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Droo 08-21-2009 04:54 AM

Author Spotlight: Maxilocks
SenoritaMaxie (now [URL=]Maxilocks[/URL) won in three categories of last month's FanFiction event, The Golden Goblin Awards, not to mention, having 10 nominations over 7 categories.

Best Romance Story: Us - Sa13+
Best Original Plot: Ecstasy: A Marauder’s Time Romance - Sa13+
Best Use of an Unlikely Ship: Theodore Nott and Luna Lovegood in An Enigma Unravelled - Sa13+

Let's find out more about this beloved writer:


-.- -.- -.- -.- -.- -.- -.- -.- -.- -.- -.- -.- -.- -.- -.-

Hello dear! Feel like givin me an interview?

Hello ^^ Really? Wow, sure.

So first of all congratulations!

Thank you. ^_^ May I ask what for, though? :D

LOL!! You won for best romance, best
original plot and best and Best Use of an Unlikely Ship during The Golden Goblin awards. I must say, you have a real knack for writing!

Well, thank you once more. It was a surprise for my own self, I never expected to win three awards. =D It's more my readers than my writing, though. I'm not much without them, they're the ones who make writing so worthwhile. [They, and the fact that I can make Draco as smexy as I want to.]

LOL! Love me some Draco! So what got you into writing?

*shnuggles Draco*
I don't think anything really "got" me into writing - it's just something that came naturally to me. My father had me start reading Shakespeare when I was seven, and my love for writing developed alongside my love for reading<3 good books.

Wow Shakespeare at 7! That's great, did you understand all the thees and thys then?

Not really. My dad always expects so much of me, and I think he expected me to understand those plays, even at that age, even when English was going to be a second - no, third - language for me. I bought simplified "story" versions for myself though, and that really helped.

Yeah, parents like to challenge their kids. So who is your favorite writer?

My dad seems to love it. =D And ooh, that is a toughie. I don't think I can pick just one, I have favourites for each genre! I love Fyodor Dostoevsky, Leo Tolstoy and Charles Dickens a whole lot, though. <3

Fyodor Dostoevsky is one of my favorites too! So tell me, what got you into Harry Potter? Ooooo was it the cuteness that is Draco Malfoy?

LOL, no. I wish it had been, though. =p I watched the first movie with one of my friends when it came out, but I wasn't too interested. Later, in second grade, I managed to get my hands on one of the books. It completely swept me off my feet, and I've been hooked ever since.

That's great! So how many stories to you have going on the fanfiction forums?

Another toughie, because I seriously think I've lost count. =p Let's see... I have Us and The Second Road to Death in the Romance section, and a thread about Ginny in the SS100. I'm starting another SS100 thread this week. Oh, and I have 467574 finished FF threads, too. Ask me for their names, and you'll get a never-ending list. =p

WOW! You must be busy... ever thought of writing a novel? If so what genre? Romance?

I've been trying to write a novel since I turned ten =D To tell you the truth, novel-writing requires a lot of patience, and I don't have that kind of patience. Which is odd, because when I write fan fiction, I ALWAYS finish my story. But I have 696759854 novels started here, and I don't think I'm ever going to finish any of them.

Still, if I ever could write one, it would probably be centred around country-life. Its harshness, it beauty, its realities, its freshness. Country life seems so... enticing. <3

Tell me, if you were to collaborate on a writing project with any author in the world... dead or alive... who would it be?

Wowowowow, that would be so fantastic! But I can't pick one, I just can't! No wait, I think I'll pick Dostoevsky. Or maybe Tolstoy. One of them, definitely. SQUEE!

What kind of work would you be working on with them?

Something EPIC!good, probably. I would love to write something like War and Peace. Or The Idiot. Something that has a lot of meaning, a lot of profound philosophy.

Oooo I'd read that!

So tell me... if you were an Every Flavor bean? which flavor would you be?

Milk-chocolate or fire!


I know. Milk-chocolate because it's my favourite, and fire because I'm really fiery. A bit too much, sometimes. xD

Well thank you for this fun but short interview, I appreaciate it!

