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Alexander Greingoth EraAll historical records pertaining to Ministry of Magic RPG under Minister for Magic, Alexander Greingoth [IC January 2076 - December 2081; OOC January 2012 - June 2013]
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Welcome to the Ministry of Magic’s New Year’s Bash and Board of Governors' Debate! A lot of hard work and intense preparation has gone into this to make it worthwhile for everyone. As you walk into the Atrium, you will find a beautifully detailed archway that leads you into a very large room where the party and the debate will be held. Say hello to coworkers, old friends, Board of Governor’s candidates, and new faces. Just be sure not to block the entryway for newcomers!
Rucole Club Club|| film lyfe || mac and cheese queen|| *exits with trunkshot*
Manolo walked in, straightening out his vest. It seemed he was a bit early, but it's not like he had anything to do at home. With Awarlesta at school and his mother in Spain, he was lonely and bored. Oh and he came to the bash dateless. Fantastic. No matter. He can boogie down by himself.
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
He imagined this was going to make it all official. If he really thought about it, it had all been official as of when he had tried to protect Natasha from the zombies when he’d brought her to see Wes on Level Two after their first date, but Dorian was still a bit surprised that it had been so easy. Granted, it wasn’t entirely easy, and he still had too many memories of what could have been with Gwendolyn, but being convinced to actually show up at the Ministry event with Isobel’s sister hadn’t taken as much work as he would have expected. He was still prepared for awkwardness, in any case, since, once again, this was making it all official. It was making it known to more than the couple people he was sure had ideas, and he couldn’t deny that there were ideas that it would be difficult for at least one of those. He doubted anyone would miss the fact they had come together, especially not his boss and friend, and Isobel. Wes was one thing, but given the fact his wife had been dealing with whatever aftereffects might have occurred regarding the zombie illness, that response was a big question. He was finding that he wasn’t quite as reticent to find out, though. Maybe it was the fact they were all going to be starting off a new year soon enough that was helping him get back the Gryffindor side of himself.
“Where do you think would be the best place to start?,” he said, offering an arm to Natasha as they’d approached the entrance to the event location. Obviously they weren’t going to need to worry too much about mingling just yet, seeing as it appeared they had arrived early. Only one other person was loitering near the archway, at least, and he couldn’t say he knew the man very well. Other than remembering him possibly in passing when Magical Creatures had assisted in investigating the food court for clues as to the origin of the illness. Either way, he would let Natasha decide what they would do first. Mingle with the few people who might arrive, or see what they had by way of refreshments. The likelihood of the board candidate debate starting any time soon was slim, as was other entertainment. At least they could get comfortable in the environment before anything happened.
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥
Zach has been very busy lately, with all the election going. He brushed his dress-robe after that floo network trip and he stood straight and proud, the Junior Undersecretary is happy that things are panning out his way.
He looked around and tried looking for everybody, or anybody. He saw someone who looks like he is new and waved at him, he approached and said, "Hello, how are you? Happy New Year!"
"I am Zacharias McMillan. But you can call me Zach" he said extending his hand to shake the guys' hand.
I see trees of green,
Red roses too.
I see 'em bloom for me and for you.
And I think to myself, What a wonderful world.
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
Some people might compare the way the way the blonde BOG candidate was stalking into the entrance hall to a solider going to battle. Gracefully, of course. She couldn't afford to be anything but graceful. Not after the last debate. Not with the way she'd been baited and most certainly after the whole babbling incident. Though babbling might work. Surely did for a certain department head. Or appeared to, anyway. Which reminded her that she needed to have a talk with her own department head and the Board of Elections. Because there was no way that woman (and she was using the term lightly) could've won that last debate. But first, she had to speak with her maybe cohort and her campaign manager. Speaking of which, where the hell WAS Raelynn?!
Roxanne was almost so wrapped in these thoughts that she didn't notice the four other people in the hall. But as they were so wrapped up in their own conversations, she didn't feel the need to spare them a passing glance. Except for one's rather poor choice of date, which received an slightly irritated eye roll, unnoticeable unless you were really watching her. She would deal with that later. For now, she just kept stalking past and into the Ministry's stupid little bash. Which was sure to be a lot duller than her own New Years Party the night before. These Ministry functions always were dull.....
