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Albert Kettleburn EraAll historical records pertaining to Ministry of Magic RPG under Minister for Magic, Albert Kettleburn [IC January 2081 - December 2086; OOC June 2013 - January 2015]
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Transportation Break Room
When you aren't busy filing away records or helping invent new features for brooms, come on into the Breakroom where you will find the coffee machines and some great food. This is a perfect place to take your lunch or get a quick snack in between long assignments. The room has a few tables and chairs, a sink, microwave, and refrigerator so you can keep your food stored and ready to eat. There are also some snacks provided on the countertops: Muffin baskets, candybars, doughnuts, fruit, and cookies are a common stock in this room.
Feel free to come on in and socialize!
Last edited by Lissy Longbottom; 10-21-2013 at 07:03 PM.
Was it sad that the first thing Katrina did when she arrived back at work was head straight for the break room for some coffee? Maybe. She got a cup of coffee and took a sniff of it first. It smelled absolutely delightful, all caffeine and all that great stuff. Katrina has a little smile on her mouth. Yes, it was great to be back at the Ministry for work, even if she now had a different position. She was just grateful that she would be in the same department. Katrina took a sip of the hot coffee, burning her tongue. But still... it was delightful. She glanced at the door and at the desks. Work... it was just beyond this room... with the amazing coffee. She bit her lip wondering if she should go outside. Katrina shook her head. After she finished her coffee.
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________ ♡♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...
don't blink | you will be upgraded | silence will fall | exterminate
Andie didn't really have much of an idea as to what she had to first at her new job, but the break room seemed like the best place to start. She was nervous, this room was menat for relaxing, it had relazing things in it like food... it all made sense. She could have a cupcake or an apple and be happy and relaxed.
She noticed another person in the room and before she introduced herself, she grabbed a muffin and coffee. Andie soon sat opposite the other female and smiled at her. "Hi, I'm Alexandria Branson, better know as Andie." She said with a grin. She had been right, the coffee and a muffin did calm her down.
It was bad enough that Jen had candy for breakfast, she had been so exicited about getting back to work that morning she didn't have enough time to mellow out and eat a proper meal. And then she had already consumed a large amount of coffee before she had even made it to the Ministry. Before she even could think about figuring out where she claim her desk space, Jen bounced into the Level Six break room and made a move for the coffee pot. "Hello ladies!" Jen greeted with a smile as she grabbed a cup and poured black coffee into it. Turning back around to see who exactly was in the room, she slightly remembered Katrina, she had been in the department before the Ministry break, if Jen remembered correctly. But the other woman, Jen wasn't for sure who she was. She hadn't seen her around before.
Days of Potter 2022: Which Luna Quote Are You?_____________________ ____________ "all my shoes have mysteriously disappeared.
I suspect nargles are behind it."
Last edited by QueenGinger; 04-28-2011 at 05:48 PM.
Was it sad that the first thing Katrina did when she arrived back at work was head straight for the break room for some coffee? Maybe. She got a cup of coffee and took a sniff of it first. It smelled absolutely delightful, all caffeine and all that great stuff. Katrina has a little smile on her mouth. Yes, it was great to be back at the Ministry for work, even if she now had a different position. She was just grateful that she would be in the same department. Katrina took a sip of the hot coffee, burning her tongue. But still... it was delightful. She glanced at the door and at the desks. Work... it was just beyond this room... with the amazing coffee. She bit her lip wondering if she should go outside. Katrina shook her head. After she finished her coffee.
Originally Posted by Mordanyes
Andie didn't really have much of an idea as to what she had to first at her new job, but the break room seemed like the best place to start. She was nervous, this room was menat for relaxing, it had relazing things in it like food... it all made sense. She could have a cupcake or an apple and be happy and relaxed.
She noticed another person in the room and before she introduced herself, she grabbed a muffin and coffee. Andie soon sat opposite the other female and smiled at her. "Hi, I'm Alexandria Branson, better know as Andie." She said with a grin. She had been right, the coffee and a muffin did calm her down.
Originally Posted by Miss Dee
It was bad enough that Jen had candy for breakfast, she had been so exicited about getting back to work that morning she didn't have enough time to mellow out and eat a proper meal. And then she had already consumed a large amount of coffee before she had even made it to the Ministry. Before she even could think about figuring out where she claim her desk space, Jen bounced into the Level Six break room and made a move for the coffee pot. "Hello ladies!" Jen greeted with a smile as she grabbed a cup and poured black coffee into it. Turning back around to see who exactly was in the room, she slightly remembered Katrina, she had been in the department before the Ministry break, if Jen remembered correctly. But the other woman, Jen wasn't for sure who she was. She hadn't seen her around before.
