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Level 4 Shared Conference Room The Level Four Conference is shared between the Magical Creatures and Environment Departments. Used only for meetings or events in either Departments, the conference room plays and integral part for the employees of level four. A large circular table, with enough chairs to provide the entire level with a seat, stands in the centre of the room, ready to be used whenever it is needed. The room is pretty plain as not to cause any disruptions during important meetings, except for the medium sized window that allows a beam of light into the area, perhaps more suited to one Department Head. At the far end of the table, nearest the window is a large seat, reserved for the Department Head who wishes to use it. To the side stands a small set of drawers containing quills and parchment to be used by the designated scribe for writing down notes, all organized ready to be used right away. OOC:: The door to this room is locked at all times unless being used by either Department, and can only be used by Level Four employees and authorized guests. Divisions that would like to use this room for meetings need to gain permission from their Department Head. |
Ms. Ward walked from Mr. Belmonte’s office directly across the hall and into the conference room. Here she would be meeting with Ms. Radley. Opening the door Medea realized she was the first to arrive. No matter and actually a good thing. She rounded the table and sat in a chair facing the door. Placing the folder on the table she retrieved a miniature quill from the small wrist bag. With a simple swish the writing utensil was normal size and she began taking notes on the meeting she just finished. |
The door swung open and Ms Radley made a swift entrance into the Conference Room. She had only just managed to escape from her employees, her office was far too full of people wanting her help or introducing herself and it meant that Erica was forced to have to hold a meeting in here instead of the usual spot in her office. "Erica Radley. Department Head for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures" she held her hand out firmly and waited for the reply. Yes she knew that this woman knew who she was, but it only felt right to make a formal introduction in person, they had only spoken in letters after all. The Blonde sat herself down in the larger chair nearest the other, straightening out her skirt and placing a gentle smile on her face. Right. "Go ahead.." she gave the signal for the meeting to start. |
She looked up with a single brow raised. That was a swift entrance…. I like it. Medea stood, and shook the woman’s hand, ”Medea Ward, Internal Liaison Supervisor.” With that the dark haired woman sat and was impressed. Medea was rarely impressed with women. Most were flakey, emotional and well annoying. This was especially true in blondes. This one however was different. If Medea had a best girl friend ”It’s basic. The Minister has hired me to hire Liaison’s from each department. The person you choose would continue their employment in your department. I would only require a report from them once a week; in most cases they could simply send a memo. The memo would contain goings-on of the department, current activities, completed projects etcetera.” Ms. Radley was straightforward and to the point, so Medea continued, leaving out unnecessary pleasantries. ”Is there anyone you have in mind?” This woman was strictly business so Medea would not be surprised if she had a name ready now. |
Why was she raising a brow at her? Yes, Ms Radley didn't take any nonsense, she wasn't one of those people to fumble and take a long time to enter a room. She was here for a reason and that was stricty business. "Pleasure" she spoke, shaking her hand firmly and then adjusting her position to listen. "I see" she listened to the other raising an eyebrow. Well as long as she wasn't loosing an employee from her level she was perfectly happy. "I don't have a name to give you straightaway, there are a few on my level that could certainly forfill this position. Give me a little while and I will be able to provide you a name" she informed her. This was a tough decision, it needed time and observation of her employees. |
Firm hand shake. This woman was Medea's twin, except blond. Well this was certainly the shortest most consise meeting Medea had attened thus far. "That is fine, I understand you will need to review files." The dark haired woman closed the file in front of her. That was that. "I will need to have your decision with in two weeks time." She was sure this woman didn't have problems meeting deadlines. More than likely she finished things early, and rarely made mistakes. The dark haired woman stood, "If there is nothing else?" Medea wanted to ask the woman to coffee, she was so impressed with the woman's no non-sense attitude. Instead she motioned toward the door. |
