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Albert Kettleburn EraAll historical records pertaining to Ministry of Magic RPG under Minister for Magic, Albert Kettleburn [IC January 2081 - December 2086; OOC June 2013 - January 2015]
Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean
Situated to the left of the department head's office is the conference room. It is in this room that the department head will often lead department wide meetings. The room can also be used for smaller meetings if any one needs to hold a smaller meeting.
A oval table takes up the majority of the room, but this table can be magically enlarged or made smaller depending on the amount of people present in the meeting.
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
Jasper turned the lights on to the conference room as he entered. Did anyone work for the Department anymore? It felt like years since he'd seen anyone other than Mr. Summers's face. Syndil even, whom he shared a work space with seemed to fade into the recesses of the Hall of Prophecies. Not that it stopped the seer from trying his best to complete his work. It was nice to see the conference room cleaned, ready to use and completely chizpurfle-free. The work he and Ashby had put in had paid off apparently and he was just about caught up with re-ordering the prophecies since they'd lost quite a few of them when the chizzies attacked. They still had them on record, though, in the parchment inventory. Nonetheless it was a loss.
Maybe he ought make good use of his time and help Ashby set up. First things being first though, the older wizard put on a pot of coffee. Maybe the scent would lure more people in, knowing they had been covered.
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Oooh she did not want to wake up that morning. Taking her time as she made her way towards the ever locked room to clear up her still somewhat blurry vision from sleepiness, she halted halfway there and turned on her heel, heading towards the conference room instead. How many years had she worked here and still she'd nearly forgotten about the annual meeting? Apparently though, someone had beat her to being the first one there. Not that she cared. Even less so after seeing it was Mitterbill.
"You're here bright and early." she commented, taking her claimed seat right next to the department head's.
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
So they were going to be having a meeting today, hey? Well that sounded exciting.
After taking a leave of absence for a year for personal reasons, Emma had walked into the relatively silent level of the Ministry. Merlin, had it always been this quiet? She pursed her lips briefly in wonder and continued walking towards the conference room. She paused right outside. She smelt something delicious, sweet, and earthy. Was that coffee she smelt? If it was, it smelt really good. Maybe she could get a cup later as she already had a nice cup of tea in one of her hands.
Emma walked into the conference with a cup of Irish Breakfast tea in one hand and her bag in the other. Ah, two people were already here. An older gentleman and a young woman. "Hello!" she greeted cheerily to both. Emma paused for a second. The young woman there looked very familiar. Her eyes widened when she realized that this woman had been in the same house as Emma back at Hogwarts. That was Evelyn Flores, right? Or someone who looked almost the exact image of the woman. However, Emma was pretty sure that was Evelyn. She blinked for a second. Right, introductions would be good to do right now.
"I believe we haven't met before I'm Emma. How are you both this morning?" she asked as she took a seat on the other side of Eveyln.
Another year, another meeting. Except this time it looked like they were in a Fortune 500 company. Gave the illusion they were coming out of the dungeons of the Ministry. Thank, Merlin Demetrius was not the first one in this room. Talk about awkward and not worth the effort of greeting everyone.
Ah, look at who was here Mitterbill and Evelyn. Plus someone new. Not on Demetrius' list of things to be interested in right now.
Conversing with people was usually to much effort and not worth the time. But with these two. It was actually quite fun.
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
Oooh she did not want to wake up that morning. Taking her time as she made her way towards the ever locked room to clear up her still somewhat blurry vision from sleepiness, she halted halfway there and turned on her heel, heading towards the conference room instead. How many years had she worked here and still she'd nearly forgotten about the annual meeting? Apparently though, someone had beat her to being the first one there. Not that she cared. Even less so after seeing it was Mitterbill.
"You're here bright and early." she commented, taking her claimed seat right next to the department head's.
Originally Posted by Meizzner
Another year, another meeting. Except this time it looked like they were in a Fortune 500 company. Gave the illusion they were coming out of the dungeons of the Ministry. Thank, Merlin Demetrius was not the first one in this room. Talk about awkward and not worth the effort of greeting everyone.
Ah, look at who was here Mitterbill and Evelyn. Plus someone new. Not on Demetrius' list of things to be interested in right now.
Conversing with people was usually to much effort and not worth the time. But with these two. It was actually quite fun.
Did Mitterbill physically jump a little upon hearing the voice of one, Evelyn Flores? Yes, sir, I believe he did, sir. This action happened to coincide with the precise moment he was pouring himself a cup of coffee.
It had the expected result.
Jasper tried to jump back that the hot liquid would not stain his clothing. It was not to be. "Yes, well my sleep was cut short." He said trying to make it seem as though it was no big deal. Flores was intimidating. Did she know?
"Good morning, Clay." He probably sounded a bit too happy to see another person in the room.
Oohhh, and someone else. Thank, Circe! A friendly someone else!
Originally Posted by Emms
So they were going to be having a meeting today, hey? Well that sounded exciting.
After taking a leave of absence for a year for personal reasons, Emma had walked into the relatively silent level of the Ministry. Merlin, had it always been this quiet? She pursed her lips briefly in wonder and continued walking towards the conference room. She paused right outside. She smelt something delicious, sweet, and earthy. Was that coffee she smelt? If it was, it smelt really good. Maybe she could get a cup later as she already had a nice cup of tea in one of her hands.
Emma walked into the conference with a cup of Irish Breakfast tea in one hand and her bag in the other. Ah, two people were already here. An older gentleman and a young woman. "Hello!" she greeted cheerily to both. Emma paused for a second. The young woman there looked very familiar. Her eyes widened when she realized that this woman had been in the same house as Emma back at Hogwarts. That was Evelyn Flores, right? Or someone who looked almost the exact image of the woman. However, Emma was pretty sure that was Evelyn. She blinked for a second. Right, introductions would be good to do right now.
"I believe we haven't met before I'm Emma. How are you both this morning?" she asked as she took a seat on the other side of Eveyln.
Jasper took a seat. Awkwardly, awkwardly took a seat as the coffee on the lower half of his shirt took on an earthtone watercolour stain. "I'm doing fantastic." That was his opinion. His honest one, actually as he'd experienced things far worse than coffee stains and embarrassment enough to know when he had it good. "It's nice to meet you, Emma. I'm Jasper. I work in the hall of prophecy." Was she new? Had to be.
Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean
Ashby was excited. new year, new ministry year. And it was going to be good. He smiled as he headed down to the conference room. They weren't on a ship, the ministry wasn't falling apart. Everything was good again. and so they could get back to work. First things first they needed a meeting. They'd had so many meetings recently, over the last yea, but hopefully this would be the last one for a little while.
Holding his papers he headed into the conference room, smiling at the few people there. "Good Morning." He was glad his employees were there. "I'll just leave it a few minutes to see if anyone else turns up." He added as he sat down.
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah
Did Mitterbill physically jump a little upon hearing the voice of one, Evelyn Flores? Yes, sir, I believe he did, sir. This action happened to coincide with the precise moment he was pouring himself a cup of coffee.
It had the expected result.
Jasper tried to jump back that the hot liquid would not stain his clothing. It was not to be. "Yes, well my sleep was cut short." He said trying to make it seem as though it was no big deal. Flores was intimidating. Did she know?
Perhaps she noticed the little spill. Perhaps she didn't. Evelyn gave no impression that she did and carried on with making herself comfortable in the chair, though an eyebrow raised somewhat at the reply she'd received; not necessarily out of disapproval either. She could relate to lack of sleep.
"You and me both." she muttered, just before the young blond woman walked in.
Originally Posted by Emms
So they were going to be having a meeting today, hey? Well that sounded exciting.
After taking a leave of absence for a year for personal reasons, Emma had walked into the relatively silent level of the Ministry. Merlin, had it always been this quiet? She pursed her lips briefly in wonder and continued walking towards the conference room. She paused right outside. She smelt something delicious, sweet, and earthy. Was that coffee she smelt? If it was, it smelt really good. Maybe she could get a cup later as she already had a nice cup of tea in one of her hands.
