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Harry Potter: 48 Hours: A Human Nature Side Story - Sa13+
Candy Display Case (Finished Fanfiction)A dazzling showcase of fully wrapped-up stories, these sweet treats are polished and ready for your reading pleasure!
SS Featured Artist DA Poet Rupert is My Man! SS100 Triumphant
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: The Wicked House
Posts: 18,909
Hogwarts RPG Name: Ottery St. Catchpole
Third Year
Chapter: I can’t smile without you …
Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert
You know I can't smile without you
I can't smile without you
I can't laugh, and I can't sleep
I don't even talk to people I meet
And I feel sad when you're sad
I feel glad when you're glad
And you must know what I'm goin' thru
I just can't smile, without you ~Karen Carpenter, Can't smile without you ...
Chapter: I can’t smile without you …
Time passes by like the waves of the ocean, lapping the shores slowly away thus time takes the minutes of our life, slowly ticking away the instances like grains of sand from a beach.
A recollection …
The boy must have been about ten, a young dark haired little boy running down the street of his neighborhood, safe in the knowledge that that was where he was now and that was where he’d be forever, running down the streets of his neighborhood laughing and playing, the days melting into one another, life an endless glorious summer. The days with sparkling bright skies of azure, the brightly glowing orb of the sun nestled always in the left center of the sky towards evening but never reaching sunset and night closing down all the days adventures.
“You’re crazy, Ottery,” the brown haired boy remarked, “If you don’t get enough lift you’re not going to make it out of orbit.”
“Obviously Teddy but …” the boy ran to the middle of the field. Building a rocket to the stars was an easy feat with borrowed aluminum sheets and some of the neighbors magic. All inspired by Jules Verne.
“So then the answer is more explosives. How else are we going to achieve extraterrestrial speeds?”
It was difficult to argue with logic of that nature, at least to Ottery’s way of thinking. Still, something held the boy back as he remembered how many crazy ideas had seemed sane before when Teddy had suggested them.
“Do you really think we can blow ourselves up all the way to the moon, Teddy?” the dark haired boy asked, as he was standing next to his companion moving his goggles onto his head.
Teddy was grinning wickedly, “Hey, we’re blowing something up, isn’t that all that really matters?”
Ottery paused for a second and thought on that, “Uhm, no.”
Teddy smacked the boy upside the head with a cane he’d borrow from his grandmother who at the moment was using an umbrella and plotting her revenge against Teddy.
Ottery pushed the brown haired boy back and started running, “You just want to blow something up don’t you? Why don’t you blow up your uncle’s shed again, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind losing all his precious clockworks.”
“Are you kidding?” Teddy replied, haven’t you seen that brass robot he’s got guarding the entrance, now? I can’t get within five feet of the place. Now gimme that cane back before I fill your mattress with firecrackers.”
Ottery ran laughing, happy to be Teddy’s friend.
As the cold night winds brushed over them Ottery awoke and found himself lying covered under Teddy’s cloak. He turned around to look at Tiffany who had bags under her eyes and she shook her head and mouthed, “Wasn’t me.” In front of them Diego was too busy steering the dragon to watch out for Teddy and Otty. The dark haired boy turned and kissed his friend on the forehead, lightly. A pang of heartbreak struck his heart, and he realized how much he would miss his dearest friend. Still, he smiled. As long as Teddy was around blowing stuff up, there was something right with the world.
Miss Evi3e <3
You like Purple Evi3e, then purple it shall be
I'm glad you're still reading my fic, and yeah, the time lapses were bad, and come November they'll be back because I'll be doing Nanowrimo. If you all don't know what that is, I would suggest you find out, it's fun, even if it is grueling. When I succeed I'm going to get myself a shirt, but not until then.
And Zombie love does sound cool, no? Consider it copywrited here on SS, Zombie♥Love: A 48 Hours Later Escapade will be my next fic after this, continuing where the other longer story left off. Keep an eye out for it Evi3e, but first of course I've got to finish this fic.
I'm trying to trick your e-mail Conners, hence the notice of Evi3e's comment and not mine I have that power ... I wish
Curiously enough, I've never gotten an SS e-mail about ... well anything, except to be warned that I'm in trouble for saying something inappropriate but since I've relegated myself to completely pc topics and my fics which no one reads ... I get no e-mails. And between you, me and the wall, I'd just as soon never get another one I always end up in trouble.
Angel is cool, but he's in over his head ...
I've been watching Rome, an imminently quotable HBO show, and that's were I got Plebeian from, I knew the word but the way the Senators use it to talk about the common people is ... well it's sad, really. Just goes to show you, Rome wasn't as democratic as we thought, it was a Republic and it got me to thinking about Robert Heinlein's Starship Troopers and the whole, only citizens can vote and the only citizens are those who were enlisted and served in the army for X number of years and I realized how flawed the universe is when ... neways, I digress and skewering old white men will only get me into trouble. I still love Heinlein though, he's made of awesome if he was sexist, slightly racist and a product of his time.
As for Nicholas, Harry and Neville they probably won't come in until later because as you know this is still taking place in the first 24 hours. So, other than talking they're not doing much, and Ron is sleeping ... perhaps I can do something with that. Isn't Hermione still in her coma? OMG! I need to reread all my stuffs LOL
Obi-Wan K'Lari
I'm all for telling authority to take a dip in the deep end of the lake and naked with the giant squid Lari, but don't get in trouble on my account. *glomps* Still, you totally rocks for reading my story ... See? With readers like y'all is it any wonder I never abandon my stuffs? ♥
Hello ~Otty. Ah, so masterfully written. Everybit of it. There will be no highlighting from this post because it was all my favorite. I sooooooo loved the recollection, and look forward to reading more of them as poor Ottery I can't even say it. Moving on, Tiffany needs to get some sleep too. Or is she having flashbacks also. At anyrate I love the scene of the dragon flying off carrying his passengers to their destination or drop off point. Very peaceful and so very sweet.
Angel is cool, but he's in over his head ...
I did get that impression.
