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Albert Kettleburn EraAll historical records pertaining to Ministry of Magic RPG under Minister for Magic, Albert Kettleburn [IC January 2081 - December 2086; OOC June 2013 - January 2015]
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Text Cut: The Infected
Originally Posted by kayquilz
Ahh. And as he began talking, Kensi listened..and listened...intently. A TIMELY manner?! Was he kidding?! Kensi had been sick for MONTHS now...months. She didn't think it was timely in any manner of the word! But she kept her mouth shut..for now...and just glared silently at him. She shouldn't be mad at HIM though...it's not HIS fault that no one had reported any of these..mysteriously ill people to him..
They could speak!
Kensi immediately raised her hand, shooting Wes a 'I am going to talk now' look! She stood up, and cleared her throat..and hooooped that she wouldn't PUKE HER GUTS OUT RIGHT THERE.
"Ah...Hi...I'm Kensington...I work for the MLE...uh...I'm one of those...whose behavior is...causing a raised eyebrow and such...uh.." she coughed again, feeling her stomach churn. She had to look green. She felt so so SO SUPER sick right now..."I have a variety of...symptoms...at first...I ws drooling a lot...then it started happening more...I would glaze out, like, my eyes would go blank and I don't remember what happens when this happens...I also started getting ill a lot...like throwing up..." she clutched her stomach and stared at the Minister...she was a bit trembly under his gaze, but that was probably due more to her...feeling ill than really being nervous. But Kensi usually didn't speak in front of large rooms...so...this was weird for her. "After Christmas, it got way way worse. I found myself drooling more, blanking out more, and doing things without..thinking. Like coming to work...without thought...just...doing it. MY teeth..my teeth are sharper than usual..this I find the most...mysterious and disturbing part of the whole thing..." she finished, breathing in relief and sitting down suddenly...grabbing the bag in case she PUKED. Because it was..
She hoped she described the symptoms...well enough. And she hoped some of the other infected people would talk, too, and Aron and Derek..because they had the samples...and stuff...
Alexander was somewhat surprised that the first to speak was not a department head, but an employee. An infected employee, at that. He turned toward her, folded his hands in front of him, and then gave her his utmost attention. Ever so often, his eyebrows would furrow inward as he took in the details of her sudden illness. A firsthand account wasn't something he'd been given yet.
"Miss Kensington, I'm sorry to hear what you've been going through," he said, giving her an apologetic look. Although he hadn't been responsible for things, he was still a caring human being. Despite how he'd come across to most people he'd encountered in his past, he did have a heart. Listening to her symptoms made him think of his wife, who was suffering from symptoms of her own. "I appreciate the fact that you've come here today and stood before us to give the details. You have my promise that we'll not only look into this, we'll solve what's going on and do what we can to help you."
Text Cut: The Loyal Junior Undersecretary
Originally Posted by dan arjay
Aha! The Minister has arrived and started the meeting straight away, as expected from the big cajuna.
As needed, Zach snapped his fingers to conjure a pen and a paper, a trick he learned from South Africa. He started to make it write everything that was being stated. Giving a small nod from time to time and a bit of a chuckle when he heard the cafeteria.
Thank God for home cooked meals. he thought. He had never been to the cafeteria.
But some things never adds up to the statements. They were right to speculate that it is from the cafeteria and link the drooling symptom there, but not the airborne theory. There should be coughing or sneezing involve if it is airborne.
He wanted to speak up but he knows so little about the said issue, he needs more information. But for now, he will just have to encircle the word airborne from his notes.
Alexander passed a brief glance toward his new Junior Undersecretary. The man had been instructed to take careful notes and write down every detail given. Eying the man's parchment for a moment, Alexander noted that he was doing just yet. He gave the man an approving nod before hearing another voice speak through the crowd.
Text Cut: The Evidence
Originally Posted by TSnitch
She shook her head as Kensi quietly apologised. Zoning out all that had happened already, she didn't want to hear it. Not now, later would be better. She knew Wes was still mad and would roll with that heat when it came.
Dacs looked at Wes and once again resisted the urge to roll her eyes. She decided to speak up and give her report just like she gave to her boss.
"Minister if I may, I'm Antoni Dacosta, Chief Investigator of MLES on Level 2. I first noticed the strange behaviour a while back after a YATI was being somewhat pursued by an infected member of staff from Level 1, Kyleigh Manning and I was being pursued by one from Level 9, Demetrius Clay. At the Orientation while reporting to Mr. Ferguson, I realized it wasn't a freak occurrence as others noticed similar things. Most if not all the reports originated in the cafeteria which leaves me to believe that whatever this epidemic is and it is one, whether we want to admit it or not. I'm not sure of the exact source of the contamination, but I fully support the motion to close the cafeteria down until we can locate the source. Also, for the safety of those infected and the rest of the staff at the ministry and the wizarding community at large, I also support the move to have them quarantined until we find out how bad these symptoms can get as well as have them here for treatment. We want to be safe and not sorry, sir." she said, with military precision.
Giving him a respectful nod, she sat down and glanced half annoyed and half expectantly at Aron. He had the scientific part of it to explain. She did the tactics of investigation. That's why Wes had them there. To explain, from the expertise point of view.
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
He shouldn't be doing so, but he was. He TOTALLY was smirking at what Wes had said and was surprisingly not phased by the threat of being fired. Nope, that bit had sort of gone completely over his head because of the other stuff that had been said. The stuff that had shown this woman that he was right. Heh.
Aron adjusted himself in his seat a little, and just in time too, as the Minister finally entered and got the ball rolling.
He began to shuffle through all his paperwork, looking for the list of names that he had that matched the samples in his collection. His ear caught what Dacs had said, two more names that he did not have samples from and he wondered for a moment if Derek was keeping information from him. This was NO time for competition man! Aron quickly jotted down the two names and made a note to seek them out later for some fresh drool samples before he raised his hand and stood up to speak.
"Aron Ashburry-Hawthorne, CMEC Counterfeit Magic Identification Specialist with the MLE," he said rather quickly to get to the point. "I've been working with Mr. Meriwether in the Toxicology and Analysis lab on level three testing drool and vomit samples from those showing the symptoms just described. Here is a list of who we have so far. I will be adding Kyleigh Manning and Demetrius Clay to this list once the meeting is over." And with that he passed out copies of the report that was primarily a list of names.
Kensi Whitworth | Magical Law Enforcement
Age: 26 | Pureblood
sample taken 03 JAN 2079 13:45
Dimitri Burton | International Cooperation
Age: 21 | Pureblood
sample taken 03 JAN 2079 13:25
Dimitri Burton | International Cooperation
Age: 21 | Pureblood
sample taken 03 JAN 2079 13:55
Alex Armstrong | Magical Games & Sports
Age: 26 | Pureblood
sample taken 03 JAN 2079 14:00
Skander Beckett | Magical Law Enforcement
Age: 33 | half-blood
sample taken 10 MARCH 2079 13:15
Aron Ashburry-Hawthorne | Magical Law Enforcement control
Age: 31 | Muggleborn
sample taken 17 MARCH 2079 09:43
"You will see that I have taken the liberty of adding myself to the list. So far we have not found anything real conclusive as of yet. The issue is that we do not have a large enough pool to test from." No pun intended, honestly. Pools of drool and all. "I took a sample of my own saliva as a control since I have no eaten in the cafeteria nor am I showing any symptoms at present, but also to make sure that the DNA patterns in the infected's saliva do not yield the same results. If the results are the same...then it means whatever is causing this is airborne and everyone in the Ministry could be at risk." Something to think about before everyone jumped down his back at this next request. "Which is why I would also like to propose that each Ministry employee supply a sample of their DNA for testing along with an inspection of the cafeteria." Yep. Aron was asking everyone to drool on a stick. "Mr. Meriwether was also...bitten by one of the infected, but it is unclear at this time if this can cause the infection to spread." Until they compare his drool to the others that is.
So there were Droolers and there were Biters...so far at least.
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Victoria had been sitting very quietly. She wasn't sure of what to do exactly. Looking at the head of her department she decided just to follow her lead and whatever she did was what Victoria should do. Her stomach turned a few flips with nerves and she was sure that she was just over reacting, these meetings couldn't be that intimidating, could they. As people started chatting, she got lost in all the conversation. Everyone seemed to know each other and she wasn't sure who was who, let alone know anyone.
Then the minister walked in. She recognized him right away. As she listened to him she felt a little alarmed, so there was something strange going on. It wasn't just her imagination getting the best of her. Once others started speaking she wasn't sure if she should talk or not. Finally she put up a shaky nervous hand, "Excuse me sir.. I'm Victoria Maroon. I'm actually new to the Magical Games and Sports, but during the meet and greet we had, there were a few people that I met, well they were just a bit off. One man in particular was walking into walls, growling, and drooling." She stopped at that, hoping the information she had given could help at least a little bit.
Ahh, Magical Law Enforcement. He'd suspected they'd have already been on the case, and as usual, they didn't disappoint. ...and oh, someone from Games and Sports, as well? Well done, new employee. Well done. His eyebrows furrowed even further inward as he listened to the accounts given. "The cafeteria, hmm?" he said to Dacosta. He grew quiet a bit and nodded along as he seemed to consider that option. Come to think about it, the talk of strange occurrences seemed to begin around the same time the food court got good and underway.
Alexnder looked toward Ashburry-Hawthorne and then accepted the list he'd provided. His brown eyes scanned quickly across the list as he read and re-read the provided information. Once, Alexander even looked up to meet the eye of Ferguson, the man's boss. A well-deserved raise is in order, that look seemed to say. "This is very impressive work," he said to Ashburry-Hawthorne.
Then there was the account given by the new employee, who introduced herself as Maroon. "I see," Alexander said, placing the list he'd received in front of him. He wasn't suffering from a shortage of words but rather allowing each piece of information a chance to roll over in his mind as he processed things bit by bit. "Walking into walls, growling, and drooling," he said, again looking toward the Junior Undersecretary. Was he getting this?
Text Cut: The Department Heads
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
Wes shook his head initially at Kensi's question, catching the look from Thea and deciding it was possibly in his best interests to let sleeping dogs lie, then sat back and waited for the meeting to start. He'd been planning to tell Hothead #3 to settle down as well, but then Alexander appeared and called for people to speak up. Since Kensi seemed to be leading the charge, he would speak as well and would just have to reprimand her, Aron, and Dacs in his office later.
Back to the meeting. He was not going to raise his hand. School had taken up enough of his life already. He did stand, though, and smoothed out his tie before talking. Good thing he'd decided to dress up today, eh? You didn't just have a meeting with the Minister every day.
