View Full Version : Election Era

  1. WERPS Info Thread
  2. Zen Garden
  3. Room Off To the Side
  4. Passport Office
  5. Level Four Break Room
  6. Bathrooms and Showers
  7. Office of the Minister for Magic, Althea Scabior
  8. Election 2090 - South End Q&A
  9. Election 2090 - North End Q&A
  10. Election 2090 Raffle Donations!
  11. Minister for Magic Candidate Biographies
  12. Abandoned Muggle Tunnel
  13. Office of River Davis-Campbell, Level Four Department Head
  14. Seating Area
  15. Seating Area
  16. Seating Area
  17. Food Buffet
  18. Food Buffet
  19. Food Buffet
  20. Dance Floor
  21. Dance Floor
  22. Dance Floor
  23. Goody Bags and New Employee Check-in
  24. Goody Bags and New Employee Check-in
  25. Goody Bags and New Employee Check-in
  26. Welcome Thread
  27. Welcome Thread
  28. Welcome Thread
  29. Magical Petting Zoo
  30. International Food and Concessions
  31. Games and Sports Vendors
  32. Healer Tent
  33. Flying Carpet Vendors
  34. Spectator Seating
  35. The Pitch
  36. Portkey Arrival
  37. Level One's Team Building Exercise
  38. Love Chamber
  39. Time Room
  40. Death Chamber
  41. Hall of Prophecy
  42. Brain Room
  43. Office of Addison Anders, Department Head
  44. Office of Gidyun Yenorin
  45. Interdivision Work Areas
  46. Break Room
  47. Conference Room
  48. Lobby and Reception
  49. Testing Lab
  50. Orientation Outfitting
  51. Mini Golf Course
  52. Country Club Style Buffet
  53. Employee Bingo Mixer!
  54. New Employee Intake
  55. Level 7 RP Challenge
  56. Experimentation Station
  57. Map Room and Records
  58. Employee Work Stations
  59. Greenhouse & Laboratory
  60. Office of Department Head Emily Browne
  61. Make a Connection
  62. Ministry Assassins Sign-ups
  63. Invigorating Icebreakers
  64. Glorious Food Buffet
  65. Greenhouse Hangout & Employee Gardens
  66. Office of Emmalee Howell, Department Head
  67. Office of Department Head Harmony Skylark
  68. Beast Division Offices
  69. Dragonology Lab
  70. Being Division Offices
  71. Spirit Division Offices
  72. Creature Holding and Albino Bloodhound Kennels
  73. Adopt a Plant Day! :: 2087
  74. Green Team Sign-Ups
  75. Children’s Gobstones Lessons in the Daycare (age 7-11)
  76. Children’s Gobstones Lessons in the Daycare (age 4-6)
  77. Archives Room
  78. Apparition Classroom
  79. Lunch & Communication Exercise
  80. New Employee Intake
  81. Observation Exercise
  82. Diligence Exercise
  83. Mr. Mitterbill's Office
  84. The Long Corridor
  85. Supply Closet
  86. The Archives
  87. Mr. Mitterbill's Office
  88. Break Room
  89. Lobby and Front Desks
  90. Conference Room
  91. Office of Senior Undersecretary Delphine Cavanagh
  92. Office of Minister of Magic Sherman Clark
  93. Work Area and Cubicles
  94. Fitness and Weight Room
  95. Office of Emmalee Quinn, Department Head
  96. Office of Department Head Elliot Rainey
  97. The Corridor
  98. The Anti-gravity Chamber
  99. Atrium Break Room
  100. Greenhouse and Laboratory
  101. Relaxation Pods
  102. Arrivals and Departures (Floo Network and Phone Booth)
  103. Healer and Care Station
  104. Golden Gates
  105. Environmental Work Area
  106. Security Checkpoint and Office
  107. Conference Room
  108. Official Gobstones Club Offices
  109. Office of Department Head Harmony Skylark
  110. Magical Creatures Work Area
  111. Public Toilets
  112. Training & Trial Room
  113. Employee Break Room
  114. Office of Aron Ashburry-Hawthorne, Department Head
  115. Toxicology & Analysis Laboratory
  116. Conference Room
  117. Main Work Areas
  118. Reception & Waiting Area
  119. Level 2 Janitors Closet
  120. Reception & Waiting Area
  121. Auror, Security & MLES Desks
  122. CMEC, IUMO, MMAO & Wizengamot Desks
  123. Viewing Room & Holding Cells
  124. Magical Forensics Laboratory
  125. Evidence & Pensieve Room
  126. Conference Room
  127. Level 2 Foyer and Inner Corridor
  128. Training Arena
  129. Level 2 Lift Area
  130. Direct Floos
  131. Work Areas and Cubicles
  132. Level 5 Conference Room
  133. Level 5 Break Room
  134. Int'l Cooperation Lobby
  135. The Office of Gidyun Yenorin
  136. Kings Cross Station
  137. Upper Level Lifts
  138. Stone Alcove
  139. Level Six Corridor
  140. Level Four Corridor
  141. Level 1 Corridor & Portraits
  142. Level 4 Reception Area
  143. Level 4 Break Room
  144. Level 10 Office
  145. Tenth Floor Corridor