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Conference Room The A&C’s Conference Room is only just big enough for the entire department. Where the former score of Department Heads had couches in here, your new Department Head believes taking a break from a scheduled meeting is ridiculous and that employees can lounge around in the Break room on their own time. This the place where all important group meetings and presentations will take place. There are long tables in the room, forming a squared-off U shape, open to the front, so that all who are present may see any presentations being delivered from the front of the room, and so that any contributions from those who are present can be heard by all. There is a charmed sound system which runs on magic much like the WWN, so there is no excuse for not being able to hear anyone who is at the lectern to speak. There is a projector screen at the front of the room, and along one side, there is a loooooong book case, where many important and relevant references, books, and scrolls are kept. Any employee may make use of this mini-library, as long as any books are returned here at the end of the day. Since the remodelling, the conference room is now located directly opposite the Department Head's office, and is nestled between the main office at the end of the corridor to your right, and the break room to your left when exiting the room. The Bathrooms are just down the corridor, as are the training and research facilities. Please leave this space tidy, chairs pushed in neatly, any messes cleaned up, or you may just find yourself experimenting with cleaning charms and giving the Maintenance department a break. _____________________
Sitting on the table are fruit trays and veggie trays that as you grab a piece of food it is charmed to refill itself. At one end of the table are cups and a variety of drinks from muggle sodas to pumpkin juice and then some. On the other end of the table is a pile of both muggle and magical games. Come in and sit down and have lots of fun getting to know each other. But remember that we will only be doing this for a little bit because we do have work to do. For now, though, have fun! |
Charlotte made her way to the conference room like the voice had told her to. When she got there she found the person belonging to the voice. Well, technically the voice belonged to the person. ... Charlotte walked over to her and smiled cheerfully. "Hello," she said. "My name is Charlotte Reynolds." So, this person was the highest overlord of the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes? Intimidating. |
Iridesca smiled as the first person came in. She held out her hand to the young woman as she introduced herself to the Department Head, "It's nice to met you Ms. Reynolds, I'm Iridesca MacMillan." she said with a little pause and then motioned over her shoulder with a little nod, "Feel free to grab something to eat and drink." she said quickly and then continued witha smile, "So Ms. Reynolds, tell me something about yourself." |
Entering the conference room, Gavin paused for a moment briefly rememberingt he last time the whole department was in such a room and unconsciously shivering. Of course it hadn't been this exact conference room since the entire department...merlin the entire ministry had been redone. Starting to move again as he looked around, the reminiscator picked up a cup and poured himself a cup of coffee before wandering back to the only two others in the room; one whom he had just met and another who he had known before. "I hope all is well with you settling in Iridesca," he said with a polite smile at the woman in question. |
Frida entered the conference room shortly after Gavin. She briefly looked around the room from where she stood, but took a seat shortly after. A conference room was a conference room...no matter it's appearance. She placed her small bag on top of the table and took a seat in the chair in front of her belongings. Her stomach growled a little bit, and as it did so, Frida wondered how her little girl was doing...if Adela was being a good girl for her father or not. Frida took a quill and notepad out of her bag and placed them directly in front of her, and took a small bottle of water out as well. |
The Conference room was definitely more sleek looking than she had expected. Although the lobby of the Ministry of Magic was impressive enough, the fountain was enough to make her mouth drop for half a second, she somehow expected the Departments to be quite shabby. After all, she was certain the Ministry didn't have an endless budget--did they? Not wanting to appear ungrateful, Daphne picked a bottle of water on her way to an empty chair. She took the opportunity to greet the woman that was sitting closest to the exist. "Hello," spoke the blond clearly with a small smile. "I'm Daphne Hopton. It's my first day." Daphne hesitated a moment, holding the water bottle with both hands. Was this the right time to extend one and offer a handshake as a greeting? Deciding that the seconds she had stood there trying to make a decision made her look stupid and awkward, Hopton promptly dropped her bottom on the closest empty chair. This would do for now. |
*GASP* Could it be? Muggle soda?? Emerald did a silent squeal and gently took a bottle of muggle soda. She rarely have time to get one from a muggle store. Emmy's not a muggle freak or anything, just Muggle soda and Muggle Movie freak. That's all. She took a seat in the conference room and drank a little of the soda. Hmm...lemon-lime! Emmy took some time to enjoy the taste of this wonderful drink. But then, her blank mind drifted from muggle soda to something else. First conference meeting in this department! Emmy did another silent squeal. She wondered what it's about and what they're going to do. Emerald pondered for another moment, then took some grape from the fruit bowl. Emmy wasn't that nervous when she first started working in the Ministry. But why was she so hyper now? It's not like a brand new place, just a different level and department. And after all, Emerald thought she's kinda being child-ish. Emmy took a deep, deep breathe and relaxed her face. She sat up a little and |
The first day. The very first day of many, in which Landon Renaldi would have to get out of bed early and act responsible. The young man was still not sure, how he felt about that - he was indifferent at this point. He needed a job to kill time and he got one. And now he would have to get it done. Entering the department, Landon had been unsure of where was he suppose to start from or what exactly would he be doing through out the day - thank fully though, he followed the other few people who had entered the department with him - savoring the same look as him. Brown eyes traveled along the place; it wasn't that bad. It didn't seem dull. It was overall average, he supposed. The conference room was where the newbie's party was at. He grinned noticing all the other nervous and awkward faces around. Well, this would be pleasant. Taking a seat next to a blond with a water bottle in hand, he turned. "I am Landon!" he said at once - yep, he was going to break the cold cold ice. Extending out his hand toward her, he turned toward the other girl who looked like she was on the verge of squealing. "Helloo!" he greeted, returning her smile with a smile and a little flash of the teeth. |
Nils walked into the conference room. There were already some people in there. Could he already be late for his job, first day barely? Slightly looking around he slipped into the room and stood by the wall,not trying to bring any attention to himself . What if his head saw him then demanded where he had been? Lost and making his ways through the lifts, would that be a reasonable enough excuse? He smiled as he stood on the wall. |
Daphne smiled at the excited looking woman and at the man who seemed to want to appear invisible. It felt awkward to try to make conversation in a room of people you didn't know and Daphne had no clue of knowing if she was being rude by assuming people wanted to know about her or not. She distracted herself with the bottle of now lukewarm water in her hands. Her fingers made quick work of the bottle cap so that she could take a quick swig from it. "Hogwarts," repeated Daphne when she heard the woman who had said her name was Charlotte speaking. "I attended Hogwarts as well! As I'm sure most of us...have..." the blond stopped speaking as she flushed and cleared her throat loudly. |
Leonora was in a word, nervous. She could hardly expect to be sitting down in an office for 8 hours all the time for the next 20+ years. It just wasn't her. She feared most of all that she would get very bored and need to quit. Walking towards the conference room, butterflies did their best to make her stomach roll and she was very glad she hadn't eaten a large breakfast that morning or it most certainly would have ended up on the carpet. Stepping inside the room Leonora looked around and realised that there were already people there. Was she late for their meeting? Oh no! What a horrid way to start off. A flush came to her face and she soon was taking in deep breaths to calm herself down. "He-hello." the young woman stuttered out, to everyone in the room. Might as well try and be polite so as not to put off her peers more for being tardy. |
Iridesca smiled at each person that walked into the conference room. She was a little overwhelmed when some of them seemed to be preparing for a meeting in the room. She walked over and got a Grape flavored Muggle soda and popped the top and then headed back to where she had been standing beside the two wizards. She flicked her wrist and her wand shot into her right wrist. With a little flick of her wand and a little mumble of a spell, Wizard Rock started playing in the background...not too loud but not so quiet that you couldn't hear it. She smiled at the crowd and announced, "No worries everyone...this isn't meant to be a meeting of any sort, I just wanted us all to come in and get to know each other. So get up and mingle and grab some goodies and enjoy yourself. No need to start the time together with a boring meeting." she said with a smile still holding the wand in her hand...it glided with her arms...yes she was a talked that used her hands to tell stories so her wand flicked back and forth like she was directing a band, "I guess I should officially introduce myself to everyone. I'm Iridesca MacMillan, the Department Head." she said with a little nod. She waited for others to get up and move and then she turnd towards a familiar face beside her, "Gavin, I'm happy to see you returned to our division...I hope you had a great break after our little fiasco at Hogwarts." she said with a little wink....she knew it had been noneventful but it was the last real adventure she'd been on. |
"Yes it was certainly a good one." Free time to spend with Tasha and help her get settled was always a good thing. "I trust it hasn't been too hard for you to settle in," he mused, the woman having had to take over just as the changes were taking place. |
Blonde. "Hello there." Frida smiled warmly and extended her hand in greeting, "I'm Frida Brown. Or just Frida...or Mrs. Brown, I really don't mind how one addresses me. I am a Senior Obliviator on this level." How're you liking things so far on your first day?" Granted, it was a little early to ask that question, since it was only the morning still. Just as Frida was about to ask the purpose of this meeting, their Department head made the announcement. 'Just to mingle then? Why does that sound familiar...'. She remembered that last conference where the Accidents and Catastrophes level had a meeting to get better acquainted. If there was one thing an employee could count on on this floor, it was that nothing ever went as planned. A couple of new faces had made their way into the conference room, and Frida politely smiled and nodded her head, saying a kind, "How're you?" as she did so. 'Suppose I should put my notepad away.' It flipped shut on it's own accord and slid into Frida's small bag, which was placed on her lap. |
Anyone? :D Quote:
So this isn't suppose a meeting. This isn't suppose to be when employees sit in chairs and talk and discuss problems within the wizarding world. So this is just suppose to be a kind of like a party thing. So this is just suppose to be where you meet people in the department and say hi and stuff. Emerald stuffed all that imformation in her head and got up from her chair, tapping her feet a little to the music. Well, this isn't so bad. Not bad at all! Emmy thought, This is actually way better than Say hi to the department head maybe? Emerald waited for the last person to finish talking to the department and strided over. "Hi, I'm Emerald Skye, I'm new to the department." She started, smiling a little. Actually, she doesn't feel nervous at all now! It just...natrually came out. This is getting better than I thought, thought Emmy, who was desperate to get use to this new department. |
No arguments or confrontations either over the state of her desk and whether someone had moved her paperweight a fraction of an inch or not. |
This was a very important day for Demarcus Diggle. After spending an entire summer of playing video games, it was time for him to do the adult thing and go to work. The thought always made Demarcus giggle. It seemed like only yesterday he had been a student at Hogwarts, and today was his very first day as an employee of the Ministry of Magic, a Junior Spell Reversal Agent. HOW EXCITING! But, Merlin, he never thought the place was going to be so gigantic… Everything to him was so new and shiny, and he couldn’t help but randomly wander around the place. Not caring that his mouth was open and his hazel eyes were practically bulging out of his head, Demarcus had made his way to the lifts. A lot of people seemed to be using them to get to their departments. Or maybe they were all playing Follow the Leader. He bet it was the later. Why else would he have followed oodles of people into a very big room? Wait a second. Were they going to conga?! With a grin on his face, Demarcus set his oddly large briefcase on the table and temporarily ignored the not-so-quiet meowing that seemed to be coming from inside the case. He couldn’t help but look around at his fellow co-workers (you know, if he did end up in the right place) and wave at them as he went to get some pumpkin juice. “Hehe.” He immediately took a sip from his cup after returning to his briefcase and set it on the table. It was time for him to introduce himself to everyone. “What’s up, dudes? I’m Demarcus Diggle,” he said, pausing for a moment so he could open up his briefcase and pull out a fat white cat. “And this is Bubbles. It’s our first day here!” Demarcus beamed. |
But that was just his bored mind talking. It was harder than Landon had imagined it would be. Then again, he had not imagined much. A bunch of strangers gathered up in a room - trying to not be strangers? His brow rose lightly watching as more nervous and awkward people entered the room. Maybe he could distract himself by eating a sandwich. It didn't exactly look that good though. Nevertheless, his stomach protested - today's early morning had lacked a proper breakfast - so he reached out to take one but decided against it half way through. Never mind, he could wait. Eating in a room, with a bunch of awkward, nervous looking people who were doing not much but staring at each other was not appealing to him. He turned to the Daphne again, biting his tongue lightly to avoid cracking a pathetic joke. "Huh .. so. What's up?" There. Not pathetic enough. Period. Quote:
Iridesca MacMillan. Pretty. "It's nice to finally meet you Iridesca. Looking forward to working with you." he smiled politely. She seemed really nice too. "I am Landon Renaldi." Quote:
Finally someone who seemed more alive than the rest. FINALLY. Landon grinned wide at his 'What's up dudes!' - this room needed more of him and his 'what's up dudes'. Yep. "Landon Renaldi!" he introduced himself, leaning forward on the table and stretching out his hand toward the new arrival. "And hello to you Bubbles." Oooh. A cat. Would it be around more often while they were working. Landon was down with that completely! |
What's up was such a strange expression yet it had been directed at her twice. Daphne Hopton knew not what to make of it. Seeing as she was unable to pull an appropriate response from her memory pool, the blond was subjected to looking wide-eyed and confused. It was just as well that her face was wearing such an expression. There was a cat in the arms of a co-worker; a cat. A cat. Daphne sneezed. "I didn't know it was Bring Your Pet to Work Day," exclaimed the blond perplexed, pressing a handkerchief to her red nose. "Did I miss a memo?" |
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