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Albert Kettleburn EraAll historical records pertaining to Ministry of Magic RPG under Minister for Magic, Albert Kettleburn [IC January 2081 - December 2086; OOC June 2013 - January 2015]
Being puked on was in her job description, maybe not literally, but it was there and she hated it. it was one thing to be puked on, it was another to be puked on by the first kid of the day. So she of course had to take the young child to the bathroom and clean her up best could could and rub the bit of vomit she had gotten on the sleeve of her shirt off before using various spells to get the stain and smell out. poor sick kid, her mother shouldn't of brought her if she was sick, or at least brought her to the healers first. She was busy cleaning off the child when she heard voices and Assumed Zoe was in to care for them, so it was shocking to say the least when she walked out and saw some parents she had never seen before with Brad. She knew Brad and knew he worked here, she was just shocked to see him in her room talking to parents.
"where's Zoe?" clearly they didnt know so she wasn't sure why she was asking, it was still early in the morning tho Zoe was never one to be late. "Brad, just the guy i was looking for." she said looking at him. "Miss Marie, seems to have an upset stomach and has already had an incident this morning, if you wouldn't mind taking a look at her." in other words, Make her better, and quick cause sick kids were no fun to play with.
There were also adults here.. Hi adults, hi " Hi there! I'm Athena Smith one of the caretakers here." she said with a brought warm smile to them. " I'm sorry i thought my co worker would of been here right now, i had an incident with this one here." she said motioning to the little girl who was hiding behind her legs. " And who are these handsome little men." she said motioning to the boys they we're holding. cute babies! yay!
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
It seemed okay...?
Raising an eyebrow, any arguments she would have brought up were holted by Ryder...being messy. Cringing happened. What in Merlin's beard made him do that? Poor guy. "Don't let it stain." she muttered, trying to move Hunter around to retrieve her wand but some worker had finally approached, distracting her. Finally! And Josh...well he was just giving out all the information! More cringing was happening.
"Maybe." she interrupted. "Maybe...stay here." Maybe.
Oh, another worker. They were just popping up like daisies now. Glancing down to the little girl behind the woman's legs, Evelyn gave a blank stare. That kid was sick? How... unfortunate. Stay away from her boys. Handsome little men. Yes. Yes they were. Brownie points for you Miss. "This...is Hunter." she held up the baby she carried just enough to point him out as the one she was talking about, before giving a nod to the baby Josh held. "And Ryder."
"As he mentioned before..." The other handsome man beside her. "We would very much like to know more about your center here before we decide on our options if...you have the time..." Away from sick kids.
My My, this one was opinionated. She kept her smile warm and welcoming as she listened to the woman. Yes of course she wanted to know all about the place before deciding to leave her children with her that was only natural and every parent insisted on it. "yes, of course, would you like to have a seat as we talk?"
She welcomed the couple to the small adult seating area on the opposite side of the check in desk. "let me just grab these here" she said grabbing some papers about the place for them to look over before motioning to the comfy white plush chairs.
Last edited by Govoni; 11-06-2013 at 07:59 AM.
Reason: Fixing your color code, love!
Information on the services. Right. Brad looked around, hoping Athena or Zoe would pop up and inform these lovely people. "Right. One of the day care workers should be around here somewhere."
And as if on queue there was Athena coming with a little girl in tow. He shrugged in reply to her question. Because obviously he was thinking the exact same thing. Ah. That explained the disappearance.
Brad walked over to the little girl and bent down so he was on her level. "Not feeling good, huh?" She shook her head. He grinned and stood up. "Come on. Let's go get something that'll make you feel all better sweetie." He offered her his hand and went to take her to the Healer's station.
"I'll be right back. I'm just going to get her a potion to make her feel better." And with that he was gone.
9 3/4 ticket holder / The SS Mentalist / Sherlock / The Master Of Everything / Josh + <3 = Ev
Oh...a woman showed up with a little girl and judging by how they interacted Josh supposed the woman was one of the people who looked after the kids here. Josh gave the little girl a warm smile. Sick? Oh...that was bad. Little girls being sick was not pleasant news. The young man hoped she would soon be fine and healthy again.
