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Inter-Divison Work Area Employees of the Magical Transportation Department, this is where you work! The majority of the space when you enter the Department from the lifts is given to these blocks of low-walled cubicles. Please find one close to the rest of your Division workers but other than that feel free to converse, send memos, or pass paper wads with your neighbors. The area within the dividers and walls of your workspace are your own so be creative. Go ahead and hang up posters, pictures, newpaper clipping and bring in items to decorate with. All things are welcome except dangerous items or poisonous/man-eating plants! Once you pick your desk it will be assigned to you until changed by your Department Head, and a name plaque will be placed on your desk upon your settling in. ;) Now....GET TO WORK! |
Opening the door to the breakroom and 'releasing' the He would post their first assignments on the Announcement Board very soon! OCC: Ok everyone, we are going to get this show on the road now. Since all of us are sort of new here, we will take this time to rp and get to know each other as we unpack out things and settle in. I will be posting first assignement soon so be sure to keep on this stuff! ;) Have fun! |
Layla it seemed was one of the first person to come in for the first official day of work. She had a box floating in front of her as she pushed the door open and stepped unto their level. The first thing she did was to find a seat close by the window, even though the weather was artifical. She still liked a bit of scenery every once in a while. After finding the perfect cubicle, she began unpacking her things and getting her area more personalised and organised. Hopefully she wouldn't be using her desk too much. |
Katrina walked into the cubicles looking around for the perfect one. She smiled and sighed. Katrina supposed she'd want one near the examination rooms, seeing as she was going to be administrating exams. Katrina's insides tingled at the thought of possibly starting her job. It was thrilling. Katrina's box of things floated in and rested on one of the desks. The first thing she put up was a little picture frame of her family. After all, family first before anything else. Smiling, she unpacked with a tune stuck in her mind. |
Andie followed her co-workers into the work area, and wandered for a few minutes to choose a desk. She didn't want any old work space. Finally choosing a desk, she set her minimised box of things onto the desk and put it back to it's original size. First things first, she got her copy of her Anakin Skywalker poster out, and when she as sure of where to put it exactly, stuck it, glad to see it fit. "Okay, now what." She muttered to herself, sorting through the rest of her belongings. Andie soon had placed photo frames with pictures of her family and friends in their new spots, and was ready to finish personalising it. This desk was going to be so epic, she would never get bored sitting in it. |
Amilee walked and slowly scanned the room with her eyes. She found a perfect spot near a window. She felt as if that spot or cubicle was calling out her name. She walked towards it and began taking out her things to organize them. She had plastic letters that spelled out her name "Ami" as well as picture frames, with photos of friends and family. She also had a stuffed animal near that she set down on her desk. Everything contradicted her appearance, she was serious but still enjoyed feeling young sometimes. |
Anna walked in the work area. It was a new feeling although she worked for the ministry for two years now, but still there was a kind of excitement. Everything looked so new and fresh. She walked in the room and looked for some good desk; after all she had to work there now, so it had to be something good. She took the desk and sat on the chair and unpacked her bags. Looking around she could see the level six employees walking in the room and setting their thing. She was kind of nervous for some reason, she didn't know herself. She quickly removed all her things and settled them on her desk, as she was busy setting her desk she was also thinking about her first assignment the Armen had in the store for them. Now it was time to wait and see. |
A memo airplane zooms exits the lifts and zooms in through the open door leading towards the Level Six work areas. After passing the front Welcome desk and flies over a few cubicles and employees, the magenta envelope flutters and comes to a hult on the table by the Transportation Department Head ready for HIM to read: Quote:
Still with a plate in hand with two extra sandwiches, Cyryl made his way into the work area, looking around for that perfect cubicle. Cubicles? Dang, it was like his own little prison cell. Glancing into one that was on the far opposite side of where he entered the room, he looked around shiftily before slowly scooting inside the little room, missing the memo airplane entirely. Hmmmm... He claimed this one. It needed some sprucing up of course. Maybe a few plants here and there, pictures, candy, and it...it was too organized. Merlin, he had a lot of work to do already and it was only his first day! GAH! |
Carrying her plate with her half a sandwich on it, Katherine leaned lightly against the wall of the first cubicle she got to as she peered down the long array of little cubicles. She frowned and realized immediately that she was NOT going to be spending much time here so it didn't matter which one she chose. They made her twitchy and brought out her claustrophobia. With an even sigh, she made her way toward the very first one she got to - window side of course - and set her plate down on the desk. This one would have to do. Not that she had any decorations of her own to add to it, but a name plaque should appear shortly for it. She didn't intend on spending much time, so personal decor was hardly necessary. Cracking the window open to allow some fresh air in, her green-brown eyes peered outside as she wondered for the first time in a few years if this is what it was like for her cousin. She knew her cousin had gotten in as Department Head of Mysteries, but had she not lasted because of the tightness in the air? Or was there something more? |
