- History of Magic Lesson Two - Albus Dumbledore
- Ancient Runes Lesson 2
- Gobstones Championship Match: Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff
- Charms Lesson 2: I Put a Spell on You
- Muggle Studies Lesson Two: The Muggle Life
- DADA Lesson Two - Ice and Fire
- Flying Lesson: Fourth - Seventh years
- Unforgivable Duel #3 - Jordan Hernandez & Rosalyn Newton & Felicity Riveroll
- Unforgivable Duel #3 - Gaston Marchand & { Viktor Sokolov }
- Mixed Duel #3 - Hadleigh Lynch & Gidyun Yenorin
- Mixed Duel #3 - Franklin Paton & Simon Bennett
- Mixed Duel #3 - Zeke Browne & Grace Parker-Paton
- Mixed Duel #3 - Magdalena Traulton & Angelo Toussaint
- Curse Duel #3 - Nicole Iver & Paige Skeeter
- Hex Duel #3 - { Rula Botros } & Rooney Bronwyn
- Hex Duel #3 - { Charlotte Kettleburn } & Aslan Evans
- Hex Duel #3 - Owen Montezor & Henry Whittebrook
- Jinx Duel #3 - Mason Stevens & Torrance Spades
- Jinx Duel #3 - Cassandra McNally & Katerina Delgado
- Jinx Duel #3 - Alice Lupin & Geneva Tate
- Jinx Duel #3 - Azura Snow & { Olivia Phillips }
- Jinx Duel #3 - { Junia Botros } & Carl Leonard
- Jinx Duel #3 - Harvey Jarvis & Harriet Paton
- Arithmancy Lesson Two: Arithmancy & You | Cores & Companions
- Transfiguration Lesson 2
- The Piffy Reception
- Lesson: CoMC #2
- Extra Credit Crossbreeding
- Divination Lesson 2 - Let's snail a slug
- Unforgivable Duel #2 - Jordan Hernandez & Felicity Riveroll
- Unforgivable Duel #2 - Rosalyn Newton & Gaston Marchand & Viktor Sokolov
- Curse Duel #2 - { Hadleigh Lynch } & Paige Skeeter
- Curse Duel #2 - Magdalena Traulton & { Franklin Paton }
- Curse Duel #2 - Nicole Iver & { Zeke Browne }
- Curse Duel #2 - Silas Anakin & Hugo Foster
- Mixed Duel #2 - { Rula Botros } & Colt Winchester
- Hex Duel #2 - Aslan Evans & Rooney Bronwyn
- Hex Duel #2 - { Charlotte Kettleburn } & Owen Montezor
- Jinx Duel #1 - Carl Leonard & Katherine Moss
- Jinx Duel #2 - Cassandra McNally & Torrance Spades
- Jinx Duel #2 - Alice Lupin & { Katerina Delgado }
- Jinx Duel #2 - Hadley Denaker & Azura Snow
- Jinx Duel #2 - { Olivia Phillips } & Geneva Tate
- Jinx Duel #2 - Harriet Paton & Mason Stevens
- Jinx Duel #2 - Harvey Jarvis & { Junia Botros }
- Herbology Lesson II - Fiery Flower Friends
- Potions Lesson 2
- Gobstones Consolation Match: Ravenclaw vs. Slytherin
- Charms Lesson 1: Weather You Like it or Not
- Arithmancy Lesson One: Life-Path & Vibrational Numbers
- DADA Lesson One - The Battle
- Charms Noticeboard
- History of Magic Lesson One - Wizarding Inventions
- Muggle Studies 1: Films: The Wizard Of Oz
- Unforgivable Duel #1 - Rosalyn Newton & Felicity Riveroll & Gaston Marchand
- Unforgivable Duel #1 - Viktor Sokolov & Jordan Hernandez
- Curse Duel #1 - Zeke Browne & Hugo Foster
- Curse Duel #1 - { Hadleigh Lynch } & Franklin Paton
- Curse Duel #1 - { Paige Skeeter } & Magdalena Traulton
- Curse Duel #1 - Colt Winchester & Sean Park
- Mixed Duel #1 - Rooney Bronwyn & { Silas Anakin }
- Hex Duel #1 - Aslan Evans & Rula Botros
- Hex Duel #1 - { Owen Montezor } & Mason Winslow
- Hex Duel #1 - { Charlotte Kettleburn } & Henry Whittebrook
- Jinx Duel #1 - Alice Lupin & Torrance Spades
- Jinx Duel #1 - { Carl Leonard } & Cassandra McNally
- Jinx Duel #1 - Azura Snow & Trixie Jenkins
- Jinx Duel #1 - Katerina Delgado & Mason Stevens
- Jinx Duel #1 - Hadley Denaker & { Olivia Phillips }
- Jinx Duel #1 - { Geneva Tate } & Takeru Asakura
- Jinx Duel #1 - Junia Botros & { Harriet Paton }
- Jinx Duel #1 - Harvey Jarvis & Kimi Kovalainen
- DADA Lesson One - The Making
- Flying Lesson: First - Third years
- [LESSON] Astronomy One
- Gobstones Preliminary Match: Slytherin vs. Hufflepuff
- Transfiguration Lesson 1
- The Sky Room
- Mariachi Band and Dance Floor
- Welcome to Tacowe'en!
- Tacowe'en Crafting Station
- Refreshments and Taco Bar
- Piñata Lane
- Herbology Lesson I - Giant Pumpkins
- Potions Lesson 1
- Divination Lesson 1 - Eggilicious
- CoMC Lesson I
- Ancient Runes Lesson 1
- Gobstones Preliminary Match: Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw
- Glow Up - Start of Term Party
- What in Merlin's Beard?! (Term 44, 2090-2091)
- Gryffindor House Party
- The Mathletes
- The Fireplace
- Restricted Section
- Front Desk
- Library Study Area
- Library Bookshelves
- Stained Glass Windows
- Bed 3
- Bed 2
- Bed 1
- Waiting Room
- Healer Miller's Office
- Practice Room
- The Stands
- The Practice Pitch
- Waiting Area Outside Professor Riveroll's Office
- Reference Room and Work Area
- Seating Area for the Office of Rosalyn Newton
- Office of Professor Rosalyn Newton
- The Tower Patch
- The Observatory
- What's the latest from the heavens?
- Seating Area Outside Professor Marchand's Office
- Office of Professor Gaston Marchand
- The Practice Room
- Student Work Room
- Office of Professor Riveroll
- Student Files
- Aspiring Animagi
- Transfiguration Noticeboard
- Rules & Expectations
- Arithmancy Notice Board
- Seating Area for Professor Rafael Carraro's Office
- Office of Professor Rafael Carraro
- Seating Area Outside Professor Sokolov's Office
- Advanced Rune Study Room
- Office of Professor Sokolov
- School Chat, Term 44
- The Diadem: Noticeboard
- Practice Area
- The Library
- The Ravenclaw Nest
- Meet the Flock
- The Barn: Creature Housing
- Professor Jordan Hernandez's Hut
- Announcement Board
- The Tea Room
- Divination Stairwell
- Corridor outside Professor Vance's Office
- Office of Professor Laurel Vance
- What's in the cards: Divination Announcements
- Games Area
- Common Room
- Study Area
- Boys' Dorms
- Girls' Dorms
- Gryffindor Notice Board
- The Seating Area Outside Professor Stewart's Office
- The Fun Room
- Office Of Professor Stewart
- Potions Store Room
- The Fat Lady's Portrait
- House Point Hourglasses
- Prefects' Compartment
- Food Trolley
- The Kitchen
- Front Cars
- Entrance Hall
- Entrance Hall
- Suits of Armour
- Zonko's Joke Shop
- Hufflepuff House Table
- Honeydukes
- High Street
- Three Broomsticks
- Madame Puddifoot's Tea Shop
- Staff Dais
- Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop
- Gryffindor House Table
- The Sorting Ceremony
- Fourth Floor Balcony
- Middle Cars
- Back Cars
- The Platform
- Luggage Compartment
- Gladrags Wizardwear
- Third Floor Corridor
- The Chamber of Secrets
- Barnabus the Barmy
- Moving Staircases
- The Bronze Knocker
- Gryffindor House Table
- Ravenclaw House Table
- Hufflepuff House Table
- Slytherin House Table
- Staff Dais
- Back Cars
- Middle Cars
- Prefects' Compartment
- Front Cars
- The Owlery
- The Tapestry
- The Weasley Swamp
- Hogsmeade Post Office
- Seventh Floor Corridor
- Food Trolley
- Luggage Compartment
- Spare Office
- Staff Dais
- Dungeon Corridor
- Hufflepuff Barrels
- Slytherin House Table
- Fifth Floor Corridor
- Student Bulletin Board
- Broom Closet
- The Trophy Room
- Dervish and Banges
- Boris the Bewildered
- Slug Pit
- Slytherin House Table
- Boys' Bathroom
- Sixth Floor Corridor
- Gryffindor House Table
- The Doors
- The Mirror
- First Floor Corridor
- Secret Passage
- The Portraits
- House-Elf Quarters
- BoG Board Room
- Simply Stylish Salon
- Shrieking Shack
- Back Alley
- Hog's Head
- Prefects' Bathroom
- Humpbacked Witch Statue
- Clock Tower Entrance
- Lachlan the Lanky
- Armour Gallery
- Fourth Floor Corridor
- Music Classroom
- The Fruit Bowl
- The Wall
- Hufflepuff House Table
- Gregory the Smarmy
- The Staff Room
- Ravenclaw House Table
- The Laundry Room
- The Spirit Room
- Second Floor Corridor
- Slytherin Wall
- Forgotten Bathroom
- Girls' Bathroom
- Ravenclaw House Table
- Private Practice Room
- Headmaster's Office
- Stone Gargoyle
- Keeping Up With Muggle Studies