I've been watching Rome, an imminently quotable HBO show, and that's were I got Plebeian from, I knew the word but the way the Senators use it to talk about the common people is ... well it's sad, really. Just goes to show you, Rome wasn't as democratic as we thought, it was a Republic and it got me to thinking about Robert Heinlein's Starship Troopers and the whole, only citizens can vote and the only citizens are those who were enlisted and served in the army for X number of years and I realized how flawed the universe is
Talk of minds running together. I thought immediately of, Ben Hur, for the same reason! If you have read about him from early childhood it shows exactly the same as you was talking about. Very sad indeed the grotesque image of the inner man we're given by the high officials and their lust for power over the lower beings. If only they could see the picture they paint of themselves. There's no killing the artist, because they paint the picture themselves. Great post ~Otty. I'm sorry if I rambled, it's too late for me. Must get to bed. Night.
Best tackle that ey? Well then.... I like how i wrote a really long message and your reply was small *eyes* LOL!
Oooh Purple! Thanks
Your most welcome, and yeah agreeed. Hmm i've never heard of that bu be sure i will look it up sometime *nods* Yeah! LOL! And the shirt sounds nice
Haha, consider it being a bit my idea LOL! But yeah i would read it going 'I helped come up with the title' Haha. I will most certainly keep an eye out for it, LOL! And it'll be sad to see this FF go
*Jumps to actual chapter*
Well then...It was good Awww such love Hahaa. *giggles*
Well written and all
But i must warn you. NO KILLING OFF OTTY! *glares*
Eviee <33
♥♥♥♥♥__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________♥ ___________________Look Who's Back.
SS Featured Artist DA Poet Rupert is My Man! SS100 Triumphant
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: The Wicked House
Posts: 18,909
Hogwarts RPG Name: Ottery St. Catchpole
Third Year
Don't look at me like that, I never said I'd only kill Ottery ... *evilgrin*
Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert
Connie: Thank you for all your compliments Connie love, you're too sweet. You've got me blushing, I wish I were so good. But yes, I'm watching HBO's Rome right now so I've got The Republic on the brain, dang good show if you're old enough to rent it, check it out.
It surprises me how much the Roman Senate of the tv show is like modern politics. Pity really, it's all class struggle, I should throw that into my story but everyone is rich in my story so it makes it rather difficult, but then again I could use those ambiguities ... we shall see.
Neways, no Romans in this post but werewolves, hope you like neways
Droo: I'm glad you're liking it boss, I'm hoping to keep everyone's interest long enough to segue into Zombie♥love And I hope you like this song ... it's by Wham! I ♥ George
Obi-Wan K'Lari: Hey Lari, or should I say fellow Nanoer I don't know how this fic is going to fare when Nano starts ... it's so close and I don't have a plot ... then again this story doesn't have a plot either so makes for fun times, no? I think so
Eviee <33:My reply was not small perhaps in size but not depth of eloquence and grandness of sentiment and words ... *takes the pulpit*
Friends, Romans, countrymen ... lend me your ears, or fifty quid if you got them I'm dying to buy Katie Perry's last CD and a few other songs on iTunes, ney?
But I digress ... eloquently I might add, purple is a regal color Eviee I'll have you know, and the upper classes being as they always are separating themselves from us uhm, plebes, at one point in the era of Shakespeare to my knowledge decreed that only they could wear certain colors or materials, such as silk, though I find it highly doubtful many peasants could afford silk then ... or now for that matter.
So purple it is. And democracy ... w00t for liberty and equality! *fires the cannons* The cannons were getting dusty ...
You all need to youtube this wham song seriously ... I ♥ it.
Nanowrimo is this crazy thing people of questionable sanity such as myself undertake to write 50k words in a month. You don't really get a prize or anything it's just for bragging rights and obviously come next year there's an editing month and then you've got yourself a manuscript you can send to publishers and whatnot ... so ... this is my 3rd year going ... you should try it if you love writing. I just assume that everyone loves it like me and can't live without writing tons of sentences about their thoughts, or stories or philosophies etc. Ergo my utter hate of Facebook and Twitter which just make you write really teeeny tiny posts ... but I digress again.
Yes, Zombie♥Love will be love, copyright me and all rights reserved etc. Whatever ... Ottery's zombie corpse comes back to avenge himself against the forces of Voldemort ... what are they doing? Hmm ... you should all worry I'll write it into the fic soon ...
Thank you for all the sweet words Evviee and I hope this reply was more ... satisfactory or at least longer than my last one ... You know I do this at ungodly hours of the night or morning right when sane people sleep right? LOL Hence my lack of coherence sometimes and teh typos ... *leaves that one in to prove a point*
So ...
Chapter: If you were there you’d know …
you're the one that makes my day a dream come true
yet and still you wander if i think of you
you ought to see how the other girls behave when you're not round
and only then you would know that it's on your finger i'm wound:
if you were there you'd know ~Wham, If you were there
“This was supposed to be a simple ‘snatch and grab’ job but noooooo, sneaking up on werewolves is difficult under the best of circumstances but when my boyfriend wakes up, decides he’s hungry and has a Philly cheese steak right before a job, well … and what the devil is a Philly cheese steak any ways?”
That was what Madison was planning on writing in her journal when she got home, she was also plotting ways to get back at Freddy for being such an oaf. Most of them involved her withholding her affections and torturing his blasted soul and weak body in a million infernal ways both physical and mostly mental.
“Seriously, you had to eat steak before we came to the monastery?” Madison yelled as she backhanded one werewolf and blasted another with her wand sending the poor creature slamming into a statue of Mars.
“I’m sorry, baby, I was hungry,” Freddy replied pathetically, himself in the guise of a werewolf. He slashed at another creature’s chest and blasted another with his wand.
“With tons of onions obviously,” Madison answered back. She kicked a werewolf in the groin with her high heels and roundhouse kicked another as he tried to sneak up behind her.
“This does not go well for our side it seems,” a young boy said calmly taking a bite from his apple. The tall pale man next to him did not move. “There’s really only one reason they could be here, and that’s for the antidote. I mean, what the heck else do we have in this monastery? On top of a mountain that takes days to climb away from the world and any comforts and civilization.” There was the slightest note of indignation and annoyance in the young boy’s voice. “Which means someone we sent a kill order on obviously doesn’t like the prospect of death.” Another bite, a crunching sound as teeth tore into firm apple, the boy wiped his chin of juice.
