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Harry Potter: A Death Eater Party — Enter If You Dare! - Sa9+
Candy Display Case (Finished Fanfiction)A dazzling showcase of fully wrapped-up stories, these sweet treats are polished and ready for your reading pleasure!
carrot lover (not) // torturously friendly // secret spy // HP nerd // <3 sparkles // who am I?
Hey everyone! This is my third ff on Snicthseeker and it's my first attempt at comedy. I came up with the idea while waiting for the Pottermore clue to show up in the Magical Quill Challenge. It was the early hours of the morning and naturally, I had nothing else to do than refresh my browser every few seconds and fight sleep by thinking up some random stories. *Shrugs* Anyways I meant this ff to be a one shot but then I decided to break it in two halves. This is the first part. I hope you enjoy.
I would like to give credit to author JK Rowling who has created the wonderful world of Harry Potter which has been a source of entertainment and inspiration for generations to come.
A Death Eater Party Enter if you Dare! (Part 1)
Sprints, leaps, pounces, slips, holds on to dear life… um trips (that’s unfortunate)… gets up, jogs, skips, dances… dances? Goes back to running…
Confused? Okay, let’s play it in slow motion, shall we?
So technically he was running as fast as humanly possible. Now that should put things in perspective.
He was in a way, on a quest for survival as you’d like to call it. Yes let’s call it that. Basically, his life was on the line. It was simply the matter of life or death.
He gripped tightly onto the treasured box, embracing it securely to his chest as if his life depended on it. Well quite frankly, it did!
So by now you must be wondering who our mysterious thief is. Aha! I knew you were thinking that. He sounds more like thief than a superhero, doesn’t he?
For one thing, superheroes don’t fall and slip while in a heroic action scene, or otherwise things would turn out for the worse, evil would dominate the world and we’d all be enslaved by the bad guys. They can’t afford to be clumsy. Then again, neither can the thieves. But that’s just beside the point. And yes, I’m trying to prove a point here. Just smile and nod.
Bear with me then, you’d be interested to hear what comes after my jabber. Ooh, already interested, aren’t you? *Grins mischievously* Advertisement break cuts in—
“Stay tuned for more of the adventures of Robin Hood and the Bald Chasing Trolls right after the break—”
Ahaha! Getting teary eyed here. Sorry, sorry! I’ll promise to avoid getting side tracked from this time forth. Really I love you readers… not in a creepy way, you know just the friendly sort of love which shows that I care and… Alright, back to the story. So where were we? Oh yes, the part that the trolls catch up and “accidentally” step on and squish our beloved thief. Nah! I’m only joking. You wouldn’t want to see his guts, the rating is children friendly.
We can’t afford to lose our lead character so early in the story, can we? He can die like sometime in the middle or more towards the end of the tale in a very tragic Shakespearean way, right? *Ten seconds later* Erm, or maybe not.
Oh almost forgot. His identity still remains a mystery. Don’t compel your brain, it’s no use. I promise that regardless of your IQ point (although you’ve probably already lost a few by now) you won’t be able to guess this one.
He’s neither a Pirate of the Caribbean who has sought a lost buried treasure and now is fleeing from his crew to go sell his fortune and become a self made millionaire over a night, nor is he Frodo running off with Sauron’s magical One Ring to go trade it with Marvolo Gaunt's heirloom— although both scenarios would make quite an intriguing plot. *Strokes chin*
But who cares, move aside, I’ve got a much more interesting story to tell. Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to our champion, the one and only brave savior who saved a dear life on this very special occasion. Give it up for—
Whoops! Pause it for a sec. There he fell again. How I’m disappointed.
“Get up you good for nothing fool. I don’t want to let down my audience here!” [Spoken in a sharp undertone] Just pretend you didn’t hear that.
Pft, oh don’t worry that was quite intentional, it’s a build up to a dramatic climax. Ha ha… ha. *Coughs* Oh Common! He should at least break a leg, split a backbone, or lose a toe to make things exciting. Hint hint!
Right thank you [giving my most threatening glare]. I’m all smiles.
He lunged and dived on to his knees to land in front of “he who’s terribly scary” (with no sharp claws or pointed teeth though). Lucky that he didn’t get there a few seconds late since “he who’s terribly scary” doesn’t have extra time on his hands to spare. It’s a case of desperation mixed with a sense of exasperation.
