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Minister of Magic's Office
Caedwyn stepped to the door and knocked gently. It was rude to go bursting into people's private spaces, and Cade would not be rude. Not on purpose, at least. "Excuse me, Lord Borr?" Was he in there? |
"Make sure your shoes are clean! It's hard enough to get those lazy Maintenance workers in here to clean my rug, so don't traipse your muck and mold onto it!" Lord Borr, Minister Extraordinaire, was seated in a lounge chair he'd had brought in for him. When one was as BUSY and IMPORTANT as the MINISTER of MAGIC sometimes he had to SLEEP at the OFFICE. "What do you need from you Minister? Make it snappy, I was in the middle of something." |
Her shoes were ALWAYS clean. Cade pushed open the door, trusting Ryan to follow her into the office. She recognized Lord Borr from the Atrium and very much hoped that he would not recognize her in return. "We're sorry to interrupt you, sir, but we have a message from Evander Bole." She gestured for Ryan to hand it over. Quick, quick, before they wasted his time! |
*catches up* Pfffffft... Was she seriously calling that thing a 'Lord'? Rolling his eyes behind her back, Ryan followed Caedwyn into the supposed Acting Minister's office, observing around a bit until he had heard the man speak. And the moment he fixed his light blue eyes on him, Ryan knew the source that made this room smell in a much more horrible way than his own room, to his very sensitive nose. And was he really on a lounge chair? It looked more like his huge belly was seated on it. ''Well...'' he murmured stepping beside the woman and poking her from the side a bit ''...interesting coincidence that we have already been talking about creatures that should not be kept in rooms'' Ahem! And just what he had been in the middle of? Filling the room with something of a natural source but extremely explosive at the same time? And had Ryan just mentioned that he did NOT care if his shoes were clean or not? ''Exactly. As my trusted friend has said we are here to deliver you...'' moving his hand in a careless manner, the man took the envelope out one of the inner pockets of his jacket ''...this. You know how to read, right? I say you should open this though, as the first step recomended.'' |
"It takes TWO employees of the Magical Law Enforcement to deliver a note?" Lord Borr's beady eyes narrowed at the pair before him before taking the letter and reading. Quote:
"You take this message back to him: HE WILL DO AS HE IS TOLD OR I WILL REPLACE HIM SOMEONE THAT WILL!" Lord Borr snatched his cane and threw open the door to his office. "WE'RE HAVING A MEETING. YOU tell him to MEET ME in the COURTROOMS. IMMEDIATELY." The Minister exited his office and left the pointless note deliverers to continue their loitering and space wasting. |
Oh. MY. Cade openly gaped at the man as he yelled at them and brushed past them. The poor poor man. He was clearly suffering from digestive distress, as well as being under a great deal of stress, and it was making him irritable. "I don't think that went very well, did it? I hope Mr. Bole doesn't take that the wrong way." Although really... was there a right way to take it?" |
Light blue eyes all got narrowed at the fat man as he tore the letter in pieces and yelled out loud something about replacing Mr. Bole...but more like in an 'how interesting' manner instead of an annoyed or angry one. And the gaze did not leave the spot it was fixed at even thought the troll-human hybrid left his lounger and exited the office. It was only when Caedwyn spoke that Ryan looked up, moving his gaze on her instead. ''Apparently not.'' he said with a reckless shrug of his own right after giving a quiet nod at the woman. ''I doubt Mr. Bole will take it any other way than that this Minister for Magic needs immediate medication and psychopathological treatment.'' Smiling at the woman, he patted on her shoulder and turned to face the door. ''Alas!! Too unlucky for him that i have given up that job long ago. But i know it is also pretty lucky for our own mental health.'' Taking a long, heavy, deep breath; the man eyed the level one corridor outside before taking a small step towards there. ''Let's leave this cursed place. We have things to do. If, of course, you would like to keep yourself busy with business for the rest of the day instead of guarding this door for Borr.'' Door - Borr That kinda rhymed... |
Posting back at IUMC *salute* "Of course," Caedwyn slipped around him and headed back toward the lift. He certainly didn't have to tell her twice - if Borr didn't want them hanging about and didn't have a message to pass along to Evander, than she had no desire to hang around and wait to irk someone else. "I'm sure I have paperwork piling up in my inbox." Or... something, at least. Hopefully. |
