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Albert Kettleburn Era All historical records pertaining to Ministry of Magic RPG under Minister for Magic, Albert Kettleburn [IC January 2081 - December 2086; OOC June 2013 - January 2015]

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Old 10-31-2014, 06:35 PM   #26 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Ringo View Post
Ronnie's knuckles tapped lightly against the door of her department head, Bryce. In her other hand was a little plate with cookies on it covered in plastic-wrap. Oh, she did hope he liked cookies. But then again, who didn't? Smiling as she waited, she rocked on the balls of her feet slightly. She was glad to be back at the ministry. It really had been too bad that she had 'disappeared' for a bit when it re-opened after the break; she had gotten horribly sick and she did not know why. It just happened. Thankfully, she had been able to send an owl to inform about it all. But now she was all better and excited to be back with her fellow employees. Speaking of which, where were they? She had cookies for them too of course!
Working. He was working.

And certainly not throwing darts at a target spot sitting above the filing cabinet.

The knocks on his door were met with a startled, wide-eyed look from the Department Head, one that you'd also find on a deer caught in headlights. Who could be calling now?! Had someone managed to let a Venemous Tentacula loose? Already? He was sure he had the best botanists on his team. Prided on this fact, even.

Muttering obscenities under his breath, Bryce used his still, he hoped, agile limbs to get up from his seat and retrieve the dart pieces. Once done, he deposited the evidence into a drawer in his desk with a clatter and shut it. Nobody needed to know about this. Not yet.

Ready? He was ready.

Ahem. "Come in!" he called, hastily picking up his quill and pretending to concentrate on the recent copy of Herbologists Weekly that he had ordered. Fascinating.

Last edited by hermionesclone; 10-31-2014 at 06:41 PM.
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Old 11-01-2014, 12:44 AM   #27 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by hermionesclone View Post
Working. He was working.

And certainly not throwing darts at a target spot sitting above the filing cabinet.

The knocks on his door were met with a startled, wide-eyed look from the Department Head, one that you'd also find on a deer caught in headlights. Who could be calling now?! Had someone managed to let a Venemous Tentacula loose? Already? He was sure he had the best botanists on his team. Prided on this fact, even.

Muttering obscenities under his breath, Bryce used his still, he hoped, agile limbs to get up from his seat and retrieve the dart pieces. Once done, he deposited the evidence into a drawer in his desk with a clatter and shut it. Nobody needed to know about this. Not yet.

Ready? He was ready.

Ahem. "Come in!" he called, hastily picking up his quill and pretending to concentrate on the recent copy of Herbologists Weekly that he had ordered. Fascinating.
She didn't hear anything for a while from inside the office. Had he heard her? Better knock again. She was just about to knock once more when she heard Bryce call for her to come in. Oh! Hmm. That was odd. Oh well!

The red head turned the knob and made her way inside, seeing him at his desk looking busy. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything important, you seem busy...but I wanted to give you a cookie or two," she said as she held the plate out to him with a smile. Ronnie liked to make cookies for people. Heh. "I'm sorry that I was gone for so long, but I'm finally feeling better." she smiled once more at him.
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Old 11-03-2014, 01:24 AM   #28 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Ringo View Post
She didn't hear anything for a while from inside the office. Had he heard her? Better knock again. She was just about to knock once more when she heard Bryce call for her to come in. Oh! Hmm. That was odd. Oh well!

The red head turned the knob and made her way inside, seeing him at his desk looking busy. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything important, you seem busy...but I wanted to give you a cookie or two," she said as she held the plate out to him with a smile. Ronnie liked to make cookies for people. Heh. "I'm sorry that I was gone for so long, but I'm finally feeling better." she smiled once more at him.
The wait for the door to open and for someone to walk through wasn't a long one but it still made the usually calm Department Head somewhat nervous as he glanced in the direction of the door. That was, until...

Gingeraffe! "Gulping Gargoyles, Miss Ronnie, you made me think I was in trouble," he said, pulling open the drawer and taking out the dart pieces he had placed in there before, "Wasn't busy, so to--" His words stopped mid-sentence as he glanced over in the direction of the ginger. "You're not here to tell me off, are you?" He hadn't pegged her as the type, frankly.

