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Albert Kettleburn Era All historical records pertaining to Ministry of Magic RPG under Minister for Magic, Albert Kettleburn [IC January 2081 - December 2086; OOC June 2013 - January 2015]

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Old 07-11-2011, 03:41 AM   #101 (permalink)

demented_death_eater's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Left Coast (-8 GMT)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Maximus O. Vindictus III
First Year
No Touchy! ♥ demented_teacher

Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post

Blake yawned and looked up from his cubicle. He just noticed his department head so he did a quick chair in his handy dandy mirror before standing up to greet him. "'Lo Sir." He half waved as he heard the word "reports". He quickly ducked down under with his head covered by the cubicle sides and then popped up again this time with a folder in hand. "We've got our work done." He looked around the room for Kaylee as he brought the folder up to his department head.

SPOILER!!: Folder

SPOILER!!: Blakes' Work

Brooms that need to be banned:

Astroid 6000- The seats are not fully stable and seems like they have some sort of defect. *This problem might be able to be fixed.*

Comet Flyers- The handles are made very thin to help lighten the load and therefore cause the broom to fly faster. Can potentially be a hazard because it is not easy to grip and therefore many injuries will take place.

Gravity Smasher- Looks faulty, wouldn't trust it. Doesn't stop

SPOILER!!: Kaylee's Work
ShootingSun- When trying to turn it slightly goes up then they turn the you want to do.

Morning Rain-Dose not have enough speed for players to use for a matach,or use for transportation
Needs to be improved on that aspect but other
than that, so if they could make it go a bit faster.

Woodenoak-Broom handle is way to thick or players to grip and be safe while up in the air at the same time and the tail the
wind chatches it and makes it ver off course.
Rex took the folder and read the first report. Then he read the second. "Good work. I'll contact the companies immediately," he said and kept the folder. "A delivery came today - four Quaffles made from different materials. The box is against the wall beneath the announcement board. Take them into the lab and throw them around. Texture and grip are important - if the material is too slippery, then the gripping charm will be weak. Then slam 'em against the rugged wall in the back of the lab before jumping on them. Once finished, write the report and bring it to me."

Then he saw J.J. Starr returning with the schedule.

Originally Posted by Jason Potter Weasley View Post
"Here it is," J.J. Starr told the boss.

SPOILER!!: Quidditch Schedule
Week 1
Ballycastle Bats vs. Appleby Arrows
Chudley Cannons vs. Caerphilly Catapults
Falmouth Falcons vs. Holyhead Harpies
Montrose Magpies vs. Kenmare Kestrals
Pride of Portree vs. Puddlemere United
Wigtown Wanderers vs. Tutshill Tornadoes
Wimbourne Wasps - bye

Week 2
Holyhead Harpies vs. Appleby Arrows
Montrose Magpies vs. Chudley Cannons
Pride of Portree vs. Falmouth Falcons
Kenmare Kestrals vs. Puddlemere United
Caerphilly Catapults vs. Tutshill Tornadoes
Wigtown Wanderers vs. Wimbourne Wasps
Ballycastle Bats - bye

Week 3
Appleby Arrows vs. Caerphilly Catapults
Pride of Portree vs. Chudley Cannons
Montrose Magpies vs. Holyhead Harpies
Falmouth Falcons vs. Kenmare Kestrals
Wimbourne Wasps vs. Puddlemere United
Ballycastle Bats vs. Wigtown Wanderers
Tutshill Tornadoes - bye

Week 4
Caerphilly Catapults vs. Ballycastle Bats
Chudley Cannons vs. Falmouth Falcons
Kenmare Kestrals vs. Holyhead Harpies
Tutshill Tornadoes vs. Montrose Magpies
Puddlemere United vs. Wigtown Wanderers
Appleby Arrows vs. Wimbourne Wasps
Pride of Portree - bye

Week 5
Kenmare Kestrals vs. Ballycastle Bats
Appleby Arrows vs. Falmouth Falcons
Chudley Cannons Vs. Holyhead Harpies
Wigtown Wanderers vs. Montrose Magpies
Tutshill Tornadoes vs. Pride of Portree
Caerphilly Catapults vs. Wimbourne Wasps
Puddlemere United - bye

Week 6
Puddlemere United vs. Appleby Arrows
Wimbourne Wasps vs. Falmouth Falcons
Kenmare Kestrals vs. Wigtown Wanderers
Ballycastle Bats vs. Montrose Magpies
Caerphilly Catapults vs. Pride of Portree
Holyhead Harpies vs. Tutshill Tornadoes
Chudley Cannons - bye

Week 7
Chudley Cannons vs. Appleby Arrows
Falmouth Falcons vs. Ballycastle Bats
Wigtown Wanderers vs. Caerphilly Catapults
Pride of Portree vs. Montrose Magpies
Tutshill Tornadoes vs. Puddlemere United
Kenmare Kestrals vs. Wimbourne Wasps
Holyhead Harpies - bye

Week 8
Chudley Cannons vs. Ballycastle Bats
Holyhead Harpies vs. Caerphilly Catapults
Puddlemere United vs. Falmouth Falcons
Pride of Portree vs. Kenmare Kestrals
Wimbourne Wasps vs. Montrose Magpies
Appleby Arrows vs. Tutshill Tornadoes
Wigtown Wanderers - bye

