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Alexander Greingoth EraAll historical records pertaining to Ministry of Magic RPG under Minister for Magic, Alexander Greingoth [IC January 2076 - December 2081; OOC January 2012 - June 2013]
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
Q3 "If you were to be elected onto the board, what would you ensure becomes a priority as far as the long term plans of the Board are concerned?"
Oh, long term plans. There were several.... BUT he has to pick one, not just to avoid confusion and sending people to sleep but for something he believes should be worked on right away, given the long range timetable for this.
“You know a lot of the plans for readying Hogwarts students are the skill sets they need when they leave its hallowed halls—and I am a big supporter of that. But if there’s anything I notice in all the years I have worked with and managed fresh graduates from Hogwarts or from various Magical Universities is that they seem to be rather ill-prepared with the demands and standards of the work place.” a thoughtful frown crossed his features, recalling stressed, sometimes sobbing youngsters struggling with their first jobs “You have ambitious youngsters with absolute brilliant minds and an energy most of us here on this stage would wish we still had—but when it comes to certain basic standards of the workplace—like for example, professional conduct-- they’re either completely clueless that its something expected of them and that it IS part of being an employee or they just go about not caring and think they’re still in school, where their misdemeanors are generally tolerated, because you know... they’re kids.”
“My long term plans isn’t just to ready them intellectually and physically, but also emotionally, to ingrain a sense of standard that Hogwarts graduates ought to have and that they should operate at this LEVEL--” a hand raises to level off the side of his head “That way when they join the workforce they wouldn’t feel like they’ve been tossed out into the wilderness and left to fend for themselves. They would be ready for the demands of working, they would know what to expect, and at least there would be a semblance of maturity that helps them when they realize that the working life, is pretty different from school life.”
Q4 "Do you feel it is important as a board member to work along side of the professors and keep them in the know of everything going on or do you feel the board should be separate?"
He almost didn’t need to think about this one. It was a sentiment that’s been knocking around his head for a long time. “I firmly believe there should be this constant flow of communication between the Faculty and the Board, after all, we are working towards a common objective.” Or at least they should “So yes I think there ought to be, at the very least, a good working relationship between us and a transparency with processes of how things are done and why things are done.” Trust, isn’t that the cornerstone of any worthwhile relationship? “Although I am not saying that the groups are ‘interchangeable’—we each have our specific functions and we should respect the boundaries of what makes the Faculty ‘a Faculty’ and what makes the Board ‘a Board’.” Pause. Board. Faculty. Two different groups right? “Now having just stated the importance of the Faculty and the Board working alongside each other, I also firmly believe that certain decisions made within the confines of a Faculty or Board meeting should stay distinctly separate.” Pause for emphasis? Yes “I know there have been many less than stellar examples where a Faculty or a Board member would unduly influence the functions and processes of the other group. And quite frankly, I don’t condone that. As much as it is our function to oversee and support the efforts of the Faculty and its students in keeping Hogwarts the best Magical school this side of the pond, we also serve as a check and balance to each other. So yes in many respects there should be a clear separation of duties, just so there isn’t any conflict of interest down the line.”
Q5 Would you consider to be important for a School Governor to be in contact with the students in any way? Why or why not?"
Same goes with this question. Should he be happy they're finally hitting the points he felt should be addressed. Most definitely. “Oh I think its incredibly important.” he said, shifting a little closer to the edge of his seat “If theres anything who we should hear a bit more from it’s the students, with the size of the population and the age variables, the diversity of their opinion is bound to be interesting and insightful. Besides, given that a great deal about the business of running a school is about their future I would really like to hear more from them, what their expectations are, what they think and feel about their current situation now and is it something we can address right away.”
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Liz's Bestie ● Helvetica ● ● Jigglypuff ● Jeff Vader
Charles gave Gavin a nod at his response. He'd hoped to give Gavin a chance to say a little more than he'd been able to so far and he'd chosen to put across that he could learn quickly, which was a good thing for people to know. It meant he'd learn from his mistakes, which was most definitely what people would want. A fool was a person who made the same mistake over and over and expected a different outcome.
He'd noticed Vinteren's accent becoming more pronounced and also that he'd attempted to hide it to an extent by keeping his answer short and sweet. Now why would Vinteren be trying to hide his accent? Everyone knew he wasn't from the UK and English wasn't his first language. In Charles' experience, the people who attempted to hide who they really were were should be watched carefully. The answers from other people also gained more subtle reactions from him, but he said nothing until it was obvious that people were waiting for questions once again. Maybe not all of them, though. The old man looked like he needed a rest from all of this. Maybe he was just too tired to be doing this.
The question about the old man's age brought a smirk to Charles' face that he could not hide, no matter how hard he tried. The man's response was just as amusing and pleasing. He didn't even know if he was out of touch or not and that made Charles want to congratulate the man who'd asked the question. Reynold's enthusiastic response to his personal question meant that he really did believe in what he was saying.
Now, it was ladies first, so he started with a question for the most lady-like lady in the room. Yes, eyeing you, Ivy Knox. "Ms. Black, how committed are you prepared to be to this Board if you are selected, bearing in mind that it may sometimes require you to put the school above all other tasks?"
Okay, now for Ms. Law Enforcement. "Ms. Carter, what are your feelings on the lack of a term limit for Governors?" She was probably pretty pleased with that, because it meant she wouldn't have to do this all over again.
He then turned to the other supposed woman in the room and asked her next question. Straight to business for Ms. Cold, right here. "Ms. Knox, due to your already existing commitments at the Athens Wizarding Institute, how would you respond to an impromptu meeting being called?"
Maybe he should ask the old man his question next, you know, so he'd have an opportunity to think about it and catch his breath before going up to answer. "Mr Clark, what wisdom and experience can you bring to the board and the younger generation of witches and wizards?" Yeah, definitely steering away from calling him old, wouldn't want to remind him of that point. Surely the man got that reminder every time he looked in a mirror.
Okay, painful shirt guy now. "Mr. Cope, do you feel students should have a say in what goes on in their own education or should that be left up to the professionals like yourself?" Though from what he could gather, the man's profession was talking to a microphone.
Back to boss man. "Mr. Higareda, your last question was submitted by a panel, if the situation called for it, would you be able to follow blindly the instructions of the Board without a moment's hesitation? Why?" If he looked at Cope's shirt, he'd be doing most things blindly, so heads up Mr. Not-Quite-So-Professional.
"Mr. Phillips, what are two current things that you've seen in the school that you believe need changing and why?" It was a strange question if he said so himself, but hey, he was just here to ask them!
Now for the man who had the inner eye. He should see this coming then, right? "Mr. Reynolds, from your job history, it seems you get bored with jobs quickly." There was a smug undertone there. Yes, they knew. "Would being a Governor just be another passing thing to get involved in or would you stay longer than a year or two?" He gave the man a questioning stare, but then turned to Vinteren to ask the next question.
"Mr. Vinteren, you've stated that you didn’t attend Hogwarts during your school years, so what would you say is your motivation for wanting to have a say in how the school will be run?" To make it more like the 'worldly' school he supposedly went to? Because his school had been so perfect, right?
He finally turned to the American man who'd caught up well and directed his very first personal question at him. "Mr. Vanderbilt, you currently reside in the United States, are you planning on moving to the UK if selected to be a part of the board? If not, how will that affect your ability to attend meetings that are called last minute?" Bearing in mind that inter-continental apparition was mostly illegal.
OOC: Remember, you're allowed to post multiple responses. It would be greatly appreciated if you would label them in the post and also put the number to the questions you are responding to at the top of your post. Thank you.
- For Althea Schirmer: Can you outline how would you make higher level Wizarding Education an option for more students?
- For Cooper Cope: Do you feel students should have a say in what goes on in their own education or should that be left up to the professionals like yourself?
