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Anna Banana 03-11-2011 04:52 AM

Office of Department Head, Gavin Higareda

Welcome to the Office of
Gidyun Yenorin
Department Head

Once you are bidden to enter, you enter the room and look around you. Olive green covers the walls and wood covers the lower half of the walls. Large pictures cover a few of the walls of places he's gone to during his time away. In one corner sits a large fireplace and above that is a foe glass with lamps on either side. Behind his desk sits the doors going into the work areas.

His desk seems quite small and empty, but most of the items have a disillusionment charm on them, so if you look just right you can see it's quite cluttered. A few picture frames are on the corners of the desk, one holds Becca and him at their wedding, the other holds their three children Torie, James and Norah. Book shelves line one wall with lots of 20th century books. A few current titles appear on them, but his collection there isn't as broad.

In the center of the room is a seating area with a few squashy chairs and a sofa. A coffee table with a potted plant sits on it. Just past that is a conference table with enough seats for the department workers.

ooc: Open RP Area. Any ministry personnel may RP here.

Please note there is no longer a seating area outside the office. This means you don't need to wait to enter the office, but please do knock. Gidyun might possibly having a meeting with a few employees. If this is the case, please do pm him, if you need interrupt. But he won't yell at you if you appear anyway ;)

StarShine 04-29-2011 06:49 PM

The United Kingdom. The place he, Enrique Brandon, had attented the school to. The very country that he had lived for seven long years. And he was back to here. To London. To live for who-knows how long this time. He hoped he could forget some certain people, and be happy. In this first foreign land he had set his foot on, 16 years ago.

Thus, half-full of confidence, Enrique Brandon stood in front of the office of his new director. He checked his clothes once again to be sure he looked not too neat, but enough. Seeing they were all fit, he took a deep breath, tried to change his thinking from Spanish to English, and knocked on the door.

Droo 04-30-2011 12:54 PM

Gina opened the door to her office. "Oh... Hello! I was having a little nibble. Would you like to join me? It's home made german chocolate cake and milk." She said opening the door more to let him in. "I can also offer you tea I suppose." She said with a giggle. "You must be new here. I'm Gina. The Department Head."

StarShine 04-30-2011 10:23 PM

...Great-greatmother? Really? Enrique blinked for a moment at the woman's sight, but with respect to her AGE he covered up quickly, hopefully without any notice, and smiled, at a loss to say anything with the shock. Sure, the department head should be older that a certain age, but definitely younger than another certain stage as well. But, at the mention of nibble... he found his voice at last.

"Gracias," he said, smiling again. Mmm, German chocolate. He hid his grin. If they were going to eat lots of sweets, he was happy to work here. Hehe. Though he took none at first. It was rude to dig into food at the first meeting, no?

"Yes señora, I'm new here," he said, as he tried the name in his mind. Gina... But that was her name. She wanted to be called by her first name? He stuck with 'señora', just in case. She was... much older than him, after all.

"Pleased to meet you, señora," he said, pausing to process what he had said until then. "Enrique Brandon, the new employee."

Obviously. As she had just figured out.

Droo 05-01-2011 05:22 PM

"Enrique... Call me Gina, please." She said offering him a plate, the rich cake sitting sideways on it. "I hope you'll let me call you Ricky... Enrique may be a little hard for me... though I must say, I am doing well with it. Enrique." She giggled.

StarShine 05-01-2011 05:36 PM

Call her Gina? But she was more than his double-age... probably his tripled age. Well, if that was what she wanted...

"Señora Gina," he said, smiling at the offer of cake. Now, it was safe enough to take one, right? Right. And wow, this was delicious. He sat down on the seats in front of her desk. She seemed like a nice, old lady. He was glad she was his head. It could have been someone quite arrogant or something...

"Yes, Enrique is a bit hard. But you are doing well, Señora Gina," he commented. He could never like the 'Ricky' name, but he also understood British people could never pronounce 'Enrique'. At least, Gina was a bit better.

Deatheater 2251 05-01-2011 05:48 PM

Mizuki knocked on the closed office door of her department head. She felt she needed to meet the woman and that it might be good to ask for her first assignment as most of the morning had been spent trying to get to know her co-workers. She was ready to work.

Droo 05-03-2011 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by Deniiz (Post 10306727)
Call her Gina? But she was more than his double-age... probably his tripled age. Well, if that was what she wanted...