"Wes Ferguson, MLE Head, speaking for Level Two. We've started conducting an investigation into these symptoms, which initially came to my attention at the Employee Orientation, and are collecting samples of those we suspect are infected with whatever Miss Whitworth here has. Some of us," he glanced toward Aron and Dacs, "suspect the infection stems from the cafeteria, as that has been stated during questioning as something several of the infected share. We're looking to quarantine individuals with the same symptoms while we shut down the cafeteria and investigate the source of this... situation, with everyone's cooperation and the Minister's permisson."
The Specialty Area Head got a nod, as did the Minister and Althea, since some employees from her level were working closely with a few from his level. Mini-speech done, Wes sat back down again and looked to his other two to speak up. They'd had no problem with speaking their minds five minutes ago, after all.
Originally Posted by Tegz
Finally. Althea gave the minister a polite nod and her full attention when he deigned to actually arrive, though she wasn't exactly for this 'raise your hand' business. Right.
She listened as a few others stood and spoke, nodding here and there when her own department or employees were mentioned and then she stood up to speak herself.
"My department, Accidents and Catastrophes, is equipped with a laboratory ideal for testing samples, as has been mentioned." She nodded at Aron and actually managed something resembling a pleasant smile. "Derek Meriwether, whom I have asked to attend with me today," She indicated the man sitting with her, "may be able to enlighten us a little in relation to his work with Ashburry-Hawthorne, testing samples and such. Furthermore, we offer our facilities for further testing as required, though as its a controlled lab environment, we would prefer to make that invitation only to those with the relevant laboratory experience." Certainly she didn't want all and sundry tramping through her level just to get a look and vials full of vomit. Rubberneckers irritated her to no end.
"Additionally, in regards to MLE's suspicions of a cafeteria-related cause," She nodded at Dacosta and then at Wes as well, "I have invited Jade Gemstone, one of my Reminisciators, who may be able to work with the.... infected, to ascertain what in relation to the cafeteria they have in common. Jade is also a former Memory Restoration Assistant and she is trained in the art of mind healing. She's ideal for this task." Nod. She turned to Wes. "Wesley," She so wanted to call him Franklin, "I think it would be useful if I loan Jade to you, so that you might continue to direct investigation of personnel, while Aron works with Derek on level 3 to continue analysis of samples and evidence." Nod. "If you need additional Reminisciator support you need only let me know." She didn't mind increasing their workload even more. Nope. In regard to her employees if they couldn't handle the heat they didn't deserve to be in the kitchen. Simple.
"For those of you who are unaware of the details of a Reminisciator's job, they are, in essence, the opposite of an Obliviator, in that they implant manufactured memories, but because of this, they also need to be able to analyse memories and identify and construct patterns within their fabric. If anyone can find a link by assessing the memories of the infected, a Reminisciator can." All they'd need is to get the memories of the infected folk - memories of the food court, that was. Assuming MLE were correct in their surmising.
She wasn't done.
"Additionally to all this, my charms developers are working on a quarantine spell so that we can ensure certain areas remain infection free." Starting with her own department, thank you very much. "And hopefully contain this infection to the Ministry." Because... Circe forbid if it began infecting the Wizarding Public as a whole.
"There is another consideration, which relates directly to containment - both large scale in respect to the Statute and keeping infected individuals out of Muggle sight, and smaller scale, where we need to ascertain if this matter should be brought to the attention of the Wizarding Public, and if not, how do we prevent it?" She paused to let that sink in. "Accidents and Catastrophes can and will prevent it gaining Muggle notice of course, and I can make Obliviators available if we require them for... other purposes." Y'know. Like hushing up the pesky media? Yup.
NOW she was done. "I'm perfectly happy to address any questions, but Derek and Jade can answer those which are more specific to their tasks." She smiled politely and then sat down.
Originally Posted by PotterHeadforLife
Well, it was about time Minister Greingoth arrived at Courtroom Seven. The people in the place were buzzing and chatting. Lulu obviously was out-of-place for that moment. She felt sorry for her employee, Victoria, for even dragging her here. It was sort of a weird place to be, since they both were very new to the Ministry. But Lulu regrets nothing, and what she chooses and decides on cannot be changed. She was confident that Victoria would be able to help with this 'disease' that the Ministry is currently handling.
Hand raised, Lulu went to stand. "Lourdes Black, Games and Sports Head Level Seven," Introduction first. It was a rather formal event for them. "Currently, I have not noticed anything strange in my level but during the orientation though there were a group of employees whom I don't know of acting oddly." BESIDES, Mr. Armstrong though. He was acting a bit too weird. There, that was her observation and if that was needed in this whole thing, there it was.
"But I assure you, Minister, that if anything suspicious occurs in not only my level, but anywhere else in the Ministry, I will inform you or anyone who could deal with this." He had his Senior Undersecretary, right? And maybe the Environmental Protection could help... or the Magical Creatures. As of now, Lulu will keep an eye on what's going to happen in front of her. Glancing at Victoria, Lulu gave her an approving nod. See? No regrets.
...and then came the time for the department heads to chime in, lead by Ferguson, the Law Enforcement Head. "Mr. Ferguson, your department is to be commended for their investigations into this matter," he commented, looking first at Wes and then at his present employees. "I don't see an immediate issue with the temporary shutting down of the food court, and as a matter of fact, I support the decision. Ms. Schirmer," he said, and then stopped as he'd realized he'd hired two of them. This earned a brief scowl from him before he turned toward the Specialty Area head. "If there's no issue with this shutting down, which I don't see where it would be, you'll need to notify your employees immediately. Perhaps Mr. Ferguson and those involved in the investigation might have a few questions for them, as well." This was no vacation for them and if anything, they'd need to present each day of the investigation.
Speaking of Schirmers, the cousin then spoke. Long winded, that one was. He entertained that thought for a bit until he was sure he'd begun inwardly smirking. She'd have a field day if she'd somehow overheard his line of thinking. Back to the meeting, though. He briefly regarded Meriwether before turning once again to Schirmer. He nodded along as she detailed her plans for lab usage and the borrowing of employees. She seemed to have this all hammered out and although his pride would not allow him to properly do so, he should really commend her, as well.
He opened his mouth to move on, but before a thought could even reach his tongue, Schirmer was trucking on. His mouth snapped closed, and he again turned toward her. He passed her a smirk when she mentioned making her Obliviators available for other purposes. "Well done," he said. He raised his hands in a half shrug and said, "There are no questions on my end. I think your plans are thorough, and I can't wait to see the results your team is able to come up with."
His attention turned toward the new Games and Sports head as one of his newest department heads took a turn to speak. "Thank you, Miss Black. We can use any information we can get at this point," he said, giving her a nod.
He sighed to himself as he tried to mentally sort through all the information now floating around in his head. "We've got all departments on board and ready to gather and use any information available," he said, giving the Junior Undersecretary a chance to catch up, "and the upcoming temporary closing of the food court." He looked out over the gathered crowd. "Anybody else?" Because now was the time to speak up if they had thoughts to share, as well.
Shaking his head, when the minister asked if there was anyone else who wanted to add something. The others had covered everything he'd seen, heard and witnessed. He agreed with the temporary closure of the food court too. Whatever it was that was causing these symptoms to occur needed to get sorted and quickly. Hopefully nip it in the bud before it got any worse!
Gazing around he waited to see if anyone else would respond. At the moment? He had nothing.
Oh, no... it was time for them all to speak. Derek could feel his heart race and his hands shake inside his pockets. He really hated that. Couldn't he just tell his Head of Department about what he has been researching? Or even, couldn't they just skip this whole meeting and go on with the experiments and researches??
The 25 year-old listened carefully as each person stood up and spoke. Good, people like Kensington, Aron and even Althea were already giving enough details. If they kept talking like that, maybe Derek wouldn't have to add anything! Good! Good!
He did agree with quarentine the individuals, though he didn't think the... infection(?) was contagious. That Wellington woman said exactly what he thought. If it were contagious, most probably half of the Ministry - or more! - would have been infected by now. And clearly that hadn't happened.
So everything seemed to have been covered... food court, symptoms, drool, vomit, DNA. Even the biting was mentioned by Aron. Perfect.
There was this one detail, though, that no one had mentioned and Derek found to be of some importance. He gulped, wondering if he should get up and actually say it out loud. wouldn't it be stupid to stand up to say one sentence??? Uuuurgh, Merlin!
Taking a deep breath, Derek finally stood up. "Derek Meriwether, Potion Identification and Recory Specialist." You can do this, Derek. Calm down. He finally took his hands from his pockets, but... he had no idea what to do with them now, so he put them back inside of his robes. Awkward much? "I have kept in touch with some of the... infected people. I met some of them, like Kensington..." He gave her a quick glance before continuing. "...and Demetrius Clay before the Christmas holidays." Derek didn't know who she should look at. His gaze kept going from one person to the other pretty quickly and he didn't aknowledge any of the people he looked at. Would it be too weird if he just stared at the wall? "They all have gotten much worse now, as Kensington said. A... friend of mine is also infected. Dimitri Burton. He has actually put himself in some... I could say inconvenient situations because of this illness." Not exactly things that could risk his life, but still. "He has walked into walls multiple times while... in trance."
Well, he had said a lot more than just a sentence. That made him feel a little better. Though he wanted to sit down already. He had talked too much already! "I'd suggest that when the infected people are put in quarentine, they get extra protection." What was that? Derek actually caring for the ill? Hm... "Since their magical abilities also seem to be... well, lacking." Not completely gone, though. Or... were they?
Was there anything else he wanted to point out? His thoughts were going through his head ridiculously fast and he just wanted to sit back down. Oh, Merlin, had he just made a complete fool of himself there? He felt like he had more things to share but he couldn't remember now. Uh... yeah, that would have to do. Nodding at the Minister, Derek finally sat down.
How many hours had he been standing up and talking???? MERLIN.
Wait, he didn't mention anything from his tests in the lab! Oh bludger. Well, they hadn't gotten any certain answers yet, so... okay, he was fine. Hopefully. Was the meeting over yet?
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ Maybe you'll dance, scour the buffet, or end up gossiping talking amongst yourselves!
You're happy to go with the flow and see where the Yule Ball takes you!
As soon as Derek finished and sat, Jade stood up to speak.
"I'm Jade Gemstone, Reminisciator. As my head, Ms. Althea Schirmer, has already mentioned, as a Reminisciator and a former Memory Restoration Assistant in addition to my training in mind healing--I should definitely be able to construct through the...infected's memories how they were each infected and more importantly what it was that infected them. Of course I'd be happy to work closely with your team on this, Mr. Ferguson. She nodded at him in acknowlegment.
I do concur with the suggestion made before about quarantining the known infected. If we do it immediately, there is less of a chance that there will be more cases of infected throughout the Ministry. I also agree with my co-worker, Mr. Meriwether, that we need to provide them with protection both for the infected especially in light of their diminished magical abilities and the people who will be working in close proximity with them.