“My Lord,” He spoke in a tiny quavering voice as he bowed to present the treasured box.
Wait pause it again. I don’t know if it’s just me or the picture looks terribly wrong. Why is he down on one knee as if to propose? Can you guess the next line?
Um no.
*Clicks play* He reached out to seize the box. His long fingers appeared bony and pale as if his skin lay flat on his bones. Let me check… don’t worry I don’t see any claws. But I should say, he could use a little manicure. His nails look as if they’ve been soaked in mug for a good 48 hours. Mind you, they’re quite long too… nope, definitely not a claw. *Surveys the nails skeptically*
“I was beginning to have second thoughts on sending you, Wormtail,” he hissed threateningly. “If you were any slower, I’d swear on my father’s grave (he dramatically turned on his heels and pointed towards the grave stone) you’d go backwards.” He gazed unblinkingly into the plump face of his toothy servant.
No one dared to break the silence. A crowd of masked men in dark cloaks were gathered in a circle. All eyes were on the two men standing face to face in the centre of the assembly. Pettigrew took a step back, not daring to look his master in the eyes.
“Nevertheless, you’ve been of great use tonight. There’s no doubt about that.” Were his ears deceiving him or was that unusually kind tone coming from Voldemort?
Voldemort smiled to reveal a set of yellowed teeth. Pettigrew wished he didn’t. His lips were pulled over his teeth in a thin line as if he’d forgotten how to smile properly. He looked incredibly odd and his kindness seemed rather sickening if not mental.
A piercing silence followed. Not a pin drop could be heard. It seemed as if everyone was holding their breath, until…
*Stomach Growl* Voldemort’s eyes widened to the point that it looked as if they would pop out of their sockets.
“Well? What are you all waiting for? Go on, suit yourselves. Chat while you have the chance. I’m in a very good mood tonight,” Voldemort spoke out to the crowd at large. No one budged.
“I said, quit staring! Start chatter before I make you do so!” He spoke louder this time. And so everyone pretended to busy themselves with a conversation, all trying very hard to suddenly look interested in what the person next to them had to say. It was awkward. Death Eaters just don't do friendly. It's not in their game.
“Where ever did you manage to find it?” Voldemort spoke in a hushed voice as he turned his attention back to Pettigrew.
“My Lord, I should say, it required a great deal of courage. If I didn’t have the nerves to go through that journey… Oh the anguish I endured. I sacrificed my blood and sweat on the way of acquiring—”
“Yeah shut up,” Voldemort interrupted in an uninterested tone, clearly not having paid any attention to Pettigrew’s little speech. He was beginning to shake the box uncontrollably to reveal its contents. That’s desperation to the point of insanity.
“Um yeah I acciod it out of the window of a muggle house right down Little Hangleton,” Pettigrew admitted sheepishly. At the word muggle Voldemort froze, but quickly went back to fumbling the box nevertheless.
With a flick of his wand, Pettigrew opened the box after watching Voldemort’s fruitless efforts drag on for another minute or so. Bad idea. Voldemort iced up. His eyes shifted to lock on Pettigrew’s with the most hostile glower. Pettigrew decided to play dumb and aimlessly stared into space as if he wasn’t the one who’d opened it.
Wait for it… but Voldemort decided against rebuking now that his most desired prize was within his reach. Anything else could wait for later.
He looked back down and made a face of adoration. Pettigrew felt sick down to his stomach. Really why did he have to do that? Something might have gone wrong with his rebirth potion. Yes, that should be it. Though he was sure he’s followed all the instructions correctly. He made a mental note of rechecking the old manual later.
At last, he reached out and gently picked up his prize with his thumb and index finger. How he loved its squishy and elastic texture. Yeah, as you may have guessed already it wasn’t a ring.
He brought it up to study the goody richness of its essence better in the light.
“Gummy bear!” He marveled and then gobbled it down noisily like a wild hungry animal.
Finally! Pettigrew exhaled in relief. Voldemort had been craving over this… what’s it called… “gummy bear” since the second he was reborn. His unstoppable request for it had become rather irritating. Pettigrew watched Voldemort devour the jelly to the last bit. This just proved that his twelve years living as a pet rat in the hope for one day finding the most evil and powerful wizard of all time had went down the drain.
Voldemort burped.
It had proven to be a long night. First their encounter with the Potter boy, next the rebirth ceremony, then the scar head’s unplanned escape and now him being sent on a quest for the said gummy bear.
