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Alexander Greingoth EraAll historical records pertaining to Ministry of Magic RPG under Minister for Magic, Alexander Greingoth [IC January 2076 - December 2081; OOC January 2012 - June 2013]
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
Emily wanted to see her New Boss Man, she didn't really have a reason why, but she did want to make a good impression. Well a BETTER impression than she always gives off anyway. So what was she going to do? Kneel and pledge her allegiance to the Boss Man that was Wes? Maybe.
Having arrived at his office door. Emily stared at the wood for a moment... almost as if staring THROUGH it to see who was inside. But she was only human, no special powers or anything, unless EPIC was a special power, in which case she was super human.
With her little fist, Emily knocked, and waited....
Toto * RotiSila * ToRo * Braveheart * Grandma & Mama Tori
Having finally made his way around the division to check how things were running... and to make sure that the YATI's weren't fighting... again... he decided it was the perfect time to answer Boss Man's memo about his pay revision. It had sounded so serious - which had made him laugh despite himself.
He may have been hard-working, harsh and tough... but he found "seriousness" rather funny between his best friends and he. Perhaps it was simply due to the fact that he'd let them get to know the real him... just like he had with Ali.
His fiancee... who would have ever bet on that one happening? Heh. Not him.
Jax wound through the office until he was almost at the door to his office. "Ah, good morning Miss Browne." He said, smiling slightly. "I trust you are doing fine this morning." He didn't ask if she had knocked - that would be insulting her. She really was rather clever, and she wouldn't simply stand outside a door. Nope. Not Emily.
Does Emily have X-Ray vision now? New creeperdoodle special effect?
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
"I'm very glad to hear that," Wes said to Roxanne as he walked her to the door. It had just closed behind her when he heard another knock. Halting halfway to his desk, he turned back around and started for the door again. Guess a promotion meant he was popular now.
Wrenching open the door, and nearly springing it free from its hinges as usual, Wes took in the sight of not one but TWO of his Aurors. "Emily and Jaxton," he greeted them with a slight smirk, "what a lovely surprise. Let me guess: you both want more money."
Who was he kidding, he'd already seen their raise requests. "Come in, then, might as well get comfortable." Wes was already leading the way back to his desk while he waited on those two to filter in.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
"Morning Jaxton," she replied with a small nod. No, she wasn't going to address him as Mister Tanner... if that's what he was aiming for with his formality. "So far so good, and yourself?"
She was never really one for chit chat, especially in the work place. At work, she worked... out of work she socialised.
The appearence of Wes practically REMOVING the whole door was rather amusing the Boss Man's face only adding humor to the scene. A small smirk crossed her lips, "You know I can fix that if you like," she said pointing at the door. Really, one little curse and it wouldn't be a problem anymore.
On the subject of money she shrugged. Money was nice, not essential, though she wasn't about to say no. Striding into the office she claimed one of the seats at the New Boss Man's desk.
Toto * RotiSila * ToRo * Braveheart * Grandma & Mama Tori
Jaxton smirked slightly as Emily called him Jaxton - simply couldn't win with her... yet he liked that about her. It would keep her opponents off-scale as they tried to figure her out. Oh yes, she was going to be an amazing Auror - well, rather she already was now that she had graduated.
Smirking, Jax winking at Wesley as he opened the door. "I'm shocked, Boss man. How dare you think that is all I'm interested in?" He said, sarcastically - and rather over dramatically - to his best friend. He rolled his eyes though, and took the chair next to Emily's.
What? He wasn't always in a bad mood... besides - Alicia had just agreed to marry him... and he always wanted to talk to Wesley about that... he'd need to wait through this meeting first though.
Right. Emily. Pay rise. Got it.
He didn't say anything else though, as he settled his elbows on his knees and waited for Wesley to talk first. Seemed like Emily was doing the same.
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
"No thanks, Em, I like having a door and not just a doorway," Wes answered as he settled into his chair after them. He raised a brow at Jax's calling him Boss Man but didn't protest. It was his proper title now, after all.
And with the title came some actual work, like giving out raises. "So, I'm glad you two showed up at the same time," Wes started, sensing that they were waiting for some speech from him. Might as well get it over with. "You both requested pay raises and you'll get them, of course, but with some minor stipulations."