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
He imagined this was going to make it all official. If he really thought about it, it had all been official as of when he had tried to protect Natasha from the zombies when he’d brought her to see Wes on Level Two after their first date, but Dorian was still a bit surprised that it had been so easy. Granted, it wasn’t entirely easy, and he still had too many memories of what could have been with Gwendolyn, but being convinced to actually show up at the Ministry event with Isobel’s sister hadn’t taken as much work as he would have expected. He was still prepared for awkwardness, in any case, since, once again, this was making it all official. It was making it known to more than the couple people he was sure had ideas, and he couldn’t deny that there were ideas that it would be difficult for at least one of those. He doubted anyone would miss the fact they had come together, especially not his boss and friend, and Isobel. Wes was one thing, but given the fact his wife had been dealing with whatever aftereffects might have occurred regarding the zombie illness, that response was a big question. He was finding that he wasn’t quite as reticent to find out, though. Maybe it was the fact they were all going to be starting off a new year soon enough that was helping him get back the Gryffindor side of himself.
“Where do you think would be the best place to start?,” he said, offering an arm to Natasha as they’d approached the entrance to the event location. Obviously they weren’t going to need to worry too much about mingling just yet, seeing as it appeared they had arrived early. Only one other person was loitering near the archway, at least, and he couldn’t say he knew the man very well. Other than remembering him possibly in passing when Magical Creatures had assisted in investigating the food court for clues as to the origin of the illness. Either way, he would let Natasha decide what they would do first. Mingle with the few people who might arrive, or see what they had by way of refreshments. The likelihood of the board candidate debate starting any time soon was slim, as was other entertainment. At least they could get comfortable in the environment before anything happened.
This night and event was going to make it official. A slightly nerve-racking but equally exhilarating feeling Tasha thought to herself. It was the first time in a long time that she was attending a society event with a date. In recent years she had gone solo to all the ministry functions. After the divorce from her ex-husband now many years ago she had dated sparingly and enjoyed single life to the fullest. Every girl dreamed of eternal love with that certain someone and she was no exception. Maybe she could find it with Dorian she pondered as she walked beside him into the ministry building. It was going to be interesting to see how her sister would react to them coming together and also how Wesley would react. It was important to her that Wesley approved more than she had thought at first. Tasha valued Wesley’s opinion even more so now after they had worked together, to make things work for the twins during Izzy’s illness.
Pulling off the scarf from her around her shoulder's Tasha pushed it gingerly down into her purse. Taking a hold of Dorian’s offered arm she said as they came up to the entrance to for the event smiling. "Let's check out the dining area first. I want to see what kind of food and refreshments the buffet table has to offer." It was best to eat something before the debate kicked off. Tasha doubted there would be much time to eat as the debate went on and she wanted to dance too.
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
It was back to work time already, wasn't it. Wes would never admit out loud that he was a workaholic, but well, deep down inside he knew he was. And so was Izzy. He wasn't even frowning for once as he entered the ballroom with his wife on his arm because he was kind of... glad to be back here.
"Place looks nice," Wes commented to Iz as they walked in and took a look around. His tie was choking him already but it had handsome stripes on it so he figured he'd keep it on for the first hour at least. "Wonder when the...."
He trailed off, forgetting the rest of his sentence for a moment when he recognized the couple just in front of them. Merlin's beard, that wasn't Dorian, one of his old Gryffindor pals and current division head, and Tasha, his sister-in-law, was it?! There, together??!? OH BUT IT WAS. Just look at them, trying to sneak off to the food table already.
"DORIAN," Wes boomed, making his presence known just behind them. He quickened his pace to catch up to the pair, unwittingly dragging Izzy along too probably. "And Tasha," he greeted the pretty lady as well. "How ARE you two DOING today?"
Wes was smiling now, more like smirking, but smiling nonetheless.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean
The holiday had not been long enough. Not at all. She could've easily gotten used to the nice hot temperature that she had gotten used to on their holiday. But it was back to work now. At least there was going to be a nice new years party though. Isobel liked the sound of that though. She liked a good party. She'd get to see all her employees again too. She hadn't seen them that much recently, not with her being quarantined. So today would be a good time to catch up with everyone.
"It does look nice." She nodded, glancing around. They'd done a good joob. She smirked a little as she noticed him messing with his tie. "I told you not wear a tie." She knew her man, and she knew he really wasn't into wearing ties. He looked pretty good though. She'd already told him that though, no need to repeat it here. She frowned though as she suddenly pulled her off somewhere.
