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Old 10-11-2012, 02:55 AM
Hera Hera is offline
Default Meet an Author: Lollipop!

Hello hello! And welcome to another edition of Meet an Author! This month in the spotlight, we have Christina AKA Chris! So let's give her a HUGE round of applause and let's spend some time getting know her and admiring her talent.

Christina's works include:
Active works:
100 Drabbles for BEAMing Blue by Chris Sa13+
100 Arguments for Scorpius and Rose Sa13+ (co-written with iceblossom22)
The Way the Wind Blows - Sa13+ (co-written with Ladybug and is a Golden Goblin winner!)

the Rose (one-shot) Sa13+
Chocolate Frog Wrappers and Pink Ink; the diary of a bubble 'Claw - Sa13+

Feeling Blue Sa13+
What Doesn't Kill You, Makes You Stronger - Sa13+
Of Craziness and White-Blond Hair Sa13+
Christina's 100 for the Lonely Gaunt Sa13+
100 Drabbles Of Bushy Hair and Chudley Canons Sa13+
Lily's 50 for Potty and Weaslette - Sa13+
Lileh's 100 for the Crazed Blondie! - Sa13+
100 Too-Cute Drabbles for Eugine & Loris by Lileh - Sa13+

Interviewer: Emily (Hera)
Interviewee: Christina (Lollipop!)

*flicks a switch and turns on the author spotlight*... OH MY! Hello! Congratulations on being our author of the month! First of all, how are you feeling?!

How am I feeling?! I think I'm about to faint! I-I...Ooooh I'm all excited and flaily and-and-- Um...I mean I'm very well thank you. Glad to be here! And you?

Aaaww don't faint! Because then I can't interview you hehe. I'm good and super excited. I feel as though I need to get to know you better, and I'm sure our audience wants to as well *points to them* See! So please, tell us a bit about yourself. What's your name? Where are you from? Do have pets?

Oh yeah. Good point! Hehe. Oooh! 'Ello audience! *waves over enthusiastically at the audience* Okay. *deep breath* Well, I have MANY names. My actual name is Christina but many of you lovely SSers call me Chris or Chrisseh. I'm from the Land of the Awesome Ireland which I BOAST about to pretty much anyone who'll listen. Aaaand I DO have a pet. A gorgeous golden retriever called 'Scéimear' which is the Irish for Rascal who likes watching Spongebob and has a need to sit on my lap whenever he gets the chance.

*beams* well it's a pleasure meeting you Christina. You know, I went to Ireland last year. It was AMAZING! So I am super envious right now, all St Patties green. *thinks I'm clever* ... *stares at Irish name* I wouldn't have a clue how to pronounce that. Heh. Do you have any hobbies? What do you do with your free time?

REALLY?! Tis a totally awesome/amazing/fantastic country, riiiiiight? Heheheee. *twirls in it* Yeah. Even Irish people have a hard time pronouncing that. It's funny to watch...or hear. Ehm, does SS count? Because any time I'm not at school, I'm here. Because I'm completely addicted...If you guys stopped being so awesome...But, if that doesn't count, I'm a big reader and I love writing...obviously. Heh. I'm rubbish at sports so if I'm locked inside with a good book, I'm happy.

Bahaha. That's good to know. *checks list of acceptable answers* YEP! SS counts! SS addiction is part of the site policy. Didn't you know? People who aren't addicted get... put in detention. *says so* Reading and writing is really cool. I'm a fan, and I am a HUGE fan of your writing. I'm still reading through a fair bit of it. How long have you been writing? When did you start?

It isssss. Ooooh! *flails* I didn't actually. That's brilliant. But I'm seriously addicted. I've spent so long on the laptop with my eyes glued to SS that my mom is threatening to send me to Computers Anonymous....*mellow* Reading and writing is ze best. Really? D'aaaaw. You're making me blush! Um...I suppose I have. I've also loved to read and I was writing silly poems about ladybugs when I was six. But I think the time I really started was when I was eight-years-old. This is gonna sound super cheesy. I'm sorry. But, I remember my dad giving me a notebook and told me to write whatever I want. And once I started I couldn't stop. It was the most amazing feeling. I could create my own worlds, create my own characters. I knew that this was what I wanted to do. Alright. Sorry. That was mega!cheesy. *blushes*

Computers Anonymous... yeah we've all had that threat I'm sure. *CTRL Cling's to you* You're not going anywhere!!! Hehe yes indeedy, I'm actually waiting to see more from you even though I'm still behind because it's just that good, and so easy to follow. *schemes to make you blush more*
Oh my GOSH! That is the cutest thing I've ever heard, but having said that, I like cheese. Does your dad still encourage or inspire you writing?

Really? Phew. I'm not alone then. I don't think anyone needs to worry about me going anywhere for the moment. Really? D'aaaaw. At the moment RPing has pretty much taken over my life but I should have a couple more fanfics on the way in a little while. You never know. Hehehehe. Guess it's cute, I suppose. Yeah. And my mom really likes helping me grow as a writer too. They'll set up meetings with famous authors and schtuff so that I can get tips and stuff. It's super mega awkward because I'm really shy and get starstruck soooo easily but it's the best.

Oh geez! Wow!... That is super cool and I'm sure everyone is as jealous as I am, RIGHT?! *stares at the audience* So, who have you met?

Well, just small Irish authors really. Um, I don't know if you've ever heard of Marita Conlon-McKenna? She's pretty big over here. Wrote the Under the Hawthorn Tree? It was based on the Irish famine so it's like a right of passage reading it. But yeah, she's one of my heroes and getting to talk to her was super amazing!

Ooooohhhh.... nope, never heard of her, but it sounds amazing, and meeting authors in general is super cool, so you still win bonus points for that! *ticks some boxes on clipboard*
How did you discover the wonderful world of Harry Potter? Were you always a lover of the series?

WHOOP. Gotta love bonus points! *BEAMS* As long as I can remember I've been into Harry Potter. My dad raised me on it. My bed time story was Prisoner of Azkaban. It was awesome. I was about seven when I got into a fight with my best friend about Harmione and Romione. We didn't talk for three days. But yeah, Harry Potter IS MY LIFE. Always has been, always will be.

*grabs tissues* OHMYGOSH! Isn't that just the sweetest thing?! *stares at the audience* ... though maybe not the whole not talking to your friend for three days thing, though your fondness for the Potter is inspiring. Do you have a favourite character?

Hmm...For a while it was Ginny then Luna then Hermione but now it's Neville. Because
I reread the Philosopher's Stone a while ago and he's just adorable and in the DH he's so brave and people before the seventh book came out people would say he's not really a Gryffindor and..yeah. *ish finished rambling now*

Gah! That's so sweet! You're soooo full of sweetness! You don't happen to have a sweet tooth do you?

Yesh I do actually. The amount of Galaxy chocolate I go through everyday is unreal XD

Interesting... I think I'd like to see that, and compare our appetites.

But... seeing as we're running out of time now, would you like to play a game instead?

OOOOOH. A GAME. *claps and bounces* I luff games!

GOOD!... co-operation makes this so much easier, otherwise I'd have had to force you to play along hehe. SO... the game is "What if you went to Hogwarts?!" Ready?!

*takes deep breath to prepare self* Alright. Let's do this thing!

*beams* so, you mentioned having a sweet tooth, if you were a student at Hogwarts, which wizarding candy would you be obsessed with?

Chocolate frogs. Definitely.

Haha, would you collect the cards too?

YESH. I have a few of them you know.....

Oohh I'm sure you do

During the summer, whilst exploring Diagon Alley, what flavour ice cream would you purchase from Florean Fortescues?

Ooooh. That's a good one. Um... I would say Goblin Spit to sound brave but Iam nooooo lion so....Probably Cauldron Cake. XD

BAHAHAHA. Goblin Spit. You only live once right? Unless you're a Voldie in the making... *eyes you* ... so as a young witch, which kind of magical animal would you obsess over?

Exactly! I still probably wouldn't try it though..... Who? Me? Neverrrrr.....*shifty* Hm... Probably dragons. Or blast-ended skrewts. Cause they're AWESOME. And dangerous. And I...yeah to live on the edge.

Lolz, I have to admit, I TOTALLY like your style. *is not afraid of you*

So, do you think you'd be a Quidditch fanatic? And if so, which team would you support?

You should totally be scared. Just sayin'.

Definitely. Um...Not Chudley Canons anyway. Probably Puddlemere United. Mhmm.

*makes note to self: lock my doors*

Hehe. Good choice.*
What about favourite subject?


Hm...I'm sure loads of people would pick Defence Against the Dark Arts but I'd probably go with Transfiguration.

Oohhh nice choice! Do you think you'd be the type of student to get detention? And if so, why?

Merlin no. I'm such a goodie-goodie. It's ridiculous. Even if I get into the slightest bit of trouble I feel like crying....

Aaawwww that's so sweet! *pets you* ... and it completely ruins your pending doom new Voldie vibe you had going. *smirk*

And finally... what form would your patronus take?

.....DARN IT. And here I am attempting to convince most SSers that I'm pure evil! Forget I said that! I actually love getting in trouble. Tis my middle name!

Hummingbird I think. That's what all my friends say. And I quite like the idea. Mhmmm.

Oh dear... trouble's you're middle name? XD ... and you would have a hummingbird patronus. Sounds adorable to me. *is tempted to pinch your cheeks*
But let me guess, your ammo is... lulling your victims into a false sense of security with your chocolate obsession, hummingbird patronus and doggy with a ridiculously difficult name to spell and pronounce? ... and then, you POUNCE! And make horcruxes! and rise to power? I'm on the right track aren't I? XD

TIS INDEED. I doooo. I'm just a tad bit strange. I'm half evil, half good. I've chosen the DARK side. *eyes you*
EXACTLY. D'aaaw. Mah doggy is my sidekick. You are exactly. I'm actually planning world domination. You should sign your soul over now before it's too late.

*BIG eyes* ... *turns to the audience* Well guys, you heard it here first. Chris, is planning world domination. I suggest we form a line and join her ranks, after all there's safety in numbers! .... Chris thank you SO much for joining us, and letting us know of the worlds impending doom. It's been lovely to meet you and get to know you a little better. Any last words?

Twas my pleasure! Last words? The sign-up sheet where you can ALL come over to the dark side is on the coffee table in the corner. Aaaaaand, you need to give me chocolate if you wanna join. If you don't sign-up YOU DIE. That's all. Baaaaaaaai.

Well folks thanks for coming and listening and not wetting your pants, you heard the lady! Go! Sign up! And while you're at it, check out her wonderful fics (which we should all worship). Sign up and stay safe! *waves goodbye and goes to sign name in blood*

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Old 10-11-2012, 06:28 AM   #2 (permalink)

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*walks up & signs soul over*

No really chrisseh!!!!! :glomps:
writer of the month *snuggles you*
this is amazing! *makes a mental note to read ALL of your work..*

Last edited by JennMarie; 10-11-2012 at 06:35 AM.
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Old 10-11-2012, 06:53 AM   #3 (permalink)

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Writer of the month?!?! Congrats!!

Awesome interview! World Domination, eh? Just give me loads of chocolates and you can me!!
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Old 10-11-2012, 11:44 AM   #4 (permalink)
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D'awww. Awesome interview you both are lovlies!

And Chris I soooo have to read everything you wrote! And You'll find you on your doorstep profilecommenting and reacting. maybe criticizing XD And I of course read Blue's drabbles and they are awesome!!

And goblin spit.

*goes to sign-up*
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Old 10-11-2012, 11:49 AM   #5 (permalink)

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Congrats! <3 And awesome interview, haha! *loves on your awesomeness*

*signs up to the dark side* XD
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Old 10-11-2012, 12:59 PM   #6 (permalink)

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Congrats! Awesome Interview

*gives you chocolate and signs up*

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Old 10-11-2012, 03:47 PM   #7 (permalink)

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*FLAILSSSSSSSSS* Congrats, lovelyyyyy! Awesome interview! Not surprised though, you pretty much ooze awesomeness on the reg. <333
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Old 10-11-2012, 03:50 PM   #8 (permalink)
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OMGOSHHHH! My Chrisseh Bear has an interview!

You don't scare me thouuugh! MWAHAHA! *cos I'm your evil side kick*

Awwwh, a hummingbird? That's cute! I dunno what mine would be..

Anyway! CONGRATS TWINNEHHH! You deserved it!
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Old 10-11-2012, 03:59 PM   #9 (permalink)

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I... I... I'm speechless.

I'm just as jealous as Em is, really. >.<

Brilliant interview, guys.
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Old 10-11-2012, 04:01 PM   #10 (permalink)

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You ish a cute Lady Voldie in the making. *pooookes*

I'mma sign up too, 'kay? *pushes other people out of the way and scribbles in her siggeh* Coz awesome people do that. XD Congraaaats luffleehh! Well deserved!

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Old 10-18-2012, 06:23 PM   #11 (permalink)
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*ish totally jealous*

But unsure about giving chocolate... *glomps it*

Fabulous interview, guys!
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