The breakroom door opened up to reveal a large platter of finger-sandwiches but it was not plain to see that anyone was accompanying it. A second later Armen Recard, the thorty-five year old who was the Magical Transportation Department Head for Level Six, entered just behind the floating tray with his wand pointed at it and a large bag in his other hand. He levitated the food over to the large table against the wall and then sat his bag down beside it.
"Good day ladies, Armen Recard..." he said getting the bag handles removed from his hands and then rolling his shirt sleeve back down to cover his forearm and then turning around to finish his greeting. "It is good to have you here on level Six." he said with a smile. "Welcome back Katrina." he said nodding towards her as she was drinking her signature cup of caffine-rich coffee. He was glad she was back. The other two he didn't know as well or at all really.
"I assume you all saw the memo on the Announcement Board about the Meet-and-Greet Welcome Brunch today?" he said jerking his head towards the wall and the beyond office. He was sure they did. He then flicked his wand once more and all of the food behind him (Sandwiches, salad, fruit, pie and cake) moved about into place.
don't blink | you will be upgraded | silence will fall | exterminate
Andie saw another woman come in the room and smiled at her. "Hi, I'm Andie Branson. As you probably noticed I'm new here." She said. Andie was nervous and excited at the same time, now that she had finished the muffin, and her coffee was almost gone, her nerves were back.
Maybe she needed more coffee, or something with sugar. Taking one of the small candy bars, she nibbled on it, wanting to savour her relaxation method for longer.
When the new boss came in, she managed to give him a quick smile and a hello before frowning slightly. Announcment board? They had one? She turned around to see it and lightly 'ohhed'. She would have to check it out. Until then, a meet and greet brunch? It sounded good. She could meet some of her coworker and make some friends maybe.
Dude. The Pensevies aint got nothing on you. Aslan is the God
Ramona walked into...the wrong floor. No wait. Right floor now. New job and all that. Right...sighing Ramona walked into the break room, the place that had been her haven one floor two. This wasn't floor two and. Well, no going back. She took a deep breath and walked into the room her killer heels clacking off the floor. All women, apart from one man..wow. Awkward for him much, she smiled brightly at all the other woman as she walked to the coffee machine and pouring some of the morning wake up juice, sloshing it down. Woo. Confidence boost. Hi she smiled at all of the women and the lone man.
Poor bloke
Tonight we are young. So lets set the world on fire---------------- ----------------------------Belle-Marie. Hufflepuff. Fifth Year.
Last edited by city_girl_95; 04-28-2011 at 09:35 PM.
Andie didn't really have much of an idea as to what she had to first at her new job, but the break room seemed like the best place to start. She was nervous, this room was menat for relaxing, it had relazing things in it like food... it all made sense. She could have a cupcake or an apple and be happy and relaxed.
She noticed another person in the room and before she introduced herself, she grabbed a muffin and coffee. Andie soon sat opposite the other female and smiled at her. "Hi, I'm Alexandria Branson, better know as Andie." She said with a grin. She had been right, the coffee and a muffin did calm her down.
Katrina smiled warmly at the woman, placing her cup down on the table and offered the woman a hand to shake. "It's a pleasure meeting you Miss Branson, I'm Katrina Rayne," she said politely. She was excited to see all these new people and her mind drifted wondering if the old people would be back there as well. She picked up her ever so amazing coffee and took another sip of it. Delightful. "Excited for work to begin?" Katrina asked.
She was, at least, she had been waiting for a while. As much as she loved her younger sister, the "fairy princess" seemed to get more immature by the day and it was starting to get tiring.
SPOILER!!: Miss Jen
Originally Posted by Miss Dee
It was bad enough that Jen had candy for breakfast, she had been so exicited about getting back to work that morning she didn't have enough time to mellow out and eat a proper meal. And then she had already consumed a large amount of coffee before she had even made it to the Ministry. Before she even could think about figuring out where she claim her desk space, Jen bounced into the Level Six break room and made a move for the coffee pot. "Hello ladies!" Jen greeted with a smile as she grabbed a cup and poured black coffee into it. Turning back around to see who exactly was in the room, she slightly remembered Katrina, she had been in the department before the Ministry break, if Jen remembered correctly. But the other woman, Jen wasn't for sure who she was. She hadn't seen her around before.
Katrina looked at the woman who just entered. Merlin, she seemed awfully energetic. She smiled politely though. "Hello," Katrina said, trying to remember the name of this woman. Katrina was fairly certain she had been in the department as well last year, though she couldn't quite remember, it had been a while ago. Still, she took her chance at the name, "It's Jen, right?" Katrina asked. She was slightly embarrassed that she couldn't remember her name, especially since they were probably in the same department.
SPOILER!!: Boss Man!!
