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Alexander Greingoth EraAll historical records pertaining to Ministry of Magic RPG under Minister for Magic, Alexander Greingoth [IC January 2076 - December 2081; OOC January 2012 - June 2013]
As Jack spoke and asked a legitimate question Gavin nodded "Yes, you would each do your job undercover. The job you are assigned may be part of your regular work here in level 5. But it may very well be something new. You'll need to be able to work on your toes, ready for anything that might be thrown at you."
"Our job is going to be uncovering this ring, making sure that what is being accused is actually happening and taking in information." A smile on his lips as Katrina put the older woman in her place, he heard her question as Angela began to speak. Nodding he whispered "Go right ahead."
Elizabeth listerned as the man answered Jack's question. She couldn't deny that this seems very...... interesting. Still she stay neutral, waiting to hear more before she asked a question or thought about it deeply.
Angie wasn't a lion at heart for sure, but she did like adventurous things, sometimes. So she figured it would be better to join the team. Atleast she would be freed of the boring paperwork in her small cubicle!
So she spoke up, "Alright, count me in" she smiled at Gavin and Katrina. After all, it did promise to be interesting!
As Jack spoke and asked a legitimate question Gavin nodded "Yes, you would each do your job undercover. The job you are assigned may be part of your regular work here in level 5. But it may very well be something new. You'll need to be able to work on your toes, ready for anything that might be thrown at you."
"Our job is going to be uncovering this ring, making sure that what is being accused is actually happening and taking in information." A smile on his lips as Katrina put the older woman in her place, he heard her question as Angela began to speak. Nodding he whispered "Go right ahead."
"As for Gavin and I..." Katrina started. "We will be posing as a married couple who want to find a cheap way to get to our vacation site." she said. "We have everything we need for our part, but we do need our back-up crew." She smiled. They would need people at the ready, people to give them information on what was happening around the meeting place. Now who would sign up for the job?
Nicole kept quiet and listen the whole time to make sure she didn't miss anything and too see if she really wanted to be concetered. As she listened to messed with a pen she brought and said raising her hand a bit, "So far I'm up to it." Even if needed to worry about her daughter a little right now and after getting ready she wanted to do this, something to get her away from her daily places, and to help around level 5 more than she already was.
There were four of them so far that were ready to dive in. That's a good start, and they'd not even finished the planning and they were willing. A very good sign. Listening as Katrina explained their part Gavin nodded in agreement. "As Katrina here said we need you to keep us informed. This isn't gonna happen in a day, maybe two. We want to check the place out. See what we can determine is going on."
"We also need someone to be able to speak French quite fluently. I speak a smattering of it, enough to get by." His fingers itched to drum on the table or fiddle with the papers in front of him out of nervousness but he kept them still.
His eyes met each one around the table "We aren't there to arrest anyone. If there is the need to do so, we will bring in the authorities. Our plan is to just uncover the ring. If all goes well we'll put a stop to it and back in England we'll be. If not..." Letting the sentence drift off at that point he let them draw their own conclusion. He didn't like talking about the bad stuff, but knew things could go wrong, and they all needed to remember that.
"Might any of you have some ideas that we might be missing here?" he asked as he looked around the table again, landing on Sophie.
Angela listened and nodded at Gavin as he explained. Someone who could speak French fluently? Nope, Angie knew french, but certainly not enough to pass as a native. So she wouldn't be useful in that purpose. So she decided to just keep quiet.
She caught the 'If not..' used by Gavin. Yeah, there was always a risk. But then, that was what made it even more fun. But still, she wondered the worst that could happen. For Angie, the worst fear wasn't death, but actually being in prison. She had certainly heard some horror stories of the dementors and all, and she wanted none of that.
But then, she thought, why am I thinking such drastic thing? I'm sure such things won't happen. She quietly giggled at herself for thinking that way.
She looked at Sophie and others, to see if any more ideas emerged. For now, she was completely blank on how to do the operation, barring the things she had read in the muggle novels!
Sophie was about to respond to Gavin when she heard a younger voice bwckon to her from across the room. The brunette was being very Professional in this entire situation and it seemed that Katrina was trying to shame Sophie into being subordannat. The only person who was going to instruct her on what she would do in the department was Gina. No one else. However, Sophie was an adult, she was a mother. She was not going to get in a confrontation with a younger girl. It, in all honesty, was not worth her time to argue.
