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Anna Banana 07-09-2012 01:48 AM

The Juice Bar
The Juice Bar

Tired of trying to find that Muggle juice shop that you've heard your co-workers chatting about? Upset about having to hide your magic whilst around the Muggle patrons when you're there? Well, the Ministry Food Court's juice bar has put those worries to rest. Between the Main Buffet tables and the Dessert Bar, the Juice Bar serves as your own personal oasis, where you can drink nearly everything you'd want! If you need the energy kick that comes with coffee and cappuccinos or just want to start your day off with a healthy sip of orange juice, this is where you will find them and plenty of other tasty choices.

Click the image for an enlarged version of the menu!
Menu made by sarahlooo

kayquilz 07-11-2012 02:28 AM

EXPLODING LEMONADE? That sounded AWESOME! Kensi had wandered into the new amazingly cool food court. Wow. No longer would she have to LEAVE work to go get food(unless she wanted to, of course!). The redhead's stomach was grumbling, but she was soooo thirsty! So off to the juice bar she went! Which was also AWESOME, by the waaay. Juice. Kensi was dying to try that exploding lemonade...she didn't quite know if there were workers working this...or if it was self served...but then...whom did she give her money to? Hmm...

The America glanced around, trying to see if anyone was around..she REALLY wanted some juice. Lemonade...was lemonade actually juice? It had to be, since it was a fruit...Kensi snapped back. There were PRESSING matters at WHAT TO DO NOW?!

AlwaysSnapesGirl 07-11-2012 04:09 AM

Coming down to the brand new food court, Atticus decided, as he looked around and admired the new area, to head over to the Juice Bar first. He was more thirsty than hungry at the moment. Of course, he couldn't use his coupon if he bought a drink now, but he'd surely get hungry later and need another drink then, so it wouldn't go to waste.

Reaching the Juice Bar and immediately eyeing the menu, he didn't at first notice there was someone else who was there too. What was he going to get? Not coffee, he knew that much. That he could always get in the break room on his level. He wanted something different for once. What though? Hm...

Then he suddenly noticed the woman who was there too. "Do you know what you're going to get?" he asked with a smile, genuinely curious. Maybe he'd get whatever she was getting. Or perhaps it would just help narrow down his options even more. Either way, it was worth making some polite conversation, no?

kayquilz 07-11-2012 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl (Post 11122317)
Coming down to the brand new food court, Atticus decided, as he looked around and admired the new area, to head over to the Juice Bar first. He was more thirsty than hungry at the moment. Of course, he couldn't use his coupon if he bought a drink now, but he'd surely get hungry later and need another drink then, so it wouldn't go to waste.

Reaching the Juice Bar and immediately eyeing the menu, he didn't at first notice there was someone else who was there too. What was he going to get? Not coffee, he knew that much. That he could always get in the break room on his level. He wanted something different for once. What though? Hm...

Then he suddenly noticed the woman who was there too. "Do you know what you're going to get?" he asked with a smile, genuinely curious. Maybe he'd get whatever she was getting. Or perhaps it would just help narrow down his options even more. Either way, it was worth making some polite conversation, no?

Kensi jumped at the sound of the guy's voice. not that it was particularly loud, or scary, really...she was just minding her own business, and his voice just seemed to pop out of NOWHERE. Just like it's owner, too. Kensi swung around, almost tripping on her obnoxious shoes, but caught herself.
"Oh, uh, I am pretty sure I am getting the exploding lemonade..I think it will have just the kick I need..." she chuckled at her own lame joke...lame.."Have you decided yet? THere are lots of choices..."

"Buuut...I don't know how to pay, who to pay...should there be a juicer here?" and by juicer she meant a person who, well...JUICES. She examined the other man...he looked older than she, but he seemed to have a kind enough face. Kensi often wondered what people thought of her...did she look feisty? Or sound fierce? Because she would lOVE that....

AlwaysSnapesGirl 07-13-2012 07:37 PM

"I'm sorry," Atticus said, noticing her jump when he spoke. He wasn't that scary, was he? Though perhaps he could've announce his presence better? He wasn't sure. "I didn't mean to startle you."

