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Albert Kettleburn EraAll historical records pertaining to Ministry of Magic RPG under Minister for Magic, Albert Kettleburn [IC January 2081 - December 2086; OOC June 2013 - January 2015]
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
The event at Exmoor Stadium was supposedly a big deal and even though Alex had played the sport in Hogwarts, she hadn't really followed much of the professional league since leaving school. But of course the fact that she'd been on a different continent for much of the time since leaving didn't really help in keeping tabs on the European league.
Nonetheless she wanted to show support for Mariel's department, because she did like the woman on the few times she ran into her. And she wanted to talk to her brother-in-law. About the situation at Hogwarts. About her sister.
"Addison!" Alex exclaimed, catching sight of him, early on after picking up one of the welcome gift bags and slipping it into her tote. She would fill out one of the raffle tickets later. First things first. "And there's my handsome nephew! My how big he's getting!" she cooed at Septimus, holding out her hands towards him. "You look just like your daddy, but there's definitely a Hadley look about you. Must be the eyes." It was always the eyes.
Addison took a few moment to fill out a raffle as he was asked. Septimus carefully balanced on his hip after a couple of tries getting the right place. The boy didn't seem to mind as he was distracted by everything else. Hearing his name he turned his head, smiling and turning his whole body as well as charge as he identified his sister-in-law.
"Well look, Septimus. If it isn't Auntie Alex..." he mused to the boy though he had expected her after all. It wasn't exactly a random meeting. "It's nice to see I can still get first billing occasionally," the cursebreaker teased as he passed his son to his aunt. You know, like how the kids often stole all attention in conversation from the parents. Not that Addison minded. The boy was handsome and he had his proud papa moments.
"Must be..." he echoed. He certainly saw his lovely wife in their son.
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline
Addison took a few moment to fill out a raffle as he was asked. Septimus carefully balanced on his hip after a couple of tries getting the right place. The boy didn't seem to mind as he was distracted by everything else. Hearing his name he turned his head, smiling and turning his whole body as well as charge as he identified his sister-in-law.
"Well look, Septimus. If it isn't Auntie Alex..." he mused to the boy though he had expected her after all. It wasn't exactly a random meeting. "It's nice to see I can still get first billing occasionally," the cursebreaker teased as he passed his son to his aunt. You know, like how the kids often stole all attention in conversation from the parents. Not that Addison minded. The boy was handsome and he had his proud papa moments.
"Must be..." he echoed. He certainly saw his lovely wife in their son.
Alex didn't bother fighting back the smile as he made the introductions to his son before casually teasing her. "Well you know, shrink yourself to toddler size, and give yourself pinch-worthy cheeks, and I reckon you could always get the first billing." Alex half-joked, shaking her head. "Besides, I reckon my sister gives you the first billing still, doesn't she?" she asked, as she kissed her nephew, hugging him close. "How is she, by the way?" Not like it was secret as to why she wanted to meet up with him here.
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
Alex didn't bother fighting back the smile as he made the introductions to his son before casually teasing her. "Well you know, shrink yourself to toddler size, and give yourself pinch-worthy cheeks, and I reckon you could always get the first billing." Alex half-joked, shaking her head. "Besides, I reckon my sister gives you the first billing still, doesn't she?" she asked, as she kissed her nephew, hugging him close. "How is she, by the way?" Not like it was secret as to why she wanted to meet up with him here.
Addison found himself chuckling at the suggestion given to him. Yes, he supposed that would work. In some cases. "As long as I don't walk into work that way lest I be mistaken as a awkwardly handsome goblin." Now that would be a scene. "Uh huh..." he absently confirmed before frowning slightly at her question. The man only recovering the expression when he registered the boy glancing his way. He certainly didn't want his little man upset.
"I don't really know," the cursebreaker answered. "The last I really heard from her was when she left to return to school after holiday break." That had been at least a month or two ago and not an owl or even a floo call.
He was drawn away from Kate's smile as Sting the Wasp came over! Okay. Winston may be twenty-five, but his eyes lit up like a child's. He wasn't lying when he said he was a fan. Fanatic is more like it.
Winston laughed as he wiggled his behind back at the mascot. Yep. Day well spent.