As Evelyn started to speak again, Josh focused his attention back on the adults. Hopefully it did not look Ryder was going to do anything else so he supposed he could pay his attention to the adults in the room. He nodded as Evelyn introduced the babies to the woman. And yes, as Evelyn said they would like to know more about the place. It had to be 100% percent safe if he was going to leave his sons here during all the work hours. Maybe Emily would let him see them by granting him small breaks...perhaps. he had to ask about that.
Have a seat? ''No, thank you. I am good.'' Josh told the woman kindly then he looked at Evelyn. Evelyn could sit down. He did not want her to get tired, she already had hours to work in the Mysteries department, and who knew what was going on there, ahead of her. He gave a nod to the healer person before he left and turned back to the woman, eyeing the papers in her hand. ''Do you have a special care schedule for small babies like Hunter and Ryder? You know...it confuses me a bit. They will need milk from mother, no?''
Okay...Evelyn probably did not like that but he had to ask.
Elizabeth came in carrying a baby and having a little kid who was 6 clinging to her skirts. She smiled down at him, "Lucas..." Eliza chuckled and smiled. Eliza was starting to home-school her boy after some accidents at school... She rocked the baby then smiled down at Lucas. Elizabeth gently pulled him off of her skirts and nudged him in front of her, stroking his hair. Eliza crouched down and looked at him, "You will be able to make friends here, Lucas... just be a good boy for them for me, okay?" She smiled and stroked his hair, kissing his forehead. "I love you and I will pick up you and Michael after I get done with work but I have a meeting soon and I shouldnt be late to it." She stood up and was about to go see how the place operated but Lucas pulled her down again.
Elizabeth came in carrying a baby and having a little kid who was 6 clinging to her skirts. She smiled down at him, "Lucas..." Eliza chuckled and smiled. Eliza was starting to home-school her boy after some accidents at school... She rocked the baby then smiled down at Lucas. Elizabeth gently pulled him off of her skirts and nudged him in front of her, stroking his hair. Eliza crouched down and looked at him, "You will be able to make friends here, Lucas... just be a good boy for them for me, okay?" She smiled and stroked his hair, kissing his forehead. "I love you and I will pick up you and Michael after I get done with work but I have a meeting soon and I shouldn't be late to it." She stood up and was about to go see how the place operated but Lucas pulled her down again.
Emma ran after Emily and Ella who thought it would be fun to run off. Sigh why did they do this to her! She managed to catch Emily but Ella decided she would sacrifice Emily and go on instead. Struggling with Emily she stopped and asked, "Honey would you rather go to Daddy's work daycare with the boring room and no toys... Or Princesses!!!" Emily stopped shocked. Now that one little Princess was being nice.
The yellow tutued child ran off and the mother and the blue tutu child trailed after her. Just as Emma had almost grabbed a hold of Ella. Ella ran into another child. Emma closed her eyes as the children fell onto the floor.
Emma ran after Emily and Ella who thought it would be fun to run off. Sigh why did they do this to her! She managed to catch Emily but Ella decided she would sacrifice Emily and go on instead. Struggling with Emily she stopped and asked, "Honey would you rather go to Daddy's work daycare with the boring room and no toys... Or Princesses!!!" Emily stopped shocked. Now that one little Princess was being nice.
The yellow tutued child ran off and the mother and the blue tutu child trailed after her. Just as Emma had almost grabbed a hold of Ella. Ella ran into another child. Emma closed her eyes as the children fell onto the floor.
Elizabeth smiled at the two little girls and chuckled at what their mother said, thinking she probably would have threatened the same when all of a sudden one of the little girls ran into Lucas. Her eyes widen and she glanced down at her little boy but he seemed to be giggling and standing up, trying to help the little girl up and asking if she was okay. A smile came to her face, happy that her little boy was being nice. She glanced at the little girl's mother and then at the little girl. "Are you okay?" Eliza was still rocking the little baby in her arms.
Elizabeth smiled at the two little girls and chuckled at what their mother said, thinking she probably would have threatened the same when all of a sudden one of the little girls ran into Lucas. Her eyes widen and she glanced down at her little boy but he seemed to be giggling and standing up, trying to help the little girl up and asking if she was okay. A smile came to her face, happy that her little boy was being nice. She glanced at the little girl's mother and then at the little girl. "Are you okay?" Eliza was still rocking the little baby in her arms.
