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SS25: 25 Holiday Ficlets Before We Ring in the New Year - Sa13+
Every Flavour Bean CollectionThis sweet stash of flavours is where you can indulge in a wide array of completed SS100, SS50, SS25, and EEFD challenges.
25 Holiday Ficlets Before We Ring in the New Year - Sa13+
Hello all! I'm Chelle and this is my 25 Holiday ficlets for a miscellaneous selection from my host of SSRPG characters. I will be only using characters once for the different prompts, the master list of whose who is located below as well as a spoiler for all characters mentioned that are not from my own brain, but the wonderful mind of others who have let myself and my characters get to know them!
Disclaimer: While my characters listed are original characters and labors of love from my own brain, those mentioned that are the intellectual property of others are not, and neither is the world any of them exist in as that is the original creation of J. K. Rowling.
14. Candlelight
Words: 196 Character: Ronan McCarthy; Gryffindor Class of 2102
Featuring; Brie Aesir-McCarthy (Chelliephone), Inkeri Aesir-McCarthy (VRSCIKA)
With eight children running around under foot, it wasn't often that Ro had time (or energy) to plan a date night for himself and his wife. They had a lot of people that offered to let them farm the gaggle of them out, and he and Inkeri did that often. However, it seemed like by the time the kids were split and delivered to the poor unsuspecting victims, he'd run out of energy to do anything but collapse into bed and sleep until pick up.
So tonight .. he'd planned better. They'd do date night IN. He lit a romantic candlelight dinner in their kitchen and put out plates of spaghetti, meatballs, salad and brownies. The dinner of champions. (Or tired parents.) He'd kept it a surprise too from Ink, but now that everything was prepared it was time to collect his wife. The man did just that, leaving the kitchen unattended.
And yet still when they waltzed back in, his hands over his wife’s eyes, the sight that greeted was not the one he'd left. But rather their oldest child, nomming on a brownie and watching as the tablecloth caught fire.
16. Plum Pudding
Words: 199 Rosemary Scardino, Beauxbatons Class of 2094. Current Games and Sports employee
Feat: Benito Scardino (NPC) - family originally created by kayquilz
Mami always went big for holidays. Not only did Nonna bake copious amounts of delicious bread, but Rosemary's own mother also went hard on holiday themed food. If it was something that was referenced in a holiday cookbook, the likelihood it had been featured on the Scardino's Christmas table at least once was high.
This year's featured food? Plum Pudding.
While Rose had not tried this particular.... Delight before, she was hesitant to do so now as they all sat around the table together - her father having just dolloped a large spoonful onto the china plate in front of the 14 year old. She eyed it, and him, skeptically, before cautiously taking a tiny spoonful.
She was going to try it, for Mami's sake only, when one of her older brother's noticed her hesitation. And Benito being... Well, himself, he couldn't help but comment on it. "Aww, what's wrong Rosie Posie? Scared of trying something new?"
Her eyes narrowed, and before she could even consider the consequences the spoonful of plum went hurdling towards her brother before SMACK. It smeared right across his face.
How many times did she need to remind him it was Rosemary?
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
24. Ice Skating
Words: 165 Character: Naia Rose Montezor; Hufflepuff Class of 2097
Feat: Cressida Montezor (MunchyBubbles and mentions of Regina Amstern (AlwaysSnapesGirl
One would have thought that growing up in Alaska, Naia would have been as talented as the rest of her siblings when it came to being out on the ice. And yet as she laced up the boots for her oldest daughter, their ice skating Mommy/Daughter date already underway, she could feel the pit of dread in her stomach and the beginning of a sore bottom of the fails that were sure to be coming.
Once skates were laced, she grabbed Cress’ hand and pulled her out onto the ice - carefully at first, before her daughter released her hand and was off and away, with the natural grace of her aunt.
Nai tried to follow along, but her feet slipped out from under her almost immediately and she fell down with an “OOF”.
Cress gigged before coming back to her and offering her hand. “How about I help you this time, mommy?” Her ego might have been bruised, but her heart was still full.
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
9. Mistletoe
Words: 181 Vera Thanatos; Gryffindor Class of 2114
Feat: Logan Paton (Zoe)
Christmas time was one of the BEST times of year. Candy, presents, the pretty decorations everywhere. It was probably one of Vera’s most favorite times of the year, next to only her birthday.
Which was why she was determined to make sure the common room also looked particularly festive for all of the Gryffindors. And it was totally only because she loved the holiday, and not because she’d been reading more about a tradition she had not yet partook in during the Christmas season.
Garlands were hung, a tree was decorated and now… all that was left was the sprig of greenery laid out in front of her. “Where should I put these….” She muttered to herself, eying the different doorways and tables.
Eventually, she settled on the entrance hole and over the tables she and Logan usually used for the rare studying they completed. She told herself this was just the best spot for any students to use, and was definitely not thinking about the chance of ending up under the mistletoe with a certain blonde haired, blue eyed boy.
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
12. Reindeer
Words: 135 Character: Evan Nam; Ravenclaw Class of 2109
Feat: Hailey Amstern (Watson)
Since the birth of the twins, Christmas had seemed a whole lot more chaotic than it had in years past. Not that Evan minded that fact - the young man fully wrapped around the girls’ fingers.
Which unfortunately for Evan, the girls knew.
Now at 3 years old and his sister in law pregnant with the first nephew of the family, Ev was trying to do what he could to keep the twins busy. Thankfully one of their other aunts too Wyn, which just left him and Hailey.
“Reindeer, Uncle Ev!! Reindeer!”
He blinked at the young girl from his spot on the ground, confusion showing on his face. “Reindeer?” He didn't have time to ask again before she was throwing himself at his back, causing him to shift forward towards the ground.
“Ride, reindeer!!”
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
15. Nutcracker
Words: 167 Kimberly Amstern, Hufflepuff class of 2105
Feat: Vashti Amstern (AlwaysSnapesGirl)
Ballet was one of Kimmie’s most favorite things in the world. Her parents had enrolled her in a dance school in their little town in Alaska two years earlier, and now at seven she was determined to get a leading role in the Christmas recital. She'd still gotten to participate the last few years, but she'd only been a snow flurry in The Snowman and a mouse in Cinderella.
This year they were doing the Nutcracker. And she was dreaming of the pretty tutus and leotards of Clara or the Sugarplum fairy.
And yet, on the day of assigning roles, when her mother Vashti came to collect her, the girl was near inconsolable. “Oh, Kimmie, did you not get a lead role?”
Her little head shook, confusing her mother. “You did get a lead role?” Another little nod. “Isn't that a good thing then?” The matriarch pressed gently.
“I'm - I'm … THE MOUSE KING.” Gone were the dreams of pretty dresses, hello giant rat head.
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
The Walker’s liked to do Christmas BIG. There was a little holiday village Ettie set up every year, and a train that had tracks that floated all the way around the house, and little figurines of Santa GALORE. Her mom always did Christmas SO big, that Tinsley was pretty sure her name was what it was JUST so Tinsel could be used as one of her nicknames.
Which was also why she thought her mom was going to LOVE the idea the 16 year old had come up with this year.
Being underage, of course she couldn’t do any magical modifications to her appearance alone, but that wasn’t to say she couldn’t go to a hairdresser. Tins had paid to have her entire head of hair turned into just strands of tinsel, which was… a lot of shimmer, but she was living for it.
At least… she had been until Ettie saw her.
“Tinsley Beck Walker! Your CURLS!”
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
11. Sleigh
Words: 192 Tamara Bowen; Ravenclaw Class of 2117
Feat: Dynah Atreyu-Rehman (FearlessLeader19)
Tam knew that Christmas was one of Dynah’s favorite times of year, so she wanted to do something special for her friend in celebration of the season. She was well aware that she wasn’t a great gift giver, so instead of that she wanted to plan some type of experience for herself and the Hufflepuff. And while she was pouring over books of typical Christmas time activities - it hit her.