- For Erik Vinteren: You didn’t attend Hogwarts during your school years, what would you say is your motivation for wanting to have a say in how the school will be run?
- For Ivy Knox: Due to your already existing commitments at the Athens Wizarding Institute, how would you respond to an impromptu meeting being called?
- For Roxanne Carter: What is your feeling on the lack of a term limit for Governors?
- For Nolan Reynolds: From your job history, it seems you get bored with jobs quickly. Would being a Governor just be another passing thing to get involved in or would you stay longer than a year or two?
- For Carter Phillips: What are two things you seen in the school right now that should be changed and why?
- For Gavin Higareda: If the situation called for it, would you be able to follow blindly the instructions of the Board without a moment's hesitation? Why?
- For Sherman Clark: What wisdom and experience can you bring to the board and the younger generation of witches and wizards?
- For Lourdes Black: How committed are you prepared to be to this Board if you are selected, bearing in mind that it may sometimes require you to put the school above all other tasks?
- For Corineus Vanderbilt: Are you planning on moving to the UK if selected to be a part of the board? If not, how will that affect your ability to attend meetings that are called last minute?
- For Andrew Rose: Would you consider to be important for a School Governor to be in contact with the students in any way? Why or why not?
- For Atticus Aldredge: If you were to be elected onto the board, what would you ensure becomes a priority as far as the long term plans of the Board are concerned?
General questions for those who haven't answered as of yet:
Q1. Why do you feel you are more qualified for this position than the other candidates?
Q2. If a personal or professional situation arose at the same time as an equally important situation arose in the school, which would you deem more important to attend to first, and why?
Q3. If you were to be elected onto the board, what would you ensure becomes a priority as far as the long term plans of the Board are concerned?
Q4. Do you feel it is important as a board member to work along side of the professors and keep them in the know of everything going on or do you feel the board should be separate?
Q5. Would you consider to be important for a School Governor to be in contact with the students in any way? Why or why not?
Yesterday is not ours to recover But tomorrow is ours to win or lose.
Last edited by Becky; 02-18-2013 at 06:34 PM.
Reason: Well, I was bound to make at least one mistake.
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Nolan hadn't expected that one to come up in the debate. For the first time all day, he was nervous. He had always tried to think of his extensive resume as being an ADVANTAGE, not a disadvantage, as some were sure to see it as. Well, now it was here. The time to address it. Gulp.
He cleared his throat, prepared his answer and walked to the podium. Just like that, his confidence was back. He chuckled a bit to kind of play off the smug attitude the debate...guy, what was his name? He hadn't paid attention...had given him while asking the question.
From your job history, it seems you get bored with jobs quickly. Would being a Governor just be another passing thing to get involved in or would you stay longer than a year or two?
"Well, if one were to take a look at my job history, you'd see that the majority of the time, I did not leave simply because I was BORED." Take that Mr. Commentator...man! "Most of the time, I was working my way up and bettering my own position. So it was not a matter of me being fed up or bored with my job. On the contrary, I was making moves that would benefit me and my family," he explained. There. Explanation created and delivered!
"As for the board--this certainly is not hobby of mine. It is a passion. Teaching was by far my favorite position and I'm deeply saddened that I had to step down so shortly after taking my position. However, the Board of Governors position allows me to have an impact on student's lives and make a difference, and since I have a steady side job and a stable home life, there is no reason I would have to leave this post. This is what I WANT to do. Those other positions--they were just a way to get by until I found my passion, and ladies and gentleman, I have found it. My passion is helping the future generations of our community, making an impact on their lives and helping them realize their full potential. As I said before, this is even BETTER than a professor position," he explained. "I can make more of an impact than I could as a professor. That was a good starting place, and now that I have more experience in leadership positions under my belt, I'm thrilled to take on this position and have a greater, more powerful impact on the school community. I'm in this for the long haul, if you're willing to vote for me and give me a chance. Thank you."
There, he'd dodged that question perfectly! Merlin he was good.
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
"Ms. Knox, due to your already existing commitments at the Athens Wizarding Institute, how would you respond to an impromptu meeting being called?"
When the next question was directed at her again, Ivy dismissed the sudden rush of nerves and played it cool by smiling. No one would have been able to tell. Ivy walked up to center stage with a slightly amused smile on her face. "Well... I now worry about the... lack of observation that this committee has," Ivy said and laughed lightly, as if she was trying to be nice, glancing at the man who asked her this question. "I actually left my job at Athens Wizarding Institute before the school year began so I could focus all my attention on running for the Board and my private business. So, impromptu meetings will not be a problem for me. I will be available and will attend all of them on time." Being a private business owner had its perks. Ivy gave the crowd another nod and smile and returned to her seat.
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
Ms. Carter, what are your feelings on the lack of a term limit for Governors?
By her count, this was the last question. And they had waited until now to give her a good one?! Sigh. And the saddest part (for the judges, anyway)? They were probably patting themselves on the backs for getting her over a barrel. Smmmmiiiiiirrrrrk. They were about to learn just why her coworkers expect the unexpected when dealing with her. With a huge, genuine smile that may have actually been a smirk playing across her face, Roxanne answered the question completely honestly. "Now, I know I'm about to shock some of you that think you have me pegged. That I'm some kind of attention seeking, fame wanting person. Because that's what some of you are thinking, right?" She stopped her slow walking back and forth (when had she started that again?) and stared at the judges then, Issacs and Taylor in particular. Because try though they might've, they couldn't quite keep their feelings out of their phrasing or their faces. After a moment, though, she started her walking and her speech again. "But, you know, I quite agree with the way my home country does these type of things." And if they haven't figured out which one that was by now, well, they needed to clean out their ears. "That is to say, I think there should actually be term limits. It's the only way you can get rid of the useless. But, since there's not, and I'm pretty sure you can't change the Hogwarts Charter, welp," and shrugging "you're pretty much stuck with whoever is chosen through this process. So, if I'm a voter, I would make sure to block out any gossip rag's input, judgmental jerk's leading," yes, you again, Taylor "and anyone else's opinions and ask myself 'Just who do I think is the right person for the Board?" Yep, a very good question there.
"And with that, I bid you good day." With that, she walked back to her seat and checked the time. Good grief! It was almost five! More than time to wrap it up, she thought.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
For Andrew Rose: Would you consider to be important for a School Governor to be in contact with the students in any way? Why or why not?
Andrew had just been sitting back in his chair on the stage, watching and listening to his fellow candidates speak that he almost missed his name. Good thing he'd been paying slight attention then, at least.
Rising from his seat, he made his way toward the front of the stage in proper format again and smiled down at the crowds. Was it just his imagination or had the crowds thinned out since he last answered a question?
"Depends on what way you are talking about. School Governors are, in some sense, the acting voices of the school. Some contact with students is necessary in order for our job to be properly conducted and to ensure the student voices are heard, as well." He paused. "However, having said that, student contact should be kept to a professional manner."
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
Charles gave Gavin a nod at his response. He'd hoped to give Gavin a chance to say a little more than he'd been able to so far and he'd chosen to put across that he could learn quickly, which was a good thing for people to know. It meant he'd learn from his mistakes, which was most definitely what people would want. A fool was a person who made the same mistake over and over and expected a different outcome.
He'd noticed Vinteren's accent becoming more pronounced and also that he'd attempted to hide it to an extent by keeping his answer short and sweet. Now why would Vinteren be trying to hide his accent? Everyone knew he wasn't from the UK and English wasn't his first language. In Charles' experience, the people who attempted to hide who they really were were should be watched carefully. The answers from other people also gained more subtle reactions from him, but he said nothing until it was obvious that people were waiting for questions once again. Maybe not all of them, though. The old man looked like he needed a rest from all of this. Maybe he was just too tired to be doing this.
The question about the old man's age brought a smirk to Charles' face that he could not hide, no matter how hard he tried. The man's response was just as amusing and pleasing. He didn't even know if he was out of touch or not and that made Charles want to congratulate the man who'd asked the question. Reynold's enthusiastic response to his personal question meant that he really did believe in what he was saying.
Now, it was ladies first, so he started with a question for the most lady-like lady in the room. Yes, eyeing you, Ivy Knox. "Ms. Black, how committed are you prepared to be to this Board if you are selected, bearing in mind that it may sometimes require you to put the school above all other tasks?"
Okay, now for Ms. Law Enforcement. "Ms. Carter, what are your feelings on the lack of a term limit for Governors?" She was probably pretty pleased with that, because it meant she wouldn't have to do this all over again.
He then turned to the other supposed woman in the room and asked her next question. Straight to business for Ms. Cold, right here. "Ms. Knox, due to your already existing commitments at the Athens Wizarding Institute, how would you respond to an impromptu meeting being called?"
Maybe he should ask the old man his question next, you know, so he'd have an opportunity to think about it and catch his breath before going up to answer. "Mr Clark, what wisdom and experience can you bring to the board and the younger generation of witches and wizards?" Yeah, definitely steering away from calling him old, wouldn't want to remind him of that point. Surely the man got that reminder every time he looked in a mirror.
Okay, painful shirt guy now. "Mr. Cope, do you feel students should have a say in what goes on in their own education or should that be left up to the professionals like yourself?" Though from what he could gather, the man's profession was talking to a microphone.
Back to boss man. "Mr. Higareda, your last question was submitted by a panel, if the situation called for it, would you be able to follow blindly the instructions of the Board without a moment's hesitation? Why?" If he looked at Cope's shirt, he'd be doing most things blindly, so heads up Mr. Not-Quite-So-Professional.
"Mr. Phillips, what are two current things that you've seen in the school that you believe need changing and why?" It was a strange question if he said so himself, but hey, he was just here to ask them!
Now for the man who had the inner eye. He should see this coming then, right? "Mr. Reynolds, from your job history, it seems you get bored with jobs quickly." There was a smug undertone there. Yes, they knew. "Would being a Governor just be another passing thing to get involved in or would you stay longer than a year or two?" He gave the man a questioning stare, but then turned to Vinteren to ask the next question.
"Mr. Vinteren, you've stated that you didn’t attend Hogwarts during your school years, so what would you say is your motivation for wanting to have a say in how the school will be run?" To make it more like the 'worldly' school he supposedly went to? Because his school had been so perfect, right?
He finally turned to the American man who'd caught up well and directed his very first personal question at him. "Mr. Vanderbilt, you currently reside in the United States, are you planning on moving to the UK if selected to be a part of the board? If not, how will that affect your ability to attend meetings that are called last minute?" Bearing in mind that inter-continental apparition was mostly illegal.
[SIZE="1"]OOC: Remember, you're allowed to post multiple responses. It would be greatly appreciated if you would label them in the post and also put the number to the questions you are responding to at the top of your post. Thank you.
- For Erik Vinteren: You didn’t attend Hogwarts during your school years, what would you say is your motivation for wanting to have a say in how the school will be run?
He had already answered this question, hadn't he? Erik didn't like having to repeat himself. He also didn't like the cold way this Mr. Charles was addressing everyone. There can only be so many ice kings and queens in one room at a time before one becomes frostbitten.
Erik approached centre stage once more and amplified his voice with the sonorous charm, as usual. "I vent to school in Norway, that is no secret," Erik began, "however I think it is very clear by now vhy I vould like to have an impact on Hogwarts. As I said earlier, I haff studied alongside of and vorked closely vith Hogwarts graduates and even vith former staff members. I now reside and vork in Scotland, not too far from the school itself. I'm a concerned member of the community, to put it simply. Vhy shouldn't I vant a say in how the school is run?" He had just as much a right as anyone else!
The blue eyed man paused to allow those words to sink in. "My motivation for running for vhe board is purely intrinsic. As a concerned member of vhe community and a businessman who has in vhe past hired Hogwarts graduates, I vould like to help the most well-known school of magic in the vorld also become the best school of magic in the vorld. I feel I haff a number of things to offer to you," he made eye contact with some in the audience, "the people whose family members attend vhis noble institution, and to your children, if you elect me to vhe Board. If you do not, vell, at least I tried to help. It is better to try and fail vhan to haff never tried at all."
He looked back at Mr. Charles as if to ask whether his very serious, and very emphatic, answer was sufficient, then half-turned back to the crowd. "And for vhe record, vhere vere no openings on vhe school boards in Norway." He winked, hoping they would see it as a charming way to handle such a specific question, and then confidently headed back to his seat.
Back to boss man. "Mr. Higareda, your last question was submitted by a panel, if the situation called for it, would you be able to follow blindly the instructions of the Board without a moment's hesitation? Why?" If he looked at Cope's shirt, he'd be doing most things blindly, so heads up Mr. Not-Quite-So-Professional.
Oh my gosh! Okay now that was a question that could easily kill his campaign! All the others had been fine, some were a bit like uhhh what? But this one? How could anyone just jump and do something without the facts just because the board said to do it. Wait did he mean as a board member if he could just follow the instructions. Or as a person outside the board itself like as a department head?
Merlin! How did he answer this question?
He wasn't even paying attention to the other candidates now that he knew his last question. He was trying to figure out how he was going to answer the question! He didn't want to sound like he'd just do what ever they would say or tell him to do but he also didn't want them to think he didn't follow orders made by the board. GAH!
Finally getting to his feet he spoke "I would love to say yes that I would be able to just take orders like that and do exactly what the board decides and tells me I need to go do without a moment's hesitation. But I can't say I would just go do something without the facts or reasoning behind what is being asked of me."
"Whether as a board member or as a department head, I wouldn't be able to just go and do something like that. I would ask for some information as to why I was needed to do that. I don't mean it as disrespect but as a human being who doesn't do things often just because it's what someone wants, but one that considers what he's doing."
Yeah that might have just destroyed the chance at being a board member.
"I'm sorry if it's not what you want to hear, but I cannot say that I would just blindly follow instructions from the board, without any reason or explanation for what I would be asked to do." Taking a deep breath his face looked a bit troubled as he sat down "Thank you."
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Originally Posted by Q3
If you were to be elected onto the board, what would you ensure becomes a priority as far as the long term plans of the Board are concerned?
A long term priority? Just one? Hm...
Atticus once again considered the question for a few moments before giving his answer.
"Aside from the safety and security concerns, which I believe are more of an immediate short term plan to be fixed and improved soon as possible, I would like to make continuously improving the education the students receive. That's not to say it's currently bad - it certainly isn't. However, there is always room for improvement, and adding more educational opportunities than are currently available to students would be an excellent priority to follow in the long term."
Originally Posted by Q4
Do you feel it is important as a board member to work along side of the professors and keep them in the know of everything going on or do you feel the board should be separate?
Another few moments of consideration. Then Atticus was up once again to speak.
"I think it is essential for the board to work along side the professors at Hogwarts. It would be troubling if the board and the Hogwarts staff were working against each other after all, right? But to say that the professors have to be in the know of everything going on? I don't completely agree with that. There are some things, perhaps, that they should be kept aware of, but there are also likely to be some things that it would be better to keep among the board and those that it applies to, if there are any."
Originally Posted by Q5
Would you consider to be important for a School Governor to be in contact with the students in any way? Why or why not?
This one did not take as long to decide an answer on. Perhaps he was finally getting into the groove of this debate. It wasn't really as bad as he would have expected, especially since he didn't have to worry about babbling on and on with long replies if he didn't feel they were necessary.
"A governor should certainly have some level of contact with and availability to the students of Hogwarts. How could he or she know what is going on with the students from a student's perspective if he or she avoids them and refuses to talk to them? A governor cannot help improve an aspect of the school in the students' best interests if he or she does not even know what those interests are. Contact should, however, be fair, objective, and diverse, not based solely on a single student or small group of students, to prevent any potential risk of favoritism and bias."
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Sorry, he has the need to actually interact with the candidates a bit =P *pokes Seth*
Seth was pleased to hear all of those different answers from such different candidates. He was truly glad they had people with different personalities and backgrounds. That would sure make things a lot better at the school.
He could almost daydream about a better Hogwarts, but he had to pay attention and listen to the answers! See, he would have missed the time to step up and give the candidates more questions!
Seth smiled when Noland said he made moves that would benefit him and his family. He himself considered family a priority even if his was kind of messed up... a bit. "Thank you, Mr Reynolds." He gave the man a polite nod. "Now, could you please tell us... What do you think is the best way for Governors to listen to what students have to say?"
Next! Oh, interesting. So Ivy wasn't working at the Athens Wizarding Institute anymore. "That is good to hear, Ms Knox." Seth also gave her a smile and a nod. "So how do you feel communication at Hogwarts should be with the board?"
Huh...? That woman look ed like she was waiting for the debate to be over already. Strange. Seth felt like they had just started! Well, no, he knew lots had already happened, but everything was so interesting he didn't mind being there all this time. "I'm very sorry, Ms Carter, but could you please answer one more question?" Seth smiled at the woman. Not that she had a choice, but still, he was always polite. "Do you believe that working as part of a team is one of your strengths? Give an example, please."Short nod.
He turned his attention to Andrew. Once again, Seth nodded at the candidate's response. He was doing that a lot that day. He couldn't help it, though. "Very well, Mr Rose." He said as he checked the small card he was holding. Oh... ouch. "Someone wants to know..." Seth raised his eyebrows at the card before looking at the candidate. "Why have you missed such an important part of applying to be a Governor, the meet and greet and first debate? Were you starting as you mean to go on?" The man didn't give Andrew an apologetic look, though. Whoever had asked that had their fair share of reason.
'There were no openings on the school boards in Norway.' Um... Seth wasn't quite sure he understood the... joke? So he just gave the man, yes, a nod and a smile. "Still speaking of that, Mr Vinteren," Y'know, him having another kind of education in a different school and all that. "Do you feel you know the history and the curriculum of Hogwarts well enough to make a good board member?"
"Good and thank you, Mr Higareda." Seth nodded at the man with a polite smile on his face. There were no more especific questions for Gavin, so after he thanked the candidate, Seth looked over to the next one.
Right, right. Perfect. "Lovely." Seth told the next candidate. "Now, Mr Aldredge, how far are you willing to go to ensure that you receive a position on the Board of Governors?" Ooo, that was also a good question. Seth tapped the cards he was holding his his fingers after he was done reading that one question. Interesting!
OOC: You guys can post multiple responses still =) you're doing a fiiine job! *nods*
Also, whoever finishes answering all of their 9 questions (be sure you answered 9!!), can respond to other people's answers now!
- For Althea Schirmer: Can you outline how would you make higher level Wizarding Education an option for more students?
- For Cooper Cope: Do you feel students should have a say in what goes on in their own education or should that be left up to the professionals like yourself?
- For Erik Vinteren: Do you feel you know the history and the curriculum of Hogwarts well enough to make a good board member?
- For Ivy Knox: How do you feel communication at Hogwarts should be with the board?
- For Roxanne Carter: Do you believe that working as part of a team is one of your strengths? Give an example.
- For Nolan Reynolds: What do you think is the best way for Governors to listen to what students have to say?
- For Carter Phillips: What are two things you seen in the school right now that should be changed and why?
- For Gavin Higareda: If the situation called for it, would you be able to follow blindly the instructions of the Board without a moment's hesitation? Why?
- For Sherman Clark: What wisdom and experience can you bring to the board and the younger generation of witches and wizards?
- For Lourdes Black: How committed are you prepared to be to this Board if you are selected, bearing in mind that it may sometimes require you to put the school above all other tasks?
- For Corineus Vanderbilt: Are you planning on moving to the UK if selected to be a part of the board? If not, how will that affect your ability to attend meetings that are called last minute?
- For Andrew Rose: Why have you missed such an important part of applying to be a Governor, the meet and greet and first debate? Were you starting as you mean to go on?
- For Atticus Aldredge: How far are you willing to go to ensure that you receive a position on the Board of Governors?
General questions for those who haven't answered as of yet:
Q1. Why do you feel you are more qualified for this position than the other candidates?
Q2. If a personal or professional situation arose at the same time as an equally important situation arose in the school, which would you deem more important to attend to first, and why?
Q3. If you were to be elected onto the board, what would you ensure becomes a priority as far as the long term plans of the Board are concerned?
Q4. Do you feel it is important as a board member to work along side of the professors and keep them in the know of everything going on or do you feel the board should be separate?
Q5. Would you consider to be important for a School Governor to be in contact with the students in any way? Why or why not?
*evil smirk* hehe I promise I will be back when more awake to quote more lol
Text Cut: Ivy
Originally Posted by sarahlooo
When the next question was directed at her again, Ivy dismissed the sudden rush of nerves and played it cool by smiling. No one would have been able to tell. Ivy walked up to center stage with a slightly amused smile on her face. "Well... I now worry about the... lack of observation that this committee has," Ivy said and laughed lightly, as if she was trying to be nice, glancing at the man who asked her this question. "I actually left my job at Athens Wizarding Institute before the school year began so I could focus all my attention on running for the Board and my private business. So, impromptu meetings will not be a problem for me. I will be available and will attend all of them on time." Being a private business owner had its perks. Ivy gave the crowd another nod and smile and returned to her seat.
His attention was back on Ivy he had caught a few things before he'd spoken and one of them was her response to her last question. How interesting. "Ms Knox, are you telling us that you left your job because of the fact that you 'might' become one of the board of governors. With no definite on the fact but left your job anyway?" How interesting! What if she didn't get on the board? Seems to Gav that the woman was definitely jumping the gun just a bit there thinking she was already going to be on the board!
Text Cut: Erik
Originally Posted by Erik Vinteren
He had already answered this question, hadn't he? Erik didn't like having to repeat himself. He also didn't like the cold way this Mr. Charles was addressing everyone. There can only be so many ice kings and queens in one room at a time before one becomes frostbitten.
Erik approached centre stage once more and amplified his voice with the sonorous charm, as usual. "I vent to school in Norway, that is no secret," Erik began, "however I think it is very clear by now vhy I vould like to have an impact on Hogwarts. As I said earlier, I haff studied alongside of and vorked closely vith Hogwarts graduates and even vith former staff members. I now reside and vork in Scotland, not too far from the school itself. I'm a concerned member of the community, to put it simply. Vhy shouldn't I vant a say in how the school is run?" He had just as much a right as anyone else!
The blue eyed man paused to allow those words to sink in. "My motivation for running for vhe board is purely intrinsic. As a concerned member of vhe community and a businessman who has in vhe past hired Hogwarts graduates, I vould like to help the most well-known school of magic in the vorld also become the best school of magic in the vorld. I feel I haff a number of things to offer to you," he made eye contact with some in the audience, "the people whose family members attend vhis noble institution, and to your children, if you elect me to vhe Board. If you do not, vell, at least I tried to help. It is better to try and fail vhan to haff never tried at all."
He looked back at Mr. Charles as if to ask whether his very serious, and very emphatic, answer was sufficient, then half-turned back to the crowd. "And for vhe record, vhere vere no openings on vhe school boards in Norway." He winked, hoping they would see it as a charming way to handle such a specific question, and then confidently headed back to his seat.
Woah, really? His attention was drawn quickly to Erik when he spoke not long after Gavin had. There were no openings in the Norway school boards? Was that the very reason that Erik was here just because there were no openings there? If that was the case then what would happen if one opened there, would he return there?
