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The Office of Anthony J. Cresswell, Department Head
Albert Kettleburn EraAll historical records pertaining to Ministry of Magic RPG under Minister for Magic, Albert Kettleburn [IC January 2081 - December 2086; OOC June 2013 - January 2015]
The Office of Anthony J. Cresswell, Department Head
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Being a Department Head is an extremely busy job...So, on the off chance that you catch Anthony in his office, you'll be welcomed into a modernly sophisticated work space. Things that may jump out at you, differing from the former DH's office, is the lighting and lack of all things red. Instead of being open with sunlight due to a charmed window, it's lit with several classic lamps, the glow from them reflecting nicely off the black leather furniture strategically placed around the space.
To compliment the overall darker shade of the room, oak wood furniture is in place. From a bookshelf loaded with different kinds of texts , knickknacks, and photo frames...to his desk that's placed towards the wall, a black swivel rolling chair behind it for easy access while sitting. In the corner of the desk is an elaborate model ship, a hobby Mr. Cresswell picked up in France. Occasionally, only if he has a moment, some might find him sitting behind the desk, assembling a new ship.
Being a fan of artwork, several pieces litter the walls at various points, all in complimentary color schemes to off-set his furniture and choice of paneling. It's all set up to seem welcoming and warm; cozy, even.
Staff and employees are welcomed!
OOC: Anyone can drop by for a visit or make an appointment. Just be polite and remember to KNOCK. Mr. Cresswell could be in a meeting!
Zoe headed to the door of her department head, straightened her shirt, and gently knocked. While she awaited an answer, Zoe smoothed her hair and brushed some glitter off of her pants.
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Hearing the knock on her office door, Abilene finished up the memo she was sending to Level Three...and set it aside for a moment. Considering all the things she had going on, it literally could've been anyone...
Wand in hand, the brunette magically opened the heavy, wooden door, calling out for whomever it was to "Come in!"
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
Zoe heard the now familiar voice of her department head. She put the brightest smile on that she could and headed in the door. "Good afternoon" she greeted, walking towards Abilene's desk.
"I wanted to drop by on my break to see if there were any special tasks you would like for me to do." Zoe glanced down and saw what appeared to be a little hand print on her leg, which made her giggle just a bit. "I believe the children are having a nice time and they seem to be getting along well with each other. I'd be happy to take on any other responsibilities."
She really wasn't exactly sure what her job would entail when she applied. She just knew that working with children was something she did very well.
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
There was a reason Abilene liked Zoe...She smiled a lot and brought a good, peaceful energy to the workplace. She also took initiative and it was so nice to see someone doing that...Impressive, really.
"Zoe, dear. It's nice to see you..." Her general happy-vibe was infectious as the older brunette couldn't stop herself from breaking out her own wide, toothy-grin. "I trust that you're enjoying the kids and spending time with them....?" It sure seemed like that was the case...
"There actually is something...." She repositioned a few papers on her desk, looking for something in particular. "I'd like you to look into activities that might be entertaining and also educational for older kids...I know that most of the things we have are more suited for babies and toddlers..." They seemed to be getting more older kids now.
"Could you maybe do some research and let me know of your findings?"
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
Amazed by how comfortable she felt in her boss's presence, Zoe moved closer to Abilene's desk, almost close enough to let her toes touch the front. "Yes, I'm very much so enjoying the children. I was hoping there would be a few more, but the group we have is wonderful."
Shifted her weight from her left foot to her right, letting her fingers run together then dropping her arms to her sides. "I would love to think of some ideas for the older children." Her emerald green eyes sparkled. Zoe loved doing things with the children and had even pictured herself running activities on one of those Muggle cruise ships when she was younger. "I'll get right on that." She pulled out her quick quotes quill "Research educational activities for children ages 3 and up." As she spoke, her quill was quick at work taking notes for her.
"Will there be anything else? I do so want to please you and the Ministry. While I love my job, I hope to one day advance and, well...maybe even have your job. That is, when you are ready to move on." Zoe quickly flashed another charming smile at her boss. She hoped that her comment didn't offend Abilene, but she also wanted her to know that she was serious about her future with the Ministry.
After Caroline had dropped her children off at the daycare, she headed over to the department heads office. She was hired over the former head, and had not gotten a chance to meet him. Plus it was a good idea to go over and talk to him. Who knew if there was something important going on. And she did bake her new boss some goodies.
Hopefully he liked sweet stuff.