If Potter ever knew about Voldemort’s little secret on living off of gummy bears then that would count as the end of both Voldemort and his herd of Death Eaters.
“Alright everyone, I know we didn’t get to finish off Potter tonight… but don’t worry we will, when the time comes,” Voldemort announced to the crowd and silence broke out once more. It sounded more like he was trying to convince himself with his words than anyone else. He smiled of satisfaction. It was a painful gesture.
“Think about it, how many other Dark Lords do you have and how many more occasions are there that a Dark Lord is reborn?” He made a point there but boy was he terrible at giving charismatic speeches.
Everyone exchanged doubtful glances, some looking more nervous than others as if expecting this to be one of Voldemort’s nasty jokes before his temper would erupt once again. This is the part that they should run for their lives, except—
“So what if we didn't get to finish Potter tonight. There's loads of time left for that." Yeah, good luck with that.
"So I say, this should be a cause for a celebration! Let’s party!” He voiced his decision a bit too enthusiastically. No one spoke.
Silence continued.
By this point it turned just plain awkward.
“I said, let’s get the party started!” Now they’d be stupid to not catch the demand in his tone. It was an order and an exciting one at that!
To be continued…
-Ava. G-
Last edited by crookshanks_kitty; 08-10-2011 at 05:55 PM.
Oh my gosh! This was hilarious! I read the beginning out of boredom and then I found myself reading the whole thing in one go. Usually I can't keep focused on reading fanfictions but this was a fun change. I loved it! I can't wait to read the rest.
carrot lover (not) // torturously friendly // secret spy // HP nerd // <3 sparkles // who am I?
Gummy Bears!!! Who would have thought?
Oh my gosh! This was hilarious! I read the beginning out of boredom and then I found myself reading the whole thing in one go. Usually I can't keep focused on reading fanfictions but this was a fun change. I loved it! I can't wait to read the rest.
I'm glad you liked it. I shall post the rest soon.
I'm not gonna lie, I was a bit confused at the beginning, but as I kept reading it got better.
I was HOPING it would be pettigrew early on. And then the "My Lord" convinced me
i am SO excited it was gummy bears!
It's you! Haha welcome! Yeah I wasn't expecting anyone to get what's going on in the beginning. So don't worry.
I see that everyone liked gummy bears, so maybe Wormtail should go fetch you guys some too. including me
does ole' Voldy even know what a "party" is?? teeheee...hilarious! I thoroughly enjoyed it!! I kept picturing the guy who played voldy in AVPM, not the real one! XD can't wait for the next part!
carrot lover (not) // torturously friendly // secret spy // HP nerd // <3 sparkles // who am I?
Alright everyone, here's the rest of this story. I hope you enjoy reading since I most certainly enjoyed writing it. I'll promise to reply to your previous comments ASAP!
A Death Eater Party No Way Out If You Dared! (Part 2)
His threw fretful glances in every direction and eyed each individual as if to catch them watching the two exchanging some “secret stuff.” How daring!
“Give me three,” he hissed by Pettigrew’s ear.
“I already gave you one not even minutes ago,” Pettigrew remarked as he pulled back the box from Voldemort’s strong clutch.
“Yeah but I’m saving it for later,” Voldemort tried to make up an excuse, tightening his grip on the box. Desperation was clearly etched on his face.
“But I’m perfectly capable of doing that… for you,” He replied a little harshly. He regretted taking that tone right after and wished that Voldemort would hear the implied kindness behind his word.
“Make that two!” Well apparently he did. Interesting how hunger and need for survival can turn people around.
“Only one, I insist!”
“I said two!” Voldemort spitted through gritted teeth, pulling harder onto the box.
“My Lord, by this rate we’ll run out of supply in no time,” he tried to reason but apparently Voldemort could see anything but common sense. He went cross eyed for keeping his gaze focused on the box for so long.
“Please! Only one!” What was that? Was the Dark Lord taking the pleading tone with Pettigrew now? How satisfying! The corner of his lip pulled up in a grin.
“One!” he fought back the box.
“Three!” Voldemort did not let go.
“Only one!”
Voldemort’s anger took over. He pulled the box out of Pettigrew’s grip and banged it on his servant’s nearly bald head. Pettigrew recoiled at once without further dispute like a coward that he was.
“As you wish my Lord,” he said shakily, still trying to find his balance after the harsh blow.