Freddy was not happy snapping and biting, tearing fur and flesh as he fought far away from the proximity of Madison’s dangerous hexes and curses. Her cold calculated precision allowed for every spell to produce the maximum amount of damage and it was always wise not to be around her when she was hexing three enemies at a time.
“So, do we run or what?” the boy asked.
The older man who was standing on the balcony of the castle that overlooked the monastery’s inner courtyard said nothing but he gave the boy a murderous look.
“Don’t be like that Titus, it isn’t my fault your men are inept.” Another bite of the apple.
“Why don’t you go down there and do something, insect? Instead of buzzing around here like a fly,” the older man exclaimed.
“You slobbered on me you … incompetent beast. Do you have any idea how much it costs to clean something like this? It’s silk and it’s white! Aargh!” Madison spread her arms and a blast of wind threw back everyone in her path. “Where’s this stupid flower?! Where?! So help me if you all make me look for it I’m going to tear this monastery apart stone by stone.”
Freddie smiled in spite of himself, he loved her spirit. Howling he didn’t notice the boy with the apple holding a silver knife. Freddie felt a sharp pang as it cut into his back like fire running rampant down his spine and he howled wildly his hands unable to clutch at the blade that was slowly killing him.
Wow that's some reply there! I LOVE! it, well here goes nothing...my reply. *clears through and straighten's top*
Okay so it was rude to tell you off for a short reply, im dearly sorry about that! But i agree it was full of interesting things to read.
*Lends ears* As for the £50 i wish! I kinda need it at the moment also! Hmm, i would by some decent music also But im listening
Ah well, i still prefer Purple. It's not my favourite colour but it's nice ey? But yeah i knew all that, i read a lot of history I still think it's kinda harsh though, damn those rich folk. Agree? Oh well.
*eyes dusty cannons* Fire those and i shall be mad! ;D Haha.
Ah right i get it. Well good luck! I would do it all but i really don't have the time much these day's. I mean i write for pleasure in my own time, weather it be like a paragraph a day and all. I find that if i rush my work it all just sounds rubbish. I try and get a time when all my ideas just flood my mind and all. As for Twitter and Facebook. Well i hate Twitter but Facebook's alright, i mean i like chatting with my friends on there. That's just my opinion tbhh.
Well then....i look forward to reading it all, saying i know what your on about before reading it And it'll be an interesting read i can assure you! But hm....should i be scared??
Your welcome hun! And nahh it was to short! Nahh i joke! It was a nice read and i enjoyed replying. I must say you are mentle, i mean you should be asleep other then on here my friend! Haha. *eyes error* Damn you error xD
*now looks over the story*
Oooh really good! I enjoyed reading it! *nods*
I like the development of the story so far and i really want to know what's going to happen and all. I mean the person was dieing! :O Jesus!
Eviee <33
♥♥♥♥♥__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________♥ ___________________Look Who's Back.
Hello ~Otty. What are you doing!?!?!??!!?!?!??!?!??!?!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Freddie felt a sharp pang as it cut into his back like fire running rampant down his spine and he howled wildly his hands unable to clutch at the blade that was slowly killing him.
I thought you was teasing when you said:
Don't look at me like that, I never said I'd only kill Ottery ... *evilgrin*
I don't know. I've been sitting here for most of an hour, and still I don't know what to say. I guess I should have commented as I went along. A new approach maybe. I'll go to the beginning and pretend I haven't read any yet.
You've got me blushing, I wish I were so good.
But you are!
It surprises me how much the Roman Senate of the tv show is like modern politics. Pity really, it's all class struggle,
I know it right?! It's like, 'Planet of the Apes' all over again.
but then again I could use those ambiguities
How often is anything ever what it seams? It will be mighty interesting if you can pull it off. But, I forget who I'm talking about here right? You can do it cause you're who you are.
and what the devil is a Philly cheese steak any ways?”
Only the best sandwhich ever if it's made right!
Loved the bit where Madison is slightly agitated Freddy ate before the mission. And a little more cross at what he ate.
“Which means someone we sent a kill order on obviously doesn’t like the prospect of death.”
It was these (people?) who poisoned Ottery? I hope Teddy finds out. Teddy will see that justice is served, and very loudly served.
Madison spread her arms and a blast of wind threw back everyone in her path. “Where’s this stupid flower?! Where?! So help me if you all make me look for it I’m going to tear this monastery apart stone by stone.”
Madison decided that to much time was being wasted, and got to the point. I like her style!
Freddie smiled in spite of himself, he loved her spirit. Howling he didn’t notice the boy with the apple holding a silver knife. Freddie felt a sharp pang as it cut into his back like fire running rampant down his spine and he howled wildly his hands unable to clutch at the blade that was slowly killing him.
Full circle. Once again, I'm at a loss for words. I love your characters ~Otty, and I know it's only a story, but.... well....you know.... you get used to them being around all the time to go on Ottery's quests and all, and I just love them, and.... I don't want Ottery OR Freddy to die. Is there anything Madison can do? I mean she saved him before, like when his heart was broken, can you make her save him, ~Otty? Please?
It's ok ~Otty. It's your ff, and I love your story. I'm sure it's all good. I'll save my tears, for if and when it really does happen cause this might just be a cliff hanger of all cliff hangers.
Great post ~Otty. I'll be watching for your next post.
SS Featured Artist DA Poet Rupert is My Man! SS100 Triumphant
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: The Wicked House
Posts: 18,909
Hogwarts RPG Name: Ottery St. Catchpole
Third Year
through the desert on a The post with no name and it felt good to get out of the rain
Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert
Sorry kids no time to play today, it's late and I love you all but Nanowrimo is just around the corner and I've got all these library books I need to finish before Nano starts because then it's all writing ... but Evi3e you weren't being rude I was being funny If I came off defensive I'm sorry ... Its late at night and sometimes I don't read what I write for context or tone ... I suck. *cries* Neways, uhm, hey this is your reply so don't say I didn't reply see its even in purple And thanks for the luck I'll need it.