She walked down the corridor. Click,click. She was wearing heels, something she was going to have to get used to again. At least her old job she could wear comfy shoes, but this place smelt better then that stinky locker room. Quidditch players and Children weren't to different when it came to her line of work.
As she approached the office door of Anthony Cresswell, see stood in front of the door and knocked Knock,knock
Last edited by Govoni; 12-04-2013 at 04:53 AM.
Reason: Fixing HOTLINKING issue.
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Being at the British Ministry (and in England in general) was so much different from life in France. For one, it wasn't nearly as excessive...and the fashion sense of his fellow department heads lacked. That wasn't as important, though. Secondly, everyone was much nicer and not nearly as underhanded. All the people he'd met up until this point had welcomed him warmly and with smiles. How very different it was from indignant scoffs and disgusted upturned noses, which was the French way.
Fun...but exhausting, they were.
On this morning in particular, Anthony was sitting behind his desk, making plans. He'd meticulously reviewed all the former department head's files. From what he'd read, it seemed she'd had a lot of things in the works. Unfortunately, nothing had ever gotten off the ground. He had to wonder why that was. Had she been pigeon-holed by her coworkers? Had she not been the type to really take charge? A lot of things could've been at play, of course. Anthony just hoped not to have similar problems. He believed in a softer touch...and killing with kindness...
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door and without standing, he used his wand to invite whoever it was in. He enjoyed visitors, whatever the case. "Come in." There might have been a touch of 'sing-song'ness to his voice.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
Just as quickly as she knocked on the door, the door swung open and she heard a warm friendly voice invite her in. She was a bit surprised by the friendliness of the voice. Yeah her old boss, Mr. Jerk. Yes that was really his name or the name everyone called him. What I relief.... so far.
She stepped into the office with the biggest smile that her nervousness would allow. "Hello, I'm Healer Delgado. One of the new Healers here." Handing him the tin of the baked goods and holding out the hand to shake. She was excited to finally be here and get to work.
Last edited by SarcasticStrawberry; 11-30-2013 at 04:07 AM.
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Oh, goodness. Was that a box of cookies? Anthony leaned forward behind his desk just a bit to get a better look. Well, this was an unexpected treat! "Thank you very much, Mrs. Delgado." He wasn't usually one to partake in snacking...but those cookies looked delicious.
They looked to be chocolate, too. Yum.
Now, down to business.
"I'm actually glad you've come to see me." Opening a manila on his desk, he removed several parchments and handed them over. Upon further look, she'd see that they were updated versions of her Healer duties and her most recent task. "Before moving forward, I want to conduct a Ministry-wide health check. Mrs. Schirmer seemed to have the same idea but never followed through with it." Not that he was being nasty or accusing. Anthony had no interest in being that sort of department head. "I'd like you to work closely with Healer Donovan and Healer Carmichael to organize this."
Smiling, he paused to give the blonde a chance to absorb what he'd just said. He'd need to memo the others, too, which had been on his list of things. From files that had been kept, he could rely on the group of Healers to form a game-plan.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
While enjoying some of the cookies Healer Delgado had brought in, Anthony was continuing to review the Daycare contracts. He actually enjoyed coming in after someone else had been there for so long. All he really needed to do was improve upon Mrs. Schirmer's work...and with his meticulous eye, he felt confident in doing so.
Suddenly there was another knock. Was it someone else bringing sweets?!
Hearing a muffled voice through the door, he lifted his wand to magically open it. "Come in." The sing-song tone might have still been a thing...
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
Calista happily entered and sat down in one of the two chairs next to the desk. She sat up straight and looked her new boss in the eye. "Hello, I'm Calista your new Welcome Witch! I'm looking forward to working here very much!"
"I like a quiet life, you know me."
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Calista. Anthony remembered the name from his 'employee file' review. She was the girl they'd pulled for the Atrium position. The 'Welcome witch'.
Well, she certainly seemed perfect for the job. Her disposition was bubbly and open. She was grinning from ear to ear...Was there anything more welcoming than that? Also, she appeared appropriately excited about it. One had to love their work in order to do their best.
Anthony appreciated her.
"Hello, Calista. My name's Anthony and I hope you'll continue to show this level of enthusiasm for our visitor's sake." It was an honest response...because he wanted to leave a good impression on people who came into the Ministry, whether it be for personal or business reasons. They could leave a mark this way.
"Did you want a cookie?" They were dangerously delicious. He'd nearly finished the whole box.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
Last edited by Govoni; 12-04-2013 at 04:13 AM.