Emma walked into the conference with a cup of Irish Breakfast tea in one hand and her bag in the other. Ah, two people were already here. An older gentleman and a young woman. "Hello!" she greeted cheerily to both. Emma paused for a second. The young woman there looked very familiar. Her eyes widened when she realized that this woman had been in the same house as Emma back at Hogwarts. That was Evelyn Flores, right? Or someone who looked almost the exact image of the woman. However, Emma was pretty sure that was Evelyn. She blinked for a second. Right, introductions would be good to do right now.
"I believe we haven't met before I'm Emma. How are you both this morning?" she asked as she took a seat on the other side of Eveyln.
Speaking of the blond woman, Evelyn's gaze lingered on her for a moment or so. Not because of the rather cheerful and slightly irritating at this early hour greeting, though because she looked...familiar. They haven't met before? Really? Not even from...school? The whole seven years were a blur, so who knows. Maybe not.
Although her own greetings were halted with Mitterbill taking the lead on it.
Originally Posted by Meizzner
Another year, another meeting. Except this time it looked like they were in a Fortune 500 company. Gave the illusion they were coming out of the dungeons of the Ministry. Thank, Merlin Demetrius was not the first one in this room. Talk about awkward and not worth the effort of greeting everyone.
Ah, look at who was here Mitterbill and Evelyn. Plus someone new. Not on Demetrius' list of things to be interested in right now.
Conversing with people was usually to much effort and not worth the time. But with these two. It was actually quite fun.
No matter...
There was someone else she could greet. Could...not would. Would she?
"Demetrius." She would.
Originally Posted by RachieRu
Ashby was excited. new year, new ministry year. And it was going to be good. He smiled as he headed down to the conference room. They weren't on a ship, the ministry wasn't falling apart. Everything was good again. and so they could get back to work. First things first they needed a meeting. They'd had so many meetings recently, over the last yea, but hopefully this would be the last one for a little while.
Holding his papers he headed into the conference room, smiling at the few people there. "Good Morning." He was glad his employees were there. "I'll just leave it a few minutes to see if anyone else turns up." He added as he sat down.
Alas, the bossman! Smiling...bossman. So many smiles this morning.
"Good morning, sir." she pleasantly said, sitting up in her seat a bit more. Gotta look prepared. Especially for those who were late.
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
SPOILER!!: Jasper
Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah
Jasper took a seat. Awkwardly, awkwardly took a seat as the coffee on the lower half of his shirt took on an earthtone watercolour stain. "I'm doing fantastic." That was his opinion. His honest one, actually as he'd experienced things far worse than coffee stains and embarrassment enough to know when he had it good. "It's nice to meet you, Emma. I'm Jasper. I work in the hall of prophecy." Was she new? Had to be.[/color]
Emma nodded as the older man took a seat in a rather awkward fashion. She just blinked but decided it ought to be best not to comment on it. She hadn't remember seeing him around a couple years ago when she started. Then she had taken a leave of absence for... personal reasons. Anyway, Emma was glad to be back. "Nice to meet you, Jasper. That must be very intriguing," she said with a kind smile. "I work in the Ever-Locked room." She took a sip of her hot tea. Good thing that she had remembered to bring it with her or she would have been a very sleepy and non-social mood. That would not have been a good impression.
Another man joined them and then the Head of the Department was there! They would be getting to work soon, yes?
SPOILER!!: Boss!
Originally Posted by RachieRu
Ashby was excited. new year, new ministry year. And it was going to be good. He smiled as he headed down to the conference room. They weren't on a ship, the ministry wasn't falling apart. Everything was good again. and so they could get back to work. First things first they needed a meeting. They'd had so many meetings recently, over the last yea, but hopefully this would be the last one for a little while.
Holding his papers he headed into the conference room, smiling at the few people there. "Good Morning." He was glad his employees were there. "I'll just leave it a few minutes to see if anyone else turns up." He added as he sat down.