Exploding lemonade? Hm. That definitely didn't sound like his kind of drink. That was out, then. He did chuckle a little at her joke though. "I'm sure it will," he agreed, smiling. As for him? "No, I'm afraid I haven't decided yet," he replied with a shake of his head. "There are so many good choices." Though as he continued to look over the menu, he was starting to lean toward one of the teas. Nettle tea, perhaps...

Hmm? A juicer? That was a good point, actually. "I would think there would be," he replied with a nod. Or were they meant to serve themselves? He wouldn't mind, honestly, and he'd still be willing to pay, but surely there was someone who worked there...

PuppySara 07-13-2012 08:07 PM

Rowan walked over to the juice bar with a sigh. He'd been cleaning up messes all around the new stupid food court all day, he hated it. Oh, well, at least no one was poking fun at him and that idiot hadn't shown up... He'd still rather be at home, trying to comfort Millie with what happened.

Somnium 07-13-2012 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by PuppySara (Post 11125980)
Rowan walked over to the juice bar with a sigh. He'd been cleaning up messes all around the new stupid food court all day, he hated it. Oh, well, at least no one was poking fun at him and that idiot hadn't shown up... He'd still rather be at home, trying to comfort Millie with what happened.

Lazar wanted a drink so he went to the juice bar and saw that jerk guy that Millie was in love with. He smirked, "Oh looked it is a maintence worker! Hey, I heard that they are working the food court and here you are." He snickered, "Why dont you fetch me a drink and I might pay you a pretty penny for your... I would say trouble but you have nothing better to do so that wouldnt fit."

PuppySara 07-13-2012 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by Cassandra (Post 11125994)
Lazar wanted a drink so he went to the juice bar and saw that jerk guy that Millie was in love with. He smirked, "Oh looked it is a maintence worker! Hey, I heard that they are working the food court and here you are." He snickered, "Why dont you fetch me a drink and I might pay you a pretty penny for your... I would say trouble but you have nothing better to do so that wouldnt fit."

Rowan stifled a growl, "I actually just came to get something to drink, same as you." He didn't glare, as angry as he was, "And I'm really not in the mood, so why don't you get your own bloody..." He trailed off as an idea popped into his head, "Actually you know what? What'd you want? Mils and I could use the money, help pay the bills now that we've wasted money on a ton of doctors appointments she doesn't need any longer seeing how we lost her."

Somnium 07-13-2012 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by PuppySara (Post 11126007)
Rowan stifled a growl, "I actually just came to get something to drink, same as you." He didn't glare, as angry as he was, "And I'm really not in the mood, so why don't you get your own bloody..." He trailed off as an idea popped into his head, "Actually you know what? What'd you want? Mils and I could use the money, help pay the bills now that we've wasted money on a ton of doctors appointments she doesn't need any longer seeing how we lost her."

Lazar sneered at him, "Cant handle being nice? Isnt that part of your job as being in the maintence department? Well it really isnt a department, it wouldnt be an important one if it was. I mean you are like our janitors and servers. I mean it isnt nearly as important as an ambassador or like a Greenhouse assistant for an instance." He glanced at the menu, looking at it and trying to decided what I want. "Hmmmm, Eggnog would be nice."

PuppySara 07-13-2012 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by Cassandra (Post 11126017)
Lazar sneered at him, "Cant handle being nice? Isnt that part of your job as being in the maintence department? Well it really isnt a department, it wouldnt be an important one if it was. I mean you are like our janitors and servers. I mean it isnt nearly as important as an ambassador or like a Greenhouse assistant for an instance." He glanced at the menu, looking at it and trying to decided what I want. "Hmmmm, Eggnog would be nice."

Rowan still fought the glare, "Not if the person I have to be nice to is someone I don't like." He shook at the next part, "Keep in mind, without us around there would also be no one around to fix things when they've busted... And oh so fancy, working in a greenhouse, making sure all the little plants stay alive, yeah, that's really important." He went over grabbing the eggnog and enchanting it to explode on the royal jerk when he tried to take a drink.