Thank You." Jade finished and sat down beside Derek.
She really hoped that this meeting would be finished soon and that they decided to quarantine the infected. She definitely felt that the sooner she was able to view the memories in questions, then the quicker they would be able construct an antidote and a vaccine and get rid of this for good.
When you're ready come and get it, nah nah nah, nah nah nah, nah nah nah.
Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean
Isobel didn't really have anything to say. She'd noticed a few of her employees acting a bit strange, but someone had already mentioned Demetrius' name. No need to repeat that. The thing was when Wesley stood up, Isobel sort of missed what he said, becoming a little vacant. She stared off in a fixed direction, not blinking for a couple of moments. Just as Ella finished speaking the mysteries head was a little more aware, and blinked as she glanced around. She was sort of semi-aware that she'd nodded off or something. Hmm. That was odd. She looked around. Had she missed anything important? Oh well. She was sure it was okay.
Well. She would've been if she hadn't started to dribble a little. Oh dear. Maybe she really had fallen asleep. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a tissue, and wiped her mouth. Well, that was a little embarrassing.
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
Alright, to get this done and over with. Zach walked towards the Department Heads. He sighed, cleared his throat and said, "Good afternoon, Mr. Recard." he said addressing the person he knew from since then.
"I don't know if you still remember me, I am Zacharias McMillan. Used to be an Advisor." he said now looking at the other Department heads as well. He knew them very well, he is just not sure if they know who he is.
Him being away for a couple of years might've made him an obsolete face around.
Armen wasn't expecting this relatively new employee (at least he thought one that was new) to come up and speak so boldly to him but now that he mentioned it, the department head did recongize the man as one of the people seen flittering around nervously behind the His Largeness, Lord Borr.
"Ahh, I do remember you, and advisor during Borr's reign?" he said to ensure he was remembering correctly. "I understand wanting to take leave after he was...resigned." Overthrown by rebels really. He went on much quiter, "The current regime isn't as understanding as in the past." he gave the man a small smile, a congradulations on his return and promotion and a pat on the arm.
Originally Posted by TSnitch
"Well, well, well, if it isn't the gopher. How was that Recard?" she said, coldly. As she watched him sneer at her boss. Loyalty was a thing MLE had more than enough of. Besides, she still hadn't forgotten the insult she had to endure with this man a few years back. She still wanted blood for it.
"Oh you mean my executive assistant position? It was enlightening. It reminds me why I went to school for so long in order to achieve a position where I work with more competant and qualified people as well as making more Galleons than a person working in a trivial job below my current one." he said with another sneer. Yes, he was meaning her as an employee of MLE running about accusing others of things and sticking their necks out for much less money than a Department Head.
What duffers.
Originally Posted by Droo
"Yeah, he's been promoted to Junior Undersecretary." Ian said patting Zach's back "How did you like your office, mate? Did you bring your broom?" He said pointing at the guy. He then turned to the rest and waved at them, "Hello everyone! Nice to see you all again..." Was anyone a beater? For the conference room scrimmage he had planned...
And then there was the new Senior Undersecretary, a childhood friend of the Minister's and a nepotism case if there ever was one.
Armen didn't care for the man and his annoying and bubbly personality especially in such a situation as present. Employees becoming ill with a strange sickness was not an exciting matter and one, other than him, would find it hard to liken it to some Quidditch term or play like he was so well at doing Recard had deducted.
Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF
Rylan had been a bit perplexed when he got the invintation from his boss that he was needed in courtroom seven. And if he had known sooner he would have wore a better outfit, not ...this.. The ex-hufflepuff looked down at his clothes let out a soft sigh.
He pushed the door open and immediately took note of the light in the room and again he was surprised. He had thought that courtroom 7 was creepy and dungeon-y but he guessed he had been wrong.
"Hello everyone" he greeted in general, not in the mood to go to everyone and say hi. He spotted Armen though as he made his way to his place. He nodded his head while saying a "Hello Mr.Recard" and took a seat as well.
So, what was he supposed to do here? mweh guess he would figure that out soon enough when the Minister came. Yes he had seen that the man wasn't in the room yet. Rylan had met the Minister before during that special occassion. Odd man, seemed to be more interested in the brooms they were selling...
The first of his invited employees arrived and quickly joined him; good job. Recard had at least hired someone with enough sense not to sit with the MLEers.
"Afternoon Rylan, glad to see you've made it. We will need to discuss how Floos relate to this whole ordeal later, surely." he pursed his lips before resting his ankle of one foot onto his opposite knee.
Originally Posted by Tegz
Early of course. Althea Schirmer was NEVER late. She took a seat, ensuring that there was space for Jade and Derek to join her, and looked about for Abi. Well if she wasn't yet here, Althea would save a seat for her cousin too. Her eyes came to rest on Isobel and Thea gave the other woman a tentative smile.
She arranged her notes in front of her, readied her quill to take its notes on its own, and waited, sitting primly and not engaging in any sort of conversation.
The Transportation Head was glad to see Althea Schrimer arrive, they needed at least another head of reason to combat Wes's curse-first-ask-questions-later attitude and the Minister's Mightier Than Thou beliefs.
He inclinde his head to her as she sat.
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
Wes gave brief nods to Aron and Dacs as they came in and settled down. He was just toying with the scrap of a memo that was still reserving a seat for his third employee when the scum of the earth worked his way on in.
"Recard," Wes' upper lip curled into a snarl. "You mean what trouble of yours have I dug up this time? Does your founding the Brotherhood of Idiots count as trouble? Because if so, you'd better just weasel out of this meeting the same way you oozed in."
As a gopher, as Dacs had said. Ah it was horrid to see him again. Why couldn't Magical Transportation be in a separate annex from the rest of the Ministry so Wesley would literally never have to see Armen's face??? He was like a piece of Drooble's one accidentally stepped on and then NEVER got off his shoe ever again.
How clever he thought he was....
Recard turned his head to look at the MLE department head and just stared before making a rather disgusted face. He didn't say anything, the man was obviously desperate to look good in front of his employees.
Originally Posted by RachieRu
She bit on her lip a little as Althea arrived. Things were still awkward between them. She did offer her best friend a smile back though. They might not have properly talked for a couple of months but Isobel knew Thea would probably always be the female she was closest too. Her attention was there drawn too Armen, and she rolled her eyes. "Good afternoon Recard." She drawled, before not saying anything else to him. At all.
And of couse Izzy would say something, although he had expected something more than a boring 'Good afternoon' what with their history. "Afternoon Isobel." He wanted so badly to mention his new girlfriend Gabi but it wouldn't be proper and moreso there was no way to segway it properly.
Originally Posted by grangerfan8
Trailing behind one of the employees invited by another department head, one that was unknown to him, Rafael entered the courtroom, hands deep in pockets. And alone. His workers had nothing of importance to provide to this meeting, but he had invited some to gather more information that could help them with their responsibilities in all this mess.
Greeting everyone with a small nod, and a few spoken hellos for those he was familiar with, he made his way over to Ella and took a seat beside his co-level head. "Afternoon, Ella."
Armen nodded to Rafa as he entered the room. It was good to see him around, seeing as he was a sympathizer to the Cult's environmental cause. He was given a nod before Recard turned his attention to his other employee.
Originally Posted by Lollipop!
Was she late? Well, it wasn't really her fault if she was. The invitation to join Rylan and Armen in meeting the Minister had come as a pretty big shock. And, really, how could one not expect her to dress nicely and do her hair. Though she really hadn't had time to do the latter. So she had tucked her notepad (quill charm to stick to it, mind you) under her arm and had tied her hair up in a tight ponytail, in the elevator on the way down. And now, she marched up to the door, heels clacking on the floor, and pushed open the door, half-expecting to see faces glare at her and the minister in the middle of talking but no, thankfully.
She eyed everybody and decided NOT to say hello cause did she LOOK like she cared about these random people from different departments. She gave the room another once over and found Armen and Rylan. Slyvie walked over, eyes straight ahead before sliding smoothly into a chair beside them. "Hello." She nodded at both of them, a flickering smile on her lips. She put her notepad on the table, along with her quill and leaned back into her chair, lacing her fingers together.
Now...what was this about exactly?
"Hello Slyvie, glad to see you could make it." He wouldn't have been happy if she had missed it but she was there so he wouldn't have to worry about the what ifs. He had all of his people there so now it was just waiting until the Minister arrived.
SPOILER!!: Fighting and uncivilized MLEers
Originally Posted by TSnitch
"You so much as touch my employee, I will, I repeat I will, put you down. And I will do so hard. Have some tact." Dacs said quietly without even looking at the man with the kooler."And you don't talk to her directly, you talk to me when I'm around." It was one thing to be infected but it was another to have it shoved in your face. This guy was rubbing her the wrong way.
"Kensi, get some control there. If you can't manage this meeting right now, go get some down time. Either here or at St. Mungo's." she said turning to Kensi.
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Exsqueaze me?
Aron arched an eyebrow and pushed his things aside and just STARED at the Chief Investigator. She was joking, right? This bloody honking daffodil was joking, yes? Surely she had READ the memo from Head Cabbage about what was going on in the department? Suuuuurely she had seen that his branch was supposed to investigate those who were showing symptoms of whatever it was that was going around the Ministry? SURELY she knew that HER so-called employee was on that list of infected. Or was this woman just daft? Not to mention he wasn't touching her. There was NO physical contact whatsoever going on.
"Are you telling me that I am not allowed to do the job that I was assigned to do?" he asked, somehow showing none of his frustrations towards the woman. "For the past few weeks I have been down in Accidents & Catastrophes analyzing drool and vomit samples from people within the Ministry to try and figure out what is going on. People who are showing symptoms including Witworth here. If she is worse than the time I took a previous sample, then it is within my right to take another one." And if she disagreed then she could take that up with Wes. HE had assigned Aron with this task AND had asked him to come to this meeting to discuss how things were going. "So, by all means. If you think it would be better if I not do the job I am assigned to, a job that is meant to protect everyone in the wizarding world including yourself, by all means take it up with Wes."
And he was done now. Kensi best take the bag though if she was feeling sick and like she was going to vomit. Better in a bag than on the floor.
HONESTLY! Were ALL the women in the MLE bloody honking daffodils?!
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
"That's enough," Wes growled at BOTH of his employees. He clear leaned on the table and shot a look at them that showed how unacceptable their bickering was. "I also asked Kensi here as evidence, Aron, so she's just as important to this meeting as are you and your samples. Being in her presence isn't going to instantly infect you, since you've been around her before and nothing's happened to you yet. Dacs, he DOES have permission to collect evidence from your employees, albeit in a more professional manner, so your threats are not needed here."