Emma nodded towards her boss. "Good Morning, sir. How are you?" she asked politely with a smile. She pulled out her notepad and quill ready to take notes for the meeting. It was good always to be prepared. Always expect the unexpected.
Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean
"Morning." Ashby nodded at the couple of employees as he settled into his chair, adjusting his papers. "I'm fine thank you." He smiled at Emma. After a few moments he glanced at his watch. Hm. No signs of any other people. Better start this thing off. "Okay...we'll start now." He nodded, with a smile, flicking his wand towards the door to close it.
"I hope you all had a nice summer." He murmured at first before continuing. "We have 2 new members of the team...but they are not here yet." So they could move straight on. "And I'm going to hopefully implement a new training scheme into the department, called Junior Unspeakables. It's a scheme for new graduates from Hogwarts which will allow them to train up on the job." And pause for reaction.
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
And the meeting started.
Emma took a sip of her hot tea and listened to their boss explain that two new members were missing. Ooh. Tsk. Tsk. Late on the first day was not a good way to start. Oh well, she figured that they were probably caught up in the traffic or something. Her hazel eyes widened when she heard that he was going to implement a training scheme in to the department. Junior Unspeakables, hey? It had a nice ring to it. She grinned. That sounded like a terrific way to help get the recent Hogwarts graduates into their department and trained well. It reminded her of her time training as a Junior Obliviator in the Accidents department. Training was always a good thing. It made the young graduates more confident in their abilities. It made the veterans feel safer around the newbies. She took another sip of her tea. It sounded like a good program to start up.
Perhaps she noticed the little spill. Perhaps she didn't. Evelyn gave no impression that she did and carried on with making herself comfortable in the chair, though an eyebrow raised somewhat at the reply she'd received; not necessarily out of disapproval either. She could relate to lack of sleep.
"You and me both." she muttered, just before the young blond woman walked in.
Originally Posted by Emms
Emma nodded as the older man took a seat in a rather awkward fashion. She just blinked but decided it ought to be best not to comment on it. She hadn't remember seeing him around a couple years ago when she started. Then she had taken a leave of absence for... personal reasons. Anyway, Emma was glad to be back. "Nice to meet you, Jasper. That must be very intriguing," she said with a kind smile. "I work in the Ever-Locked room." She took a sip of her hot tea. Good thing that she had remembered to bring it with her or she would have been a very sleepy and non-social mood. That would not have been a good impression.
Another man joined them and then the Head of the Department was there! They would be getting to work soon, yes?
Evelyn had said something in return and it wasn't exactly mean. What that essentially translated to was the she had won Jasper's trust over by about 100%.
Hehehe. Sucka.
Oh, and wasn't Emma a very nice person! The seer appreciated her warmth and social side. She was probably worthy of trust as well. A good addition to the Ever-Locked room, no doubt. Or so he thought, as he hadn't realized Emma had just taken a long leave.
Originally Posted by RachieRu
"Morning." Ashby nodded at the couple of employees as he settled into his chair, adjusting his papers. "I'm fine thank you." He smiled at Emma. After a few moments he glanced at his watch. Hm. No signs of any other people. Better start this thing off. "Okay...we'll start now." He nodded, with a smile, flicking his wand towards the door to close it.
"I hope you all had a nice summer." He murmured at first before continuing. "We have 2 new members of the team...but they are not here yet." So they could move straight on. "And I'm going to hopefully implement a new training scheme into the department, called Junior Unspeakables. It's a scheme for new graduates from Hogwarts which will allow them to train up on the job." And pause for reaction.
By the time Ashby had gotten to mentioning the Junior Unspeakables, Jasper was beaming all happy like. He thought he might have liked to have been a teacher and in his younger days the possibility had been considered before promptly being flushed out by a weakness of will. Other things as well, but mostly it was his will. Now here he was at a job he still loved with the opportunity to live that dream.