You're most welcome, Droobleh. <3

YAY *hugs*

-hugs back-

##Hermione&Draco## 08-22-2009 03:28 AM

YOUR AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOUR BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BanaBatGirl 08-22-2009 03:37 AM

Maxxxxxxieeeee. :glomp: I'm a fan of your writing. And your characters. Always. So congrats on this here Author Spotlight mabob! :woot:

Question though: do you really have 467,574 finished FF threads? Can I see the list? Can I can I can I?


Maxilocks 08-22-2009 03:38 AM


I so went "OhmygoshSQUEE" when I saw the thread. xD


Originally Posted by XavierLuff (Post 8525916)
YOUR AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOUR BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you so much, XavierLuffie. I love you, three. :D



Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl (Post 8525944)
Maxxxxxxieeeee. :glomp: I'm a fan of your writing. And your characters. Always. So congrats on this here Author Spotlight mabob! :woot:

Question though: do you really have 467,574 finished FF threads? Can I see the list? Can I can I can I?


Thanks a heap, hunny.

And yes, I DO have that many finished FF's. The list includes Ecstasy: A Marauder Time Romance, KasTan, Red with Black, An Enigma Unravelled, Lion'izing, Our Eras Black, Onyx: The Blackest Winter, Love Takes Two - and more. :P

WhittyBitty 08-22-2009 03:43 AM

YAY Maxie!! :woot: You so deserve this!! I love you bunches!! :glomp:

Maxilocks 08-22-2009 03:55 AM

-hugs Mine Whitz-

Thank you, and I love you BIGGER bunches, sistah. :xd:

mathi 08-22-2009 04:02 AM

Congrats Maxie luvvvvvvvvvv!! :woot:


I love Fyodore Doestoevsky, Leo Tolstory and Charles Dickens a whole lot, though. <3
Ooooh wooww. Three of them are my favs too. But mostly CD ;) *sings*

Nice interview and I luffffffffffffffffffff you bunches and bunches :glomp: :loved:

Yusrieee 08-22-2009 06:54 AM

:hello: Hulloooo my fiery friend *pokes* <3 aww it was a short but cute interview, i wanted mooaaaarrrrr :evil: i wub you *tackles*

Lollipop! 08-22-2009 06:59 AM


OtterySt.Catchpole 08-22-2009 07:03 AM

I think you forgot the road to Death one Maxie, or maybe you weren't writing it at the time :lol:

How cool, I'd want to write War and Peace too ...

You're a brilliant writer, Maxie and that was a cool interview. ;)

Maxilocks 08-22-2009 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by MattLuff (Post 8526012)
Nice interview and I luffffffffffffffffffff you bunches and bunches :glomp: :loved:


Originally Posted by Sugah (Post 8526537)
:hello: Hulloooo my fiery friend *pokes* <3 aww it was a short but cute interview, i wanted mooaaaarrrrr :evil: i wub you *tackles*


Originally Posted by LilyLunaGinnyPotter (Post 8526548)

Thank you, I love y'all. <3


Originally Posted by Ottsy (Post 8526558)
I think you forgot the road to Death one Maxie, or maybe you weren't writing it at the time :lol:

I mentioned it, hunny. ^_^
-squeezes you-

Blackened 08-22-2009 08:14 AM

Loved the interview, though I kind of wish it lasted longer so that I'd learn all there is to know about you! [/fangirl] Now, for realz, I didn't know you had that many finished FF's in here! I'm gonna have to stalk all of those, you know that, right? Too bad I won't be able to leave comments, but I can shower you in praise some other way, I bet :P

Great going, Part-Sirius twinneh! Love you & your writing, always :glomp:

Maxilocks 08-22-2009 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by Part-Sirius Twinnie (Post 8526686)
Now, for realz, I didn't know you had that many finished FF's in here!

A lot of my finished fan fiction = SS100 threads. ^_^

Great going, Part-Sirius twinneh! Love you & your writing, always :glomp:
Love you, too. && thank youuuu! *tackleslykwhoa*

JeshieRAWR 08-22-2009 01:00 PM

Nice interview MaxieluffYAY!!
I would be a milk-chocolate flavored bean too. tehe. xDD
Love ya! <33
:) Jess

Slytherin Fox 08-22-2009 04:18 PM

Nice interview!