Originally Posted by Bumblebee
Kate had a giggle fit, watching Winston shaking his bum at the mascot. It was adorable and funny all at the same time.
Buuuuuzzz Sting LOVED this one! He was great. He even wiggled his bum too! A bum wiggler AND a wasp fan. This was his kind of crowd. YUP. Sting was super happy right here thank you very much. The mascot tiled his head side-to-side, making his little waspy antennas bounce around with him. So very much fun!
He also noticed the giggling lady. We see you Mrs. Giggling lady! And a stinger wiggle isn't all this wasp does! He blows KISSES too! And one is going right towards her, giggling and all.
The wasp gave the boy a little happy pat on the head. Kaia, OF COURSE he knew her she was his favorite on the team. Yep, yep! Mr. Sting buzzed happily and added a few enthusiastic head nods and extended hands. Kaia was AWESOME and a great beater too!
Corbin did not like the pat on his head.
He let the mascot off with nothing more than a little head shake, though, because it was STING, and you know... Sting was Sting! The seven year old peered up at the big wasp as he began to nod and his grin widened. The buzzing noise got him, and he buzzed back.
Before picking up the bobble head again. These were free, right?
Originally Posted by Star-Lord
Tyler just tilted his head at his smallish nephew. Well, not like blood related but still really close enough. Part of his nature? Nathan must've had a really strange one then. Maybe he got it from his mother. Great.
"As if I'd actually let you be stuck with Sofa all day! You already deal with her at home so why on an exciting day???? Best mates don't do that!" Nope. Especially not with annoying girls who made you dress up in princess costumes because she was bored. N O P E.
Nathan nodded and listened to Corb. Lost Aunt Glitter and Sofa at the food place. Uncle Adam's doing some broom thing. And something about an INVISIBLE BROOM?! THEY DEFINITELY NEEDED TO TRY IT. "Let's go then! I'm sure dad and these mascots won't mind us leaving," Cue grin.
Blinking up at Tyler, Corbin looked at his uncle until Nathan began to speak again. Eyes focusing on the blonde, his innocent smile was replaced by a smirk and he raised a hand to fist-bump the slightly-older-but-not-by-much kid. "Knew I picked you as a best mate for a reason." And that reason was FUN and rescuing and not the fact that they'd known each other since practically birth. Definitely not. Shaking his overgrown hair out of his eyes, Corbin let his eyes wander towards the broom area.
"You wont?" His eyes darted back to his uncle, but he was ignoring the mascots now. Mascots were NOTHING compared to invisible brooms.
⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽
SPOILER!!: Langen, Victoria, Robert, Aron, mention of Emily at the end
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
He did flatter her, and he was feeling rather smug about it. Of course hosting the World Cup would mean busy times for his department, which could either be a good thing or a bad thing, but usually also meant overtime hours which meant more galleons in the pocket. Hardly anything to wrinkle your nose at.
And really, he could only imagine the headache all that had caused. Merlin knew Emily was displeased with it all as well, but last he had heard there was an investigation going on of some sort. Seemed to be kept well under wraps for the time being. Hopefully it would stay that way as well.
But now on to more pleasant conversation. "Oh, I quite fancy that 'Can't Catch Me' shirt," he nodded while reaching over to pick it up. He checked the size on the tag, refolding ones that were too small or too big until he found one that he guesstimated was the proper size. "Why not, let's throw in a toy ball or two!"
He would pass on the mascot stuffed toys, by the way. Especially since he was reminded of their presence around him thanks to the one wiggling its bum all around.
Oh, look, speaking of investigation...sort of.
"Emily, Genevieve, good to see you both," he greeted casually. "Buying your wares as well I see." Had Genevieve ever spoken with his wife about professional quidditch while she had been at student at Hogwarts? Surely they had sat near each other during matches at least. Did SHE know what team his wife favored?
Originally Posted by Cinn-O-Bun
Robert watched as Mariel went and talked to the nice girl who had been helping him and shrugged. Wasn't his place to get involved. As Mariel came back over he smiled at her and hearing her question raised an eyebrow as she tried to talk him out of it. "Oh I own a ton of Puddlemere United stuff but when you have a five year old and a nine year old things break or get old and they want new stuff. He shrugged and looked around, "Besides I always need a reason for Liz to get mad at me," he said with a smirk.
Robert listened to Mariel as he poked the little bobble head guy to make him wobble. A wedding? He looked up to see the ring on her finger and ginned, "Congratulations!" He liked weddings contrary to most guys. "Anyone I know?" Probably not but hey it was a small world sometimes. He listened to her speak about her old playing days with an almost nostalgic tone and he smiled softly. He didn't know what he would do if he couldn't play. "At least you got a career now related to it so you can still get your Quidditch fix." Hearing her question about him he grinned. "Oh I'm good. Same old same old. Liz is great and yeah she should be around here somewhere with our daughter. We also have a little 5 year old mini me but he's trapped at her cousins house." He looked thoughtful and down at his wedding ring. "Overall...I guess we're pretty good. You should try to find her I'm sure she'd love to catch up." She didn't get out a whole bunch really what with the kids and all.
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Watching the girl interact with Robert more Victoria just shook her head a bit, “I know I gave them all their job descriptions and went through exactly what they were to do.” Was this something she overlooked, maybe Langen misunderstood her, though she knew her notes and her meetings were all done exactly the way she felt they should be. Watching a bit more she could tell Mariel was irritated by this, and since she was the manager it was her responsibility to take the blame to her teams mistakes. “I can speak with her if needed and move her somewhere else. I’m sorry for this issue to come up.” She really didn’t like this little issue, everything had been going smoothly and she was taking pride in her team. Her team still did an amazing job, but this was school girl behavior not professional. She watched as Mariel took Langen aside, she knew she needed the misunderstanding straightened out and fully supported her boss in doing so. She just felt she had done something somewhere wrong being in the position that she was.
Originally Posted by carpediem
Well, she had messed that one up again. Running her hand through her chestnut colored hair and crossing her one leg behind the other, she tried to stop herself (rather sucessfully) from becoming tomato red, feeling rather awkward. Sometimes she felt too young an inexperienced for her job. Maybe she should've waited a few years to apply. Too ambitious, she was. And she needed to tink things through. But one mistake did not equal the end of evergthing. That was her mothers rule. The twenty year old still had the rest of the day to do her job well and make up for the mistake earlier. Hopefully. Marial seemed really unhappy about her selling. A fear tingle went through her, though she smiled it off and went about her buisness. The ministry was not a place for fear, it was a place for thinkers and a place for people who knew what to do and when to do it. And that was what Langen would do.
"Sorry about the sales pressure. My aunt always said I'd make a better sales clerk than an official." Little white lie, but it sounded good. Well that was strange. Langen never lied before in her life. The tan girl walked over to another part of the stand, refolding something. Anything, really. Overlooking was easy. Way easier than selling. You had to look... over. The job literally named what it did. Bam. Did not take a buisness major or a Ravenclaw.
And so began the overseeing, which kept her busy at least. Her caramel colored eyes (the light was hitting them at an angle) looked around at everything and everyone, watching the mascots for a minute before looking at anyone who walked past and then watching the clerks, making sure that everyone was doing things correctly. And not her way of correctly, Marial and the ministries vesion of correct. If anything wasnt, they would tell her, right? Or if the tall girl saw anything, she would help. Because ~that~ was Langen's job.
However, being an overseer left a lot of time for minor thoughts that snuck into her head, and one that kept rearing its head was her sister. How dare that woman get a tattoo without her permission? Langen was Cersie's guardian and she was a teenager. And that was apparently the extent of her ambitions. The blonde could do so much more than she let on and ot hurt the oldest Rather's girl to see her sister not living up to them. Not that all tattoo people were inherently bad, but that girl could be part of the ministry or something! It was frustrating to say the least.
Mariel gave Langen a slight nod as she apologized for her overzealous selling. She seemed to understand her job duties better, or at least didn't give the Department Head any word to contradict that. "It's fine. Simply an issue that needed to be addressed." And she didn't anticipate any other problems. Mariel liked the girl and certainly wouldn't have put her in charge of the area if she didn't feel she could handle it. A job that she felt more prestigious for her employees than simply ringing up things and would have thought they'd feel the same. But either way she did need to stop the schoolgirl act and behave as the professional Ministry official that she was while working. And that meant not flirting with the players.. which sort of made her think she should check up on another certain employee of hers.
Anyway.. As Langen turned back to the tables, presumably making sure everything was running smoothly, Mariel turned back to Victoria. "Don't worry about it," she shook her head as the Division Manager began apologizing. Perhaps it had been some sort of misunderstanding, she wasn't sure, but as far as she was concerned it had been handled appropriately. "I spoke to her to remind her of what she does need to be doing and I feel that the issue's been resolved. If there is any further need for intervention, feel free to act on your judgement." Mariel trusted her completely to handle anything else, but she didn't foresee any further issue.
Feeling that everything was under control, she turned again to Robert, giving him a friendly smile at his continued insistence on buying so much merchandise. It was fine with her if he wanted to buy every last thing they had here, she just didn't want him feeling pressured to do so. "I'm certain that's true," she chuckled, knowing that kids could often be hard on things. "And I'm sure they'll enjoy getting presents." Really, who didn't? A distant memory filtered through her mind affecting a reminiscent smile on her features. She was soon snapped out of her reverie and chuckled at his next words, certain he was joking. Who really wanted to make their wife angry.. unless they enjoyed the making up bit that much?
She smiled widely as he offered his congratulations and she looked down fondly at her ring again. "Thank you.." There was a time that she thought that wasn't for her, but now she couldn't be more happy. "Oh, I don't know.." Her fiance wasn't anyone that they had gone to school with but he was somewhat in the public eye. "Perhaps if you read the Daily Prophet at all, you might recognize his name, Jorge Cristo De La Garza. He's a journalist." She nodded as he continued. She did love her job, more so now that she had been promoted rather than when she was questioning her career in regulations. Smiling a bit, Mariel listened as he caught her up with his personal life. "Two kids.. how sweet." It was rather interesting how many people she had gone to school with had children.. or people much younger than her. "It sounds like you're all very happy.. I do hope I bump into her today then." It had been years since she had seen Elizabeth as well, before they were married even, Mariel was sure.
As she gestured to the sales clerk to gather up Robert's purchases for him since Langen had gone off to fold things, Mariel turned to Aron again as he seemed to figure out what he wanted for his son. "It is remotely clever," she chuckled a bit as he looked through the snitch shirts. Seemed somewhat appropriate for Gunnar as well and she decided to pick up one for her nephew too. Yes, she could admit it was pretty cute. Actually, she could do quite a bit of shopping herself here and now that things seemed to be better under control, maybe she would. "Why not?" she grinned as he mentioned the toy balls. "I'm sure he'd love some." What kid wouldn't, right? And maybe he'd be unknowingly encouraging a future Quidditch star.
Beckoning over one of the sales clerks to assist Aron with his purchases, Mariel browsed through the kids shirts, holding one up to determine a correct-looking size. She turned her head slightly as she noticed the A&C man speaking to another Department Head. Emily got an acknowledging nod from Mariel, pleased to have further Ministry support. She wouldn't say it in so many words but she was appreciative of her presence, whether there to supervise her own employees or simply there to enjoy herself.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline
Addison found himself chuckling at the suggestion given to him. Yes, he supposed that would work. In some cases. "As long as I don't walk into work that way lest I be mistaken as a awkwardly handsome goblin." Now that would be a scene. "Uh huh..." he absently confirmed before frowning slightly at her question. The man only recovering the expression when he registered the boy glancing his way. He certainly didn't want his little man upset.
"I don't really know," the cursebreaker answered. "The last I really heard from her was when she left to return to school after holiday break." That had been at least a month or two ago and not an owl or even a floo call.
Pity he didn't like that suggestion of shrinking down to toddler size. If it were up to Alex (and probably his sisters), she reckoned a toddler-sized Addison would be the most epic of pranks. "Well at least the awkward and goblin part," she teased. The handsome part was debatable, of course. But moving on, because they weren't here to discuss pretties. They were here to discuss Hogwarts and its formidable Winter.
"Ugh. I'm worried, especially since seeing the Prophet about the owls fleeing." Alex frowned. "I've never seen anything like this. It's just ... weird, the weather patterns and how they're only affecting Hogwarts too. It's like someone put the school in a bubble. But why? I know freezing is meant to preserve, but why would someone want to freeze all of Hogwarts students and staff?" It just didn't make sense, really. None of it.
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