"Señora Gina," he said, smiling at the offer of cake. Now, it was safe enough to take one, right? Right. And wow, this was delicious. He sat down on the seats in front of her desk. She seemed like a nice, old lady. He was glad she was his head. It could have been someone quite arrogant or something...

"Yes, Enrique is a bit hard. But you are doing well, Señora Gina," he commented. He could never like the 'Ricky' name, but he also understood British people could never pronounce 'Enrique'. At least, Gina was a bit better.

"Oh Enrique," She giggled with a silly tone. "Just Gina is fine, so tell mw, what brings you to the British Ministry of magic?" But a noise interrupted them...


Originally Posted by Deatheater 2251 (Post 10306749)
Mizuki knocked on the closed office door of her department head. She felt she needed to meet the woman and that it might be good to ask for her first assignment as most of the morning had been spent trying to get to know her co-workers. She was ready to work.

... She opened the door. "Oh Hello! Let me finish with Enrique, and I'll be right with you..."

StarShine 05-03-2011 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by Droo (Post 10312123)
"Oh Enrique," She giggled with a silly tone. "Just Gina is fine, so tell mw, what brings you to the British Ministry of magic?"

Only Gina was fine? Well, that was new to Enrique, but as she wished...

What brought him to the British Ministry? He chuckled uneasily. His past, the need of a place change afterwards, his problems with his family, the conditions in Spain, the conditions here, the need of money...

"England has always attracted me somehow." A fair enough answer?

Droo 05-04-2011 03:51 PM

"Well it can't be the food..." She said and giggled. "Though I must say I haven't found anyone with a good Ploughman's Lunch outside of the U.K." She took a bite of her cake and added "And international cooperation? Why does that attract you?"

StarShine 05-04-2011 04:11 PM

Chuckling slightly at the guess, Enrique nodded. It TOTALLY wasn't the food--it was actually the biggest minus of England. He had literally thought about that before coming to here. Luckily though, there was a good Mexican restautant close by. He was going there every night, for sure.

"Well, I know several languages," he said as he paused to give a proper answer. "And I've always had a certain interest to other cultures, talking to them, learning from them..." "It was going to be either International Relations or sports, and he had chosen the first one. Period.

Droo 05-04-2011 05:26 PM

"That's Lovely, just lovely." Her cake was finished, and said "Care for another slice? Or do you think you should begin work?" Gina was not the most subtle person, but she was always very polite.

StarShine 05-04-2011 05:37 PM

Offering a small smile again, Enrique eyed the cake slices for a moment and thought about getting one, but then decided against it. Yes, they were delicious and stuff, but it would both be rude and he wanted to start work now.

"Thank you, Gina, for your politeness and the cake," he said, getting up. "The cake was delicious, but I think I should begin working." He still had tons of people to meet with, after all, and eating cake wouldn't bring them... plus, she was probably a busy person as well, she was their manager, after all.

So... where was he to go now? And do what, exactly?

Droo 05-05-2011 11:59 AM

"Aww that's sweet of you to say Enrique." She said and opened her door. "The cubicle area is right through those doors. Good luck Dear." She told him.

StarShine 05-05-2011 03:59 PM

Smiling again, Enrique bowed with his head slightly and as Gina described, turned to the right to the working area. He hoped this first day would be OK. It was his first day ever, after all, and hopefully the nice opening with Gina would go on.

Droo 05-06-2011 06:16 PM

"Who's next?" she asked the people in the doorway.

Deatheater 2251 05-07-2011 05:05 AM

Mizuki comes to the door. "I was next Mrs. Latorta-san" She said bowing respectfully to her boss.

Droo 05-08-2011 04:36 AM

"Gina, dear, please just call me Gina." She said going to her desk. "I have German chocolate cake, would you care for a slice while we talk?" She asked the woman.

Deatheater 2251 05-10-2011 07:06 AM


Originally Posted by Droo (Post 10322574)
"Gina, dear, please just call me Gina." She said going to her desk. "I have German chocolate cake, would you care for a slice while we talk?" She asked the woman.

Mizuki nodded. "That would be wonderful Gina." She had a hard time not adding the san but she would do as her boss requested. She took a seat in the rather comfortable office and waited for her boss to speak. She wanted to address a question but first she felt the need to get to know her boss. At the Japanese Ministry they had been so close knit there that Mizuki still called her boss Charles her friend, and he the same. She would like to get to know Gina that well.

SarcasticStrawberry 05-12-2011 04:19 AM

Sarah knocked on the door of the head of the departments office. This is was first day and wanted to meet with the department head to get her assignments and such. She waited patiently on the other side of the door. She hoped that she would make a good first impression on, her head of department.

Droo 05-12-2011 01:03 PM

ooc: Sorry, I'm a little slower to reply when I am sick :(

Originally Posted by Deatheater 2251 (Post 10327838)
Mizuki nodded. "That would be wonderful Gina." She had a hard time not adding the san but she would do as her boss requested. She took a seat in the rather comfortable office and waited for her boss to speak. She wanted to address a question but first she felt the need to get to know her boss. At the Japanese Ministry they had been so close knit there that Mizuki still called her boss Charles her friend, and he the same. She would like to get to know Gina that well.

"So, uhmmm" she handed the woman the slice of cake. "Tell me everything, and start with your name..." She said smiling and sitting down with her own piece... this was her third of the day...

She heard a knock "Oh, hold that thought." and made her way back to the door.


Originally Posted by Saraie (Post 10331962)
Sarah knocked on the door of the head of the departments office. This is was first day and wanted to meet with the department head to get her assignments and such. She waited patiently on the other side of the door. She hoped that she would make a good first impression on, her head of department.

She opened the door. "Oh Hello Dearie... there is a line forming to see me in my waiting area. Please be patient, sit and have a few treats." She said and then shooing the person in that direction, she closed the door.

"Now," and she returned to her cake and seat, "Where were we?"

Deatheater 2251 05-12-2011 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by Droo (Post 10332470)

"So, uhmmm" she handed the woman the slice of cake. "Tell me everything, and start with your name..." She said smiling and sitting down with her own piece... this was her third of the day...

She heard a knock "Oh, hold that thought." and made her way back to the door.

She opened the door. "Oh Hello Dearie... there is a line forming to see me in my waiting area. Please be patient, sit and have a few treats." She said and then shooing the person in that direction, she closed the door.

"Now," and she returned to her cake and seat, "Where were we?"

Mizuki introduced herself. "I am Mizuki Corun I transferred here from the Japanese Ministry doing the exact same job Excise Service Personnel." She took a bite of her cake and smiled It was really quite good. After chewing and swallowing she complimented Gina on the cake. "This is really good, I would love to have your recipe." She smiled and continued, "Recently Divorced, single mother of one who is currently away at Hogwarts.

She smiled, thinking of her beautiful son and the letter she'd got this morning telling her about his week. She missed him so much. Blinking she came back into the conversation. "I am so sorry, I was just thinking abut my son." She told Gina conversationally. "I miss him terribly."

Droo 05-23-2011 04:59 AM

"Oh Darling..." she said scurrying to her side. "We need to get you something stronger... something... Fudgy..." She said going into a cupboard and taking out something decadent. "I keep this in cases of dire emergencies... Have a slice and tell me all about your son..."

Deatheater 2251 05-23-2011 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by Droo (Post 10355763)
"Oh Darling..." she said scurrying to her side. "We need to get you something stronger... something... Fudgy..." She said going into a cupboard and taking out something decadent. "I keep this in cases of dire emergencies... Have a slice and tell me all about your son..."

Mizuki smiled softly and took a slice of the desert and took a bite. She closed her eyes for a moment to let the Chocolate make her feel better. "Connor is 16 now he's a Fifth year at Hogwarts." She reached in her little purse and pulled out a picture of him and handed it to her boss. "He's half veela and quite the charmer." She smiled, taking another bite of the desert. "I miss him so much right now especially since everything went downhill." She whispered. "Right now work is all I have." She looked up at her boss. "Which reminds me, I was looking around the office and I can't find any export requests or Import requests. I was wondering if you might have them. I also wanted to ask if I could work on the japanese correspondence some, to help out."

Droo 05-23-2011 11:58 AM

"Oh sweety!" She said taking the picture. Gina smiled. The boy was wearing makeup and black nail polish... she guessed it was better than red. "He's... quite the young wizard. I know you miss him. He must miss you too. But he needs you to be strong for him right now." then she smiled. "That a girl. The requests are in the supply cupboard... You can move them if you wish."

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