Emma refrained from picking up Ella and making sure she had no boo boos as she was told yesterday she was a big girl and she could handle her self.. In lesser words of course. A smile of relief came on her face as the wonderful boy helped her daughter up. She looked down as Ella just stood there. And raised an eyebrow. She knew the look she was getting.
"Thanks!!" sending another look Ella knew she was not done, "Sorry for running into you." Emma smiled fully now that the little girl was polite. She looked at the mother and said "Sorry about that. My girls love the daycare." She let go of Emily who was squirming in her grasp. Looking as she also walked over to the little boy and Emma. She looked familiar, the lady did and her little boy did too. Where had she gone recently. No where except for Sky's wedding. Was she there? Well it had to be there unless the lady and her son had gone to Australia.
Ella and Emily both showed their dolls to the boy and said "Look Princesses!!!!" really loud.
Emma smiled a small smile... No one heard that right?
Finally it was Caroline's first day at her new job. Her last job was pretty awesome, working as the team healer for the Tutshill tornados was dream job for anyone. But she wanted to work with and help out a different group of people. Kids, She had two of them herself, Phillip and Kat.
She stepped into the daycare with her two children in hand. Phillip was 6 with brown hair and Hazel eyes, and Kat was 5 with wavy brown hair and Blue eyes. "Alright, guys this is where you're going to stay while. I'm working."
She kissed both of her children on top of the head. Before getting in line to sign them in.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
This had set him off by at least an hour. Between the non-cooperativeness of the newly 7 year old and the hassle in getting everything together and packed so she wouldn't somehow magically appear at his office, he was running late for work. Not terribly late but later than he had expected. Ashley was his saving grace. No doubt Emily would have gone on ahead without him, she had her own department to run and that was understandable.
He held firmly to Avery's small wrist and pulled, drew along, half carried lead her into the Daycare, having the much more mature nearly 9 year old dragging her feet somewhat but keeping pace.. There wasn't much in the way of options today. No school for the children and a sister that felt well enough to be at work for the first time in weeks. The children were his responsibility--no, they were the Daycare's. He had work to get to.
Gavin walked over to the desk, spotting a woman already there. "Good morning." He muttered, glancing down at his watch. "Do you know who I'd leave these two with?"
Uncle Gavin lied. He promised they could go to work with him but he was a liar. Avery had never seen his office job place before but this couldn't be it! This place was full of little kids like her and he'd already told her he didn't work with children. The seven year old puffed her cheeks, realizing resisting wouldn't work. This wasn't fair.
Yes she was upset but she wasn't going to act like Avery. No, she wasn't a baby and didn't throw temper tantrums. Their Mummy went to work and they couldn't stay home. They couldn't go with Uncle Gavin either. Okay. She glanced over at her whining sister. She wanted to flick her ear and tell her to cut it out.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Last edited by DaniDiNardo; 12-02-2013 at 11:21 PM.
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Anthony had no children...and most likely never would, but this did not keep him from stopping by the Ministry Daycare and snooping around. He'd took over and because he'd taken over, all things were under review. What practices were and weren't working in the Daycare? Did the staffing meet all Ministry expectations? Were those who dropped their children off comfortable with the...ladies? It was all ladies in this area, yes?
As he stepped into the large space, he was momentarily blinded by the white. Whiteness everywhere. The DH took a moment to consider who'd decorated this place? Where were the fun splashes of color? Where was the color, period?
Right. First order of business here: Redecorate.
Did they keep just babies? What about older kids? Just a thought...but that might've been cute. Perhaps have the kids do some finger painting on the walls...Whatever they drew, it'd be a vast improvement to what it was now. It looked too clean...And yes, that was possible.
Seeing a few parents in the area, Anthony stepped over, genuinely curious as to the process. How extensive were the forms? Did they have to have picture IDs on file? Insurance information? Family Healer information? Blood types? Yes, they had Healers on site to fix anything minor...but for any other accidents...Hmm. Perhaps he'd have a look at the forms...just to get an idea.
