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sweetpinkpixie 08-30-2018 04:07 PM

Decree of the Bean

Having read through the Flavor Guide, you are well on your way towards earning the sweet taste of victory.
All you need to do now is register and wait for your request to be processed and approved!

Currently Approved Challenges:


sweetpinkpixie 08-30-2018 04:10 PM
» announcement index
SEPT 2018 :: prompt suggestion submissions now being accepted for the SS50 & SS100 challenges!
OCT 2018 :: prompt suggestions & mini challenge foreshadowing update
NOV 2018 :: prompts & mini challenges reinvented!
SEPT 2019 :: new challenge area mod & three months rule
NOV 2019 :: tweaked rules for mini challenges
APRIL 2020 :: temporary COVID19 measures

sweetpinkpixie 09-03-2018 04:02 AM
Hello everyone and welcome to the revamped challenge area for all your drabble and ficlet needs! As you can see, this subforum (along with all of the fanfiction forum) has received a new look! So go ahead and get acquainted with that, but please make sure to wipe any drool off the floors and do not eat too much or else risk a belly ache.

There are still some major revisions in the works revolving around the very nature of mini challenges and the prompts to both the SS50 and SS100 - AND THIS IS WHERE ALL OF YOU COME IN!

That's right, we are looking to entirely rejuvenate the prompts and want YOUR input! Just how do you do that? By filling out this form, of course! These prompts will be used by our writers to generate a drabble or ficlet. Your list can all be along one theme, or the words can be randomly selected. Please submit no more than 10 per list, although multiple lists may be submitted:pea: Entries with be accepted throughout the month of September.

Jessiqua 09-09-2018 09:50 PM

I have completed mini challenge ten - Cookie Craze Jessiqua

DeanThomassSpectacle 10-08-2018 02:21 AM

I, DeanThomassSpectacle, vow to complete the SS25 challenge for Dean Thomas.

sweetpinkpixie 10-08-2018 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by DeanThomassSpectacle (Post 12358151)
I, DeanThomassSpectacle, vow to complete the SS25 challenge for Dean Thomas.

yaaaaaaas :whaa: please go ahead and create your thread :loved:

sweetpinkpixie 10-13-2018 03:17 PM
A special shout out to those who submitted new prompts! Thank you for your time and creativity ^_^ those are currently being combed through and you will be seeing changes taking place there soon!

On a similar note, mini challenges are also undergoing a revision and currently are not being accepted. Stayed tuned for those changes as well!

SneakySeverusSnape 10-27-2018 02:38 AM

I, SneakySeverusSnape, vow to complete the SS25 challenge for Neville Longbottom.

sweetpinkpixie 10-27-2018 03:48 PM

oh how exciting! :x3: make sure you have read and understand the rules and guidelines presented in the Flavor Guide and go right on ahead and make your thread ^_^

Tazzie 11-03-2018 02:50 PM

Hi! :x3: can I pretty please ask for this thread to be reactivated? I vow to finish it this time! XD

sweetpinkpixie 11-04-2018 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by Tazzie (Post 12361613)
Hi! :x3: can I pretty please ask for this thread to be reactivated? I vow to finish it this time! XD

you can and it is all moved for you ^_^ good luck

Tazzie 11-05-2018 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie (Post 12361773)
you can and it is all moved for you ^_^ good luck

So... after LITERALLY (I kid you not, I made the thread on the same date :whaa: and didn't notice until I was editing the 1st post) 7 years... I have finished the 100 drabbles for my Beezus :mellow:

sweetpinkpixie 11-05-2018 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by Tazzie (Post 12362071)
So... after LITERALLY (I kid you not, I made the thread on the same date :whaa: and didn't notice until I was editing the 1st post) 7 years... I have finished the 100 drabbles for my Beezus :mellow:

EEEEP! Congratulations :3 you should see something show up in your accolades soon :loved:

sweetpinkpixie 11-17-2018 02:47 AM
THE WAIT IS OVER! Last month we asked for member submissions for new prompts for the SS100 and SS50 respectively. We are pleased to reveal those to you now along with a NEW system of challenge creation! You can read all about it in the Flavor Guide alongside the rest of the guidelines for a Bertie Bott's Challenge, but here are all the juicy details:

When you open up a box of Bertie Bott's, you never quite know what you are gonna get. We have taken this philosophy to heart with our SS100 and SS50 where the power is now given to YOU, the writer, to reach into the box and pull out a fistful of beans. In the spoiler below are groupings of 10 prompts (21 to be precise!) for you to use to complete your challenges. For the SS50 you may pick ANY 5 sets of 10 from the list. For the SS100 select ANY 10 sets of 10. This selection must be done and included when you submit your thread for approval.
SPOILER!!: Groupings to select from

1. Spellotape 2. (Newt Scamander's) Magical Suitcase 3. (Hagrid's) Pink Umbrella 4. Vanishing Cabinet 5. Wireless 6. (Weasley's) Clock/Grandfather clock 7. (Hermione's) Enchanted Coin 8. Rubber Duck 9. Hogwarts Express 10. (Moody's) Magical Eye

1. Obscurial 2. Kowalski Quality Baked Goods 3. Occamy Eggshell 4. NoMaj 5. MACUSA 6. Ilvermorny 7. Rougarou 8. Gigglewater 9. Magizoology 10. New Salem Philanthropic Society

1. Gilt 2. Nobility 3. Rushing 4. Warmth 5. Crimson 6. Righteous 7. Fury 8. Sword 9. Kingdom 10. Roar

1. Judgement. 2. Roll call 3. Slick 4. Reign 5. Creek 6. Turtle dove 7. Silk sheets 8. Sunrise 9. Silver 10. Nocturnal

1. Barrels 2. Tickle the pear 3. Overstuffed armchair 4. Duffer 5. Midnight feast 6. Pay it forward 7. Broom polishing kit 8. Buddy system 9. Dedicated 10. Potato

1. All night study session 2. overdue library book 3. Overthinking 4. Riddle of the Spinx 5. Eclectic 6. Obnoxous 7. Bronze 8. Dictionary 9. Point Me 10. Diadem

1. Comfort 2. Dawn 3. Growth 4. Bed 5. Supper 6. Teapot 7. Photo 8. Desk 9. Hearth 10. Midnight

1. Spring 2. Summer 3. Fall 5. Feast 5. Winter 6. Snowball 7. Yule Ball 8. Orchideous 9. Lumos 10. Nox

1. Fire 2. Water 3. Earth 4. Air 5. Wood 6. Metal 7. Flagrate 8. Duro 9. Aguamenti 10. Wingardium Leviosa

1. Feather 2. Hoof 3. Gallop 4. Horn 5. Fur 6. Slither 7. Scale 8. Talon 9. Soar 10. Prance

1. Cuckoo 2. Eon 3. Era 4. Hourglass 5. Timeturner 6. Pendulum 7. Sundial 8. Past 9. Present 10. Future

1. Age 2. Caramelise 3. Flambe 4. Fold 5. Garnish 6. Hotchpotch 7. Scoop 8. Simmer 9. Sprinkle 10 .Whisk

1. Herbology 2. Transfiguration 3. Defense Against the Dark Arts 4. Astronomy 5. History of Magic 6. Charms 7. Potions 8. Hogwarts, A History 9 Homework 10. Cauldron

1. Muggle Studies 2. Ancient Runes 3. Divination 4. Care of Magical Creatures 5. Arithmancy 6. Dragonhide gloves 7. Duel 8. Quidditch 9. Hogsmeade 10. Apparition

1. Licorice Wand 2. Sweet Tooth 3. Chocolate 4. Jelly Legs 5. Mooch 6. Butterbeer 7. Rock Cake 8. Ooze 9. Epicure 10. Groak

1. Patronus 2. Wand 3. Boggart 4. Expelliarmus 5. Incarcerous 6. Dumbledore's Army 7. Undetectable Extension Charm 8. Unbreakable Vow 9. Unite 10. Stupefy

1. Parseltongue 2. Avada Kedavra 3. Crucio 4. Imperio 5. Blasting Curse 6. Drink of Despair 7. Hurling Hex 8. Sectumsempra 9. Inferius 10. Horcrux

1. Sorting Hat 2. Telescope 3. Quill 4. Dress robes 5. Common room 6. Whomping Willow 7. Portraits 8. Headmaster 9. Staircase 10. Dungeon

1. Veela 2. Kneazle 3. House elf 4. Owl 5. Pureblood 6. Muggle 7. Animagus 8. Thestrals 9. Leprechaun 10. Goblin

1. Pensieve 2. Wizard’s Chess 3. Portkey 4. Howler 5. Deluminator 6. Invisibility Cloak 7. Remembrall 8. Marauder's Map 9. Sneakoscope 10. Exploding Snap

1. Mirror of Erised 2. Amortentia 3. Expecto Patronum 4. Legilimens 5. SpeRevelio 6. Extendable Ears 7. Anti-Cheating Quill 8. Omnioculars 9. Prior Incantato 10. Prophecy