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01
SPOILER!!: The three ladies! ;)
The breakroom door opened up to reveal a large platter of finger-sandwiches but it was not plain to see that anyone was accompanying it. A second later Armen Recard, the thorty-five year old who was the Magical Transportation Department Head for Level Six, entered just behind the floating tray with his wand pointed at it and a large bag in his other hand. He levitated the food over to the large table against the wall and then sat his bag down beside it.
"Good day ladies, Armen Recard..." he said getting the bag handles removed from his hands and then rolling his shirt sleeve back down to cover his forearm and then turning around to finish his greeting. "It is good to have you here on level Six." he said with a smile. "Welcome back Katrina." he said nodding towards her as she was drinking her signature cup of caffine-rich coffee. He was glad she was back. The other two he didn't know as well or at all really.
"I assume you all saw the memo on the Announcement Board about the Meet-and-Greet Welcome Brunch today?" he said jerking his head towards the wall and the beyond office. He was sure they did. He then flicked his wand once more and all of the food behind him (Sandwiches, salad, fruit, pie and cake) moved about into place.
Katrina glanced towards the door, wondering if more people were going to enter. Instead, she saw a tray floating in the air and a huge bag enter first... before the department head entered. Eep. She automatically straightened up and smiled.
"Mister Recard," Katrina greeted. At least she had remembered her boss's name after the Ministry break. It would be embarrassing if she had forgotten. Absolutely terrifying as well. She lifted her coffee up and took a sip of it. "Thank you Mister Recard, it's nice to be back, I hope your break was pleasant," Katrina said.
She turned her head to look at the direction he was pointing and and she nodded. Katrina looked at the food that floated into place, wondering what she would eat. If she only hadn't eaten such a big breakfast...
SPOILER!!: Miss Ramona
Originally Posted by city_girl_95
Ramona walked into...the wrong floor. No wait. Right floor now. New job and all that. Right...sighing Ramona walked into the break room, the place that had been her haven one floor two. This wasn't floor two and. Well, no going back. She took a deep breath and walked into the room her killer heels clacking off the floor. All women, apart from one man..wow. Awkward for him much, she smiled brightly at all the other woman as she walked to the coffee machine and pouring some of the morning wake up juice, sloshing it down. Woo. Confidence boost. Hi she smiled at all of the women and the lone man.
Poor bloke
Katrina turned and saw the woman who had just walked in. "Hello," she greeted with a smile.
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________ ♡♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
For once in her thirty three years of life, Katherine Spades seemed rather subdued. Perhaps it was her move back to London and relentless job searches for nearly three months for something that she would enjoy. But for ten or so years since being in England, Kat had been nothing but nonstop running around like a crazy person during her managerial time in her hometown of Sweden.
In a sense, she actually liked the comfort of being able to live without any major commitments or responsibilities. But she knew she wouldn't be able to continue that lifestyle without a job, yet she did want something more low-key. Which is why when she received her hiring as Apparition Supervisor at the Ministry of Magic, Katherine jumped on it. She knew it would be work, but with her managerial experience, it couldn't be worse than being in charge of your own grocery store.
The morning of her start date, Katherine dressed in a black skirt and a matching suit jacket, paired with a pair of classic black heels. Heading for the noticeboard, she was pleasantly surprised to see that they'd be starting off in the break room. Well she supposed it would be good to keep the tension away. Turning on her heels - purse still hanging in the crook of her arm - Katherine entered the break room where there were already several female employees and one male waiting. "Hej!" she said in polite greeting, as she took a seat at the table. "I'm Katherine, but you can call me Kat."
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Jayden couldn't believe it. He'd just gotten used to the changes from a few months ago and once again things had changed. He now had a new job (although, spending the day finding random objects could hardly be considered a job). Luckily he was still in the same department. But the office did look a bit different. It was amazing was could happen with a little magic.
He glanced around for familiar faces. He smiled and nodded at Katrina. It was good to know he wasn't the only one that stayed in the department.
He then walked up to Armen. "Well, it looks like we're a bit overrun by female coworkers doesn't it?" he asked with a little chuckle.
"I'm Jayden Monroe." he said to no one in particular. He just thought he'd throw his name out there. There were a lot of new faces.
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
Dude. The Pensevies aint got nothing on you. Aslan is the God
Originally Posted by xiiWishiWasYours
Katrina turned and saw the woman who had just walked in. "Hello," she greeted with a smile.
Ramona turned. Wooh. This was going well. Well, better than Magical Law, where they'd been told to sit down, shut up and work. Only not so harshly. This was nice, a whole meet-and-greet event. Hi she smiled at the woman..there was definatly something she was meant to do, but her coffee was soo tempting, she took a sip. OH YESH. Name. Sorry, I'm Ramona, Ramona Marqueen she smiled. That had gone well
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
For once in her thirty three years of life, Katherine Spades seemed rather subdued. Perhaps it was her move back to London and relentless job searches for nearly three months for something that she would enjoy. But for ten or so years since being in England, Kat had been nothing but nonstop running around like a crazy person during her managerial time in her hometown of Sweden.