Maybe he should be in trouble for rattling on about this, that and the other instead of concentrating on something more important: cookies! "Don't mind if I help myself to one of these," he said, reaching over to grab one, "Did you make them?" And did she know how much he liked desserts? Best part of any meal, by far. "It's good to hear that you're better again. I almost thought I'd have to send an owl to see if someone had stolen you away from me." He was joking. Lamely. It was a joke.

"Please take a seat and tell me all about the horrors of daytime television and the joy of being back in your favourite department." And keep the mucus stories to yourself, please.
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Old 11-03-2014, 06:25 PM   #29 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by hermionesclone View Post
The wait for the door to open and for someone to walk through wasn't a long one but it still made the usually calm Department Head somewhat nervous as he glanced in the direction of the door. That was, until...

Gingeraffe! "Gulping Gargoyles, Miss Ronnie, you made me think I was in trouble," he said, pulling open the drawer and taking out the dart pieces he had placed in there before, "Wasn't busy, so to--" His words stopped mid-sentence as he glanced over in the direction of the ginger. "You're not here to tell me off, are you?" He hadn't pegged her as the type, frankly.

Maybe he should be in trouble for rattling on about this, that and the other instead of concentrating on something more important: cookies! "Don't mind if I help myself to one of these," he said, reaching over to grab one, "Did you make them?" And did she know how much he liked desserts? Best part of any meal, by far. "It's good to hear that you're better again. I almost thought I'd have to send an owl to see if someone had stolen you away from me." He was joking. Lamely. It was a joke.

"Please take a seat and tell me all about the horrors of daytime television and the joy of being back in your favourite department." And keep the mucus stories to yourself, please.
Ronnie laughed. "Oh no worries, you're in no trouble at all. I'm sorry to have scared you to think that though!" she told him as she entered, seeing him take out some darts from his drawer. Ohh. Perhaps that had been why he was taking so long to let her in? Heh heh. She then laughed again, waving her hand. "No no, not at all." she answered him with a smile as she took a seat in the chair. Ahh, she really did like the chairs in his office. Quite cozy they were.

Smiling as he took one of the cookies, she nodded. "I did indeed," she replied, laughing about what he said about sending an owl. Aww. "Well, it wasn't all that lovely back home...I slept a lot. And I was cranky. My brother took care of me and I feel really sorry for the poor guy. But I got better pretty quickly, and it's really good to be back, I did miss everyone!" she explained. "And I heard we have a new member in our department, correct?" She still hadn't met them yet!
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Old 11-14-2014, 12:09 PM   #30 (permalink)

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A paper crane flew inside the office and landed on the table. It bears the handwriting of the Junior Undersecretary.

Dear Mr. Howell,

I hope you are well. I wrote this letter to ask for a moment of your time so I can come to your office for a simple meeting. I would like to discuss the upcoming event in the Ministry and with regards to the assignment of the liaison officer for the department.

It could be at anytime at your convenience.

Thank you very much!

Yours truly,
Zacharias McMillan
I see trees of green,

Red roses too.

I see 'em bloom for me and for you.

And I think to myself,
What a wonderful world.
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Old 11-14-2014, 10:59 PM   #31 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Ringo View Post
Ronnie laughed. "Oh no worries, you're in no trouble at all. I'm sorry to have scared you to think that though!" she told him as she entered, seeing him take out some darts from his drawer. Ohh. Perhaps that had been why he was taking so long to let her in? Heh heh. She then laughed again, waving her hand. "No no, not at all." she answered him with a smile as she took a seat in the chair. Ahh, she really did like the chairs in his office. Quite cozy they were.

Smiling as he took one of the cookies, she nodded. "I did indeed," she replied, laughing about what he said about sending an owl. Aww. "Well, it wasn't all that lovely back home...I slept a lot. And I was cranky. My brother took care of me and I feel really sorry for the poor guy. But I got better pretty quickly, and it's really good to be back, I did miss everyone!" she explained. "And I heard we have a new member in our department, correct?" She still hadn't met them yet!
Slightly more at ease now, Bryce smiled in the direction of his Personal Assistant. "Oh you're fine," he said, waving a hand, "It's going to take more than a knock on the door to scare me." Possibly. "I'm very glad. I didn't peg you as the type to tell someone off. Not unless you have a secret identity you're hiding from me." Another lame, Bryce Howell joke. He was full of those today, wasn't he?