Conners ... you always say the sweetest things, here's hoping. Neways, whatever I write for Nano, sometimes we dump excerpts in the Nano thread here on SS I'll let you all know so you can see how awful my writing really is when it's not edited for competence I mean. XP
Droo, I'm glad you're still here and you liked my chappie ... more to come. I plan to write updates during Nano but ... well, 'the best laid plans of mice and men ...'
I also plan to succeed at Nano so ... and all those books, oh yeah, and Thanksgiving ... so
Here's a nameless chappie cuz I couldn't hear music while writing it ... I'll give it a name when I come back.
Chapter: Uhm, title will go here later
Angel had seen many wondrous things in his young life, not merely with the privileges that money bought, because he had been born poor which had led to his becoming a thief, nor was it because of that same poverty which had taken him to many low places even as he had become an expert at taking from the wealthy. He could not say seeing so many wondrous things was because of the magic he possessed which had opened a whole other door of experiences for him, nor all his worldly travel, and most assuredly not his age, clearly not as he was still just an adolescent boy. To what then did he attribute having seen many wondrous things? To nothing really, not when he compared what he had seen to what he gazed at now.
Floating above an empty field somewhere in Hungary a gigantic rock structure brighter than the night sky shined. The construct was best described as a large piece of rock many many buildings tall had been torn out of the earth, piercing it many pipes protruded from the stone base and steam ejected from the many engines and machines that held the castle that sat atop the stone aloft.
“It’s the home of our master,” Evangeline said non-chalantly.
“What the devil is it?” the boy asked flabbergasted.
“Isn’t it obvious? It’s his summer palace.”
“But it’s fall?”
“If it’s anyone’s fall its that of your friend Ottery,” Evangeline replied wickedly.
“Has anyone ever told you, you’re a total …” the sound of a pipe ejecting steam obscured the boy’s final words but Evangeline well knew the sentiment and she knew the word he had chosen was not witch though it rhymed with it.
Elsewhere a dark and stormy night boded dark dreams for the red haired boy who slept fitfully lost in nightmare dreams of dark things and deaths. It had been quite a while since Ron Weasley had had any sleep and even now his sleep had been a gift from his mother’s spiked tea. He mumbled in his sleep watched over by his mother who worried so for him, reluctant to touch him and wake him for he needed to rest but wanting to ease his troubled mind.
And still elsewhere in Hogwarts a trio of boys yawned and set about disguising their notes with invisible ink lest their list of possible allies and recruits fall into the wrong hands. Dumbledore’s army would rise again from the ashes but with a darker purpose …revenge. Nicholas and Neville stayed behind as Harry went up to his room.
“Seems I underestimated your keen tactical mind,” the boy said reluctantly.
“It’s because I’m rich isn’t it?” the boy replied watching Nicholas’ reaction.
“I know about your parents Longbottom, so yeah. Never took you for the detecting type,” Nicholas threw back.
“Why would I need to do anything right? When I’ve got so much money and people to do it for me, right?” Neville kept on.
“Exactly. And your reputation as a bumbling oaf …”
“I’m not aces at magic but I’m not an … I’m … I’m not an oaf,” the boy said angrily.
“Down boy,” Nicholas answered back, making a placating gesture with his hands. “You’ve earned my respect Longbottom, and that’s not easy to do.”
Neville walked past him, “I still haven’t decided about you.” He rose up the stairs leading to the boy’s dormitory his slippers flopping on the stone floor and Nicholas smiled wickedly. There were many surprising things about Hogwarts and the Gryffindors.
And elsewhere in the castle a young girl read quietly to herself:
“Decapitation is the best method of destroying zombies, destroying their heads being the best means to incapacitate and destroy the anima of the decaying corpse. Destroying other vital parts of a mobile corpses body while slowing down the creature does not completely destroy it, as its hands and legs can help it propel itself, even a bodiless head may by clacking its jaw cause itself to move. There are many different methods of destroying zombies such as fire, pulverization, and explosion. Freezing, or otherwise capturing a zombie is a bad idea as they’re likely to be freed or set loose by their zombie friends or one of your more inept friends.
Oooh a reply...excellent!
Yeah i bet it was late when you posted, but it was a really good one i should say. As for those library books. Tut Tut...go read them! Phew! *breaths in held breath* That's a releaf, you had me worried then. But hmm...i should think about the fact you don't read through your replies before i reply i think. Not like this reply when i haven't xD
*eye's writing*
Im in your writing! *points to 'Evangeline' part* Haha, my name. Which is actually my real name, Eviee's just my short one. Oooh but im also evil...nice one! Haha.
Brillient chapter btw and i can't wait for more.
Eviee <33
Don't worry about the title, the title it has already speaks for itself
♥♥♥♥♥__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________♥ ___________________Look Who's Back.
Hello ~Otty. Let me start off saying I loved your chapter! And speaking of chapters, maybe the title should be Forty Something. I can't remember the no. correctly. 47?, 48?, or is it 43? You know, the answer to all ... the universe? Never mind, I can't say what it is I'm trying to think.Oh well, it's just you answered all my questions I asked from a couple comments ago, all in this chapter. Except Hermione. Yes, she is still comotose. But, what I was saying was, I'm thinking she's having visions in her sleep from that Indian guy she was reading about from the picture on the wall, or was it a book she was reading. From the very first time you talked of her in Human Nature.
Neways, whatever I write for Nano, sometimes we dump excerpts in the Nano thread here on SS I'll let you all know so you can see how awful my writing really is when it's not edited for competence I mean. XP
I look forward to reading your progress. I won't be looking for mistakes though. I'm anxious to see what you write about.
cuz I couldn't hear music while writing it
I thought we was listening to, 'America' Horse With No Name. Just substituting Horse with Post.
To nothing really, not when he compared what he had seen to what he gazed at now.
~Otty, I love how simple you write your brilliancy! Summing up his worth and all that he is, everywhere he's been, because of what he was born to and what he worked to become. All is nothing to what he sees before him. That alone tells us what he is looking at is beyound grand.
“But it’s fall?”
So funny!
He mumbled in his sleep watched over by his mother who worried so for him, reluctant to touch him and wake him for he needed to rest but wanting to ease his troubled mind.
Poor, poor, poor, poor, Ron. And Molly is such a wonder isn't she? I do love her, even though she shelters her children an Mr. Weasley too much.
And still elsewhere in Hogwarts a trio of boys yawned and set about disguising their notes with invisible ink lest their list of possible allies and recruits fall into the wrong hands
Loved this part! Neville's reply to Nicholas as he went off to bed was royal! Loved it!
“Decapitation is the best method of destroying zombies........
See, you even answered my question about how to kill Zombies! How wonderful! Gross but nice to know.
Well, ~Otts I love your story, and I love how you write and present it. I'll be watching for your next post. I'd tell yu good luck with your Nanoing, but luck isn't what you need. Apparently all you need is a stack of music to listen to while you write. Next time.
SS Featured Artist DA Poet Rupert is My Man! SS100 Triumphant
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: The Wicked House
Posts: 18,909
Hogwarts RPG Name: Ottery St. Catchpole
Third Year
Thank you all for reading and I will try to post during Nano but no replies 4 awhile
Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert
Honestly, when Conners had mentioned that she thought Hermione was with Silver Wind I thought, "yeah, that's where I last left her." So I went to look back. It turns out that while I had always intended to do this ... I never actually did, so either Conners is reading my mind or great minds think alike.
I'm Nanoing, so no time for replies. I do love you all, so here: Sadly, no music, again.
Interlude: Hermione’s spirit quest
“Where am I?” the frizzy haired girl said aloud as she woke up in a field of tall grass. In the distance tall furry brown creatures were grazing in a large group peaceably. She was not wearing her school robes, but was dressed in her usual muggle clothing jeans and a shirt, a sweater on top. Still she didn’t recognize the place. She wasn’t in London that was for sure and the Hogwarts Express was nowhere to be seen so she hadn’t been thrown off it. Oddly enough she didn’t feel too worried about it but rather felt an ease and calm over everything.
“You took your time getting here,” a voice behind her spoke. She turned quickly, startled to see someone sitting down with their back to her.
“Who are you? And where am I?” Hermione asked.
“Can’t you tell?” the voice asked, neither condescendingly nor tauntingly.
Hermione stopped to think for a second. She eyed the world around her, the endless fields of tall grass plains land and the purpling sky cloudy above her. “The last thing I remember was being on the Hogwarts Express and the Death Eaters attacking.”
“You’re a brave little warrior, young one.”
She walked around to face the person talking to her and was surprised to find a boy about her age, shirtless, his long black hair cascading down his toned muscled body working at a fire in front of him. Hermione blushed and looked away.
“This is a dream isn’t it? I must be sleeping because … this is America right?”
The boy nodded. “It is one of them.”
“And you’re …”
“I’m Silver Wind, in the tongue of your people,” the boy replied eagerly.
“What are you doing here? What am I doing here?”
“You’re lost and I’m here to help you find your way home,” he took something from the fire between them and blew on it. “Would you like some tea? I don’t know if you like buffalo but …”
“I’d love some tea, as for the buffalo …” she paused and sighed, “I guess I could try it.”
“You’re thinking because this is a dream that it will taste like chicken right?” Silver Wind replied.
“I’m thinking because this is a dream I won’t have to mind eating buffalo. I‘m not a vegetarian you know. But I don‘t know how I‘d feel about eating a burger in front of a cow, you know?”
“No. I don’t know what these burgers are. But you are a brave and wonderful soul. And the Great Spirit and the community of spirits feel that your loss would be a great defeat to the good in the world, and so I am here in your dream trying to help you find a way out.” Hermione stood aghast at that, then sat down in front of the handsome boy. “One lump of sugar or two?”
Hello ~Otty. I read this earlier, and was so excited to hear what's going on with Hermione. She is my least favorite character, but I still like keeping up with everyone. And I figured you started the story with her being so interested in Silver Wind, that you must have had a reason for it, so, I figured she was able to visit him sense she is in a comotose state. And by the way, I love it!
“You’re lost and I’m here to help you find your way home,”
“You’re thinking because this is a dream that it will taste like chicken right?” Silver Wind replied.
I don't know why this tickled my funny bone so much, but it did.
I'll keep this short so you can not waste time, and get to your writing. I loved the post ~Otty! I hope all is going well with meeting your daily goals for writing.
SS Featured Artist DA Poet Rupert is My Man! SS100 Triumphant
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: The Wicked House
Posts: 18,909
Hogwarts RPG Name: Ottery St. Catchpole
Third Year
Chapter: "Even in the darkness every color can be found ..."
Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert
RN: I'm still alive and so is this story ...
“Even in the darkness
Every color can be found
And every day of rain
Brings water flowing
To things growing in the ground
Grief replaced with pity
For a city barely coping
Dreams are easy to achieve
If hope is all I’m hoping to be
Anytime you’re hurt there’s one
Who has it worse around
And every drop of rain
Will keep you growing
Seeds you’re sowing in the ground” ~Penny’s Song from Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along-Blog
It seemed so silly, like something some amateur filmmaker would do, it wasn’t anything sophisticated and heavens knew it had been done countless times in so may films, the contrast of red on white, blood on snow, a red cloak on a field of falling cherry tree leaves, silly things like that. If only this were a silly little film like that. If only this wasn’t her lover’s life bleeding out on her white gloved hands.
“Okay, all right,” she said aloud, in her mind thinking, I’m not going to start simpering like an idiot in a movie, this is going to require quick, cold, clinical thinking.
“No knife, so there’s no silver poisoning. The cuts deep though …”
Standing in front of her a boy stood grinning wickedly, eating an apple. By moonlight she could tell he was dressed in an outfit out of the 18th century. His other hand held a bloody knife which she chose to ignore for the sake of her temper.
“I have to knit … each … piece of cut tissue.” She stopped, closed her eyes and with her wand started slowly knitting back the severed arteries that were gushing so much blood. Then slowly the organs, and the muscles, and finally his skin.
“Wow, you’re pretty quick with a wand,” the boy said.
Madison opened her eyes.
Before he could even utter Expelliarmus, the wand was out of her hand. But Madison was not one of the wizarding world’s greatest thieves for nothing. Even as the wand flew out of her hand she punched the boy, twisted the knife out of his hand and had his back on the floor and the weapon at his throat.
“Try to cast a spell and I’ll sever more than your quiet little vocal cords.”
The sound of hands clapping caught her attention.
“Don’t bother trying to bargain for your lives with the brat because I don’t much care for him. He’s one of the vampire clan, he’s just here to watch over us. The nerve of those fools to send a mere child to watch over us as if The Wolves of Saint Gilman could not handle such simple little pests as you.” The man was dressed in jeans, a white shirt with ruffles, elegantly casual standing like someone trying to keep a beast caged.
“I’m tired of posturing men,” she said dropping the knife and standing up. “My gloves are ruined.” Madison walked over to where Freddie lay back in human form breathing raggedly but safe. His shirt lay in tatters and his pants were shredded and barely clinging on.
There was a way out of this. There’s always a way. It just had not presented itself to her right now.
AN: The moral of the story, children, is that there is always a solution to any problem, we may not like it but all problems have answers ... we just have to find them. Back soon ... peace out.
*sorry for the short reply*
AMAZING! I mean amazing, wow.
Nice story and Ohhh the gloves! :O
Out of all the things i could pick to talk about i pick the gloves!? LOL!
Naught person/boy thathad the knife.
Eviee <33
♥♥♥♥♥__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________♥ ___________________Look Who's Back.
Hello ~Otty. I read this 8 minutes after you posted, but was too sleepy to comment. And plus I wanted to savor it for a while. There are things that should be done together like reading then commenting. Watching a great movie, then talking about it... But sometimes, even though you should you don't. Like when you eat some absolutely wonderful smooth chocolate, and you wait to brush your teeth because it makes the delight go away. (But then you brush anyway so your teeth don't rot.) It's the same reason I wanted to savor your post. I would be done till the next time you post. So, I've been savoring it. But, now I feel guilty about not commenting right away. So, about your post. In case you haven't got the message, I loved it!
It seemed so silly, like something some amateur filmmaker would do, it wasn’t anything sophisticated and heavens knew it had been done countless times in so may films, the contrast of red on white, blood on snow, a red cloak on a field of falling cherry tree leaves, silly things like that. If only this were a silly little film like that. If only this wasn’t her lover’s life bleeding out on her white gloved hands.
Wonderful! ~Otty Madison has saved Freddy, and I'm SOOOOOO happy about that. He is in a bad way still, but he'll recover, only to find they are in dire straits! And maybe worse than we fear! Werewolves and Vampires don’t play nice together do they? What will Madison have to do, well, actually truth be told… I think she can handle them. AND, I’m wondering if she is where she needs to be so she can do what she went there for. To get something from them to save our poor Ottery. It’s just that they’re so scary!
~Otts I want to try to keep this short, but I can’t help but rave on about your writing. You know I’ve always loved it, but I don’t know, it seems different. You seem to be more creative and critical with it. I’m not talking about your creativity with your story. But, like I’m loving how each new sequence opens up with a beautifully painted canvas telling of beauty and purity set against brutal savagery, calm and turmoil, living and dying. And then you magically set the canvas in motion with your dialogue you give your characters. I tell you I’m loving it.
Well, I didn’t keep it short did I? But I love your story regardless if I’m making sense or not. I’ll be watching for your next post.
SS Featured Artist DA Poet Rupert is My Man! SS100 Triumphant
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: The Wicked House
Posts: 18,909
Hogwarts RPG Name: Ottery St. Catchpole
Third Year
Chapter: It's not a love song, it's not a love song ... (only it is!)
Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert
SPOILER!!: Replies
You are my sweetest downfall ... You all should be listening to Regina Spektor fyi.
Yes that's me in the picture of my avvie with the sweetest child in existence my sweet girl. And yes, this post is smaller than I thought ... LOL
Miss Evi3e <3: Thanks for sticking around ...
Boys by nature are naughty Miss Evi3e and for the record, I focused on the gloves intentionally so its not surprising you picked them. I thought they would make a very visual scene. I know I've seen red splayed on white sooooo many times in film I thought I'd I don't know comment on it and help to make a more visual picture in y'all's heads. LOL
I'm just glad you still like my writing.
Connie: You always say too much I thought I saw you when I had posted and its okay not to comment. i love the comments it means you're still reading but I have it on good authority that some of my readers never post so ... It would be okay if you missed one time, you post always. You really are too sweet Connie ...
Nanowrimo didn't go so well this year, I tanked at 12k words, but I got a good idea for a new novel *facepalm* Seriously though, I'm going to finish this story soon ... I need to refocus the story back with the main narrative. Human Nature needs to continue and this has been a cute side story but what about all our other heroes? And I seriously doubt that this short story is going to be a good place to write about Harry/Nicks/Neville's revenge plot and the ramifications of that ... which I will not even begin to spoil here.
I love more proactive heroes ...
This has been fun but ... all good things ... *sniffles* this story must soon come to an end. Stay with me girls ... I will soon be closing the curtain, on Ottery too perhaps? Nah, he always manages to come back from the pit of utter despair ... he's our hero, isn't he?
“Cryptic words meander
Now there is a song beneath the song
One day you'll learn
You'll soon discern its true meaning
An interesting detachment
A listless poem of love sincere
Desire, despair
Overlapping melodies
And it's not a love, it's not a love
It's not a love, it's not a love song” Song beneath a song by Maria Taylor from Grey's Anatomy
The hours ticked slowly on his watch, the clock on the wall did not go any faster and the only thing that seemed to have a beat was Angel’s heart.
The thing about being surrounded by the undead was that they were so cold, and quiet, and beautiful and not alive. He shook again with a slight shiver feeling like a man standing alone in a cemetery, except here the bodies of the dead were not interred they were politely asking him if he wanted any biscuits with his tea.
“No, thank you, love. Is there any word yet about …”
The young girl smiled. She pointed out the window of the waiting room, which looked like an airport lobby with all the glass windows looking out into the night and through them Angel could see a dragon flying around the floating castle. The majestic beast flew around the floating palace and as it banked, turning on its side the grey haired boy could see his companions riding the dragon’s back. His heart skipped a beat. Ottery sat there, but more importantly still alive.
“He’s all right,” Angel said, and the cup in his hands shook clattering on top of the saucer. He felt cold hands steady his and he looked at the vacant beautiful eyes of the girl, and the realization of something dark and truly sinister dawned on him as the night did every day on the Count’s floating castle.