In a sense, she actually liked the comfort of being able to live without any major commitments or responsibilities. But she knew she wouldn't be able to continue that lifestyle without a job, yet she did want something more low-key. Which is why when she received her hiring as Apparition Supervisor at the Ministry of Magic, Katherine jumped on it. She knew it would be work, but with her managerial experience, it couldn't be worse than being in charge of your own grocery store.
The morning of her start date, Katherine dressed in a black skirt and a matching suit jacket, paired with a pair of classic black heels. Heading for the noticeboard, she was pleasantly surprised to see that they'd be starting off in the break room. Well she supposed it would be good to keep the tension away. Turning on her heels - purse still hanging in the crook of her arm - Katherine entered the break room where there were already several female employees and one male waiting. "Hej!" she said in polite greeting, as she took a seat at the table. "I'm Katherine, but you can call me Kat."
Ramona looked from the blonde woman to the brunette one, and instantly took in her outfit. OOOOH. Prettyfull. And stuffs..she took another sip of coffee and longed for a biscuit to go with it, she turned to the tin and picked one up, chewing it. You're outfit is sooo nice by the way she said when she'd swallowed the biccy reminants. Ummm. Nom. Nom. Bourbouns. Nice to meet you she said, extending a hand to the nice clothes woman, I'm Ramona. Just Ramona..what could Ramona be shortened to? Ram?
Originally Posted by LilFox06
Jayden couldn't believe it. He'd just gotten used to the changes from a few months ago and once again things had changed. He now had a new job (although, spending the day finding random objects could hardly be considered a job). Luckily he was still in the same department. But the office did look a bit different. It was amazing was could happen with a little magic.
He glanced around for familiar faces. He smiled and nodded at Katrina. It was good to know he wasn't the only one that stayed in the department.
He then walked up to Armen. "Well, it looks like we're a bit overrun by female coworkers doesn't it?" he asked with a little chuckle.
"I'm Jayden Monroe." he said to no one in particular. He just thought he'd throw his name out there. There were a lot of new faces.
Ramona turned again on the killer heels that in an hour would cripple her, but she didn't care, first impressions counted, and the smart look with a little bit of inividualism counted, seen in her rings and orange colour pop bag, Ramona Marqueen she returned. How many times was she going to say her name? She wondered
Tonight we are young. So lets set the world on fire---------------- ----------------------------Belle-Marie. Hufflepuff. Fifth Year.
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
How in Merlin's beard he landed this job was beyond him! It must've been just how awesome he was. Or maybe his mother sent in a letter, he didn't know! Though he wouldn't put it past her to try and do something like that. Then again, the ministry probably wouldn't have hired him if she did that.
Whatever the reason, Cyryl was rather thankful for the job oppurtunity. However, having no clue what to wear for a job like this, he decided to go comfortable. Comfortable clothes. CLEAN and comfortable clothes. Well, he had this thing about work clothes. Mainly...he didn't have any, so just the grey jeans and black t-shirt would have to do. If the clothes weren't worrying him at the moment though, it was the fact that he was getting extremely lost in this place that was. WHERE was level 6, huh?!
Once he did find it though, and managed to luckily find himself standing in front of the noticeboard, he grinned at the idea of FOOD meeting his fellow employees; and the food too. Was he late though? He was late wasn't he. He could just say he was...fashionably?...late. Right. "Good morning!" he grinned, moving over to an empty seat. No wait...perhaps a sandwich first.
Frangelina || twitter addict || Music of the Sun || The Fresh Princess of Bellaire
Layla couldn't believe it was her first day of work already. She hadn't really been to the ministry before she dropped off her papers and even then it wasn't as if she had gone on a tour of the place like she just did. She had to admit that she was well impressed with it though. It was nothing at all like the place that she had worked at previously, which was a good thing. She was here for a fresh start and change.
Feeling rather exhausted after after walking out the whole ministry, she returned to the 6th floor, the level she was suppose to be on in the first place. She figured that not much would be going on at work anyways since it was the first day and all so first thing on her agenda was coffee and socializing, which was why she was strolling into the break room now.
"Morning.." she announced to the room at large.
...Throw me to the wolves and I'll return leading the pack...
don't blink | you will be upgraded | silence will fall | exterminate
Originally Posted by xiiWishiWasYours
Katrina smiled warmly at the woman, placing her cup down on the table and offered the woman a hand to shake. "It's a pleasure meeting you Miss Branson, I'm Katrina Rayne," she said politely. She was excited to see all these new people and her mind drifted wondering if the old people would be back there as well. She picked up her ever so amazing coffee and took another sip of it. Delightful. "Excited for work to begin?" Katrina asked.