"Mr. Vinteren, are we to assume that if there were a position open at one of the school boards in Norway you would not be here today vying for a spot on Hogwart's Board of Governors? You stated that there are no openings on the school boards in Norway. What if one were to open up, would you drop your position on the Hogwarts board so that you may run for a position closer to home then?"
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
Do you believe that working as part of a team is one of your strengths? Give an example.
What?! One more question?! Ugh. But at least it wasn't from one of the two big heads on the panel so..... Back up to the front of the stage she went. And...... the last question was, well, she didn't quite know how to answer that one. Every member of the MLE knew she didn't work very well with certain people and was greatly distracted by handsome, tall blondes others, but she liked to think that when it came down to it, she could put these aside when she had to. Well, the distraction thing, anyway. But there was no way she was going to say that. "While I wouldn't say it was one of my strengths, I can put aside my personal feelings and work in a group. No person is infallible, however, so we'll just see who gets elected to the Board." Now, for an example. Roxanne could n...... wait a minute! Duh! Zombiegate! "Recently a situation, one which I can't say too much about, came up at this very Ministry which caused me to have to work with a group of people. We all managed to get along and get the job done. I'm actually very proud of my entire team, since it was a pretty stressful situation." There, she hoped that was enough, because she wasn't about to risk going into details now, not with all these guests here.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
Q6 He finally turned to the American man who'd caught up well and directed his very first personal question at him. "Mr. Vanderbilt, you currently reside in the United States, are you planning on moving to the UK if selected to be a part of the board? If not, how will that affect your ability to attend meetings that are called last minute?" Bearing in mind that inter-continental apparition was mostly illegal.
Oh a direct question to him finally. And it was about logistics. It was bound to come up he figured “My family has property here...” to say the least, and no he’s not in a mood to start on the Vanderbilt history with real estate “...so its simply the question of setting something up for me on a more permanent basis again, as I had when I was working here. Now to actually relocate....” he paused for a moment “.... I can confidently say that when the needs of the Board require me to be here over extended periods they can rely on me to be here, punctually. I bear dual-citizenship so legalities of coming and going isn’t an issue. And I understand there are limits and strains to intercontinental Magical travel but I have done it more than a few times so its not that much of a big deal to me.” A Wizarding jet-setter for lack of a better term.
Now will he actually quit his job as a Director of a Department in the US Ministry just to move closer to London? Well he will need to see the fine print people. He knows his worth, and besides this was about being a school governor, which is generally unpaid, volunteer work and is rarely fulltime.... unless you’re the admin assistant slash receptionist slash gofer. Besides, how much press fodder would that be about finding the budget to pay 12 people full time for what is essentially half a days work a few days in a week?
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Originally Posted by Erndearment
Cassandra listened with great interest as the candidates spoke. Some were awfully reticent and were losing her interest, but for all those who were willing to step to the front of the stage and share their passions, Cassandra could envision them as part of the Board of Governors with varying degrees of success.
All too soon, it was her turn to ask questions of the candidates, and Cassandra took a moment to finish her notes and gather her questions before rising again. "Thank you all so much for your thoughtful answers so far. I can tell we have a lot of interest in seeing our school be the best it can be in the years to come. I have some individual questions now, so please bear with me and answer only the question presented to you."
She glanced briefly at her cards before continuing. "This next question is for Ms. Schirmer. You've been very clear that one of your interests is in making broader career options, especially through higher education, available to the students at Hogwarts. Can you outline how would you make higher level Wizarding Education an option for more students?"
Oh good a question that was dear to her heart. Althea stood and approached the front, again trusting in the charms to be sure she was audible and seeing that she was. Good. She was passionate enough about the topic that she didn't even correct the 'Ms.' thing to 'Professor' as it should have been.
"I have been overseeing the Fawley-Schirmer Foundation, a charitable organisation aimed at providing Internships, Apprenticeships, and Higher-level Wizarding Education at Universities for disadvantaged Wizarding youth, for going on five years now, in Britain and abroad. This organisation is one which my grandmother established forty years ago, and it has been going strong ever since." Pause. "Through my work with the Foundation I have been fortunate to develop many connections which would benefit the students of Hogwarts, and I would like to work to provide a big picture program with the goal of offering our students chances to which they would otherwise not be exposed." And an outline? Well, she'd keep it short, even though she could say far more on the matter and would were there not many other questions to answer. Still, it was clear the blonde woman was passionate about the matter at hand and she spoke with conviction.
"Initially I'd like to provide the option for all sixth and seventh year students to undertake work experience at a range of approved locations, with the likelihood of adding other work experience partnership organisations after they have been vetted by the Board. I'd also like to provide continuing support for the optional seminar program established by Headmaster Tate which Headmistress Truebridge continues to advocate, and to establish a working relationship with instructors so that further educational opportunities and information sessions may be available for those students who find their interest piqued. If elected to the board I plan to arrange for visits to Wizarding University open days, and liaise with the teaching staff where their subject areas overlap with Wizarding workplaces which are offering internships and apprenticeships as alternatives to University study. I would be mindful of student opinion and tailor the offered programs based on student feedback and parental opinion. Additionally all costs would be subsidized by the Fawley-Schirmer Foundation, so those students who would otherwise not be able to afford to pursue such options would be able to participate."
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
What do you think is the best way for Governors to listen to what students have to say?
Andddd back to the easy ones. Nolan sat and listened for a while--wait, Althea had a FOUNDATION? Since when? Why hadn't he heard of it?? He made a few mental notes to go after this supposed organization in his rebuttal. If it was as successful as she claimed why hadn't it been implimented at the school? OOOH he was going to poke some holes in that one. Look out lady!
But for his own question now...
He stood up and smiled at the crowd again. "The best way, in my personal opinion, is by holding open 'office hours' if you will, where members of the board go to the school and allow for a sort of conference with the students. If the students have an idea or any questions--anything they want to speak to us about, really--then they have open time to come see us. If they cannot make that time, they can always owl us and assure that it gets to us directly," he explained.
"All in all, there is no real 'wrong' way to go about contacting us. If they have concerns, they should address them! We're not scary and we don't bite! Well, Miss Schirmer might," he said with a playful wink at his opponent. He was kidding, of course. Maybe. "But I feel that having this open office conference policy, with maybe four or five board members going in at a time to speak with students, would be one of the most efficient ways for students to meet with us."
With another smile, he took his seat.
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
Oh a direct question to him finally. And it was about logistics. It was bound to come up he figured “My family has property here...” to say the least, and no he’s not in a mood to start on the Vanderbilt history with real estate “...so its simply the question of setting something up for me on a more permanent basis again, as I had when I was working here. Now to actually relocate....” he paused for a moment “.... I can confidently say that when the needs of the Board require me to be here over extended periods they can rely on me to be here, punctually. I bear dual-citizenship so legalities of coming and going isn’t an issue. And I understand there are limits and strains to intercontinental Magical travel but I have done it more than a few times so its not that much of a big deal to me.” A Wizarding jet-setter for lack of a better term.
Now will he actually quit his job as a Director of a Department in the US Ministry just to move closer to London? Well he will need to see the fine print people. He knows his worth, and besides this was about being a school governor, which is generally unpaid, volunteer work and is rarely fulltime.... unless you’re the admin assistant slash receptionist slash gofer. Besides, how much press fodder would that be about finding the budget to pay 12 people full time for what is essentially half a days work a few days in a week?
Wait, he never even really answered the question! The man had sort of avoided the actual part of the 'last minute'. What was his plans there? When the man finished speaking Gavin still was just curious as to how the man planned on attending last minute meetings or ones that needed a decision immediately. Was he plan on telling the board, that they needed to wait until he was able to be there?