A sleigh ride! Was there a more perfect idea!? She was certain her friend would LOVE it!
It had taken some coordination with the Charms Professor, but eventually she’d been able to magically charm a toboggan to take Dy and herself a couple times around the Quidditch pitch.
Tam sent her friend a note to meet her at the pitch where she stood waiting with a fuzzy blanket, cups of gingerbread tea and extra warm clothes “Dynah!” With a flurry of excitement, the Ravenclaw bundled them both up before having Dy sit front,blanket tucked around her, with Tam behind and arms wrapped around the older girl. “Let’s go!”
The sleigh started, while both girls giggled with some red tinge to their cheeks.
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
7. Eggnog
Words: 196 Character: Davet Durand; Muggle graduated in 2109
Feat: Jude Anders (FearlessLeader19)
Confession, Davet Durand had never actually tried eggnog before. He wasn’t sure what nog referenced, but he wasn’t overly fond of eggs (particularly not in any type of drinking form) so the knowledge he did have was enough to turn him off of it.
But when he found out his husband was a fan, naturally he had to find some recipes to try to add that to their arsenal of holiday treats.
Finishing his first batch just in time for their Christmas movie watching night, Davet having chosen A White Christmas, he poured them both a foaming glass before heading out to their living room to curl up on the couch next to Jude. One glass was passed over to the former Hufflepuff, while the curly haired muggle raised his own to his lips. He waited to hear a satisfied noise from Jude at the taste, before taking his own sip.
And promptly coughing over it as he stared in shock at the mug in his hand, his face unable to hide how much he did not enjoy. Jude laughed, standing and taking the mug from Davet’s hands. “I’ll be right back with a hot chocolate.”
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
Last edited by Chelliephone; 12-11-2023 at 12:01 AM.
10. Bells
Words: 198 Alouette Wild; Slytherin Class of 2113
Feat: Vasco Thanatos (Kolyander)
The barns were frequently becoming Allie’s favorite place to hang out on the Hogwarts grounds. It reminded her some of home, being surrounded by the creatures, but mainly she just liked having the bonding time with the school’s winged horses. The Care of Magical Creatures professor also kept the treats well stocked, which meant she was able to sneak a carrot here and there to the well behaved.
Just kidding, everyone got at least half a carrot.
She also liked the occasional appearance of the barn cat, which she had fondly coined Vasco, after the first time he’d literally dropped in on her.
She was hoping to run into him today, something small tucked into her pocket. She was not disappointed when she entered and peered up into the rafters, spotting him immediately. “Fancy seeing you here. Come down for a minute?”
Vasco smirked at her from his spot, “Why?” before still dropping down in front of her.
Allie pulled out the bell she’d hidden in her pocket, dropping it over his head on a long braided chain. “Easier to find you.” She replied, smirking back before turning and leaving. Her goal for the day was already accomplished.
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
4. Chimney
Words: 196 Character: Mandrake Beery, Slytherin class of 2118
Feat: Gillyweed Beery (Zoe)
Drake was on a mission to find his twin sister, with a large book clasped in his hands, his fingers keeping his place as he searched until finding her in the commons. Gil was perched in their usual seats, a book stretched in her lap.
With a loud noise, Drake plopped himself down into the seat opposite. He was attempting to alert her of his presence, but also wasn’t so rude as to say her name and interrupt. A small nod of her head told him she knew he was there.
When Gilly got to a stopping point, she closed her own book and looked over at him. “What’s up, Drakey?” That was all the encouragement he needed to open his book and shove it under her nose.
“Why chimneys? And why do people BELIEVE that? A chimney opening is like… what, 4 feet? And Santa is infamously known for being rotund and eating cookies at every house all night on Christmas Eve! So HOW does he get into the chimney?”
His sister just looked at him in amusement, before reading over the page so they could figure out the best way to research his questions.
