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-   -   Golden Gates (

Anna Banana 03-27-2011 08:46 PM

Golden Gates
At the end of the long corridor of floos is a pair of magnificent Golden Gates that Ministry employees and visitors alike must pass through to gain entrance to the Atrium. Stationed behind a podium at the Ministry's entrance, and impossible to miss as you pass through the gates, is our wonderful Welcome Witch. The young woman (ThestralYew128) is there not only to greet all that enter the Ministry, but also to assist visitors in any way she can. Between directing visitors and answering what ever questions they may have, the Welcome Witch can be found handing out smiley face stickers to match that warm smile of hers.

itsjustjesse 04-27-2011 12:55 PM

Alicia walked through the Golden Gates and walked slowly forth into the Atrium. She wasn't in awe like the first time she had done this, no, she was understanding, ready, she was nervous? Because it was her first day on level two - so high up there. She had to go six levels higher than she already was.

Wonderstruck 04-27-2011 01:41 PM

Damon walked up to the Golden Gates with his usual relaxed but focused composure before looking down at the small sheet of paper in his hand. It looked like the Environment Department was on the 4th floor so off he went!

Luna_Midnight 04-27-2011 11:37 PM

Sky Light took a breath and looked around...She was nervous and she was pratically freaking out...What if she did something wrong!? Ahh, maybe her mum was right...Before she could change her mind she walked through the Golden Gates and smiled You can do this Sky! She looked at the thing and she saw Law Enforcment was on the 2nd Level! Yes, not that far up...

Mad Eye Touz 05-18-2011 10:50 PM

Plymouth's name tag was a little crooked, weighted down by the giant SMILIE stickers he was using in place of the O's in his name.

Plym:)uth M:)rgan



His job was to welcome ...people... to the Ministry, answer questions, and pass out stickers. Apparently.

His robes were pressed, new, and he at least did look the part of professional. Professional sticker hander outer. That was Plymouth Morgan. He propped up at the Golden Gates and waited to greet people.

Ama 05-18-2011 11:06 PM

Truthfully, Daphne should have been more excited for another day at work. The bounce she wished she had in her step was absent and instead the blond looked as put-together and calm as she always did. Her job had been infinitely less exciting than she thought it would have been. Of course, she should have known, that one didn't start blasting off memories into hyperspace on their first week as a Junior Obliviator. There was plenty of time later--right?

She stepped into the atrium of the Ministry, careful to pick away whatever remaining dust clung to her attire from having traveled via Floo Powder. Daphne would have to reconsider her mode of transportation. It was getting entirely too tiresome and it did nothing for her appearance. Upon reaching the Golden Gates, Hopton was surprised to see a familiar face. She blinked and had begun to move on, determined to believe she was seeing things. Surely not. It was impossible.

It wasn't, though and she stopped mid-stride. "Plymouth?" she greeted dubiously. "I won't ask if that is you because that much is obvious. You're standing right in front of me. I don't want to sound redundant or stupid."

And she wasn't right now? "What are you doing here?" asked Daphne to Plymouth's name tag. "There are stickers in your name."

Mad Eye Touz 05-19-2011 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by Ama (Post 10345961)
Truthfully, Daphne should have been more excited for another day at work. The bounce she wished she had in her step was absent and instead the blond looked as put-together and calm as she always did. Her job had been infinitely less exciting than she thought it would have been. Of course, she should have known, that one didn't start blasting off memories into hyperspace on their first week as a Junior Obliviator. There was plenty of time later--right?

She stepped into the atrium of the Ministry, careful to pick away whatever remaining dust clung to her attire from having traveled via Floo Powder. Daphne would have to reconsider her mode of transportation. It was getting entirely too tiresome and it did nothing for her appearance. Upon reaching the Golden Gates, Hopton was surprised to see a familiar face. She blinked and had begun to move on, determined to believe she was seeing things. Surely not. It was impossible.

It wasn't, though and she stopped mid-stride. "Plymouth?" she greeted dubiously. "I won't ask if that is you because that much is obvious. You're standing right in front of me. I don't want to sound redundant or stupid."