As Ronnie launched into her story, the Department Head munched down on the cookie in his hand. Gulping Gargoyles, these were DELICIOUS! Did Ronnie realise that it was starting to become hard to concentrate on what she was saying? He gave the cookie an impressed look before stuffing the rest in his mouth. Good stuff. And what was it that the Gingeraffe had said? "I'd be cranky too if I was ill and away from work for so long." Honest. "It's good to have you back and not spreading mucus everywhere. Rest assured, you were missed as well." He had spent a good while trying and failing to get himself as organised as she was. "Oh yes! A new Junior Botanist. And some new areas to the Department." He was particularly proud of those.

Originally Posted by dan arjay View Post
A paper crane flew inside the office and landed on the table. It bears the handwriting of the Junior Undersecretary.

Dear Mr. Howell,

I hope you are well. I wrote this letter to ask for a moment of your time so I can come to your office for a simple meeting. I would like to discuss the upcoming event in the Ministry and with regards to the assignment of the liaison officer for the department.

It could be at anytime at your convenience.

Thank you very much!

Yours truly,
Zacharias McMillan
... Oh?

Bryce was used to receiving letters as this point -- Merlin, he had been bombarded with them almost as soon as he started this job -- but this was slightly new and, upon reading the words, caused the man to raise his eyebrows. Upcoming event in the Ministry. Liaison officer in the department. Interesting indeed.

Picking up a quill, the Department Head hastily scribbled down a note, sticking his tongue between his teeth as he wrote. Extra precaution in his handwriting was taken, of course. His usual messy scrawl was almost illegible to him but if the receiver of the note couldn't make out what he was trying to say, they were going to have a few problems.

Tapping the piece of parchment with his wand, he sent it off towards Mr McMillan's office...
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Old 12-21-2014, 08:59 PM   #32 (permalink)
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Victoria had been very busy, the manager meeting was coming up and so was the tryouts. It was a very good thing that the blonde was organized or she might have bigger issues keeping up with everything. So glad that Cossy was home for the summer, because he was really stepping up as a step dad with the girls. It was so cute and she just loved seeing him with them. Since she did have the extra time once she was done with a few of her meetings and in office things she made her way to level four.

Making her way towards an office door she knocked. Checking her watch it was just after four so she hoped he was still around. She had got to meet Mr. Howell once when dealing with an unfortunate plant issue that her son had left in the basement. Plants were on her agenda to speak to him about, but not any that had gotten starved in her basement.
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Old 12-25-2014, 03:50 AM   #33 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
Victoria had been very busy, the manager meeting was coming up and so was the tryouts. It was a very good thing that the blonde was organized or she might have bigger issues keeping up with everything. So glad that Cossy was home for the summer, because he was really stepping up as a step dad with the girls. It was so cute and she just loved seeing him with them. Since she did have the extra time once she was done with a few of her meetings and in office things she made her way to level four.

Making her way towards an office door she knocked. Checking her watch it was just after four so she hoped he was still around. She had got to meet Mr. Howell once when dealing with an unfortunate plant issue that her son had left in the basement. Plants were on her agenda to speak to him about, but not any that had gotten starved in her basement.
Four in the afternoon did mean that Bryce was in his office. A bunch of paperwork lay around his desk along with a large, steaming cup of coffee. It was one of those days, which was happening more frequently, thanks to the election that was taking place. The man himself was sitting back in his seat, reading through a particularly long letter, his eyebrows furrowed and his quill tapping on the desk.

And then there was a knock.

.... Oh?

His hazel eyes landed on the door and he surveyed it for a moment, almost as if he had x-ray vision and could see through doors to see the person standing behind. Who was standing there was a good question but was it important was an even better question. As for the clutter on his desk, he gave that a quick look over, silently wishing that Ronnie was here to clear it up for him. She was much better at staying organised than he was.

