- Flat: Nam & Stonewall
- Nesting Occamy Rentals Grand Opening!
- Matchmaker, Matchmaker
- Reception Desk
- Gleaming Gytrash
- Curse-Breaker Headquarters and Trading Offices
- Goblin Mint and Artefact Evaluation
- Arkie Alderton's Kwik-Repair Shop
- Conference Room
- Bar and Service Counter
- Party Room
- Paradise Piercings and Tattoos
- Butterbeer Cart
- Display Shelves
- Shrunken Head Bowling Alley
- Rubbish Bin
- Starry Prophesier
- Staff Work Area
- Break Room
- Welcome to the Daily Prophet
- Goblin Offices and Security Station
- Private Parlour
- Coffin House
- Borgin and Burkes
- Editor-in-Chief's Office
- Cobb and Webbs
- Wand Weighing
- Dragon's Lair
- Gringotts Financial Times
- Welcome to Gringotts Wizarding Bank
- Welcome to Florean Fortescue's
- Welcome to the Leaky Cauldron
- Welcome to Ollivanders
- Welcome to Knockturn Alley
- Toppings Bar
- Courtyard and Brick Wall
- South Side of the Street
- Potage's Cauldron Shop
- Janus Galloglass
- Moribund's Pub
- Guest Rooms
- Atticus' Attic Music Shop
- Slug and Jiggers Apothecary
- Street Vendors
- Noltie's Botanical Novelties
- North Side of the Street
- Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes
- Park Bench
- Ollivanders Counter
- Wiseacre's Wizarding Equipment
- Quality Quidditch Supplies
- Sugarplum's Sweet Shop
- Cranville Quincey's Magical Junk Shop
- Indoor Seating
- Spiny Serpent
- Gringotts Entrance Foyer
- Outdoor Seating
- Eeylops Owl Emporium
- Fortescue's Counter
- Scribbulus Writing Implements
- Gringotts Main Hall and Service Counters
- Twisting Alleyway
- Fountain
- Corridor to the Depths
- Owl Post Office
- Madam Primpernelle's Beautifying Potions
- Hippodrome Casino
- Trafalgar Square
- Charing Cross Road
- Phoenix Theatre
- Shopkeeper Listing
- Daily Prophet Staff
- OLD Daily Prophet Staff
- The Cook-off Audience
- Cook-off
- Food Stands
- The Play Room
- Daily Prophet News
- Welcome to the Daily Prophet
- Freelance/Gossip/Advice
- Office of the Editor-in-Chief
- Let's Eat!
- Dress Up!
- So You Wanna Go On An Adventure?
- Candy Accessory Making
- Magic Carpet Ride
- Baby Broom Racing!
- Welcome to the Superheros and Princesses Ice Cream Party!
- Gringotts Main Hall and Service Counters
- Gringotts Entrance Foyer
- Dragons Lair
- Curse-Breaker HQ and Trading Offices
- Corridor to the Depths
- Goblin Mint
- The Gringotts Financial Times
- Welcome to Gringotts Wizarding Bank
- Bowling Food
- Meet and Greet
- Raffle!
- Bowling Lanes
- Goblin Offices and Security Station
- The Kitchen & Office Area
- Courtyard Seating
- Booths & Tables
- The Toppings Bar
- Bakery Box & Ice Cream Bar: Order Here!
- Welcome to Florean Fortescues Ice Cream Parlour!
- Lounge and Break Room
- Staff Work Space
- Reception and Subscriptions
- The Ruins of the Daily Prophet
- Dank and Dirty Dungeon Cell
- Primpernelle's Parlour
- Chimney Sweep Elf
- 13B Knockturn Alley
- Cobb & Webbs
- Mordaunt's House for Events Betting
- Park Bench
- The Private Parlor
- Dragonology Seminar
- Broom Testing Room
- Beedle the Bard Parade of Lights!
- Diagon Alley Trick-or-Treat Street!
- The Bowling Ball: 2082!
- Bowling Lanes 5 and 6
- Bowling Lanes 3 and 4
- Bowling Lanes 1 and 2
- Food and Seating
- The Countdown
- Prize Table
- "The Bowling Ball 2082" Signups!
- Magical Measuring Area [Term 34-38]
- Magical Measuring Area
- Diagon Alley Board of Governors Polling Location
- General Seating
- Candidates Tables
- Diagon Alley Candidate Rally!
- Back Room & Office Area
- The Office of Quincy Hart
- Currency Exchange and Potions Market Counters
- New Vaults and Vault Maintenance Counters
- Book Signing by Fireplace
- Conference Room
- Bathrooms
- Editor-in-Chief’s Office
- Lounge and Break Room
- Office of Erik Vinteren, Editor-in-Chief
- Writer and Editor Desks
- Managing Editor's Office
- Reception and Entrance
- Welcome to the Daily Prophet!
- Archives of The Daily Prophet
- Welcome to the Shrunken Head Bowling Alley!
- Bowling Lanes 5-8
- Backroom
- The Gaming Corner
- Snack Bar
- Bowling Lanes 9-12
- Bowling Lanes 1-4
- Golden Ticket to Paradise Party (05/06/2012 - 07/05/12)
- Grand Reopening Lounge (04/23/2012 - 5/10/2012)
- South End of the Platform
- North End of the Platform
- The Wall (Platforms 9 and 10)
- The Western Concourse
- Prophet Flash News [04/21/2011 - 07/07/2012]
- Teller Window 4: Currency Exchange and Potions Market
- Teller Window 3: Deposits and Withdrawls
- Teller Window 2: Vault Maintenance
- Teller Window 1: New Vaults
- Knockturn Alley Rules
- Third Hand Books for Education
- Third Hand Books Special Area
- TerrorTours Seating Area
- Store Room
- FF The Room of Celebration
- Primpernelle's Aisles
- The Entry Way
- The Floo Network Stations
- Welcome to Wiseacres Wizarding Equipment
- Welcome to Ollivanders
- Welcome to Diagon Alley, South End
- Former Diagon Alley Shopkeepers
- Knockturn Alley: If Dark Ye Not Be, From Here You Must Flee
- The Office of Aglaia Katsaros
- Dragons Lair
- Third Hand Books Back Room
- Third Hand Books Shelves
- Third Hand Books Counter
- TerrorTours Service Desk
- TerrorTours Brochure Display
- TerrorTours Back Office
- Wiseacres Storage Room
- Brews and Stews Guest Lounge
- Brews and Stews Guest Rooms
- Wiseacres Counter
- Goblin Mint
- Front Desk [08/19/2010 - 07/07/2012]
- World Map [08/17/2010 - 07/12/2012]
- Bulletin Board
- Bathroom [04/12/2010 - 07/07/2012]
- Welcome to the Third Hand Book Emporium
- Welcome to the Leaky Cauldron
- Welcome to TerrorTours Travel Agency
- Welcome to Diagon Alley, North End
- Welcome to Scribbulus Everchanging Inks
- Welcome to Florean Fortescues Ice Cream Parlour
- Curse-Breaker HQ and Trading Offices
- Head Goblin Offices
- Security Offices
- Corridor to the Depths
- The Archives
- Conference Room [04/10/2010 - 07/07/2012]
- Gringotts Entrance Foyer
- Photographer’s Work Area [07/13/2010 - 07/07/2012]
- Layout Section
- News Section
- Sports Section
- Lifestyle Section [04/10/2010 - 07/07/2012]
- Lounge Area [06/12/2010 - 07/07/2012]
- Waiting Area [04/10/2010 - 07/07/2012]
- Daily Prophet Entrance [08/26/2010 - 07/07/2012]
- Section Editors’ Office [06/11/2010 - 07/07/2012]
- Managing Editor’s Office [12/10/2010 - 07/07/2012]
- Editor-in-Chief’s Office [06/04/2010 - 07/07/2012]
- Daily Prophet Mailbox [08/10/2012 - 07/07/2012]
- Daily Prophet Filing Cabinet [08/03/2010 - 07/07/2012]
- The Spiny Serpent
- The Coffin House
- Borgin and Burkes
- The Gleaming Gytrash
- Arkie Alderton's Kwik-Repair Shop
- Splinter and Kreek's Used Brooms
- The Starry Prophesier
- Twilfit and Tattings Upscale Robes
- The Entrance Way [Term 25-38]
- The Entrance Way
- Office and Storage Room
- Office and Storage Room [Term 25-38]
- Scribbulus Stock Room
- Vaults 1001 -1500
- Vaults 000- 500
- Vaults 501 -1000
- Magical Beauty Emergencies Room
- Primpernelle's Counter
- Primpernelle's Makeup Counter
- Primpernelle's Makeover Room
- QQS Back Room
- QQS Front Counter
- The Private Parlour