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Old 01-05-2012, 08:39 PM
Anna Banana Anna Banana is offline
Default Meet an Author: Cassirin

During Snitch Seeker's annual "Days of Potter" event, the Fan Fic Goblins held a contest where members were asked to rewrite the poem "'Twas the Night Before Christmas." Coming in FIRST PLACE with the most amount of votes is the amazingly talented:


You can read her award-winning rewrite here:

Text Cut: The Winning Entry!
'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the castle
Professors were making their rounds - what a hassle!
The Great Hall was decked out with pine trees and baubles
And one long dinner table to prevent Christmas squabbles.

The students were nestled all snug in their dorm
With curtains pulled tight 'round their beds to keep warm.
Dumbledore in his slippers and Snape with a sneer
Kept watch in the halls lest some students appear.

When in the Great Hall there arose such a clatter,
They both raced downstairs to see what was the matter.
Through every dark hall, they flew on swift feet,
Snape hoping an unruly Gryff they would meet.

The Great Hall was empty, or seemed at first look,
A glittering wonderland out of a book.
But what, to their curious gaze should they see?
A red-clad old man laying under the tree.

"Who is that man?" Old Snapey supplied,
As he rushed toward the tree with his wand at this side.
"How did he get here? And where is he from?"
But the wizened old man seemed to be struck dumb.

Dumbledore grinned, "Now, this must be St. Nick.
Help him up to his feet, Severus. Be quick!"
Snape grumbled and groaned, but he helped Nick to his feet
And they three took a moment upon their first meet.

The two old men nodded, one round and one thin,
Each tugged on his beard, and then nodded again.
"I'd heard stories about you, but I didn't believe,"
St. Nick declared as he shook soot off his sleeve.

"I was flying o'rhead when the school I did see
And the reindeer dropped closer, for I thought maybe
This distant old place, so far in the cold
Might need Christmas cheering, as in days of old."

Snape gave a snort, which was much like his sneer,
And he pointed around at Hogwarts' festive cheer.
"Look at this place, at the tinsel, the trees,
The holiday crackers... we don't need you. Please!"

And St. Nick looked 'round, though his face wasn't jolly.
"I can see it quite clearly. Not ivy or holly
Or egg nog and cookies, nor e'en mistletoe
Are needed at Hogwarts. Your spirit does show."

The old man then turned to return to his sleigh
But the sly old Headmaster stepped into his way.
"We are quite festive, that much is true,
But don't you believe, sir, that we don't need you."

"We have all we need to make Christmas complete,
All except one, the most arduous feat.
If you can provide it, the gift that I query,
Then you alone, Nick, will make Christmas most merry."

He whispered his words that Nick only could hear,
And the jolly old elf gave a nod with great cheer.
Then he marched to the chimney, lay his finger to nose
And with a small poof, up the chimney he rose.

"What did you ask, sir?" Snape's voice broke the hush,
But the canny Headmaster no answer did rush.
Instead, he just pointed above to the sky
Where, through the ceiling, first snow it did fly.

We also recommend checking out these other exciting pieces by Cassirin:

Currently Active:
Ally Cope: Travels of a PotterGirl - Sa13+

Finished Fan-Fics
Shades of Black - Sa9+
Sweets for the Sweet - Sa9+
Cassirin's EEFFD -It's All Fun and Games 'Til... - Sa9+
Ern's 100 Crazy-colored Tonks Drabbles - Sa13+
Unequivocal Perfection: Ern, Tegz, and 100 Mary Sues - Sa13+

As part of the awards Cassirin won for being our first place finisher (and also because we think she's oh-so-awesome), we've caught up with her for an exclusive interview! So sit down with a nice cup of hot cocoa and enjoy this most interesting read!

Congrats again, Cassirin!


Anna Banana is in GREEN
Cassirin is in PINK

Anna: Ladies and Gentlemen! Boys and Girls! Snitch Seekers from all over! *BULL HORN* I'm excited and honored to bring to you the WINNER of our recent 'Twas the Night Before Christmas Rewrite Contest! She's also our Author Spotlight for the month of Decemeber! Everybody join me in a BIG CONGRATULATIONS for Cassirin!!!! *MORE BULL HORNS*

Ern: HUZZAH! *runs in and slaps hands with the crowd*

Big entrance?

We like big entrances! As a matter of fact... *throws confetti on you...and you...and you, you, and you two* So now that we're all covered in confetti, let's get started with our AHHHH-mazing interview! SO, we call you Ern? How did that nickname get started anyway? It's obviously from your real name, Erin, but do reveal the secret behind the mystery--WHATEVER happened to that missing letter i?