"Come in!" he called at long last, trying to stuff as many pieces of parchment into the drawers of his desk as possible. Whoever they were, they didn't need to see all of this.
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Old 12-27-2014, 05:21 AM   #34 (permalink)
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SPOILER!!: Bryce
Originally Posted by hermionesclone View Post
Four in the afternoon did mean that Bryce was in his office. A bunch of paperwork lay around his desk along with a large, steaming cup of coffee. It was one of those days, which was happening more frequently, thanks to the election that was taking place. The man himself was sitting back in his seat, reading through a particularly long letter, his eyebrows furrowed and his quill tapping on the desk.

And then there was a knock.

.... Oh?

His hazel eyes landed on the door and he surveyed it for a moment, almost as if he had x-ray vision and could see through doors to see the person standing behind. Who was standing there was a good question but was it important was an even better question. As for the clutter on his desk, he gave that a quick look over, silently wishing that Ronnie was here to clear it up for him. She was much better at staying organised than he was.

"Come in!" he called at long last, trying to stuff as many pieces of parchment into the drawers of his desk as possible. Whoever they were, they didn't need to see all of this.

She waited and waited and when she finally heard the man say she could enter she hesitated. Was she interrupting him? Could this go as bad as the last meeting? No she didn't feel Mr. Howell would be as rude. She thought he would be more appreciative of her efforts.

Flattening her skirt one last time she opened the door. "Good afternoon Mr. Howell, I do hope I haven't caught you at a bad time. It's a pleasure to see you again by the way." Yes no introductions were necessary they had met once.

"I do hope you could spare a few moments to chat. I am going around to speak to all the Department heads. As you know I'm running for minister and I want a chance to hear from departments about what they want to see change in the ministry, what in your department is the most important thing you need help with or just need from the minister." She pulled out her parchment and quill, "I hope you don't mind if I take some notes." She didn't want to forget anything they told her, it was all so important. Now the most important thing in the room, could she sit?
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Old 01-08-2015, 12:34 AM   #35 (permalink)
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Text Cut: Vic!
Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
She waited and waited and when she finally heard the man say she could enter she hesitated. Was she interrupting him? Could this go as bad as the last meeting? No she didn't feel Mr. Howell would be as rude. She thought he would be more appreciative of her efforts.

Flattening her skirt one last time she opened the door. "Good afternoon Mr. Howell, I do hope I haven't caught you at a bad time. It's a pleasure to see you again by the way." Yes no introductions were necessary they had met once.

"I do hope you could spare a few moments to chat. I am going around to speak to all the Department heads. As you know I'm running for minister and I want a chance to hear from departments about what they want to see change in the ministry, what in your department is the most important thing you need help with or just need from the minister." She pulled out her parchment and quill, "I hope you don't mind if I take some notes." She didn't want to forget anything they told her, it was all so important. Now the most important thing in the room, could she sit?

Oh, if it wasn't a familiar face.

A smile flitted across the Department Head's face when the woman came through the door. "Good afternoon, Mrs Culloden," he said, giving her a nod of acknowledgement as well. Had she disturbed him? "Not at all but between you and me, I'm glad you came. Paperwork can be tedious to deal with." Probably why he left it to Ronnie half of the time. He very much preferred dealing with plants hands on.

"Of course, I can." Again, she was stopping him from getting paperwork done which he was much too happy about. He even motioned to one of the comfy chairs on the other side of the desk. Take a seat, Culloden. And what was this? A candidate for the top job who actually wanted to know what the people wanted? New. Very new. Bryce wasn't sure if she was aware that it put her right up the ranking for the role in his opinion. He only hoped this wasn't a political move of some sort.

The Department Head took a moment to sip on his cup of coffee and survey her while he tried to think of a good enough answer. What is the most important thing they needed help on? "Communication would be a strong aspect that we'd need to build on, I think." No matter what his demeanour may be, he still wasn't one to trust too easily. It had to be gained. "As for my Department, I'm not sure. Our main concerns lie in illegal and dangerous plants that somehow slip through the radar for a short period of time, people building on a land they're not meant to and freak weather conditions. I'm not saying we can abolish these problems altogether -- that's impossible -- but if there's a way to teach the public more about what to do if they come in contact with something dangerous, that would be helpful." Which gave him an idea, funnily enough.

Pause. "I'm not entirely sure what else to add to answer that question. Is there anything in particular you were looking for?" She had come in close contact with some dangerous plants recently.

Another pause. "Would you like some tea, coffee or pastries?" He might have some doughnuts on him, if she was lucky enough.
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Old 01-09-2015, 02:45 AM   #36 (permalink)
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SPOILER!!: Bryce
Originally Posted by hermionesclone View Post

Oh, if it wasn't a familiar face.

A smile flitted across the Department Head's face when the woman came through the door. "Good afternoon, Mrs Culloden," he said, giving her a nod of acknowledgement as well. Had she disturbed him? "Not at all but between you and me, I'm glad you came. Paperwork can be tedious to deal with." Probably why he left it to Ronnie half of the time. He very much preferred dealing with plants hands on.

"Of course, I can." Again, she was stopping him from getting paperwork done which he was much too happy about. He even motioned to one of the comfy chairs on the other side of the desk. Take a seat, Culloden. And what was this? A candidate for the top job who actually wanted to know what the people wanted? New. Very new. Bryce wasn't sure if she was aware that it put her right up the ranking for the role in his opinion. He only hoped this wasn't a political move of some sort.

The Department Head took a moment to sip on his cup of coffee and survey her while he tried to think of a good enough answer. What is the most important thing they needed help on? "Communication would be a strong aspect that we'd need to build on, I think." No matter what his demeanour may be, he still wasn't one to trust too easily. It had to be gained. "As for my Department, I'm not sure. Our main concerns lie in illegal and dangerous plants that somehow slip through the radar for a short period of time, people building on a land they're not meant to and freak weather conditions. I'm not saying we can abolish these problems altogether -- that's impossible -- but if there's a way to teach the public more about what to do if they come in contact with something dangerous, that would be helpful." Which gave him an idea, funnily enough.

Pause. "I'm not entirely sure what else to add to answer that question. Is there anything in particular you were looking for?" She had come in close contact with some dangerous plants recently.

Another pause. "Would you like some tea, coffee or pastries?" He might have some doughnuts on him, if she was lucky enough.

She couldn't help but chuckle at his comment, "Well yes I can understand that. I have a stack of my own sitting on my desk and my kitchen table at home." She was pretty much caught up on her work, but she still had paper work that kept coming in and things to plan. "It can, especially if you have ones that are repetive like I do. I think I can name the number of files I have on one player alone." She rolled her eyes a bit and chuckled.

Oh good he didn't mind sparing some time, that was a relief. Pulling out her parchment and getting her quill ready she listened and took notes. "Yes, I've been hearing that from most of the department heads that communication has to be the top priority. I will make sure to focus on this issue quickly. We should have very open and good communication to keep our ministry running efficiently." She had seen the lack of communication throughout the years.

Listening more as he spoke about weather conditions and different problems she jotted down some things. "What about a public service event. I mean you could set up a greenhouse even, welcome the community. Have different activities and seminars about the safety and well being of plants. You could discuss situations with weather and building, even have some demonstrations." She thought maybe they could make some rooms of the area charmed to be a weather type of area to show hands on experience, but that was just from the top of her head, maybe it was a horrible idea. "One of my things I'd like to see more of is us using the resources we have here and in our community. So using your department for an educational awareness would be right up on that agenda."

"Honestly you have given me many things to think about, this has been wonderful." She jotted down a few more thing and looked up to his question. "No actually I probably should be going, I have another quidditch meeting in an hour, but thank you for the offer as well as the wonderful information." She really liked speaking with Mr. Howell and hoped to be working with him again in the future.
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Old 01-23-2015, 10:38 PM   #37 (permalink)

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Smoothing her jacket one last time, Emmalee headed to Bryce's office, hoping to catch him at a good time. The experiments to save the mutants now completed, at least on her end, it was time for a new long-term project and Emmalee was eager to get Bryce on board.

After all, with all that murmuring with the election about budgets, Emmalee was just a bit concerned about having the kind of funding needed to truly run an experimental program. Whatever they took on next might have to prove the worth of the program.

Knocking thrice, Emmalee waited for a sign to enter. Bryce had put a lot of trust in her to run the greenhouse as she saw fit. She hoped he didn't find it... misplaced.

Has anyone ever sung you a lullaby?
You can fly above the rain clouds
Close your eyes
Let the melody carry you
Leave all your fears behind

You can float across a rainbow sky
to once upon a time
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Old 01-24-2015, 01:56 AM   #38 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post

She couldn't help but chuckle at his comment, "Well yes I can understand that. I have a stack of my own sitting on my desk and my kitchen table at home." She was pretty much caught up on her work, but she still had paper work that kept coming in and things to plan. "It can, especially if you have ones that are repetive like I do. I think I can name the number of files I have on one player alone." She rolled her eyes a bit and chuckled.

Oh good he didn't mind sparing some time, that was a relief. Pulling out her parchment and getting her quill ready she listened and took notes. "Yes, I've been hearing that from most of the department heads that communication has to be the top priority. I will make sure to focus on this issue quickly. We should have very open and good communication to keep our ministry running efficiently." She had seen the lack of communication throughout the years.

Listening more as he spoke about weather conditions and different problems she jotted down some things. "What about a public service event. I mean you could set up a greenhouse even, welcome the community. Have different activities and seminars about the safety and well being of plants. You could discuss situations with weather and building, even have some demonstrations." She thought maybe they could make some rooms of the area charmed to be a weather type of area to show hands on experience, but that was just from the top of her head, maybe it was a horrible idea. "One of my things I'd like to see more of is us using the resources we have here and in our community. So using your department for an educational awareness would be right up on that agenda."

"Honestly you have given me many things to think about, this has been wonderful." She jotted down a few more thing and looked up to his question. "No actually I probably should be going, I have another quidditch meeting in an hour, but thank you for the offer as well as the wonderful information." She really liked speaking with Mr. Howell and hoped to be working with him again in the future.
Needless to say, it wasn't surprising that she understood his lack of interest in getting paperwork done. Who wanted to do that in the first place? Repetitive pieces of paperwork? "Completely understandable. Nothing notes you out as much as the same issue cropping up again and again. It feels like you're doing twice the amount of work." Which really was the case, sometimes. "I do hope the players aren't a bad bunch." Honestly? He didn't care.

Finding out that communication wasn't just a priority in his department made the Environmental Department Head happy. "I very much agree," he said, giving her a short nod of the head, "You can't run a Ministry with a lack of good communication. It doesn't work." Just putting his opinions out there. "As well as communication with the general public as well." Public relations should be at a high, shouldn't it?

Speaking of the public, Victoria seemed to have some interesting ideas. "That would be an excellent way to display what the Department's been up to. Experimentation of plants, discovery of new breeds, all of that." After all, he was very proud of his Department. "The seminars and demonstrations aspect would tie in well with that. Excellent idea, I must say." Kudos to you, Mrs Culloden. "Using resources would be a good way to enhance the facilities and make sure nothing goes to waste. We do have some excellent features, after all." Was he tooting his own horn too much?

"I'm very glad to hear that. And I must say," Since he was all about honesty. "I am very impressed with the way you've been going around and asking the Department Heads's opinions on these matters. No other candidate has done so, as far as I know. Well done." Smile from Bryce Howell himself.

It was a shame she was leaving so soon. It meant that he had to be productive again and he wasn't for that.

Originally Posted by AmbiguouslyMe View Post
Smoothing her jacket one last time, Emmalee headed to Bryce's office, hoping to catch him at a good time. The experiments to save the mutants now completed, at least on her end, it was time for a new long-term project and Emmalee was eager to get Bryce on board.

After all, with all that murmuring with the election about budgets, Emmalee was just a bit concerned about having the kind of funding needed to truly run an experimental program. Whatever they took on next might have to prove the worth of the program.

Knocking thrice, Emmalee waited for a sign to enter. Bryce had put a lot of trust in her to run the greenhouse as she saw fit. She hoped he didn't find it... misplaced.
Emmalee was in luck, this was a good time.

Instead of answering letters from concerned parents or doing paperwork or stuffing his face with pastries, the Department Head was humming a little tune as he tended to the many plants sitting around his office. This was his responsibility and frankly, he wouldn't let anyone else tend to his babies plants unless he absolutely 100% trusted them. Blind trust didn't work for him.