Well, maybe more Kensi was more important than the samples, since she was living and breathing, he supposed, and there was no better evidence to have in hand than one that could talk.
"The point is," his voice dropped into a menacing whisper, "you're BOTH embarrassing my department and I'll fire BOTH of you and conduct the investigation myself if you continue to act like bickering brats. Is that clear?"
Merlin, don't make him turn this car around! if his boys ever behaved like this when they were old enough to argue talk.... it wouldn't be pretty. As for the poor MLEr in question...
"Glad to hear you're feeling better, Kensi. We really need you here, for now, anyway. If you do feel a need to leave the meeting at any point, though, please do." He made a show of patting the young woman on the back and then went back to glaring daggers at Recard.
Armen couldn't help but chuckle out loud at the arguing employees sitting around Ferguson. They were a pack of overly hyped-up children searching for bad guys under every rock and in every corner and couldn't even sit quietly in a room without fighting amongst themselves.
Good to see Wes at least was embarrassed.
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
Alexander had been visiting with foreign minister for most of the morning, but just as he was wrapping up their meeting and saying his goodbyes, word arrived that the meeting in courtroom seven was about to get underway. Straightening his coat and tie, Alexander left his office and made his way to level ten. He arrived and took his usual seat when in this particular room.
Clearing his throat, he addressed the crowd, "If I may have your attention," he said, and then gave the department heads and select few from their levels time to take their seats and prepare to get started. "Thank you for your attendance today and for tending to this matter and arriving in a timely manner. I've asked you here today as leaders of the Ministry and employees in the know to address a situation that had come to our attention and that requires our addressing right away. This is the situation involving a group of our own exhibiting a certain type of behavior that causes suspicion and the frequent raised eyebrow. It's my hope that we can discuss what we individually know and then as a group arrive at a plan to approach this situation."
He looked around the room, meeting the eye of both department heads and their employees. "Those wishing to speak may do so now," he said, "by raising their hand then standing so the group at large can hear you."
The Minister arrived and Armen turned his attention to him lazily and then decided to let others speak first.
Armen couldn't believe what he was hearing. There was an INFECTED in the room with them all right now? What was she thinking? Oh...of course she was in MLE.
After letting her speak and hearing the Minister's comment, he had to interject. "I'm sorry if this comes off as rude but honestly, Wesley, why did you invite her hear and put us all in risk of catching this disease? Do we know how it's spread? I find this very troubling and frankly irresponsible." Yeah, the almighty MLE didn't think this through did they?
Armen sat back down after much thinking of leaving the meeting just then covering his mouth , dragging Rylan and Slyvie with him but he wanted to add his other thoughts and see what comes of the INFECTED one.
Finally the idea of closing the cafeteria was given and more people had spoken. Recard raised his hand and spoke. "Armen Recard, Department Head of Magical Transportation. First off I think that those working the Cafeteria are most likely at fault for either planting this infection or being clumsy with their work and preparing the food incorrectly. Either way the employees there should be reprimanded and at the least all taken into custody for questioning." It was fishy and reaked of sabotage.
Now more about how Transportation could be involved. "My department is more than willing to promote and help keep quarintine areas by closing down floo networks in the cafeteria and others when necessary, also we can work with the department of law Enforcement to help lessen the amount of visitors entering the complex on a daily basis by strengthening security on the entrances and issuing a warning that all non-essential employees and visitors should stay away." It seemed necessary even if he would have to work with level two.
The word seemed to be a popular one. VERY popular. WHY. She felt something rise inside of her...something familiar lately, but this time..it was worse...panic. Her heart started beating against her chest...and she felt her palms sweat...she was gripping the arms of her chair rather...tightly. So much so that her veins...popped...
The word brought fear to her heart. To her core...it made her disease sound ALL too....serious. And fatal. Like...uncurable. And so they all just DIE with each other...and as long as they didn't spread it outside of the confines...no one would CARE..
Yeah, she had been watching WAY too many muggle zombie movies lately...
That COW that Wes had glared at....started talking..and it set Kensi on FIRE. A fire as RED as her HAIR. She raised her hand furiously, and stood up, her panic evaporating as she GLARED at Recard! "FIrstly," she turned back to the minister, and the room at large..."THe disease is NOT contagious...or else more people would be infected...so-so quarantine us...that would be NO GOOD." She NEEDED to get that out there. Her voice sounded a bit shaky...but only because...she did not WANT TO BE CONFINED.
Turning back to Recard, she narrowed her green eyes at him..."SECONDLY, " she cleared her throat, sending Wes a look before looking back at him. "HE is NOT irresponsible..."keep your anger in check...this is an OFFICIAL FLIPPING MEEEETING!"I am HERE because He wanted you all to hear FIRSTHAND accounts...I HARDLY count that as irresponsible...because he wanted everyone to know what it's been like for me? What all of the ill people are doing? Because he wanted people iNFORMED?!" her voice was SHAKING. She didn't want to say anything unprofessional...so she sat back down, not taking her angry EYES off of the transportation man...her hands shaking...trembling...from anger.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
Browncoat l Extra Syrup l Kita's Strong Confident Other Half l Lemon Patch
Rafael smirked faintly at Ella in response to her words before his dark eyes drifted around the courtroom. He was of course looking for the pair he'd invited to this meeting, and was glad to see both Gibby and Marina sitting close by. He inclined his head to the pair, and chose to tune out the... misbehaving adults. Not why he was here.
Where was... ah. The minister.
He listened to everyone take their turn and speak, absorbing all the information, but also pulling out a notepad and quill charmed to take notes for him. Glad he was a good distance away from the infected, he listened to everyone speak.... eyes on one of the infected who was... loosing it, before adding in his small piece. "In my department, Environmental Regulation and Protection, my Botanists are working to see if they can come up with some sort of temporary botanical cure - as it will be impossible to completely cure without knowing the cause - or something to... suppress the more extreme symptoms. Any information you could supply Gilbert Shepard, one of my Senior Botanists," He motioned to the man near him. "Would be greatly appreciated. I also have employees out in the field working on similar assignments, and my Recycling Commissioners will be making their rounds to our ministry bins soon. Emptying them so anything contaminated won't linger in the building. If there's anything you'd like to pick out of there for the investigation I suggest doing so soon." Because he too, didn't want this spreading into the wizarding world. Or his department.
Pursing his lips, Rafa's eyes cut over to Armen and the infected woman, and he added before sitting again, "I don't think we need put all our energy into punishment just yet. Or laying the blame on anyone.." Lets get the infection out first, yes?
♥ I won't pass up on the danger ♥ I'd miss out on the fun ♥_____ ______________♥We'll live while we're young ♥ We'll chase down the sun ♥_________________________
Last edited by PatInTheHat; 11-14-2012 at 03:49 AM.
Reason: like.... where'd the rest of my post go?? O.O
still don't see what's wrong with curse first, question later...
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Despite his department being directly complimented by the Minister himself, Wes' eyes still narrowed to slits when Armen Recard stood up to speak, and by time the scumbag was finished, he could feel his heart racing and the blood pounding in his ears. It was a wonder his wand wasn't already in his hand, as he was THISCLOSE to hexing Recard's fat, pompous, empty, good-for-nothing head off. Then he was planning to announce to the Minister that he couldn't possibly work with the Department of Magical Transportation, considering that they were Head-less, all puns intended, when...
...well, Kensi channeled her anger in the right direction for once. Wes was impressed by her attitude despite her sickness and even more impressed that she'd decided to defend him and herself. That didn't happen nearly enough especially not when the person defending him was a woman. Regardless, Wes had to speak again, and so he stood. Again.
"There's no need to explain yourself, Whitworth," Wes stated in an impassive, but clear, tone. He looked at Armen and shook his head in a mock show of pity. "We live in a free country, where all idiots are entitled to speak their opinion, even if said opinion --- and allegiances --- try to tear down the very people protecting their rights, liberties, and safeties. We can take it, Whitworth, because we are the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, and we are going to do what is necessary to protect all of Wizarding Britain, even if it means protecting some people from themselves."
He patted her on the shoulder again, albeit not as gently this time, so that she would take a seat. It was time to get back to the evidence and the plan of action, which were the ONLY reasons he would sustain being in a room with Armen Recard.
"If there are no further objections," he looked straight at the other Schirmer, the one who hadn't spoken up yet, "we will be quarantining the infected individuals in the holding cells on level two, and will be shutting down the Ministry Cafeteria ASAP to investigate the potential cause of this outbreak. Any interested employees, regardless of department, are welcome to work in conjunction with the MLE on this investigation. Just meet up in the cafeteria after the meeting. We'll be sending teams of two around to relocate the infected to the holding cells on Level Two while their DNA samples are tested in the labs on Level Three. Rest assured that the infected will be treated with the utmost hospitality from level two and will be provided the finest security, as always."
He nodded again, and feeling like he was forgetting something or someone sat back down again.
Originally Posted by RachieRu
Isobel didn't really have anything to say. She'd noticed a few of her employees acting a bit strange, but someone had already mentioned Demetrius' name. No need to repeat that. The thing was when Wesley stood up, Isobel sort of missed what he said, becoming a little vacant. She stared off in a fixed direction, not blinking for a couple of moments. Just as Ella finished speaking the mysteries head was a little more aware, and blinked as she glanced around. She was sort of semi-aware that she'd nodded off or something. Hmm. That was odd. She looked around. Had she missed anything important? Oh well. She was sure it was okay.
Well. She would've been if she hadn't started to dribble a little. Oh dear. Maybe she really had fallen asleep. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a tissue, and wiped her mouth. Well, that was a little embarrassing.
"I hate your ex," Wes whispered not as softly as he probably should have, considering a few eyes were lingering on him. He was so caught up in the meeting and in his enemy just a few feet away that he didn't even notice the way his wife was dabbing at her mouth...
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Dacs looked over at Kensi with a smirk as she said what probably anyone else in the room was thinking, including herself. Then Wes stood up and spoke. She agreed with him. She knew more coffee, black, no sugar was going to be needed. DMLE would be doing most the investigative along with with A&C. Speciality would have to in on it as it's there area that would be shut down.
Wanting to get back to work, she started jotting down things, plans, tactics, steps everything that would be needed to make this as tidy as possible. There was an invitation for other workers to join in that portion and that meant briefing. This was ministry wide and things were just about ready to climax.
As she told Wes, it was just the tip of the iceberg of something really scary. They were just about submerged enough to see the size of the monstrosity ahead.
Tamara you need a new siggy
Love Dav
Armen wasn't expecting this relatively new employee (at least he thought one that was new) to come up and speak so boldly to him but now that he mentioned it, the department head did recongize the man as one of the people seen flittering around nervously behind the His Largeness, Lord Borr.
"Ahh, I do remember you, and advisor during Borr's reign?" he said to ensure he was remembering correctly. "I understand wanting to take leave after he was...resigned." Overthrown by rebels really. He went on much quiter, "The current regime isn't as understanding as in the past." he gave the man a small smile, a congradulations on his return and promotion and a pat on the arm.
"Oh you mean my executive assistant position? It was enlightening. It reminds me why I went to school for so long in order to achieve a position where I work with more competant and qualified people as well as making more Galleons than a person working in a trivial job below my current one." he said with another sneer. Yes, he was meaning her as an employee of MLE running about accusing others of things and sticking their necks out for much less money than a Department Head.
What duffers.
And then there was the new Senior Undersecretary, a childhood friend of the Minister's and a nepotism case if there ever was one.
Armen didn't care for the man and his annoying and bubbly personality especially in such a situation as present. Employees becoming ill with a strange sickness was not an exciting matter and one, other than him, would find it hard to liken it to some Quidditch term or play like he was so well at doing Recard had deducted.
The first of his invited employees arrived and quickly joined him; good job. Recard had at least hired someone with enough sense not to sit with the MLEers.
"Afternoon Rylan, glad to see you've made it. We will need to discuss how Floos relate to this whole ordeal later, surely." he pursed his lips before resting his ankle of one foot onto his opposite knee.
The Transportation Head was glad to see Althea Schrimer arrive, they needed at least another head of reason to combat Wes's curse-first-ask-questions-later attitude and the Minister's Mightier Than Thou beliefs.
He inclinde his head to her as she sat.
How clever he thought he was....
Recard turned his head to look at the MLE department head and just stared before making a rather disgusted face. He didn't say anything, the man was obviously desperate to look good in front of his employees.
And of couse Izzy would say something, although he had expected something more than a boring 'Good afternoon' what with their history. "Afternoon Isobel." He wanted so badly to mention his new girlfriend Gabi but it wouldn't be proper and moreso there was no way to segway it properly.
Armen nodded to Rafa as he entered the room. It was good to see him around, seeing as he was a sympathizer to the Cult's environmental cause. He was given a nod before Recard turned his attention to his other employee.
"Hello Slyvie, glad to see you could make it." He wouldn't have been happy if she had missed it but she was there so he wouldn't have to worry about the what ifs. He had all of his people there so now it was just waiting until the Minister arrived.
SPOILER!!: Fighting and uncivilized MLEers
Armen couldn't help but chuckle out loud at the arguing employees sitting around Ferguson. They were a pack of overly hyped-up children searching for bad guys under every rock and in every corner and couldn't even sit quietly in a room without fighting amongst themselves.
Good to see Wes at least was embarrassed.
The Minister arrived and Armen turned his attention to him lazily and then decided to let others speak first.
Armen couldn't believe what he was hearing. There was an INFECTED in the room with them all right now? What was she thinking? Oh...of course she was in MLE.
After letting her speak and hearing the Minister's comment, he had to interject. "I'm sorry if this comes off as rude but honestly, Wesley, why did you invite her hear and put us all in risk of catching this disease? Do we know how it's spread? I find this very troubling and frankly irresponsible." Yeah, the almighty MLE didn't think this through did they?
Armen sat back down after much thinking of leaving the meeting just then covering his mouth , dragging Rylan and Slyvie with him but he wanted to add his other thoughts and see what comes of the INFECTED one.
Finally the idea of closing the cafeteria was given and more people had spoken. Recard raised his hand and spoke. "Armen Recard, Department Head of Magical Transportation. First off I think that those working the Cafeteria are most likely at fault for either planting this infection or being clumsy with their work and preparing the food incorrectly. Either way the employees there should be reprimanded and at the least all taken into custody for questioning." It was fishy and reaked of sabotage.
Now more about how Transportation could be involved. "My department is more than willing to promote and help keep quarintine areas by closing down floo networks in the cafeteria and others when necessary, also we can work with the department of law Enforcement to help lessen the amount of visitors entering the complex on a daily basis by strengthening security on the entrances and issuing a warning that all non-essential employees and visitors should stay away." It seemed necessary even if he would have to work with level two.
Why does Zach had a feeling that Recard thinks he supports Borr? To think, that time he wasn't for or against the big fella. But anyways, let him think that. He gave him s nod and a smile.
Text Cut: The Minister
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
Alexander was somewhat surprised that the first to speak was not a department head, but an employee. An infected employee, at that. He turned toward her, folded his hands in front of him, and then gave her his utmost attention. Ever so often, his eyebrows would furrow inward as he took in the details of her sudden illness. A firsthand account wasn't something he'd been given yet.
"Miss Kensington, I'm sorry to hear what you've been going through," he said, giving her an apologetic look. Although he hadn't been responsible for things, he was still a caring human being. Despite how he'd come across to most people he'd encountered in his past, he did have a heart. Listening to her symptoms made him think of his wife, who was suffering from symptoms of her own. "I appreciate the fact that you've come here today and stood before us to give the details. You have my promise that we'll not only look into this, we'll solve what's going on and do what we can to help you."
Alexander passed a brief glance toward his new Junior Undersecretary. The man had been instructed to take careful notes and write down every detail given. Eying the man's parchment for a moment, Alexander noted that he was doing just yet. He gave the man an approving nod before hearing another voice speak through the crowd.
Text Cut: The Evidence
Ahh, Magical Law Enforcement. He'd suspected they'd have already been on the case, and as usual, they didn't disappoint. ...and oh, someone from Games and Sports, as well? Well done, new employee. Well done. His eyebrows furrowed even further inward as he listened to the accounts given. "The cafeteria, hmm?" he said to Dacosta. He grew quiet a bit and nodded along as he seemed to consider that option. Come to think about it, the talk of strange occurrences seemed to begin around the same time the food court got good and underway.
Alexnder looked toward Ashburry-Hawthorne and then accepted the list he'd provided. His brown eyes scanned quickly across the list as he read and re-read the provided information. Once, Alexander even looked up to meet the eye of Ferguson, the man's boss. A well-deserved raise is in order, that look seemed to say. "This is very impressive work," he said to Ashburry-Hawthorne.
Then there was the account given by the new employee, who introduced herself as Maroon. "I see," Alexander said, placing the list he'd received in front of him. He wasn't suffering from a shortage of words but rather allowing each piece of information a chance to roll over in his mind as he processed things bit by bit. "Walking into walls, growling, and drooling," he said, again looking toward the Junior Undersecretary. Was he getting this?
Text Cut: The Department Heads
...and then came the time for the department heads to chime in, lead by Ferguson, the Law Enforcement Head. "Mr. Ferguson, your department is to be commended for their investigations into this matter," he commented, looking first at Wes and then at his present employees. "I don't see an immediate issue with the temporary shutting down of the food court, and as a matter of fact, I support the decision. Ms. Schirmer," he said, and then stopped as he'd realized he'd hired two of them. This earned a brief scowl from him before he turned toward the Specialty Area head. "If there's no issue with this shutting down, which I don't see where it would be, you'll need to notify your employees immediately. Perhaps Mr. Ferguson and those involved in the investigation might have a few questions for them, as well." This was no vacation for them and if anything, they'd need to present each day of the investigation.
Speaking of Schirmers, the cousin then spoke. Long winded, that one was. He entertained that thought for a bit until he was sure he'd begun inwardly smirking. She'd have a field day if she'd somehow overheard his line of thinking. Back to the meeting, though. He briefly regarded Meriwether before turning once again to Schirmer. He nodded along as she detailed her plans for lab usage and the borrowing of employees. She seemed to have this all hammered out and although his pride would not allow him to properly do so, he should really commend her, as well.
He opened his mouth to move on, but before a thought could even reach his tongue, Schirmer was trucking on. His mouth snapped closed, and he again turned toward her. He passed her a smirk when she mentioned making her Obliviators available for other purposes. "Well done," he said. He raised his hands in a half shrug and said, "There are no questions on my end. I think your plans are thorough, and I can't wait to see the results your team is able to come up with."
His attention turned toward the new Games and Sports head as one of his newest department heads took a turn to speak. "Thank you, Miss Black. We can use any information we can get at this point," he said, giving her a nod.
He sighed to himself as he tried to mentally sort through all the information now floating around in his head. "We've got all departments on board and ready to gather and use any information available," he said, giving the Junior Undersecretary a chance to catch up, "and the upcoming temporary closing of the food court." He looked out over the gathered crowd. "Anybody else?" Because now was the time to speak up if they had thoughts to share, as well.
Zach listened carefully to every word the Minister said, sometimes enchantments really help a lot, like right now. He noticed that the Minister is looking at him, must be checking how is he doing. When Zach caught the man's eye, he smiled and nod a little, a gesture of saying hello.
He continued writing everything that is being said by the Department Heads and some other employees, encircling some points that he thinks are a bit questionable.
I see trees of green,
Red roses too.
I see 'em bloom for me and for you.
And I think to myself, What a wonderful world.
Last edited by BanaBatGirl; 11-15-2012 at 01:20 AM.
Reason: fixing your coding for you =)
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Victoria tried to keep up with the meeting. Everyone throwing different things around. Then the sick woman seeming to get upset over being told she might need quarantined. Victoria wasn't sure what to make of it all. What did she get herself into coming to the ministry to work at a time where something was going around that could harm her and possibly her son, if she spread it to him. Trying to hide all her anxiety and feelings, Victoria moved a bit in her chair and crossed her legs. She wanted to be fully focused on everything, but now that she had spoke about what she had seen, she wasn't sure exactly what else she needed to do to help this meeting.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Text Cut: A&C
Originally Posted by jujune29th
Oh, no... it was time for them all to speak. Derek could feel his heart race and his hands shake inside his pockets. He really hated that. Couldn't he just tell his Head of Department about what he has been researching? Or even, couldn't they just skip this whole meeting and go on with the experiments and researches??
The 25 year-old listened carefully as each person stood up and spoke. Good, people like Kensington, Aron and even Althea were already giving enough details. If they kept talking like that, maybe Derek wouldn't have to add anything! Good! Good!
He did agree with quarentine the individuals, though he didn't think the... infection(?) was contagious. That Wellington woman said exactly what he thought. If it were contagious, most probably half of the Ministry - or more! - would have been infected by now. And clearly that hadn't happened.
So everything seemed to have been covered... food court, symptoms, drool, vomit, DNA. Even the biting was mentioned by Aron. Perfect.
There was this one detail, though, that no one had mentioned and Derek found to be of some importance. He gulped, wondering if he should get up and actually say it out loud. wouldn't it be stupid to stand up to say one sentence??? Uuuurgh, Merlin!
Taking a deep breath, Derek finally stood up. "Derek Meriwether, Potion Identification and Recory Specialist." You can do this, Derek. Calm down. He finally took his hands from his pockets, but... he had no idea what to do with them now, so he put them back inside of his robes. Awkward much? "I have kept in touch with some of the... infected people. I met some of them, like Kensington..." He gave her a quick glance before continuing. "...and Demetrius Clay before the Christmas holidays." Derek didn't know who she should look at. His gaze kept going from one person to the other pretty quickly and he didn't aknowledge any of the people he looked at. Would it be too weird if he just stared at the wall? "They all have gotten much worse now, as Kensington said. A... friend of mine is also infected. Dimitri Burton. He has actually put himself in some... I could say inconvenient situations because of this illness." Not exactly things that could risk his life, but still. "He has walked into walls multiple times while... in trance."
Well, he had said a lot more than just a sentence. That made him feel a little better. Though he wanted to sit down already. He had talked too much already! "I'd suggest that when the infected people are put in quarentine, they get extra protection." What was that? Derek actually caring for the ill? Hm... "Since their magical abilities also seem to be... well, lacking." Not completely gone, though. Or... were they?
Was there anything else he wanted to point out? His thoughts were going through his head ridiculously fast and he just wanted to sit back down. Oh, Merlin, had he just made a complete fool of himself there? He felt like he had more things to share but he couldn't remember now. Uh... yeah, that would have to do. Nodding at the Minister, Derek finally sat down.
How many hours had he been standing up and talking???? MERLIN.
Wait, he didn't mention anything from his tests in the lab! Oh bludger. Well, they hadn't gotten any certain answers yet, so... okay, he was fine. Hopefully. Was the meeting over yet?
Originally Posted by pinkphoenix
As soon as Derek finished and sat, Jade stood up to speak.
"I'm Jade Gemstone, Reminisciator. As my head, Ms. Althea Schirmer, has already mentioned, as a Reminisciator and a former Memory Restoration Assistant in addition to my training in mind healing--I should definitely be able to construct through the...infected's memories how they were each infected and more importantly what it was that infected them. Of course I'd be happy to work closely with your team on this, Mr. Ferguson. She nodded at him in acknowlegment.
I do concur with the suggestion made before about quarantining the known infected. If we do it immediately, there is less of a chance that there will be more cases of infected throughout the Ministry. I also agree with my co-worker, Mr. Meriwether, that we need to provide them with protection both for the infected especially in light of their diminished magical abilities and the people who will be working in close proximity with them.
Thank You." Jade finished and sat down beside Derek.
She really hoped that this meeting would be finished soon and that they decided to quarantine the infected. She definitely felt that the sooner she was able to view the memories in questions, then the quicker they would be able construct an antidote and a vaccine and get rid of this for good.
Alexander turned his attention to two of the Accidents and Catastrophes employees who'd shown up to share their expertise. First was Meriwether, who shared his insight as to what the infected were going through--dazes, walking into walls, and the such. Alexander nodded as key points were brought up and occasionally glanced over at the Junior Undersecretary to see if the man was keeping up. He seemed to be. Good.
Then there was Gemstone, who talked about studying the memories of the infected and finding out how and when this all began. Alexander cleared his throat and folded his hands in front of him. "I agree to the quarantining," he said, casting a glance toward the Whitworth woman. "We've discovered the infection isn't contagious, however...what we have discovered is that it often times causes its victims to go into daze and put themselves in a danger of being injured. I won't make a decision that causes any of my employees that sort of immediate danger."
Suppose they were in a situation where an injury wasn't as mild as walking into a wall? What if it was falling off a broom or the such? "...and Ms. Gemstone," he continued, "I look forward to hearing about your findings." Well done, Accidents and Catastrophes. This is what he liked to see. Employees on the ball, ready, and prepared.
Text Cut: RachieRu
Originally Posted by RachieRu
Isobel didn't really have anything to say. She'd noticed a few of her employees acting a bit strange, but someone had already mentioned Demetrius' name. No need to repeat that. The thing was when Wesley stood up, Isobel sort of missed what he said, becoming a little vacant. She stared off in a fixed direction, not blinking for a couple of moments. Just as Ella finished speaking the mysteries head was a little more aware, and blinked as she glanced around. She was sort of semi-aware that she'd nodded off or something. Hmm. That was odd. She looked around. Had she missed anything important? Oh well. She was sure it was okay.
Well. She would've been if she hadn't started to dribble a little. Oh dear. Maybe she really had fallen asleep. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a tissue, and wiped her mouth. Well, that was a little embarrassing.
Alexander adjusted his position and turned back to the group as a whole. As he did this, he happened to catch site of another department head, who appeared to be daydreaming so much she was starting to drool. Drool, though... Hmm. His eyebrows furrowed inward as he made a mental note to pay this one a visit later on.
Text Cut: The Gopher
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01
Armen couldn't believe what he was hearing. There was an INFECTED in the room with them all right now? What was she thinking? Oh...of course she was in MLE.
After letting her speak and hearing the Minister's comment, he had to interject. "I'm sorry if this comes off as rude but honestly, Wesley, why did you invite her hear and put us all in risk of catching this disease? Do we know how it's spread? I find this very troubling and frankly irresponsible." Yeah, the almighty MLE didn't think this through did they?
Armen sat back down after much thinking of leaving the meeting just then covering his mouth , dragging Rylan and Slyvie with him but he wanted to add his other thoughts and see what comes of the INFECTED one.
Finally the idea of closing the cafeteria was given and more people had spoken. Recard raised his hand and spoke. "Armen Recard, Department Head of Magical Transportation. First off I think that those working the Cafeteria are most likely at fault for either planting this infection or being clumsy with their work and preparing the food incorrectly. Either way the employees there should be reprimanded and at the least all taken into custody for questioning." It was fishy and reaked of sabotage.
Now more about how Transportation could be involved. "My department is more than willing to promote and help keep quarintine areas by closing down floo networks in the cafeteria and others when necessary, also we can work with the department of law Enforcement to help lessen the amount of visitors entering the complex on a daily basis by strengthening security on the entrances and issuing a warning that all non-essential employees and visitors should stay away." It seemed necessary even if he would have to work with level two.
"Recard," Alexander said, in that don't-make-me-make-a-gopher-out-of-you-again tone. He stared at the man with an expression of complete annoyance before addressing his speech. "First off, you'll do well to remember that these are human beings we are speaking of. Wizards and witches--our own kind." Of course, the gopher always did think he was better than the rest. Borr's boy. "Their situation has been around for quite some time now and in this very building you've worked in nearly each day of the week. You'd have been drooling yourself by now had she been in that sort of danger to us."
Slightly annoyed, Alexander turned away when the boy took his seat. Oh, no, though. He wasn't done yet. Was Armen Recard ever really done? Alexander drew in a sharp breath. "We have not reached the point of pointing our fingers at anyone yet," he said. Honestly, who had hired this one?! So quick to judge! Alexander could feel a bad mood creeping up on him. At least Recard ended his speech with something helpful to the cause, earning him a quick nod of approval from Alexander before the Minister moved on.
The word seemed to be a popular one. VERY popular. WHY. She felt something rise inside of her...something familiar lately, but this time..it was worse...panic. Her heart started beating against her chest...and she felt her palms sweat...she was gripping the arms of her chair rather...tightly. So much so that her veins...popped...
The word brought fear to her heart. To her core...it made her disease sound ALL too....serious. And fatal. Like...uncurable. And so they all just DIE with each other...and as long as they didn't spread it outside of the confines...no one would CARE..
Yeah, she had been watching WAY too many muggle zombie movies lately...
That COW that Wes had glared at....started talking..and it set Kensi on FIRE. A fire as RED as her HAIR. She raised her hand furiously, and stood up, her panic evaporating as she GLARED at Recard! "FIrstly," she turned back to the minister, and the room at large..."THe disease is NOT contagious...or else more people would be infected...so-so quarantine us...that would be NO GOOD." She NEEDED to get that out there. Her voice sounded a bit shaky...but only because...she did not WANT TO BE CONFINED.
Turning back to Recard, she narrowed her green eyes at him..."SECONDLY, " she cleared her throat, sending Wes a look before looking back at him. "HE is NOT irresponsible..."keep your anger in check...this is an OFFICIAL FLIPPING MEEEETING!"I am HERE because He wanted you all to hear FIRSTHAND accounts...I HARDLY count that as irresponsible...because he wanted everyone to know what it's been like for me? What all of the ill people are doing? Because he wanted people iNFORMED?!" her voice was SHAKING. She didn't want to say anything unprofessional...so she sat back down, not taking her angry EYES off of the transportation man...her hands shaking...trembling...from anger.
"Miss Whitworth!" Alexander exclaimed. He glared at Recard. He'd caused this. He wanted to reprimand the woman, but really, should he? When one of his department heads had driven her to this point? "Miss Whitworth," he said in a calmer tone. "We do not believe you to be contagious, nor do we wish to put you in anymore danger than you seem to already be in. I wish for you to understand, though, that a quarantining is needed. There are reports of people going into a daze to the point where they are walking into walls and putting themselves in an immediate danger. If we quarantine this group of people, we can not only keep them out of danger, but we can work on healing them faster and more efficiently."
It was the likes of Recard who'd made this sound like an imprisonment.
Text Cut: grangerfan8
Originally Posted by grangerfan8
Rafael smirked faintly at Ella in response to her words before his dark eyes drifted around the courtroom. He was of course looking for the pair he'd invited to this meeting, and was glad to see both Gibby and Marina sitting close by. He inclined his head to the pair, and chose to tune out the... misbehaving adults. Not why he was here.
Where was... ah. The minister.
He listened to everyone take their turn and speak, absorbing all the information, but also pulling out a notepad and quill charmed to take notes for him. Glad he was a good distance away from the infected, he listened to everyone speak.... eyes on one of the infected who was... loosing it, before adding in his small piece. "In my department, Environmental Regulation and Protection, my Botanists are working to see if they can come up with some sort of temporary botanical cure - as it will be impossible to completely cure without knowing the cause - or something to... suppress the more extreme symptoms. Any information you could supply Gilbert Shepard, one of my Senior Botanists," He motioned to the man near him. "Would be greatly appreciated. I also have employees out in the field working on similar assignments, and my Recycling Commissioners will be making their rounds to our ministry bins soon. Emptying them so anything contaminated won't linger in the building. If there's anything you'd like to pick out of there for the investigation I suggest doing so soon." Because he too, didn't want this spreading into the wizarding world. Or his department.
Pursing his lips, Rafa's eyes cut over to Armen and the infected woman, and he added before sitting again, "I don't think we need put all our energy into punishment just yet. Or laying the blame on anyone.." Lets get the infection out first, yes?
Alexander nodded along to Belmonte's words, agreeing with both his plans for testing within his department and with what'd he'd said about Recard's ideas for punishment. Good. Very good. So he could still trust his department heads to come up with something valuable to add to the table. After Recard, he was starting to wonder.
Text Cut: BanaBatGirl
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
Despite his department being directly complimented by the Minister himself, Wes' eyes still narrowed to slits when Armen Recard stood up to speak, and by time the scumbag was finished, he could feel his heart racing and the blood pounding in his ears. It was a wonder his wand wasn't already in his hand, as he was THISCLOSE to hexing Recard's fat, pompous, empty, good-for-nothing head off. Then he was planning to announce to the Minister that he couldn't possibly work with the Department of Magical Transportation, considering that they were Head-less, all puns intended, when...
...well, Kensi channeled her anger in the right direction for once. Wes was impressed by her attitude despite her sickness and even more impressed that she'd decided to defend him and herself. That didn't happen nearly enough especially not when the person defending him was a woman. Regardless, Wes had to speak again, and so he stood. Again.
"There's no need to explain yourself, Whitworth," Wes stated in an impassive, but clear, tone. He looked at Armen and shook his head in a mock show of pity. "We live in a free country, where all idiots are entitled to speak their opinion, even if said opinion --- and allegiances --- try to tear down the very people protecting their rights, liberties, and safeties. We can take it, Whitworth, because we are the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, and we are going to do what is necessary to protect all of Wizarding Britain, even if it means protecting some people from themselves."
He patted her on the shoulder again, albeit not as gently this time, so that she would take a seat. It was time to get back to the evidence and the plan of action, which were the ONLY reasons he would sustain being in a room with Armen Recard.
"If there are no further objections," he looked straight at the other Schirmer, the one who hadn't spoken up yet, "we will be quarantining the infected individuals in the holding cells on level two, and will be shutting down the Ministry Cafeteria ASAP to investigate the potential cause of this outbreak. Any interested employees, regardless of department, are welcome to work in conjunction with the MLE on this investigation. Just meet up in the cafeteria after the meeting. We'll be sending teams of two around to relocate the infected to the holding cells on Level Two while their DNA samples are tested in the labs on Level Three. Rest assured that the infected will be treated with the utmost hospitality from level two and will be provided the finest security, as always."
He nodded again, and feeling like he was forgetting something or someone sat back down again.
"Thank you, Mr. Ferguson," Alexander said, sensing a tense feeling in the general atmosphere of the room. Yeah. Thanks, Recard. He was considering calling the room to order when things started to settle down on their own. He rubbed his forehead with his finger and thumb, trying to ease the tension of a headache coming on, and then stood again.
"We have each of our departments on board with working together for a cure, most of which have already got a plan hammered out and ready to put into action," he said. "We will be quarantining the infected on level two, so as to not punish them but to help control their illness and heal it at the same time. The Food Court will soon come to a temporary close to allow investigation inside to commence."
Anyone else? ...because he thought it was time to put their talk into action.
Zach listened faithfully to the bunch. He was rather curious as to what caused this infection, as they call it. After all he was a healer and very fond of researches.
The Mr. Recard character is really interesting too. In a normal sort of way, but Zach thinks there is more to him that being the Borr kid.
When the Minister spoke, it sounds like he wants action now. Zach raised his hand and said "Minister, do you want me to send owl to St. Mungo's for advise and help on the matter?" he said looking pretty confident but deep inside unsure if he should've done that.
I see trees of green,
Red roses too.
I see 'em bloom for me and for you.
And I think to myself, What a wonderful world.
Elizabeth silently stepped into the courtroom with a tray full of cookies, milk, tea, hot chocolate, coffee, browines and other delicious things. She sat the tray down and in a barely audible voice said, "Treats from level 5." She stepped away and started to turn to go when she spotted Kensi. Her hand automatically went to where the zombie lady had bit her. Eliza grimaced and started to leave.
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Nodding to Thea, Abilene sighed, preparing herself to take speed!notes. Just moments later, the Minister had stepped into the courtroom, causing a pause in the conversations around where she sat...It was a good thing. For one, there seemed to be tension in the packed room...(Something that had Abi on edge)...and she was slightly claustrophobic.
Nerves weren't being her friend, either.
None of that matter, though. Abilene still looked fantastic...and that little fact was somewhat comforting. Especially in the room full of her peers.
As Mr. Greingoth began talking, she put on her excited face, jotting things down here and there...The main focus clearly being on this 'disease' taking over. Yes, she'd had a mini-panic attack at orientation. Too many muggle movies about zombies...Not to mention her late husband was a fan of that genre of film.
Many people were standing up to offer insight and opinions, all things she mentally picked apart and noted...One of her fellow DH's appeared outraged by the presence of the one infected person...and adding to her thoughts earlier...Tension. Angry tones weren't exactly needed here, dear. BUT there were positive's...Like the MLE's head. Mr. Ferguson, he'd been called...He'd made several valid points...and was speaking to her directly. Ahem. Lowering her parchments and quill, Abilene nodded. "Naturally, the safety and welfare of our employees remains a first and foremost priority." If there was evidence, as he'd mentioned, then by all means...Who was she to say 'No'. Not to mention the Minister had also agreed...
"Minister, myself and my team are prepared to assist in whatever way we can." Might as well say as much...Even though he'd already said to do so..."...If we think it's a 'food issue', I can give the go ahead to start pulling meats and other food items, send them down with Thea to get checked. Perhaps we'll find the source...It it's a 'food' contamination issue."
In case there was more to it than just germs. Was it something coming in from outside the Ministry? Had they considered as much? Or had she just lived too long as a muggle?
Something comforting, though...It couldn't have been airborne. As the Minister had mentioned...They'd all have it, if it were. So, it'd have to be something directly consumed...
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
Last edited by Govoni; 11-16-2012 at 06:52 PM.
Reason: Just making sure I've covered everything...
The Harpy of Hogwarts | Dungeon Mistress | Bimba di Serpeverde
Originally Posted by dan arjay
Zach listened faithfully to the bunch. He was rather curious as to what caused this infection, as they call it. After all he was a healer and very fond of researches.
The Mr. Recard character is really interesting too. In a normal sort of way, but Zach thinks there is more to him that being the Borr kid.
When the Minister spoke, it sounds like he wants action now. Zach raised his hand and said "Minister, do you want me to send owl to St. Mungo's for advise and help on the matter?" he said looking pretty confident but deep inside unsure if he should've done that.
"Good thinking lad!" Ian said patting him on the back, after coming out of the weird daze he was in as he listened to all this... Infected. Was he infected? No... He didn't think so. This never happened at his other ministry.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Text Cut: dan arjay
Originally Posted by dan arjay
Zach listened faithfully to the bunch. He was rather curious as to what caused this infection, as they call it. After all he was a healer and very fond of researches.
The Mr. Recard character is really interesting too. In a normal sort of way, but Zach thinks there is more to him that being the Borr kid.
When the Minister spoke, it sounds like he wants action now. Zach raised his hand and said "Minister, do you want me to send owl to St. Mungo's for advise and help on the matter?" he said looking pretty confident but deep inside unsure if he should've done that.
Through the random chitter chatter going around the room, Alexander was able to pick out his name. He turned in the direction of the sound. Ahh. The Junir Undersecretary, asking if St. Mungo's should be contacted.
Text Cut: Droo
Originally Posted by Droo
"Good thinking lad!" Ian said patting him on the back, after coming out of the weird daze he was in as he listened to all this... Infected. Was he infected? No... He didn't think so. This never happened at his other ministry.
He grinned at Ian as the Senior Undersecretary responded. "I think we have a great team of employees here who are already conducting some experiments and testing some samples," he said, looking toward the MLE and Accidents and Catastrophes employees. "Keep in contact with them and make the decision to contact St. Mungo's jointly."
Text Cut: Cassandra
Originally Posted by Cassandra
Elizabeth silently stepped into the courtroom with a tray full of cookies, milk, tea, hot chocolate, coffee, browines and other delicious things. She sat the tray down and in a barely audible voice said, "Treats from level 5." She stepped away and started to turn to go when she spotted Kensi. Her hand automatically went to where the zombie lady had bit her. Eliza grimaced and started to leave.
...and then treats were brought in, which sort of earned a raised eyebrow from Alexander. They'd just started to point fingers at the food court, and now treats from...likely...that very same place were being brought in. They were from level five, though, so Alexander trusted that his department head had checked things out ahead of time. Nevertheless, he wasn't too sure how many people would actually take them up on their offer.
Even still, he gave the employee a nod of appreciation before turning to another department head.
Text Cut: THE Govoni
Originally Posted by THE Govoni
Nodding to Thea, Abilene sighed, preparing herself to take speed!notes. Just moments later, the Minister had stepped into the courtroom, causing a pause in the conversations around where she sat...It was a good thing. For one, there seemed to be tension in the packed room...(Something that had Abi on edge)...and she was slightly claustrophobic.
Nerves weren't being her friend, either.
None of that matter, though. Abilene still looked fantastic...and that little fact was somewhat comforting. Especially in the room full of her peers.
As Mr. Greingoth began talking, she put on her excited face, jotting things down here and there...The main focus clearly being on this 'disease' taking over. Yes, she'd had a mini-panic attack at orientation. Too many muggle movies about zombies...Not to mention her late husband was a fan of that genre of film.
Many people were standing up to offer insight and opinions, all things she mentally picked apart and noted...One of her fellow DH's appeared outraged by the presence of the one infected person...and adding to her thoughts earlier...Tension. Angry tones weren't exactly needed here, dear. BUT there were positive's...Like the MLE's head. Mr. Ferguson, he'd been called...He'd made several valid points...and was speaking to her directly. Ahem. Lowering her parchments and quill, Abilene nodded. "Naturally, the safety and welfare of our employees remains a first and foremost priority." If there was evidence, as he'd mentioned, then by all means...Who was she to say 'No'. Not to mention the Minister had also agreed...
"Minister, myself and my team are prepared to assist in whatever way we can." Might as well say as much...Even though he'd already said to do so..."...If we think it's a 'food issue', I can give the go ahead to start pulling meats and other food items, send them down with Thea to get checked. Perhaps we'll find the source...It it's a 'food' contamination issue."
In case there was more to it than just germs. Was it something coming in from outside the Ministry? Had they considered as much? Or had she just lived too long as a muggle?
Something comforting, though...It couldn't have been airborne. As the Minister had mentioned...They'd all have it, if it were. So, it'd have to be something directly consumed...
"Very well then," he said, nodding at Schirmer. "I think we've got a solid plan of action then, and we can adjourn and get started. Departments, you each seem to have an individual plan, and I encourage you to work with other departments for as much information as you can possibly gain." He stood, smoothed out his suit, and looked over the crowd.
"If you'll excuse me, I have a meeting with a second foreign minister. Rest assured that I, as well as my office, will be doing everything we can to help the matter, as well," he said. With another sweeping glance around the room and then a signature nod, he turned and left the room.
Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
"I hate your ex," Wes whispered not as softly as he probably should have, considering a few eyes were lingering on him. He was so caught up in the meeting and in his enemy just a few feet away that he didn't even notice the way his wife was dabbing at her mouth...[/color]
Isobel had heard his comment, but hadn't replied to it straight away, concentrating on the meeting first. As soon as Alexander had left Isobel turned her attention back to her husband to firstly settle the opinion about Armen, and to ask if he needed any help with getting people up to level 2. She had numbers down in mysteries that could help. "I pretty much hate him too..." She murmured, looking at him. She didn't exactly look normal though, her eyes pretty blood shot at the moment. "Do you need any help rounding the infected people up?" She asked with a smile.
Then her mind wandered over to the babies. "Hmm...I'll just send my sister a patronus, make sure the boys are okay." She smiled, pulling her wand out, and performing the patronus charm. Or attempting to. "Oh..." She frowned, finding that it didn't work. "That was odd."
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
just because you're not quoted doesn't mean you're not addressed ;)
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
All right, meeting adjourned, and it seemed the Other Schirmer was with them too. Excellent. Wes prepared to stand up and start giving out directions when his wife tugged his attention away. And she was always his priority. Always.
Originally Posted by RachieRu
Isobel had heard his comment, but hadn't replied to it straight away, concentrating on the meeting first. As soon as Alexander had left Isobel turned her attention back to her husband to firstly settle the opinion about Armen, and to ask if he needed any help with getting people up to level 2. She had numbers down in mysteries that could help. "I pretty much hate him too..." She murmured, looking at him. She didn't exactly look normal though, her eyes pretty blood shot at the moment. "Do you need any help rounding the infected people up?" She asked with a smile.
Then her mind wandered over to the babies. "Hmm...I'll just send my sister a patronus, make sure the boys are okay." She smiled, pulling her wand out, and performing the patronus charm. Or attempting to. "Oh..." She frowned, finding that it didn't work. "That was odd."
"I do, yes, if you can spare any...." Wes murmured, his gaze distracted by the way Isobel's beautiful blue eyes suddenly seemed redder than normal. "Are you all right, dear?" he added as she got out her wand and then failed to do whatever she was trying to do with it. Was she really not able to conjure up a simple patronus charm....? This didn't look good, not in front of some of the most important people in the Ministry... Wes glanced over his shoulder at Dacs and gently tugged Izzy's wand away from her, hiding it up his sleeve for the moment.
"Dacs, Kensi, Aron... return to level two ASAP. Meet in my office. I'll be right up." He needed to speak to them specifically first about their general behavior in the meeting, and then he had work for them to do. "Send a patronus to Hogsmeade while you're at it, and get Dorian and Roxanne back here." That direction was mostly for Dacs. "Have Esme finish processing the scene. Whatever she doesn't finish..." Well, they'd just have to deal with another time, when Ministry wasn't on lockdown.
"Also, Aron..." Wes subtly cleared his throat and added in a softer tone, "I need to borrow one of your drool sample kits. Now. Please." It was paining him to do this, but it had to be done. Excessive drooling, bloodshot eyes, inability to perform simple magic... Mrs. Ferguson was turning into one of the infected right before his very eyes.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
All right, meeting adjourned, and it seemed the Other Schirmer was with them too. Excellent. Wes prepared to stand up and start giving out directions when his wife tugged his attention away. And she was always his priority. Always.
"I do, yes, if you can spare any...." Wes murmured, his gaze distracted by the way Isobel's beautiful blue eyes suddenly seemed redder than normal. "Are you all right, dear?" he added as she got out her wand and then failed to do whatever she was trying to do with it. Was she really not able to conjure up a simple patronus charm....? This didn't look good, not in front of some of the most important people in the Ministry... Wes glanced over his shoulder at Dacs and gently tugged Izzy's wand away from her, hiding it up his sleeve for the moment.
"Dacs, Kensi, Aron... return to level two ASAP. Meet in my office. I'll be right up." He needed to speak to them specifically first about their general behavior in the meeting, and then he had work for them to do. "Send a patronus to Hogsmeade while you're at it, and get Dorian and Roxanne back here." That direction was mostly for Dacs. "Have Esme finish processing the scene. Whatever she doesn't finish..." Well, they'd just have to deal with another time, when Ministry wasn't on lockdown.
"Also, Aron..." Wes subtly cleared his throat and added in a softer tone, "I need to borrow one of your drool sample kits. Now. Please." It was paining him to do this, but it had to be done. Excessive drooling, bloodshot eyes, inability to perform simple magic... Mrs. Ferguson was turning into one of the infected right before his very eyes.
Dacs knew Wes was gonna haul them in once the meeting was over. She stood up and nodded at his last directive. With that she headed out of the conference room. Not that she thought her behaviour was bad or good. She just knew her boss was not having a good day either. So, she inhaled deeply and blew out a slow cleansing breath.
She hoped she could keep it all together. This situation was a nightmare. She was off to level two, her domain, their domain. Then she looked back at Izzy and promised herself she would talk to her later. She was surrounded by man and female friend was needed sometimes.
As she went, she sent out a patronus to round up the others who were working the Talone case.
Tamara you need a new siggy
Love Dav
Pffft. Armen was not going to just sit there and let some mere employee (especially one from level two) who was INFECTED with Merlin knows what yell at him as if he were some child. She was the child, he had been at the Ministry for more than a decade and she was going to lecture him on something? I don't think so!
Just as the Transportation Head was going to speak up and tell her just where she could take her little diseased butt, the Minister spoke up and called them to order. Siigh. He eyed her nontheless.
The meeting was now over and Armen was ready to get the heck out of there to go snoop out more INFECTED employees to turn in. Surely none of his level six workers would be dumb enough to catch it, besides they were much cleaner than MLE. "Come on Slyvie and Rylan, we have work to do." The man stood up and made his way to the door stopping by the Fergusons. "I'll send you a memo about the transportation security later Ferguson." That was directed to Wes and then he shot a confused look at Isobel and her drooling?
He would look into that later but now he had work to do.
Seeing that the meeting had come to an end, Jade turned to her co-workers, Derek and Althea.
First she addressed her head. "Althea, If that is okay with you, I will start immediately on collecting all the necessary memories. If you are going to hold a meeting in the A&C just let me know alright?"
Then she turned to Derek, "I'll try and get the memories as soon as possible. Do you have some idea for anything particular that I need to look for. Anything you found with the samples would be helpful."
Waiting for their replies, She noticed that the Fergusons were having drama of their own. Jade inwardly groaned. They had definitely waited too long if more cases were being presented. She would have to put a rush on it. Maybe she would do a detour to the Environmental Department to see if they were successful with their precaution measures. Jade definitely did not want to get infected while she was gathering the memories.
When you're ready come and get it, nah nah nah, nah nah nah, nah nah nah.
Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
"I do, yes, if you can spare any...." Wes murmured, his gaze distracted by the way Isobel's beautiful blue eyes suddenly seemed redder than normal. "Are you all right, dear?" he added as she got out her wand and then failed to do whatever she was trying to do with it. Was she really not able to conjure up a simple patronus charm....? This didn't look good, not in front of some of the most important people in the Ministry... Wes glanced over his shoulder at Dacs and gently tugged Izzy's wand away from her, hiding it up his sleeve for the moment.
"Dacs, Kensi, Aron... return to level two ASAP. Meet in my office. I'll be right up." He needed to speak to them specifically first about their general behavior in the meeting, and then he had work for them to do. "Send a patronus to Hogsmeade while you're at it, and get Dorian and Roxanne back here." That direction was mostly for Dacs. "Have Esme finish processing the scene. Whatever she doesn't finish..." Well, they'd just have to deal with another time, when Ministry wasn't on lockdown.
"Also, Aron..." Wes subtly cleared his throat and added in a softer tone, "I need to borrow one of your drool sample kits. Now. Please." It was paining him to do this, but it had to be done. Excessive drooling, bloodshot eyes, inability to perform simple magic... Mrs. Ferguson was turning into one of the infected right before his very eyes.
"I'll have a look through the rota and see who's working." Isobel nodded, mentally thinking about what was going on. She could spare a couple of people, some projects and research could go on hold for now. It was the midle of a crisis, her department would understand. Then Wes was asking if she was okay. Isobel frowned, biting on her lip as she stared at him. "I'm fine..." She mused with a shrug. Sure she was dribbling a little, but she put that down to the fact that she was really tired. Maybe she could take the afternoon off and have some sleep. That would work.
She frowned as he tugged her wand away. What was that for? "Wes...give me my wand back..." She stared up at him, not impressed. Why was he having her wand? She needed it to get back into her office. She folded her arms as he talked to his employees. Her mind glossed over the fact that she didn't have her wand anymore, concentrating on what he was saying to his employees. Drool kit? What did he need for now? "Who's sample are you collecting?" She murmured, glancing around. Everyone looked fine here.
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Originally Posted by RachieRu
"I'll have a look through the rota and see who's working." Isobel nodded, mentally thinking about what was going on. She could spare a couple of people, some projects and research could go on hold for now. It was the midle of a crisis, her department would understand. Then Wes was asking if she was okay. Isobel frowned, biting on her lip as she stared at him. "I'm fine..." She mused with a shrug. Sure she was dribbling a little, but she put that down to the fact that she was really tired. Maybe she could take the afternoon off and have some sleep. That would work.
She frowned as he tugged her wand away. What was that for? "Wes...give me my wand back..." She stared up at him, not impressed. Why was he having her wand? She needed it to get back into her office. She folded her arms as he talked to his employees. Her mind glossed over the fact that she didn't have her wand anymore, concentrating on what he was saying to his employees. Drool kit? What did he need for now? "Who's sample are you collecting?" She murmured, glancing around. Everyone looked fine here.
"You're not fine," Wes muttered, clearing his throat as soon as he said that and delivering several pointed, dirty looks to the lingerers still in the room. No need to stare, A&C people, or we'll actually give you something to stare about. Call it an 'accident.' Whups, my wand slipped. Etc.
Wes took the drool kit from Aron and turned back to Izzy, shielding her from sight as he fiddled with the kit. "I shouldn't have neglected your symptoms... or allowed you to chalk them up to stress..." he murmured, removing the swab and leaning in as though he were going to give her another kiss. Instead, just when he got close enough, he stuck the cotton tip into his wife's mouth and then tugged it out again, quick as a flash.
Yeah she wasn't going to like that, but oh well. Evidence. Wes leaned back and tucked the sealed tube away into his pocket, offering his wife a sad but patient expression as he crossed his arms. "Izzy, you're going to have to come with me to Level Two."
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind