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Brennan Cooper Era All historical records pertaining to Ministry of Magic RPG under Minister for Magic, Brennan Cooper [IC January 2064 - December 2067; OOC January 2007 - December 2009]

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Old 01-29-2008, 03:14 PM
Cassirin Cassirin is offline
Default Minister of Magic's Office

The door to the Minister's office is heavy wood and quite imposing. Aside from being a carved masterpiece detailing the history of the founding of the Ministry of Magic, it was also charmed with innumberable spells intended to provide the man or woman inside the office with privacy and safety. It had worked, too, as no Minister had been killed or spied on within these walls in years. Outside of these walls... that was a totally different story.

Once inside the office, the furniture was dark wood and forest green leather. It was a somber place, but very dignified and important. The desk was massive, wrought with brass detailing and a variety of drawers with several locks each. The plate on the desk had scrolling letters:

Brennan A. Cooper, Minister of Magic

The most significant aspect of the office, though, was that it had the traditional magnificent view associated with a man of such rank. Two large windows looked out over the city. It took a careful eye to realize that the first view of London was much higher than any building should be, especially considering the office was underground. The second view revealed itself to not even be a view of London at all. It was Paris, as the Eiffel Tower was visible in the distance.
Old 07-04-2008, 05:40 PM   #126 (permalink)
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A scrawney, short house elf appeared next to the other two people waiting with a loud pop!, looking quite distressed. Quirly looked over at the other house elf with her large amber eyes and looked more troubled than ever -- was she not the only one who was delievering letters? Were they using house elves in place of owls now!? She rapped on the door, parchment in hand. "Quirly is being wanting to know ifs Minister Cooper is being in todays...Quirly is being needings to deliever a letter from the studentses..." she squeaked nervously.
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Old 07-04-2008, 05:50 PM   #127 (permalink)
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Brennan sighed and jerked open the door. "If you want to speak with me, you must go and check in with..." He frowned at the two house elves. They were not permitted out and about during the day like this... and one of them was dressed wrong. "You," he pointed at Quirly. "You're from the school. What is the meaning of this?"
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Old 07-04-2008, 06:10 PM   #128 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
Brennan sighed and jerked open the door. "If you want to speak with me, you must go and check in with..." He frowned at the two house elves. They were not permitted out and about during the day like this... and one of them was dressed wrong. "You," he pointed at Quirly. "You're from the school. What is the meaning of this?"
Quirly stumbled backward when the door swung open to avoid being hit, and was missed just barely. She shrank back when the minister pointed at her. "Quirly is beings very, very sorry for disturbingses the Minister's time, but Quirly was being ordered by the studentses to being delievering a letter --" She held up the parchment, "Though Quirly is not knowing why studentses don't just owls the Minister and be savings Quirly's time away from kitchens." She trembled greatly, looking at the Minister with enourmous, frightened amber eyes.

Last edited by Quirly; 07-04-2008 at 06:35 PM.
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Old 07-04-2008, 06:54 PM   #129 (permalink)
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"You take orders from students?" Brennan nearly growled at the elf. "You take orders from professors, and only if they do not contradict orders from ME." He was completely offended. "Well, come on then. Give me the letter."
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Old 07-05-2008, 03:29 AM   #130 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
"You take orders from students?" Brennan nearly growled at the elf. "You take orders from professors, and only if they do not contradict orders from ME." He was completely offended. "Well, come on then. Give me the letter."

Quirly shrank back even more, eyes widening even more with rapidly increasing fear. She hadn't thought of that -- she had only known the threat of being given clothes, and that was what had sent her off in the first place. "Quirly is beings oh so verry sorries, sir!" she squeaked, trying to back up a step but only succeeding in tripping over her tea towel and landing on the floor with a thump. "Quirly was not beings thinking, sirs, studentses had threatened Quirly with clothes, and Quirly was being fearing for her job --" She began shaking her head quickly, holding back tears. She held up the parchment to him upon command, her withered hand clearly trembling.
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Old 07-05-2008, 04:22 PM   #131 (permalink)
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Brennan snatched up the offending letter. "I will take care of this and that issue immediately." He shut the door in the elf's face without wishing her a good day. After all, what use was it to wish good day to a creature that was so clearly below a witch or wizard?

Brennan returned to his desk and read the letter, his gaze darkening. He immediately drew out a roll of parchment and jotted a note to the Headmistress of Belle's School detailing two important points: Slytherin's point total and the abuse of the house elves. He sent the letter out immediately.
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Old 07-05-2008, 09:30 PM   #132 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
Brennan snatched up the offending letter. "I will take care of this and that issue immediately." He shut the door in the elf's face without wishing her a good day. After all, what use was it to wish good day to a creature that was so clearly below a witch or wizard?

Brennan returned to his desk and read the letter, his gaze darkening. He immediately drew out a roll of parchment and jotted a note to the Headmistress of Belle's School detailing two important points: Slytherin's point total and the abuse of the house elves. He sent the letter out immediately.
"Quirly isn't being agreeing with these studentses' letters, sir --" Quirly started, but was cut off as the door slammed shut. She flinched, not really sure whether or not to stand up yet, in case the Minister returned. She glanced over at the other house elf there and managed a weak smile, clumsily standing up and trying to dust off a bit.
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Old 07-07-2008, 10:05 AM   #133 (permalink)
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Upon noticing the Minister's return, however unhappy he might be at the moment, AJ walked up to his office and knocked once again.

"Mr. Cooper, sir? Um... we seem to have a bit of an... err... Situation, that only you are capable of resolving," she said, her hand on Sparky's shoulder, keeping him just out of site to the side of the door.
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Old 07-18-2008, 02:43 AM   #134 (permalink)
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ooc: Sorry. I got caught up in "Brennan doesn't open the door," but Tiff is busy.

He opened the door. Where the DEVIL was Taylor? "What?"
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Old 07-21-2008, 03:44 AM   #135 (permalink)
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Sparky looked to the witch and The Minister Himself. Oh, he was nervous! But this was it... time to make a case for change for not just himself but every house elf... strike that, elf. Not 'house elf'. Not anymore.

"Excusing Sparky, Minister Cooper, but we is needing a word with you most urgently on behalf of all house elveses... everywhere. Only Minister Cooper is wise enough, noble enough, powerful enough to be listening and changing history for all elfses everywhere, sir." He hoped that was humble enough to gain the Minister's attention... to get him to listen.

Last edited by XanaSnape; 07-21-2008 at 04:36 AM.
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Old 07-25-2008, 12:10 AM   #136 (permalink)
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Brennan finally gave in and glanced down at the elf, his lip curling in disgust. "Do you belong to the Ministry, elf?"
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Old 07-25-2008, 12:24 AM   #137 (permalink)
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Sparky toed the floor nervously. He twisted the corner of his tea-towel toga, emblazoned with the Ministry logo, while he summoned up the courage to answer the question. "Sparky is working at the ministry, yes. But Sparky belongs to Sparky-- all house elfs is belonging to themselves, sir! And we is wanting wages and freedoms for all house elfs... Many elfs is gathered at the ministry to fight for freedoms and rights for all house elfs, as only Minister Cooper, Noble Champion of the house elf, can be giving! Minister Cooper could be making history as the great wizard who made all elfs equals to wizards!" He spoke in a rush, hoping the minister would be swayed into assisting the elves' fight. Or at least that he wouldn't get punished too severely.
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Old 07-25-2008, 01:39 AM   #138 (permalink)
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Emmett watched the scene from the shadows, his little, toddler sister, Annabelle, at his side. How dare the Minister look upon the leader of the noble elven race with just disgust!? He signaled to Annabelle to keep quiet, while he tiptoed forward slightly, even pausing his breathing. This was it. His chance to prove to Gollum that he was not just some underling, but the true Dungeon Master he was. To assist in freeing the noble elves who were so horrifically enslaved. To prove to his clan back home that he was much more learned in this type of thing than any of them put together. This. Was. It.

He gracefully stepped forward, next to Sparky, and faced the minister, completely solemn. "Minister..." What had Gollum said his name was? Souper? Yeah. That sounded about right. It seemed like a strange name, but he seemed like a strange man. "...Souper. We meet at last." He bowed with a sarcastic flourish. "It comes to my attention that you and your other NPCs have been mistreating these noble elves. This must stop," he said in his most important tone, looking Cooper straight in the eye. Perhaps he could be swayed with just words, and not actions.

Annabelle looked up at the very tall, important looking man and glared. This seemed to be the man who had captured her leprechauns! This just wouldn't do! She spoke up, almost at a squeak. "Yeah! Leave my leprechauns alone!"
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Old 07-25-2008, 01:48 AM   #139 (permalink)
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Brennan sneered at the odd boy and at the elf again. "You," he pointed at the elf. "Get back to work and stop with this nonsense. YOu want clothes? You'll starve to death if not for my good nature. And you," he pointed at the idiot boy. "Get out of my Ministry. Make an appointment if this is all so important." He disappeared into his office and slammed the door.
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Old 07-25-2008, 03:00 AM   #140 (permalink)
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Oh, Emmett could have kicked a puppy, if not afraid that the puppy was secretly a shapeshifter that would come for him in the night. He took a deep breath, stalked up to the huge wooden door, and knocked loudly, as if the door were his enemy's face. "Excuuuuuse me, your Most Importance," he snarled, tapping his foot impatiently. "I am sure you could spare five minutes or so to hear us out, yes? Yes."
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Old 07-25-2008, 02:46 PM   #141 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
Brennan sneered at the odd boy and at the elf again. "You," he pointed at the elf. "Get back to work and stop with this nonsense. YOu want clothes? You'll starve to death if not for my good nature. And you," he pointed at the idiot boy. "Get out of my Ministry. Make an appointment if this is all so important." He disappeared into his office and slammed the door.
Sparky's face fell when the Minister didn't even consider their demands or take them seriously. His mind was whirling-- what to do now? Perhaps drastic action needed to be taken...

Originally Posted by DeathEater24601 View Post
Oh, Emmett could have kicked a puppy, if not afraid that the puppy was secretly a shapeshifter that would come for him in the night. He took a deep breath, stalked up to the huge wooden door, and knocked loudly, as if the door were his enemy's face. "Excuuuuuse me, your Most Importance," he snarled, tapping his foot impatiently. "I am sure you could spare five minutes or so to hear us out, yes? Yes."
Sparky smiled at the boy, grateful to him. Oh, how noble he was, how selfless, to take up for the elves! He wasn't giving up and neither was Sparky, even under the threat of clothes. There were worse things.

He also rapped sharply on the minister's door, and then after a moment decided to take a more direct approach. He grabbed the boy and girl's arms and simply apparated them directly into the Minister's office. The unlikely trio landed in front of his desk.

ooc: I got deatheater24601's permission to move her charries before I posted.
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Old 07-25-2008, 04:23 PM   #142 (permalink)
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Emmett had continued to knock sharply on the door, seething, before Gollum had grabbed his arm and did something -- whatever it had been, they were now actually in the minister's office. He felt rather lightheaded from the transportation, and grabbed a hold of the huge wooden desk in front of him for support, managing to send an inkwell crashing to the floors in the process. At first completely oblivious to the fact that he was standing in front of his current daily-updated arch nemisis, he grinned crookedly. "Neat." When glancing around his well-furnished surroundings, he spotted the minister again and his demeanor quickly changed. He stood up straight, instead of leaning on the desk, looking disdainfully at him. This needed a second try. "Minister Souper. So we meet again," he began dramatically, crossing his arms irritably. "Five minutes is nothing to hear a young Dungeon Master and a noble elf out, don't you think? Yes, I agree." He would've gone ahead and taken a seat on one of those cushy-looking leather armchairs, but if he stood up the whole time, he would appear to be more impressive and intimidating than if he sat and rested. Or so he thought, of course.

"These noble elves have brought a concern of theirs up, and therefore it has become mine as well. For centuries, you have enslaved their people, to the point that they are not even allowed to wear proper clothes. Imagine if you, reincarnated from the dead, were in the same position? Would you stand for it? I think not! We, being humans, should not automatically prioritize ourselves over other creatures of the Earth, especially ones who are just as intelligent as us, perhaps even wiser. Yes, they are slightly shorter. That does not, by any means, mean they are underlings and filth to us. Often, in nature, the smaller things are, the more powerful and dangerous. Like with snakes. A boa constrictor wouldn't necessarily be able to harm you, but if you were within striking distance of a pygmy rattler..." he shook his head. "This noble elf --" He gestured to Gollum. "-- is one of the bravest intelligent beings I have ever seen in my entire life. He is not selfish; he wants to free not only himself, but all of his people. Think about that. How often do we get someone with such a heart of gold? They're getting quite rare in this harsh world. Come now. For Gygax's sake, be decent and at least listen to his ideas and consider him." Realizing he had been rambling, he fell silent and observed the Minister, letting Gollum take it from there.
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Old 07-25-2008, 10:32 PM   #143 (permalink)
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"You think force and brutality will win your case?" Brennan scoffed at them. "Security."
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Old 07-26-2008, 01:19 AM   #144 (permalink)
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Annabelle nodded fervently. "Yes!" she exclaimed, glaring up at the man from where she was.

"No, no, no --" Emmett said hurriedly, glancing at his little sister. "Not force, nor brutality. Gentle persuation. If you see the elves' side of the story, from their perspective, you may change your mind," he said calmly, catching the Minister's eye. This bloke was a jerk... he wouldn't even listen for a minute to them?
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Old 07-26-2008, 03:44 AM   #145 (permalink)
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Sparky tried, one more time, to get the minister to listen. "Only Minister Cooper is brave and noble enough to defend the house elves and free us all for all time! Only Minister Cooper could be large enough of heart to change the future of all our people, with wages and respects! " His huge eyes bulged out as he struggled to find words with the right finesse to persuade the minister, known among his people for his hard head and his harder heart. "If Minister Cooper could be helping the elves, he is to be having an entire race of supporters loyal to him, an army that is ensuring his position and his will be done not only in Britian, but in wizarding lands everywhere, making conquest of all the lands!" There. if that didn't sway the minister, nothing would.
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Old 07-31-2008, 11:40 PM   #146 (permalink)

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Egypt got off the lift even before it stopped moving. She walked up to the Minister's door and hesitated when she reached for the handle. The Minister had asked for security, but she didn't feel right just sending some minion up to help the Minister himself. She took a deep breathe and opened the door and walked in surveying the scene before her. Two children and a house elf? What were they doing here, and how did they get in. "Minister you called for security." She said respectfully.

She walked over to the children and the elf. "I am Egypt Riddle head of security and maintenance. I am here to escort you out of the Minister's office." She said quickly. "Please come with me quietly." She said really hoping they would come nicely, but she had her wand trained on them just in case. Those elves had caused enough trouble in the Atrium as she remembered.
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Old 07-31-2008, 11:42 PM   #147 (permalink)
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Wyatt walked in behind his boss, nodding to the Minister. He went over to the intruders his boss was speaking to. He grabbed the boy in one arm and grabbed the girl in the other arm. "Let's go you two." He said gruffly.

Last edited by Tommehbell; 07-31-2008 at 11:52 PM. Reason: can't RP for other people
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Old 08-01-2008, 12:33 AM   #148 (permalink)
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"Excellent, Riddle. There's a medal in the works for you, I'm sure of it. And your friend..." Brennan didn't generally bother to learn people's names until they were useful to him, but he smiled genially at the man anyway. "Maybe you could interrogate them for a while. Use force."
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Old 08-01-2008, 01:10 AM   #149 (permalink)
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Sparky looked devastated. He looked to the Muggle children and then, sighing, shuffled after Egypt. Perhaps the security people would be able to help the elves. Though honestly, the situation felt helpless.
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Old 08-01-2008, 02:11 AM   #150 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
"Excellent, Riddle. There's a medal in the works for you, I'm sure of it. And your friend..." Brennan didn't generally bother to learn people's names until they were useful to him, but he smiled genially at the man anyway. "Maybe you could interrogate them for a while. Use force."
She bowed her head. "Thank you Minster Copper. That is more than I am worthy of." She looked over at Potter with a vice like grip on the children. "Mr. Potter, sir." She offered to him, even though he didn't look as if he cared. She wouldn't have been so rough with them, but the job was getting done and the minister was happy. She looked up at him when he told her to interrogate them. "Yes sir," She said not wanting to get into trouble for disagreeing with the Minister. Her mother would kill her is she missed up the blissful relationship Ghana and Great Britain were enjoying at the moment. "Please call upon if you require any more assistance." She told him as she turned to ushered Wyatt, the children and the elf out of the room.

Originally Posted by XanaSnape View Post
Sparky looked devastated. He looked to the Muggle children and then, sighing, shuffled after Egypt. Perhaps the security people would be able to help the elves. Though honestly, the situation felt helpless.
Egypt put her hand gently on the elf's shoulder. It was breaking her heart to see them this way. "Come on love," She offered quietly leading the elf out of the office of the Minister and toward the lifts. She closed the door behind her to leave the Minister to his duties in peace.
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