...And speaking of Healers...the blonde that had delivered sweets to his office was here, dropping off her children? Or was she assisting other parents? He'd never assume. Women got upset when you did that. "Does anyone need assistance?" There was a cool, calm smile in place just to seem inviting.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
Athena came in from the back room in a rush. People we're always coming into the daycare when she decided to go to the back room to check on some files in the morning. "Good Morning everyone!" she said in a sing song voice as she saw an adult and to little girls (DaniDiNardo) along with a woman (Saraie) she didnt know and a man (Govoni) asking if they needed assistance. She surely didnt need assistance, She knew very well what she was doing. Turning to the man with the two girls she gave them each a bright smile before asking the man some questions. "Is this there first time here?" was it? " will you be the one picking them up later? Are theyre any food or diet restrictions we should be aware of?" the basics really, everything else will be answered in this form here in her hands that he would need to fill out for each girl if it was indeed their first time. she did rather enjoy having older children here, it was fun to have them be here helpers and work closely with the ickle babies. most of the older children enjoyed that stuff.
she then turned to the other man in the room who she thought looked faintly familiar although she couldn't put her finger on how she recognized the man. She tilted her head slightly and offered her hand to the guy, "Athena Smith." and he was...? really she knew she saw him somewhere.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Neither girls were saying anything. He wouldn't be naive enough to believe they'd seen the place and were suddenly very excited or in no way feeling cheated somehow. Did it matter? Of course, but not right now when he was running late and couldn't actually figure what he was meant to do about them. Would someone come? He didn't want to just leave them here unattended.
Gavin looked to the man as he entered, that was....Cresswell. He didn't know the man personally but he'd tried to at least be able to place a name to a face when it came to the other Department Heads. Never know when it'd be necessary. "Yes. I do." He said half raising his hand. But before he could actually voice his need another woman appeared. She seemed to be the one in charge of the Daycare, or perhaps only the checking in?
"Um, yes, their first time. I suppose I'll be picking them up around 5...." End of the work day and all.....mind you he might be late. "Nothing restrictive in the way of food, they have snacks and such packed away in Ashley's bag." Gavin went on, placing a hand on the older of the two little girl's head as a means of indicating whom he was referring to.
"How does this work exactly?" Because this wouldn't be the last either.
Avery leaned into her uncle's leg, still trying to persuade him to take her with him but then other people began showing up. This was really happening. He was leaving her here. She would cry if she had to.
Ashley was going to pretend her sister wasn't still silently begging. The 8 year old put on a smile for the grownups that had joined them and took a quick glance around. She inclined her head to the man. He asked if they need help. She did. "Do you have any dolls here." Preferably the kind with heads that came off.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Victoria entered the daycare it was time to stop by here now wasn't it. She had to figure out what the twins were doing once she came back to work. She knew Charely was saving up vacation time so he could stay home with them as well, but at some point they would have to be placed some where. She knew her parents said they would, but she didn't feel right making them watch twins. One maybe, but twins merlin she wasn't sure she could handle twins.
She looked around as she entered and left her hand rest on her over sized swollen belly. She might have been 34 weeks pregnant, but to look at her one might think she was ready to pop any moment. It seemed to be a friendly and clean atmosphere from what she could see, but maybe she needed a tour or something. Was there someone that could possible help her? She gave a smile to everyone around, which ones were workers and which just ministry dropping off or maybe even picking up.
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Anthony had to admit that his employees were sassy ones. This Athena Smith woman...was amusing. He wasn't too surprised she didn't recognized him, though. He'd purposely kept a low profile during the orientation gala...Mainly due to just feeling out the atmosphere and watching the employees as a whole. After all the observation...Anjou was convinced he'd enjoy his time in England.
"My name is Anthony Cresswell...and I'm the new Department Head." It was stated casually and without ego, because he really didn't believe in egos. In fact, he closed the distance between their hands and firmly grasped hers. This Athena Smith was a pretty little thing, too. That blonde hair was amazing. "You are a thorough woman." Compliments. He didn't mind paying them.
...And look! A fellow Head Man in charge. He looked painfully lost and Anthony could only smirk. Miss Athena could help that poor man out...and he'd tackle this other blonde that had just entered the room. Notably, she also appeared very sassy. He enjoyed the sassiness.
"Excuse me, love. Can I help you?"