Please do not simply put Group 1 or Group 15, but rather copy paste the entirety into your thread's first post.
Example of a SS50 thread:

1. Veela 2. Kneazle 3. House elf 4. Owl 5. Pureblood 6. Muggle 7. Animagus 8. Thestrals 9. Leprechaun 10. Goblin
1. Fire 2. Water 3. Earth 4. Air 5. Wood 6. Metal 7. Flagrate 8. Duro 9. Aguamenti 10. Wingardium Leviosa
1. Barrels 2. Tickle the pear 3. Overstuffed armchair 4. Duffer 5. Midnight feast 6. Pay it forward 7. Broom polishing kit 8. Buddy system 9. Dedicated 10. Potato
1. Mirror of Erised 2. Amortentia 3. Expecto Patronum 4. Legilimens 5. SpeRevelio 6. Extendable Ears 7. Anti-Cheating Quill 8. Omnioculars 9. Prior Incantato 10. Prophecy
1. Licorice Wand 2. Sweet Tooth 3. Chocolate 4. Jelly Legs 5. Mooch 6. Butterbeer 7. Rock Cake 8. Ooze 9. Epicure 10. Groak

You are also welcome to use the original prompts intended for the SS50 and SS100 should you prefer, which have been kept in their respective information posts in this thread.

"But wait," some of you may be saying, "...I already have a thread and am X amount done with my prompts. What does this mean for me?" The choice is up to you. You may continue with the original list in your challenge thread OR once you have landed on a multiple of 10 you may switch your remaining prompts out for one of the new groups. Whichever works best for and speaks the most to you as a writer :pea:

Please not that these prompt changes do NOT effect the SS25 in any way.

The nature of Mini Challenges has also changed! Now, instead of add-ons to prompts, they are extra prompts that you may use IN PLACE of any one of the prompts in your list. So now, should you find yourself struggling with one prompt from one of your sets of 10, you can just click on over to the Mini Challenges and switch it out ^_^

ONE LAST ANNOUNCEMENT! There is also a NEW mini challenge as provided by member nicole black, so be sure to take a look at that and use it to your advantage.

Questions may be PM'd to myself directly or posted in this thread.

Good luck writers!

Tazzie 11-21-2018 06:47 AM

I, Tazzie, vow to complete the SS25 challenge for my SSRPG characters ZORTS aka:

Zia Castell
Owen Montezor
Ren Montezor
Trent Valdez
Scarlett Molina


Holmesian Feline 11-21-2018 11:49 PM

I, Holmesian Feline, vow to complete the SS100 challenge for Cassie McNally.

sweetpinkpixie 11-21-2018 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by Tazzie (Post 12365322)
I, Tazzie, vow to complete the SS25 challenge for my SSRPG characters ZORTS aka:

Zia Castell
Owen Montezor
Ren Montezor
Trent Valdez
Scarlett Molina



Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline (Post 12365384)
I, Holmesian Feline, vow to complete the SS100 challenge for Cassie McNally.

Both of you go right on ahead and make your threads! :pea: GOOD LUCK!

griffin 11-25-2018 05:57 PM

Can I please have this thread reactivated? I vow to finish my Penelope drabbles!

sweetpinkpixie 11-26-2018 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by griffin (Post 12365987)
Can I please have this thread reactivated? I vow to finish my Penelope drabbles!

you're aaaaaaaaall set! Good luck :yoshi:

WhittyBitty 12-27-2018 04:15 AM

I, Whitty Bitty with FearlessLeader19, vow to complete the SS100 challenge for our RP characters Esme Darcy and Oliver McDean.

sweetpinkpixie 12-27-2018 04:28 AM


Originally Posted by WhittyBitty (Post 12374726)
I, Whitty Bitty with FearlessLeader19, vow to complete the SS100 challenge for our RP characters Esme Darcy and Oliver McDean.

you guys go right on ahead and make that thread ^_^

klexos24 01-04-2019 02:28 AM

I, klexos24, vow to complete the SS25 challenge for Aurora Sinistra!

sweetpinkpixie 01-04-2019 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by klexos24 (Post 12377848)
I, klexos24, vow to complete the SS25 challenge for Aurora Sinistra!

EEP! Go right on ahead and make your thread! Can't wait to read:pea:

WhittyBitty 01-05-2019 04:44 AM

Can you please reactivate this thread? We vow to finish them. XD

sweetpinkpixie 01-05-2019 06:23 AM


Originally Posted by WhittyBitty (Post 12378327)
Can you please reactivate this thread? We vow to finish them. XD

back and ready for action^_^ good luck, you two!

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