"Wes" She groaned as they fell into pace with Dorian and her sister. Tasha. Ahh. Interesting. She smiled at them both. "Hey Tash, Dorian." How nice it was to seem them here. Together. She glanced up at her husband, smirking a little. Did he see it too?
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
Bjorn had just entered the British Ministry of Magic for the first time, with his candidate Erik Vinteren at his side. Gazing about him, he had noted the large fountain and intricate designs on the ceiling. Impressive, quite impressive."A much more grandiose style than the Norwegian Ministry, no?" he said conversationally to his companion.
Proceeding through the Atrium, he then came to the entrance for the debate. Digging through his pocket, he handed a shiny object to his companion. Bjorn had taken the liberty of bringing matching name tags for himself and Erik. Made of brushed silver, they were engraved with their names as well as "BoG Candidate" and "BoG Campaign Manager" respectively. Bjorn Berg was all about class. Plus, he abhorred those paper sticky types, and the odds of those being present were too high for him to risk. Always be prepared. Look professional, classy. That was the beginning of his subtle manipulation of minds this evening.
"It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you are not."
Adam walked into the room, looking around at everything as he did so. Whew...they had really outdone themselves. Of course the amazement at the decorations was only enough to temporarily make him forget about how nervous he was. After all this was going to potentially be the first time that he would be meeting other Ministry of Magic employees, and first impressions always died hard. He certainly didn't want to make fool of himself, and not knowing anyone that could at least make something seem not so new and awkward made things even worse.
'Cause there's always time for second guesses, I don't wanna know
If you're gonna be the death of me, that's how I wanna go
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
SPOILER!!: Mr. Big Boss, Ferguson
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
It was back to work time already, wasn't it. Wes would never admit out loud that he was a workaholic, but well, deep down inside he knew he was. And so was Izzy. He wasn't even frowning for once as he entered the ballroom with his wife on his arm because he was kind of... glad to be back here.
"Place looks nice," Wes commented to Iz as they walked in and took a look around. His tie was choking him already but it had handsome stripes on it so he figured he'd keep it on for the first hour at least. "Wonder when the...."
He trailed off, forgetting the rest of his sentence for a moment when he recognized the couple just in front of them. Merlin's beard, that wasn't Dorian, one of his old Gryffindor pals and current division head, and Tasha, his sister-in-law, was it?! There, together??!? OH BUT IT WAS. Just look at them, trying to sneak off to the food table already.
"DORIAN," Wes boomed, making his presence known just behind them. He quickened his pace to catch up to the pair, unwittingly dragging Izzy along too probably. "And Tasha," he greeted the pretty lady as well. "How ARE you two DOING today?"
Wes was smiling now, more like smirking, but smiling nonetheless.
Melissa walked into the room and looked around. The place was beginning to fill up and so she turned to her husband James and smiled. "I see my Department Head has already arrived with his wife. Let me introduce you to him, honey." Melissa told him before dragging him over to Wesley Ferguson.
She noticed that as she made her way towards Mr. Ferguson, she noticed that he was speaking to Dorian and another woman. She stood aside and waited not wanting to interrupt him.
James looked around. He had been to so many galas lately, that he had not been too keen to attend another one. But because this was a function that not only included meeting his wife's co-workers but ALSO the candidates for the Board of Governors of his daughter's school, he decided that attending this function would be beneficial. At least he would have a chance to speak with the people who were going to make decisions at the school that his daughter was attending. He wanted to make sure that they were the right candidates for the job.
He noticed that Melissa was him dragging towards a man and his wife. 'Melissa's boss? Now this is one man I would like to meet.' he thought to himself. "Uh Mel, I think your boss is busy right now. Maybe you can introduce me to him later." he suggested when he saw the guy walk up to another couple.
Bjorn had just entered the British Ministry of Magic for the first time, with his candidate Erik Vinteren at his side. Gazing about him, he had noted the large fountain and intricate designs on the ceiling. Impressive, quite impressive."A much more grandiose style than the Norwegian Ministry, no?" he said conversationally to his companion.
Proceeding through the Atrium, he then came to the entrance for the debate. Digging through his pocket, he handed a shiny object to his companion. Bjorn had taken the liberty of bringing matching name tags for himself and Erik. Made of brushed silver, they were engraved with their names as well as "BoG Candidate" and "BoG Campaign Manager" respectively. Bjorn Berg was all about class. Plus, he abhorred those paper sticky types, and the odds of those being present were too high for him to risk. Always be prepared. Look professional, classy. That was the beginning of his subtle manipulation of minds this evening.
Now, to begin schmoozing.
Erik had been here before, but not in some time. He nodded simply to Berg's question, not really in the mood to talk about home. "Quite." He liked it though, as much as he hated to admit it. It was aesthetic.
And speaking of aesthetics...Erik took the shiny thing from his manager with a puzzled expression before he realized what it was. "Nice touch," he said with a smirk, affixing it to his suit near the chest pocket. He ambled along just behind his manager, his eyes always busy taking in who else was present and who was not. He recognized many of these people from his research...and ah, there was one of his fellow candidates now.
Erik nudged Bjorn's arm and gestured for him to follow over toward a blonde woman.
Originally Posted by lazykitty
Some people might compare the way the way the blonde BOG candidate was stalking into the entrance hall to a solider going to battle. Gracefully, of course. She couldn't afford to be anything but graceful. Not after the last debate. Not with the way she'd been baited and most certainly after the whole babbling incident. Though babbling might work. Surely did for a certain department head. Or appeared to, anyway. Which reminded her that she needed to have a talk with her own department head and the Board of Elections. Because there was no way that woman (and she was using the term lightly) could've won that last debate. But first, she had to speak with her maybe cohort and her campaign manager. Speaking of which, where the hell WAS Raelynn?!
Roxanne was almost so wrapped in these thoughts that she didn't notice the four other people in the hall. But as they were so wrapped up in their own conversations, she didn't feel the need to spare them a passing glance. Except for one's rather poor choice of date, which received an slightly irritated eye roll, unnoticeable unless you were really watching her. She would deal with that later. For now, she just kept stalking past and into the Ministry's stupid little bash. Which was sure to be a lot duller than her own New Years Party the night before. These Ministry functions always were dull.....
"Roxanne," he greeted her with his hand out for a shake. It was politer than just sneaking up. "How are you doing?" He liked her suit. She really looked great.
Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
Ella wasn't entirely sure why she was nervous about this. She wasn't even doing anything significant besides meeting her new employees. It might have been the fact that she was wearing a dress, though. She didn't usually wear dresses. No matter, though, because she was already there.
Walking through the entrance, Ella looked around at those who had arrived so far and smiled at those she knew and those she didn't. She glanced around for a familiar face she would like to see... but he wasn't there quite yet.
- - - - - - - - - -
With confidence in her stride, Ivy Knox walked into the Atrium for the first time, taking note of the large statue, while still aware of those around her. Particularly Erik and his manager, who apparently was also 'Norwegian'... Right.
As she walked further, she noticed Erik speaking to Roxanne who was wearing a rather interesting outfit that didn't seem quite appropriate to Ivy. Time to party crash...
"Good evening gentlemen, Roxanne," Ivy said, nodding to the men and then her fellow candidate, her hand resting on Erik's arm and a slightly twisted smile on her face. She turned to Ivy again. "I wish you the best of luck tonight. Break a leg." It was a figure of speech in most cases, but Ivy didn't really mind if it just so happened to come true.
Ivy then walked right between Erik and Roxanne and headed off for the buffet. Before she got too far, she turned her head back in Erik's direction and gave him a wink before disappearing through the crowd.
Entering the hall Gavin paused to look around him to see if Becca was there or not yet. He hadn't wanted to come to this alone, knowing Kat wasn't going to be there. He had no idea where she was or if she was coming back and felt bad enough being alone. After seeing Becca for the first time in 6 years he'd invited her to come to this in the very least to attend the debate if nothing else.
The debate....at least this time around it was more in his comfort zone. He'd been at the ministry for over 10 years now, and a department head for over a year. It had been quite a ride to get this far, but he enjoyed it. And finally felt like people were starting to respect him.
Looking around him he saw new employees, old employees, some he knew some he didn't, a well as other candidates and manager type peoples. But no Becca...
