View Full Version : Abandoned Boatyard at Lot's Ait

  1. Transportation: Welcome to Lot's Ait!
  2. Transportation: Transportation Break Room [Lot's Ait Breakroom]
  3. Transportation: Magical Transportation Work Areas [First Level Warehouse]
  4. Transportation: Transportation Waiting Area [Entrance of Boat House]
  5. Transportation: Apparition Classroom [Second Level of Warehouse]
  6. Transportation: Magical Transportation Conference Room [Shipment Holding Area]
  7. Transportation: Archives Room [Old Supply Closet]
  8. Transportation: The Office of Cale Markus Newell [Former Boat Foreman's Office]
  9. Transportation: The Personnel Folders
  10. Transportation: Announcement Board and Tasks
  11. Transportation: Guidelines for Apparition Testing at the Ministry
  12. Transportation: Employee Incentives/Recognition Board