He looked at Jax first. "Yours obviously comes with a promotion and the title of Head Auror, and since we've already discussed this, I'm assuming you're okay with that. Right?" He'd also accidentally already told Jax the wrong amount for his raise, but he was guessing the guy wouldn't mind hearing a higher number today. Heh.
"And you, Emily," he looked to her now, "you're starting out at as a Junior Auror, as you know, but with full Auror pay." No more of that apprentice nonsense. "I'd also like to give you a two-week bonus IF you would be willing to sort of act as a... leader for the YATIs. A YATIL, if you will, since you've been through the training before, you know what it's like, and you have the respect of those who have worked with you and over you."
I.E., he liked her. She was a good kid--- well, adult now, whatever.
"If you accept, Emily, I thought this might help you out, Jax," Wes glanced at him once more, only now he had a twinkle in his eye, "since I know how busy you get with your missions." Personal ones too.
He sort of sat back in his seat once he'd said that spiel and waited anxiously to hear what his Aurors thought.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
He LIKED having a door? Well that was a shame, she would have been only too happy to help out.
Emily sat, and observed, not paying too close attention to the New Boss Mans discussion with Jax, cause... well she wasn't snoopy. But she heard and understood. Promotion = pay rise... no brainer right there. However she was paying VERY close attention as the conversation turned to her.
A two week bonus... more responsibility... why would she say no? On the one hand the YATI kids did annoy her, on the other hand, she could teach them a thing or two about not stepping on toes, following protocol and giving everything they have when it comes to training and study. This was another no brainer, she wasn't about to pass up an opportunity like this. "Well in that case, I accept," she said nodding, "Thank you for the opportunity... I won't let you down." She was speaking to BOTH her New Boss Man and her new Head Auror Man, because she really did appreciate the opportunity. More so, she appreciated their belief in her. Now THAT, was something.
Toto * RotiSila * ToRo * Braveheart * Grandma & Mama Tori
Jaxton leant forward slightly as Wesley started talking to them both. As he was told that he'd get his pay rise he nodded. He already knew that - but it was nice for it to be set in stone now. However, the title of Head Auror made the older man smirk. Oh yes, he'd sort of missed that title.
As Wesley asked if that was still fine, he nodded his head. "Of course not, I'm not going to step down already." He rolled his eyes slightly - although he was (mostly) just being sarcastic with his best friend. Oh well. No-one would believe Emily if she told anyone... but more than likely she wouldn't tell anyone anyway.
As Wesley turned to talk to Emily, he smiled. Jaxton wasn't one to praise anyone if they didn't deserve it - but she was a good learner, a hard worker and she definitely wasn't afraid to get stuck in and get dirty... exactly what you needed in the Auror's who were just joining the team... and in those who had been there for years. Boredum would lead to accidents.
He gave Emily a rare - genuine - smile and nodded his head with Wesley. "I'm sure you will do a fantastic job, Emily." He looked back to Wesley, wondering if he wanted to add more stipulations for either of them.
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
"Excellent!" Wes exhaled happily, glad Emily hadn't taken too long to think that one over. "You'll be the first official YATIL, you know, so do a good job and set a good precedent for the others." He was sure she would. He nodded at her, glad to see Jax smiling too. "The only other uh, thing I have to ask you is a personal matter.... I wasn't sure if Izzy had mentioned it or not, since I know you two are close...."
He kind of raised his eyebrows at her, as if testing the water to see if she knew what he was talking about and flicked his eyes toward Jax. "Well Merlin, man, I know you're not going to step down. Not when I have missions for you already." He picked up one thin file that had been sitting under his stack of papers and tossed it to him. "I need you to go.... check on something in France when you get a chance."
I.E. as soon as possible, but he wasn't going to say anything else with Emily here.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Toto * RotiSila * ToRo * Braveheart * Grandma & Mama Tori
Jax sat back and listened as Wesley once again turned his attention to Emily. His hands were folded in his hands and he was relaxed - for once. He needed to talk to Wesley, but that could wait until Emily had left the room. Obviously. Heh.
However much Jax wanted to continue his relaxed stance - he couldn't help but laugh at Wesley as he said that he knew he wouldn't be leaving. He shot him a grin and then caught the file that had been put in his direction. "Of course." He tilted the file so that Emily wouldn't be able to see the information within, and opened the file to read the first page while continuing to listen to Wesley and Emily talking.
He'd leave later that day once he had the Auror's sorted. It didn't look like it would take long - a day or two max. Hmmm. He could stop in past Ali's cafe and bring back coffee. Good coffee. He liked that idea.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
Set a good precedent? Oh PUH-LEEESE! Of course she would... right? RIGHT?! Emily just nodded, of course she would do her best, and her best was epic, ergo... no drama right? "They'll have to jump through pretty high hoops," she assured him, seeing as she was going to raise the bar for them. She sort of figured that was it, as in, she could leave now, but it seemed like New Boss Man had other ideas. "Personal matter?" ....
Emily froze..
Personal, was an icky word, one she disliked hearing from OTHER people. She was only ever comfortable with the word when she was the one using it.
She stared blankly, shaking her head.
Emily was briefly distracted by the file Wes handed Jax. MISSION STUFF! SHE WANTED ONE OF THOSE. But like, when she was MORE epic than she already was and all that jazz.
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Wes watched as Jax focused on the papers before him and then turned his attention to Emily. He couldn't help but smile --- even smirk a bit --- as she spoke up and then started squirming. Heh.
"Yes, personal matter. Personal for... Izzy and myself, see." His eyes flicked to Jax briefly, knowing full well that he'd get made fun of this later, before turning back to Emily.
Ah this was going to be awkward. What if she said no??! "Um. Izzy and I are looking for a .... an, er, an extra bridesmaid of sorts? And we were hoping you'd be it. Her. A flower... woman. For Izzy."
He realized that his face was slowly turning red, but he didn't break his eye contact with Emily yet. Pleeeeeeeeeease, YATIL? Please say yes.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
The silvery dove that was the Patronus of the new Accidents and Catastrophes Department Head rushed through to Wes's office. Whether it was looking for Wes or someone else was unclear but the message itself surely stated the urgency with which it had been sent.
I need a security escort sent immediately to the Waiting Area on level 3 to remove an unwanted guest who is harassing me, interrupting my work and making a scene in front of my employees, and is now refusing to leave.
A Wizarding Restraining Order wouldn't hurt either.
Althea Schirmer.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Toto * RotiSila * ToRo * Braveheart * Grandma & Mama Tori
Jaxton tried. Honestly he did. No, honestly... but have you tried watching your MANLY HIT WIZARD best friend ask a GROWN WOMAN, turned AUROR who likes to hurt people and set things on fire to be their flower girl in their wedding?
Yeah. Didn't think so.
YOU try doing it without laughing.
Jaxton lifted the file slightly as he chuckled under his breath... although he was mostly waiting for Emily's response - this would be good. However, before she got any further - a silvery patronus dove flew into the office and relayed its message. He raised an eyebrow and looked at Wesley. "Want me to go and get Gabe?"
The silvery dove that was the Patronus of the new Accidents and Catastrophes Department Head rushed through to Wes's office. Whether it was looking for Wes or someone else was unclear but the message itself surely stated the urgency with which it had been sent.
Well... Emily wasn't saying anything. Yet. Wonderful! A distraction!
Wes pretended not to be startled by the silvery dove swooping into his office, but it was obvious he was still a little jumpy from that awkward moment with Emily. Um. He'd deal with this thing bothering the A&C woman first.
Originally Posted by Tiro MacMhuirich
Jaxton tried. Honestly he did. No, honestly... but have you tried watching your MANLY HIT WIZARD best friend ask a GROWN WOMAN, turned AUROR who likes to hurt people and set things on fire to be their flower girl in their wedding?
Yeah. Didn't think so.
YOU try doing it without laughing.
Jaxton lifted the file slightly as he chuckled under his breath... although he was mostly waiting for Emily's response - this would be good. However, before she got any further - a silvery patronus dove flew into the office and relayed its message. He raised an eyebrow and looked at Wesley. "Want me to go and get Gabe?"
The chuckling did NOT go unnoticed, Mr. Supposedly Mature Auror.
"No, you can just go," he flicked his hand at his friend with a grunt. "Tell Ms. Schirmer I just had to send her my best." He smirked. Izzy would be hearing about this one later. She'd mentioned the A&C head more than a few times around Wes. "Take your file with you. If you have questions... owl me. But if you leave tonight you'll be back in time for training."