Liz's Bestie ● Helvetica ● ● Jigglypuff ● Jeff Vader
Originally Posted by Silver Ninja
Entering the hall Gavin paused to look around him to see if Becca was there or not yet. He hadn't wanted to come to this alone, knowing Kat wasn't going to be there. He had no idea where she was or if she was coming back and felt bad enough being alone. After seeing Becca for the first time in 6 years he'd invited her to come to this in the very least to attend the debate if nothing else.
The debate....at least this time around it was more in his comfort zone. He'd been at the ministry for over 10 years now, and a department head for over a year. It had been quite a ride to get this far, but he enjoyed it. And finally felt like people were starting to respect him.
Looking around him he saw new employees, old employees, some he knew some he didn't, a well as other candidates and manager type peoples. But no Becca...
Striding into the venue confidently, Becca glanced around. It had been nearly seven years since she'd been to anything Ministry related and had Gavin not needed someone there for moral support, she wouldn't have been able to come turned up. She wasn't expecting to see many people who'd recognise her, though she held out hope. After a quick glance around, she saw Gavin and approached him with a smile. "You're looking sharp." Leaning in a little closer, she quietly added "Well done." He should definitely be praised for his pristine appearance, it wasn't easy to keep up appearances when everything had fallen apart so recently.
Yesterday is not ours to recover But tomorrow is ours to win or lose.
Striding into the venue confidently, Becca glanced around. It had been nearly seven years since she'd been to anything Ministry related and had Gavin not needed someone there for moral support, she wouldn't have been able to come turned up. She wasn't expecting to see many people who'd recognise her, though she held out hope. After a quick glance around, she saw Gavin and approached him with a smile. "You're looking sharp." Leaning in a little closer, she quietly added "Well done." He should definitely be praised for his pristine appearance, it wasn't easy to keep up appearances when everything had fallen apart so recently.
Turning as he saw someone entering the hall his jaw dropped but kept it together enough to pick it up again before it hit the floor. She was engaged! AND he shouldn't be looking at her like that anyway. Not after Kat, nor the fact she had been his boss for 3 years. Not to mention Gidyun would kill him if he saw Gavin looking at her like that! "You look beautiful, Becca." he said completely honest. A smile played at his lips as she spoke quietly "Thank you." he murmured. He wondered how she was handling being here after so many years.
Liz's Bestie ● Helvetica ● ● Jigglypuff ● Jeff Vader
Originally Posted by Silver Ninja
Turning as he saw someone entering the hall his jaw dropped but kept it together enough to pick it up again before it hit the floor. She was engaged! AND he shouldn't be looking at her like that anyway. Not after Kat, nor the fact she had been his boss for 3 years. Not to mention Gidyun would kill him if he saw Gavin looking at her like that! "You look beautiful, Becca." he said completely honest. A smile played at his lips as she spoke quietly "Thank you." he murmured. He wondered how she was handling being here after so many years.
Giving Gavin a smile, Becca bowed her head a little. "Thank you." She hadn't missed his first reaction, nor had she commented on it, but it did make her feel a little better about being here. Giving him a nod as he murmured his own thanks, she looked around the room and then straight at Gavin. "Are you ready for this debate?" she asked softly, her blue eyes focused on his. "Because I can get you out of it if you need me to." A twinkle appeared in her eye. What she wouldn't give to cause some mayhem. Oh, right. She was here for Gavin and was being good. Yeah... she'd have to remember that.
Yesterday is not ours to recover But tomorrow is ours to win or lose.
Giving Gavin a smile, Becca bowed her head a little. "Thank you." She hadn't missed his first reaction, nor had she commented on it, but it did make her feel a little better about being here. Giving him a nod as he murmured his own thanks, she looked around the room and then straight at Gavin. "Are you ready for this debate?" she asked softly, her blue eyes focused on his. "Because I can get you out of it if you need me to." A twinkle appeared in her eye. What she wouldn't give to cause some mayhem. Oh, right. She was here for Gavin and was being good. Yeah... she'd have to remember that.
He was trying to keep the smile naturally on his face, but each day it got harder to do that. Which probably wasn't a good thing if he was trying to look friendly and all. "For the debate, yes I think I am, it can't be much worse than the possibility of getting dunked because the vote puts you in the bottom three candidates, can it?" A grin appeared on his face, his blue/grey eyes twinkling in laughter "Though I might take you up on that if it gets too bad." Hey, why not a little drama to get things moving around here might not be a bad idea right? Offering his arm to her "Shall we go in?"
Liz's Bestie ● Helvetica ● ● Jigglypuff ● Jeff Vader
Originally Posted by Silver Ninja
He was trying to keep the smile naturally on his face, but each day it got harder to do that. Which probably wasn't a good thing if he was trying to look friendly and all. "For the debate, yes I think I am, it can't be much worse than the possibility of getting dunked because the vote puts you in the bottom three candidates, can it?" A grin appeared on his face, his blue/grey eyes twinkling in laughter "Though I might take you up on that if it gets too bad." Hey, why not a little drama to get things moving around here might not be a bad idea right? Offering his arm to her "Shall we go in?"
Aww. Okay then. Maybe she'd cause some mayhem later? Yes, that would keep Law Enforcement on their toes. She knew what they were like; always working and bored if they had nothing to do! "Ooh, ouch. I'd have dunked the person who put me in that position if I were you!" she frowned, shaking her head. No. That was NOT a nice prospect. "I dunno, these things can get pretty intense and gruelling." Becca gave a half shrug. "Just give me a shout if you need a distraction." she grinned, taking his arm. "By all means. This is your show." she nodded to him, letting him lead the way. Yep, she was just there to make sure no one was mean to him and decided to bite early for moral support.
Yesterday is not ours to recover But tomorrow is ours to win or lose.
Erik had been here before, but not in some time. He nodded simply to Berg's question, not really in the mood to talk about home. "Quite." He liked it though, as much as he hated to admit it. It was aesthetic.
And speaking of aesthetics...Erik took the shiny thing from his manager with a puzzled expression before he realized what it was. "Nice touch," he said with a smirk, affixing it to his suit near the chest pocket. He ambled along just behind his manager, his eyes always busy taking in who else was present and who was not. He recognized many of these people from his research...and ah, there was one of his fellow candidates now.
Erik nudged Bjorn's arm and gestured for him to follow over toward a blonde woman.
"Roxanne," he greeted her with his hand out for a shake. It was politer than just sneaking up. "How are you doing?" He liked her suit. She really looked great.
Bjorn could tell Erik wasn't in much of a chatty mood. Not good. This is a rubbing elbows event if I've ever seen one."You'll have to be a bit more clever than that tonight, my friend," he said, hoping Erik would catch on. It wasn't a criticism, just a professional reminder.
From Erik's gesture to the woman, Bjorn saw that he had indeed understood. The man was a natural, the perfect candidate for Bjorn's style. Also extending his hand to the woman, he said, "And I'm Bjorn Berg, his campaign manager." Noting her smart pant suit, he added, "And permit me to say that you look lovely this evening, madam, absolutely stunning." And that's how it's done, Vinteren. SCHMOOOOOOZE.
SPOILER!!: sarahlooo
Originally Posted by sarahlooo
With confidence in her stride, Ivy Knox walked into the Atrium for the first time, taking note of the large statue, while still aware of those around her. Particularly Erik and his manager, who apparently was also 'Norwegian'... Right.
As she walked further, she noticed Erik speaking to Roxanne who was wearing a rather interesting outfit that didn't seem quite appropriate to Ivy. Time to party crash...
"Good evening gentlemen, Roxanne," Ivy said, nodding to the men and then her fellow candidate, her hand resting on Erik's arm and a slightly twisted smile on her face. She turned to Ivy again. "I wish you the best of luck tonight. Break a leg." It was a figure of speech in most cases, but Ivy didn't really mind if it just so happened to come true.
Ivy then walked right between Erik and Roxanne and headed off for the buffet. Before she got too far, she turned her head back in Erik's direction and gave him a wink before disappearing through the crowd.
Then a new woman appeared from thin air, or so it seemed. Courtesy and schmoozing protocols required a greeting, so he said sleekly, "Good evening, madam. My my, the Brits sure do know how to clean up for a gala, yourself included." Cue winning smile.
But not long after, she made her somewhat discourteous exit. No matter, there were others on which his charm could be used.
♥Matella||Epic Canadian||Awesome Shipper|| Music Lover||Senators Fan||Kendrick♥
If anything this wasn't new, having to go to functions for work simply to make an impression on people so they had known exactly what kind of a person he was; however there was the slightest of changes this time around which had been that this was his first social excursion in London so people had not known him yet. Henry was immediately determined to change that because he didn't want assumptions made this early about him just due to the simple fact that there many fancy credentials attached to his name, he was a former Quidditch coach and really that was all people had needed to know; sure there might have been an internship with a broom maker and he ended up creating a brand new Quidditch league in New York but those were all details that didn't need to be discussed unless people were truly curious, though he was sure that he could would have stopped himself from talking too much. As soon as he was sure about what not to say, he headed into main area where it seemed many of the current people employed by the Ministry had been; also a few of the candidates for the Board of Governors which he knew full well about by now.
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Nolan had been planning how he was going to react when he arrived at the Ministry celebration for quite a while now. Ever since his embarrassing humiliation at the last debate, he had to think of a way to redeem himself. He definitely had a few ideas...
As he walked in, he spotted Erik and Roxanne nearby. He smirked to himself when he thought about how he'd seen Erik at the post office shortly after the debate. He hadn't heard much than Erik asking the Head Girl to get him votes, but hadn't really thought of a way to use that against him. Also, knowing Erik, there was more to it than just bribing the girl into rallying support for him.
Still, approached the man with a friendly smile and waved happily at the two of them. "Hello Erik, Roxanne," he said, nodding at the two of them. He straightened his checkered red bowtie and looked around the room. "So, ready to mingle with the folks from the Ministry?" he asked, trying to make conversation.
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
Wizarding World RPG Admin St. Mungo's Mod WWW Mod Alley Proprietor
Join Date: May 2003
Location: In the Blue (EST)
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Ean Zoilo Feirgrund
Hogwarts RPG Name: Jansher Leon Grunt
Fifth Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diego Mason Melo-Dreamer
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Dionysus Scorpius Laramore
Seventh Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Paul Lee Gen Rocker
Third Year
Ministry Department Head:
Firash Zarko Grunt
Games & Sports
Ministry Department Head:
Isaek Fyodore Edelbach
International Cooperation
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Talom Geremiah Spectre
Gringotts Wizarding Bank
x8 x7
For anyone
• HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry •
Charely entered the hall, dressed in his best, hair smoothed out. Nothing new about that, only on his arrival for the Ministry (that wasn't Bulgarian based) after a number of years.. of experience mainly relating to magical sports and some related to his first position.. Either way, hee was very much looking forward to getting acquainted with his potential co-workers after passing on his shop for work closer to his son's school now.
Yep, Charely was going to have himself a good time, as he fastened his bow tie, making sure it was still proper before he continued onward.. where a good majority of employees and supposedly Board of Governor candidates were already stationed.
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Alex had to admit that she was kind of looking forward to the New Years Bash; even though she was without a date, she didn't care, either. She was going to an event at her place of employment, in which she would get to socialize with her co-workers. Some of them new, others old, but most no doubt that she did not know yet.
The first thing she did when she entered through the doors into the New Years Bash was to look around to see for any familiar faces she DID know. Like, ooh, there was her boss over there! With her husband! Giving Isobel a small wave, she didn't want to bother her if she was busy, so she instead went to find a seat. Best to wait for others to approach, perhaps...?
So Andrew had totally and unintentionally skived off the first debates. From what he heard though, he hadn't missed much, except for the potential to be dunked. He liked the air, not water. He had briefly met with his supposed 'campaign manager', Penney or something, who seemed like a decent enough guy. But he just hoped that the guy wouldn't be too heartbroken with his decision that he came to the other night.
He dressed nicely for tonight's affairs, even donning a black tie, but mostly he was on a mission. One that didn't involve talking to strays or even discussing the matters with his manager. "Excuse me ...." Andrew said, making his way through the crowds, his sights set on the large stage area at the front of the room. That was where he would find where he needed to be.
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
Text Cut: Erik, Bjorn, Ivy and Nolan
Originally Posted by Erik Vinteren
Erik had been here before, but not in some time. He nodded simply to Berg's question, not really in the mood to talk about home. "Quite." He liked it though, as much as he hated to admit it. It was aesthetic.
And speaking of aesthetics...Erik took the shiny thing from his manager with a puzzled expression before he realized what it was. "Nice touch," he said with a smirk, affixing it to his suit near the chest pocket. He ambled along just behind his manager, his eyes always busy taking in who else was present and who was not. He recognized many of these people from his research...and ah, there was one of his fellow candidates now.