He dropped the cup and saucer and ran out of the room towards the landing bay.
The girl did not run after him.
“Humans, they’re so … frail,” she thought to herself. It had taken all her willpower not to drain him of blood, but the master’s will was never to be questioned and only a true fool would disobey the Count.
SPOILER!!: oh yeah
Oh yeah, the next chapter after this of Human Nature will be called, Broken Hearts in Broken Time. Yes, it's going to be sad. You all know you love the melancholy.
Last edited by OtterySt.Catchpole; 11-30-2010 at 09:09 AM.
Hello ~Otty. This is going to be such a challenge to keep it shorter than your post.I loved every bit of your post ~Otty, but, I think this bit was my favorite.
He felt cold hands steady his and he looked at the vacant beautiful eyes of the girl, and the realization of something dark and truly sinister dawned on him as the night did every day on the Count’s floating castle.
I can picture Angel with his grey hair and his skin as if he had seen a ghost. Hmm Do the undead have ghosts? How much scarier could they be? Anyway... he must have been a site to see all washed out looking. Ottery would probably take one look and ask if he had been poisoned also.
Yes, it's going to be sad. You all know you love the melancholy.
Thanks for the warning. I understand ~Otty, but, I just love your stories. I hate for it to end. Your writing is palpable, and you don't spoon feed your readers. You see why I love it so much then. Please do be gentle with our heros though. They have already been through so much, and I really don't want any of them to not pull through. But, do as you must. It is after all your story. I'm sure I will love it.
I have it on good authority that some of my readers never post so
I remember. Glad you do too. Great post ~Otty! I'll be watching for your next. Oh, just want to mention I had a feeling you would post last night. I stayed up till 2:15 but, couldn't stay awake any longer on just a feeling you would, so I went to bed. I was so happy to see you did post.
SS Featured Artist DA Poet Rupert is My Man! SS100 Triumphant
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: The Wicked House
Posts: 18,909
Hogwarts RPG Name: Ottery St. Catchpole
Third Year
Chapter: Hush, hush, keep it down now, voices carry
Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert
SPOILER!!: Connie's Reply
Hey Conners Looks like its only you today. You have my complete and undivided attention. I'm glad you liked the description I used, I've been trying to remember everything I can about true vampire lore, I took a class on vampire lit back in my Uni days so I remember all the Dracula stuff even though I love Twilight. *Squee*
I don't think the undead have ghost since you'd have to be dead to have one ... so ... hope that helps. Call me expert in the supernatural, I just know these things Conners
48 hours has to end Conners so that I can focus on everyone and not just Ottery and this small little caper ... The reason I don't focus so heavily on other characters in this story is quite simply that this is a side story. Everything happens in two days so that doesn't leave a lot of room for epic you know? Hence the reason this story has to end and I have to pick up with Sebastian, Dumbledore, the train wreck, and assorted other things going on back in the wizarding world in book 6, which you will all remember is what Human Nature is. A reimagining of book 6. *sighs* We haven't even gotten through the first day of Hogwarts yet and the story ended on such a cliffie LOL
That said all my work is pervaded with a sort of hopeful melancholy, or optimistic despondency ... and you can't have epic without you first killing a whole lot of people, so expect murders a-go-go come Broken Hearts in Broken Time. *crosses fingers* Here's hoping Ottery makes it to that fic in more than a flashback LOL and no I'm not telling if he lives or no ... that would imply I know.
Also, don't stay up late Conners, you need your rest. If you don't get your 8 hours of sleep it starts affecting your memory, creativity and relationships around you ... I read this somewhere. Take my advice and besides my stories will always be here on SS unless I get banned ...
for lissy
And I try so hard to keep it inside so no one can hear
Hush hush, keep it down now, voices carry
Hush hush, keep it down now, voices carry ~Til Tuesday with Voices Carry
Carved on the side of the great floating rock like the mouth of some great stony beast gaped the face of a giant cave, and here Diego guided the red dragon on Ottery’s orders. Diego patted the beast, feeling the creatures great reluctance. The dragon sensed evil, a lot of movement but no life and it went against its instincts.
The dark haired boy sighed. The sun should have been rising in the distance but the tripulants of the castle were racing away from daylight and so was Ottery and company so long as they went where the Count‘s summer palace went. Diego’s face remained enigmatic, expressionless, Tiffany gasped at the sight, Ottery just kept breathing though it was becoming more and more difficult, and Teddy said, “Well, well, nice little hanger deck he’s got hidden in here.” The brown haired boy had much to admire.
The dragon landed in the middle of a large well lit cave, all around them metal walkways lined the walls and above them too, like a secret super villain hideout inside of a volcano. Large lights illuminated what was a makeshift hangar bay where all manner of planes and flying contraptions from ages past, sat. Some of them had never seen shape outside of hypothetical sketches and papers.
“The ship isn’t here,” Tiffany said, speaking of the Arceus and her vain hopes that Freddie and Madison had arrived already with the antidote.
“Not good,” Ottery said. “But this is … why … we have … back up plans.”
“You’re an idiot,” Teddy said angrily and dismounted the dragon.
The dragon glared at Teddy who merely took out a cigar and with a gesture asked the creature to light it.
Diego looked at the dark haired boy with no judgment on his face, just his usual sad serious expression. Whatever decision Ottery had chosen Diego Cerberus would respect.
“I’ve got … too many … irons in the …” the boy slumped forward, and would have fallen from the dragon’s back had not Diego caught him.
“Hablas mucho,” the boy told him.
“That’s what I’m always telling him,” Tiffany said. “He should have let me take him to St. Mungo’s or somewhere else … there’s got to be …”
“There isn’t.” The dark haired boy said with finality. He looked up at Tiffany watching her from darkened eyes.
They dismounted, and Diego walked off with some of the attendants to see to the dragon‘s care, and because he did not trust them. Leaning on Teddy, Ottery and Tiffany started for the great metal doors that led to the main part of the under stone complex (it couldn’t really be called underground as it was on a floating cliff on which sat a castle so …), just then the doors swung open slamming open against the rock walls and Angel was standing there.
Ottery smiled at the grey haired boy.
