try my hardest. I need him to act this way for my plot to smooth along, though. Thanks for telling me this. Sometimes the suggestions are just as helpful and encoraging as the complliments.
Hermione ran into the Great Hall. She had just made it out of the class without bumping into Ron or Harry. She looked at the Gryffindor Table. People were still coming in, so the table wasn't full yet. She spotted Ginny and sat on the bench next to her.
"Hey Hermione," said Ginny as she bit into a sandwich.
"Hi Ginny," Hermione greeted as she grabbed an apple. "How was class?"
Ginny took a drink of pumpkin juice. "Fine," she said as she put her cup down. She giggled and leaned in closer to Hermione. "Guess what? Steve asked me out," she said, giggling.
Hermione cocked her head. "Who's Steve?" she asked as she ladled some soup into a bowl.
Ginny pointed over to the Hufflepuff table. A boy about Ginny's age was sitting, talking to his friends. He had dirty blonde hair and tanned skin. He turned around to look at Ginny. He had a small nose and gray-blue eyes. He smiled at Ginny. He had nice teeth. Ginny giggled and gave a little flirtatious wave. She turned back to Hermione.
"He's a fifth year, like me, and he's soooooooo cute!" She sighed and bit into her sandwich. "By the way," she said with her mouth full. "Howz j....Jo....oh what's his name?"
Hermione spooned some soup into her mouth. "Joey," she reminded Ginny.
Ginny slapped her head. "Right! Joey! So howz he doing?" She took a long drink of pumpkin juice.
Hermione picked a small triangle of sandwich off a tray. She giggled. "This morning, he escorted me to my first class." Ginny gasped. Hermione giggled. "And he gave me a rose." She pulled the red rose out of her bag. Ginny gasped even more.
"A rose!" she squealed. She carefully touched the stem. "The thorns removed and everything! Wow, he must really like you!"
Hermione smiled and put it in her bag. "But there's one thing wrong," she said quietly. She nibbled on a sandwich.
Ginny frowned. "What?"
Hermione sighed. "Neville gave me this note," she said as she handed the small piece of parchment to Ginny. Ginny frowned even more.
"Hermione," Ginny said seriously. "I don't know what to say. It would have taken Neville a lot of courage to do this, but I understand how much you like Joey..." her voice faded. She handed the paper back to Hermione and sighed. "I'm sorry to say this," she said. "But the only way you are going to make this easiest for Neville is to ask Ron and Harry."
Hermione sighed. "What do I say? I can't say what I'm really doing cause then they will know about Joey..."
Ginny cut her off. "Hermione, they are your best friends! The only person that you every REALLY liked was Krum, and they knew about that! They won't hurt you, but to be safe, don't tell them he's in Slytherin okay?" Hermione nodded. Ginny continued. "Okay. Tell Ron and Harry everything tonight in the Common Room. I'll be there so you don't tell them too much. I know what really ticks my brother off. They know how boys' brains work and they'll know what you should say to Neville as not to hurt his feelings." Ginny sighed and took a long drink of pumpkin juice.
Hermione slurped her soup and said nothing. Whatever happened, this was not going to be easy.
Really bad, I know, but please review and post pleez.
P.S- I'm probably sounding really stupid asking this but what does PAMS BUMP mean?
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03-18-2004, 02:52 PM
#15 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
Hey everyone! Sorry I didn't post! I was going to last night but I had to go to an orintation (spelling?) for the middle school I'm going to next year (I'm in 6th grade). I have to go soon, but I'll write what I can.
Ron folded his hands. Harry sighed. Hermione stared at the ground. Ginny looked at Hermione, and then back to Ron. It was that night in the common room, and Ginny had just told them everything that had happened. About the library and Joey and the rose and Neville's letter. Ron sighed. He stood up and was about to say something to Hermione, and from the look on his face, Hermione hypothosised that she didn't want to hear it, but Harry stood up and told Hermione, "Hermione, any way you do it, Neville is going to be hurt. Badly."
