View Full Version : Diagon Alley Archive

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  1. Flat: Nam & Stonewall
  2. Nesting Occamy Rentals Grand Opening!
  3. Matchmaker, Matchmaker
  4. Reception Desk
  5. Gleaming Gytrash
  6. Curse-Breaker Headquarters and Trading Offices
  7. Goblin Mint and Artefact Evaluation
  8. Arkie Alderton's Kwik-Repair Shop
  9. Conference Room
  10. Bar and Service Counter
  11. Party Room
  12. Paradise Piercings and Tattoos
  13. Butterbeer Cart
  14. Display Shelves
  15. Shrunken Head Bowling Alley
  16. Rubbish Bin
  17. Starry Prophesier
  18. Staff Work Area
  19. Break Room
  20. Welcome to the Daily Prophet
  21. Goblin Offices and Security Station
  22. Private Parlour
  23. Coffin House
  24. Borgin and Burkes
  25. Editor-in-Chief's Office
  26. Cobb and Webbs
  27. Wand Weighing
  28. Dragon's Lair
  29. Gringotts Financial Times
  30. Welcome to Gringotts Wizarding Bank
  31. Welcome to Florean Fortescue's
  32. Welcome to the Leaky Cauldron
  33. Welcome to Ollivanders
  34. Welcome to Knockturn Alley
  35. Toppings Bar
  36. Courtyard and Brick Wall
  37. South Side of the Street
  38. Potage's Cauldron Shop
  39. Janus Galloglass
  40. Moribund's Pub
  41. Guest Rooms
  42. Atticus' Attic Music Shop
  43. Slug and Jiggers Apothecary
  44. Street Vendors
  45. Noltie's Botanical Novelties
  46. North Side of the Street
  47. Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes
  48. Park Bench
  49. Ollivanders Counter
  50. Wiseacre's Wizarding Equipment
  51. Quality Quidditch Supplies
  52. Sugarplum's Sweet Shop
  53. Cranville Quincey's Magical Junk Shop
  54. Indoor Seating
  55. Spiny Serpent
  56. Gringotts Entrance Foyer
  57. Outdoor Seating
  58. Eeylops Owl Emporium
  59. Fortescue's Counter
  60. Scribbulus Writing Implements
  61. Gringotts Main Hall and Service Counters
  62. Twisting Alleyway
  63. Fountain
  64. Corridor to the Depths
  65. Owl Post Office
  66. Madam Primpernelle's Beautifying Potions
  67. Hippodrome Casino
  68. Trafalgar Square
  69. Charing Cross Road
  70. Phoenix Theatre
  71. Shopkeeper Listing
  72. Daily Prophet Staff
  73. OLD Daily Prophet Staff
  74. The Cook-off Audience
  75. Cook-off
  76. Food Stands
  77. The Play Room
  78. Daily Prophet News
  79. Welcome to the Daily Prophet
  80. Freelance/Gossip/Advice
  81. Office of the Editor-in-Chief
  82. Let's Eat!
  83. Dress Up!
  84. So You Wanna Go On An Adventure?
  85. Candy Accessory Making
  86. Magic Carpet Ride
  87. Baby Broom Racing!
  88. Welcome to the Superheros and Princesses Ice Cream Party!
  89. Gringotts Main Hall and Service Counters
  90. Gringotts Entrance Foyer
  91. Dragons Lair
  92. Curse-Breaker HQ and Trading Offices
  93. Corridor to the Depths
  94. Goblin Mint
  95. The Gringotts Financial Times
  96. Welcome to Gringotts Wizarding Bank
  97. Bowling Food
  98. Meet and Greet
  99. Raffle!
  100. Bowling Lanes
  101. Goblin Offices and Security Station
  102. The Kitchen & Office Area
  103. Courtyard Seating
  104. Booths & Tables
  105. The Toppings Bar
  106. Bakery Box & Ice Cream Bar: Order Here!
  107. Welcome to Florean Fortescues Ice Cream Parlour!
  108. Lounge and Break Room
  109. Staff Work Space
  110. Reception and Subscriptions
  111. The Ruins of the Daily Prophet
  112. Dank and Dirty Dungeon Cell
  113. Primpernelle's Parlour
  114. Chimney Sweep Elf
  115. 13B Knockturn Alley
  116. Cobb & Webbs
  117. Mordaunt's House for Events Betting
  118. Park Bench
  119. The Private Parlor
  120. Dragonology Seminar
  121. Broom Testing Room
  122. Beedle the Bard Parade of Lights!
  123. Diagon Alley Trick-or-Treat Street!
  124. The Bowling Ball: 2082!
  125. Bowling Lanes 5 and 6
  126. Bowling Lanes 3 and 4
  127. Bowling Lanes 1 and 2
  128. Food and Seating
  129. The Countdown
  130. Prize Table
  131. "The Bowling Ball 2082" Signups!
  132. Magical Measuring Area [Term 34-38]
  133. Magical Measuring Area
  134. Diagon Alley Board of Governors Polling Location
  135. General Seating
  136. Candidates Tables
  137. Diagon Alley Candidate Rally!
  138. Back Room & Office Area
  139. The Office of Quincy Hart
  140. Currency Exchange and Potions Market Counters
  141. New Vaults and Vault Maintenance Counters
  142. Book Signing by Fireplace
  143. Conference Room
  144. Bathrooms
  145. Editor-in-Chief’s Office
  146. Lounge and Break Room
  147. Office of Erik Vinteren, Editor-in-Chief
  148. Writer and Editor Desks
  149. Managing Editor's Office
  150. Reception and Entrance
  151. Welcome to the Daily Prophet!
  152. Archives of The Daily Prophet
  153. Welcome to the Shrunken Head Bowling Alley!
  154. Bowling Lanes 5-8
  155. Backroom
  156. The Gaming Corner
  157. Snack Bar
  158. Bowling Lanes 9-12
  159. Bowling Lanes 1-4
  160. Golden Ticket to Paradise Party (05/06/2012 - 07/05/12)
  161. Grand Reopening Lounge (04/23/2012 - 5/10/2012)
  162. South End of the Platform
  163. North End of the Platform
  164. The Wall (Platforms 9 and 10)
  165. The Western Concourse
  166. Prophet Flash News [04/21/2011 - 07/07/2012]
  167. Teller Window 4: Currency Exchange and Potions Market
  168. Teller Window 3: Deposits and Withdrawls
  169. Teller Window 2: Vault Maintenance
  170. Teller Window 1: New Vaults
  171. Knockturn Alley Rules
  172. Third Hand Books for Education
  173. Third Hand Books Special Area
  174. TerrorTours Seating Area
  175. Store Room
  176. FF The Room of Celebration
  177. Primpernelle's Aisles
  178. The Entry Way
  179. The Floo Network Stations
  180. Welcome to Wiseacres Wizarding Equipment
  181. Welcome to Ollivanders
  182. Welcome to Diagon Alley, South End
  183. Former Diagon Alley Shopkeepers
  184. Knockturn Alley: If Dark Ye Not Be, From Here You Must Flee
  185. The Office of Aglaia Katsaros
  186. Dragons Lair
  187. Third Hand Books Back Room
  188. Third Hand Books Shelves
  189. Third Hand Books Counter
  190. TerrorTours Service Desk
  191. TerrorTours Brochure Display
  192. TerrorTours Back Office
  193. Wiseacres Storage Room
  194. Brews and Stews Guest Lounge
  195. Brews and Stews Guest Rooms
  196. Wiseacres Counter
  197. Goblin Mint
  198. Front Desk [08/19/2010 - 07/07/2012]
  199. World Map [08/17/2010 - 07/12/2012]
  200. Bulletin Board
  201. Bathroom [04/12/2010 - 07/07/2012]
  202. Welcome to the Third Hand Book Emporium
  203. Welcome to the Leaky Cauldron
  204. Welcome to TerrorTours Travel Agency
  205. Welcome to Diagon Alley, North End
  206. Welcome to Scribbulus Everchanging Inks
  207. Welcome to Florean Fortescues Ice Cream Parlour
  208. Curse-Breaker HQ and Trading Offices
  209. Head Goblin Offices
  210. Security Offices
  211. Corridor to the Depths
  212. The Archives
  213. Conference Room [04/10/2010 - 07/07/2012]
  214. Gringotts Entrance Foyer
  215. Photographer’s Work Area [07/13/2010 - 07/07/2012]
  216. Layout Section
  217. News Section
  218. Sports Section
  219. Lifestyle Section [04/10/2010 - 07/07/2012]
  220. Lounge Area [06/12/2010 - 07/07/2012]
  221. Waiting Area [04/10/2010 - 07/07/2012]
  222. Daily Prophet Entrance [08/26/2010 - 07/07/2012]
  223. Section Editors’ Office [06/11/2010 - 07/07/2012]
  224. Managing Editor’s Office [12/10/2010 - 07/07/2012]
  225. Editor-in-Chief’s Office [06/04/2010 - 07/07/2012]
  226. Daily Prophet Mailbox [08/10/2012 - 07/07/2012]
  227. Daily Prophet Filing Cabinet [08/03/2010 - 07/07/2012]
  228. The Spiny Serpent
  229. The Coffin House
  230. Borgin and Burkes
  231. The Gleaming Gytrash
  232. Arkie Alderton's Kwik-Repair Shop
  233. Splinter and Kreek's Used Brooms
  234. The Starry Prophesier
  235. Twilfit and Tattings Upscale Robes
  236. The Entrance Way [Term 25-38]
  237. The Entrance Way
  238. Office and Storage Room
  239. Office and Storage Room [Term 25-38]
  240. Scribbulus Stock Room
  241. Vaults 1001 -1500
  242. Vaults 000- 500
  243. Vaults 501 -1000
  244. Magical Beauty Emergencies Room
  245. Primpernelle's Counter
  246. Primpernelle's Makeup Counter
  247. Primpernelle's Makeover Room
  248. QQS Back Room
  249. QQS Front Counter
  250. The Private Parlour