Week 9
Tutshill Tornadoes vs. Chudley Cannons
Caerphilly Catapults vs. Kenmare Kestrals
Holyhead Harpies vs. Pride of Portree
Montrose Magpies vs. Puddlemere United
Falmouth Falcons vs. Wigtown Wanderers
Kenmare Kestrals vs. Wimbourne Wasps
Appleby Arrows - bye

Week 10
Wigtown Wanderers vs. Pride of Portree
Montrose Magpies vs. Caerphilly Catapults
Puddlemere United vs. Chudley Cannons
Ballycastle Bats vs. Holyhead Harpies
Tutshill Tornadoes vs. Kenmare Kestrals
Wimbourne Wasps vs. Pride of Portree
Falmouth Falcons - bye

Week 11
Pride of Portree vs. Ballycastle Bats
Puddlemere United vs. Caerphilly Catapults
Appleby Arrows vs. Kenmare Kestrals
Falmouth Falcons vs. Tutshill Tornadoes
Holyhead Harpies vs. Wimbourne Wasps
Chudley Cannons vs. Wigtown Wanderers
Montrose Magpies - bye

Week 12
Montrose Magpies vs. Appleby Arrows
Wimbourne Wasps vs. Chudley Cannons
Caerphilly Catapults vs. Falmouth Falcons
Puddlemere United vs Holyhead Harpies
Wigtown Wanderers vs. Pride of Portree
Tutshill Tornadoes vs. Ballycastle Bats
Kenmare Kestrals - bye

Week 13
Kenmare Kestrals vs. Chudley Cannons
Falmouth Falcons vs. Montrose Magpies
Appleby Arrows vs. Pride of Portree
Ballycastle Bats vs. Puddlemere United
Holyhead Harpies vs. Wigtown Warriors
Wimbourne Wasps vs. Tutshill Tornadoes
Caerphilly Catapults - bye

Week 14
Appleby Arrows vs. Ballycastle Bats
Caerphilly Catapults vs. Chudley Cannons
Holyhead Harpies vs. Falmouth Falcons
Kenmare Kestrals vs. Montrose Magpies
Puddlemere United vs. Pride of Portree
Tutshill Tornadoes vs. Wigtown Wanderers
Wimbourne Wasps - bye

Week 15
Appleby Arrows vs. Holyhead Harpies
Chudley Cannons vs. Montrose Magpies
Falmouth Falcons vs. Pride of Portree
Puddlemere United vs. Kenmare Kestrals
Tutshill Tornadoes vs. Caerphilly Catapults
Wimboune Wasps vs. Wigtown Wanderers
Ballycastle Bats - bye

Week 16
Caerphilly Catapults vs. Appleby Arrows
Chudley Cannons vs. Pride of Portree
Holyhead Harpies vs. Montrose Magpies
Kenmare Kestrals vs. Falmouth Falcons
Puddlemere United vs. Wimbourne Wasps
Wigtown Warriors vs. Ballycastle Bats
Tutshill Tornadoes - bye

Week 17
Ballycastle Bats vs. Caerphilly Catapults
Falmouth Falcons vs. Chudley Cannons
Holyhead Harpies vs. Kenmare Kestrals
Montrose Magpies vs. Tutshill Tornadoes
Wigtown Wanderers vs. Puddlemere United
Wimbourne Warriors vs. Appleby Arrows
Pride of Portree - bye

Week 18
Ballycastle Bats vs. Kenmare Kestrals
Falmouth Falcons vs. Appleby Arrows
Holyhead Harpies vs. Chudley Cannons
Montrose Magpies vs. Wigtown Wanderers
Pride of Portree vs. Tutshill Tornadoes
Wimbourne Wasps vs. Caerphilly Catapults
Puddlemere United - bye

Week 19
Puddlemere United vs. Appleby Arrows
Wimbourne Wasps vs. Falmouth Falcons
Wigtown Warriors vs. Kenmare Kestrals
Montrose Magpies vs. Ballycastle Bats
Pride of Portree vs. Caerphilly Catapults
Tutshill Tornadoes vs. Holyhead Harpies
Chudley Cannons - bye

Week 20
Appleby Arrows vs. Chudley Cannons
Ballycastle Bats vs. Falmouth Falcons
Caerphilly Catapults vs. Wigtown Wanderers
Montrose Magpies vs. Pride of Portree
Puddlemere United vs. Tutshill Tornadoes
Wimbourne Wasps vs. Kenmare Kestrals
Holyhead Harpies - bye

Week 21
Ballycastle Bats vs. Chudley Cannons
Caerphilly Catapults vs. Holyhead Harpies
Falmouth Falcons vs. Puddlemere United
Kenmare Kestrals vs. Pride of Portree
Montrose Magpies vs. Wimbourne Wasps
Tutshill Tornadoes vs. Appleby Arrows
Wigtown Wanderers - bye

Week 22
Chudley Cannons vs. Tutshill Tornadoes
Kenmare Kestrals vs. Caerphilly Catapults
Pride of Portree vs. Holyhead Harpies
Puddlemere United vs. Montrose Magpies
Wigtown Wanderers vs. Falmouth Falcons
Wimbourne Wasps vs. Kenmare Kestrals
Appleby Arrows - bye

Week 23
Pride of Portree vs. Wigtown Wanderers
Caerphilly Catapults vs. Montrose Magpies
Chudley Cannons vs. Puddlemere United
Holyhead Harpies vs. Ballycastle Bats
Kenmare Kestrals vs. Tutshill Tornadoes
Pride of Portree vs. Wimbourne Wasps
Falmouth Falcons - bye

Week 24
Ballycastle Bats vs. Pride of Portree
Caerphilly Catapults vs. Puddlemere United
Kenmare Kestrals vs. Appleby Arrows
Tutshill Tornadoes vs. Falmouth Falcons
Wimbourne Wasps vs. Holyhead Harpies
Wigtown Wanderers vs. Chudley Cannons
Montrose Magpies - bye

Week 25
Appleby Arrows vs. Montrose Magpies
Chudley Cannons vs. Wimbourne Wasps
Falmouth Falcons vs. Caerphilly Catapults
Holyhead Harpies vs. Puddlemere United
Pride of Portree vs. Wigtown Wanderers
Ballycastle Bats vs. Tutshill Tornadoes
Kenmare Kestrals - bye

Week 26
Chudley Cannons vs. Kenmare Kestrals
Montrose Magpies vs. Falmouth Falcons
Pride of Portree vs. Appleby Arrows
Puddlemere United vs. Ballycastle Bats
Wigtown Warriors vs. Holyhead Harpies
Tutshill Tornadoes vs. Wimbourne Wasps
Caerphilly Catapults - bye
Rex took the papers from J.J. and was silent for a few minutes as he read through the schedule. "Brilliant. Send this out to all team offices before the week is over. Then get the posters ordered for each team - make sure their schedules are on it and use the team emblems and mascots instead of selecting a marquee player from each team."

He walked towards the door. "And leave the discussion of Muggle sports for the Coffee Cart area."

Without another word, he left the work area.

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Old 08-02-2011, 03:38 AM   #102 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Laini Gracae-Ryans
Third Year
x10 x1
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo

Blake walked into the work area and looked around. He sighed rather loudly and picked up the box that he had been neglecting. Now to get this assignment out of the way so that he can finally relax. Working was actually harder than he thought it would be. Quidditch was hard too, but these were different types of work and Blake preferred the latter. Now to get started at last.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

You are Lemon!
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Old 08-04-2011, 07:13 PM   #103 (permalink)

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Keeper of Harry's Smile Guard of Dan’s Curiosity

Keylee walked into the office for the day with a smile on her face ready for work she walked over to her desk to see what she was going to be working on today
*Keeper of Ginny's Heart for Harry**Keeper of Emma's Sisterly Love For Dan**Dreams Can Come True*

*Siggy By Nat**Avvy By Jen*Dan is my Mr. Darcy*
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Old 08-20-2011, 07:40 PM   #104 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Maximus O. Vindictus III
First Year
No Touchy! ♥ demented_teacher

After leaving one office, Rex poked his head through the doorway where the Quidditch employees were hard at work. "Emergency department meeting in the conference room," he announced urgently and vanished. From the sound of his voice, it meant 'drop everything and get in there now!'

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Old 10-27-2011, 01:43 AM   #105 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Maximus O. Vindictus III
First Year
No Touchy! ♥ demented_teacher

A memo in the shape of a paper airplane zoomed into the office and immediately multiplied into several dozen fliers that landed neatly upon each employee's desk.


Some people believe
that M.O.M stands for
"Ministry of Morons"

It DOES as long as its led by
the insufferable oaf Berty Borr
who styles himself as a lord!

It's time to remove the huge wart that
is giving our Ministry a bad name.

Join the cause today!


Check out the non-HP topics in the Leaky Cauldron today!
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Old 01-05-2012, 03:28 AM   #106 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Von Culpepper
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Taliesin Dane
First Year
x7 x8
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.

Not wanting to join the festivities on the floor below him, Harvey hobbled back into the familiar setting. Don't think of him wrongly though, He hated Borr just as much as the next guy. Harvey is just not to keen on large crowds where anyone could easily recognize him.

Moving ever so slowly to take the sights all back in. He missed this place. He made it to his old cubicle and found that it has been left untouched. The picture of him and his sister in their Salem Institute robes waving and smiling clearly enjoying their time. His Posters of The Fitchberg Finches while he played for them still firmly placed on the wall. Harvey pulled out one more photograph this one of his recently discovered nephew, Edgard. and placed it next to the image of Oakey.

Harvey decided continue on down the isles of cubicles, maybe he wasn't the only one here? either way, he was still really enjoying his return.
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Old 01-09-2012, 12:27 PM   #107 (permalink)
Pygmy Puff
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Cathal C Myles
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Morrigan Heffernan

Brantley entered the room that was to be his office for... as long as he could stand to be back in London. He had to admit, it was great being back here, but having an actual permanent-like job meant he wasn't going to be able to just up and leave whenever he wanted.
No midnight Quidditch games with his mates either..

Brantley walked around the room, making his way over to a cubicle right near a Windemere Wasps poster where he finally sat down, resting his feet on the desk.
He spotted another man a few cubicles over and nodded at him, 'Brantley Reid, I'm new here.' Brantley announced and turned to gaze around at the other Quidditch posters gracing the walls.
What was a better way to start off than IMMEDIATELY getting to know everyone? Surely they could have a blast hanging out here.

I've learned that doves and ravens fly the same____________________________
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Old 01-09-2012, 08:46 PM   #108 (permalink)
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Von Culpepper
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Taliesin Dane
First Year
x7 x8
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.

Originally Posted by MUDBL00Dpride View Post
Brantley entered the room that was to be his office for... as long as he could stand to be back in London. He had to admit, it was great being back here, but having an actual permanent-like job meant he wasn't going to be able to just up and leave whenever he wanted.
No midnight Quidditch games with his mates either..