Voldemort wrinkled his nose in disgust. He turned around to see if anyone was watching and to his surprise almost every person in sight had stopped what they were doing and were gaping at the two of them, staggered.
“What is it?” He demanded, irritated. No response. “Alright go back to doing what you were doing before. Set up the party. Nothing’s going on here…” his voice faded as he quickly tried to come up with a convincing backup story that’d help him speak to his own defense.
“Just a little complication…” He left it at that and everyone went back to unwillingly assembling the preparations for the party, still burning with the curiosity to find out what may have gone wrong which caused Voldemort to lose his temper so unexpectedly.
He turned his attention back to what he’d been doing (before he was so rudely interrupted from concentrating on his meal) and took out three gummy bears from the depth of the box. After fighting the urge to take more, he quickly closed the lid and thrust it into Pettigrew’s lap.
“Hide it away from me!” He urged Pettigrew as he put one gummy bear in his mouth and saved the other two for later in his cloak’s inner pocket… and yes he does have pockets, perhaps only for the purpose of coming handy at such sensitive times as this.
His eyes darted around the place as he chewed on his snack. If one didn’t know better, it looked as if they were secretly dealing some illegal substance. Well in their case, handling muggle-made snacks were no less than a taboo, especially by the man itself; Voldemort!
Now that Voldemort’s energy was recharged, a smile of satisfactory lit up on his face. His eye lids opened up and he felt a sudden wave of energy run through his veins.
“Hit it DJ!” Voldemort was hyper.
Floating disco lights and a round glimmering disco ball was hovered right over their heads in the dingy graveyard. It lit up the place and made the atmosphere less gloomy. The song played on the Wizarding Wireless was extremely catchy and several death eaters began bobbing their heads while others dared to pump their fists. Still the rest weren’t sure of how to behave in a “Death Eater Party!”
Voldemort was the life of the party. He hoisted up his cloak and broke into a break dance in the centre of the dance floor. Actually, he was good too!
Others began to gain confidence and joined him in the dancing. Bellatrix skipped around the place like a psycho while spinning the disco ball with her wand. Lucius took out his cane and did his own little version of Charlie Chaplin’s cane dance.
Out of the blue, a bat-like figured apparated right into the dance floor. No one paid him any attention though, the party continued… everyone except Voldemort that is.
“Severus!” Voldemort enthused, now doing the moon walk. Several Death Eaters cheered. Bellatrix the most…
“Erm, wrong Voldemort!” Snape decided and made to dissaparate once again until Voldemort held on to him by the wrist, preventing him from leaving.
Snape looked around flabbergasted, everyone he knew to be Voldemort’s most loyal Death Eaters were now acting sooo… how to put it… un-death-eaterely. There, he just invented a new word. But it didn’t really seem to do what he’d been witnessing justice… it was more like stupidity. They must be under the Imperius curse! Yes, that’s it!
Snape pulled out his wand and pointed it to every direction, circling the spot. He would occasionally stop and hold it longer on certain individuals more than the others, earning himself some infuriated glares.
“Don’t worry, I gave out the order,” Voldemort assured him cheerfully as if that should be a reason not to worry. Snape looked hesitant but appeared to buy the claim nevertheless… still looking very uneasy with how things were going.
His eyes twitched nervously, trying to compose himself from losing his sanity. He tried to go over the reasons behind what may have caused this jubilant outburst.
Chances are, either they’re too happy about Voldemort’s return (and so is Voldemort himself) that they decided to celebrate, they drank too much firewhisky (he spotted the glasses of red wine going around) either out of grief for losing to Potter or again from happiness of having Voldemort back, or his last assumption which went back to what he thought before, it may just be the cause of Imperius curse that someone decided would be terribly funny to set on the lot. Foolish Potter he concluded.
His eyes caught Voldemort doing the limbo dance with Lucius’ cane. A line formed behind him as others fought for their turn to do the limbo. Preposterous!
“Common Snapeypoo, party with us!” Voldemort drawled from the effect of firewhisky. It was hard to tell; maybe gummy bear overdose did this to him.
No matter, an order is an order even when he was in the least bit willing to obey. He was never good at dancing so he decided to show his supposed enthusiasm in another way… yes he was definitely out of his mind. But what’s another choice? So he sang instead!
“I like to move it, move it. You like to move it, move it…” He sand along with the lyrics in a very deep and sultry Snape voice that he could manage. His face showed no sign of emotion.