*Nevermind that I just typed the wrong TWO...TOO...TO in that.

You can call me anything you'd like. You can call me Al. I don't mind. As for the missing I... I've actually been looking for it for AGES now. We should put up posters and send out search parties. I last saw it in Touz's possession, so we may want to check her beard.

Actually, though, Ern is one of those weird nicknames that follows me through life. I've been given it separately at school, in college, and then again on SS by people entirely unrelated, and it isn't like ERN is a common nickname for Erin, EITHER. So it must personify me in some way. There is no I in Ern.

OH. That means I'm like very selfless and giving, right?

Alright, Snitch Snicker--you heard it here first! Erin with a missing i (or Ern, as we like to say) is on the lookout for her missing i! Please do keep a careful EYE (i?) on MAD EYE (i?) TOUZ, as it seems she may have a thing for those letter i's.

So that's actually pretty funny that you've been given the name on more than one occasion. I think you're right--I think it just shows that you're kind and caring and all those things that come from 'no i in the word team'. But you know, as we Slytherins like to say, there's no i in the word team, but there's a ME if you scramble it around. hee hee.

Now we're about to move on to talking about your AMAZING talent for writing, but before we do, you should know that I speak fluent typo. Maybe more so than English, I don't know. *paper bag over head*

You can't fool me, Banana. You were a Gryffindor FIRST. You might be a Slytherdor or something, but you cannot fool me. I have a SORTING HAT living in my brain, you know! (And for the record, there might be no I in team, but there is an Erin in SlythERIN)

I read fluent typo! What a serendipitous experience!

NOOO, don't say it! *covers ears and hums loudly* Sierra is not pleased, and bad things to happen when Sierra is not pleased. *kicks her out this interview*

I think I was the one to point that out to you--the whole SlythERIN thing. I don't know about being the FIRST to point it out, but I remember pointing it out. AND HEYYY! That's where your missing i is--in SlythERIN! *proud snake now* You should be a snake, SlythERIN.

Okay, so let's get started on YOUR AWESOME REWRITE! I've read your entry time and again, but for those of us who haven't been able to read it just yet, tell us a little about the storyline in the rewrite.

I currently have one character from each house, so I'm 1/4 Slytherin. That's plenty for me! Can't have favorites!

Aw, thanks, Banana. Ummm. Well, basically, it's Christmas Eve at Hogwarts, and Dumbledore and Snape are patroling the halls when they hear a noise in the Great Hall. It turns out St. Nick has fallen down their chimney and is laid out under one of the Christmas trees. After some very suspicious allegations from old Snape, St. Nick decides he doesn't have much to offer to Hogwarts since they are so FULL of holiday cheer, but Dumbledore does beg one present off him for the students: the first snow of winter. I'm a big fan of having a white Christmas, so I thought it might be a nice gift to ask from the big jolly man if he ever stopped by.

Spoken like a TRUE headmaster! I love that you have one character from each house, too! It's fun to play a variety of characters! FUN, FUN, FUN. Since I know people are going to ask, WHO ARE your characters from each house? We all know the TATERTOT is a Gryffindor. Who else do you have? Hmm, hmm?

I love your rewrite for so many reasons. One being that it involves Snape, who's my absolute, favorite all-time character! Another is that it's such a funny scenario to imagine--St. Nick just laid out cold in the middle of the castle. LOL I have to agree with you on the whole white Christmas thing, too! It never snows here--maybe once in a blue moon. We've certainly never had a white Christmas! We're wearing a lot of short sleeves at the moment where I live.

My Diagon Alley character, the journalist Hunter Bones, is a Slytherin. My Ministry character, the lovely Unregistered Animagus Investigator Caedwyn Howard, is a Hufflepuff. And my former school character, Copernicus Kettleburn, who is all grown up now, is a Ravenclaw. I tried not to play into any stereotypes in creating them but just developed them according to my understanding of the houses.

It wasn't a white Christmas HERE either. It still hasn't snowed, and January is just around the corner. That might be my inspiration, along with the idea that turning the "Ma in her kerchief and I in my cap line" into something with Dumbles and Snapey just tickled my fancy.

I like that you have characters from all different houses! I can see where that'd be fun for YOU and for people playing with you! I've played Gryffindors and Slytherins, but I still haven't tried to play any Ravenclaws or Hufflepuffs yet. It was easy to get into character with the Gryffindors, because I just thought of Harry, Ron, and Hermione. It's been TOO EASY to get into character with my Slytherins, and I'm trying to figure out if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Nothing wrong with ambition and determination, though!

OHHH, COPERNICUS! I have lots of memories of roelplaying with you as Cope! *misses him*

We have to do something about these Christmas holidays not being WHITE, too! Maybe we need St. Nick from your rewrite to come and help us! Sounds like a plan to me! We just need him to conveniently fall into our houses and be knocked out cold in the living room or something. Snape at Christmastime, too! How I'd love to spend Christmas day with him! *sigh*

So anyway, speaking of the night before Christmas, what do you do then? Do you have any special Christmas Eve traditions?

I guess that's what I meant by avoiding stereotypes, you know? You have characters like Harry and Hermione and Neville and... Colin Creevey all in the same house, so there's something bigger uniting them. I really wanted to dig deeper and figure out how to make a character that fit that house without it being like "Oh, you just recreated Draco Malfoy." I think my hardest to really figure out was Caedwyn, but I like how she's turning out.

Hmm. Our Christmas Eve traditions go waaaaaaay back to when my sister and I were little. We usually attend church in the evening and then we do all our presents afterward. I think that was an effort to make sure that the family gift exchange and the Santa gifts were totally separated. But now that we're older, we just get to sleep in and then have a big meal on Christmas. And now I do the cooking.

Yeah, to be honest, that's the whole reason I resorted. When I joined SS, I didn't know HOW to roleplay, so the only thing I knew to do was to try and be Hermione. So I completed my quiz aiming for Gryffindor, and that's where I ended up. I honestly always felt like my characters were the SAME, and I eventually got bored with that. So I was happy to resort to try and branch out from stereotypes! With Sierra, I just threw her into Diagon Alley, figured her out, and THEN wrote her bio. I've had MUCH more fun that way!

My family did the same thing when I was younger--Christmas Eve gifts were from Mom and Dad, and Christmas morning gifts were from Santa! tee hee Wasn't life SO EASY AND SIMPLE when we were little?! *misses that*

So let's go back to writing for a bit. Tell us a little about how you approach writing pieces like poems or fan fics. Do you get a basic idea in mind first? Do you do outlines, or do you just let the story form as you go? How'd you go about writing your rewrite poem?

Well, writing a poem and writing a fanfic are two totally different things for me. For writing this poem, I started off with a few lines that came to me as fun rewrites on the original, and I went from there. I actually started with a few ideas as to where I was going with the poem, but as it unfolded, the one I wrote really won out. In some ways, rewriting a poem is easier than writing your own poem, because the rhyming patterns and meter are already laid out for you. I tried to be really true to the original poem, although I think I sort of veered off into Seuss-ian patter a couple of times. But there's also the challenge of staying true to the original poem. I made a departure several stanzas into the poem when I stopped following the 'plot', so to speak, of the original poem.

And I think poetry is really meant to be read out loud, so I did a lot of my writing by talking to myself. I guess it's good I didn't do it in a crowded place, right? There's a big difference between a poem where the last words on line a and b rhyme, and a poem where the poet has made an effort to find a cadence and syllabic structure.

Yeah, I think some of the best writing comes out of the blue and when you're least expecting it! I guess if you can get easily caught up in the plotting of your work, things start coming out of nowhere and write onto the paper or screen! I love those moments!

I also love that you just used the phrase 'Seuss-ian pattern'. Some of our lovely Snitch Seekerians (is that what we're called? *ponders*) are likely going to wonder what that is and where it's at in your poem. So what DOES that mean exactly, and where do you see examples of it in your poem?

Is that Dr. Seuss style writing? * suddenly thinks of green eggs and ham*

Patter, actually... not pattern. And I mean that with the aabb rhyming structure in the original poem and the meter, I occasionally found that my stanza sounded a little less like the original poem and a little like the Cat in the Hat might have put on jingle bell shoes and soft-shoed through the Great Hall. One example is here:

"And St. Nick looked 'round, though his face wasn't jolly.
"I can see it quite clearly. Not ivy or holly
Or egg nog and cookies, nor e'en mistletoe
Are needed at Hogwarts. Your spirit does show."

But YES, Dr. Seuss style of writing is what I was referring to. For all that his books and poems were quite simple, his poetry was pretty brilliant. Especially if you consider he had plots and used accessible language for small children.

Ohhh, I see now, and I do see what you mean now by Seuss-ian PATTER! *pokes that unnecessary n off the end of that word* Dr. Seuss is BRILLIANT, I tell ya! You could make lots of money helping him write, you know! *admires that stanza from your poem while still thinking about green eggs and ham*

You know, Dr. Seuss does do wonders for small children! Once, when I was REALLY LITTLE, I went through my bedroom with a permanent marker, and put price tags on EVERYTHING the same way the Cat in the Hat did in one of the books. That was...not a very good thing to do. I was little, though!!! *excuses*

So before we begin the ending of this AMAZING interview with the AMAZING SlythERIN, there's something I just have to ask you about--BOOKS. Tell me some of the books you're currently a big fan of. What about The Hunger Games? That seems to be BIG here on SS at the moment.

When I was still teaching, Dr. Seuss was always a surefire way to keep the kids in circle time. It's a lot to expect toddlers to sit that long, but they love rhyming words and there's something about the structure of his lines that helps you fall right into the pattern. (I'll give you that 'n' for free, mmk?)

It makes me so SAD that we're almost done. You can keep asking me questions. Or maybe I'll start asking YOU questions. It's like those interviews where they let one celeb interview another and they start talking about things other people don't understand. Only we're only famous in our own minds. And I'm pretty sure we're already talking about things other people don't understand. O-day et-gay at-whay I'm aying-say? Hehe

You know about my deep love of books, do you? I'm pretty sure my profile on Facebook just says "My name is Erin and I like books more than people" or something equally grumpy. I HAVE read the Hunger Games, but I read them back when only the first book was out. I'm like a ground-floor-fan. Very excited about the movie!!

As for what I'm excited about, I'm reading the Game of Thrones series (but OKAY, I KNOW that's not the real name of the series. That's the name of the first book. But I get the series name wrong, so GOSH. Stop badgering me, Banana) and I have a HUGE list of books I want to read next year. Or not huge, but growing every single day. I'm also working through the new Cassandra Clare and Rick Riordan series. I generally grab ahold of an author and read EVERYTHING EVER THEY WROTE in some sort of mad fangirl obsession, and then I move on to new authors. I'm ALWAYS looking for new authors, though.

I'm so sad, too, and TO THINK, I was nervous about interviewing you! Yes, YOU! You used to head Fan Fics, and you've been at this a lot longer than I have, so I hope I lived up to some sort of expectation. LOL

Oh, are you calling us CELEBS?! You and I?! *strikes a pose on the red carpet* Too bad we're only famous in our own minds, but HEY--you're technically the Headmaster of Hogwarts, and I'm technically the Minister of Magic! That has to count for SOMETHING, right?! RIGHT?! *listens but only hears crickets*

*attempts to read Pig Latin* Did that say...Do you get what I'm saying?! Yes, I do know about your great love for books, and when I'm not fighting off my terrible attention span, I love them, too! I'm excited about the MOVIE, TOO! *moves on to The Hunger Games* I'm seeing it in Hawaii--on my honeymoon, at that. HA HA!

I've heard Game of Thrones is good, and I read Touz's interview and saw where you two chat about it on VMs. *makes plans to stay away from your profiles in the near future* What Rick Riordan series?! I'm a HUGE fan of his!

I loved heading up FanFics, and I love to poke my head in there still and see what's going on with all you crazy kids. Here's a suggestion I have for you: I think you guys should offer a monthly short 'lesson' in a different style of poetry and then let the members post their work in the thread. I'd love to see everyone coming up with HP-related limericks and haikus and SONNETS. Gosh, that would be so epic!

And you read my pig latin right! We used to be secretly communicating, but now you've gone and TOLD EVERYONE what I said. Ad-bad Anana-bay!

I'm actually reading both of the new Riordan series, but I get SOOOO impatient waiting for new books. Sometimes, it's nice to find out about a series after all the books are published so you don't have to sit on pins and needles and wait for the next installment. Although maybe having to wait is good for us? Dunno.

Actually, we have a BRAND NEW SECTION coming to Fan Fics soon! It's an interactive section similar to all the writing games offered during NaNoWriMo, and oddly enough, I have plans to PM you closer to its launch and get new ideas. LOL You are SO AWESOME AND AHEAD OF ME RIGHT NOW!

That was me during the Percy Jackson series--I found out AFTERWARDS and read them all back to back and loved it. Now with the NEW series (Heroes of Olympus) I'm waiting for each one to come out at what feels like snail pace! I'm reading "Son of Neptune" on my Kindle right now. I'm trying to hurry through it, because I literally HAVE to move on to "Catching Fire."

I love it when we're all psychic and stuffs. Let's call that Erin-dipity. Like serendipity, but 'happy accidents that happen to Ern'.

As for 'Son of Neptune', I literally finished that just recently, and I need to check to see if the new Kane Chronicles (or whatever) book is out yet. I've always been interested in the different mythologies attached to different cultures, so these are a good fit for me. We should send Riordan a letter and have him do the Norse pantheon next!

Psychic connections with AWESOME people just make me want to smile. *gives a wide grin of pure happiness* ERIN-DIPITY shall be our new word! *makes more plans, this time to use Erin-dipity on a regular basis* How are you today? Why, it's a very Erin-dipity day! ... How was that book you read? Very Erin-dipity! ... I LIKE IT!

So I'm in the VERY early stages of "Son of Neptune," which I'm LOVING, and then I'm moving on to "Chasing Fire," as I said. The second Kane Chronicles book came out this past October, so the third one will probably be out sometime in the later part of next year. *has so many books to read before then* So many books, so little time! I'm a big fan of mythology, as well, and I love the way Riordan presents it! It's so unique while also sticking close to actual mythology! Sometimes, at least. LOL

So lovely, lovely ERN! Erin without an i! SlythERIN and Erin-dipity! We've come to the end of our interview, and it's been AMAZING! I feel all the more cool now! *flashes shades* Anything else you'd like to say to your lovely interview readers?!

Well, for one, the adjective form of Erin-dipity is obviously Erin-dipitous, and I hope you have a very VERY Erin-dipitous day. And I see that I am behind on my Kane Chronicles already, so that is going on my list for the new year TOO.

As for the readers... I really wish we'd done this entire interview as a poem, but my rhyming skills aren't quite up to that task. As it stands... thanks SO much for your votes (or for voting at ALL, really) and thank you for taking the time to read all of our poems. There were some AWESOME entries, and I hope we get even more next time we run a poetry event. And if anyone wants to leave me a haiku in my VM's, I will always return the favor.

tee hee If anyone wants to leave me a Seuss-style stanza in my VMs, I'm not opposed to that either!

Alright, ERN! Time to make your GRAND EXIT! How will it be? Shooting yourself out a canon? Cartwheeling off the stage? Skipping merrily down the aisles?! *anticipates* ONE LAST TIME, SSers--THE AMAZING ERN!!! *applause heard loudly*

**clasps hands in front of her*
"Now it's time to say goodbye
To our SS family.
E-R-I (Yes, I said I)
N-I-D (Look! Another I!)
I-P-I-T-Y (SO MANY I's!!!)"
*bows and departs from the stage*

SO AWESOME and in true Ern style! So now I need to find an equally AWESOME way of exiting!
*thinks some more*


*sighs and walks off*
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Old 01-07-2012, 02:39 AM   #2 (permalink)

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Very entertaining! You guys crack me up. And congrats on the contest win, Ern... Erin... YOU. ^__^

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Old 01-07-2012, 11:07 PM   #3 (permalink)
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This interview was absolutely superfantabulous! I really had a lot of fun reading it, and I'm sure the two of you had a great time doing it for us. Thank you! Congratulations for the win Cassirin; it was very deserving, and I enjoyed reading it and imagining it in my mind as I read it.
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Old 01-17-2012, 03:49 AM   #4 (permalink)
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LOL I love Anna's anti-climatic end. Brilliant interview with two of my favorite pretty people!

yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________

__________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
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Old 01-29-2012, 05:22 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Default ern+banana

fabulous poem. great interview. i love 2 read more than anything. well done both of u. loved it all
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Old 02-09-2012, 11:29 PM   #6 (permalink)

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Couldn't stop laughing hahaha.. Great interview!!
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Old 03-05-2012, 07:58 PM   #7 (permalink)
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First off, you're calling me out for your missing i? OH REALLY. I keep your I (EYE) between ME and my MADNESS. Like where my heart and stomach are, important things! Cuz you know, I need a lil bit of you with me ALWAYS. [/creepy adoration].

Second, my favorite part of this interview is where grumpily tell Nan to stop badgering you. Lulz, Ern. Lulz.

LASTLY, I'm not the most consistent reader ever, but you can't really be topped when it comes and you should write (for me). That Rae story is still BEGGING to be finished. You know it is. I loved your poem and I love you and I'm EASILY YOUR BIGGEST FAN. One day I'm gonna be like "IM HER MUSE I KNOW HER!!" MMm.
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Old 03-08-2012, 05:35 AM   #8 (permalink)
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I don't know why I didn't comment sooner, but by golly you two are hilarious to read.

And I approve of Erin-dipity very catchy. *plans to use it* and love the grand exit too.

Great interview and great poem! Congrats!
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Old 03-08-2012, 07:54 PM   #9 (permalink)

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*pets Ern's I*

My precious ...
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