Brantley walked around the room, making his way over to a cubicle right near a Windemere Wasps poster where he finally sat down, resting his feet on the desk.
He spotted another man a few cubicles over and nodded at him, 'Brantley Reid, I'm new here.' Brantley announced and turned to gaze around at the other Quidditch posters gracing the walls.
What was a better way to start off than IMMEDIATELY getting to know everyone? Surely they could have a blast hanging out here.
Somebody else was indeed here...but the voice came from behind. This "Brantley" guy must've came in after he did. Turning he limped back to the man. Extending his arm he used his cane to pull a chair over to where Brantley was rudely sitting with his feet on the desk. He looked to be a few years younger than Harvey did. Probably doesn't have to pluck grey hairs out of his head every morning he thought. Sitting down he put his cane between his legs and held it with his right, while extending his left hand for a shake. Harvey Gunter, Quidditch Public Relations Officer
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Old 01-10-2012, 01:38 PM   #109 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MyPatronusIsaMoose View Post
Somebody else was indeed here...but the voice came from behind. This "Brantley" guy must've came in after he did. Turning he limped back to the man. Extending his arm he used his cane to pull a chair over to where Brantley was rudely sitting with his feet on the desk. He looked to be a few years younger than Harvey did. Probably doesn't have to pluck grey hairs out of his head every morning he thought. Sitting down he put his cane between his legs and held it with his right, while extending his left hand for a shake. Harvey Gunter, Quidditch Public Relations Officer

He- had a limp? Brantley eyed the man curiously making sure not to make it look TOO obvious, broom flight gone bad, maybe? This was Games and Sports after all, he'd expect the others to love Quidditch as much as he did himself.
The man seemed at least a few years older than Brantley, he thought as the other man sat down on a chair nearby Brantley's newly-claimed desk.
Brantley shook his hand with a polite smile.
'So, what does a public relations officer do, Harvey?' Brantley asked, he couldn't help but think it involved a lot of politeness. 'I can call you Harvey, right?'
In other words, not Brantley's type of work.

I've learned that doves and ravens fly the same____________________________
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Old 01-10-2012, 05:53 PM   #110 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Helga Granger
Third Year

Bella opened the great oak door, she thought of how proud her parents would be if they were still alive. She gave a nice grin. "Hello I'm Bella, I'm working in Pitch Regulation."It had finally arrived she was now a working woman.
"Episkey" I fix whats broken.
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Old 01-11-2012, 02:15 AM   #111 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Taliesin Dane
First Year
x7 x8
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.

Originally Posted by MUDBL00Dpride View Post

He- had a limp? Brantley eyed the man curiously making sure not to make it look TOO obvious, broom flight gone bad, maybe? This was Games and Sports after all, he'd expect the others to love Quidditch as much as he did himself.
The man seemed at least a few years older than Brantley, he thought as the other man sat down on a chair nearby Brantley's newly-claimed desk.
Brantley shook his hand with a polite smile.
'So, what does a public relations officer do, Harvey?' Brantley asked, he couldn't help but think it involved a lot of politeness. 'I can call you Harvey, right?'
In other words, not Brantley's type of work.
Harvey gave Brantley this weird look. As if telling him to stop eying him up. Yeah Harvey was crippled but he had grown used to it since it happened almost two years ago. If Brantley wanted to know so badly as to what happened, Harvey wouldn't mind telling him at all.

A Public Relations Officer, to me is kind of like what a Movie Star's agent is. I make sure that Quidditch is properly displayed around the Wizarding World, while also working on it's schedules and merchandize.

He gave Brantley another strange look for his last question. Of course he can call Harvey, Harvey. It's not like he's his mentor. Harvey's fine with me, if I can call you Brantley?

Originally Posted by MrsHGranger View Post
Bella opened the great oak door, she thought of how proud her parents would be if they were still alive. She gave a nice grin. "Hello I'm Bella, I'm working in Pitch Regulation."It had finally arrived she was now a working woman.
A very young looking lady walked in and introduced herself as Bella and Harvey's manly charms kicked in. He couldn't help it, it's what his father taught him. Harvey, unsuccessfully hoped himself up and bowed to the young lady. My dear, you may call me Mr.Gunter. He took her hand and pulled his wand from his cane and gracefully spoke Orchideous He leaned his wand in for the young Bella to retrieve his gift and placed the flowers into her hand he was holding. For you. Welcome to our department.

Last edited by Uncle Moose; 01-11-2012 at 03:31 AM.
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Old 01-11-2012, 12:48 PM   #112 (permalink)
Pygmy Puff
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Cathal C Myles
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Morrigan Heffernan

Originally Posted by MrsHGranger View Post
Bella opened the great oak door, she thought of how proud her parents would be if they were still alive. She gave a nice grin. "Hello I'm Bella, I'm working in Pitch Regulation."It had finally arrived she was now a working woman.
Brantley then noticed a young woman entered the room, she introduced herself as Bella.
'Hi there, Bella.' He smiled at her, 'I'm Brantley Reid. I'm in Rules and Regulation, who knows, we might be working together some time.' Brantley added a wink.
He wouldn't mind working with her, Brantley thought as he lowered his feet to the floor and sat up in his chair.

Originally Posted by MyPatronusIsaMoose View Post
Harvey gave Brantley this weird look. As if telling him to stop eying him up. Yeah Harvey was crippled but he had grown used to it since it happened almost two years ago. If Brantley wanted to know so badly as to what happened, Harvey wouldn't mind telling him at all.