And she wasn't right now? "What are you doing here?" asked Daphne to Plymouth's name tag. "There are stickers in your name."

"You wouldn't ever sound redundant or stupid, Miss Hopton," Plymouth grinned, assured of that. He stood up straight and pushed his shoulders back, then his eyes traveled her once, down and up.

"I work here now. Just got hired with all the reshuffling." He paused, considering whether or not to tell her his official title or not. She'd find out sooner or later, "Welcome Wizard." He tapped his name tag once.

"Welcome to the Ministry, Miss Hopton."

Ama 05-20-2011 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz (Post 10346047)
"You wouldn't ever sound redundant or stupid, Miss Hopton," Plymouth grinned, assured of that. He stood up straight and pushed his shoulders back, then his eyes traveled her once, down and up.

"I work here now. Just got hired with all the reshuffling." He paused, considering whether or not to tell her his official title or not. She'd find out sooner or later, "Welcome Wizard." He tapped his name tag once.

"Welcome to the Ministry, Miss Hopton."

Daphne didn't mind his roving eyes as much as she minded the strange feeling that came from hearing her last name coming from Plymouth's lips. There was a formality attached to it that she had never identified with the man in front of her. It only reminded her of the distance that had grown between them.

"That's reassuring," she ventured to say with a small smile as a light blush emerged over her cheeks. "You never know if you grow worse or better with age until someone else judges you. Welcoming Wizard!" declared the blond and quickly pressed the back of a small hand to her lips. She chuckled. "It suits you, I think. You seem happy with it."

Miss Hopton was heard again causing Daphne to wrinkle her nose. "Thank you," she said extending a hand. It remained there, suspended in the air. "And I should congratulate you on your new job. Congratulations, Plymouth Morgan. You've done well."

Mad Eye Touz 05-20-2011 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by Ama (Post 10348109)
Daphne didn't mind his roving eyes as much as she minded the strange feeling that came from hearing her last name coming from Plymouth's lips. There was a formality attached to it that she had never identified with the man in front of her. It only reminded her of the distance that had grown between them.

"That's reassuring," she ventured to say with a small smile as a light blush emerged over her cheeks. "You never know if you grow worse or better with age until someone else judges you. Welcoming Wizard!" declared the blond and quickly pressed the back of a small hand to her lips. She chuckled. "It suits you, I think. You seem happy with it."

Miss Hopton was heard again causing Daphne to wrinkle her nose. "Thank you," she said extending a hand. It remained there, suspended in the air. "And I should congratulate you on your new job. Congratulations, Plymouth Morgan. You've done well."

Plymouth had spent hours upon hours trying to figure out what all the little faces Daphne made meant. He'd studied her like a book and never really cracked the Hopton Code. Standing before her and seeing those thoughts bubbling behind that pretty face was familiar and fun, and as futile as ever. He had no idea what she was really thinking.

He took in all that It suits you and you seem happy stuff. Yeah? Good on him, then. It hadn't been at all what he was expecting when he applied.

"You really don't know if you've grown better or worse?" Plymouth sighed and took her hand. He lifted it in the air, over her head, and initiated a little twirl. Inappropriate? Childish? Probably. He didn't care. He was judging her.

Lauralicious 06-02-2011 10:05 AM

Kyle made hos way through the golden gates and smiled.Another day of work but the boy loved his job so it was awesome to start new.He was really looking forward to the new charge.Making his way to the atrium the dark haired looked around for someone he knew but apparently they all were working or had free time today.Siigh.

myra_awesome 06-07-2011 06:06 AM

Jenny rushed through the golden gates; she was late, she missed a conference meeting, and today was her first day of work! As she ran she thought about horrible it will be if she got fired on her first day-when suddenly she tripped on her high heels and went crashing onto the floor.

top94a 06-11-2011 01:39 AM

Toni walk slowly to her new home, she is now a member of ministry work force. planning to help all kind of people, placing herself to most important role as witch of the new era, providing service not only to wizardkind but also for the non-magical folk, she is here reporting in her first day as ministry employee.