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
20. Presents
Words: 173 Han Min-Su; 2105 Graduate (privately tutored)
Feat: Henrietta Han (Bumblebee)
While not normally someone to go overboard on things, it occurred to Min-Su as she stared at the lack of floor under her Christmas tree that she had potentially done so this time around. But she also couldn’t help it. This was the first Christmas her younger sister would be having without her foster grandmother, AND the first Christmas for the girls to celebrate together since having found out of each other’s existence. She still wasn’t 100% on what Etta even liked, so buying way too many presents in all different types of items had obviously been a necessity.
Christmas morning came, and as Etta shyly opened each of the items Min had presented, it was only after she’d opened the items for the frog they’d be picking up later and all of the earrings that she’d gotten the biggest smile. And as the 11 year old had bounced across the room to give Min-Su a hug, saying “You’re the best sister” suddenly going all out didn’t seem like such a bad thing.
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
The kids were down for the evening, all five of them snugly tucked into bed, which gave Rax some time to relax and sit on the couch to watch a movie with his wife. They’d picked out some cheesy Christmas movie, which Rax didn’t mind, but he was feeling energetic and too restless to simply sit together.
“Do you want to build a snowman?” He asked, right as the love interest was clearly being introduced.
Sol looked at him in amusement, a wide smile on her face. “We don’t have any snow, mi amor.”
The man grinned at that, jumping up to retrieve his wand from where it sat in the entryway cabinet and coming back. “I can fix that part.” he exclaimed, casting a quick snowfall spell in the middle of their living room. Soleil laughed, delighted as usual by his spell casting as she jumped up from the couch.
“You make more snow, I’ll go get gloves and scarves.”
Rax laughed as she disappeared, casting the spell again in hopes of making it fall faster.
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
5. Scrooge
Words: 199 Ekaterina Kong; Papillonisse graduate of 2106
Feat: Bolin Kong (Watson)
It was always impressive to her just how big the Kong family made Christmas within the company. It wasn't that necessarily they were known for their generous gifts to employees, but the spectacle of the decorations was something to behold. The first time Kate had seen it herself, she had been quite impressed.
Waltzing into the main headquarters now, a basket of peppermints to hand out to all the employees as she went, her task was to spread some cheer before she went to find her husband to bring him lunch - their children with her best friend for the present time.
She had just dropped off a handful of peppermints for the reception outside of Bo’s office, when she heard them whispering. “The new Mrs. Kong is so sweet, it's such a shame she ended up with such a Scrooge.” Stomping back up to them, Kate glared before grabbing the peppermints back.
Entering Bo’s office, she was met with the most dazzling smile from her husband as he stood to greet her, kissing her cheek and producing a poinsettia. “I knew you were coming.” He confessed, a shy smile.
She kissed him again. This was certainly no Scrooge.
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
Not being able to be with his fianceé during the holiday was the pits. But because Tavion was also so proud of her and the self proclaimed #1 self-proclaimed Emilia Kim fan, he could deal with it. It just meant he had to come up with ways to spoil her for the season from afar. He could have gone to every single one of her concerts, but the traveling was hard on their cats and he also knew their being there could sometimes be a distracting.
Which was in part what spurred probably his BEST Christmas surprise he could have come up with yet!
Finding a photographer friend, Tav had them taking an obscene amount of shots of him and the kitties, before then going to a graphic shop and having them take all of those photos and print them on a sweater - with pom poms, and candy cane decals and all of the things that just screamed CHRISTMAS CHEER. The end result was truly the most hideous sweater he’d ever seen, but with his and the fur children's faces plastered all over it….
He knew Emi was going to love it.
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
“What is that?” Jermaine Orleans asked, staring at the misshapen loaf sitting on the kitchen cabinet of the Italian apartment he and his wife, Qetsiyah, shared.
With a laugh, Qets appeared and wrapped an arm around his waist, looking down at it with him. “Neighbor brought it over. I think it's called fruitcake. I guess it's a typical holiday gift.”
He reached out to gently poke it with his finger, looking closer to see all of the different colors. He was pretty certain bread or cake or… whatever, wasn't supposed to come with different shades of green, orange and reds in it.
Qets laughed at him again, before releasing him. “C’mon. I’ll try it if you do. Or are you too scared of it?”
The competitiveness in him unlocked, he grinned at his wife. “You're on.”
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
While Lakshmi was only a few weeks old, now that Advika and Suresh were parents she was determined to go ALL out for this Christmas season. Baby girl would not have any memories of her very first holiday season, but the elder Nadeem’s certainly would and she wanted them to have the best.
Which was why she was filling her days with different practiced traditions. Today's task: cookies.
Advi knew how to cook, so she was certain this would be a success. But she hadn't had a ton of experience baking - and she certainly had next to none with baking in shapes. But she was going to try! She had some new gingerbread cookie cutters and the recipe was made and now it was all just down to rolling out and placing them!
… Except, when Suresh came home from the store, instead of finding baking cookies there was a tired wife sitting on the floor covered in cookie dough while baby napped in her crib. She looked over at her husband and her lip quivered. “Why do the legs keep BREAKING.”
Sur fought a smile as he helped his wife up and started rolling out the dough again.
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
17. Wreath
Words: 200 Roquefort Aesir-McCarthy - future class of 2123
Feat: Brie Aesir-McCarthy (Chelliephone)
This was generally an exciting time of the year. All of the presents, the pretty decoration, the heaps and heaps of candy they seemed to be able to convince the adults in their lives to give them. It was one of the few times where Ro Jr felt like he wasn't just existing, but he was even feeling euphoric!
But… as per her usual, Brie always found a way to ruin things for him.
He should have known to be more careful! This was, after all, the first year Brie was old enough to participate in the family tourney. Which meant his normally aggressive older sister was 10x MORE so. But due to his own neglect and the allure of the holiday getting him to lower his guard, he wasn't prepared when she pounced down from one of the upper levels of the foam play castle Dad had built - managing to entrap him with ease within the circle of one of the holiday wreaths Auntie Islay had made for them.
His arms pinned to his side, Brie let out a roar of triumph as Roquefort watched after her - before heaving the heaviest of sighs at his new predicament.
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
Baxter Lake Byrne had always prided himself on his endless amount of energy. But even he had to admit, 5 children ages 13 - 3 with two sets of multiples was a lot. And while he didn't meant to brag (he did), he was pretty certain his kids had the most energy of all.
In particular - the ones that were biologically his.
Bax had nearly met his match in Erebos and Hades, aptly named. And he was very much feeling that as he managed to wrestle the two into bed finally, barely having escaped some sparks flying at his head from early signs of magic. Falling into his own bed, his wife Hecate beside him, Bax rolled to throw an arm over her waist. “I'm thinking coal this year for Christmas.”
Hecate snorted, raising an eyebrow “you want to give them something easier to catch aflame?”
… Touche.
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
Last edited by Chelliephone; 12-13-2023 at 05:19 AM.
Cyril knew his son thought he was imposing on him with his request for Lucy’s first Christmas. But truthfully? The man was delighted with the role he'd been asked to play. The holidays were fun again since the birth of his twin granddaughters, and even more so now that little Lu had joined the bunch. And they were more of to the ages were they could enjoy the season and truly get into the magic of the holiday.
Which truly manifested in the belief of one individual - Santa Claus.
Waiting outside in the cold on their stoop, he peered into the window as his son and daughter in law began to rally the troops to get them dressed, stories read, and a plate of cookies left out for hi- er, Santa. And only when the girls were finally ready to head to their rooms, little Lu in her father’s arms, did he notice the imperceptible now his direction.
With the jolliest sounding “HO HO HO” he could muster, Cyril burst through the door in his red suit and magically enhanced appearance, with a bag of toys over his shoulder. Delighted at the shouts of “SAAAAANTA" as he did so.