A Public Relations Officer, to me is kind of like what a Movie Star's agent is. I make sure that Quidditch is properly displayed around the Wizarding World, while also working on it's schedules and merchandize.

He gave Brantley another strange look for his last question. Of course he can call Harvey, Harvey. It's not like he's his mentor. Harvey's fine with me, if I can call you Brantley?

A very young looking lady walked in and introduced herself as Bella and Harvey's manly charms kicked in. He couldn't help it, it's what his father taught him. Harvey, unsuccessfully hoped himself up and bowed to the young lady. My dear, you may call me Mr.Gunter. He took her hand and pulled his wand from his cane and gracefully spoke Orchideous He leaned his wand in for the young Bella to retrieve his gift and placed the flowers into her hand he was holding. For you. Welcome to our department.

Weird look. Okay, no inconspicuous staring. Instead, just ask what was wrong, he wasn't some scaredycat. Brantley indicated Harvey's leg.
'How'd you hurt yourself?' He asked, no need to just keep wondering right? He'd expect people to ask him something if they were curious.

He listened to Harvey explain his job, apparently he liked it a lot. It didn't sound too bad, except all the schedules. 'How long've you been here?' He eyed the room, surely they'd be allowed to add their own touches to it, Brantley WOULD NOT work with a Chudley Cannons poster next to him, whoever had been foolish enough to place it there would have to move it. 'Chudley Cannons..?' He shook his head.

Could Harvey call him Brantley? Brantley chuckled, 'Brantley. Mr Reid is my father.' No need to sound old.
He watched Harvey take his wand out of his rabbit?! cane and conjure up flowers, handing them to Bella. He rolled his eyes, making sure none of them saw, show off.

I've learned that doves and ravens fly the same____________________________
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Old 01-11-2012, 04:10 PM   #113 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MyPatronusIsaMoose View Post

A very young looking lady walked in and introduced herself as Bella and Harvey's manly charms kicked in. He couldn't help it, it's what his father taught him. Harvey, unsuccessfully hoped himself up and bowed to the young lady. My dear, you may call me Mr.Gunter. He took her hand and pulled his wand from his cane and gracefully spoke Orchideous He leaned his wand in for the young Bella to retrieve his gift and placed the flowers into her hand he was holding. For you. Welcome to our department.
"Thank You" As Bella took the beautiful flower. This man seemed very nice, maybe to nice. But Bella hadn't noticed all she noticed was how handsome the man was. She blushed and then asked "Where should I leave my things?" Her briefcase got extremley annoying in her hands.

Brantley then noticed a young woman entered the room, she introduced herself as Bella.
'Hi there, Bella.' He smiled at her, 'I'm Brantley Reid. I'm in Rules and Regulation, who knows, we might be working together some time.' Brantley added a wink.
He wouldn't mind working with her, Brantley thought as he lowered his feet to the floor and sat up in his chair.
"Hi Brantley, yes maybe we will work together." The wink he gave was flattering. Bella's cheeks burned a scarlet like Gryffindor's! Her old house brought pride and happy memories to her. Unfortunatly her fourth year was the clearest. Her parents were killed and all the memories of that year were crystal clear.
"Episkey" I fix whats broken.
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Old 01-12-2012, 12:19 AM   #114 (permalink)
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Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.

Originally Posted by MUDBL00Dpride View Post
Brantley then noticed a young woman entered the room, she introduced herself as Bella.
'Hi there, Bella.' He smiled at her, 'I'm Brantley Reid. I'm in Rules and Regulation, who knows, we might be working together some time.' Brantley added a wink.
He wouldn't mind working with her, Brantley thought as he lowered his feet to the floor and sat up in his chair.

Weird look. Okay, no inconspicuous staring. Instead, just ask what was wrong, he wasn't some scaredycat. Brantley indicated Harvey's leg.
'How'd you hurt yourself?' He asked, no need to just keep wondering right? He'd expect people to ask him something if they were curious.

He listened to Harvey explain his job, apparently he liked it a lot. It didn't sound too bad, except all the schedules. 'How long've you been here?' He eyed the room, surely they'd be allowed to add their own touches to it, Brantley WOULD NOT work with a Chudley Cannons poster next to him, whoever had been foolish enough to place it there would have to move it. 'Chudley Cannons..?' He shook his head.

Could Harvey call him Brantley? Brantley chuckled, 'Brantley. Mr Reid is my father.' No need to sound old.
He watched Harvey take his wand out of his rabbit?! cane and conjure up flowers, handing them to Bella. He rolled his eyes, making sure none of them saw, show off.

HA! He is at that isn't he.
Harvey Chuckled loudly at Brantley's reply about his name. Brantley it is then.

Harvey smirked when he got Brantley to man up and ask him about his gimped leg.
It was a bad Bludger accident when I went to try out for the Cannon's Harvey said. Well it was later discovered that a few of the Bludgers had been cursed to hit whom ever got on a certain broom
Yeah, how tragic right. and it just so happened that I had chosen that broom for tryouts that day.

Oh? Brantley didn't like the Cannon's or at least it sounded that way from his tone of voice and the way he shook his head. Harvey neither liked or hated them, It was up there because it was a gift from his mother after she had heard he was getting back into Quidditch and he was starting tryouts again. Is there a problem with my poster? He pointed to it with his cane after he place his wand back into it.

Originally Posted by MrsHGranger View Post
"Thank You" As Bella took the beautiful flower. This man seemed very nice, maybe to nice. But Bella hadn't noticed all she noticed was how handsome the man was. She blushed and then asked "Where should I leave my things?" Her briefcase got extremley annoying in her hands.