"Mr. Vanderbilt, I'm curious how you will be able to make it to emergency called meetings, last minute. I understand that you have dual-citizenship and have properties on both continents. But how do you intend to make it to meetings that the board might require you to be at within minutes or even an hour or two, if you are currently in America." Pausing he shook his head "I'm sure the Transportation department would agree with me, that apparation between countries is illegal unless you have prior permission to be able to apparate, from 'both' countries involved. Those apparation allowances are a one time allowance, meaning that you need to continuously receive permission. And it typically takes 1-2 days to get permission."
"So again the question is, how do you plan on making these last minute meetings that might be asked of you to attend?"
'There were no openings on the school boards in Norway.' Um... Seth wasn't quite sure he understood the... joke? So he just gave the man, yes, a nod and a smile. "Still speaking of that, Mr Vinteren," Y'know, him having another kind of education in a different school and all that. "Do you feel you know the history and the curriculum of Hogwarts well enough to make a good board member?"
"I do," Erik stood up when another question was quickly directed his way. Once again he went to centre stage to respond with a smile and a nod. "Vhe basic curricula of all wizarding schools feature vhe same core subjects, subjects such as Defence, Charms, Herbology, Transfiguration, and so on. I did my research before applying to vhe board, sir, and feel confident I am familiar with vhe history of Hogwarts. Part of that history was my motivation for running in vhe first place. No staff member or student should ever lose vheir life during the school year."
He paused to add something else he had done, more than any of the other candidates. "I haff also taken a proactive approach to observing lessons and getting to know vhe current students of Hogwarts ever since Headmistress Truebridge permitted us candidates into vhe school. I vould even go so far as to say I am more familiar with vhe school now vhan are some of the candidates here before you who consider vhemselves alumni." Looking at you, Higareda, you, Vanderbilt, and you, absent Andrew Rose.
Erik turned his blue gaze back to the audience. "Thank you." He dipped his head with respect and returned once more to his seat.
Originally Posted by Silver Ninja
Woah, really? His attention was drawn quickly to Erik when he spoke not long after Gavin had. There were no openings in the Norway school boards? Was that the very reason that Erik was here just because there were no openings there? If that was the case then what would happen if one opened there, would he return there?
"Mr. Vinteren, are we to assume that if there were a position open at one of the school boards in Norway you would not be here today vying for a spot on Hogwart's Board of Governors? You stated that there are no openings on the school boards in Norway. What if one were to open up, would you drop your position on the Hogwarts board so that you may run for a position closer to home then?"
Erik had barely taken his seat before another candidate, one who seemed to think he was good enough to run a debate on his own, started jumping down his throat. Erik held up a hand to calm the man who seemed so intent on attacking him with questions.
Still bitter about the wet pants, Higareda? he wanted to ask, but didn't. Erik instead replied very calmly and patiently, so the slow man would understand.
"No you cannot assume vhat at all, Mr. Higareda. Vhat's not vhat I meant and I haff no desire to return to Norway. I believe you must haff been listening to my answer solely vith your ears and not at all vith your brain or your heart." His blue eyes twinkled with mischief in the man's direction as he touched his own heart. "I vas merely making a joke, attempting to lighten my very serious answer about vhy I am so passionate about joining Hogwarts' Board of Governors. I haff no desire to return to Norway, not vhen I haff a good job here and a strong passion to help Hogwarts. Hogwarts is vhe school vhat lost not one but two strong academic minds over vhe course of vhe last school year, and saw a woman attempting to rob children of vheir young lives the year before that. Vhose kind of problems are vhat I seek to remedy, and vhose are the problems Hogwarts is facing." Therefore, if they wished to see those problems remedied, they should elect him to the board.
Erik paused and shifted in his seat slightly so that he was angled more towards Gavin. He studied the man with his piercing blue eyes and leaned forward, resting his arms lightly on his knees as he returned fire.
"If you'll allow me the honour of asking you a question, Gavin...is it true vhat you don't really vish to live in Britain any more since your wife left you? I read vhat you haff been thinking of moving to America. Is there a Board of Governors you vould rather join over vhere? I apologize if I'm touching a sensitive spot here, I vould just hate to see the Board crumble if you were elected and then suddenly left, due to a lack of dedication and the stress of vorking vith and constantly seeing happy Hogwarts families..." unlike Gavin's own.
It was very difficult not to smirk as he asked the question, but Erik's face bore an expression of genuine and concern and interest in the other candidate.
Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
Next! Oh, interesting. So Ivy wasn't working at the Athens Wizarding Institute anymore. "That is good to hear, Ms Knox." Seth also gave her a smile and a nod. "So how do you feel communication at Hogwarts should be with the board?"
Ivy's brows furrowed just slightly as she tried to understand the question. It was rather vague and she wasn't quite sure how to answer it. She took a moment before standing back up. "Well, I do hope I understand the question correctly. But I think communication is the key to success for anyone in life and that is no exception for the Board of Governors. We should always be aware of what happens in the castle. And I don't mean small, personal affairs of the students, no, I mean what the students and the staff need. If the students or members of the staff feel there is something lacking, I think they should be able to communicate with members of the Board so we can address it in meetings and think of a solution, if action is necessary." It was called teamwork.
"On the other hand, I don't think the students and staff need to know the discussions and decisions of the Board until they are official and are made to the general public." Ivy felt like she was repeating herself from earlier, but she was simply answering the question she received. Hopefully she understood it correctly. Ivy nodded and returned to her seat.
Originally Posted by Silver Ninja
His attention was back on Ivy he had caught a few things before he'd spoken and one of them was her response to her last question. How interesting. "Ms Knox, are you telling us that you left your job because of the fact that you 'might' become one of the board of governors. With no definite on the fact but left your job anyway?" How interesting! What if she didn't get on the board? Seems to Gav that the woman was definitely jumping the gun just a bit there thinking she was already going to be on the board!
Just as she sat back down, she heard her name spoken and Ivy leaned forward, her eyes scanning down the line of candidates until she found Gavin Higareda asking her a question. She clasped her hands and let out a quiet chuckle. "Mr. Higareda, I don't recall saying that at all, do you? Although I am confident about running for the Board, I wouldn't be so rash as to drop my entire life in hopes that I would land a spot on the Board. A large part of the reasoning behind leaving my teaching post at Athens Wizarding Institute was to have more time to focus on my private business. I do appreciate your concern, though," she added with almost sickly-sweet smile.
Speaking of leaving things... Ivy was just about to formulate a question to throw back at Gavin, but Erik beat her to it. Ivy had to refrain from smirking as she waited for his reply.
Erik had barely taken his seat before another candidate, one who seemed to think he was good enough to run a debate on his own, started jumping down his throat. Erik held up a hand to calm the man who seemed so intent on attacking him with questions.
Still bitter about the wet pants, Higareda? he wanted to ask, but didn't. Erik instead replied very calmly and patiently, so the slow man would understand.
"No you cannot assume vhat at all, Mr. Higareda. Vhat's not vhat I meant and I haff no desire to return to Norway. I believe you must haff been listening to my answer solely vith your ears and not at all vith your brain or your heart." His blue eyes twinkled with mischief in the man's direction as he touched his own heart. "I vas merely making a joke, attempting to lighten my very serious answer about vhy I am so passionate about joining Hogwarts' Board of Governors. I haff no desire to return to Norway, not vhen I haff a good job here and a strong passion to help Hogwarts. Hogwarts is vhe school vhat lost not one but two strong academic minds over vhe course of vhe last school year, and saw a woman attempting to rob children of vheir young lives the year before that. Vhose kind of problems are vhat I seek to remedy, and vhose are the problems Hogwarts is facing." Therefore, if they wished to see those problems remedied, they should elect him to the board.
Erik paused and shifted in his seat slightly so that he was angled more towards Gavin. He studied the man with his piercing blue eyes and leaned forward, resting his arms lightly on his knees as he returned fire.