She was, at least, she had been waiting for a while. As much as she loved her younger sister, the "fairy princess" seemed to get more immature by the day and it was starting to get tiring.
Andie shook the hand offered, “Pleasure to meet you too.” She replied smiling. The people were really nice here, what had she been worrying about earlier? This would be a breeze.
"Definitely excited, it'll be nice having something to do now in the middle of the days. I recently moved here to England so there wasn't much else other than unpacking and shopping to do through the break." Unpacking was boring, and shopping as always was boring.
Woah, everyone seemed to be coming in now, an onslaught of names to remember. Not wanting to repeat her name too many times, Andie said to the room at large, "Hi all, I'm Alexandria Branson, but you can all call me Andie."
OCC: Because of some technical issues with some members not being able to post on Level Six, I will post Armen speaking to the group as a whole later tonight or tomorrow afternoon to give everyone a chance to come in here and at least post being there. I gave a list of ALL of you to Touz to double check and all Level Six employees are now in the correct usergroup and will be able to post here and throughout the Ministry! So let's get back to the rp!
Originally Posted by Mordanyes
Andie saw another woman come in the room and smiled at her. "Hi, I'm Andie Branson. As you probably noticed I'm new here." She said. Andie was nervous and excited at the same time, now that she had finished the muffin, and her coffee was almost gone, her nerves were back.
Maybe she needed more coffee, or something with sugar. Taking one of the small candy bars, she nibbled on it, wanting to savour her relaxation method for longer.
When the new boss came in, she managed to give him a quick smile and a hello before frowning slightly. Announcment board? They had one? She turned around to see it and lightly 'ohhed'. She would have to check it out. Until then, a meet and greet brunch? It sounded good. She could meet some of her coworker and make some friends maybe.
After his small greeting to the only employees in the room, he nodded back kindly to the woman eating the candy bar, she certainly would need to cheer up a bit. This WAS a party wasn't it? Besides she would learn soon enough he wasn't the up-tight snooky boss-type, no way.
Originally Posted by city_girl_95
Ramona walked into...the wrong floor. No wait. Right floor now. New job and all that. Right...sighing Ramona walked into the break room, the place that had been her haven one floor two. This wasn't floor two and. Well, no going back. She took a deep breath and walked into the room her killer heels clacking off the floor. All women, apart from one man..wow. Awkward for him much, she smiled brightly at all the other woman as she walked to the coffee machine and pouring some of the morning wake up juice, sloshing it down. Woo. Confidence boost. Hi she smiled at all of the women and the lone man.
Poor bloke
The door swung open and another employee was joining them, excitedly Armen rubbed his hands together, eager to start but there were still plenty of others to come. "Welcome! Do come on in and have a seat, there's plenty of food for everyone!"
Back to greeting staring at the door for others to come!!
Originally Posted by xiiWishiWasYours
Katrina glanced towards the door, wondering if more people were going to enter. Instead, she saw a tray floating in the air and a huge bag enter first... before the department head entered. Eep. She automatically straightened up and smiled.
"Mister Recard," Katrina greeted. At least she had remembered her boss's name after the Ministry break. It would be embarrassing if she had forgotten. Absolutely terrifying as well. She lifted her coffee up and took a sip of it. "Thank you Mister Recard, it's nice to be back, I hope your break was pleasant," Katrina said.
She turned her head to look at the direction he was pointing and and she nodded. Katrina looked at the food that floated into place, wondering what she would eat. If she only hadn't eaten such a big breakfast...
He had always liked that one. "Ohh Katrina, you can call me Armen. These other newbies haven't gotten that privalige yet!" he said and then winked at he rest of the women in the room. He was only joking they could call him anything really as long as it wasn't derrogitory or made fun of his slightly crooked nose.
"And your's! My break was short, there was alot of things to be run even though you all were not here, but they were all finished and many things going on MANY things. But we will talk about this later, once the others arrive." he said waving his hands and picking up a strawberry from the table and muching on it happily.
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
For once in her thirty three years of life, Katherine Spades seemed rather subdued. Perhaps it was her move back to London and relentless job searches for nearly three months for something that she would enjoy. But for ten or so years since being in England, Kat had been nothing but nonstop running around like a crazy person during her managerial time in her hometown of Sweden.
In a sense, she actually liked the comfort of being able to live without any major commitments or responsibilities. But she knew she wouldn't be able to continue that lifestyle without a job, yet she did want something more low-key. Which is why when she received her hiring as Apparition Supervisor at the Ministry of Magic, Katherine jumped on it. She knew it would be work, but with her managerial experience, it couldn't be worse than being in charge of your own grocery store.