Hermione lay back in the chair. "I know," she said in a teeny tiny voice. "But I really can't miss this date. I'm sorry."
Ron jumped up, and this time, Harry didn't stop him. "Jeez Hermione!" he yelled. "Don't you care more about your friends than some cheap 7th year who happens to steal your heart with a rose?"
Hermione jumped up, and from the look on her face, she was going to slug Ron, but she didn't. Instead she yelled, "HE ISN'T CHEAP! HE'S NICE AND HE'S IN RAVENCLAW AND HE'S VERY SMART! HE'S EXACTLY LIKE ME!" Hermione had lied AGAIN, but it was the only way to protect her date and still keep her friends. If they knew that Joey was in Slythern, boy would Ron lose it! "AND FURTHERMORE," Hermione continued. " THE ONLY CHEAP PERSON AROUND HERE IS YOU!" Hermione grabbed her bag and burst into tears, running up to the girls' dormitories. Ginny glared at her brother.
"Now you've done it," she snapped. "Why did you have to go and hurt Hermione's feelings like that? That's really unlike you, Ron! I don't know what's going on inside your head!" Ginny was standing up now and almost screaming.
Ron stood up and tried to comfort his sister. "Ginny..." he started.
"No, Ron. Let me finish. She told me everything right after he asked her out! He was kind enough to remember her the next day, she likes him, he likes her, I think they were made for each other, and you, one of her best friends, is saying he's cheap and she doesn't care about her friends!" Ginny had strength and power in her voice. "Do you even know how hard this was for her to tell you this?" Ginny stopped to catch her breath. Ron said nothing. Ginny was losing her patience. "WELL, DO YOU?" she screamed.
Ron sighed. "Well, no," he said. "But I....Neville is one of my friends, and when Hermione says no, he's going to be so hurt! Neville has been liking her since the first year, and when he finally asks her out, she already has a boyfriend!" Ron sat down and waited for Ginny's explosion.
Harry chimed in. "It's true Ginny. Neville really likes her. The truth is, we told Neville to write her that note. After Krum left, Neville had a clear passageway. We told Neville to leave her a note, so she would like him. It's going to hurt him a lot."
Ginny said nothing for a moment. "Well, what's she supposed to say? Accept and then cancel later? Or tell him yes and then never meet him for a cup of butterbeer? Or just let him find out?"
"I already have."
The three flipped around to see Neville standing in the doorway, a huge frown on his face and tears in his eyes. He shot upstairs. Ron and Harry fled after him, screaming his name. Ginny collasped in the chair. And to think that this all started with an invitation to Hogsmeade.
Please read and review! Bye!
P.S.- What does bump pams mean?
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03-23-2004, 02:56 PM
#16 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
Hey everyone! I'm so sorry that I haven't been posting! I got hooked on a new video game this weekend. :whisle: I have to type fast for this one- I have five minutes!
That week seemed like a disaster for Hermione. Neville was avoiding her, Ron gave her nasty looks, and Harry just looked at her with sympathy. Ginny seemed like her only friend, and they often went to the library or did homework together. Once or twice Hermione invited Ginny to visit Hagrid with her, but it still didn't seem the same with out Ron and Harry, and Neville.
Ginny had told Hermione how Neville had been very hurt that night in the Common Room. Hermione had tried to talk to him, but he would always just reply with a polite hello and then run off. She didn't feel like Neville was her friend anymore.
To Hermione's dissapointment, Joey didn't visit as frequently as she had hoped. Of course, he still paid attention to her, and that Friday he suprised her with a small bottle of vanilla scented perfume. Of course, Hermone didn't wear perfume, but he gave it to her so sweetly and polietly, and besides, he was her boyfriend, or at least, her boyfriend-to-be.
That was a horrible stopping point, but I PROMISE that I'll be back this afternoon to pick up where I left off. See ya then!
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03-24-2004, 01:59 AM
#17 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
Hello! This will be another short post, but I'll write more soon.