"Glad to be a useful witch" she said to herself

Starbreeze 06-12-2011 08:25 PM

Welcome newcomers!
Her first task was to stand at the gates and welcome people? Easy enough, she would put in some effort. Her white curls bounced as she pranced to the entrance where she had been informed a handsome man (and handsome indeed he was-- she winked at him) would be located. In her hands she was holding a pink box with white bow on top, and upon reaching the gate she placed it on a desk and opened the box. A group of butterflies flew out of it and fluttered around the box as Poppy took out some of the stickers that were inside. They were all pink, in different shades, and scented. Each sticker had Poppy's face, surrounded by a wreath of pink and white poppies, blowing a kiss followed by a flirtatious giggle, and below it the message: " ♡ Welcome to the Ministry ♡"

She stood by the entrance waiting to redirect new arrivals, but most importantly, give them all a charming welcome to the happiest place on earth, the Ministry of Magic!

SPOILER!!: New arrivals

Originally Posted by MissFeenella (Post 10376753)
Kyle made hos way through the golden gates and smiled.Another day of work but the boy loved his job so it was awesome to start new.He was really looking forward to the new charge.Making his way to the atrium the dark haired looked around for someone he knew but apparently they all were working or had free time today.Siigh.


Originally Posted by myra_awesome (Post 10385880)
Jenny rushed through the golden gates; she was late, she missed a conference meeting, and today was her first day of work! As she ran she thought about horrible it will be if she got fired on her first day-when suddenly she tripped on her high heels and went crashing onto the floor.


Originally Posted by top94a (Post 10392981)
Toni walk slowly to her new home, she is now a member of ministry work force. planning to help all kind of people, placing herself to most important role as witch of the new era, providing service not only to wizardkind but also for the non-magical folk, she is here reporting in her first day as ministry employee.

"Glad to be a useful witch" she said to herself

Spotting some lost looking souls, she waved at them. Hopefully the little dimwits would realize she was calling them. She rolled her eyes. She stood very pageant-like, readjusted her bowtie, put on a smile, and waited for them to approach her.

myra_awesome 06-13-2011 12:43 AM


Originally posted by Starbreeze
Spotting some lost looking souls, she waved at them. Hopefully the little dimwits would realize she was calling them. She rolled her eyes. She stood very pageant-like, readjusted her bowtie, put on a smile, and waited for them to approach her.
Jenny, embarrassed, picked herself up from the floor. Hopefully she won't have a bruise. She started to walk (this time slowly) again, when she noticed a witch waving at her. Nervously, as Jenny isn't comfortable with strangers, she walked towards her and asked, "Um, hi. Do you know where the Maintenance Meeting room is?"

Starbreeze 06-13-2011 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by myra_awesome (Post 10397013)
Jenny, embarrassed, picked herself up from the floor. Hopefully she won't have a bruise. She started to walk (this time slowly) again, when she noticed a witch waving at her. Nervously, as Jenny isn't comfortable with strangers, she walked towards her and asked, "Um, hi. Do you know where the Maintenance Meeting room is?"

When Poppy saw a young woman fall on the floor she ran to her aid. "Oh, darling! Are you already!" Poppy said as she gave the young woman a very unhelpful boost. She extended her hand but made no effort to pull her up. When the woman was back up on her feet, Poppy embraced her tightly, then rubbed her back before walking with her to where she was originally standing.