Somnium 07-13-2012 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by PuppySara (Post 11126039)
Rowan still fought the glare, "Not if the person I have to be nice to is someone I don't like." He shook at the next part, "Keep in mind, without us around there would also be no one around to fix things when they've busted... And oh so fancy, working in a greenhouse, making sure all the little plants stay alive, yeah, that's really important." He went over grabbing the eggnog and enchanting it to explode on the royal jerk when he tried to take a drink.

"Oh trust me it is a task to make sure they stay alive. They have to be in the right conditions exactly and some will try to eat you since there are flesh eating plants in the greenhouse. He took the drink, paid for it and then tipped him one single shilling. He turned and started to walk out of the food court when he tried to take a drink... and it exploded. He turned, glaring at Rowan. He sent over a stinging spell.

PuppySara 07-13-2012 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by Cassandra (Post 11126055)
"Oh trust me it is a task to make sure they stay alive. They have to be in the right conditions exactly and some will try to eat you since there are flesh eating plants in the greenhouse. He took the drink, paid for it and then tipped him one single shilling. He turned and started to walk out of the food court when he tried to take a drink... and it exploded. He turned, glaring at Rowan. He sent over a stinging spell.

"It's unfortunate one of them hasn't succeeded yet," He said with a nasty smirk, taking the shilling and putting it in his pocket. 3, 2, 1 Right on cue it went off and the look on Lazar's face, even with Rowans bad mood, broke out into laughter and deflected the stinging spell, "Well, at least you've managed to make me smile, old chap." Rowan said, his British influence from his adoptive parent's showing.

Somnium 07-13-2012 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by PuppySara (Post 11126071)
"It's unfortunate one of them hasn't succeeded yet," He said with a nasty smirk, taking the shilling and putting it in his pocket. 3, 2, 1 Right on cue it went off and the look on Lazar's face, even with Rowans bad mood, broke out into laughter and deflected the stinging spell, "Well, at least you've managed to make me smile, old chap." Rowan said, his British influence from his adoptive parent's showing.

Lazar glared at him, "Old chap? You arent that much younger than me if not the same age or older." He rolled his eyes and just went away.

PuppySara 07-13-2012 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by Cassandra (Post 11126079)
Lazar glared at him, "Old chap? You arent that much younger than me if not the same age or older." He rolled his eyes and just went away.

Rowan chuckled, "Nice doing business with you, Lazar." He smirked before turning the other way.

kayquilz 07-14-2012 07:08 AM


Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl (Post 11125952)
"I'm sorry," Atticus said, noticing her jump when he spoke. He wasn't that scary, was he? Though perhaps he could've announce his presence better? He wasn't sure. "I didn't mean to startle you."

Exploding lemonade? Hm. That definitely didn't sound like his kind of drink. That was out, then. He did chuckle a little at her joke though. "I'm sure it will," he agreed, smiling. As for him? "No, I'm afraid I haven't decided yet," he replied with a shake of his head. "There are so many good choices." Though as he continued to look over the menu, he was starting to lean toward one of the teas. Nettle tea, perhaps...

Hmm? A juicer? That was a good point, actually. "I would think there would be," he replied with a nod. Or were they meant to serve themselves? He wouldn't mind, honestly, and he'd still be willing to pay, but surely there was someone who worked there...

Kensi smiled back. Of course he hadn't meant to scare her...he didn't seem mean or anything. "It's okay...I usually don't scare easily..." nope. She didn't.

"There a bit too many all depends on your mood..." she told him. "And have you seen the coupons? Of course, i wanted drink before my food..." she shook her head, rolling her eyes at herself. Darn it, too! That would have come in handy, too! "But I'm not quite hungry yet..." she glanced at the buffet table, eyeing the food with a bit of a frown. Nope. not hungry yet.

She peered at the juice bar..hmm.."Is anybody there??" she asked a little loudly. She was still confused as to whether they were supposed to be juicing themselves or not...

AlwaysSnapesGirl 07-18-2012 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by kayquilz (Post 11126576)
Kensi smiled back. Of course he hadn't meant to scare her...he didn't seem mean or anything. "It's okay...I usually don't scare easily..." nope. She didn't.

