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  1. Love Hurts - Sa9+
  2. Harry Potter: Hey you. - Sa16+
  3. Harry Potter: All Alone - Sa16+
  4. Harry Potter: And He Cried - Sa16+
  5. The Hogwarts Four - Sa13+
  6. Crossover: After All That Trouble - Twilight/House - Sa13+
  7. Harry Potter: Can you forgive? A one shot- SA 13+
  8. Remade (R/Hr) - Sa13+
  9. The Moment Things Start to Happen (D/HR) - Sa13+
  10. Harry Potter: Afraid to Love - Sa13+
  11. Harry Potter: An Unusual Wake Up Call - Sa16+
  12. Harry Potter: Ghosts of Memories Hidden - Sa9+
  13. Harry Potter: And Then There Was Light - Sa13+
  14. Harry Potter: All In My Head - Sa13+
  15. Harry Potter: Best Kept Secret - Sa16+
  16. Things will never be the same - Sa13+
  17. Why? Sa13+
  18. Harry Potter: Hero - Sa16+
  19. Slipped Away - Sa16+
  20. Tomorrow - (Song Fic) Sa16+
  21. The Last Minute Love Letter - Sa13+
  22. scarlet5890's Poems - Sa9+
  23. Harry Potter: Bright Beginnings - Sa16+
  24. Harry Potter: By My Side - Sa13+
  25. Shades of Gray - Sa13+
  26. The Luckiest Woman - Sa9+
  27. Harry Potter: Another Beginning - Sa9+
  28. Harry Potter: A Lesson in Love - Sa13+
  29. Harry Potter: In The Name of Teddy Lupin - Sa13+
  30. Memories - Sa13+
  31. Harry Potter: Commitment - Sa16+
  32. Harry Potter: Always the Tone of Surprise – Sa13+
  33. Remembering Them - Sa13+
  34. Harry Potter: I Have No Regrets - Sa13+
  35. Harry Potter: Forever - (Song Fic) Sa16+
  36. Harry Potter: A Whole New Love (D/Hr) - Sa13+
  37. That's What Girls Do - Sa13+
  38. The Bright future - Sa13+
  39. Why? Sa9+
  40. Harry Potter: Hot Ice - Sa9+
  41. Please Stay With Me - Sa 13+
  42. Harry Potter: I Turn To You - Sa13+
  43. What Is Most Dear To Us – Sa13+
  44. Neville Longbottom Fan Club - Sa13+
  45. Harry Potter: Death Eater Fan Club - Sa13+
  46. Nymphadora Tonks Fan Club - Sa13+
  47. Harry Potter: Arthur & Molly Weasley Fan Club Fan fiction - Sa13+
  48. Sirius Black Fan Club - Sa13+
  49. Untitled (How Could This Happen To Me?) - (Song Fic) Sa16+
  50. Harry Potter: Everything I'm Not - Sa16+
  51. Harry Potter: House Elf Fan Club - Sa13+
  52. Sybill Trelawney Fan club - Sa13+
  53. Jason Isaacs Fan Club - Sa13+
  54. Severus Snape Fan Club - Sa13+
  55. Remember Me: A One-Shot - Sa13+
  56. Harry Potter: Always and Forever - Sa13+
  57. Pansy's Secret - Chapter 1 - Sa13+
  58. Harry Potter: Destiny - Sa16+
  59. Harry Potter: Hermione's Choice - Sa16+
  60. Just So You Know - (Song Fic) Sa16+
  61. True - (Song Fic) Sa16+
  62. Inside My Mind - Ginevra Molly Weasley's Story - Sa16+
  63. Watching From a Distance - Sa13+
  64. Kiss The Girl - (Song Fic) Sa16+
  65. S.O.S. - Sa13+
  66. Poetry: Addie's Attempts Poetry - Sa13+
  67. Wise Words - Sa 9+
  68. Harry Potter: Girlfriend - Sa13+
  69. Harry Potter: I Wasn't Supposed to Save You - Sa13+
  70. Of Sugar Sticks and Brooding Boys - Sa13+
  71. Harry Potter: Avid - Sa16+
  72. Harry Potter: Dreaming of You - Sa13+
  73. Harry Potter: Better Than Me - Sa13+
  74. Harry Potter: If You Asked Me Too - Sa13+
  75. Harry Potter: All Alone - Sa13+
  76. Harry Potter: A Serpent's Game - Sa16+
  77. Harry Potter: As Evil Dies-Sa13+
  78. Poetry: Mr. Black the Poet - Sa16+
  79. Harry Potter: I'll Stand By You - Sa13+
  80. Just Between Us - Sa13+