Hermione sat in the Common Room that Friday night, homework spread around three tables and four chairs. There were dozens of books and papers, and a quill and an ink well. As she was finishing up her Herbology homework (describe and sketch your healing plant, plus six inches of parchment containing key tips for growing healing plants, consult page 346 for help) when Ron and Harry walked in. Hermione carefully rolled up her parchment and stuffed it in her bag. Then she began to add some food to her healing plant (the ultimate cure for all rashes and itches), which was currently moaning. The two boys sat down in the only vacant chairs and looked at the other, trying to convince them to make the first move. Hermione pretended not to notice and doused her plant in water, in which it giggled and stopped moaning.
Arg....gotta go now.
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03-28-2004, 09:47 PM
#18 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
I'm so sorry that I haven't been posting! I'm betting that you all want to ambush me! :adminchase: I'll post now though!
Ron stood up and walked to the couch behind Hermione. He picked up a huge stack of papers and set them on the floor. He sat down and began to speak, which in Hermione's opinion was a speech he had been working on for at least a few days now.
"Hermione, I'm so sorry about how I acted the other day. It's not me, really. I should respect the people who you like and.... well I guess I was being pretty unfair to you and all. I'm assuming Ginny told you all about Neville, and I'm really sorry that he found out the way he did and I bet you are too." He paused for a breath and looked at Hermione. She was still working on collecting pink ooze from her plant's buds, which was to be made into a potion to cure all itches and rashes. Snape had reluctantly agreed to partner with Professor Sprout on healing plants. His job would be to teach the class how to make the healing potion from what the healing plant provided. Professor Sprout had given each student special instruction on what to collect from each plant in order to make the healing potion. In Hermione's case, the sap from the buds and some roots. She didn't speak for a long while, but eventually she turned around and looked at Ron.
"Ron, I'm really sorry about how I blew up. I just... I just thought that you would be more understanding about it." Hermione's lip quivered.
Ron began to gather the papers and books strewn across the room into piles. After Hermione's papers and books were in two neat piles, he turned to her and asked, "How come you didn't tell us earlier?" Hermione hesitated. Ron raised his eyebrows. Harry tapped his foot. "Well?" Ron said.
Hermione burst into tears. "If I told you, you would never forgive me!" she said. She snatched her bag and ran up to her dormitory. Ron collapsed into his chair. Harry sighed.
"Well that worked well," Harry grumbled.
"What worked well?"
Harry and Ron jumped up and flipped around, only to see Ginny standing in curiosity. Ron gave a huge sigh of relief. "Oh Ginny," he said with relief. "It's only you."
Ginny tapped her foot. "Only me, eh?" she said. She walked over to a chair and glanced at one of the papers atop one of the piles. "This is Hermione's stuff, you guys," she said as if they didn't know.
"Yeah, we know," Ron said. "We had a little problem, when we were trying to apologize. Jeez, she seems really sensitive lately."
Ginny shrugged. "It's because of Joey. Boys can really do a lot to you, you know?" She giggled and smiled.
Ron groaned. "Great. First Krum, now Joey." He grabbed a handful of papers and shoved them at Ginny. "Take Hermione's stuff back up to her dorm, okay? I think a little homework will calm her down." Ginny nodded and grabbed a stack of papers. In the end, it took Ginny four trips to get all Hermione's stuff up to the girls' dormitory, and Ron and Harry just sat and watched her do it.
Comments and constructive criticism appreciated.
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03-31-2004, 12:51 AM
#19 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
Hello! I have some time (finally) so I will write a really long post...
Hermione had isolated herself in her four poster bed, curtains drawn till Ginny could coax her out by helping her prepare for her trip to Hogsmeade wtih Joey. The two girls sat on the floor, chatting about their upcoming dates. Hermione forgot all about her homework, and even The Brain, which was now acting as a dust collector under her bed.