For Borr. :P The large doors swung open and Armen entered the large office reserved for the Minister of Magic and stepped in slowly, a large smile on his face looking for his bulbous, globe of Minister. After finding him (let's be honest it didn't take long), Armen bowed moderately and greeted the man from where he stood. "Lord Borr, you look well today! I'm exicted to be meeting with you that's for sure." it was indeed a pleasure to be in cahoots with the man running the show and all. |
"Armen! Armen come on in! Stop dallying there in the entrance and letting all my heat out!" Lord and Minister Borr was not as young as he once was, though age never slowed the great man down. He required more heat these days though and his office was stifling warm inside. The Minister was shoeless with his feet miraculously balanced on the surface of his desk. "You're right on time, as I would EXPECT of YOU. BEST DEPARTMENT HEAD IN THE MINISTRY! Come here, Sir, sit close." With the heat and Lord Borr's feet, the office was smelling particularly "Borrish" today. "I'll have my nails clipped while we talk," the Minister waved at a pair of clippers that resembled garden shears on his desk, then to his brown socks. THE BEST DEPARTMENT HEAD would not sit idly around chatting, no, he would work on Lord Borr's foot grooming while they chatted. Like the Minister, Armen Recard's work was never done. "Start off with the update from your Apparition class with those bumbling MLE louses." |
Armen quickly stepped a bit further into the room, his leather shoes squishing quietly into the plush carpet, and watched as the doors shut automatically behind him. Nice place Borr had here. And he was being asked to sit closer. Ah, Armen smelled his confidence and brownie points going up in the room--wait, no. That wasn't what he was smelling. Then the realization poured over him like a cloud of smog in the city. Borr was festering in the furnance he called an office and those shiney, white, pointy objects sitting on his desk were NOT ornate statues. Gulp. Recard perched on the edge of a chair, starring directly at the feet and not being able to look away, almost missing his first set of instructions. "Oh, I'm sorry?" Armen said shakign his head and looking into his honorable, Lord's eyes. Fat man say what?! "U-uh yes, of course my Lord." Armen's voice was one of utmost politeness and confidence but his hands were shaking like a flutterby bush. Saying a short prayer in his head, the transportation head grabbed Borr's bloated yet suprisingly soft foot in his hand and began to cut Oh his lesson with MLE? Oh yeah, he had a meeting going on not just a grooming session. "Yes my Lord, I think it may have been successful. Well at least as successful it can be with a group of students so," what was a good wording for this that Borr would like, "inadequate. I honsetly am not sure how they seemed to have passed their tests in the first place. I am glad the majority of them had not tested when I was in charge. They simply wouldn't have, to be honest." |
"Careful with the edges, son. When you're on your feet as much as the MINISTER you can't afford to have an ingrown nail or an infection. The WHOLE MINISTRY would collapse if I were off my feet!" Lord Borr laughed, his whole belly shaking in earthquake waves. He watched with a critical eye at Armen's progress. As Lord Borr had known he would be, the Transportation Head had a gentle hand with the very busy and very important foot of the Minister. The Minister laughed AGAIN at the unending patience of Armen with those leeches in MLE. "I hope you weren't soft with them! They NEED a firm hand! How many failed? Don't give them ANY breaks or they'll never learn! Even with a teacher like YOU!" Lord Borr chuckled and laughed, loosening up some gas from within. |
Recard chuckled quietly too as the Minister began to shake like oh too many bowls full of jelly. If only the other Department Heads were as lucky as he was at this moment. Siiiigh. Being pulled from his awkwardly pleasant day dream of the other's mixed reactions of jealousy and shared disgust, Recard was being asked more specifically about the lesson. "Oh I wasn't too easy on them, that was for sure. Although they were obviously not thrilled to be there." he smirked. "Obviously no one particularly likes to be called out on their obtuse blunders but those really supportive to you and our Ministry's cause would understand." He wished some of them had failed already but he hadn't owled them their wirrten exams yet, and no one had taken their practical as of today. "Actually no one's failed yet, although some have been marked for close attention when the testing does come along." he was talking about Damien, Emily, and Isobel. "After this meeting I am going to be owling them their written exams and then having those graded and in the meantime will be beginning the practicals in just a few days." TICK! The sound coming from the toe-nail being cut had been blocked out for the most part that Armen had sort of been used to it after the many attempts at the first nail, that this particular time seemed to be no different. But it was-- The nail that was on Lord Borr's white, sweaty toe flew through the air from his foot and poked Armen right in his eye. Blinking furiously Armen endured the pain....like a good Ministry employee. |
"ALL are supportive of me!" Lord Borr flailed his beefy leg and his neatly trimmed toe went into Armen's face, on target for his nostril. Armen was too highly ranked in Lord Borr's opinion to make such a blunder. However, the Minister was wise and forgiving; he patiently put his foot back onto the lap of the younger man and gave him a moment to recollect himself. Lord Borr, meanwhile, settled farther into his chair and the belt around his globe-like physique stretched out audibly. "I called you here today because LORD BORR has noticed how busy you've been. You're running TWO DEPARTMENTS! Those blubbering idiots in MLE owe you for taking such an interest in their abilities, as do the people of the Wizarding World. Under MY rule, good deeds do not go unnoticed or without reward. Therefore," Lord Borr was blind to the toenail in Armen's eye and wouldn't have minded either way. MINISTER Borr's toe nail in your eye was like a medal of honor, "I've hired a personal assistant for you. She'll be paid out of the MLE offices; we'll just dock Bole's pay again or any of those that fail your test. You will use her to help with those tests and all the other tasks you have going on." Lord Borr was all warm affection, both literally and figuratively, towards Mr. Recard. A giant smile was peeking out from beneath his mustache. "I'm also submitting your name for an Order of Merlin nomination." |
Sorry, Uni took over my week. lol Quote:
He was practically running two departements wasn't he? He had been trying to get the MLE into the right shape but they kept resisting. While Recard was shaking his head in agreement to all of the impecably true statements about his greatness as a Department Head, he thought he had imagined the Minister's last comment. "A personal assitant? Oh well thank you very much my Lord, I could really use the help." Armen was beaming, he was moving up, he was. Then Borr was smiling, geniunely it seemed. Armen had seen the man smile before but this was a warm, almost grandfatherly smile. What was up? And then he dropped the bomb on Armen. "Order of Merlin? For me sir? Thank you so much for the honor!" Armen's face lit up as he had finished cutting the last toenail. He wouldn't forget this, and it would be awesome if he was actually awarded the honor. |
Melanie quietly knocked on the Minister's door hoping that she wasn't disturbing anything important that he was doing. She knew that the Ministry of Magic was a very busy man and also did not like when mud was mucked up in his office. She quickly wiped her shoes with a handkerchief to wipe off the muck. "Excuse me. Lord Borr? I'm part of the Maintenance crew and I'm here to help shine your magnificent shoes and do your dry cleaning for you as called upon by my head of office Sir" Melanie said quietly. |
"Don't admit to NEEDING help either! Have I taught you nothing?? Did a toenail get lodged in your brain? I'll be taking my nomination BACK if you keep up with this flip-flopping ridiculousness. You need this assistant so you are spending LESS time with those degenerates in MLE. Lord Borr can TELL they're wearing on you." The Great Lord Borr bunched up his pants leg in a beefy fist and made to lift his heavy leg from Armen's lap. The task proved too great for Lord Borr and his heel landed heavily back into the Transportation Head's lap with a deep thud. "Little help, Armen. My joints aren't what they used to be!" Quote:
"WHO IN THE BLOODY HELL GAVE YOU ACCESS TO MY OFFICE? THIS IS A PRIVATE.... Oh? Shoe-shiner, is it??? WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SO? Come in, stop standing around wasting EVERYONE'S time." Lord Borr pointed to the ground that was peppered with his toenails. "Collect those. Make sure they are disposed of PROPERLY. In fact, Armen, what do you think of making a MLE Division devoted to taking care of my toenails and lost hairs? Can you IMAGINE if someone used my personals in polyjuice?? UTTER PANDEMONIUM!" |
Darn it!! Two things in a row, what was wrong with him? He was trying his best, yet he had messed up twice. Recard NEEDED that Order of Merlin! MLE really was getting to him. "Again my Lord you are correct, I will be needing my assistant to be spending time with those MLErs, they WILL NOT deteriate at my work ethic, I promise that Minister. They will NOT disrespect you, myself or this Ministry." he said his voice rising with emotion. And just as his voice was rising with emotion, Lord Borr's heel slammed into his groin, causing all the air to leave his body, and his voice to go up even higher. "O-of c-course my Lord." he gasped and started to stand, lifting the large man best he could through his immense pain. Quote:
Armen's pain started to ebb away and he watched the girl being yelled at with a smirk, maybe he would get a shoe shine out of this too. He would have spoken up, further antagonizing the woman along with Borr when he instead turned and spoke to him. He was unaware of the toe nail that was stuck in a fold of his dress shirt, it was going to hitch then. Borr was right! That would be absolutely terrible. "My Lord, that sounds like a wonderful idea! They should be used for something useful anyways, something that was worthwhile and helpful to this establishment. You have my support for it if you shall require any help." he nodded, again looking expectantly at the woman. She would start shining Borr's shoes soon he hoped. It was awkward with her just standing there. |
"Yes sir. Immediately."she said quickly. Melanie whipped out a sparkling cloth out of her pocket and immediately crouched down to shine his shoes." Melanie murmured a quick spell to make them extra shiny. The shininess almost blinded her when she was done. The pile of toe nails that she had seen had almost made her want to throw up. She pinched her nose and gathered them up with a spell with her wand. She will have to find a place to dispose of this disgusting stuff. Melanie looked up expectantly at the Minister when she was done. "Will there be anything else that is needed to be done?" she asked. "I can take some dry cleaning if you have any." At the same time, without anyone knowing, Melanie sent a quick, wordless itching jinx toward the man named Armen. A little smirk crossed her face, but she immediately suppressed it when the Minister looked at her. |
for borr and armen Tasha knocked on the door, she finally had her written apology ready for mr. borr, which he expected her to have much sooner, and after the scene she caused and Armen having to put her in shackles. She was ready to give up. "Knock,Knock,Knock" she waited for the door to be answered for she didn't want to bust in and get yelled at again. |
"I know it's a good idea, my boy. I thought of it, did I not?" ALL of Lord Borr's ideas were GOOD ones. "Go inform Bole of our needs and be sure to let him know about your nomination and personal assistant. Perhaps it will spark a glimmer of responsibility and duty in that giant empty head of his." Lord Borr gave a GIANT heave ho, lost a bit of gas from his bowels, and stood all in one motion. He opened his arms to Armen, the son he never had. "Get the DOOR, Maintenance Girl! And be quick about it!" Why wasn't she ALREADY getting the door?! Did Lord Borr have to TEACH EVERYONE EVERYTHING ALWAYS?! "Your assistant should be in your Department, Armen. If you find yourself too busy, send her the monkeys on Level Two to set up the Disposal of Nails Division." |
Melanie rolled her eyes as she crossed the gigantic room to open the door to a young lady. Working for the Ministry Maintenance was harder than she thought. |
Greingoth was such a terrible doorman. Turning back to the Minister as the Maintenance worker went to answer the door, he nodded again as the obtuse man spoke about his task of needing to brag to Bole about his new assitant (who had better be hot), his pay raise, the new NailClippings Division, and the very important Order of Merlin nomination presented to himself. He would do those things even if he wasn't asked to. The large erruption of gas sounded as Borr stood, signalling Armen to do the same. He was then signalled to give the smelly man a hug. Who was Armen to refuse the man had given him so much! He smiled brightly and gave the man a hug, or attempted to since his arms couldn't reach around his great girth. "Thank you your Lordship!" |
"WELL? Who is IT, MAINTENANCE GIRL? HURRY IT UP! I don't have all day to wait on you! I'm THE MINISTER OF MAGIC!" HE WAS VERY BUSY AND IMPORTANT! Lord Borr hugged Armen with his beefy thick arms, cracking the young man's back. "Now stop dawdling around my office. You'll make the other Department Heads jealous," the Minister chuckled. "GREEN WITH ENVY!" "Hurry up whoever is lingering outside my office. Tell them that wasting the Minister's time is the first step towards Azkaban. You tell them that, Armen, and let me know how your new assistant works out!" |
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