Brilliant. This was perhaps the most efficient meeting she had ever attended. She generally found that a lot of them dragged on for too long but this was short, straight to the point and Erica could remember every moment of it without having to write down any notes. Why couldn't every meeting be like this? "Thank you for understanding" she nodded her head in approval, impressed. "Yes, I don't want to make a wrong decision you see, I think that direct viewing of my employees is much more.. believable lets say than going over their files" she informed her. "I have a few ideas to whom would be deemed appropriate for the job, the more experienced the better though." Well that was what she believed anyway. "I'll have my decision with you in about a week, would you like me to send it as an Owl or a direct meeting?" she asked simply. Or a Phoenix? Not that she would send Amadeus out into harms way anyway. "There's nothing more I have to say but go ahead if you have anything further.." she invited her. The meeting had been so quick that although she could get back and get on with some filing, her time was still open and she had nothing exactly important to do. |
Medea has a girl crush!! LOL! Medea nodded. Of course watching the employees was a better option. Files were just scribbles on parchment. This woman was brilliant. And in only a weeks time?! Ms. Ward was in awe. ”That’s wonderful news. The quicker I’m able to get the names from the Department Heads the quicker I can turn the files in.” She wanted to add that some department heads were being less than cooperative. But seeing as though Medea didn’t know Ms. Radley on a personal level it was best to keep the trash talk to herself. ”Oh an owl would be fine Ms. Radley. I know you’re a busy woman.” Medea smiled slightly, more of a polite smile really. With a nodded she smoothed her robes and started toward the door, the urge to ask Ms. Radley for coffee however finally was so intense she had no other option. She turned slightly, facing the blonde. ”You know on second thought, if you had the time we could meet for coffee and you could give me the name and file then.” Medea never made propositions like this, business was business. But this woman was so |
Aww haha xD The Blonde woman nodded firmly as she agreed and then allowed herself to form a genuine smile at her response to her. "Well I'm not one to keep people hanging. I know that this is important and the name shall be with you as soon as I have chosen it. Of course I want to make the correct decision hence why i'm leaving it at most a week before the name is with you" she explained herself. She didn't want to make the wrong decision after all did she? "Of course. But I can schedule a meeting in my spare time if you really wanted to" she informed her. TO be honest Erica didn't exactly have any time to herself. Her life was her work and she was truly honoured to have the position she had so she did the best she could to live up to her role. And the woman she spoke with seemed to respect her and she was incredibly thankful for that. Not many people called her Ms Radley after all if they weren't her own employees. She went to pick up her paperwork and continue doing some in here instead of going back to her office whilst the other walked out the room until she saw her turn back and heard her voice. Lifting her head to see what it was she wanted, her eyebrow shot up at the question. "Sure" she smiled properly. "We'll say a weeks time yes? I shall bring along my chosen employees file and any further notes I have on them" she stated professionally. |
Medea is so excited :D Yeaaaa! Coffee, with another person! Medea rarely did anything socially. Well there was Mason, but that was it. Eep! She'd have to work on her small talk skills. It wasn't something she ever took time to perfect, in her opinion that skill wasn't needed in most business dealings. "Great. I suppose just owl me and we will me up." Medea smiled, nodded and then slipped out the door. The smile on her face stayed there as she entered into the hall and turned toward the lifts. She had a friend! Well, sorta maybe?! Either way she was happy. |
Damon eased himself into the conference room before taking a seat at the rather large, circular table in front of him. He was a bit surprised that he was the first person here for the meeting, but he figured people would start arriving shortly. |
Marina walked into the conference room, her pad in one hand and her Quill floating next to it following her as she moved toward a chair next to the man already seated in it. "Hello." She smiled at him, trying to remember if he was in her Department or from the Maintenance one, "Marina Stewart," She introduced herself formally as she put down her pad and leaned her back against the chair. |
Great, another meeting to attend, which meant it was sit-back-and-relax-while-other-people-talk time. Poppy made her way to the dirty, disgusting, and dull fourth level, and by the time she arrived at the courtroom she was gasping for air. She pushed the door open, then leaned on the doorway for a brief second to rest, before she proceeded inside the room. Oh great, she was there early, or maybe she was actually late and the meeting had already ended, hopefully. She checked her watch then the clock hanging on the wall. No, sadly she was early. She rolled her eyes and made her way to a chair, any chair was good. Apart from being suffocated by pastel pink tights four sizes too small, her ham-thick legs were burning from that long five minute walk. When she finally approach a chair she fall on it lazily, creating a loud thud and a minor earthquake of 3.8 that sent everything around her shaking. The poor chair creaked like it had just been murdered. No wait, it was still dying as Poppy moved around to rearrange herself and the chair continued to creak. Her legs were relieved of some of the pain, although they still couldn't breathe, when Poppy screeched like a banshee across the room. "GOOD MORNING!" And it wouldn't be a Poppylicious day without her ever so charming giggle, which followed that most wonderful greeting. |
Annabeth arrived at the meeting room, not late which was good, and took a seat at the table. |
"Nice to meet you Marina," Damon said, extending his hand towards her. "My name is Damon." Damon stared at her for a couple of moments, trying to remember if she was in the same Department...he was pretty sure she was. "You're in the Environmental Department, right?" He noticed the quill floating next to her, slightly amused by it, but the amusement was short lived. While Damon was introducing himself to Marina, he hadn't noticed the third person walk into the room. With her rather excited and cheerful greeting, Damon jumped in his chair slightly, quickly rebalancing himself before turning to look at the girl who had provided the warm welcome. He gave her a little smile and a nod of the head. |
The Environmental head to glad to see some had arrived to the meeting early, but who was that speaking so loudly so early in the morning? Entering the room, he let his gaze wander around the table, lingering on the giggling woman. Hm. "Morning, early birds. Hope your all doing well." He took up his seat at what would be the head of the table had Erica not gotten her way with the round table, shifting around the room again. Hunter wasn't here yet, but he wasn't fazed. Flicked his wand at the drawer, he summoned quill and parchment. "We'll wait a few more minutes to allow more to join us." |
Marina nodded her head at Damon, "I am. Nice to meet you too," And her smiley face went pale for a second as her head snapped toward the old woman who'd just entered the room energetically and .. "Morning, Rafael." She gave her head of department a big, proud smile. Yep, they were early birds! |
Amaria quickly walked into the level four conference room. "Good morning," she said sweetly witth a smile on her face. "Amaria Lee, Magical Maintenance," she introduced herself. Amaria sat down in a chair and waited for the meeting to begin. |
Even though he was running a tiny bit late, Hunter still sauntered his way up to Level four, with his hands shoved in his pockets. He even stopped by the maintenance cupboard to see if he needed to order any supplies. Satisfied that everything was in order, he then headed on down to the conference room. Stepping inside he spotted some of his fellow workers including Mrs Pricklepot and he had to suppress a groan at the sight of her. "Good morning everyone." He made his way around the table and took a seat next to Rafael and flashed him a lazy grin. "Sorry I'm late." Did they have any coffee? |
Returning the greetings that were sent his way, the Spaniard made short work of placing the summoned parchment and quill in front of him, charming the quill so that it would take notes during the meeting. "Not too late," He comment by way of greeting. There was coffee, and tea as well, on a decent sized tray in the center of the table, and though Rafa had yet to touch it, he assumed the others knew they were welcome to. They did right? Hm. Deciding that now was a good time to start, he let his gaze wander from Hunter to the others in the room. "Thank you all for attending this meeting. For those who don't know, I am Rafael Belmonte, Environmental Head." He motioned to Hunter. "And this is Hunter Phillips, Maintenance Supervisor. We will be heading this meeting, and assignment together." As for there names, well... they could give them if they liked. "I called this meeting because I'd like to get started on a project, making the ministry more environmentally friendly. As of now, there is no sign that there's an environmental department or that the ministry is striving to become more 'green' with the exception of level four. Hopefully, with the assistance of maintenance, we can change that." The quill obediently scribed every word he spoke. "First I'd like to see if you guys have anything in mind on how we can accomplish this task, any ideas on how we can accomplish this goal?" Rafael motioned to them to speak, and belatedly, to the tray on the table. "Also, help yourselves to the tea and coffee." |
Poppy let out a heavy breath when the Environmental Head began to speak and tried her best to pay attention. Nevertheless, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and such was all that she heard. That is, until he mentioned that the Ministry was trying to go more green. She fought the urge to slam the table in protest and bit her lip to prevent herself from interrupting him. She nodded as he continued to speak, anxiously waiting for him to shut his trap so she could talk. Finally, he opened the floor for questions and discussion, and before anyone could get a word in Poppy For all she cared the Environmental Department could be green all they wanted, she had never visited this dismal place previously and didn't intend on ever visiting it again, but she was not about to turn the whole Ministry green! What do they think the Ministry is, the Slytherin Common Room at Hogwarts? No, no, no, no, no, no! She shook her head and pursed her lips angrily. Poppy would have helped herself to tea and coffee but it was too much effort to stand up, extend her arm, pour it, pick it up and whatnot so she remained seated. |
In his humble opinion the Ministry was not more green because people were often too lazy to make the effort to be green. In some ways Damon thought he knew muggles that were more environmentally consciences than some of the wizards at the Ministry. Damon was about to raise his hand slightly to offer a suggestion when the rather loud woman from before practically screamed her opinions at everyone in the room. Quote:
Deciding that perhaps the best thing to do was to ignore the comment and move on like it had never happened. Perhaps, it was the best thing for Damon to do...move on and pretend it had never happened. "Excuse me Rafael, perhaps you could tell us how the maintenance department goes about their business of keeping the Ministry clean and organized. I'm new to the Ministry, and not completely familiar with all the people and departments in it. Do we have a recycling system in place here, because if we don't that's definitely something worth looking into. Given the amount papers and owls that get sent in and out of this place, a good recycling system could go a long way." |
Text Cut: Rafael Marina's own quill scribbled notes on her own recycled pad. She nodded approving of this idea- making the ministry as environment friendly as possible was a great idea and should be one of their major goals. "I-" Text Cut: Old lady xD .. Marina let out a sigh. An exasperated one. Seriously, did everyone in the ministry just think that bad of their Department's color? She's been here for a few months and had already heard enough of other employees arguing about it. She was about to speak when Damen made a suggestion.. Text Cut: Coworker Damon :D Nice one. Marina nodded, "I think recycling should be one big part of the improving regime." She turned her gaze at the old lady and managed a small smile, "And we can make sure that our ideas go beyond green color. Perhaps we can use different colored plants as decorations around the offices and break rooms?" The lady had taken Rafael's words literally.. Marina thought they might as well answer her literally. "Would you like me to get you a cup of tea, ma'am?" She added in a neutral tone. She did see the way the woman sat on the chair few minutes ago and making her stand up again might take some time. Back to suggestions, she returned her gaze at Rafael, "I think we can discuss ways of turning the Ministry environment friendly by talking about each department briefly and then we can determine the best ways to improve their concepts of saving the nature." She paused looking around at the others to see the reaction to her idea, "Let's say the Law Enforcement department," Nope, she didn't suggest that because of Enrique.... oh well, she did. "They use a lot of parchments and quills and such which makes it inevitable for us to assess their way of dumping them at the end of the day which leads us back to Damon's suggestion about the recycling system. And I say we put some mild rules on subjects before they get vanished as well. We all are aware that the evanesco charm has a slightly different effect on the different vanishing subjects." And the fact that HER group was responsible for that later made it even more tempting to put some rules and obligations on using the charm during work. Feeling that she'd said enough for the moment, she stopped thinking of more ways to the more-greenie system. |
Was it ringing? "Do you have any suggestions?" Now that she hopefully KNEW what they were all gathered here for. Quote:
"That's a good idea." He nodded his head. "Getting the other departments in on the project would help better the environment tremendously. And we'll add rules about vanished items as well. It may take a bit longer than the rest, making sure we have ways to enforce those rules and whatnot, but I think it would also help better our environment." Did anyone else have anything to add? |
Somehow, in some crazy way, Mason didn't realize the presence of the elderly, insane, sparkly, horrific woman. Until she shrieked her loud opinion. Mason jumped, nearly out of his chair and dropped his pen on the ground. That woman made him shudder. *SHUDDER.* Ever since she exploded through the door with glitter at the last meeting, Mason had feared that woman. Something about her just put him on edge. Poppy Prickelpot. *SHUDDER* Picking up his pen and regaining his composure, Mason cleared his throat and decided to add his opinion. "I agree, adding more plants would make it more inviting. Along with new paint, different color schemes that are inviting to eye. Fancy rugs, more portraits to say hello to." He suggested. Oh, epiphany: "Hell, we could even have people standing at the lifts and the entrances to welcome us to the Ministry." |
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