Although it had grown the Department of Mysteries was still rather sparse compared to some departments. It probably wouldn't hurt to train people in order to get and keep them interested in their work. Jasper thought he could use another hand down in Prophecies anyway with Old Wheels gone. "When do you plan to start the J.U.?" He immediately considered adding program or something else to the end of that acronym for fear of saying it outloud and being HORRIDLY misunderstood. But was it really a program in it's true form? Was there a better word for it? Scheme sort of exacerbated Jasper's neurotic fear.
Felix Metei was more excited than he had ever been in his entire existence. He had always wanted to work in the Department of Mysteries ever since he first learned about them and their secret work back in his school days. And now here he was, working in the space room, learning about a subject who couldn't learn enough about: the universe, with all its untold wonders. Felix couldn't have been more pleased, though the small smile on his face as he entered the conference room hardly showed it. He wasn't the type for open enthusiasm except when it was scholarly in nature.
The meeting it seemed was already underway, putting Felix into the awkward position of being considered late as he walked into the room, quietly shutting the door behind him. "Excuse me," Felix evenly said, not letting the awkwardness get to him. His dark eyes swept over the room, taking in the others already assembled there with a curious gaze before turning to the man at the head of the table, who was no doubt his new boss.
Wordlessly, Felix took a seat next to a dark haired woman (Evelyn) with pretty, intelligent features. He took off his messenger bag and neatly placed it on the ground beside him, resisting the urge to bring out his quill and parchment to take notes for something to do with his hands.
the moon: feminine, intuitive, inner strength, innocence
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Come again?
Her finger tapping upon the table from waiting for the meeting to start had deceased completely. Junior Unspeakables? Where was that when she first started on the job fresh from Hogwarts? "And who exactly is going to be training the junior unspeakables?" she threw in her question after Mitterbill, eyeing one of the new members who'd just joined them and claimed the seat next to her.
Should she scowl? Or smile? He was late but...good gosh, look at those smooth features.
NARGLES! |Tree Hugger | Wears a Penguin Suit & Tie | Snape on a Stick
Edward walked in. Well, he more hobbled in. It had been a rough morning. He'd tripped down the stairs from his flat after a taupe kitty had decided he needed a companion. Of course the cat felt like it was necessary to walk in between his feet. He hoped it was alright after it was landed on by a fully grown man trying to catch himself on the way down.
He'd tried to walk to work, but there was construction and so he he ended up ducking into an alleyway and apparating into the alley close by the phone booth. Finally, the phone booth got a little stuck trying to open the door and his shoulder was a bit sore.
Considering his morning, he was pleased to have made it in one piece. He had checked his desk and noticed the memo to meet in the conference room from Ashby.
He tried to be quiet as he slipped in and took a seat and noticed the faces around the table.
Felix was only half listening as the brunette by his side, and the man who had mentioned something about the J. U. (whatever that was) began asking Mr. Summers about the some new program. It wasn't that the Romanian lacked interest, he just couldn't focus on the conversation with such little information at hand.
It didn't help that he was nervous ether, despite his cool exterior he was feeling rather anxious, though he'd decided to blame that on his lack of caffeine and not on starting a new job. Definitely wasn't the pressures of doing well in his work and making a good impression, because Felix Metei didn't do nervous.
Feeling someone's gaze, Felix turned slightly to see the brunette eyeing him. She was definitely pretty, but there was something very calculating in her gaze that Felix found far more interesting than her looks. "Morning," He said, the edges of his lips tilting up into a half smile.
the moon: feminine, intuitive, inner strength, innocence
Demetrius went from his slightly daydreaming position to actually paying close attention. Never mind the two new people. Where they really going to be getting kids in here?That could be a disaster waiting to happen. Imagine someone in the Ever-locked Room and not knowing what they were doing.
Evelyn did raise a good question. Demetrius did not like moving away from work just to train someone incompetent to slightly competent. Death was a serious business.
"Is the voluntary?"
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
NARGLES! |Tree Hugger | Wears a Penguin Suit & Tie | Snape on a Stick
Edward tried to pick up a little of what he'd missed from the questions. Junior Unspeakables? he wondered. And then the question about who would train them. Interesting. He still wasn't feeling completely comfortable with his role in the department, but he didn't mind training someone. Training another person requires a knowledge base from which to teach. This required study and expertise. Edward felt he was capable of both.
He asked another question, How do you decide what part of the department they'll begin with? He certainly couldn't imagine anyone being placed in the ever-locked room right off. Love was not a topic to be taken lightly, especially by young people who viewed it far too romantically with no pragmatism at all.
Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean
Was it voluntary? Really? Ashby just shook his head a little. It kind of astonished him that someone would actually not want to help fellow members of the department. But he had already made his mind up regarding who would be helping with this. "It is voluntary." He nodded, moving a piece of paper. "I will be taking most of the responsibility for them, their main teacher you could say." Because he only did trust his teaching really. He wanted to make the best possible individuals to work in his department.
"But I would like some of you guys to help. This is the future of our department." And they should be invested in the future of the department. Turning to Edward Ashby he smiled. "I'm not too sure yet... that will be finalised when we've decided what they were learn in each room." Then Ashby would work where the junior unspeakables would start their training.
And Jasper's question. "I intend to start the program at the beginning of next year. So we have a year to develop it."
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Blinking at last and in the process of her turning her gaze away once she'd been caught staring, she found herself glancing back to the new employee next to her, a small sincere smile appearing on her face. "Good morning." she replied softly, only looking long enough to give her greeting before she turned her gaze elsewhere. The boss had perfect timing to require their attention to be on him.
Though there was more of a twist in this than she expected. Ashby Summers was going to be their junior's main teacher? Did that mean she had to be extra on her toes nice if he was going to be around more often in the work areas?
"If there's anything extra I can do to help sir, let me know."
Felix's smile brightened as the brunette returned his greeting and gave him a sincere, albeit small smile. He'd have liked to talk to her a bit more, but it seemed rather imprudent to carry on a conversation in the middle of a meeting, especially on his first day.
He'd really better turn his attention to Mr. Summers, reluctantly, Felix did just that. "Sir," Felix said, raising his eyes to the older man. Should his hand? What exactly was the protocol for this? He didn't know, but he'd rather just keep his arms folded and avoid embarrassment. "I'm still rather new myself, and though I doubt it will take me very long, I do need some time to adjust to work myself, before I can help anyone else," The young man said.
Had he signed up for day care? In short? No, he hadn't.
the moon: feminine, intuitive, inner strength, innocence
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
A training program for recent Hogwarts graduates? Sign Emma up right here on the spot. Oh yes. She'd love to do something like that. Working with young, bright adults seemed fun just as long as they didn't sing their praises all the time.
Besides that point, she thought that it was a brilliant idea. "I'd love to help out the program," she said with a grin playing on her lips. Even though she was pretty new herself, she thought it would be a good idea for her to show them the ropes of the place too. The blonde almost wished that there had been a program installed when she had started in the department. That would have been quite helpful to her, but at least she could be a part of helping the program get started.
NARGLES! |Tree Hugger | Wears a Penguin Suit & Tie | Snape on a Stick
Edward nodded when Ashby provided a response to his questions and those others that had been posed. It seemed like he wouldn't be saddled with any kids and they may or may not be around his workspace anytime soon. Not that he minded mentoring, but he was still very much learning what it was he did.
Well say that first and Demetrius would not have asked that question. Simple Enough, Really. Well as long as Boss would take care of the training and Evelyn. Demetrius was okay with it. He was not going to volunteer or anything. He was not an insane person. Maybe a little with the only Death thing. But besides that.
"Well, if you actually find someone who wants to be in the Death Chamber. I will be more than happy to help."
Misery loves company or something like that.
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean
"Hopefully someone will want to be in the death chamber." Ashby mused with a nod. "I'm hoping to eventually get people in all of the rooms." Because they needed more people in all of them to be honest. But he would be focussing on all of them. Hopefully this program would make the department more appealing to people, because that was what they needed at the end of the day.
"Any of you can help if you wish" Ashby nodded with a smile. "What I need is for you over the next month or so to decide what are the most important aspects of each of your chambers, and they can go forward as teaching exercises for the program"
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain