- New MotW: Raider
- The Sorting is Open
- Snitchseeker Mod Appreciation Parade
- Minister of Magic Update
- New MotW: Grangerfn1
- Member of the Week: Imperia
- Minister of Magic Update
- Untangling the Aragog's Web forum
- Minister of Magic Update
- Wonky Email Problem: FIXED!!!
- The State of the Snitch
- The Sorting is Open
- SnitchSeeker Harry Potter Collectible Sweepstakes
- GoF Soundtrack Contest Winners!!
- A Melodious SS Contest
- MotW: evlpez
- SS LJ Banner Contest
- Special MotW Edition
- New MotW: fr2nc1z
- New MotW: *Snivellus*
- New MotW: CrazyMoonyFan
- New MotW: Kirstie McGonagall
- New MotW: Mikaela
- New MotW: StormtrooperVF101
- The Sorting has Begun!
- New MotW: Marcella_Riddle
- MotW Interviews are BACK!!!