So she smiled sweetly to the young girl and said, "It's Mrs. Skylar, Ms. Skylar is my daughter Katrina. And I am okay standing, thank you for your concern though.". Then she lookee to Gavin as he explained the entire mission that they were apparently going on. The whole operation sounded dangerous and not very well thought out. The sentiments were all well and good, however, too much could go wrong. They needed to think this through. "I think that this problem needs to be addressed, but how do you plan to execute this plan? What if something goes wrong? I mean, have you even consulted the aurors? We are not trained wizards in combat? What if something goes wrong? I mean, I speak French so I will do what you want me to do, but I really think you need to consult the aurors, for safety purposes..."
Sophie was about to respond to Gavin when she heard a younger voice bwckon to her from across the room. The brunette was being very Professional in this entire situation and it seemed that Katrina was trying to shame Sophie into being subordannat. The only person who was going to instruct her on what she would do in the department was Gina. No one else. However, Sophie was an adult, she was a mother. She was not going to get in a confrontation with a younger girl. It, in all honesty, was not worth her time to argue.
So she smiled sweetly to the young girl and said, "It's Mrs. Skylar, Ms. Skylar is my daughter Katrina. And I am okay standing, thank you for your concern though.". Then she lookee to Gavin as he explained the entire mission that they were apparently going on. The whole operation sounded dangerous and not very well thought out. The sentiments were all well and good, however, too much could go wrong. They needed to think this through. "I think that this problem needs to be addressed, but how do you plan to execute this plan? What if something goes wrong? I mean, have you even consulted the aurors? We are not trained wizards in combat? What if something goes wrong? I mean, I speak French so I will do what you want me to do, but I really think you need to consult the aurors, for safety purposes..."
Turning as Sophie once again spoke he nodded with a smile. She was finally giving input! The one thing he didn't understand was that he was the same age as she was, or he was sure he was anyway, but that she was acting like she was so much older. Perhaps she was in the level 5 prior to him joining, perhaps not, he'd had just as much experience if not more he was sure. Shrugging those unasked questions away though he decided to just answer her questions.
"Good question Sophie." Yes he went there, Gina asked them to be on a first name basis and he considered that appropriate, especially when they were making a team that must work well together. "Gina has asked at this point to keep law enforcement out of this, if they are required we will contact them in time. But for now we're not looking at combat or finding a reason to need the aurors. We are just there to take information and find reason for law enforcement to make arrests and take down this ring."
Nodding at her concerns he knew precisely how badly things could go wrong "Things could always turn nasty, if the plan doesn't go smoothly anything could happen yes. But if we remember we're not there to force information from them and stick to our plan, we have a good chance of getting this accomplished."
If the right questions were asked, and requesting to test portkeys went through all right, they might just be able to successfully pull this off. He didn't want them thinking though he and Katrina were there to tell THEM what to do, but for them to work as a team and decide as a TEAM what they were each going to do.
As Jack spoke and asked a legitimate question Gavin nodded "Yes, you would each do your job undercover. The job you are assigned may be part of your regular work here in level 5. But it may very well be something new. You'll need to be able to work on your toes, ready for anything that might be thrown at you."
"Our job is going to be uncovering this ring, making sure that what is being accused is actually happening and taking in information." A smile on his lips as Katrina put the older woman in her place, he heard her question as Angela began to speak. Nodding he whispered "Go right ahead."
Originally Posted by potterfan180
"As for Gavin and I..." Katrina started. "We will be posing as a married couple who want to find a cheap way to get to our vacation site." she said. "We have everything we need for our part, but we do need our back-up crew." She smiled. They would need people at the ready, people to give them information on what was happening around the meeting place. Now who would sign up for the job?
"Count me in, I don't speak french but i'll do what i can to help." Jack said very modestly. He did want to stay safe for Maxwell's sake but what's the worst that could happen?
I didnt feel like quoting sorry lol and sorry for the weird phrasing
Wibbly Wobbly | Timey Wimey
Elizabeth listen as the others talk and debated whether to help or not when Gavin said he would need a person who speaks French. She hemmed and hawed whether to offer her language skills since French was her native tongue after all. After a few moments of inner debate, Elizabeth finally said though a little hesitantly to Gavin and Katrina, "My native language is French so if you want, i can offer my services of that."
♫ ♥ Where are my garters?! / hyphens-are-cool / THE NORTH GATE ♥ ♫
"Sorry, I'm late, Gina, I---" Harland stopped short when he entered the room and saw how full it was. His hand was in the middle of brushing back his wavy brown hair while the other hand was carrying a stack of files. He immediately knew he was interrupting something really important, even if he was supposed to be there. "Sorry, I'll just... sit down." Harland sat down hastily and shut up. He glanced over at Sophie then at this... person who seemed to be answering everyone's questions on France.
Welcome to the jungle.__________________________________Everything's going to change.
Dart was clearly distracted. He had taken another seat instead of the one he wanted, because according to this Gavin guy, the seat was for some wierd woman named Gina. All Dart could think about was Amy, he really did like her and couldn't wait to see her again. It was when someone mentioned the word France, that he got back into focus.
"France?" he asked in he's strong French accent. "If France iz eenvolved I em in." He gave the Gavin man a nod. France was he's home country and he had been dying to get back there ever since he had arrived in England. He hated the place, He hated everything, he hated English people, English food..English everything. To him only French people and things we're important anything else didn't matter.
Nicole looked around the table at everyone talking and said, "when I was little and throughout my school carrier I learned French off to the side by my mothers best friend that was from France," she never really told anyone about that, it was just a little hidden thing about her that she never let out, by forgetting for it never occurring ever. For this time though she thought she would just let everyone know.
Angela listened as Nicole and others said about their level of French. So she too spoke up, "I took it as a second language in school, and so I just know the basic conversations and all." Yeah that was true.. "And my pronunciation is also not like the native people..But I do understand enough."
"But then, if we just have to act as informers to you, then I don't think that speaking in French is necessary, right?" Angie asked, looking at both Gavin and Katrina for answers. Because she could understand what others were talking and could simply report back.
And Gavin had responded to Sophie's question, by saying that MLE wasn't yet involved. But he himself had said that this was dangerous, right? Whatever, Angie was sure that Gina and Gavin and Katrina would be there to look out for them, and would do the required.
Jotting some notes down on the paper he had infront of him as people spoke he put a few names in some boxes as well. Looking up as someone walked in and immediately took a seat looking embarrassed. Nodding he just smiled gently at him. The meeting had been a surprise, and unexpected. Plus he wasn't all that concerned now, they had a good group that was getting ready to go to France. Did they want a small group though...or a big one. And if it was smaller who would they need to leave out? He'd hate to tell someone no because this was an experience for all of them!
Listening as the others spoke giving their various abilities in speaking French he continued to take a few more notes "It appears that we have a good amount of those who speak French. What I'd like to see is at least one person who is fluent in French to be in the shop as much as possible throughout the day. So in the least: Sophie, Nicole, Dart, Angela, and Elizabeth would be in there at least once. We don't want you to be alone however. We want everyone to at least be in pairs for safety reasons."
"I'd also like to have one of you that are fluent "Dart, Elizabeth, or maybe Nicole to join Katrina and myself when we go in." Biting his lip a little as he looked at the paper again "We want a couple others to go in as well. Those who are fluent in French would be listening to see if they can determine anything that's being said in French that the rest of us may or may not catch. The others I'd like to be shopping asking questions about the portkeys and testing even if you can."
Looking around at each of them again he flipped to the next page. "Does anyone have a preference as to what part you'd like to play? We'll be going to outside of Marseille in the southern section of the city. There's a building down the block and around the corner from the La Uincaillerie which is the shop we are aiming for. It portrays itself as a rundown hardware store to muggles, so yes we will need to be careful about magic, this is in the muggle part of Marseille."
Jotting some notes down on the paper he had infront of him as people spoke he put a few names in some boxes as well. Looking up as someone walked in and immediately took a seat looking embarrassed. Nodding he just smiled gently at him. The meeting had been a surprise, and unexpected. Plus he wasn't all that concerned now, they had a good group that was getting ready to go to France. Did they want a small group though...or a big one. And if it was smaller who would they need to leave out? He'd hate to tell someone no because this was an experience for all of them!
Listening as the others spoke giving their various abilities in speaking French he continued to take a few more notes "It appears that we have a good amount of those who speak French. What I'd like to see is at least one person who is fluent in French to be in the shop as much as possible throughout the day. So in the least: Sophie, Nicole, Dart, Angela, and Elizabeth would be in there at least once. We don't want you to be alone however. We want everyone to at least be in pairs for safety reasons."
"I'd also like to have one of you that are fluent "Dart, Elizabeth, or maybe Nicole to join Katrina and myself when we go in." Biting his lip a little as he looked at the paper again "We want a couple others to go in as well. Those who are fluent in French would be listening to see if they can determine anything that's being said in French that the rest of us may or may not catch. The others I'd like to be shopping asking questions about the portkeys and testing even if you can."
Looking around at each of them again he flipped to the next page. "Does anyone have a preference as to what part you'd like to play? We'll be going to outside of Marseille in the southern section of the city. There's a building down the block and around the corner from the La Uincaillerie which is the shop we are aiming for. It portrays itself as a rundown hardware store to muggles, so yes we will need to be careful about magic, this is in the muggle part of Marseille."
Elizabeth nodded and listern to Gavin's ideas. She didn't care what part she was assigned, so she kept quiet when he asked. As he explained what city it was going to take place, Elizabeth thought back to the last time she was in Marseille..... it has been a few years now, but it was a lovely city and it would be to go back to it again.
Angie listened to the instructions and details described by Gavin about what and who would be required. She nodded as he also mentioned pairing up for the sake of safety. Yeah, that was better, definitely better than putting up a stake alone.
She wasn't 'fluent' enough in French, so she kept quiet. So the only option available to her would be to go shopping asking about the portkeys and stuffs. Ooh, that was great! Maybe she could also shop for some souvenirs along with portkeys, no? She decided that all that could be done after the mission. But anyways, Angie didn't really mind having any job that Gavin and Katrina felt right for her.
Marseille? Wow! She had heard so much about that city! The muggles had made some really awesome architecture there! Angela wished that maybe after this mission was over, they could stay back for a couple of days there and go sight-seeing. Jeez! Stop dreaming Angie! she thought to herself and focused on the task again. She noted down the details of the shop in her handy notepad she had brought along, lest she forget about it later.
Jotting some notes down on the paper he had infront of him as people spoke he put a few names in some boxes as well. Looking up as someone walked in and immediately took a seat looking embarrassed. Nodding he just smiled gently at him. The meeting had been a surprise, and unexpected. Plus he wasn't all that concerned now, they had a good group that was getting ready to go to France. Did they want a small group though...or a big one. And if it was smaller who would they need to leave out? He'd hate to tell someone no because this was an experience for all of them!
Listening as the others spoke giving their various abilities in speaking French he continued to take a few more notes "It appears that we have a good amount of those who speak French. What I'd like to see is at least one person who is fluent in French to be in the shop as much as possible throughout the day. So in the least: Sophie, Nicole, Dart, Angela, and Elizabeth would be in there at least once. We don't want you to be alone however. We want everyone to at least be in pairs for safety reasons."
"I'd also like to have one of you that are fluent "Dart, Elizabeth, or maybe Nicole to join Katrina and myself when we go in." Biting his lip a little as he looked at the paper again "We want a couple others to go in as well. Those who are fluent in French would be listening to see if they can determine anything that's being said in French that the rest of us may or may not catch. The others I'd like to be shopping asking questions about the portkeys and testing even if you can."
Looking around at each of them again he flipped to the next page. "Does anyone have a preference as to what part you'd like to play? We'll be going to outside of Marseille in the southern section of the city. There's a building down the block and around the corner from the La Uincaillerie which is the shop we are aiming for. It portrays itself as a rundown hardware store to muggles, so yes we will need to be careful about magic, this is in the muggle part of Marseille."
As Gavin talked about who would go in pairs and about being in the shop that day, Nicole listened closely making sure she didn't miss anything. Nicole never been to France yet, but of she knew French well she couldn't have a problem at all. She smiled a little and said, "I don't mind what part I play at all." she really don't mind at all, any would work. Nicole continued to listen as he said what part of France they would be in and how it's a muggle part of Marsellie. She also wrote down a few notes down so she could refer to them later just in case.
Nodding as Nicole spoke up he marked a few more things on his pad. "Alright I'll draw up a plan for this, and get it to each of you as soon as I possibly can. The plan is for us to do this a week from tomorrow." His eyes wandered around to each of them watching for reactions, at that news. How would they take it? "We'll meet in Marseille in the coffee shop around the corner from La Uincaillerie. I would like each of you to team up with someone you feel comfortable with. The only thing I want to make sure of is that Sophie, Nicole, Dart, Angela, and Elizabeth are not paired up together, with them speaking a fair amount of French we want them to go inside the building at least once, twice might make anyone there question why they're back."
Glancing over at Katrina, he nudged her leg gently and with his other hand pointed at where he'd listed Dart as the one joining them hoping it was alright with her. "Feel free to talk amongst yourselves here and decide who you'd like to team up with. And just let me know." Turning to Dart he took a deep breath before speaking "I'd like to have you be the one to join Katrina and I in the shop." he figured Dart would be the best bet at the moment, he just hoped the guy wouldn't let them down.
Nodding as Nicole spoke up he marked a few more things on his pad. "Alright I'll draw up a plan for this, and get it to each of you as soon as I possibly can. The plan is for us to do this a week from tomorrow." His eyes wandered around to each of them watching for reactions, at that news. How would they take it? "We'll meet in Marseille in the coffee shop around the corner from La Uincaillerie. I would like each of you to team up with someone you feel comfortable with. The only thing I want to make sure of is that Sophie, Nicole, Dart, Angela, and Elizabeth are not paired up together, with them speaking a fair amount of French we want them to go inside the building at least once, twice might make anyone there question why they're back."
Glancing over at Katrina, he nudged her leg gently and with his other hand pointed at where he'd listed Dart as the one joining them hoping it was alright with her. "Feel free to talk amongst yourselves here and decide who you'd like to team up with. And just let me know." Turning to Dart he took a deep breath before speaking "I'd like to have you be the one to join Katrina and I in the shop." he figured Dart would be the best bet at the moment, he just hoped the guy wouldn't let them down.
Katrina had been somewhat staring off into space as people talked. She hadn't meant to, she was thinking about the mission, but mostly it was just her and Gavin that came up. When she felt someone nudge her leg, she snapped out of it. Looking towards where Gavin was pointing, she nodded her head. "That's fine with me. He's the most fluent, I believe." she said. She reached to the center of the table and grabbed two cookies. Handing one to Gavin, she scooted her chair ever so slightly closer to him. "Let's go out tonight." she whispered.
Nodding at Katrina he agreed and it was the reason he had chosen Dart. He wasn't too sure about the new guy yet, but hoped he'd do well in his job to assist Gavin and Katrina in the shop. Taking the cookie she'd given him, he smiled down at her words with a nod. Waiting a bit longer he nodded to the team around him. "Alright, feel free to stay and chat for a bit, Katrina and I will be here for any additional questions anyone has."
"Feel free to have a cookie or two, I'll be drawing up the plan and giving it to each of you. Please if you can get into a team of at least 2 people you are comfortable working with, let me know as soon as you can." Pushing away from the table he stood up "If there's no other questions this meeting's dismissed. But feel free to stay and chat a bit and decide on the teams."
ooc: I'll be posting Gavin leaving the meeting in 48 hours. So feel free to post discussion here as to the teams, and leaving the meeting
Nodding as Nicole spoke up he marked a few more things on his pad. "Alright I'll draw up a plan for this, and get it to each of you as soon as I possibly can. The plan is for us to do this a week from tomorrow." His eyes wandered around to each of them watching for reactions, at that news. How would they take it? "We'll meet in Marseille in the coffee shop around the corner from La Uincaillerie. I would like each of you to team up with someone you feel comfortable with. The only thing I want to make sure of is that Sophie, Nicole, Dart, Angela, and Elizabeth are not paired up together, with them speaking a fair amount of French we want them to go inside the building at least once, twice might make anyone there question why they're back."
Glancing over at Katrina, he nudged her leg gently and with his other hand pointed at where he'd listed Dart as the one joining them hoping it was alright with her. "Feel free to talk amongst yourselves here and decide who you'd like to team up with. And just let me know." Turning to Dart he took a deep breath before speaking "I'd like to have you be the one to join Katrina and I in the shop." he figured Dart would be the best bet at the moment, he just hoped the guy wouldn't let them down.
This was all very exciting for Dartanian, because he'd finally be capable of going back home, even if it was for work. He raised he's brow when the man had said that, they would be leaving a week from tomorrow. That was quite soon, but Dart didn't mind. In fact the sooner the better for him. The only thing he would miss would probably be he's big sister that he was staying with. He really did care for her, he just didn't like her annoying little children, but luckily they had been at Hogwarts for the time being. There was one other person he thought he'd miss, which was Amy, but he knew he'd see her again soon.
He he, Dart expected this, which was why he wasn't surprised at all. Anyone would choose him over any other people because he thought he was simply the best. He gave the Gavin man another nod and then gave Katrina one too. "Of coorse, you wood. I em obveeosly ze bezt men there iz." said Dart going on again with he's arogancy.
Elizabeth nodded and listern to Gavin's ideas. She didn't care what part she was assigned, so she kept quiet when he asked. As he explained what city it was going to take place, Elizabeth thought back to the last time she was in Marseille..... it has been a few years now, but it was a lovely city and it would be to go back to it again.
Originally Posted by Green Ninja
Nodding at Katrina he agreed and it was the reason he had chosen Dart. He wasn't too sure about the new guy yet, but hoped he'd do well in his job to assist Gavin and Katrina in the shop. Taking the cookie she'd given him, he smiled down at her words with a nod. Waiting a bit longer he nodded to the team around him. "Alright, feel free to stay and chat for a bit, Katrina and I will be here for any additional questions anyone has."
"Feel free to have a cookie or two, I'll be drawing up the plan and giving it to each of you. Please if you can get into a team of at least 2 people you are comfortable working with, let me know as soon as you can." Pushing away from the table he stood up "If there's no other questions this meeting's dismissed. But feel free to stay and chat a bit and decide on the teams."
ooc: I'll be posting Gavin leaving the meeting in 48 hours. So feel free to post discussion here as to the teams, and leaving the meeting
Jack addressing Gavin and Elizabeth."If Elizabeth is all right with it I'll team up with her."
This was all very exciting for Dartanian, because he'd finally be capable of going back home, even if it was for work. He raised he's brow when the man had said that, they would be leaving a week from tomorrow. That was quite soon, but Dart didn't mind. In fact the sooner the better for him. The only thing he would miss would probably be he's big sister that he was staying with. He really did care for her, he just didn't like her annoying little children, but luckily they had been at Hogwarts for the time being. There was one other person he thought he'd miss, which was Amy, but he knew he'd see her again soon.
He he, Dart expected this, which was why he wasn't surprised at all. Anyone would choose him over any other people because he thought he was simply the best. He gave the Gavin man another nod and then gave Katrina one too. "Of coorse, you wood. I em obveeosly ze bezt men there iz." said Dart going on again with he's arogancy.
When Dart spoke Gavin's jaw just dropped. He nearly facepalmed as well. He couldn't help it! The best man there iz erm is? How could he be so arr...
Originally Posted by HJPotter
Jack addressing Gavin and Elizabeth."If Elizabeth is all right with it I'll team up with her."
Originally Posted by Cassandra
Elizabeth looked up at the sound of her name. She smiled, "I would be honored Jack."
Nodding he smiled at the two of them. Excellent pair he thought, he'd seen them chatting a few times in the office, it's good to have someone you feel comfortable working and talking with. Marking down the two on the page, "Alright, thank you!"
Now...Dart. How in Merlin's name was he supposed to try to explain to him, that it wasn't that he was the best man there is, that he spoke French better then anyone else it appeared in the meeting, with a strong french accent. "Erm, yes you are the best here with the accent and language." Maybe he was the best man for the job, Gavin didn't know. He barely had met the guy, and so far talking with him had made Gavin want to facepalm twice now!