Yes, novel writing is one of the most difficult things, but keep at it, Maxie, and I'm sure you'll have a bestseller one day. Good luck!

Maxilocks 08-22-2009 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by JesshLuff (Post 8527139)
Nice interview MaxieluffYAY!!
I would be a milk-chocolate flavored bean too. tehe. xDD
Love ya! <33
:) Jess


Originally Posted by Ze Lindaness (Post 8527525)
Nice interview!

Yes, novel writing is one of the most difficult things, but keep at it, Maxie, and I'm sure you'll have a bestseller one day. Good luck!

Thanks, guys. :loved:

-continues to try writing THE novel-

Gryffindoll 08-23-2009 05:12 AM

OMG. :gasp:
Any way I could get a copy of those and sent for Christmas? :D Or better yet, my birthday that's next month? =DDDDD :xd:
No, but srsly.
I love love love your writing, Maxers, and you totally deserved all those awards and to be the featured authorrr. :loved:
Iwubyousomuch. :glomp:
And, also, like most people have already pointed out... I wish the interview had been longer. =[ More stalking material, please. :whistle:
Bwahahha. :evil:

Congrats, my Maxerssssss. Yer awesome. :D

Maxilocks 08-23-2009 06:00 AM


Originally Posted by DeeLeeLuffeee (Post 8530206)
OMG. :gasp:
Any way I could get a copy of those and sent for Christmas? :D Or better yet, my birthday that's next month? =DDDDD :xd:
No, but srsly.
I love love love your writing, Maxers, and you totally deserved all those awards and to be the featured authorrr. :loved:
Iwubyousomuch. :glomp:
And, also, like most people have already pointed out... I wish the interview had been longer. =[ More stalking material, please. :whistle:
Bwahahha. :evil:

Congrats, my Maxerssssss. Yer awesome.

DeeLee! -glomp-

Thank youuu for all the sweet comments, you always make me blush. -hughughug- There are lot of more talented writers on SS, though. ^____________________^ && I wish I could send you all that fan fiction, but I'm going to get buried under it if I try. :lol:

Iwubyousomuch, too. <3

X-Girl 08-24-2009 11:42 AM

Haha, I can't believe I just caught on to this. :xd:

Definitely well-deserved! Congrats Maxie. ;)


I would love to write something like War and Peace. Or The Idiot. Something that has a lot of meaning, a lot of profound philosophy.
That totally reminded me of Paulo Coelho's work. You should definitely give him a go. =D

Maxilocks 08-24-2009 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by My Queenie (Post 8535613)
Definitely well-deserved! Congrats Maxie. ;)

Thanks, luff. <3

That totally reminded me of Paulo Coelho's work. You should definitely give him a go. =D
I have! =D I've read a WHOLE lot of Paulo Coehlo's work, trust you me.

I still like Dostoevsky better. :whistle:

Samia 08-25-2009 10:12 PM

Maaaaaaaaaaaxxxie <3


Babe, you are one genius writer. Write and write more - and make the world a better place xDD


Leeness 08-26-2009 09:29 AM

Maxxieeee! Awesome interview, love! Three languages? Wow! ANNDDD collab with me! Yep. We'll write awesomeness! : DDDDD

Maxilocks 08-26-2009 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by Straw'eth (Post 8543658)
Maaaaaaaaaaaxxxie <3


Babe, you are one genius writer. Write and write more - and make the world a better place xDD


Thanks, Straw'eth. <3

Originally Posted by Myleerawr (Post 8545855)
Maxieeee! Awesome interview, love! Three languages? Wow! ANNDDD collab with me! Yep. We'll write awesomeness! : DDDDD



HannahLongbottom 08-27-2009 02:14 PM

Maxie, I love your writing, but you know that! You inspire me to be better :glomp:

Maxilocks 09-06-2009 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by HannahLongbottom (Post 8550703)
Maxie, I love your writing, but you know that! You inspire me to be better :glomp:

Thank you SHO MUCH! :loved: You're an awesome writer, yourself. =]

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