Erik nudged Bjorn's arm and gestured for him to follow over toward a blonde woman.
"Roxanne," he greeted her with his hand out for a shake. It was politer than just sneaking up. "How are you doing?" He liked her suit. She really looked great.
Originally Posted by sarahlooo
With confidence in her stride, Ivy Knox walked into the Atrium for the first time, taking note of the large statue, while still aware of those around her. Particularly Erik and his manager, who apparently was also 'Norwegian'... Right.
As she walked further, she noticed Erik speaking to Roxanne who was wearing a rather interesting outfit that didn't seem quite appropriate to Ivy. Time to party crash...
"Good evening gentlemen, Roxanne," Ivy said, nodding to the men and then her fellow candidate, her hand resting on Erik's arm and a slightly twisted smile on her face. She turned to Ivy again. "I wish you the best of luck tonight. Break a leg." It was a figure of speech in most cases, but Ivy didn't really mind if it just so happened to come true.
Ivy then walked right between Erik and Roxanne and headed off for the buffet. Before she got too far, she turned her head back in Erik's direction and gave him a wink before disappearing through the crowd.
Originally Posted by Bjorn Berg
Bjorn could tell Erik wasn't in much of a chatty mood. Not good. This is a rubbing elbows event if I've ever seen one."You'll have to be a bit more clever than that tonight, my friend," he said, hoping Erik would catch on. It wasn't a criticism, just a professional reminder.
From Erik's gesture to the woman, Bjorn saw that he had indeed understood. The man was a natural, the perfect candidate for Bjorn's style. Also extending his hand to the woman, he said, "And I'm Bjorn Berg, his campaign manager." Noting her smart pant suit, he added, "And permit me to say that you look lovely this evening, madam, absolutely stunning." And that's how it's done, Vinteren. SCHMOOOOOOZE.
Then a new woman appeared from thin air, or so it seemed. Courtesy and schmoozing protocols required a greeting, so he said sleekly, "Good evening, madam. My my, the Brits sure do know how to clean up for a gala, yourself included." Cue winning smile.
But not long after, she made her somewhat discourteous exit. No matter, there were others on which his charm could be used.
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom
Nolan had been planning how he was going to react when he arrived at the Ministry celebration for quite a while now. Ever since his embarrassing humiliation at the last debate, he had to think of a way to redeem himself. He definitely had a few ideas...
As he walked in, he spotted Erik and Roxanne nearby. He smirked to himself when he thought about how he'd seen Erik at the post office shortly after the debate. He hadn't heard much than Erik asking the Head Girl to get him votes, but hadn't really thought of a way to use that against him. Also, knowing Erik, there was more to it than just bribing the girl into rallying support for him.
Still, approached the man with a friendly smile and waved happily at the two of them. "Hello Erik, Roxanne," he said, nodding at the two of them. He straightened his checkered red bowtie and looked around the room. "So, ready to mingle with the folks from the Ministry?" he asked, trying to make conversation.
Before she could get to the entrance, however, she was stopped by someone. Erik, her fellow candidate to be exact. Hoping a certain coworker was watching this and getting jealous (they were close enough to be seen after all, but were just out of earshot), she stuck out her own hand to shake his. "I'm doing well, just a bit tired. How about you?" He was rather impeccably dressed himself. But then again, he always was.
And then Ivy happened. Which drew a smirk from Roxanne as the other woman proceeded to act like....... "My my, someone seems to have their attitude switch to 'jealous teenager' this evening," she commented idly. And it seemed that Erik's companion for the evening had thought the same. "Roxanne Carter, Board of Governors candidate. Pleasure meeting you this afternoon, Mr. Berg," she returned with a pleasant smile, shaking his hand as well. "Thank you very much. You look rather dashing yourself."
Then her potential ally showed up. "Hello, Nolan," she replied with the same smile still on her face. "Well, some of them, anyway." She could do without Althea and her boss' sister-in-law of course, but that went without saying. She let out a little bit of a chuckle at that thought as she imagined a hole opening up in the middle of the place and swallowing them both. And speaking of pleasant thoughts, she her eyes, just her eyes mind, slide over to a certain group nearby, just to see if her coworker was watching this.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!