He was beside himself when he began to actually enjoy the music and soon his legs made an involuntary move. He felt all ticklish and edgy. A sudden urge to tap into his cool nature overpowered him. His legs began to shake. He was going to lose it…
Then his feet jiggled in a very rapid and professional tap dance. He knew all along that he had it in him but apparently no else did as they stopped their own dance and watched him perform his in awe.
They all moved back to give him room as his dance intensified and his steps got bigger and better. All this long everyone had overlooked his many talents—even as a child— and they had killed it within him. Now it’s time to show them that he’s got the… um moves!
The music changed to a flamenco song and so he changed his moves and swayed his cloak forward and back to match the tune. He took long and slow strides and looked everyone intently from below the lashes. It was indeed a very passionate dance and he put as much effort into it. He was sweating from the heat.
Then the music ended and everyone broke into a deafening applause, everyone that is, except Voldemort… again. It wasn’t hard to catch the envy behind his glare.
Snape stepped forward to where Voldemort was standing and looked him in the eyes. “So you think you can dance?” He said with attitude as he snapped his fingers at Voldemort’s face. On a normal day, Voldemort would deal with such an offence much more severely but given the circumstances things have changed.
He stepped back onto the dance floor and allowed Snape to join in the crowd. Now he was in the center of attention. And it was time to earn back his standing as the heart of the party.
Once again, the tune on the wireless changed to a new song. Ooh a tough one. It sounded very eastern. You could almost hear the caravan approaching from a long and hot journey in the tune. The beat picked up and Voldemort danced to it in an Arabic style!
With the tip of his wand, he switched his outfit to a dazzling one that had many glittering laces, nettings, and colorful spangles which resembled fish-scales. It was impressive but it looked nauseatingly awful on Voldemort. It showed excessive skin and his stomach was revealed to expose his bellybutton. Veins could be observed beneath his pale and translucent-like skin.
He began belly dancing in a slow and exaggerated motion. His body was very flexible and it curved in a wave like a slithering snake. He put Nagini to shame. How he’d be embarrassed to see this.
“Habibi…” he mimicked the lyrics. Snape had been cringing the whole time. Well at least he was no longer under the piercing glares of his fellow Death Eaters. He now began to worry about how to make them forget all this later.
The song ended off tune and Voldemort finished his dance with a bow. But after realizing that he shouldn’t be the one to bow, he quickly got up and walked towards Snape, not even bothering to change back to his cloaked outfit. Everyone cheered and some men wolf whistled.
“Take that!” He sputtered in Snape’s face with an insulting attitude.
Weird! They were still standing face to face.
“Why are you here anyway? I thought you weren’t supposed to show up here tonight!” Voldemort picked on Snape like a child, trying to sound like an abusive bully.
The camera dramatically zooms on a locket-like golden necklace around Snape’s neck.
“Well I thought you weren’t supposed to know that!” Snape pointed out.
“Oh right yeah. Good point!” Voldemort gave in as he scratched his [bald] head. Then he looked back up at Snape as if to find another good accusation. He didn’t like to be defeated so easily. “But what’s that around your neck Snapepoo? Ooh it’s so shiny and girly. Who gave it to you?” Voldemort taunted him and everyone broke out into hysterical laughter in response. Then again, there was no need to laugh so hard, it must be the influence of firewhisky.
“What you think I stole your horcrux locket and I’m planning on destroying it? Scared aren’t you?” Snape spoke back with just as much venom dripping from his stinging tongue.
Voldemort was taken aback but nevertheless responded, “But you aren’t supposed to know that either!”
“Oh yeah. Right!” Snape responded realizably, all anger draining from his face. “But it’s okay! We aren’t here to fight! Let’s all just be friends and watch a movie!”
A keen expression lit on everyone’s faces by the mention of movie. Voldemort looked bored. But seeing that almost everyone was in with the idea he decided to follow the crowd instead of playing the party pooper outcast.
So they all sat down in front of a TV screen which Pettigrew somehow managed to accio out of a window of another house down Little Hangelton. Those poor muggles… If they ever knew where their possessions had been taken to and to what use it was being served. The five year old girl who owned all the gummy bears must be crying her eyes out now.
Snape randomly took a DVD set from beneath his cloak. Yes he happened to be carrying along a DVD just so if there ever came an occasion where he’d have to watch it with others like now. What a happy coincidence.
