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Albert Kettleburn EraAll historical records pertaining to Ministry of Magic RPG under Minister for Magic, Albert Kettleburn [IC January 2081 - December 2086; OOC June 2013 - January 2015]
Liz's Bestie ● Helvetica ● ● Jigglypuff ● Jeff Vader
His head lifted a little at the sound of his name and he nodded even though they couldn't see him. He reached for his wand as Tasha suggested the cushion charm. He was unsure that impedimenta may work as well as stupefy, so he took a deep breath as Tasha nearly burst his eardrum. "Stupefy!" he aimed at the carpet beneath him, but when they hit the wall head first, his wand flew out of his hand and he passed out as he slipped off the carpet. At least he'd tried.
Yesterday is not ours to recover But tomorrow is ours to win or lose.
His eyes searched the darkness as Tasha called back. He immediately set a cushioning charm onto the floor. His eyes flicked up again when he heard Tasha scream. Running through towards the sound and the crash that happened almost immediately after, Gavin felt something hit him in the face when he tripped over something in the darkness. "Charles, Tasha??? You alright?"
It hit the barrier at full speed but before it could recover the carpet felt the spell hit it. The carpet hung vertical for a few moments before floating to the floor.
His head lifted a little at the sound of his name and he nodded even though they couldn't see him. He reached for his wand as Tasha suggested the cushion charm. He was unsure that impedimenta may work as well as stupefy, so he took a deep breath as Tasha nearly burst his eardrum. "Stupefy!" he aimed at the carpet beneath him, but when they hit the wall head first, his wand flew out of his hand and he passed out as he slipped off the carpet. At least he'd tried.
Originally Posted by Silver Ninja
His eyes searched the darkness as Tasha called back. He immediately set a cushioning charm onto the floor. His eyes flicked up again when he heard Tasha scream. Running through towards the sound and the crash that happened almost immediately after, Gavin felt something hit him in the face when he tripped over something in the darkness. "Charles, Tasha??? You alright?"
Originally Posted by The Instigator
It hit the barrier at full speed but before it could recover the carpet felt the spell hit it. The carpet hung vertical for a few moments before floating to the floor.
Originally Posted by RachieRu
Oh wow. Everything was pitch blank. "Erm...." How on earth had that happened. "Everyone stay calm...." She murmured, shaking her haead, though nobody could actually see it. Izzy kind of figured that he "stay calm" wasn't really going to work seeing as it was very black, and there was a rogue flying carpet around. This had to be instant darkness powder or something. She would be having words with whoever had brought it in. Or dropped it at least. It was not the best thing to do really. It wasn't top of her priorities right now though. Because there was still a rogue flying carpet around.
Or there was before it went crashing into the wall. "Erm...." Oh dear. Oh dear. "Tash...you not dead?" She called out. Because you know. She still couldn't really see.
Before they crashed into the wall she didn't see but she heard Charles yell out a spell. Praying that it hit the carpet Tasha closed her eyes just before her head collided with the wall. She slipped off the carpet and felt how she landed on something soft. Raising her hand to her head she felt how excruciating pain surged through her head and body "Oouwwwwwwwwwwwie!" she yelped out. Trying to move off what she sat on Tasha stammered out as she heard her sisters worried voice. "Izzy...I um think charles has passed....out..I landed on him. I'm bleeeeeeding from somewhere and my head feeeeeels funny."
Trying to see her sister in the darkness didn't work. "Get Dorian...." she mumbled out before she too blacked out.
Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean
Well that had ended well. Isobel sighed, shaking her blonde head again. She still really could not see a thing. "Stay Calm Tash...." She murmured, before her sister's voice went quiet. Did that mean that she had blacked out too? Because that really would be no good at all. Izzy was not moving from her spot though. Not when it was still really dark. She didn't want to end up falling over, because that would just not be very good at all. They didn't need 3 casualties instead of just the two. She really hoped that Charles wasn't that hurt. Because it would be not be good at all.
"Gavin..." She called out, needing to know if he was okay too. "You okay?" Because well she certainly hoped so. "We really can't do anything until the darkness clears..." Because they couldn't see obviously.
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
Hearing Tasha cry out Gavin winced picking up the wand that had hit him. "I'm alright" he called back. "Accio Carpet!" Someone had to get the blasted thing before it took off again! "I'm going to try and get to them..." he muttered getting to his feet.
Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean
"Good thinking..." Izzy called out, though she had no idea if she was actually looking at the right place. Things were getting a little clearer now though. Thank goodness that whatever was causing the darkness was fading. It was getting more light now. "Thank goodness..." The department head sighed, as the darkness powder finally subsided and they could all see again. It would be much easier for them to actually see what they were doing. "That makes things easier..." murmured, finally stepping forward to look at the damage.
Okaay. Two unconscious people. "I think..." She murmured, walking over to the pair, and staring at her sister, then at Charles. "They may need to go to St. Mungos..."
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
He found something under his foot and stepped back almost immediately grateful as the darkness was fading out. When it finally cleared he winced when he looked down. "Sorry Charles..." he muttered when he saw it was his hand he'd stepped on. "Yep I think so too." he said in response to Izzy.
Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean
Things were not looking good. Did this count as happening in her department? They were in the corridor of course. Not actually in level 9. She may fill an incident form anyway. People had got injured of course. She sighed, running her fingers through her hair. She had a lot of things to do, but now would have to accompany her sister to St. Mungos. That was going be great. She would be nice and behind now. "Just to be sure..." She mused with a nod. She didn't want them having brain injuries or something. Actually, now she thought about it. Apparating was going to be an interesting thing.
"Ever apparated with a unconscious body before?" She murmured, frowning a little. This was going to be difficult.
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
Two unconscious people, one the same size as he was ...oh yeah this was going to be fun. "Can't say I have but somehow we got to get them to Mungos. Might be easier with them unconscious rather than awake." Merlin! At least he could apparate! "Are there charms down here preventing apparition?" Or were they going to have to prance through the ministry levitating them?
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
Was Evelyn out-of-her-mind?! She seriously thought that cause an invention was banned it was AWESOME?! Shaking her head, she stared after at the carpet.
"That .... rug .... is NOT awesome. It's a death trap and wherever it came from, well, it ..."
"Relaaaaaax. I was joking." No, she wasn't.
But Alex got all defensive and weird and stuff. Goodness.
Originally Posted by Meizzner
Demetrius was on his way from an errand. Though he could not remember what it was he had in his hand. It was something in a box. He knew it was not dangerous, whatever it was. It was probably a prank he was saving for a proper time.
He stopped in the middle of the corridor. He suddenly had an desire for something to eat from across the street and did not really feel like going to work just now.
He turned around and hit directly into Evelyn.The box opened and both of them got covered in darkness. Well now he knew what was in the box . Instant Darkness Powder. Well that is a surprise both the powder and Evelyn. He has not had a informal talk with her since he puked on her shoes at that time. Demetrius tries to forget about that. But it all came rushing back and this powder might make it worse.
The last thing she heard before she was stumbled into was something about an impediment jinx, in which peaked her interest in staying just a little longer. She was seriously regretting that decision now. "What the..." Her words were halted when being suddenly enveloped in darkeness.
Regretting coming to work now.
Originally Posted by RachieRu + more for Meizzner at the bottom
"Good thinking..." Izzy called out, though she had no idea if she was actually looking at the right place. Things were getting a little clearer now though. Thank goodness that whatever was causing the darkness was fading. It was getting more light now. "Thank goodness..." The department head sighed, as the darkness powder finally subsided and they could all see again. It would be much easier for them to actually see what they were doing. "That makes things easier..." murmured, finally stepping forward to look at the damage.
Okaay. Two unconscious people. "I think..." She murmured, walking over to the pair, and staring at her sister, then at Charles. "They may need to go to St. Mungos..."
Muttering to herself, she took out her wand to at least give them some light, however, someone else already beat her to trying. Didn't work. Either that or they were incapable of a simple lumos, but that was highly unlikely. Evelyn, instead, found the wall and leaned against it while waiting out the darkness, trying to figure out what was going on by ear.
Until the darkness started clearing up.
Demetrius. Evelyn's eyes started to slowly narrow. "Way to go, you git." She muttered, scowling at him before turning her gaze to the two unconscious people. Composing herself, she quietly cleared her throat, swishing her hair back. Ahem. "Might I suggest, Mrs. Ferguson..." Isobel. "...getting to higher ground before apparating? If there is uncertainty..."
Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean
Ahh. Isobel had overlooked that face. "No...you can't apparate down here" It was one of the charms that she had put in place when she had began working down here. There were many many charms down here now. Isobel was a little paranoid when it came to security, but that was what you got from an ex-auror. "Too many charms...." She murmured with a shrug. Didn't matter. Only needed up to go up one floor or so to get them to St. Mungos." That wouldn't take too much fuss. The lift was at the end of the corridor after all.
She turned around as Evelyn talked to her. She nodded, smiling at her younger employee. "Very good point." She murmured with a nod, before glancing back at their casualties. "I say we levitate them up to the atrium and apparate from there."
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
Nodding as Izzy spoke, he knew what she meant he'd just not known if those charms were still in place this many years after he'd left level 9. Looking toward the other woman who spoke he nodded "I think that's a good idea regardless. To the atrium then." Lowering himself to the floor beside Tasha and Charles "Somehow first we need to try to get her off him without injuring either of them more."
His hand was still firmly holding onto the carpet to make sure it didn't get away. Maybe one of those from transportation could take it so they could handle the injured?
And All he did was bump into somebody with Instant Darkness Powder. Who knew it would escalate to whatever was happening now.Demetrius was hearing more people through the darkness. Hmm.. seemed like like his boss was there with a three other people Demetrius did not know. Though it seemed like two are unconscious from something. It was just getting more interesting by the second.
Well at least there was a little light for the two unconscious people. While thinking of a solution he heard Evelyn said something. He did not think it was said to him directly. But of course she would say that. "Well thanks for bumping into me Evelyn." Demetrius whispered back sarcastically. He made the box disappear before the darkness started to let up.
Then a solution hit him. Demetrius did an complex wand motion and all the darkness started filtering into the tip of his wand. Working with the dark and the dead had its benefits. "Now we have more than enough light. Who needs help"
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Time to investigate the mysterious Department of Mysteries.
William tightened his grip on his wand as he and João walked out of the lifts. He was struck by how much darker this floor seemed than the others he had been on. And much quieter, too. Was that because this was a small department? Or was it so silent because of the mystery?
Just what WAS the Department of Mysteries hiding?
"Have you ever been down here before?" he asked his companion as they started down the corridor. Blimey, did this hallway have enough nooks and crannies or what? "I'm not sure where the reception desk is......." He had never been down here.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind