View Full Version : Term 68: September - December 2024

  1. Lesson: DADA: Erklings
  2. Ground Floor: Tree Decorating in the Great Hall (DADA/Transfiguration)
  3. Lesson: History of Magic : TBA
  4. Lesson: Charms: Lost & Found
  5. Lesson: Muggle Studies: “We’re not in Kansas anymore”
  6. Hufflepuff: Badgers Bark : Noticeboard
  7. Hufflepuff: Badger Biographies
  8. Seventh Floor: The Tower Patch
  9. Hufflepuff: Badger Burrow : Main Common Room
  10. Charms: Noticeboard
  11. Gryffindor: Pride: Meet The Lions
  12. Gryffindor: The Lion's Den: Common Room
  13. Gryffindor: The Lion's Roar: Noticeboard
  14. Staff Table
  15. Gryffindor Table
  16. Hufflepuff Table
  17. Gryffindor Table
  18. Slytherin Table
  19. Slytherin Table
  20. Hufflepuff Table
  21. Sorting Ceremony
  22. Ravenclaw Table
  23. Staff Table
  24. Seventh Floor: Bronze Knocker
  25. Sixth Floor: Music Classroom
  26. Fifth Floor: Gregory the Smarmy
  27. Fifth Floor: Boris the Bewildered
  28. Fourth Floor: Study Hall
  29. Third Floor: Clock Tower Entrance
  30. Third Floor: Trophy Room
  31. Third Floor: Third-Floor Corridor
  32. Third Floor: Hospital Wing
  33. Second Floor: Headmaster's Office
  34. Second Floor: Second-Floor Corridor
  35. Hogwarts Express: Back Cars
  36. Hogwarts Express: Middle Cars
  37. Hogwarts Express: Food Trolley
  38. First Floor: Portraits
  39. First Floor: Moving Staircases
  40. First Floor: Stone Bridge
  41. DADA Bulletin Board