  81. Three: One-shot; J/L, R/H, H/G - Sa13+
  82. Sometime in the Morning - Sa16+
  83. Harry Potter: A War of Love - Sa13+
  84. Harry Potter: Heartbreak - Sa9+
  85. JB's Poems - Sa13+
  86. LonelyLupin's Character Poems - Sa13+
  87. Memory Modified - Sa16+
  88. Harry Potter: Baby Come Back to Me - Sa13+
  89. Harry Potter: Because Of You - Sa13+
  90. Harry Potter: Beautiful Liar - Sa13+
  91. Poetry: Zoe's Poetry Nook - Sa13+
  92. Harry Potter: After the DA - Sa13+
  93. Harry Potter: I Won't Say I'm In Love - Sa13+
  94. Harry Potter: Forever Young - Sa16+
  95. It's You - Sa13+
  96. Harry Potter: Beautiful Liar - (Song Fic) Sa16+
  97. KasTan - Sa13+
  98. Lady in Red - Sa13+
  99. The End Of The Dark Lord - Sa13+
  100. She's My Priestess, I'm Your Priest - Sa16+
  101. You Belong To Me (H&G / R&Hr) - Sa13+
  102. My Angel - Sa9+
  103. Unfaithful - Sa16+
  104. Night Patrols- Sa9+
  105. Let the Rain Come Down - Sa13+
  106. Harry Potter: Goodbye My Lover Sa13+
  107. Lips Of An Angel - Sa13+
  108. Harry Potter: Heartbreak - Sa9+
  109. Harry Potter: Because Of You - Sa13+
  110. Harry Potter: Hopelessly Devoted to You - Sa13+
  111. To Love A Potter Princess - Sa13+
  112. Harry Potter: Abruptly Ended - Sa13+
  113. Harry Potter: Black Roses, New Year~Sa13+
  114. Harry Potter: Hidden Love - Sa13+
  115. Shall We Dance? – Sa9+
  116. Harry Potter: Hermione's Only Passion, Hermione's Only Love - Sa13+
  117. Harry Potter: In Love With Two Men - Sa16+
  118. Poetry with Dolores Sa 9+
  119. Tales of Hogwarts Hearts - Sa9+
  120. Strange and Beautiful - Sa9+
  121. Lily, Did You Know? - Sa13+
  122. Harry Potter: 'Cause You're Watching Over Me - Sa13+
  123. My Last Breath - Sa13+
  124. Harry Potter: Before He Cheats - Sa13+
  125. It's the End of the World as We Know it & I Feel Fine or How to Save a Life - Sa13+
  126. Harry Potter: Fallen - Sa13+
  127. Mockingbird - Sa9+
  128. Love Is Blind - Sa16+
  129. Harry Potter: A Love Lost - Sa13+
  130. Whispering Your Name - Sa16+
  131. Stale Chocolate - Sa16+
  132. Harry Potter: Cedric’s Butterfly – Sa16+
  133. Harry Potter: Choices - Sa13+
  134. Not Like Other Girls - Sa16+
  135. Poetry: Ava's Poetry Corner - Sa9+
  136. Harry Potter: Beautifully Bruising Sa13+
  137. Harry Potter: I Write Sins, Not Tragedies - Sa13+
  138. Harry Potter: Dreams - Sa13+
  139. Harry Potter: Hard Times - Sa13+
  140. Saving The Moment - Sa13+
  141. What Hurts The Most - Sa13+
  142. Harry Potter: Everlasting Love - Sa13+
  143. Secret Love - Sa13+
  144. Lexi's Loony Lounge - Sa9+
  145. Odd Poetry by the Strange One - Sa13+
  146. Trouble Never Ends - Sa16+
  147. Twisted Triangle – Sa13+
  148. The Magic Rings - Sa16+
  149. Mauraders with a Twist - Sa16+
  150. Harry Potter: Harry Potter and the Orb of Refinement - Sa13+
  151. Harry Potter: Broken Emotions - Sa13+
  152. Harry Potter: Hermione's Challenge - Sa13+
  153. Kris & Remus - The Perfect Couple? - Sa16+
  154. Wooing the Flower – Sa9+
  155. Harry Potter: Being Grace Diggory - Sa9+
  156. Harry Potter: Broken Promise - One Shot - Sa13+
  157. Without Magic - Sa13+
  158. Malfoy's Mudblood - Sa13+
  159. Spinning in Slow Motion - Sa13+
  160. My Best Memory - Sa9+
  161. Your Ex-Lover is Dead - Sa9+
  162. Harry Potter: In Loving memory - Sa9+
  163. Married - Sa9+