Reason: Grammar!
Calista beemed. "Of course, this is how I naturally am! I don't like to put on airs if you know what I mean! And yes, I'll take a cookie, though to be honest I try to stay away from carbs. And sugar." Calista laughed and took a cookie. She took a bite and savored the taste she couldn't place. "What kind of cookie is this?" she asked with pep while pointing to the cookie.
"I like a quiet life, you know me."
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
"One of your fellow employees brought them in to me. They're mint chocolate, I think." Carefully picking up the container, he held them up to her; the clear indication to 'take one...or three'. However many.
As to what she'd previously said, though...
"I also appreciate that." He was rather open as an individual and expected others to be as a default. A character flaw he'd yet to iron out. "I think you'll liven up the Atrium. It's a tad somber in appearances." It needed more color...but that was just one man's very honest opinion.
Finally putting the goodie!box down, Anthony reached into his top drawer and retrieved her official badge and name tag. There were changes being made and it was his personal goal to have everyone tagged and identified; to avoid confusion for others who didn't know the workers from the visitors. He carefully handed them over.
"Is everything spelled correctly?"
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
Calista carefully picked up the badge, and read clearly - Calista Florence.
"Yes! Oh I love the bronze color, it's so old fashioned and professional! Everything is fantastic. The cookies are great and I already found my desk in the atrium. Although it's not very busy, I'm hoping there will be enough people coming in for me to keep my job. I'd love to do meeting planning, reception, and any other duties I can to make the ministry more welcoming. Will people going to the courts be coming into the atrium?"
"I like a quiet life, you know me."
Bradley made his way to the department head's office. He'd yet to meet the man but figured it was probably best to introduce himself. That was always good right? The boss knowing who you were?
Brad knocked on the door and waited to be allowed in. Polite. Yes.
A silvery Jarvey patronus flies through the door in search of the Department Head. Stopping in the center of the room, the sceptral beast opens its mouth, the voice of a woman spilling forth.
"Assistance is urgently needed in the Atrium lifts. The lifts have failed, trapping several Ministry employees inside. Please send help at once."
Its message delivered, the silvery Jarvey slowly fades away to a wispy mist.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Oh, goodness. Was that a box of cookies? Anthony leaned forward behind his desk just a bit to get a better look. Well, this was an unexpected treat! "Thank you very much, Mrs. Delgado." He wasn't usually one to partake in snacking...but those cookies looked delicious.
They looked to be chocolate, too. Yum.
Now, down to business.
"I'm actually glad you've come to see me." Opening a manila on his desk, he removed several parchments and handed them over. Upon further look, she'd see that they were updated versions of her Healer duties and her most recent task. "Before moving forward, I want to conduct a Ministry-wide health check. Mrs. Schirmer seemed to have the same idea but never followed through with it." Not that he was being nasty or accusing. Anthony had no interest in being that sort of department head. "I'd like you to work closely with Healer Donovan and Healer Carmichael to organize this."
Smiling, he paused to give the blonde a chance to absorb what he'd just said. He'd need to memo the others, too, which had been on his list of things. From files that had been kept, he could rely on the group of Healers to form a game-plan.
If first impressions meant anything she nailed it today. The idea of baking cookies for her department head her first day was brilliant. She nodded and added a "You're welcome." She watched and listened attentively as he opened the folder. Her first assignment.
She nodded silently agreeing with the statement mostly about not following through. She didn't know the former head but giving the state of the department, it seem that way. "That sounds great. I'm sure we can pull it together and get it going." A health check that was great, many ideas starting flooding her mind. She could not wait to meet with the other healer, and get this Health fair planned out.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
SPOILER!!: Calista!
Originally Posted by ThestralYew128
Calista carefully picked up the badge, and read clearly - Calista Florence.
"Yes! Oh I love the bronze color, it's so old fashioned and professional! Everything is fantastic. The cookies are great and I already found my desk in the atrium. Although it's not very busy, I'm hoping there will be enough people coming in for me to keep my job. I'd love to do meeting planning, reception, and any other duties I can to make the ministry more welcoming. Willeople going to the courts be coming into the atrium?"
"I think you'll do an exceptional job, dear." Wasn't she just a doll? Anthony continued to smile at her, remaining pleased with her general attitude and enthusiasm...then he checked his watch. "Well, Ms. Florence. Seems it's time for you to get to work." He wasn't ordering her. Not at all...The tone he presented was more teasing and playful...than demanding.