So, gloves on, he was currently fertilising a small Flitterby Bush when there were three knocks on the door.


Bryce glanced down at his watch. Did he have a meeting he was unaware of? Or was this a surprise visit? OR was there a fire? "Come in!" There had better not be a fire. Just so you know.
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Old 01-24-2015, 02:35 AM   #39 (permalink)

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Emmalee was in luck, this was a good time.

Instead of answering letters from concerned parents or doing paperwork or stuffing his face with pastries, the Department Head was humming a little tune as he tended to the many plants sitting around his office. This was his responsibility and frankly, he wouldn't let anyone else tend to his babies plants unless he absolutely 100% trusted them. Blind trust didn't work for him.

So, gloves on, he was currently fertilising a small Flitterby Bush when there were three knocks on the door.


Bryce glanced down at his watch. Did he have a meeting he was unaware of? Or was this a surprise visit? OR was there a fire? "Come in!" There had better not be a fire. Just so you know.
Emmalee opened the door and stuck her head into the office, not yet fully entering. "Bryce, hi," she said, hoping that the familiarity was still alright. "Is now an alright time? I'm hoping to chat about some upcoming work in the greenhouses..." That seemed the most succinct way of putting it. Leading with 'I'm concerned about our future funding and want to make sure our next project is really a big one while we can' didn't seem the most prudent.

She took a scan of the room, taking note of his gloved hands and his work the the bush. "I can come back if you're busy..." She hated being interrupted while tending to her plants, and would hate to impose.

Has anyone ever sung you a lullaby?
You can fly above the rain clouds
Close your eyes
Let the melody carry you
Leave all your fears behind

You can float across a rainbow sky
to once upon a time
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Old 01-28-2015, 10:59 PM   #40 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by AmbiguouslyMe View Post
Emmalee opened the door and stuck her head into the office, not yet fully entering. "Bryce, hi," she said, hoping that the familiarity was still alright. "Is now an alright time? I'm hoping to chat about some upcoming work in the greenhouses..." That seemed the most succinct way of putting it. Leading with 'I'm concerned about our future funding and want to make sure our next project is really a big one while we can' didn't seem the most prudent.

She took a scan of the room, taking note of his gloved hands and his work the the bush. "I can come back if you're busy..." She hated being interrupted while tending to her plants, and would hate to impose.
The sound of the door opening was enough to make his ear twitch slightly as he turned his head in the direction of the open door. The familiar voice was what caused the Department Head to smile. "Emmalee, hello." Funny that she had popped by for a visit just as he was tending to plants. Her area of expertise, wasn't it?

Was he busy? Bruce shook his head as he peeled his dragon-hide gloves off. "Do stay, I'm not busy. I'm rather interested to hear what you have to say about this work of yours in the greenhouse," he said, motioning to one of the seats on the other side of his desk. He did notice that there were some unfamiliar people going into the greenhouse lately, along with the Accidents Department Head. Was she here to gossip? The work day could be tedious -- paperwork, mostly -- and a bit of gossip wasn't going to be disregarded.

"Would you like anything to drink?" Tea? Coffee? Nothing exotic, mind you.
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Old 01-28-2015, 11:47 PM   #41 (permalink)

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Emmalee finally entered the office and, at Bryce's indication, took a seat. "Tea would be lovely, thank you," she said, sitting and, once again, smoothing her jacket. "I'm not entirely sure what you know about the situation with the mutants that Creatures was dealing with..." She'd assumed that Aron had made at least some mention of it to Bryce, but perhaps not.

"I can absolutely update you on that situation," she continued, following his movements. "But I am hoping to also discuss what we might do in the future, especially as we prepare for a new administration." Emmalee wasn't concerned for her job, far from it, but she had come to the Ministry to do work that she couldn't in private greenhouses... work that wasn't profit-based. Though, after what she heard from some of the candidates, she feared that her ability to do that work would be constrained under some of the candidates.

She was preparing.

Has anyone ever sung you a lullaby?
You can fly above the rain clouds
Close your eyes
Let the melody carry you
Leave all your fears behind

You can float across a rainbow sky
to once upon a time
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