"There a bit too many all depends on your mood..." she told him. "And have you seen the coupons? Of course, i wanted drink before my food..." she shook her head, rolling her eyes at herself. Darn it, too! That would have come in handy, too! "But I'm not quite hungry yet..." she glanced at the buffet table, eyeing the food with a bit of a frown. Nope. not hungry yet.

She peered at the juice bar..hmm.."Is anybody there??" she asked a little loudly. She was still confused as to whether they were supposed to be juicing themselves or not...

She didn't scare easily? "I must be pretty scary then," he replied jokingly.

There certainly were a lot of choices, and that was both a positive and a negative. Everyone would surely be able to find what they wanted here, but it made deciding on one harder if you didn't already know what you wanted. He nodded though; it certainly did depend on one's mood too. Again he nodded when she mentioned the coupons. "You could use it later on though if you get hungry, at least while it's still opening day," he pointed out. That was what he was planning on doing.

He glanced back to the juice bar as she called for someone, and he waited to see if anyone would appear. Surely if there was someone there, they would have heard that.

kayquilz 07-19-2012 01:35 AM


Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl (Post 11131409)
She didn't scare easily? "I must be pretty scary then," he replied jokingly.

There certainly were a lot of choices, and that was both a positive and a negative. Everyone would surely be able to find what they wanted here, but it made deciding on one harder if you didn't already know what you wanted. He nodded though; it certainly did depend on one's mood too. Again he nodded when she mentioned the coupons. "You could use it later on though if you get hungry, at least while it's still opening day," he pointed out. That was what he was planning on doing.

He glanced back to the juice bar as she called for someone, and he waited to see if anyone would appear. Surely if there was someone there, they would have heard that.

Kensi laughed at his little joke. "Yes, very must be that charming smile of yours..." she grinned a bit...the redhead noticed a nice looking man when she saw one. Though, granted, he looked a bit older she, she still could think he was nice-looking, right?

She nodded. "I guess I could use it later. When I'm hungry..." she sighed, though. It would have been nice to get free drink..who would turn down FREE DRINKS?!

She glanced around again...still no sight of ANYONE able to take their money...uuuggh! Kensi was becoming increasingly annoyed with this. SHe clicked her tongue impatiently. "I would like my lemonade...eventually in life..." she muttered to them both, but she managed to smirk at this.


TSnitch 07-20-2012 02:54 AM

Feeling for some juice, Vic headed to the food court's juice bar. There was such a variety, she had to stop and think it over. What did she feel like having? What would suit her craving right now? She stood there pondering as she let her eyes roam all over taking in the new place and everyone else in here who seemed to be liking it. Well done Maintenance, she thought as she did her mental survey.

AlwaysSnapesGirl 07-23-2012 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by kayquilz (Post 11131624)
Kensi laughed at his little joke. "Yes, very must be that charming smile of yours..." she grinned a bit...the redhead noticed a nice looking man when she saw one. Though, granted, he looked a bit older she, she still could think he was nice-looking, right?

She nodded. "I guess I could use it later. When I'm hungry..." she sighed, though. It would have been nice to get free drink..who would turn down FREE DRINKS?!

She glanced around again...still no sight of ANYONE able to take their money...uuuggh! Kensi was becoming increasingly annoyed with this. SHe clicked her tongue impatiently. "I would like my lemonade...eventually in life..." she muttered to them both, but she managed to smirk at this.


Atticus raised an eyebrow. "You think my smile is charming?" he asked.

He nodded when she agreed she'd use it later. There was certainly still enough time left in the day to get hungry and thirsty again. Besides, even if one didn't get hungry, it was worth it to purchase a meal here anyway just to try the food, which he was sure would be delicious.

Hearing her muttering, Atticus chuckled. "Eventually is good," he said quietly. "Better than never, I'd say."

kayquilz 07-23-2012 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl (Post 11136218)
Atticus raised an eyebrow. "You think my smile is charming?" he asked.