Oh, and there was another knock...
SPOILER!!: Bradley!
Originally Posted by GrapehGrape
Bradley made his way to the department head's office. He'd yet to meet the man but figured it was probably best to introduce himself. That was always good right? The boss knowing who you were?
Brad knocked on the door and waited to be allowed in. Polite. Yes.
...What was his office this morning? It seemed everyone wanted to drop by for a visit! That was fine. Anthony enjoyed that sort of thing...
Would there be more treats, though? That was really the question here. Sadly, the ones Ms. Delgado had given him hadn't lasted long. Perhaps he could request more...
Either way...
"Come in, please...."
...but wait. There was a patronus. Anthony set his face into a hard line, giving the whispy creature a discerning eye. A jarvey...That's what it was. Unfortunately, he'd had an unfortunate accident with one of the creatures as a small child and the sands of time had yet to wash away that trauma. Hearing the message, though...the Department Head got to his feet at once...upon opening his door...Healer Donovan was there. Perfect. He'd needed to speak with him, anyway.
SPOILER!!: Caroline!
Originally Posted by Saraie
If first impressions meant anything she nailed it today. The idea of baking cookies for her department head her first day was brilliant. She nodded and added a "You're welcome." She watched and listened attentively as he opened the folder. Her first assignment.
She nodded silently agreeing with the statement mostly about not following through. She didn't know the former head but giving the state of the department, it seem that way. "That sounds great. I'm sure we can pull it together and get it going." A health check that was great, many ideas starting flooding her mind. She could not wait to meet with the other healer, and get this Health fair planned out.
"Caroline, if I can call you Caroline, will you walk and talk with me...Healer Donovan, you, too. Just in case anyone's hurt...?"
He wasn't waiting for answers as he strode from the room, though...
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
"I think you'll do an exceptional job, dear." Wasn't she just a doll? Anthony continued to smile at her, remaining pleased with her general attitude and enthusiasm...then he checked his watch. "Well, Ms. Florence. Seems it's time for you to get to work." He wasn't ordering her. Not at all...The tone he presented was more teasing and playful...than demanding.
Oh, and there was another knock...
...What was his office this morning? It seemed everyone wanted to drop by for a visit! That was fine. Anthony enjoyed that sort of thing...
Would there be more treats, though? That was really the question here. Sadly, the ones Ms. Delgado had given him hadn't lasted long. Perhaps he could request more...
Either way...
"Come in, please...."
...but wait. There was a patronus. Anthony set his face into a hard line, giving the whispy creature a discerning eye. A jarvey...That's what it was. Unfortunately, he'd had an unfortunate accident with one of the creatures as a small child and the sands of time had yet to wash away that trauma. Hearing the message, though...the Department Head got to his feet at once...upon opening his door...Healer Donovan was there. Perfect. He'd needed to speak with him, anyway.
"Caroline, if I can call you Caroline, will you walk and talk with me...Healer Donovan, you, too. Just in case anyone's hurt...?"
He wasn't waiting for answers as he strode from the room, though...
Bradley heard the man say to come in and he was about to do just that, when a patronus went passed him. He blinked and reached for the nob as he heard what it was saying. Oh know. That wasn't good. Then the door opened and there was the new boss man.
He was going to say something when he was being beckoned to follow. All right. He could follow. Brad seriously hope he wasn't needed for the sheer reason that it wasn't good when people got hurt...even if it was his job. "Right. Let's hope no one did though."
Whoa holy patronus. Caroline had to scoot over a bit as it flew into the office. A Javy, she once wrote an essay about them in Care of Magical Creatures. To see one this close, well a patronus form was interesting. But this news....
Uh no! That didn't sound good at all. The lifts had stopped. There could be people hurt bad. Not the she couldn't handle it. It was just.... her first day. Things like this does happen to anyone.
She shook her head coming back into reality. She nodded to Anthony. "Sure, you can call me Caroline." as she followed him out and down toward the lifts. Yeah. If it was bad it wouldn't be anything she couldn't handle. With something like this, injuries would be similar to what she did as a teams healer dealing with cuts, scrapes, and head trauma. She hoped it wasn't that serious.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Zach was sweaty and panting... 8 floors down on a stairs. He needs to get back to fitness. When he reached the atrium, he strolled across towards the Office of the Head of the Specialty Department.
He knocked on the door and waited for a response.
I see trees of green,
Red roses too.
I see 'em bloom for me and for you.
And I think to myself, What a wonderful world.