He nodded brusquely to Jaxton and then took his time shuffling some files on his desk so he wouldn't have to make eye contact with anyone else.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Toto * RotiSila * ToRo * Braveheart * Grandma & Mama Tori
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
Well... Emily wasn't saying anything. Yet. Wonderful! A distraction!
Wes pretended not to be startled by the silvery dove swooping into his office, but it was obvious he was still a little jumpy from that awkward moment with Emily. Um. He'd deal with this thing bothering the A&C woman first.
The chuckling did NOT go unnoticed, Mr. Supposedly Mature Auror.
"No, you can just go," he flicked his hand at his friend with a grunt. "Tell Ms. Schirmer I just had to send her my best." He smirked. Izzy would be hearing about this one later. She'd mentioned the A&C head more than a few times around Wes. "Take your file with you. If you have questions... owl me. But if you leave tonight you'll be back in time for training."
He nodded brusquely to Jaxton and then took his time shuffling some files on his desk so he wouldn't have to make eye contact with anyone else.
Jaxton looked up at Wesley with a sly grin for a few seconds as he got a glare from his best friend. Heh. Laughing at his YATIL was more than worth it for a few seconds of glaring from them both. Heh.
He sighed. Loudly. Rolled his eyes. Then grinned.
Jaxton stood up fluidly and made to go towards the door. "I'll make sure that everyone knows what they have to do tomorrow before the training in two days - and Emily can look after the YATI's tomorrow. Second day on the job, and straight in the deep end." He grinned slightly, knowing that she would do perfectly.
"I'll let you know what was happening in A&C." He said finally before walking straight out the door. He headed straight to see Althea.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
One second she was totally getting an awesome new job title promotiony thingo... and the next second she was being relegated to... flower girl? At IZZY'S wedding!!!... A FLOWER GIRL FOR MERLINS SAKE! Emily just stared, it was all she could do to stop herself from yelling or screaming or hexing. HOW was she supposed to respond to that? Seriously? Oh sure Mr New Boss Man I'll wear a pretty tutu and chuck petals in peoples faces at your wedding?...
For Izzy...
Really, it wasn't surprising that Wes was the one to ask her to be a FLOWER GIRL. Being her New Boss Man and all she could hardly tell him his place. Izzy on the other hand.. well she'd be happy to tell Izzy how she felt about flowers.
But it WAS a wedding... and she DID love Izzy.... SO.. therefore... it might not be so bad. "For Izzy I'd be honoured to be her... flower... woman... thing. On one condition. NO pink."
So that settled that right? RIGHT?! So now she could go off and take it out on Chosen, Carter and Whatshisface?
She was SOMEWHAT aware of what had been going on while she was STARING at New Boss Man, and the last of Jax's words registered with her. "I like the deep end..." she mused as Jax left the office.
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
"Sounds good, Jax," Wes found himself saying, even as his Head Auror walked out the door. He smiled at Emily a little, particularly at the 'deep end' bit, and waited for her response. He was still a little anxious that she was going to hex him for asking.
But as it turned out, he'd said just the right thing to get her into his wedding party. Perfect. Izzy would be so pleased with him now. "Great, Emily. Iz and I appreciate it. We really do." And she'd find out shortly that the bridesmaids were wearing purple, not pink. Heh.
He wouldn't mention that now, though. Instead, he stood up and led the way to the door. "Thanks again for stepping up, both here at work and elsewhere." As for the deep end... "Hope you can swim!" Wes might have been smirking just a little as he held the door open for her.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
Emily was RELIEVED... SUPER relieved in fact, as Wes led er to the door, to kick her out of his office. The last thing she wanted was more time for him to ask her to do more painful things... like... paint his toenails? Or something? Maybe even arrange flowers for his office. Cause that's be awkward and just plain weird.
Though, he hadn't said anything about the PINK thing, so Emily was still a LITTLE unsure about the whole thing. Meh. "It's no problem, really," she said quickly to New Boss Man's thanks. Cause really, she was stoked about the whole work thing. ANYTHING the bulk up her CV a little was always going to be appreciated. Just so long as she didn't end up being a full time baby sitter, what with Chosen and Carter acting like children and what not.
Emily paused briefly before exiting the office. She shrugged. "I'm sure YATI make good floaties... should I need it." PPPFFFFTTTTTTT.