"What a nice coincidence, darling!" Poppy said pinching both of her cheeks. "I am also from the Maintenance Department!" She took one her fabulous stickers and used her wand to attach it to the girl's garment. "There! Isn't it beautiful?" She took a step back to admire her own face on the sticker. The sticker winked and then giggled, and in return, Poppy winked at the sticker and blew a kiss at it. Oh, right, the girl. "Somewhere that way..." Poppy said making a very ambiguous gesture towards the... whatever it is the woman asked for. The girl had put the effort into falling on the floor, so walking around for a few more minutes sure wouldn't hurt her. "Anything else you want help with, sweetie?" Poppy asked then giggled.

top94a 06-13-2011 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by Starbreeze (Post 10396553)
Her first task was to stand at the gates and welcome people? Easy enough, she would put in some effort. Her white curls bounced as she pranced to the entrance where she had been informed a handsome man (and handsome indeed he was-- she winked at him) would be located. In her hands she was holding a pink box with white bow on top, and upon reaching the gate she placed it on a desk and opened the box. A group of butterflies flew out of it and fluttered around the box as Poppy took out some of the stickers that were inside. They were all pink, in different shades, and scented. Each sticker had Poppy's face, surrounded by a wreath of pink and white poppies, blowing a kiss followed by a flirtatious giggle, and below it the message: " ♡ Welcome to the Ministry ♡"

She stood by the entrance waiting to redirect new arrivals, but most importantly, give them all a charming welcome to the happiest place on earth, the Ministry of Magic!

SPOILER!!: New arrivals

Spotting some lost looking souls, she waved at them. Hopefully the little dimwits would realize she was calling them. She rolled her eyes. She stood very pageant-like, readjusted her bowtie, put on a smile, and waited for them to approach her.

Toni saw a witch waving unto people, just like she know she is, waving to all new people arriving, a security she think.

Toni approach her, "Hello, I'm Toni Hunters, I'm looking for Mr. Bole of Department of Magical Law Enforcement" Toni smile sweetly as the witch smile cannot be faded.

Starbreeze 06-13-2011 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by top94a (Post 10397624)
Toni saw a witch waving unto people, just like she know she is, waving to all new people arriving, a security she think.

Toni approach her, "Hello, I'm Toni Hunters, I'm looking for Mr. Bole of Department of Magical Law Enforcement" Toni smile sweetly as the witch smile cannot be faded.

Just when Poppy was beginning to get comfortable a second young woman, asking about some department about bowls or something, approached. The only thing she understood correctly was the law part and that was probably in the second level. Maybe some crazy head had began cursing bowls to kill people who ate from them? No soup for Poppy tonight. handing her the sticker, Poppy replied, "You're looking for the second floor, sweetie. You take the--" What in Merlin's beard was the girl doing now? "What's wrong with your face?" Poppy asked and began laughing hysterically at the girl. Was that a smile!? She was laughing so hard she was crying. "Oh, darling..." She began as he pulled a handkerchief from her handbag and wiped off her tears. "No, no, no, no, no, no." Poppy said taking the same handkerchief and covering the girl's mouth with it. "You should get that checked, darling." Poppy advised, giggling. It looked like her mouth was having a seizure. "So... what were you aski-- fufufufufu!" She tried to contain herself, covering her mouth, but she couldn't hold it. "Oh honey." She shook her head. "What did you want to know? Oh, right! Take the lift--" She motioned towards it. "To the second level." She was ready to burst into hysterical laughter again, but tried as hard as she could not to.

top94a 06-13-2011 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by Starbreeze (Post 10398079)
Just when Poppy was beginning to get comfortable a second young woman, asking about some department about bowls or something, approached. The only thing she understood correctly was the law part and that was probably in the second level. Maybe some crazy head had began cursing bowls to kill people who ate from them? No soup for Poppy tonight. handing her the sticker, Poppy replied, "You're looking for the second floor, sweetie. You take the--" What in Merlin's beard was the girl doing now? "What's wrong with your face?" Poppy asked and began laughing hysterically at the girl. Was that a smile!? She was laughing so hard she was crying. "Oh, darling..." She began as he pulled a handkerchief from her handbag and wiped off her tears. "No, no, no, no, no, no." Poppy said taking the same handkerchief and covering the girl's mouth with it. "You should get that checked, darling." Poppy advised, giggling. It looked like her mouth was having a seizure. "So... what were you aski-- fufufufufu!" She tried to contain herself, covering her mouth, but she couldn't hold it. "Oh honey." She shook her head. "What did you want to know? Oh, right! Take the lift--" She motioned towards it. "To the second level." She was ready to burst into hysterical laughter again, but tried as hard as she could not to.