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
While Diagon Alley had not been a place she often frequented, since one attempted visit with Avery, Siofra had certainly come to make this corner of London one of her more frequent haunts. In particular, the Expresso Patronum - which thankfully survived one heck of a delicious tea that she liked to get.
From one particularly cute barista, too.
Striding into the little coffee shop close to Christmas, she joined the growing line - catching Julia’s eye and giving a little finger wiggle of hello as she waited for her turn to order. When she was to the front, Shay managed to behave herself from flirting too much, placing her order before slipping the barista a candy cane tip and a wink as she stepped back to wait for her drink.
Well, to wait for her drink and admire the pretty blush that bloomed across the brunette’s cheeks at the holiday poem and the request to meet her for dinner that night.
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
Last edited by Chelliephone; 12-14-2023 at 03:25 AM.
Gillyweed Desjardins - Castelobruxo class of 2104
Feat: Cedar Desjardins (Chelliephone)
“Maman! Maman!” Gilly’s currently blue eyes turned to look for her son amidst the clutter of boxes she’d laid out during her task of sprucing up their flat. It was hard to locate him for a moment, with all of the inflatables she’d purchased already blown to full capacity, but he seemed to have sympathy for her as he turned his hair bright blue. “Maman!”
Stepping down from her letter, light strand left half way up, the young woman opened her arms to gather him up. “Yes, little love?” She asked, nuzzling his head.
“I want to help decorate the tree! You haven't done it already right?!” He asked, pushing away from her to look at her with worried eyes.
Gilly laughed before snatching a stray now from the box next to them and placing it on Cedar’s head. “I haven't, but we can start with the Cedar tree right now!”
The little boy laughed before jumping away from her and peeling through the house, Gil right on his heels.
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
Heading home after a long day out in the field, Gray was pleased to have received a text from his girlfriend letting him know she was planning on spending the evening at his place and asking what he wanted for dinner. Generally, he preferred to be the one getting to spoil her - but the most important thing for him tonight was spending the evening with her, so he wouldn't fuss.
Except he also didn't know just how spoilt he was getting.
Reaching his flat, Gray unlocked the door and barely made it a step inside before he stopped and stared in amazement at the sight before him. There was garland everywhere, mistletoe, lights… a Christmas tree. Clearly Jin had been busy that day.
But perhaps the best surprise of all, was he could hear her softly singing Christmas carols as she cooked. Letting himself fully into the flat, he moved to lean against the kitchen frame and watch her.
He could certainly get used to this.
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
Chestnuts were not a holiday snack that Lalia particularly enjoyed partaking in. But they were still a part of the overall holiday appeal, and therefore she felt very strongly they should still be included in traditions. At least, in one shape or another.
Though she tended to need to find creative ways to do so.
Which as an artist, she actually loved.
This year, she’d chosen to use the chestnuts as a painting device for a project for little Evanthe. She’d put them in a giant bag with a white canvas and different splotches of paint placed on it. Before setting the whole thing down in front of the 1 year old, who giggled and cooed and pushed at the plastic and shook the whole project. Lalia filmed the entire thing on her phone, giggling throughout, before proudly calling for her husband to show of their youngest artists creations.
Chestnuts rolling on a blank canvas.
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
2. Advent
Words: 160 Character: Tyrion Riggs; Pukwudgie Class of 2105
Feat: James Riggs (Erindipity)
He wasn’t much of a holiday celebrating type of guy. In Tyri’s opinion, the holidays brought too many corny songs, too much consumerism and some of the worst movies he’d ever had to sit through. But one thing that he did think was kind of fun? Advent calendars. The idea of spoiling someone you cared about with little ways of caring about them for an entire 25 days (or 12, depending on which type of advent you wanted to do) was just super chill.
Which was why despite his usual aversion, he’d decided to try it this year for his best friend, turned nomadic partner, turned wife. Whether holidays were or weren’t her scene, he knew music was and that she always was apprieciated of the ways he showed he cared.
So… advent. And the theme this year? Re-writing each of the different corny songs to be James-centric. And of course he had to start with 12 days of Christmas.
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start