"If you'll allow me the honour of asking you a question, Gavin...is it true vhat you don't really vish to live in Britain any more since your wife left you? I read vhat you haff been thinking of moving to America. Is there a Board of Governors you vould rather join over vhere? I apologize if I'm touching a sensitive spot here, I vould just hate to see the Board crumble if you were elected and then suddenly left, due to a lack of dedication and the stress of vorking vith and constantly seeing happy Hogwarts families..." unlike Gavin's own.
It was very difficult not to smirk as he asked the question, but Erik's face bore an expression of genuine and concern and interest in the other candidate.
Tilting his head a bit as he spoke, Gav was amused to be perfectly honest. The man had said it as a joke, about the boards in Norway not having an opening. Funny joke, that he'd just happen to mention that they had no current openings for govenors, being it was the country the man was from. "My mistake." he said with no emotion nor reaction to the response. He'd gotten his point across and that was the main thing.
Nodding as he requested asking him a question as well, Gavin let him speak. Ohhh so the dirty rubbish emerges. "From where you would have read this I've no idea at all." his eyes drifting right to Ivy Knox knowing precisely where it came from however. His gaze stayed away from Becca at that moment, because he was sure that she knew precisely whom the information had come from as well as he did.
"But I assure you as well as the board and all the people here, I have no plans whatsoever to leave my home here in Britain. It's my home and has been my home for the last 12 years. My dedication is to the board as well as the school and the British Ministry of Magic in which I am the department head of IMC."
Turning his attention to Charles "In fact, Mr. Taylor would you say that my personal life has taken a toll at all in the way, that IMC has been run?"
Text Cut: Ivy
Originally Posted by sarahlooo
Just as she sat back down, she heard her name spoken and Ivy leaned forward, her eyes scanning down the line of candidates until she found Gavin Higareda asking her a question. She clasped her hands and let out a quiet chuckle. "Mr. Higareda, I don't recall saying that at all, do you? Although I am confident about running for the Board, I wouldn't be so rash as to drop my entire life in hopes that I would land a spot on the Board. A large part of the reasoning behind leaving my teaching post at Athens Wizarding Institute was to have more time to focus on my private business. I do appreciate your concern, though," she added with almost sickly-sweet smile.
Speaking of leaving things... Ivy was just about to formulate a question to throw back at Gavin, but Erik beat her to it. Ivy had to refrain from smirking as she waited for his reply.
Nodding at Ivy's response when she began speaking as well, Gavin just returned the smile that she had given him. What had she expected? It was a debate, and the answers were 'to be debated'. "My mistake." he said dipping his head in a nod. Once again his point was given. And the audience had heard it.
Tilting his head a bit as he spoke, Gav was amused to be perfectly honest. The man had said it as a joke, about the boards in Norway not having an opening. Funny joke, that he'd just happen to mention that they had no current openings for govenors, being it was the country the man was from. "My mistake." he said with no emotion nor reaction to the response. He'd gotten his point across and that was the main thing.
Nodding as he requested asking him a question as well, Gavin let him speak. Ohhh so the dirty rubbish emerges. "From where you would have read this I've no idea at all." his eyes drifting right to Ivy Knox knowing precisely where it came from however. His gaze stayed away from Becca at that moment, because he was sure that she knew precisely whom the information had come from as well as he did.
"But I assure you as well as the board and all the people here, I have no plans whatsoever to leave my home here in Britain. It's my home and has been my home for the last 12 years. My dedication is to the board as well as the school and the British Ministry of Magic in which I am the department head of IMC."
Turning his attention to Charles "In fact, Mr. Taylor would you say that my personal life has taken a toll at all in the way, that IMC has been run?"
Nodding at Ivy's response when she began speaking as well, Gavin just returned the smile that she had given him. What had she expected? It was a debate, and the answers were 'to be debated'. "My mistake." he said dipping his head in a nod. Once again his point was given. And the audience had heard it.
"I suppose one can't believe everyvhing one reads vhen," Erik addressed Gavin, "or everyvhing one hears, in your case." He winked at the weak man to avoid grinding his teeth. Wow, look at him trying to call on his employee for backup. That was weak, and regardless of what the employee said, it would still make Gavin look weak (which he was). Erik's smirk came out some as he mulled this over and looked out at the audience and then back to his...opponent, if Higareda could even be called such a thing. Look at that, he had made another mistake by trying to question Ivy.
"Seems you're just full of blunders tonight, chap." Not a good quality in a Governor, voters might say. Erik smiled humourlessly at him and then went back to listening silently to the others' responses.
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Once again, it was Cassandra's turn, and she stood to face the candidates. They were spirited and passionate, which she appreciated, but some of them were starting to turn on each other. Yes, obviously, the questions from the Ministry and the community were a bit hard hitting, but did the candidates remember that most of them would make it onto the Board and would have to get along with each other?
Cassandra was a mother of five and had no small skill at showing her displeasure with a quick flaring of her nostrils and her hands on her hips. Not that she would employ those tactics on these lovely people... but if they got out of hand in her Boardroom? All bets were off.
Roxanne Carter answered her final question with an air of satisfaction at finally being done... and perhaps a nice dose of honesty in there. So Roxanne wasn't particularly adept at working with a team... but she acknowledged it. "Thank you for your answers today, Ms. Carter. We certainly appreciate your responses."
She also appreciated Corineus' response to the questions about his home abroad. In this age of magical travel, she wasn't sure that Corineus had much to worry about, but at least it appeared he had thought seriously about how to make this new role work for him. "Mr. Vanderbilt, I've been very interested to hear that you chose to attend and review more classes than assigned to you. I'm very interested in your thoughts on what parts of the current curriculum concern you the most, and why?"
Cassandra greatly appreciated Althea Schirmer's grandmother and foundation. It had been a concern of hers that Althea wouldn't have the skill or desire to fill the big shoes left upon the passing of her grandmother, but the young woman took up the role with remarkable dexterity. She would, perhaps, be a boon to the Board. "Professor Schirmer, you're in a unique position on this board, in that you were once a staff member at Hogwarts. Very few of your fellows can claim that distinction. I'm sure you maintain close personal ties with some of the staff members. Do you feel you can keep personal and professional separated?" That was a very polite way of asking after Thea's romantic attachments without being overly prying.
But Althea wasn't the only former professor there today (not counting Cassandra, of course). The young Nolan Reynolds had some very interesting ideas about making the Board available to the students. Cassandra thought her son would like her to be a little less available, which hurt a bit but such was the pain of being a mother. Regardless, his ideas gave her something to gnaw over as she asked him his next question. "Professor Reynolds, what are the specific lessons you take from your time as a professor that would help you as a Governor?"
Say what they would about Erik Vinteren's flip answer from earlier, but he had shown unusual interest in meeting professors and students and attending classes. That level of interest really showed his commitment to Hogwarts, didn't it? Cassandra turned her attention to the man. "Mr. Vinteren, a school is more than just the students and professors. How can we get the Wizarding community involved at Hogwarts?"
And Ivy Knox, who seemed a little prickly to Cassandra, but not unduly so. Any of those getting targeted by their fellows would seem the same. Cassandra gave the woman an encouraging smile, "Ms. Knox, do you think your time with the Athens Wizarding Institute will make you more qualified for a Hogwarts Board of Governor's position? If so, how?" Maybe the woman could offer insight into how her previous position had prepared her for the Board.
OOC: You guys can post multiple responses still =) you're doing a fiiine job! *nods*
Also, whoever finishes answering all of their 9 questions (be sure you answered 9!!), can respond to other people's answers now! This means, of course, that everyone should now keep an eye out for questions directed at them from other candidates.
- For Althea Schirmer: Do you feel you can keep personal and professional separated?
- For Cooper Cope: Do you feel students should have a say in what goes on in their own education or should that be left up to the professionals like yourself?
- For Erik Vinteren: How can we get the Wizarding community involved at Hogwarts?