The morning of her start date, Katherine dressed in a black skirt and a matching suit jacket, paired with a pair of classic black heels. Heading for the noticeboard, she was pleasantly surprised to see that they'd be starting off in the break room. Well she supposed it would be good to keep the tension away. Turning on her heels - purse still hanging in the crook of her arm - Katherine entered the break room where there were already several female employees and one male waiting. "Hej!" she said in polite greeting, as she took a seat at the table. "I'm Katherine, but you can call me Kat."
Finishing his sweet little snack as he watched the employees already present chatting and talking just like it was the first day of school, the first of Armen's Divison Supervisors entered the Break Room. By the looks of her and the facts that she was a female (one of two that were supervisors) and named Katherine, she was in Apparation. He walked over to her and held his hand out to greet her with a shake.
"Ah Miss Spades! Great to see you've made it! Armen Recard!" he said as he shook her hand. Yes he was slightly excited, it wasn't everyday you got a whole brand new staff of qualified and ready to work people.
Originally Posted by LilFox06
Jayden couldn't believe it. He'd just gotten used to the changes from a few months ago and once again things had changed. He now had a new job (although, spending the day finding random objects could hardly be considered a job). Luckily he was still in the same department. But the office did look a bit different. It was amazing was could happen with a little magic.
He glanced around for familiar faces. He smiled and nodded at Katrina. It was good to know he wasn't the only one that stayed in the department.
He then walked up to Armen. "Well, it looks like we're a bit overrun by female coworkers doesn't it?" he asked with a little chuckle.
"I'm Jayden Monroe." he said to no one in particular. He just thought he'd throw his name out there. There were a lot of new faces.
Up until this point Armen had been the only male at the party and he was beginning to doubt that his male employees would show, he DID remember hiring some. But before he had much time to think of it anymore, Jayden Monroe, a return hire from before the Ministry shut-down, entered and pointed out that he was indeed out-numbered. "We certainly are Jayden, welcome back!" he said shaking his hand enthusiastically. Jayden had been in the Department of Magical Transportation for a long time with Armen and they had turned out to be pretty good friends over the years.
Originally Posted by Roselyn
How in Merlin's beard he landed this job was beyond him! It must've been just how awesome he was. Or maybe his mother sent in a letter, he didn't know! Though he wouldn't put it past her to try and do something like that. Then again, the ministry probably wouldn't have hired him if she did that.
Whatever the reason, Cyryl was rather thankful for the job oppurtunity. However, having no clue what to wear for a job like this, he decided to go comfortable. Comfortable clothes. CLEAN and comfortable clothes. Well, he had this thing about work clothes. Mainly...he didn't have any, so just the grey jeans and black t-shirt would have to do. If the clothes weren't worrying him at the moment though, it was the fact that he was getting extremely lost in this place that was. WHERE was level 6, huh?!
Once he did find it though, and managed to luckily find himself standing in front of the noticeboard, he grinned at the idea of FOOD meeting his fellow employees; and the food too. Was he late though? He was late wasn't he. He could just say he was...fashionably?...late. Right. "Good morning!" he grinned, moving over to an empty seat. No wait...perhaps a sandwich first.
And another guy entered the room. They must have heard Armen mentally doing a check off list of them in his head wondering where they were. And even better this guy was another of his Supervisors. Armen watched him greet the room at large and then scoot closer to the sandwich tray. Walking over to the table with a smile he leaned against the wall near it and looked at the man. "Glad someone's enjoying them. It's as if all the women are on diets." he chuckled. "Armen Recard, Magical Transport Head."
Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy
Layla couldn't believe it was her first day of work already. She hadn't really been to the ministry before she dropped off her papers and even then it wasn't as if she had gone on a tour of the place like she just did. She had to admit that she was well impressed with it though. It was nothing at all like the place that she had worked at previously, which was a good thing. She was here for a fresh start and change.
Feeling rather exhausted after after walking out the whole ministry, she returned to the 6th floor, the level she was suppose to be on in the first place. She figured that not much would be going on at work anyways since it was the first day and all so first thing on her agenda was coffee and socializing, which was why she was strolling into the break room now.
"Morning.." she announced to the room at large.
Then one more employee entered the room, he was beginning to see that there were not many left to show up and was glad that they all were so punctual and eager to start work, unless it was simply some act of sucking up to the the boss, but he didn't really mind that either.
"Welcome, good day to you!" he said nodding to the new arrival. He was just about ready to commence this 'meeting' and get the party really started.
For... everyone Katrina was talking to and everyone else C:
Katrina smiled at the woman, who had announced herself as Katherine, walk in. The woman looked older, but only slightly. "Hello Miss Katherine, I'm Katrina Rayne," she said introducing herself, glancing down at the woman's heels. They were cute, simply and functional. Maybe shoe talk wasn't now... she'd leave that for her cousin.
Then right after Katherine had walked in, Jayden had as well. He had been in this department before the Ministry break as well it seemed. Katrina was grateful to have some of the same people here once again. "Mister Monroe," Katrina greeted politely with a smile. It was most definitely nice to be back here at work with all these new people - and old as well.