“What’s that you’re holding Severus?” Lucius looked down on his nose.
“It’s a vampire romance movie. You have no idea, it’s so good!” Snape replied excitedly.
“And why do you carry it around with you in your robe pocket?” Lucius questioned Snape in a heavy British accent.
“I… I didn’t! I mean someone gave it to me…” He stuttered nervously and quickly changed the subject before anyone else would notice their little banter.
Soon they were all seated in front of the TV set and were booing and cheering as the movie rolled. Bellatrix seemed to have grown a slight liking for the lead female character since she happened to share the same name as her.
“Wait, is it just me or does anyone else thinks that dude in the movie and this guy (he pointed towards Cedric’s dead body lying on the ground a few meters away from him) look incredibly alike?” Voldemort raised the question. No one else seemed to have spotted any resemblance between the two young men but Bellatrix agreed with him full heartedly… like she always does even if she doesn’t believe it herself.
“Yes yes see! I can prove it!” She said jumpily as she darted towards where Cedric lay unmoving and conjured a lipstick out of thin air. She applied the ruby red lipstick on his pale lips and raised his head so that others would be able to get a better look at him.
“Well?” She asked after receiving no reaction from the group.
She nodded his head as if to prove that he looks the same even when he's in action— if you laughed at this then that’s fine but if you laughed too hard then you have a really weird sense of humour. They paused the video on the vampire’s incredibly handsome face and now others began to stroke their chin and scratch their heads skeptically. Still no one spoke any words of agreement.
Then realization sank in. Voldemort’s face turned from red to purple and from purple to blue. He stood up and raised his wand to point it towards the already dead Cedric (poor guy).
“But only I can live forever!” He bellowed furiously.
“My Lord, I can assure you. It’s only a movie. He’s most certainly not an immortal,” Snape interrupted in the most confident voice that he could muster.
“How can you be sure?” Voldemort asked dubiously but his voice sounding a bit more relieved nonetheless.
“I had him as my student for seven years, I would know if he’s was vampire or not.” He said simply.
“But look, his skin is ice cold!” Bellatrix noted.
“But that’s just because he’s dead Bella. And please don’t play with a dead person, it’s not nice.” He added bitterly. Bellatrix only gaped up at him in confusion as if he had spoken Troll language.
“And by the way, why are you here anyway?” Snape picked on Bellatrix now that he had the chance. Why not mention her when he was queried the same question by Voldemort before. It only seemed fair.
She grinned impishly. She had bad teeth. “So you thought you were the only person who’s got one, do you?” She took out her own time turner which was tucked into her robe and waved it in Snape’s face.
“Of course, who’d want to miss all this fun?” Voldemort applauded his most favorite supporters cheerfully. Ah what a memorable night. He smiled dreamily.
But wait! What was Cedric doing here? His eyes fell on the spare. “I knew he’s not dead!” He yelled angrily as he raised his wand once more. Talk about mood swings.
Before he could do anything more foolish Snape paced over to sit next to Bellatrix and scrutinized the boy. Yep. Apparently he wore a time turner as well. They all exchanged some nervous glances. Even Snape was starting to doubt Cedric’s humanness.
“What do you think my Lord?” Bellatrix piped.
“Gummy bear!” Voldemort said distantly.
“Pardon me?”
“Let’s watch the movie,” Voldemort decided and so everyone went back to watching it without further mention of Cedric.
“Wait, so is he going to bite her?” Bellatrix asked excitedly as she carried on manicuring Voldemort’s nails. It went with his blinding colorful outfit.
For once Voldemort looked interested in the film and went on his feet to see the outcome. The two lovers were dancing and now the boy was about to bite the girl’s neck. He didn’t… he kissed her instead.
Out of furry and disappointment Voldemort cursed at the TV screen. “Avada Kadavra!” The TV set exploded with a loud boom. Thick smoke rose from it.
The party was officially over. And quite literally it finished off with a bang. Snape walked over to Voldemort as everyone was still recovering from the shock.
“My Lord, shall we dance… I mean act now? Snape asked hesitantly.
“Yes. Now should be a good time. On the count of three… one, two, three—” Then together they aimed their wands towards every member of the group and chanted, “obliviate,” under their breath. And this was it for the most epic Death Eater party ever!
The cow jumped over the moon. I just had to say that.
does ole' Voldy even know what a "party" is?? teeheee...hilarious! I thoroughly enjoyed it!! I kept picturing the guy who played voldy in AVPM, not the real one! XD can't wait for the next part!
First of all thanks for the comment and also now that you mention it, I can totally picture the guy playing Voldy in AVPM in my head saying these lines. Good one.
Like everyone else here I cracked up at the Gummy Bear part.
But everything else on one side and this part is something else:
"Voldemort burped" :rofl:
I'm excited to see how the party goes.
You picked a good quote there! Yes that alone sums up Voldemort in this story.
This was HILARIOUS, I couldn't stop smiling and once you mentioned him craving a gummy bear I laughed aloud. I can't wait for the second half
Awe thanks! I'm happy you liked it. I hope you'll enjoy the rest.
Last edited by crookshanks_kitty; 08-31-2011 at 04:31 AM.
Ha! I LOL'ed at the "Wait, is it just me or does anyone else thinks that dude in the movie and this guy (he pointed towards Cedric’s dead body lying on the ground a few meters away from him) look incredibly alike?"
Shun the non believer! SHUUUUUUUUN
poor things...they had to watch twilight...blegh! and great awesome FUNNY HILARIOUS! are all words to describe the second half! ah! i LOVE IT. great job!!
hahahahaha !!!!! omg my brother and I always thought it would have been funny if the entire hp cast had broken out in a random dance number when the credits of the last movie rolled, kind of like they do in some other movies, and snape/voldie dancing almost fulfilled this! i wish i could actually see those two dancing...and I actually gasped out loud when twilight was mentioned. hahaha (not such a fan honestly). but it was so funny how into it they (bellatrix) were. this is great!
That was sooo funny! Voldemort dancing..belly dancing!? Moon walking!? HAHAHAH.
Snapypoo? Legend!
That's for getting me to read this, was soo fun to read! XD
Eviee <33
♥♥♥♥♥__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________♥ ___________________Look Who's Back.
carrot lover (not) // torturously friendly // secret spy // HP nerd // <3 sparkles // who am I?
Ha! I LOL'ed at the "Wait, is it just me or does anyone else thinks that dude in the movie and this guy (he pointed towards Cedric’s dead body lying on the ground a few meters away from him) look incredibly alike?"
I'm glad I made you laugh. I'm afraid that was the end of this ff so I wouldn't be posting any more chapters.
OMG!!!!! I loved the second half even more than the first. You made me laugh throughout reading this.
This part was hilarious: Only I can live forever! It reminds me of Voldemort in DH.
SNAPE DANCING!!! OMG Voldemort's belly dance and costume! PRICELESS
Poor Cedric. It was so funny how you made them watch TWILIGHT!!!
Awesome ending. <3 I loved reading this. You're a natural at comedy. Great job!
Alyson XX
Again, It's truly satisfying to know that I could bring smiles to people's faces.
poor things...they had to watch twilight...blegh! and great awesome FUNNY HILARIOUS! are all words to describe the second half! ah! i LOVE IT. great job!!
Well thank you! I really hope this ff deserved all these super cool words. :heart2:
hahahahaha !!!!! omg my brother and I always thought it would have been funny if the entire hp cast had broken out in a random dance number when the credits of the last movie rolled, kind of like they do in some other movies, and snape/voldie dancing almost fulfilled this! i wish i could actually see those two dancing...and I actually gasped out loud when twilight was mentioned. hahaha (not such a fan honestly). but it was so funny how into it they (bellatrix) were. this is great!
I know what you mean, I always had some crazy ideas in my mind too, especially during the really serious scenes when they're making some deathly decisions. Haha I'm glad you liked it.
That was sooo funny! Voldemort dancing..belly dancing!? Moon walking!? HAHAHAH.
Snapypoo? Legend!
That's for getting me to read this, was soo fun to read! XD
Eviee <33
*tackles you* Reading these wonderful comments assures me that I've done something right. It's wonderful hearing about your feedback. Thanks for reading this.
I think I died. I LOVED the second part. Will there be a sequel to this? I can't get enough of it. Wonderful job!
Oh please don't die! I mean no harm! Wow thanks again for all the great comments. A sequel? Well that's an idea, but I have't really considered it thus now. I don't know... maybe? We'll see.
Once again, thanks everyone who have read and commented on this fairly short and crazy story.
Last edited by crookshanks_kitty; 08-18-2011 at 03:27 AM.