- For Ivy Knox: Do you think your time with the Athens Wizarding Institute will make you more qualified for a Hogwarts Board of Governor's position? If so, how?
- For Nolan Reynolds: What are the specific lessons you take from your time as a professor that would help you as a Governor?
- For Carter Phillips: What are two things you seen in the school right now that should be changed and why?
- For Sherman Clark: What wisdom and experience can you bring to the board and the younger generation of witches and wizards?
- For Lourdes Black: How committed are you prepared to be to this Board if you are selected, bearing in mind that it may sometimes require you to put the school above all other tasks?
- For Corineus Vanderbilt: Which parts of the current curriculum concern you and why?
- For Andrew Rose: Why have you missed such an important part of applying to be a Governor, the meet and greet and first debate? Were you starting as you mean to go on?
- For Atticus Aldredge: How far are you willing to go to ensure that you receive a position on the Board of Governors?
General questions for those who haven't answered as of yet:
Q1. Why do you feel you are more qualified for this position than the other candidates?
Q2. If a personal or professional situation arose at the same time as an equally important situation arose in the school, which would you deem more important to attend to first, and why?
Q3. If you were to be elected onto the board, what would you ensure becomes a priority as far as the long term plans of the Board are concerned?
Q4. Do you feel it is important as a board member to work along side of the professors and keep them in the know of everything going on or do you feel the board should be separate?
Q5. Would you consider to be important for a School Governor to be in contact with the students in any way? Why or why not?
Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
Originally Posted by Silver Ninja
Nodding at Ivy's response when she began speaking as well, Gavin just returned the smile that she had given him. What had she expected? It was a debate, and the answers were 'to be debated'. "My mistake." he said dipping his head in a nod. Once again his point was given. And the audience had heard it.
Her smiled seem to grow and Ivy gave Gavin a look that said 'yes, it is'. And it seemed like he was making more than one mistake tonight. Maybe Higareda and everyone else would take note not to challenge Ivy or Erik anymore, hm?
And Ivy Knox, who seemed a little prickly to Cassandra, but not unduly so. Any of those getting targeted by their fellows would seem the same. Cassandra gave the woman an encouraging smile, "Ms. Knox, do you think your time with the Athens Wizarding Institute will make you more qualified for a Hogwarts Board of Governor's position? If so, how?" Maybe the woman could offer insight into how her previous position had prepared her for the Board.
Ivy returned her attention to Cassandra with a pleasant smile on her face. Ah, finally. She had been waiting for a question like this. "I do," she replied confidently when she had returned to the front of the stage. "After teaching at institute for nine years, I have learned just as much, if not more, than my students. I learned to communicate with the younger generation and just how important communication is. I became a stronger leader and became more professional. I know what it takes to help children succeed because I've helped them do it for the past nine years. Being part of a staff has taught me how important it is to work as a team to better the students, the school, and even the community. More importantly, being the Deputy Headmistress taught me a great deal about holding such a large responsibility and I was able to see just how the school ran. I feel like the last nine years of teaching and leading a school has definitely qualified me for a position on the board." She smiled once again at the audience and then at Cassandra and then returned to her seat.
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Nolan had to do everything he could to stop himself from giggling at the mini-debate that had begun between Erik and Gavin. He liked both men, he really did, outside of the debate and politics of course--but right now, Erik was ripping poor Gavin apart.
His attention was ripped back to Cassandra when she mentioned his name--wait, why was she calling ALTHEA the Professor??? He was a professor too--oh wait, there we go. Hehe. Nolan only wanted credit where credit was due!
"Thank you, Miss Braxton," he said with a smile as he turned to address the audience. "As Miss Braxton has pointed out, my colleague Miss Schirmer and I are the lucky few up here who have had the privilege of teaching at the school as well. For me, the biggest lesson I learned was flexibility. Sometimes you have to learn that things do not always go as planned--something that was almost a daily occurrence at Hogwarts. The same stands for the board. Sometimes things we plan might not go as smoothly as we had hoped. I certainly got to experience that when I found out the results of the last debate," he chuckled, pausing for the rest of the audience to laugh at his obviously hilarious witticism.
"Often times, things not going according to plan can cause people to have a minor panic attack and act abruptly. You won't find any of that with me--I take things as they come, and while I always have a plan in mind, I know that I can make changes on the fly if need be. It's one thing to say you can be flexible, but as I have found, and I'm sure Miss Schirmer can back me up on this, you never really know HOW to actually act flexibly until you teach and deal with it first hand. Thank you."
Another one down. One more to go before he started picking apart his opponents. MWAHAHAHAHA.
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
[color=royalblue]Once again, it was Cassandra's turn, and she stood to face the candidates. They were spirited and passionate, which she appreciated, but some of them were starting to turn on each other. Yes, obviously, the questions from the Ministry and the community were a bit hard hitting, but did the candidates remember that most of them would make it onto the Board and would have to get along with each other?
Cassandra was a mother of five and had no small skill at showing her displeasure with a quick flaring of her nostrils and her hands on her hips. Not that she would employ those tactics on these lovely people... but if they got out of hand in her Boardroom? All bets were off.
Say what they would about Erik Vinteren's flip answer from earlier, but he had shown unusual interest in meeting professors and students and attending classes. That level of interest really showed his commitment to Hogwarts, didn't it? Cassandra turned her attention to the man. "Mr. Vinteren, a school is more than just the students and professors. How can we get the Wizarding community involved at Hogwarts?"
Erik's final question was one much more suited to his tastes, and for that, he was grateful it had come from the President of the Board. He had great respect for this woman.
"Thank you, Madame President," he stood up and took centre stage confidently, "for asking me vhat. I believe I haff outlined a few ways to involve the Wizarding community at Hogwarts, once we haff secured the castle of course, so I will reiterate them now.
"I vould like to see mentorships, or partnerships similar to vhat Professor Schirmer suggested," he nodded toward the blonde, "between distinguished members of the community and students to help vhem get vheir footing in the real vorld." He might have even agreed with Vanderbilt's assessment of young wizards not realizing that a real job equalled real work. Erik casually tucked his hands into his pockets as he spoke and walked a little closer to the stage edge. He was comfortable up here. Doing well, he thought.
"I vould also like to involve the community through open board meetings, soft ov in a town-hall style, to hear vhe thoughts of parents and concerned community members. I also support the continuing of the seminars." He actually wanted to attend the next one, if he could... "Finally, I think the Board could do a better job ov raising funds for scholarships for graduates. The fundraiser for vhe library seemed to be a huge success, so perhaps ve could take a more proactive approach to funding the school in vhat manner, vith donations from parents and alumni, in vhe future." He was not 100% clear on how the school was currently funded but was sure a surplus could hardly hurt Hogwarts.
His answer seemed complete then, so Erik gave a slight bow to the audience and one to the panel of question askers as well. "Vank you all for your time and attention. It's been a pleasure." Erik resumed his seat with a deep exhale.
Now for the attacks that were sure to come. Good thing he had a thick skin.
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Originally Posted by Becky
"Mr. Phillips, what are two current things that you've seen in the school that you believe need changing and why?" It was a strange question if he said so himself, but hey, he was just here to ask them!
It was amazing how just the word 'Mister' could make Carter feel mature. Alright. Two things he'd seen in the school that needed changing. Merlin. Needed sounded so... final. Was it supposed to? Maybe he was thinking too far into this.
"One major concern would definitely be the security issue. I think... things are haphazardly brought into the castle without any regard for the nature of the items. Now, I don't mean to spark paranoia or anything... but, items shouldn't be just brought into the castle unexpected." He wasn't sure how much of the situation he was supposed to know. Actually... he wasn't even sure if the information he had was accurate.
"And... the second... I'll spare you all a long spiel since I've made my position on this pretty well known already. But... I think the school needs better career education... or post-graduation preparedness." Life integration. Whatever you wanted to call it.
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You