"Hi Brantley, yes maybe we will work together." The wink he gave was flattering. Bella's cheeks burned a scarlet like Gryffindor's! Her old house brought pride and happy memories to her. Unfortunatly her fourth year was the clearest. Her parents were killed and all the memories of that year were crystal clear.
You're very welcome Miss. Harvey said in a charming voice. Where indeed could she place her things. It seemed to Harvey that Bella was not happy carrying her suitcase. Miss Bella, if I may he put out his hand that was not holding his cane. Offering to carry her things Let me take you to an empty cubicle with a great view. The great view being Harvey of course.
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Old 01-13-2012, 11:33 PM   #115 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MrsHGranger View Post
"Thank You" As Bella took the beautiful flower. This man seemed very nice, maybe to nice. But Bella hadn't noticed all she noticed was how handsome the man was. She blushed and then asked "Where should I leave my things?" Her briefcase got extremley annoying in her hands.

"Hi Brantley, yes maybe we will work together." The wink he gave was flattering. Bella's cheeks burned a scarlet like Gryffindor's! Her old house brought pride and happy memories to her. Unfortunatly her fourth year was the clearest. Her parents were killed and all the memories of that year were crystal clear.
Brantley was positively pleased with the flush his wink had brought to her cheeks, and grinned to himself before indicating a desk not too far from his own.
'Good view,' he said, nodding towards the Windemere Wasps poster. 'What's your team?'
Anything but the Chudley Cannons and they'd be the best of buddies, Brantley was sure of it.

Originally Posted by MyPatronusIsaMoose View Post

HA! He is at that isn't he.
Harvey Chuckled loudly at Brantley's reply about his name. Brantley it is then.

Harvey smirked when he got Brantley to man up and ask him about his gimped leg.
It was a bad Bludger accident when I went to try out for the Cannon's Harvey said. Well it was later discovered that a few of the Bludgers had been cursed to hit whom ever got on a certain broom
Yeah, how tragic right. and it just so happened that I had chosen that broom for tryouts that day.

Oh? Brantley didn't like the Cannon's or at least it sounded that way from his tone of voice and the way he shook his head. Harvey neither liked or hated them, It was up there because it was a gift from his mother after she had heard he was getting back into Quidditch and he was starting tryouts again. Is there a problem with my poster? He pointed to it with his cane after he place his wand back into it.

You're very welcome Miss. Harvey said in a charming voice. Where indeed could she place her things. It seemed to Harvey that Bella was not happy carrying her suitcase. Miss Bella, if I may he put out his hand that was not holding his cane. Offering to carry her things Let me take you to an empty cubicle with a great view. The great view being Harvey of course.

Brantley got up from his seat and stretched his legs. He nodded at Harvey, who now had a smirk on his face. So far Brantley thought they'd be getting along just fine. He listened to Harvey explain his injury, and even though it'd happened while trying out for the Chudley Cannons, he felt bad for the man. Injuring your leg was bad enough, but even worse when you were a Quidditch enthusiast.
Brantley circled around a few of the empty desks, glad to see his legs were in perfect health. Like they would be, perfect.
'That's.. bad luck mate.' It was nothing more than that.
But the bad luck had started the moment Harvey had chosen the Cannons, obviously.

So the CC poster was his... Brantley eyed the poster with a barely hidden scowl, yes, there was a problem with the poster. 'There will be if it's anywhere in my line of sight.' He said, adding a semi-polite grin. 'Disgrace to the Quidditch world, if you ask me.'

Now mister with a limp was carrying Bella's suitcase? Brantley got up, 'surely you shouldn't be carrying that.' He said, indicating Harvey's leg. 'Wouldn't want for the Ministry to get into trouble after you injure your leg in office, right?'
He held his hand out for the suitcase and turned to Bella.
'I'm going to guess this is your very first job, isn't it love?'

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Old 01-14-2012, 12:32 AM   #116 (permalink)
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Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.

Originally Posted by MUDBL00Dpride View Post
Brantley was positively pleased with the flush his wink had brought to her cheeks, and grinned to himself before indicating a desk not too far from his own.
'Good view,' he said, nodding towards the Windemere Wasps poster. 'What's your team?'
Anything but the Chudley Cannons and they'd be the best of buddies, Brantley was sure of it.

Brantley got up from his seat and stretched his legs. He nodded at Harvey, who now had a smirk on his face. So far Brantley thought they'd be getting along just fine. He listened to Harvey explain his injury, and even though it'd happened while trying out for the Chudley Cannons, he felt bad for the man. Injuring your leg was bad enough, but even worse when you were a Quidditch enthusiast.
Brantley circled around a few of the empty desks, glad to see his legs were in perfect health. Like they would be, perfect.
'That's.. bad luck mate.' It was nothing more than that.
But the bad luck had started the moment Harvey had chosen the Cannons, obviously.

So the CC poster was his... Brantley eyed the poster with a barely hidden scowl, yes, there was a problem with the poster. 'There will be if it's anywhere in my line of sight.' He said, adding a semi-polite grin. 'Disgrace to the Quidditch world, if you ask me.'

Now mister with a limp was carrying Bella's suitcase? Brantley got up, 'surely you shouldn't be carrying that.' He said, indicating Harvey's leg. 'Wouldn't want for the Ministry to get into trouble after you injure your leg in office, right?'
He held his hand out for the suitcase and turned to Bella.
'I'm going to guess this is your very first job, isn't it love?'

Brantley seemed to have some kind of personal vendetta against the Cannons. He turned and scowled at the next four words his new co-worker utteredBad Luck? Harvey questioned the man. I don't get bad luck Harvey would knew bad luck when he saw it. He spent a year with his adopted son, helping the boy overcome his bad luck. I ain't moving my poster, and you won't touch it. His newly found friendship with Brantley didn't last 5 minutes it seems. It was a gift, and I'm not about to remove it.

He ignored Brantley's remark about his leg. Then turned his attention back to the young lady.

Where were we? He asked her, as if he wasn't upset just a few seconds ago. Ah yes your cubicle with the great view He hobbled struggling to hold the suitcase with his one hand.
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Old 01-14-2012, 11:48 AM   #117 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MyPatronusIsaMoose

You're very welcome Miss.[/B] Harvey said in a charming voice. Where indeed could she place her things. It seemed to Harvey that Bella was not happy carrying her suitcase. Miss Bella, if I may he put out his hand that was not holding his cane. Offering to carry her things Let me take you to an empty cubicle with a great view. The great view being Harvey of course.

Bella followed Harvey to the cubicle. "Thank You" Her Briefcase was heavy and a nice man did offer. She then thought about her parents, again. Bella wondered where her cubicle was and what was the great view?

Brantley was positively pleased with the flush his wink had brought to her cheeks, and grinned to himself before indicating a desk not too far from his own.
'Good view,' he said, nodding towards the Windemere Wasps poster. 'What's your team?'
Anything but the Chudley Cannons and they'd be the best of buddies, Brantley was sure of it.
"Oh Puddlemore United" The best team she knew. "So you support Windemere Wasps, I haven't seen much of there games are they good?"
"Episkey" I fix whats broken.
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Old 01-15-2012, 01:23 PM   #118 (permalink)
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Default LOL, forgive my brain for turning Wimbourne into Windemere. *has no idea how*

Originally Posted by MrsHGranger View Post
"Oh Puddlemore United" The best team she knew. "So you support Wimbourne Wasps, I haven't seen much of there games are they good?"

'Puddlemere?' He nodded appreciatively, Puddlemere United was pretty good. 'Good team, wouldn't mind seeing them winning the European Cup again some time.' Brantley smiled, course they were good! 'Sure are, you should come along to one of their games next time.'

Originally Posted by MyPatronusIsaMoose
Brantley seemed to have some kind of personal vendetta against the Cannons. He turned and scowled at the next four words his new co-worker uttered Bad Luck? Harvey questioned the man. I don't get bad luck Harvey would knew bad luck when he saw it. He spent a year with his adopted son, helping the boy overcome his bad luck. I ain't moving my poster, and you won't touch it. His newly found friendship with Brantley didn't last 5 minutes it seems. It was a gift, and I'm not about to remove it.

He ignored Brantley's remark about his leg. Then turned his attention back to the young lady.

Where were we? He asked her, as if he wasn't upset just a few seconds ago. Ah yes your cubicle with the great view He hobbled struggling to hold the suitcase with his one hand.

Brantley gave Harvey a sceptical look, he didn't get bad luck? Then what did he call it, stupidity? 'Everyone gets bad luck, 's far as I know that's what happened to your leg. Unlucky situation, nothing more.'

It was a poster, how much trouble could it be to move it? Brantley shrugged. He wasn't going to move it and Brantley couldn't touch it. He smirked. Touch it. 'No problem there then.' Brantley grinned and moved the poster up a few with with a simple spell. 'There. You can still see your petty poster and I'm not bovvered with it.'
Really, dude, it's a Chudley Cannons poster, who'd want it?

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Old 01-15-2012, 07:38 PM   #119 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MUDBL00Dpride View Post

'Puddlemere?' He nodded appreciatively, Puddlemere United was pretty good. 'Good team, wouldn't mind seeing them winning the European Cup again some time.' Brantley smiled, course they were good! 'Sure are, you should come along to one of their games next time.'
"That would be cool." Bella blushed this much attention was strange for her. "Seeing them win would be hopeful, but Chudley Cannons will always be beaten, aye."
"Episkey" I fix whats broken.
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Old 01-15-2012, 09:25 PM   #120 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MrsHGranger View Post
"That would be cool." Bella blushed this much attention was strange for her. "Seeing them win would be hopeful, but Chudley Cannons will always be beaten, aye."

Brantley grinned at her, 'just tell me when, I've got free tickets just an owl away.' Having worked there did have it's advantages, Brantley thought.
He was slightly confused to see Bella blush, and decided not to mention it, her first day at work was probably awful enough being fresh outta Hogwarts.
'It'd be a good game, that's for sure!' He burst out in laughter at what she said next and held his hand out for a high-five. 'See that, Harv, fresh out of Hogwarts and already sure of the Cannons' "talent". Smart one, this is.'
It appeared he wouldn't be alone with this Chudley Cannons thing..
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Old 01-16-2012, 07:03 PM   #121 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MUDBL00Dpride View Post

Brantley grinned at her, 'just tell me when, I've got free tickets just an owl away.' Having worked there did have it's advantages, Brantley thought.
He was slightly confused to see Bella blush, and decided not to mention it, her first day at work was probably awful enough being fresh outta Hogwarts.
'It'd be a good game, that's for sure!' He burst out in laughter at what she said next and held his hand out for a high-five. 'See that, Harv, fresh out of Hogwarts and already sure of the Cannons' "talent". Smart one, this is.'
It appeared he wouldn't be alone with this Chudley Cannons thing..