Jayden walked around before spotting an empty cubicle with a great view of the visitor's area. Ah. Perfect. Now it was his desk. He then took a seat. Since he didn't have anything to do he scattered a few quills and blank parchments around. That was much better. Now his desk didn't feel so empty. He glanced up briefly as a pink envelope passed overhead. That was a bit odd. Who had pink envelopes? |
Everyone! No quotes since everyone was just moving in. :P Armen looked up from his position of leisure at the end of the walkway created by the two rows of Cubicles. It seemed his employees were finishing up in the Breakroom and had even brought some of the food with them to discover their new work areas, that was fine by him. He nodded with a smile at Cyryl, Katherin, and Anna as the three of his four supervisors found desks. Good at least they were close by and he wouldn't have to search too hard for them. Armen grinned and waved smally to some of the others as they settled down in their working cubicles. After everyone seemed to be seated, he stood up from his seat he had taken on the small table and was able to be seen over the small walls by everyone. "Ok everyone, glad to see you have your workspace! Now a few of you will not be using these very often, like the Apparation Testers and the field work people but these are places that you can claim as your own when work doesn't call you out." he said kindly and with that he flicked his wand and shiney bronze name plaques appeared on the top of each cubicle so it was easy to tell who its occupant was before entering. Quote:
"Well what do we have here? Pardon me for one second." he said holding up a finger and then going to read the parchment. It was from Borr. They had to do what? Oh...ok then he needed to go in a different route then. "Ok everyone that was a memo from the desk of the Minister himself." he read them the letter out loud so they would know what was going on. "So I had some other work for you to start on today but we will first be working on this." he said holding up the paper. They needed to please Borr and show him that Transportation employees were hard-working. They had all just gotten to their desks from the Breakroom and he wasn't about to make them move again, so the Conference room would be used next time. "So I have spoken to the Department Head downstairs in Internation Cooperation about some larger scale plans that we will be telling the Minister about but we need to decide, here together, what sort of things we want to do on our floor to freshen up the place and get some air moving. What ideas do you have?" he said openning the floor for discussion. |
She saw a memo fly through the office and land near the department head and listened to the boss man as he spoke. She bit her lower lip. It would help if they actually had real windows she supposed. "Get a muggle air conditioner or fan?" Katrina offered. That seemed to work fine back at her flat when her younger sister wasn't speaking through the fan to sound like an alien. |
"We could try artificial flowers and an aquarium, maybe?" she asked, her French accent light and musical. "Or colorful lights hanging from the ceiling." Just her two knuts. Maine nodded and went back to decorating, charming her stationary to write by themselves if needed. Maine found an old pen that didn't have any ink left and so transfigured it into an artificial bonsai-looking tree and decorated it with the ribbon that was currently in her hair. She didn't feel like tying it anyway. |
Coffee still in hand Jen bounded into the office area and looked around with a smile on her face, "Oh where will I ever find a place to work?" She giggled looking around as people simultaneously picked a desk space and began to work on it, making it feel like theirs. Jen moved over near where Katrina was and set her coffee down on what she now claimed as her desk. Pulling her wand out from the holster Jen cocked her head to the side thought for a moment. Giving her wand a couple of waves, a two photos appeared and put themselves in place. One was a photo of herself surrounded by a bunch of people her age in front of the ocean, taken out in California. The other, surrounded again, but this time by children was taken in Africa. Both were photos that held a lot of memories to Jen. Something gold caught the eye of Jen, she turned to the side quickly and watched as the gold blur placed itself on top of the cubicle with her name on it. She smiled, it was really starting to come together. Nodding her head, Jen turned and walked near where the others were to hear Armen speak. She thought hard, "What about some nice flower arrangements with lots of color? They'd look nice, smell nice and are quite lovely in general." Jen smiled, she raised her arm up as if she was going to take a drink of coffee, and then realized her coffee was missing. "Or, we could change the wall color." Jen said with a shrug, it'd be something different. |
Then as if on que, Katrina spoke up and gave an idea. "Thank you Katrina, for both going first and giving me a way to intoduce the plan I came up with to propose to Borr- I mean the Minister." he nodded nervosuly, he needed to make sure not to make that mistake in front of the giant man. "Like you said Katrina, fans would work but I was thinking that perhaps we can do a breeze-like charm to continue to circulate the air on our level." he paused to see what she thought of this. "And as a Department Head I have to write up what we are doing and in this proposal I am going to suggest we do that charm in particular over the entire Ministry!" he said excitedly, giving the woman and excited nod and writing on the board. Quote:
Then remembering the crazy episode in the Atrium he glanced back at her. "And congradulations on the engagement." He knew it had lacked a perfect timing, what with Borr screaming and sitting on people in the crowded Atrium but it was love just the same. Quote:
"Since we are the Transportation Department, why don't we have some decor along those lines?" Jayden suggested. "We could have model brooms mounted to the walls... or even flying around." He leaned back in his seat and looked up. He could just picture child-size brooms whizzing around up there. |
Glancing around the corner of her cubicle as her department head spoke up, Katherine decided that whatever she could recall of this Lord Borr - which admittedly was not much - she liked him already for the simple fact that they both seemed to agree that the air in the Ministry was stuffy. Even if it was for different reasons, though she did not know his reasonings. Listening to her peers suggest some ideas, Kat jotted down a few of her own: Staring down at her list, she eyed it ruefully before placing her hand over it and waiting for the next task. Yea, she wasn't going to share it outloud; she would give it to Armen personally, if he asked...Ideas to get the air moving: |
Ok so now that they had the main suggestions, they could start working on them if they wanted to. "Good ideas everyone! Now if you think of something else feel free to come up to the board and add it or if you want to keep them private don't hesitate to bring them to me and I will add them myself. So let the work party begin!" he clapped his hands. Sections sounded as if they would work best. "Everyone who wants to help with the pond go to the Waiting Area. Whoever wants to put together flower arrangements can head on down to the City Park just across the street and then return here to put them together and into place." he paused and consulted the board again. "The fans and charms we will put into place after I send the memo to Lord--Minister Borr for him to approve and that leaves, Magical Transportation objects. Anyone working on this can work here and begin to hang things as soon as you decide what you will use, there are plenty of old Portkeys, brooms, floo powder bags and Apparation Hoops around the level if you want to go and find some to use!" Armen was absolutely beaming, Borr was certainly on to something deciding that they should all do this! |
But now the choice was whether to go work on the Koi pond or on the flower arrangements... Katrina bit her lip trying to decide before standing from her desk. Or she could work on the Magical Transportation stuff... Koi pond definitely sounded like a lot more fun. The twenty year-old walked away from her cubicle and her things, making her way to the Waiting Area with a respectful nod of her head to the Department Head as she walked by. |
Aidon, who was the last of the employees to get inside the work room, had minimal choice in his cubicle seat. He situated himself at a cubicle in the far left hand side of the room, placing his slightly bulging bag on his desk and reaching into his robes for his wand. He gave the bag a small tap with is wand. It burst open: papers, posters, pictures, quills, bottles of ink- they all flew neatly onto his desk and walls. He stood back, admiring his handy work, just as Armen began telling them of the notice the Minister had sent them. Reaching forward, he grabbed his black leather bag and shoved it under the desk. Despite knowing he wasn't going to be using his cubicle much, he still liked he decorating he did. Aidon stood back, taciturn as the others began brainstorming ideas. It really was an odd request, coming from the Minister of Magic. He cleared his throat as his fellow employees gave their ideas to Armen. "This might coincide with Ms. Hill's idea," he began. "But we should also bring in some nicely sized ficus. I believe that Muggles say plants naturally expel oxygen into the air. That sounds absurd, of course, but we could easily place a breathing charm on them if that does not work." he said matter-of-factly. Having grown up in an entirely wizarding family, he wasn't sure if the silly theories that Muggles have were legitimate. He shrugged, hoping his idea could help. But then another idea came to him. "This could apply for both the plants, flowers, and the aquarium," he said. "What if we place Atmospheric Charms? I know they can get a bit nasty, but if we keep them in check and all, we can get them to water the plants, and even give fresh water to the aquarium!" He thought it was a rather good idea. But it was entirely up to his colleagues and, of course, Armen. "Rain does replenish, you know!" he added, matter-of-factly. He brushed off a bit of dirt from the shoulder of his midnight-blue robes and looked hopefully at Armen. |
Ramona Carefully, she took her mug out of the cardboard box, and all her photos in their frames, and unpacked the rest of her clobber, before finally, everything was unpacked and she relaxed back in her seat, listening to the rest of the suggestions |
It looked like the Olympic symbol. He chuckled and took the hoopes down. Maybe just throwing things against the wall wasn't the best idea. |
OK everyone, we need to kind of move this plot along, I have others to come! ;) Quote:
"Great try Jayden, but really the items can be placed however you want, as long as it looks nice." he said smiling. "Ok everyone else please come along and begin to come along and help out Jayden and myself to decorate our lovely work areas. If someone would like to fetch the ficas they may and others can help us hang Apparation hoops, old Floo powder pots, Portkeys, and brooms!" Armen turned back to the wall with his wand and began levitating other items. |
Before heading to the waiting area to help with the pond, Leo stopped by the work area to pick a desk and drop his stuff. He chose one of the few remaining desks, and set down his jacket and stack of papers. It was pretty plain. He would have to remember to bring some pictures in tomorrow so that while he worked he could see happy simling faces. He swiveled his chair around, but didn't sit. This place wasn't so bad, for being a desk and all. Leaving his jacket draped over his chiar, and his things just dsitting on his desk, he left the work area. |
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