Katrina turned back to the lady she had been conversing with just moments ago and lifted her cup of coffee to her mouth for a sip before replying. "It's nice to meet you Miss Marqueen," Katrina said, offering a hand for the woman to shake. "I'm Katrina Rayne." It seemed like it was an endless amount of name repeating. Katrina just hoped she would be able to remember it all!
She looked back at Andie and smiled. Her cheeks were starting to hurt from smiling so much but it was nice. The energy in here was all positive and as refreshing as the caffeine filled drink she had in her cup. "You just moved here? Where did you come from, if you don't mind me asking," Katrina said a bit surprised. Wow, from another country? That would be lovely, this was going to be a cultural experience as well. Lovely.
She looked at the department head and nodded. "Thank you Mister Re- I mean, thank you Armen, it's a great honor," Katrina said with a slight giggle. Mmm... something told her she was not going to get used to calling the department head by his first name.
Katrina nodded her head, excited to be back at work. "I can't wait Mister Recard," she said grinning. Ah, it was going to be another eventful year, wasn't it? She just hoped no figurines came to life and started attacking everyone here like they had on her first day to work. If it did... Merlin she did not want to think about it.
As more people entered the room she smiled more. She wanted to greet every one of them, and meet them all but all those names. Katrina turned to face the rest of the room, much like the others had before, and announced her own name. "Hello everyone, I'm Katrina Rayne," she said brightly. Maybe it was because she was under the influence of coffee but either way, she was glad to have all these people here.
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________ ♡♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...
Anna could finally get it right and know that she was now actually in level six, after a long process of changes in the ministry and all only cause of Lord Borr, she started having a feeling of anger for the man. It had only got difficulties for her to adjust in this whole new environment. But the fact that Anna loved changes and surprises didn't make any big difference for her. But she still had a feeling of excitement and joy in meeting new people in a new place.
The changed made was so good, she could now feel that she was really working in the ministry, with all the new forms and new method for everything. It was really pleasing her and all she could do is smile and look at each and everything carefully and examining the whole thing. "Hmm, maybe Lord Borr did quit a good job in remaking the ministry." she thought.
Moving ahead towards her new office, she could feel the excitement growing in her and couldn't stop herself from smiling, causing her to walk in the break room smiling. She moved towards the table at the corner and glanced at the room. "ah! Nice" she said looking around. It wasn't shocking to see that she didn't know any of them, nor had seen them earlier in the ministry. She thought to keep herself busy with something and moved towards the counters displaying delicious food. Anna could never stop herself from eating whenever she found and thing delicious, it would go right into her mouth. She quickly picked a cookie and dumped it in her mouth. "hmm, lovely...."
A very HAPPY HOLI to all, Enjoy the festival of COLOURS! Interested in Bollywood stuff? PM me we need members for the Hindi forum
don't blink | you will be upgraded | silence will fall | exterminate
Originally Posted by xiiWishiWasYours
She looked back at Andie and smiled. Her cheeks were starting to hurt from smiling so much but it was nice. The energy in here was all positive and as refreshing as the caffeine filled drink she had in her cup. "You just moved here? Where did you come from, if you don't mind me asking," Katrina said a bit surprised. Wow, from another country? That would be lovely, this was going to be a cultural experience as well. Lovely.
"It's fine, I came from America, but before that I lived in Australia. I moved around a lot as a kid." Andie said, remembering the annoyance she had having to unpack everything over and over. It had been horrible, especially considering she wasn't allowed to use magic then, but now she could. Hehe.
She grabbed a cup of coffee, feeling slightly tired from staying up late the previous night. She needed the caffeinne. Andie noticed a few other people walk into the room and gave them a grin. "Hello, I'm Alexandria Branson, but call me Andie." She said happily.
½ of Lauralie | Koala | The being in Ern's pocket | Baby Smurf | Prouf member of The Flock
Originally Posted by Mordanyes
"It's fine, I came from America, but before that I lived in Australia. I moved around a lot as a kid." Andie said, remembering the annoyance she had having to unpack everything over and over. It had been horrible, especially considering she wasn't allowed to use magic then, but now she could. Hehe.
She grabbed a cup of coffee, feeling slightly tired from staying up late the previous night. She needed the caffeinne. Andie noticed a few other people walk into the room and gave them a grin. "Hello, I'm Alexandria Branson, but call me Andie." She said happily.
"Hello, Andie!" said Charmayne, accent still blatantly obvious. "I'm Charmayne, but you can call me Maine if you'd like."
COFFEE! Must have coffee! Charmayne whipped out her wand, and caused an almost transparent hand to press the appropriate buttons for an expresso, then levitated it to the table next to her.