Bella laughed, talent she liked that. She accepted the high five with quite a hard slam. It almost hurt her hand but she didn't show the pain. She had learnt to tackle pain head on. Her beloved parents taught her that. She wiped a tear from her eye at the thought of them. Hopefully no one noticed.
"Episkey" I fix whats broken.
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Old 01-16-2012, 07:29 PM   #122 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MrsHGranger View Post

Bella laughed, talent she liked that. She accepted the high five with quite a hard slam. It almost hurt her hand but she didn't show the pain. She had learnt to tackle pain head on. Her beloved parents taught her that. She wiped a tear from her eye at the thought of them. Hopefully no one noticed.
Brantley laughed along with Bella, he was sure they'd get along great. He wasn't too sure about Harvey yet.. It was then that Brantley remembered his own strength. He flashed her a grin, nodding towards her arm.
'You're okay?' He asked her with a polite smile on his face. It wasn't exactly as if she was buff or anything. 'I forget how strong I am.. sometimes.'
He did work out to look.. like this.
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Old 01-16-2012, 08:02 PM   #123 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MUDBL00Dpride View Post
Brantley laughed along with Bella, he was sure they'd get along great. He wasn't too sure about Harvey yet.. It was then that Brantley remembered his own strength. He flashed her a grin, nodding towards her arm.
'You're okay?' He asked her with a polite smile on his face. It wasn't exactly as if she was buff or anything. 'I forget how strong I am.. sometimes.'
He did work out to look.. like this.

"Yeah thanks, it wasn't you, it's just me thinking about my parents, they died in my fourth year so I just get a bit teary sometimes!" It was nice for the concern Bella thought, her grandparents didn't exactly except the magical community and ecspecially when they were killed by a wizard. Bella learnt to treat her feelings like they didn't matter. "It doesn't matter honestly, my hand is fine!Just my memories aren't" Bella then shrugged and waited to see if Brantley would avoid her because of her horrific past!
"Episkey" I fix whats broken.
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Old 01-16-2012, 09:45 PM   #124 (permalink)
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Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.

Harvey's scowlwrinkled up twice as much as Brantley still moved the poster! Soooo he's a Smart Alec, is he? He let the two them continue their conversation, His heart was chipped just a little when she didn't like the cannons, he wouldn't hold it against her. As he said, he was neither for or against the cannons. The poster just had a significant meaning. You know, if I hadn't had that accident I could have saved the Cannons and given them their first title and them some. Just as I did with the Finches back in America. Five Finals appearances and three of them are wins. he bragged.

Then Bella had told them of her past, of her parents and how they had died while she attended Hogwarts. He felt sympathy for the girl. Harvey had lost someone just as dear, seven or was it eight years ago? His older sister passed away mysteriously, it was tragic and what spurred Harvey to move to England to take care of his heartbroken Mother. He held back a sorrowful face for the girl. She didn't need his pity, she just needed to be treated right.
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Old 01-16-2012, 09:54 PM   #125 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MrsHGranger View Post

"Yeah thanks, it wasn't you, it's just me thinking about my parents, they died in my fourth year so I just get a bit teary sometimes!" It was nice for the concern Bella thought, her grandparents didn't exactly except the magical community and ecspecially when they were killed by a wizard. Bella learnt to treat her feelings like they didn't matter. "It doesn't matter honestly, my hand is fine!Just my memories aren't" Bella then shrugged and waited to see if Brantley would avoid her because of her horrific past!

Brantley stared at Bella in surprise. He wasn't expecting anything like that. She seemed normal. Which people without parents were, but Brantley still had his two parents alive and kicking.
'Wow. That must've been tough.' He gave her a consoling pat on the shoulder, reminding himself to be gentle this time. 'What happened? If you don't mind me asking?'
Brantley stared ahead, he couldn't imagine missing his parents, cause even though he'd spent the past few years all over the world, he still spoke to them almost daily. He was and always would be a mummy's boy.

Originally Posted by MyPatronusIsAMoose
Harvey's scowlwrinkled up twice as much as Brantley still moved the poster! Soooo he's a Smart Alec, is he? He let the two them continue their conversation, His heart was chipped just a little when she didn't like the cannons, he wouldn't hold it against her. As he said, he was neither for or against the cannons. The poster just had a significant meaning. You know, if I hadn't had that accident I could have saved the Cannons and given them their first title and them some. Just as I did with the Finches back in America. Five Finals appearances and three of them are wins. he bragged.

Then Bella had told them of her past, of her parents and how they had died while she attended Hogwarts. He felt sympathy for the girl. Harvey had lost someone just as dear, seven or was it eight years ago? His older sister passed away mysteriously, it was tragic and what spurred Harvey to move to England to take care of his heartbroken Mother. He held back a sorrowful face for the girl. She didn't need his pity, she just needed to be treated right.

Brantley grinned at Harvey's obvious dislike towards him for moving the poster. Well, it was his office too. And he wouldn't stare at that horrid poster. Not a single working day of his life. And now it was two against one, so odds were that the poster would remain right there, out of Brantley's sight.
'Oh really?' Brantley chuckled, not even a star player could save the Cannons. 'If you really are as good as you say you were, you surely have realised that not even that could've mattered. Cannons are dragon dung, it's simple as that.'

Last edited by Slowfie; 01-16-2012 at 10:00 PM.
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