"What the...", Toni say, no don't, Ministry people, must act as Honorable, but why this young witch is laughing, I'm just smiling to her.
"No don't..." What the meaning of this, what the story of that handkerchief.
"Ehem, Miss Comedian, I understand, you're such a... what to say... a yes... a welcome giggling witch of the ministry" Toni say.

Due to young witch action, Toni might not be serious at all to the receptionist action, and she didn't understand what the direction the witch trying to say, its more laugh than the direction, what a big mistake she smile to her, Toni smile is fading now, from now on, I know you.

Toni wanted to ask the witch again, but what to say, she is distracted by her action.

"Hey, Miss, excuse me, may I know your name" the question is out of the box, totally un-related to the madness she is watching. no turning back, Toni must see the Department Head Evander Bole, before the appointed time, she didn't like to be late in her interviews

Starbreeze 06-13-2011 11:28 PM

SPOILER!!: Toni Hunter

Originally Posted by top94a (Post 10398764)
"What the...", Toni say, no don't, Ministry people, must act as Honorable, but why this young witch is laughing, I'm just smiling to her.
"No don't..." What the meaning of this, what the story of that handkerchief.
"Ehem, Miss Comedian, I understand, you're such a... what to say... a yes... a welcome giggling witch of the ministry" Toni say.

Due to young witch action, Toni might not be serious at all to the receptionist action, and she didn't understand what the direction the witch trying to say, its more laugh than the direction, what a big mistake she smile to her, Toni smile is fading now, from now on, I know you.

Toni wanted to ask the witch again, but what to say, she is distracted by her action.

"Hey, Miss, excuse me, may I know your name" the question is out of the box, totally un-related to the madness she is watching. no turning back, Toni must see the Department Head Evander Bole, before the appointed time, she didn't like to be late in her interviews

Still covering her mouth and trying not to laugh, Poppy listened to a confused young witch babble in confusion. Poppy nodded her hear mockingly as the girl tried to speak but kept interrupting herself. She then burst into laughter again, this time with a good old lap slap. If she wanted any response from Poppy she was going to have to stop talking, and smiling.

"[i]Well[i], ToniToni-TooToo." Poppy began with a mocking tone. She was an old lady so she was allowed to give young people nicknames. It was common sense, right?"My name is Poppy Pricklepot!" She batted her eyelashes and giggled at the witch. "I am in the Ministry Maintenance, might I add. Ask for me if you if you need anything--" She was about to burst "--Any help at all--" She couldn't hold it in anymore "--Like fixing that smile of yours!!" She then burst into a fit of hysterical laughter again. Of course she would never fix it, it was far too funny. She took a few deep breaths after laughing so hard and rested her hand on her chest as she tried to regain her breath.

myra_awesome 06-14-2011 05:57 AM


Originally posted by Starbreeze
When Poppy saw a young woman fall on the floor she ran to her aid. "Oh, darling! Are you already!" Poppy said as she gave the young woman a very unhelpful boost. She extended her hand but made no effort to pull her up. When the woman was back up on her feet, Poppy embraced her tightly, then rubbed her back before walking with her to where she was originally standing.

"What a nice coincidence, darling!" Poppy said pinching both of her cheeks. "I am also from the Maintenance Department!" She took one her fabulous stickers and used her wand to attach it to the girl's garment. "There! Isn't it beautiful?" She took a step back to admire her own face on the sticker. The sticker winked and then giggled, and in return, Poppy winked at the sticker and blew a kiss at it. Oh, right, the girl. "Somewhere that way..." Poppy said making a very ambiguous gesture towards the... whatever it is the woman asked for. The girl had put the effort into falling on the floor, so walking around for a few more minutes sure wouldn't hurt her. "Anything else you want help with, sweetie?" Poppy asked then giggled.
Jenny had never met someone so-giggly? Eccentric? She could not find the write words to describe this woman. But she seemed nice. She replied, "Oh um thank you!!" and walked towards the direction the woman gestured her to, where hopefully she would find someone who can help her and who can give a more helpful answer. Oh, and to get that ridiculous sticker off her, because Jenny is not a person who likes stickers.

top94a 06-14-2011 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by Starbreeze (Post 10398870)

Still covering her mouth and trying not to laugh, Poppy listened to a confused young witch babble in confusion. Poppy nodded her hear mockingly as the girl tried to speak but kept interrupting herself. She then burst into laughter again, this time with a good old lap slap. If she wanted any response from Poppy she was going to have to stop talking, and smiling.

"[i]Well[i], ToniToni-TooToo." Poppy began with a mocking tone. She was an old lady so she was allowed to give young people nicknames. It was common sense, right?"My name is Poppy Pricklepot!" She batted her eyelashes and giggled at the witch. "I am in the Ministry Maintenance, might I add. Ask for me if you if you need anything--" She was about to burst "--Any help at all--" She couldn't hold it in anymore "--Like fixing that smile of yours!!" She then burst into a fit of hysterical laughter again. Of course she would never fix it, it was far too funny. She took a few deep breaths after laughing so hard and rested her hand on her chest as she tried to regain her breath.

Toni think this Giggling Witch is very funny, it might be a former clown or something like that, what a deep-less people, very easy to approach, no shyness in her, fit as Ministry welcome Witch.

So her name is Pappi Prickelpot, what a name, make it understandable.

"Ooh, Pappi, Nice to meet someone like you here, you maybe have a great-day today" Toni say trying to lessen her smile, she think it will be a really mess, if Poppy isn't stop laughing, Toni didn't get the answer to her simple question "How she possibly get the direction of the the DMLE office

Starbreeze 06-14-2011 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by myra_awesome (Post 10399662)
Jenny had never met someone so-giggly? Eccentric? She could not find the write words to describe this woman. But she seemed nice. She replied, "Oh um thank you!!" and walked towards the direction the woman gestured her to, where hopefully she would find someone who can help her and who can give a more helpful answer. Oh, and to get that ridiculous sticker off her, because Jenny is not a person who likes stickers.

"Yeah, yeah... You're welcome." Was Poppy's reply. Didn't the girl see she was already speaking to someone else? How rude! She had no manners at all. Today's youth... Poppy scoffed as she looked at the girl one last time just to roll her eyes at her.

Is she... Was the girl... Was she removing the sticker?! How dare she?! Poppy stomped her foot on the ground. Clearly she wasn't an appreciator and admirer of fine art. She was probably jealous she wasn't as beautiful. She shrugged and turned to welcome other newcomers who would appreciate her fabulousness!


Originally Posted by top94a (Post 10399727)
Toni think this Giggling Witch is very funny, it might be a former clown or something like that, what a deep-less people, very easy to approach, no shyness in her, fit as Ministry welcome Witch.

So her name is Pappi Prickelpot, what a name, make it understandable.

"Ooh, Pappi, Nice to meet someone like you here, you maybe have a great-day today" Toni say trying to lessen her smile, she think it will be a really mess, if Poppy isn't stop laughing, Toni didn't get the answer to her simple question "How she possibly get the direction of the the DMLE office

Poppy giggled when she first heard the girl call her Pappi, but she quickly composed herself, as Poppy could, which meant she was still giggling. "Oh, darling!" Poppy said sympathetically while placing her hand on her shoulder. "Oh, sweetiepeapie." She caressed her shoulder, then her face. "So young," she sighed, "how unfortunate... If you take the left turn at the end of the corridor, there, you see?" she said pointing "You might get some help for your hearing impairment." Because clearly the girl could not hear. Either that or her hideous teeth were getting on the way of her tongue. Either way, she should start there. "After you get your ears and your mouth fixed, you need to take the lift to level two to get to your department, darling." With that, she gave the poor witch a sympathy air-hug.

top94a 06-14-2011 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by Starbreeze (Post 10399796)
"Yeah, yeah... You're welcome." Was Poppy's reply. Didn't the girl see she was already speaking to someone else? How rude! She had no manners at all. Today's youth... Poppy scoffed as she looked at the girl one last time just to roll her eyes at her.

Is she... Was the girl... Was she removing the sticker?! How dare she?! Poppy stomped her foot on the ground. Clearly she wasn't an appreciator and admirer of fine art. She was probably jealous she wasn't as beautiful. She shrugged and turned to welcome other newcomers who would appreciate her fabulousness!

Poppy giggled when she first heard the girl call her Pappi, but she quickly composed herself, as Poppy could, which meant she was still giggling. "Oh, darling!" Poppy said sympathetically while placing her hand on her shoulder. "Oh, sweetiepeapie." She caressed her shoulder, then her face. "So young," she sighed, "how unfortunate... If you take the left turn at the end of the corridor, there, you see?" she said pointing "You might get some help for your hearing impairment." Because clearly the girl could not hear. Either that or her hideous teeth were getting on the way of her tongue. Either way, she should start there. "After you get your ears and your mouth fixed, you need to take the lift to level two to get to your department, darling." With that, she gave the poor witch a sympathy air-hug.

Toni is taught not to mess with elderly, but maybe Poppy is having fun only, maybe Pappi is going to her second childhood *gosh* terrible.

Here you go again Pappi, what are you doing with me, Toni tries to evade what is Poppy doing.

"Wow, Pappi, you're so great, you're so helpfull" Toni mocking the not so young witch.

Toni Hunters must reach the level 2, it almost time.

She smile again to Poppy before saying "Eer, Poppy" Toni say, take note she corrected herself, because she really need to take the lift "Nice meeting you, again, and Thanks to your hospitality" Toni walked toward the lift and wave a good bye to the welcome witch.

Was Toni embarrassed, maybe not, but who know, she maybe take a walk someday with Ms. Poppy Pricklepot... maybe... what she thinking...

Starbreeze 06-15-2011 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by top94a (Post 10399856)
Toni is taught not to mess with elderly, but maybe Poppy is having fun only, maybe Pappi is going to her second childhood *gosh* terrible.

Here you go again Pappi, what are you doing with me, Toni tries to evade what is Poppy doing.

"Wow, Pappi, you're so great, you're so helpfull" Toni mocking the not so young witch.

Toni Hunters must reach the level 2, it almost time.

She smile again to Poppy before saying "Eer, Poppy" Toni say, take note she corrected herself, because she really need to take the lift "Nice meeting you, again, and Thanks to your hospitality" Toni walked toward the lift and wave a good bye to the welcome witch.

Was Toni embarrassed, maybe not, but who know, she maybe take a walk someday with Ms. Poppy Pricklepot... maybe... what she thinking...

Poppy giggled and smiled when the girl finally corrected herself. She was right all along, it was hearing impairment. "But of course, darling!" Poppy said while putting her hand on Toni's back and giving her a push, trying to get the girl to leave. She continued waving and smiling as the girl proceeded into the lift and until the doors closed. Finally, she was gone.

Poppy checked her watch and sighed heavily when she found out she still had seven or so hours left. She sat down and began waving her wand around as she sang. "La la la la la la la bibbidi bobbidi boo♡~ La la la la la la bibbidi bobbidi boo♡~" The stack of scented stickers which displayed her adorable and gorgeous face began to spread across the desk and dance. They were skipping, twirling, spinning, and prancing all across the desk now. She left them charmed as she stood back up and waved for newcomers, with a smile so sweet you could get a cavity just by looking at it.

Uncle Moose 06-16-2011 03:50 AM

Harvey walked past the magnificent Golden Gates. It was definitely more showy than the American MoM, which he had visited on occasion.

With his box of things still under his right arm and his wooden cane in his left he went a little further in. Once again with his head low and looking down making sure no one recognized him. No way was he going to let anybody see him, a former Quidditch Star, in such a pathetic state that he'd need to use a cane to help him walk.

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