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Victoria had looked up just in time to see.. was that Gavin. She neared him, "Gavin, I would never have expected you here." Giving a warm smile she looked to see who was with him. Could these be the nieces he was always willing to talk about. They got smiles as well. "Have you been here before?" Maybe he could tell her if he trusted the place or not.
Before he could she heard the other man in the room speak and she glanced up. Brown eyes falling on the handsome gentleman. My she wasn't use to men working daycare. Not they couldn't, just not use to it, but it had been years since Bart was little and she really didn't use the daycare much since she was home most of the time. "Well I hope so. As you can probably tell I'll be needing a place for my twins soon." Hopefully not to soon though..
"I was hoping to get a look around, hear about everything the daycare has to offer, safety, ratings, anything that you could give me to help me decide if this would be a good fit for my girls." Her girls were going to be first priority soon. She just wished she would have remembered to tell Charely what time to come so he could check it out as well, but she assumed he could come whenever he wanted since he worked here as well.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Victoria had looked up just in time to see.. was that Gavin. She neared him, "Gavin, I would never have expected you here." Giving a warm smile she looked to see who was with him. Could these be the nieces he was always willing to talk about. They got smiles as well. "Have you been here before?" Maybe he could tell her if he trusted the place or not.
Was he even close to getting out of this place? Something told him there'd be more paperwork. Right, because he didn't have enough of that up in his office. Gavin glanced down at his nieces, casually nicking Ashley's ear when she asked about dolls. Just a reminder she was meant to behave. He didn't want to walk back here at the end of the day to find a complaining Daycare Lady and a bunch of dolls rearranged.
Looking up again he spotted Victoria. He'd almost forgotten but the woman would be needing care for the twins. Even after all this time that word still sounded like torture. "I never thought I'd find me here either but Ari's good enough to get back to work and they've gone on break for the summer so...here I am." And a nod in the direction of the reception table. Any minute now he'd be able to leave. "This is the first time. Seeing how well it works out." Poor choice of words. It gave the girls hope that if they messed this up they wouldn't be brought back when in actuality, they had no choice. "How've you been doing?"
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Hit Wiz love | 1/2 of Bensky | Louisa's baby claw. <3 | kewe
There was a lot of noise as Benjy came up to the entrance of the daycare. Lupin had been having a fit that he wasn't going to be allowed to stay with Benjy all day, so Benjy had thrown his nephew into a fireman carry in order to get the 6 year old to actually come to the daycare.
Walking into the daycare, Benjy didn't even look to see if he knew anyone else there. He was exhausted already from having to wrestle Lupin into decent clothing. So he stepped up towards someone who looked like they could be an employee in the hopes of getting Lupin signed in.
Emma refrained from picking up Ella and making sure she had no boo boos as she was told yesterday she was a big girl and she could handle her self.. In lesser words of course. A smile of relief came on her face as the wonderful boy helped her daughter up. She looked down as Ella just stood there. And raised an eyebrow. She knew the look she was getting.
"Thanks!!" sending another look Ella knew she was not done, "Sorry for running into you." Emma smiled fully now that the little girl was polite. She looked at the mother and said "Sorry about that. My girls love the daycare." She let go of Emily who was squirming in her grasp. Looking as she also walked over to the little boy and Emma. She looked familiar, the lady did and her little boy did too. Where had she gone recently. No where except for Sky's wedding. Was she there? Well it had to be there unless the lady and her son had gone to Australia.
Ella and Emily both showed their dolls to the boy and said "Look Princesses!!!!" really loud.
Emma smiled a small smile... No one heard that right?
Originally Posted by magikewe
There was a lot of noise as Benjy came up to the entrance of the daycare. Lupin had been having a fit that he wasn't going to be allowed to stay with Benjy all day, so Benjy had thrown his nephew into a fireman carry in order to get the 6 year old to actually come to the daycare.
Walking into the daycare, Benjy didn't even look to see if he knew anyone else there. He was exhausted already from having to wrestle Lupin into decent clothing. So he stepped up towards someone who looked like they could be an employee in the hopes of getting Lupin signed in.