He nodded when she agreed she'd use it later. There was certainly still enough time left in the day to get hungry and thirsty again. Besides, even if one didn't get hungry, it was worth it to purchase a meal here anyway just to try the food, which he was sure would be delicious.

Hearing her muttering, Atticus chuckled. "Eventually is good," he said quietly. "Better than never, I'd say."

The redhead's smile widened, and she chuckled. "Of course. Why wouldn't it be?" she asked. The American's eyes flickered to the counter and then back to his face...where were the blasted workers? She REALLY wanted her lemonade...

Eventually. "True...though, I do have the tendency to procrastinate...badly." Kensi the queen of Procrastination. Too long to be a real nickname...shame, really she though with a smirk.

AANNND She though she better introduce herself. Before he walked off without even knowing her name, which would be BAD; she was in a new country, she needed to spread herself around, riiiight? Make friends, RIIIIGHT?


"I'm Kensi Whitworth, by the way. Whole name's Kensington...parents are funny people," she laughed a bit, "Kensi for short." Yep. She held out her hand for him to shake, still smiling in a friendly way. kensi could be friendly...she really could...sometimes.

AlwaysSnapesGirl 07-26-2012 03:35 AM


Originally Posted by kayquilz (Post 11136231)
The redhead's smile widened, and she chuckled. "Of course. Why wouldn't it be?" she asked. The American's eyes flickered to the counter and then back to his face...where were the blasted workers? She REALLY wanted her lemonade...

Eventually. "True...though, I do have the tendency to procrastinate...badly." Kensi the queen of Procrastination. Too long to be a real nickname...shame, really she though with a smirk.

AANNND She though she better introduce herself. Before he walked off without even knowing her name, which would be BAD; she was in a new country, she needed to spread herself around, riiiight? Make friends, RIIIIGHT?


"I'm Kensi Whitworth, by the way. Whole name's Kensington...parents are funny people," she laughed a bit, "Kensi for short." Yep. She held out her hand for him to shake, still smiling in a friendly way. kensi could be friendly...she really could...sometimes.

Why wouldn't it be? "I don't know," he said with a small shrug and another chuckle. "I never thought of it like that, I suppose." Atticus didn't really have a reason to think of that adjective, or anything similar to it, in relation to himself.

Then, again, he chuckled. "A procrastinator, eh?" Reminded him a bit of his brother, except he was sure his brother was likely worse about it than she was. It was amazing Stan ever got anything done at all. Atticus certainly couldn't imagine putting off anything until the last minute.

Oh, yes, introductions. Why hadn't he thought of doing so earlier? "I think it's a lovely name," he said, smiling. It was certainly interesting too. One didn't run into too many Kensingtons. Accepting her hand and giving it a shake, he continued, still smiling, "And it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Atticus Aldredge."

kayquilz 07-26-2012 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl (Post 11139697)
Why wouldn't it be? "I don't know," he said with a small shrug and another chuckle. "I never thought of it like that, I suppose."[ Atticus didn't really have a reason to think of that adjective, or anything similar to it, in relation to himself.

Then, again, he chuckled. "A procrastinator, eh?" Reminded him a bit of his brother, except he was sure his brother was likely worse about it than she was. It was amazing Stan ever got anything done at all. Atticus certainly couldn't imagine putting off anything until the last minute.

Oh, yes, introductions. Why hadn't he thought of doing so earlier? "I think it's a lovely name," he said, smiling. It was certainly interesting too. One didn't run into too many Kensingtons. Accepting her hand and giving it a shake, he continued, still smiling, "And it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Atticus Aldredge."

Kensi raised an eyebrow, but smiled. Did people normally NOT tell him that his smile was quite charming? Obviously so. poor bloke. But it didn't seem to bother him much.

"Yes...I've just moved into an apartment," her raspy voice went on, "and I just keep putting off unpacking. And I really should stop. I'm glad I don't have a job with a lot of paperwork..." she did have a little...but nothing major. That was for people higher up in the MLE. Blegh.

Lovely? Had she just gotten a lovely for Kensington? Hmm. "Well, thank you, sir," she said, hers smile widening. She shook his hand, and widened her eyes. " sounds so familiar...I know that name..." she looked to the ceiling for inspiration...what the heck was Atticus from?!


"I remember....I read To Kill a mockingbird, it's an old muggle novel...Atticus was the father. Very wise man, he was! You must be wise, too, then, hmm?" she asked jokingly. The American really needed her lemonade, too. But she had momentarily forgotten about it.

AlwaysSnapesGirl 07-28-2012 06:46 AM


Originally Posted by kayquilz (Post 11140206)
Kensi raised an eyebrow, but smiled. Did people normally NOT tell him that his smile was quite charming? Obviously so. poor bloke. But it didn't seem to bother him much.

"Yes...I've just moved into an apartment," her raspy voice went on, "and I just keep putting off unpacking. And I really should stop. I'm glad I don't have a job with a lot of paperwork..." she did have a little...but nothing major. That was for people higher up in the MLE. Blegh.

Lovely? Had she just gotten a lovely for Kensington? Hmm. "Well, thank you, sir," she said, hers smile widening. She shook his hand, and widened her eyes. " sounds so familiar...I know that name..." she looked to the ceiling for inspiration...what the heck was Atticus from?!


"I remember....I read To Kill a mockingbird, it's an old muggle novel...Atticus was the father. Very wise man, he was! You must be wise, too, then, hmm?" she asked jokingly. The American really needed her lemonade, too. But she had momentarily forgotten about it.

Ah, unpacking. That was never fun. "I suppose I could understand that," Atticus said. "Unpacking isn't particularly enjoyable." So he couldn't blame her for putting that off. He hadn't moved in a few years, fortunately, but he did remember how unpleasant unpacking everything was. "What is your job?"

He returned her smile with another of his own. "You're welcome, Ms. Whitworth," he replied. Oh? Atticus was familiar?


"That's my mother's favorite book," he said. So of course she'd named him after her favorite character in her favorite book. He chuckled as Kensi went on. "I would like to be," he answered, "but I suppose I don't really know if I am." How would one know if he or she was wise or not anyway?

kayquilz 07-30-2012 04:37 AM


Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl (Post 11142014)
Ah, unpacking. That was never fun. "I suppose I could understand that," Atticus said. "Unpacking isn't particularly enjoyable." So he couldn't blame her for putting that off. He hadn't moved in a few years, fortunately, but he did remember how unpleasant unpacking everything was. "What is your job?"

He returned her smile with another of his own. "You're welcome, Ms. Whitworth," he replied. Oh? Atticus was familiar?


"That's my mother's favorite book," he said. So of course she'd named him after her favorite character in her favorite book. He chuckled as Kensi went on. "I would like to be," he answered, "but I suppose I don't really know if I am." How would one know if he or she was wise or not anyway?

"Yeah..truly the most terrible torture ever invented..." though it was necessary....but that didn't make it any less terrible. "Oh..." she looked down at her MLE badge...though it denoted which department she was in, it didn't say what exactly she was. "Patrol Officer...for the MLE'ers..." she shrugged. "Not exactly sure what we do yet...but we do...important things..." she smiled off-handedly. Was it weird the patrol officers hadn't really been up to anything lately? Was the world supposed to be this QUIET?!

"Oh, please, call me Kensi..." she blushed at being addressed so...formally. Ms. Whitworth. It sounded nice and all...but Kensi was just fine with her.

"What is your job, then?" she asked politely, curious as to what this charming guy did at the ministry.

Oh...made sense, then. "it is a very profound book..." Nod. Yes. It would. Kensi ADORED it. "Hmm...I picture wise men as old...but I guess young people could wise as well..." it was a bit age-ist, to think that only old people could be wise. Kensi certainly wasn't wise...nope.

CJP 11-23-2012 02:32 AM

A notice had been posted on level six, the department she was visiting; so Beijing was unsure if she were welcome to take part in the investigation. She wondered if only level six employees were able to take part, but didn't see why she wouldn't be able to. She ordered a strawberry friut smoothie and slurped on it while waiting for more people to show up.

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