"So... Andie, where're you from? Hogwarts? You look like a Salem, though... I was in Beauxbatons, then transferred to Hogwarts after my Essai Sorcier Ordinaire."
Frangelina || twitter addict || Music of the Sun || The Fresh Princess of Bellaire
Layla scanned the room, of course taking in the attire of everyone there and being very thankful that everyone seemed to have some sense of fashion and style about them, which meant she wouldn't be distracted by ugly clothes all the time. Suddenly she was very appreciative of the people in her department.
She waved and smiled at everyone before making a cuppa and finding a seat.
After finding a seat, Layla crossed her legs and people watched for a few, observing how fast everyone seemed to be making friends...blaah, that promise was always with the longest with her because she was so picking with the people she decided to talk to, maybe that was something she needed to work on but for now, she would just watch and wait.
...Throw me to the wolves and I'll return leading the pack...
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01
And another guy entered the room. They must have heard Armen mentally doing a check off list of them in his head wondering where they were. And even better this guy was another of his Supervisors. Armen watched him greet the room at large and then scoot closer to the sandwich tray. Walking over to the table with a smile he leaned against the wall near it and looked at the man. "Glad someone's enjoying them. It's as if all the women are on diets." he chuckled. "Armen Recard, Magical Transport Head."
Picking up a plate and sandwich, he eyed the contents of it for a moment, seeing if there was anything on there that he didn't like. Wait, what was he doing? He liked everything.
Raising it up to take a bite, he hastily put it back on the plate when out of the corner of his eye he saw a man...who was speaking to him. Hehe, well, that was true he supposed- OH! Oh, this would be his boss. "A pleasure to meet you, Mister Recard." Grinning, he quickly wiping off his hand with a napkin and holding it out to shake Armen's. "Cyryl Grudzinski." Hmm, he supposed the man already knew his position here soooo...yush. Right?
Glancing to the side once a few more people showed up at the table, Cyryl chuckled before picking his sandwich again. "Seems like there are a few more takers." he said, gesturing to the few women there are the food table as he took a bite of his sandwich. Sandwich goodness!
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
Okayyyy first day of work. Part of the rank and file again…. better it be this way than having to battle it out with a scumbag in a tie.
Corin Vanderbilt strode quietly into the Transportation department, brief case in hand when he noticed no one was at the cubicles. It was a work day wasn’t it? He was pretty sure it was and he has already gotten his time zones corrected. His feet led him around the path to the bulletin board that mentioned there is a breakfast party at the breakroom. Well that’s nice.
Swinging the door open to the breakroom he finally saw his new co-workers, most of which surrounding a man speaking, and just caught his last name as he mentioned it. Striding towards him he waited his turn until the Department Head was free before introducing himself "Mr. Recard, Corin Vanderbilt. I came from the US Ministry. Thank you for accepting my transfer."
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
don't blink | you will be upgraded | silence will fall | exterminate
Originally Posted by iceblossom22
"Hello, Andie!" said Charmayne, accent still blatantly obvious. "I'm Charmayne, but you can call me Maine if you'd like."
COFFEE! Must have coffee! Charmayne whipped out her wand, and caused an almost transparent hand to press the appropriate buttons for an expresso, then levitated it to the table next to her.
"So... Andie, where're you from? Hogwarts? You look like a Salem, though... I was in Beauxbatons, then transferred to Hogwarts after my Essai Sorcier Ordinaire."
Andie finished off the candybar and was now totally relaxed and happy. Everyone was so nice! "Nice to meet you Maine. Yeah, I'm a Salem gal. How'd you guess? The American accent?" Andie said smirking. At least she wasn't the only foreigner, though Maine obviously was a foreigner a few years earlier.
She grabbed another cup of coffee and smiled at Maine. "Are you new to the Ministry too?" She asked.
½ of Lauralie | Koala | The being in Ern's pocket | Baby Smurf | Prouf member of The Flock
Andie finished off the candybar and was now totally relaxed and happy. Everyone was so nice! "Nice to meet you Maine. Yeah, I'm a Salem gal. How'd you guess? The American accent?" Andie said smirking. At least she wasn't the only foreigner, though Maine obviously was a foreigner a few years earlier.
She grabbed another cup of coffee and smiled at Maine. "Are you new to the Ministry too?" She asked.
Charmayne smirked and shook her head. "The accent was a dead giveaway, but I knew a few Americans at Hogwarts. No, I'm a Legimens. It's strong, I just managed to master it.."
Charmayne summoned a candybar and took a bite. "Yes, I'm new here too. You know, you remind me of someone I know. Her name's Margaret Lee. I don't think you know her, though..."
She whipped out her wand and transfigured her hairclip into a silver butterfly, then charmed it to flutter around Andie.
"A very cool spell I learnt in my 4th year. Any particular color choice, Andie?"