“You sonofa … there aren’t words foul enough. You’re not going to …”
Ottery turned to Teddy, “Remind me to get stupider friends.”
“I don’t know Otts, I’d say we’re a pretty stupid lot putting our money on a lame horse like you …”
“That’s right,” the dark haired boy replied and the old companions started to laugh.
“It isn’t funny. It isn’t … you can’t … and you.” Angel turned his ire towards Teddy, “Obviously you knew about this. You know about the final option don’t you? If Madison and Freddy fail then what? Otty’s just going to go out peacefully in to the night? A nice little plot on a hill in Tara and some sermons from his friends.”
“What the devil are you on about?” Tiffany asked.
“Please Angel, can we talk about this else when? I don’t like public spectacles,” Ottery complained.
“If he doesn’t get the antidote in time he wants the Carpathian solution,” Angel explained in a low cold voice.
Tiffany looked perplexed.
“The Carpathian is the Count. If Madison doesn’t get here with the antidote soon, Ottery wants Count Dracula to turn him. To turn him into a vampire!”
Tiffany said something obscene.
All around them the vampires working in the hangar pretended not to be excellent listeners completely capable of hearing the slightest whisper and even the soft wheezing noise of Ottery’s breathing.
“Do you really think … I’m your friend but more than that … Ottery I lov… I’m not going to just stand here and let you do that. No.”
“Well so much for that secret,” Ottery replied, fainting into Teddy’s arms.
Ottery don't do it! Madison and Freddy won't let you down! Although they are having problems of their own at the moment. They'll be there! Just hold on.
“Do you really think … I’m your friend but more than that … Ottery I lov… I’m not going to just stand here and let you do that. No.”
“Well so much for that secret,” Ottery replied, fainting into Teddy’s arms.
~Otty Make him hold on! The antidote will be there!
Yes, I realize the size of this story doesn't give you a lot of room to work a lot of things into it, and yes, I quite remember explicitly the train battle and the wreck. I was there! And YES it was quite the cliffhanger. I'll be anxious to get to read more on that story. And Ottery must live through this so he can help there. His other friends need him too. AND... Ottery is Dumbledores right hand man. (Even though you never said this, it's what I think.)Well ~Otty, it's been fun, but I better let you get busy killing off people. I just hope ... never mind. I'll still love your story, no matter what happens. Because I know you love your characters and they will be bowed out in great style. I'll be watching for your next post ~Otty.
SS Featured Artist DA Poet Rupert is My Man! SS100 Triumphant
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: The Wicked House
Posts: 18,909
Hogwarts RPG Name: Ottery St. Catchpole
Third Year
Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert
SPOILER!!: Sometimes you have to go to the source material
Hey Conners looks like youre the only one here again Oh well, I'm sure everyone is busy with Christmas stuff and school and life in general. Or maybe they're all still watching Deathly Hallows ... no I haven't seen it, spare me the spoilers.
Moving on ...
Madison and Freddies fates will play ... differently than you think Conners. No I'm not telling you ...
I love that you liked that
I don't know if you noticed but I italicized that for a reason just saying.
The antidote yes, well, we won't discuss that shall we ... uhm, yes. 48 hrs is too short Conners it was just supposed to be a short caper story and its running its course ... we must move on to more epic stuffs.
Ottery is Dumbledore's right hand man, since Harry is so burdened by everything and Snape is all glowery like and stuff so ... there you go. But I thought I said as much once ... hmm ... but you're right. Ottery is important in the grand scheme of the story BUT it isn't imperative that he live to fulfill his role, is it? I mean with such a large net of friends and all ... I'm not saying.
Well, whatever. This is short and sweet, hope you like it Conners, and no this will not be resolved here in 48hrs I don't think, but I'm thinking of dropping hints about the larger story. Bully for you and sad for those who aren't reading this story they won't see it happening or coming ...
Justin is watching you ...
Get me out into the night-time
Four walls won't hold me tonight
If this town is just an apple
Then let me take a bite
If they say, why, why? Tell 'em that is human nature ~Michael Jackson singing Human Nature(R.I.P. Michael)
Hermione’s spirit quest ...
A cold wind blew suddenly through the grand landscape around her, the great plains covered as they were in long grasses which bowed to the might of the great east wind which brought with it thoughts of Harry and Ron.
“Something is troubling you,” the frizzy haired girl’s companion remarked.
“How did you … ?”
“I’m not a mind reader, but your face easily betrays your thoughts young one.”
“You’re not so old, you know that?” Hermione replied slapping him across the arm and he smiled at her. In the short time they had known each other they had become friends quickly, both of them cognizant that their time together would be brief, aware of the urgency of their quest.
Hermione stood up, and brushed the crumbs from her pants. She turned to the older boy and he grinned and looked back at her expectantly.
“Now what?” she asked.
“I don’t know, this is your dream, just like its your quest. Remember?”
“I’m looking for my spirit guide and he’ll take me …”
“To where you’re meant to go.”
“Is it a buffalo?”
The red skinned boy looked at the British girl and smiled and shrugged.
“You know for a guide or spiritual adviser you’re pretty inutile.” Hermione remarked frustrated. Thoughts of the ridiculous troubles that Ron and Harry would be getting themselves into without her flitted through her mind causing her heart to skip a beat.
Silver Wind ate his buffalo quietly and watched her. She was a smart girl, the great spirit would guide her, he was simply here to be a comforting presence or perhaps something else, you really could never tell with the great spirit. It wasn't as if he wrote his messages across the sky in cloud symbols. And it was just like the white people always wanting everything to be so quick and easy. He sighed. Eventually she would figure it out. Hermione was smart if a little impatient.
*looks around* I missed three chapters!? THREE!??? How could i?? I NEVER miss a chapter...honest!
Never mind i've read them now, and sorry i havn't been on for like a week. been VERY busy with things, like everynight there's something i have to do and knowing me i'll end up forgetting of remembering other things i need to do and add to the fast growing list of uncompleted things. :O
Brillient chapters! I do hope Otty gets the potion he need's soon, i wouldn't want him to die *shakes head*
No way, then where would the story take us??
Not sure
Loved your writing like usual.
Eviee <33
♥♥♥♥♥__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________♥ ___________________Look Who's Back.