  164. The Sirius Trilogy: The Black Ending – Sa9+
  165. Harry Potter: Impossible Love - Sa13+
  166. What if? - Sa13+
  167. Rose's Rhymes - Sa9+
  168. Life Has Moments - Sa16+
  169. That Night - Sa9+
  170. Harry Potter: Fate - Sa13+
  171. The Sirius Trilogy: The Black Escape – Sa9+
  172. She Walks in Beauty - Sa9+
  173. The Comic Sisters' Comic Thread - Sa13+
  174. The War of Love - Sa16+
  175. The Sirius Trilogy: The Black Traitor – Sa9+
  176. What the Girls Think - Sa13+
  177. Harry Potter: I Apologize - Sa13+
  178. Party Poetry Potpourri
  179. Harry Potter: Back Home - Sa9+
  180. The Great Story Challenge - Sa9+
  181. What Choice Do I Have? - Sa16+
  182. Snippets of a Black Life - Sa13+
  183. Prisoners of Circumstance - Sa13+
  184. Joanna's Poems - Sa9+
  185. True Love - Sa13+
  186. You're The One In This World For Me! - Sa13+
  187. Slytherin ~ Sa13+
  188. Poetry: A's Poetry Sa9+
  189. The Traitor - Sa13+
  190. The Adopted Malfoy - Sa9+
  191. Reminiscence - Sa9+
  192. Poetry: ~Krista's poems~ Sa9+
  193. jk fan's poems! - Sa9+
  194. The End? - Sa9+
  195. Love Takes Two - Sa9+
  196. It's About Time - Sa13+
  197. Mistaken Love II - Sa13+
  198. Seduction - Sa16+
  199. Isabella Black: Sirius' Daughter - Sa13+
  200. One Wish - Sa13+
  201. The Flavor of the Week - Sa13+
  202. The End and the Beginning - Sa13+
  203. Poetry: ~Erin's Poetry~Sa9+
  204. The Creative Poetry Challenge
  205. Harry Potter: I Don't Want To Be Anywhere, But Here! - Sa13+
  206. To Say Goodbye - Sa9+
  207. ~*Once Upon A December*~Sa13+
  208. You and Me - Sa16+
  209. Reunited - Sa9+
  210. Harry Potter: Hide and Seek - Sa9+
  211. Harry Potter: Cedric Diggory ... Not dead?! - Sa13+
  212. Poems about Rupert Sa9+
  213. What Happens After the Final Showdown - Sa9+
  214. Harry Potter: Harry & Blair: The After Romance - Sa13+
  215. Their Graduation - Sa9+
  216. Of Pink Donkeys and Pole Dancing - Sa13+
  217. Harry Potter: Betrayal and Trust - Sa9+
  218. Rachel's Corner Sa9+
  219. Harry Potter: I Felt It When We Touched - Sa13+
  220. Poetry: Gryffindor Quidditch Cheer!! Sa9+
  221. Romantic Surprise - Sa13+
  222. Poetry: Harmony's HP Romance Poems - Sa9+
  223. Poetry: Angel's HP Poems Sa9+
  224. Jay's Potter Melodies Sa9+
  225. Harry Potter: From Here To Eternity - Sa9+
  226. Laieesha's HP heartbreak poems - Sa9+
  227. Harry Potter: Forever And a Day - Sa9+
  228. Poetry: Kenzie's (slightly weird) poetry
  229. The Sting of a Broken Man - Sa16+
  230. Poetry: A Christmas poem (yes, it includes HP stuff) - Sa9+
  231. Rodun's Poems
  232. Poetry: evlpez's Couplets in Praise of Snitchseekers - Sa9+
  233. mightymousee69's poems Sa9+
  234. Shadow's Poems
  235. Lala's HP Sa9+
  236. The Life and Times of A Total Geek Sa9+
  237. OMG!! I'm a....!!!!!!!!! Sa9+
  238. The Secret Society - Sa9+
  239. Tables Turned Sa9+
  240. Shaddows corner (non hp , dark)
  241. Sitting Angel, Crying Girl & Finally New stuff
  242. Poetry by Fortune_Cookie - Sa9+
  243. Harry Potter: Flying High - Sa13+
  244. Werewolf's Moon - Poetry Sa9+
  245. Poetry: ~Sarah's HP Poetry~Sa9+
  246. Shelby's Poems Sa9+
  247. Poetry: Carl's Love Poems
  248. When You Say You Love Me - Sa9+
  249. The Unauthorized Autobiography of Ottery St. Catchpole - Sa13+
  250. Harry Potter: HP and the Return Of The Past - Sa9+