Elizabeth smiled as her son replied to the little girl then looked up at the little girl's mom. She chuckled and gave a warm smile, "No need to apologize. Little kids will be little kids." Eliza gave a slight nod then smiled down at the baby in her arms, rocking him a little. Elizabeth giggled as the girls said something about princesses or something. "Your girls are adorable." She smiled and then someone who havent came to visit her lately *cough*Benjy*cough* came in and before she could even greet him, Lucas ran over to him and screamed 'Uncle Benjy' and hugged his leg. Eliza giggled, "Long time no see, stranger." She went over and hugged Benjy and gave him a kiss on the cheek as well as kissed Lupin's head. She rocked Michael in her arms. "Have you been avoiding me, Mister?" Eliza started to straighten his hair and clothes like an older sister would do. "I had missed you, baby bro." She gave a small smirk since she knew he hated that nicknamed. "You look like you need coffee so how about we get a cup of coffee before heading up to our different levels? It will give us time to catch up."
"Um, yes, their first time. I suppose I'll be picking them up around 5...." End of the work day and all.....mind you he might be late. "Nothing restrictive in the way of food, they have snacks and such packed away in Ashley's bag." Gavin went on, placing a hand on the older of the two little girl's head as a means of indicating whom he was referring to.
"How does this work exactly?" Because this wouldn't be the last either.]
" first time here, exciting! Well i just have some forms for you to sign, Standard stuff really. if you could fill out one for each girl so that we may have all the information on them as possible in case of emergencies and so on." it was critical to have as much information on file about every child present because you never know when they just might need to call a grandmother and search for their favorite comfort toy. " well easy, once these forms here are filled out its a simple check in at the front of the Atrium and just bringing you child or children here. If in a case where anyone but yourself would be picking them up on a certain day we just ask that you given us a written form of permission for the child to be picked up by another person that is not say, yourself." simple process simple.was he getting this?
Originally Posted by Govoni
Anthony had to admit that his employees were sassy ones. This Athena Smith woman...was amusing. He wasn't too surprised she didn't recognized him, though. He'd purposely kept a low profile during the orientation gala...Mainly due to just feeling out the atmosphere and watching the employees as a whole. After all the observation...Anjou was convinced he'd enjoy his time in England.
"My name is Anthony Cresswell...and I'm the new Department Head." It was stated casually and without ego, because he really didn't believe in egos. In fact, he closed the distance between their hands and firmly grasped hers. This Athena Smith was a pretty little thing, too. That blonde hair was amazing. "You are a thorough woman." Compliments. He didn't mind paying them.
Department head................
She just made a fool of herself in front of her new department head.
Get it together Athena. " oh, gosh, forgive me, im so sorry." she said giving his hand a firm shake. The department head was in her daycare and here she was asking him who he was and what he wanted and she felt like an idiot. though there were compliments thrown her way, she liked those. made her feel more confident in her work. " thank you sir." she said smiling after her inner panic attack subsided. She was through, wasn't she?
Hit Wiz love | 1/2 of Bensky | Louisa's baby claw. <3 | kewe
Originally Posted by Unalii
SPOILER!!: Emma and Benjy
Elizabeth smiled as her son replied to the little girl then looked up at the little girl's mom. She chuckled and gave a warm smile, "No need to apologize. Little kids will be little kids." Eliza gave a slight nod then smiled down at the baby in her arms, rocking him a little. Elizabeth giggled as the girls said something about princesses or something. "Your girls are adorable." She smiled and then someone who havent came to visit her lately *cough*Benjy*cough* came in and before she could even greet him, Lucas ran over to him and screamed 'Uncle Benjy' and hugged his leg. Eliza giggled, "Long time no see, stranger." She went over and hugged Benjy and gave him a kiss on the cheek as well as kissed Lupin's head. She rocked Michael in her arms. "Have you been avoiding me, Mister?" Eliza started to straighten his hair and clothes like an older sister would do. "I had missed you, baby bro." She gave a small smirk since she knew he hated that nicknamed. "You look like you need coffee so how about we get a cup of coffee before heading up to our different levels? It will give us time to catch up."
Benjy nearly jumped out of his skin when something grabbed his leg and yelled. Looking down, the redhead sighed. Then he saw Eliza. "Hey... no I haven't been avoiding anyone... or at least not on purpose..." He said with a sigh before giving her a look. "I will though if you keep calling me that..."He hissed at her before shrugging about the coffee. He was busy and would probably feel better once Lupin had been dropped off. How long was this gonna take? He had work to get too... Looking around though, Benjy only saw two workers and lots of parents. They needed a more efficient process... "Does it always take a while?" He asked Eliza out of the corner of his mouth, struggling to keep Lupin from squirming off his shoulder in an attempt to get to Lucas.
There was a lot of noise as Benjy came up to the entrance of the daycare. Lupin had been having a fit that he wasn't going to be allowed to stay with Benjy all day, so Benjy had thrown his nephew into a fireman carry in order to get the 6 year old to actually come to the daycare.
Walking into the daycare, Benjy didn't even look to see if he knew anyone else there. He was exhausted already from having to wrestle Lupin into decent clothing. So he stepped up towards someone who looked like they could be an employee in the hopes of getting Lupin signed in.
Originally Posted by Unalii
SPOILER!!: Emma and Benjy
Elizabeth smiled as her son replied to the little girl then looked up at the little girl's mom. She chuckled and gave a warm smile, "No need to apologize. Little kids will be little kids." Eliza gave a slight nod then smiled down at the baby in her arms, rocking him a little. Elizabeth giggled as the girls said something about princesses or something. "Your girls are adorable." She smiled and then someone who havent came to visit her lately *cough*Benjy*cough* came in and before she could even greet him, Lucas ran over to him and screamed 'Uncle Benjy' and hugged his leg. Eliza giggled, "Long time no see, stranger." She went over and hugged Benjy and gave him a kiss on the cheek as well as kissed Lupin's head. She rocked Michael in her arms. "Have you been avoiding me, Mister?" Eliza started to straighten his hair and clothes like an older sister would do. "I had missed you, baby bro." She gave a small smirk since she knew he hated that nicknamed. "You look like you need coffee so how about we get a cup of coffee before heading up to our different levels? It will give us time to catch up."
Originally Posted by magikewe
Benjy nearly jumped out of his skin when something grabbed his leg and yelled. Looking down, the redhead sighed. Then he saw Eliza. "Hey... no I haven't been avoiding anyone... or at least not on purpose..." He said with a sigh before giving her a look. "I will though if you keep calling me that..."He hissed at her before shrugging about the coffee. He was busy and would probably feel better once Lupin had been dropped off. How long was this gonna take? He had work to get too... Looking around though, Benjy only saw two workers and lots of parents. They needed a more efficient process... "Does it always take a while?" He asked Eliza out of the corner of his mouth, struggling to keep Lupin from squirming off his shoulder in an attempt to get to Lucas.
Emma smiled thank goodness. She looked down at the little baby she remembered when they were cute and adorable and wonderful and now look what they had become brats and princesses at least they weren't spoiled she had managed to keep there grandmother from doing that to them. "Why thank you. They are most of the time at bed time its killer but I'm sure you know that." She said adding a laugh after. Ah who was that. "Is that your husband?" Oh and then she heard Uncle Benjy...Blink.... Pretend you didn't ask.
She looked over at the man who seemed to come with a child that was throwing a fit...Oh no. She looked over at her own children good both were behaving unlike that one over there. Poor guy though he look exhausted.
Emma stared at the man, dang he looked familiar. Her daughters had now walked over to her at least one of them had the other was walking over towards the random stranger. Sigh thankfully they were at the daycare otherwise she would have gone momzilla no strangers near her babies... But since they were here she'd let her go for now... Ella smiled up at the man a big grin! "You two are so cute... In a brother sister kind of way.... Your brother and sister correct?" Otherwise she really needed to work on her skills.
The blonde then stared at him until she realized who he was, "Your um Be- Sky's husband. I believe we also work on the same floor." And again hopefully this man was really Sky's husband, Benny?? Otherwise she would be leaving right now! "It all depends on how many children are in at the time."
Benjy nearly jumped out of his skin when something grabbed his leg and yelled. Looking down, the redhead sighed. Then he saw Eliza. "Hey... no I haven't been avoiding anyone... or at least not on purpose..." He said with a sigh before giving her a look. "I will though if you keep calling me that..."He hissed at her before shrugging about the coffee. He was busy and would probably feel better once Lupin had been dropped off. How long was this gonna take? He had work to get too... Looking around though, Benjy only saw two workers and lots of parents. They needed a more efficient process... "Does it always take a while?" He asked Eliza out of the corner of his mouth, struggling to keep Lupin from squirming off his shoulder in an attempt to get to Lucas.
Originally Posted by Sour_GobsToppers
SPOILER!!: Benjy and Elisa
Emma smiled thank goodness. She looked down at the little baby she remembered when they were cute and adorable and wonderful and now look what they had become brats and princesses at least they weren't spoiled she had managed to keep there grandmother from doing that to them. "Why thank you. They are most of the time at bed time its killer but I'm sure you know that." She said adding a laugh after. Ah who was that. "Is that your husband?" Oh and then she heard Uncle Benjy...Blink.... Pretend you didn't ask.
She looked over at the man who seemed to come with a child that was throwing a fit...Oh no. She looked over at her own children good both were behaving unlike that one over there. Poor guy though he look exhausted.
Emma stared at the man, dang he looked familiar. Her daughters had now walked over to her at least one of them had the other was walking over towards the random stranger. Sigh thankfully they were at the daycare otherwise she would have gone momzilla no strangers near her babies... But since they were here she'd let her go for now... Ella smiled up at the man a big grin! "You two are so cute... In a brother sister kind of way.... Your brother and sister correct?" Otherwise she really needed to work on her skills.
The blonde then stared at him until she realized who he was, "Your um Be- Sky's husband. I believe we also work on the same floor." And again hopefully this man was really Sky's husband, Benny?? Otherwise she would be leaving right now! "It all depends on how many children are in at the time."
"You better not have been or I will tell your wife." She smirked and giggled. Eliza did a pout at his hiss and tapped his nose, "Come on, Bro, no hissing at me. You know you love me." Elizabeth laughed and rocked Michael. "You cant stay mad at me... can ya?" Elizabeth shrugged, "No clue... I usually had Jack or Vic to drop the kids off... Vic in a muggle one, of course... but that doesnt seem like a good idea... anymore at least for someone." She eyed Lucas then sighed. "Im afraid that he would say something, ya know? He cant keep a secret." Eliza fixed Benjy's hair some more then laughed at what Emma said. "Oh do i ever... Lucas hates bedtime..." She shook her head and tried not to giggle, "Nope, he isnt but Sky is lucky to have him as one." Eliza laughed and beamed, "Thanks? We are kinda brother and sister? I guess...?" She looked over at Benjy, "He is a really close friend and we act like brother and sister... I see him as a brother... I am so proud of him..." She giggled and gestured to Lucas still tugging on Bejy's pants and calling him uncle, trying to get his attention. "And my kids call him uncle."
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Originally Posted by JennMarie
" first time here, exciting! Well i just have some forms for you to sign, Standard stuff really. if you could fill out one for each girl so that we may have all the information on them as possible in case of emergencies and so on." it was critical to have as much information on file about every child present because you never know when they just might need to call a grandmother and search for their favorite comfort toy. " well easy, once these forms here are filled out its a simple check in at the front of the Atrium and just bringing you child or children here. If in a case where anyone but yourself would be picking them up on a certain day we just ask that you given us a written form of permission for the child to be picked up by another person that is not say, yourself." simple process simple.was he getting this?
He was going to have to go through papers and sign things? Gavin glanced down at his watch for what might have been the millionth time since he got in here. Now he was running late and it was a long walk up to his Level. To say he'd take the lifts would have been absurd. Not with the way they'd been shutting down on people since recently. "Alright..." He agreed, trying not to seem as reluctant as he actually was. As for giving written permission for someone else to pick them up, he couldn't see that happening. Ari wouldn't be stopping by the Ministry and he was perfectly capable of grabbing them in the evenings...even if he was a bit late. "How late do you run?" He needed to know if he'd have to leave his office to collect them then head back up.
Avery didn't let go of her Uncle's leg but she made sure to keep quiet after seeing him flick Ashley behind the ear. Silent protests worked better anyway and as a last resort, just clinging to his leg until she was back out that door.
"Ow." Ashley muttered, cupping her hand to her ear. "Wasn't gonna do anything." How could she when it didn't even seem like anyone was gonna answer her questions. A yes or no would have been great. Her eyes glided over to her sisters. If they kept this up, they weren't staying.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.