That morning, Hermione just couldn't compose herself. She was up at four in the morning, and couldn't go back to sleep. Eventually, she threw herself out of bed and decided to use this time to get some work done. She threw her fuzzy blue bathrobe over her long, white lacy nightgown, just like the girl in The Nutcracker wore. Then she headed down to the Common Room, arms full of books and papers.
Hermione worked on her homework till almost eight. She was packing up when Ginny came downstairs in her mint green bathrobe, yawning. She had fuzzy green slippers on her feet, not bunny slippers like Ron.
"Morning Hermione," said Ginny with a yawn. "I woke up about ten minutes ago, but I couldn't find you untill I heard the quill scratching down here." Hermione grabbed some books and followed Ginny into the dormitory. The two girls put on their robes and headed downstairs.
"Hermione, the Great Hall is that way," Ginny said pointing in the opposite direction that Hermione was running.
"I know!" called Hermione. "But I have to return some books in the library! I'll meet you there!" Ginny waved and ran toward the Great Hall. Hermione was waving back and she didnt' realized that Professor Snape was heading in the exact same direction...
Hermione lay in a heap on the floor, books askew, with Snape standing and looking at her with disgust.
"Miss Granger, I presume that six years ago, you were told that running in the halls is not permitted at Hogwarts. I hope that from now on you will watch where you walk, and to pay attention. Ten points from Gryffindor." Snape stepped over Hermione and stepped onto her Herbology essay. Unfortunatly, he slipped and fell on the ground, Hermione's essay crumpled and torn. Several third year Hufflepuffs giggled at the sight. Snape flounced up.
"TEN POINTS FROM HUFFLEPUFF!" Snape yelled. The two girls ran out of the hall. Snape turned to Hermione, red in the face. "TWENTY POINTS FROM GRYFFINDOR, MISS GRANGER! GET OUT OF MY SIGHT BEFORE I MAKE IT FIFTY!"
Hermione snatched her books and papers, including her ruined essay. She ran down the hall, tears leaking out of her eyes. She ran to the library, wiping her eyelids. She ran up to the front desk and stacked her books on the table. She headed toward the door.
"Excuse me, Miss Granger," said the librarian.
Hermione flipped around and stood at the front desk.
"It appears to be that you still have one book out. The Brain or something. It would be in your best intrest to return it very soon."
Hermione gasped. "Oh my goodness, I'm frightfully sorry. Does someone want this book?"
The librarian smiled and simpily said that no one currently wanted this book, and if she was not done with it, she could keep it for a few more days. Hermione politly thanked her and rushed out of the library. After her date wtih Joey, she had to check The Brain. It had been a week, she wondered what would happen...
Hope that'll keep you busy for a day or two! Bye!
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04-02-2004, 03:45 AM
#20 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
Hey. This will be a short post, but I'll type fast so I can make it longer.
Hermione rushed into the Great Hall, which was filling up slowly as people rose from the dormitories. Most people in the Great Hall were third years or above that had planned to go to Hogsmeade that day. She spotted Ginny eating an egg at the front of the table and rushed over to her. Hermione told Ginny all about her encounter with Snape. Ginny spat milk out of her nose.
"I would pay money to see Professor Snape fall flat on his face," cried Ginny wiping her mouth.
"If you had any, Weasley."
Hermione whipped around and was not suprised to see Malfoy standing behind her. What she was suprised to see, is what she didnt' see.
"Where's Crabbe and Goyle?" she asked tartly.
Malfoy nodded his head toward the Slytherin table, where Hermione saw that Crabbe and Goyle pleasing their stomachs with all the food they could hold; Crabbe was stuffing pasties in his mouth while Goyle heaped biscuits onto his plate.
Hermione turned back to Malfoy. "What do you want, Malfoy?" she asked with a twinge of suspicion in her voice.
Malfoy just grinned and leaned closer into Hermione's ear. "Making sure that Joey's date doesn't hook up with some Gryffindor slimeball," he whispered. Hermione smacked him on his cheek. He jumped away.
"Ouch, you filthy Mudblood!" he moaned as he flipped around. Ginny glared at him.
"Get lost, Malfoy," she sneered.
Malfoy smirked and plopped himself on the bench next to Hermione. "As if a little Weasley girl is going to boss me around," he sneered. He turned to Hermione. "So, Joey has told me all about you. Very sweet and kind girl." he cackled. "As if."
Hermione slapped him on his thigh. "For the last time, Draco. GET LOST."
Malfoy grinned. "Looks like the little bookworm is losing her temper," he cooed.
Hermione jumped up to smack him, but he jumped out of the way and she ended up hitting the bench, instead. He chuckled as he walked away.
More tomorrow- I promise!!!!!!
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04-05-2004, 02:23 AM
#21 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
Okay sorry I didn't post like I said I would, but I will now! A nice long post for patient waiters...
Hermione sat up again and sighed. "He's such a...a...."
"Jerk?" asked Ginny, spooning some yogurt into her mouth.
Hermione shook her head. "There is no word that I have seen that could perfectly describe Malfoy," she said, stirring her oatmeal. "It'd have to be a mix between jerk, freak, git, and...probably ferret."
Ginny giggled.
Hermione walked out of the Great Hall with Ginny. They looked up and saw Joey leaning against the wall. Ginny giggled. She leaned in to Hermione and whispered, "See you later." Ginny left Hermione standing there while Joey walked up to her and smoothed her hair. Hermione gently pulled away and said, "Ready?"
Joey smiled. "Whenever you are," he said soothingly, gently taking Hermione's hand. His hand felt big and strong over Hermione's dainty little one, and just his touch sent blood rushing to Hermione's cheeks.
Later, Hermione and Joey walked the roads of Hogsmeade. They had already visited Honeydukes and Zonkos, and Hermione had enjoyed both. As they walked along the road, they saw an old witch with a cart. She had at least 1000 white carnations in a large box, and with her wand she carefully changed each flower into the color of the customer's prefrence. Joey grabbed Hermione's hand and asked her, "What's your favorite color?"
Hermione giggled. "Well...I like pale blue..." Joey didn't hestitate.
"I'd like fifty carnations, all in pale blue," he said as casually as if he was ordering hamburgers.
Hermione's eyes boggled out. "Fifty? Oh no...Joey...you don't..."
Joey interrupted. "I know I don't have to, but I will," he said as the lady counted out 50 white carnations and changed them instently to pale blue with her wand. She tied them with a pale blue ribbon and handed them to Joey. "That'll be three galleons. It's a sickle a flower and one extra for the ribbon."
"Thanks," he said handing her the gold pieces. He turned to Hermione and handed her the huge bouquet.
Hermione flushed red as she accepted them. "Oh Joey..."
Joey flashed his heart-melting smile. "No matter. Fancy some butterbeers?"
Hermione sniffed the flowers deeply. They smelt like blueberries. "Sure," she said with a smile. Joey grabbed her arm and led her to the Three Broomsticks.
The pair got themselves a nice table in the Three Broomsticks. They ordered large butterbeers and were chatting quietly while they drank. The time slipped away too quickly before they had to return to Hogwarts. Joey stood up and said, "We'd better be going." He ran over to Hermione and helped her out of her chair with a large hand. She picked up her flowers and they walked out of the Three Broomsticks to the awaiting carrages outside.
When they arrived back at Hogwarts, Joey led her back to Gryffindor Tower. Outside the portrait of the Fat Lady, Joey pulled her aside. Hermione smiled. "Thanks for everything, Joey. The carnations and the butterbeers and those Chocolate Frogs at Honeydukes and..." Joey pressed a finger to her lips and leaned in and gently kissed her.
It wasn't long, but it ment everything to Hermione. Joey broke the kiss, but Hermione grabbed him and they kissed again. This one wasn't long either, but Hermione enjoyed it more than anything. Joey pulled away and leaned into Hermione and whispered into her ear, "I'll see you soon." He kissed her gently on the cheek before he left Hermione alone.
Hermione turned to the Fat Lady and said, "Flobberworm." The Fat Lady swong open, but before Hermione could crawl through, she heard a voice say, "So, HE'S this Joey guy." Hermione flipped around only to see Ron and Harry standing behind her.
gotta go!
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04-06-2004, 12:40 AM
#22 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
Hello!  I guess I better give you all another long post for replying...
Refreshers in blue
Story in <span style='color:red'>Red
<span style='color:blue'>Hermione turned to the Fat Lady and said, "Flobberworm." The Fat Lady swong open, but before Hermione could crawl through, she heard a voice say, "So, HE'S this Joey guy." Hermione flipped around only to see Ron and Harry standing behind her. Hermione smiled. "Hello Ron. Hi Harry," she said. "How was Fred and George's unveilment?"(Is that a word? If not, please provide the noun form of "unveil") Ron glared at her. "Hermione, was that...that PERSON Joey?"
Hermione nodded. Harry cut in. "That....SLYTHERIN?" he said in disgust.
Hermione put her hands on her hips. "Yeah, you got a problem with that?" she said with an edge in her voice.
Ron sneered. "You're dating...a SLYTHERIN? Another Malfoy? Hermione, are you okay?"
"I'm fine," Hermione snapped. "I'm not so sure about YOU, though."
Harry tilted his head. "What do you mean?" he asked.
"What I mean is that you guys are blowing up because I like someone!" Hermione was losing her temper.
"Hermione, he's a Slytherin. He's a Malfoy. A stuck up, arrogant....." Ron paused, as if searching for the right word. Hermione tapped her foot.
"You were saying?"
"...GIT." Ron finished.
That was the last straw for Hermione. "HE IS NOT A GIT! HE'S NOT A GIT! YOU ARE!" She yelled. And with that she turned on her heel and ran. She ran all the way to the girls' dormitory. She flung on her bed and began to sob into her pillow.
Okay, maybe that post wasn't all that long, but I'll post later!</span></span>[/COLOR][/COLOR]
__________________  [FODW] [STDTST] [FF] [X] ~Une rose est beauté*- |
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04-06-2004, 01:25 AM
#23 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
Hello! I'm very bored so how 'bout another post for y'alls?
Hermione opened her eyes. She had cried all evening. She had heard Ginny come in and try to comfort her, but Hermione had just cried even louder. Eventually, Ginny had given up.
Hermione wiped her eyes. The small clock on her bedside read 4:03 A.M. Hermione hopped off the bed and grabbed The Brain. She sat cross-legged on her bed and cracked the spine. A huge Brain hopped out.
"It's about time. I thought Neville had returned me," it snapped.
"I'm sorry. I was so busy...wait, Neville?" Hermione was confused. Why was this brain thing talking about Neville?
The Brain sighed. "Neville Longhead or something. He opened me. He nearly screamed his head off, but when he finally calmed down, he practicly handed his heart to me!" The Brain oozed green slime all over the book.
Afraid that The Brain would drip slime over the bed, she snatched the book and plopped it on the floor. She sat on her bed and said, "What do you mean by that?"
If the Brain had any eyes, he would have rolled them. "Uh...Missy, it's kind of OBVIOUS!"
Now Hermione was even more confused. "Well...can you at least explain what you mean?"
The Brain spat slime all over the floor. Hermione was now glad that she had slime on the floor instead of on her bedsheets. The Brain began to speak. "He wanted advice, missy. Advice on how to get you to like him!"
I gotta go! More later!
__________________  [FODW] [STDTST] [FF] [X] ~Une rose est beauté*- |
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04-06-2004, 03:27 PM
#24 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
No one is posting... oh well...
Hermione sighed. "Well, I sort of guessed that. He gave me an invitation to Hogsmeade and all... but I guess this really proves it."
The Brain nodded (or rather, just moved up and down a little). "So, do YOU like him?"
Hermione shook her head. "He's not a bad person or anything, but I'm already taken."
The Brain nodded. "Okay, so over the past few weeks, I've been gathering information for your topic. Hermione nodded. The Brain suddenly jumped up and dozens of papers flew out of the book's open spine and landed in a neat pile. Hermione picked up the papers and thanked The Brain.
"I'm going to keep you here a little longer in case I need some more information," Hermione informed him.
The Brain nodded and dissolved into the paper once more.
Hermione picked up the papers and began to read them. The Sorting Hat chooses the house that the student will be in according to the properties of each house. Only the brave belong in Gryffindor, only the hard working belong in Hufflepuff, only the cunning belong in Slytherin, and only the smartest belong in Ravenclaw. The Sorting Hat looks deep into the student's mind and sees the very uttermost property that makes up the student. Then, the Sorting Hat will...
"Morning, 'Mione." said Ginny.
Hermione turned to her right. Ginny was standing there, looking curiously at the stack of papers.
"What are those papers for?" she asked.
Hermione stuck the papers in her bag. "Oh, just some stuff for Herbology," Hermione lied. She really was getting in a habit of lying these days.
Ginny nodded and she walked toward Hermione's bed. She stepped in the green slime, which hadn't disappeared with The Brain.
"Eww...GROSS!" Ginny squealed, grabbing her wand. She cleaned the slime up with a spell. She turned to Hermione, "What IS that stuff?"
"Potion gone horribly wrong," she said without missing a beat. She grabbed Ginny's sleeve. "Let's go to breakfast," she suggested, before Ginny could ask her anything.
How is that? I have a dentist appointment later, but I'll try to post this evening. Bye!
:sorcerer: *~*~Mesum~*~* :sorcerer:
P.S- Comments and constructive criticism appreciated.
__________________  [FODW] [STDTST] [FF] [X] ~Une rose est beauté*- |
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04-08-2004, 02:45 AM
#25 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2004 Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838
Thanks everyone! All your compliments mean so much to me. :flowersmile: There's a flower for all your nice words. Here's another post...
Hermione ran to the Great Hall with Ginny in tow. She saw Ron and Harry sitting at the very front of the table. She knew that they were mad at her, but she decided that it wouldn't hurt to try and pretend as if nothing happened. Bravely, she marched up to the front of the table with Ginny behind her.
"Hello Harry, Ron," Hermione greeted as she flung her legs over the bench. She helped herself to a piece of toast. As she spread a modest amount of strawberry jam on it, she looked up at Harry and Ron. Harry was slicing bacon into tiny pieces. Ron was sipping pumpkin juice. Ginny peeled a banana and said nothing. Hermione nibbled on her toast. No one spoke.
After Hermione had finished her toast, she stood up and left. After she was out of sight, Ginny snapped, "You guys just overreact too much!"
Ron looked up from his pumpkin juice. "Ginny, listen..." he started.
Ginny cut in. "No, YOU listen! Do you ever think about Hermione's feelings? Seriously, Ron. You just don't like Joey because he's in Slytherin. Well, if you weren't so IMMATURE, you could tell that not all the Slytherins are Death Eaters! Don't you understand me?"
Ron said nothing. Harry stared at Ginny. Ginny stared at Ron. "Can't you see what you are doing to Hermione? You are slowly poisoning her!" Ron still said nothing.
Harry said in a soft quiet voice such unlike his own, "Ginny, I thought...I mean...I didn't know that we..." Ron stopped him.
"Come on, Harry," he grumbled grabbing Harry's sleeve. "We've had enough." The two boys left the Great Hall. Ginny sighed. She didn't understand the miscommunication between the three best friends.
I want to write more, but it's after nine and I have some books that I want to read. I'll try to post tomorrow, but if I don't, don't expect one Friday cause I won't be home the greater portion of the day. See ya!
:sorcerer: ~*~*Mesum*~*~ :sorcerer:
P.S- Comments and constructive criticism appreciated.
__________________  [FODW] [STDTST] [FF] [X] ~Une rose est beauté*- |
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