Now.. where were her YATI? Hhhhhmmmmm?? Emily strode off toward the Auror Office wondering what Chosen would make of the news.
Millie knocked on boss man's door. she was sure it was about her payraise review she sent in last month but wasnt sure and seeing as how she never was called into anyones office this made her nervous. she took a step back and awaited him to tell her to come in or open it himself
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Chuckling as he showed Emily out the door, Wes called out, "Appreciate it!" one last time and then decided to shut up before he became annoying and Emily changed her mind. He'd just shut the door and turned around when there was... another knock.
Merlin, the job just didn't end, did it?
Originally Posted by JennyWeasley06
Millie knocked on boss man's door. she was sure it was about her payraise review she sent in last month but wasnt sure and seeing as how she never was called into anyones office this made her nervous. she took a step back and awaited him to tell her to come in or open it himself
Wes opened the door in one step and tilted his head toward who was there. "Millie. Come in, please. Have a seat." He led the way back to his spacious desk.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Chuckling as he showed Emily out the door, Wes called out, "Appreciate it!" one last time and then decided to shut up before he became annoying and Emily changed her mind. He'd just shut the door and turned around when there was... another knock.
Merlin, the job just didn't end, did it?
Wes opened the door in one step and tilted his head toward who was there. "Millie. Come in, please. Have a seat." He led the way back to his spacious desk.
Millie walked in the office door "you wanted to see me Sir?" She adressed her boss as she walked behind him towards the desk
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Originally Posted by JennyWeasley06
Millie walked in the office door "you wanted to see me Sir?" She adressed her boss as she walked behind him towards the desk
"Yes, I did," Wes responded, sitting down. He pushed a piece of paper off to the side of his desk, revealing her paygrade review beneath it. "I received your request for a raise and just wished to discuss something with you before I give it to you."
So yes, she was getting a raise he supposed. "When you filled this out," he wafted the little slip of paper toward her, "did you know you were already one of the highest ranking officers currently in the Bureau for the Regulation of Muggle Artifact Use?"
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
"Yes, I did," Wes responded, sitting down. He pushed a piece of paper off to the side of his desk, revealing her paygrade review beneath it. "I received your request for a raise and just wished to discuss something with you before I give it to you."
So yes, she was getting a raise he supposed. "When you filled this out," he wafted the little slip of paper toward her, "did you know you were already one of the highest ranking officers currently in the Bureau for the Regulation of Muggle Artifact Use?"
Millie looked down at the paper then back up at him "Yes sir i was aware of that." She folded her hands in her lap trying not to sound to nervous, but Millie wasnt a very calm person, she was very figidity and felt the need to do something active at all times.
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Originally Posted by JennyWeasley06
Millie looked down at the paper then back up at him "Yes sir i was aware of that." She folded her hands in her lap trying not to sound to nervous, but Millie wasnt a very calm person, she was very figidity and felt the need to do something active at all times.
Wes could already sense the young lady across from his was getting fidgety, so he figured he'd calm her down a little.
"Did you also know you do a very good job in your current position?" He raised his brows. "I realize that enforcing... legislation can be tedious work, so if you'd like a change of pace, I can offer you something more active."
He passed a bit of parchment her way and gave her a second to look it over before saying anything else.
MMAO Muggle Artefact Restoration Assistant Requirements:
The successful applicant will be skilled in charm detection and analysis, have a strong knowledge and understanding of the non-magical uses of Muggle artefacts and be able to identify and safely restore items bewitched with dark or dangerous magic. An Artefact Restoration Assistant must be able to cope under pressure and work effectively in dangerous situations. No experience is required, this is an entry level position but experienced Assistants will be entitled to a higher pay rate and bonuses. Seven OWLs are required including Defence against the Dark Arts, Muggle Studies and Ancient Runes, though equivalent experience within the field may be acceptable at the discretion of the department head. A Junior Intern role is available for those who do not meet the requirements of the role but are still interested in this as a field of study. Role Description:
A MMAO Muggle Artefact Restoration Assistant will meet set objectives; participate in field work where required, demonstrate a working knowledge of all laws governing the Modification of Muggle Artefacts, be able to identify dark and dangerous bewitchments and safely restore Artefacts to their original, non-magical state. A Restoration Assistant may choose to specialise or undergo further training that will be facilitated by the department.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind