Welcome to Exmoor Quidditch Stadium! The Department of Magical Games and Sports of the Ministry of Magic is proud to present a Quidditch Meet and Greet for the enjoyment of the Wizarding public, fans and team professionals alike. Plenty of players and team affiliates have come out to meet their fans, stop by the
Autograph Tent for some signatures and photos. Forget to bring something for your favorite player to sign or just want a souvenir as a reminder of the day? Stop by the
Souvenirs and Team Merchandise tables to pick up something to support your favorite team. Sign up to enter to win some prizes there as well.
An exciting opportunity to play with some professional Quidditch players, try your hand at Chasing with the
Chaser Challenge or test your strength and accuracy with some
Bludger Blasting. Be the first to test out some of the newest brooms being developed at the
Broom Trials. Something for the youngest fans is there as well. Getting hungry? There are plenty of Quiddtch themed refreshments at
Concessions and Seating. Plenty for the most avid fan to see and do, make sure to try it all, it's sure to be a good time!
OOC - Questions about how to play or what you can do? Use this thread to ask!