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Albert Kettleburn EraAll historical records pertaining to Ministry of Magic RPG under Minister for Magic, Albert Kettleburn [IC January 2081 - December 2086; OOC June 2013 - January 2015]
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
The Security within the Ministry and Public Security are topics that many of us have concerns about. Over the last few years the lack of security within the ministry has affected those of us inside the ministry on more than one occasion. The Cult of Walpurgis was only the beginning, followed by a spore that appeared, causing a zombie state in a number of employees. Finally, just recently we have finally come out of the damage that was caused by the chizpurfle infestation that prevented us from even being able to enter the ministry.
Is lax security the culprit? What have our candidates to say about security? And finally, what are their plans to incorporate additional security?
Roxanne Carter
Sherman Clark
Lorraine Ellsbury
Becca Yenorin
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
Early, that's what she was. Or so it seemed, judging by the lack of people here. Either that or everyone had already made up their minds on who to vote for. Which would suck for her if you believed the Daily Prophet. Actually, it would suck for the Ministry and Britain too because none of the other remaining candidates were up to snuff.
Looking over the agenda for the day, Roxanne had to roll her eyes. What did Sherman Clark know about security? According to his file, he had absolutely no experience with it. Anyway, she was here, sipping her coffee if anyone wanted to speak to her. And they should want to speak to her. She still had a chance of being their Minister after all.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Last edited by lazykitty; 01-10-2015 at 05:19 PM.
Reason: oops wrong Polyvore link! truly sorry....
Liz's Bestie ● Helvetica ● ● Jigglypuff ● Jeff Vader
Standing by the side of the booth, Becca glanced at Roxanne and then looked away from the woman. Did she think wearing more relaxed clothes would fool people into thinking she was calm? The woman was everything but. Either way, she could find a way to get along with her and tolerate her for this campaign. There was always an insufferable person somewhere.
Now, did anyone want to talk security?
Yesterday is not ours to recover But tomorrow is ours to win or lose.
Last edited by Becky; 01-10-2015 at 06:33 PM.
Reason: There was an oopsie there ^ so there was an oopsie here :(
Gid was walking through the rally listening to questions and answers each of the candidates were given and answering. He smiled and nodded to those he knew and giving kind smiles to anyone he didn't. He stopped at the first booth where there were candidates and gave them both a smile "I have a question for both of you Ms. Yenorin and Ms. Carter." Heh, keep it professional mhmm! "Do you have any plans for the security within the ministry?"
Liz's Bestie ● Helvetica ● ● Jigglypuff ● Jeff Vader
Originally Posted by Lizasaurus
Gid was walking through the rally listening to questions and answers each of the candidates were given and answering. He smiled and nodded to those he knew and giving kind smiles to anyone he didn't. He stopped at the first booth where there were candidates and gave them both a smile "I have a question for both of you Ms. Yenorin and Ms. Carter." Heh, keep it professional mhmm! "Do you have any plans for the security within the ministry?"
As soon as she saw her husband approaching, Becca just tilted her head. When he called her Ms, she glared at him. He KNEW she was married, especially since she was married to him. Forcing herself to smile at him, she answered in a confident voice. "I plan to use already existing and proven to work muggle laws to search people for weapons, to screen all post and then implement our own new laws to be able to investigate those who are suspicious and known to the Ministry beforehand." Mhmm. "Also to provide basic self-defence training to those who are constantly working near the entrance of the Ministry."
Yesterday is not ours to recover But tomorrow is ours to win or lose.
Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<#
Hmm… what to ask? What to ask? Hadley wandered into this booth without a clue of what to ask. So, she went simple. Opinions, again. Neither right nor wrong.
She addressed all of the candidate, wanting to hear their opinions.
"Do you think the current security is sufficient? Would you keep it the same or change it in some way?" For her, she was quite happy with the current security. But if they did want it changed, what would they do?
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
Originally Posted by Lizasaurus
Gid was walking through the rally listening to questions and answers each of the candidates were given and answering. He smiled and nodded to those he knew and giving kind smiles to anyone he didn't. He stopped at the first booth where there were candidates and gave them both a smile "I have a question for both of you Ms. Yenorin and Ms. Carter." Heh, keep it professional mhmm! "Do you have any plans for the security within the ministry?"
Welp, dumb questions were better than none, she guessed. Because why else would she be here if she didn't have plans? Honestly, she wondered about people sometimes these days. "I certainly do," Roxanne began with a smile. "I agree that those stationed at the Ministry entrances should have self-defense training, but I think security changes should go much deeper." A fact that one Emily Elouise Morgan Browne probably wouldn't like much, but oh well. "I believe that the MLE themselves need to be in better contact with their counterparts in other countries. See if they have any intelligence that could help in preventing any attacks on Britain. Also, the MLE needs to do a better job of catching actual criminals instead of keeping innocent YATIs out of desks." Okay, that last one was a bit personal. And Sky had said she didn't mind sitting on the floor, but still. "I plan on working with Ms. Browne to get this done." And she didn't agree to it? Well, she'd just cross that bridge when and if she got to it.
Originally Posted by Jessiqua
Hmm… what to ask? What to ask? Hadley wandered into this booth without a clue of what to ask. So, she went simple. Opinions, again. Neither right nor wrong.
She addressed all of the candidate, wanting to hear their opinions.
"Do you think the current security is sufficient? Would you keep it the same or change it in some way?" For her, she was quite happy with the current security. But if they did want it changed, what would they do?
Good question, that was. "No, I don't think current security is sufficient enough." At all. "If you look at recent events, most of them were caused by a lack of sufficient security. I believe that if the department heads and I put our heads together, we could come up with a solution that could work for the entire Ministry." That, plus what she'd told Mr. Yenorin. That was her plan. And if none of the department heads wanted to work with Roxanne Carter for the benefit of the Ministry, well, that was their problem.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Security seemed like a topic that an Auror should be VERY interested in pursuing, and Genevieve meandered over to that table next. There were a slew of candidates here, from all over the Ministry and a spectrum of backgrounds. It would be very interesting to see what they had to say.
Carter was here, as well as Yenorin, and Yenorin's husband and some other lady. Genevieve nodded at the two candidates, a bit of a smirk tugging her mouth as she waited for their attention. Carter's answer was sort of... interesting to the Auror. Personal, really. "Could you be more specific, Ms. Carter? It seems to me that the MLE exists of a lot more people than the YATIL, and they patrol and run security outside of the Ministry proper. That's their job, not babysitting the building. How would you utilize them internally? And can you give some examples of lax security causing issues at the Ministry, and you would have handled them differently?"
She liked that Carter was being more specific than Yenorin (so far, at least, but it was early days), but she didn't find herself agreeing with the woman's conclusions.
As soon as she saw her husband approaching, Becca just tilted her head. When he called her Ms, she glared at him. He KNEW she was married, especially since she was married to him. Forcing herself to smile at him, she answered in a confident voice. "I plan to use already existing and proven to work muggle laws to search people for weapons, to screen all post and then implement our own new laws to be able to investigate those who are suspicious and known to the Ministry beforehand." Mhmm. "Also to provide basic self-defence training to those who are constantly working near the entrance of the Ministry."
Originally Posted by lazykitty
Welp, dumb questions were better than none, she guessed. Because why else would she be here if she didn't have plans? Honestly, she wondered about people sometimes these days. "I certainly do," Roxanne began with a smile. "I agree that those stationed at the Ministry entrances should have self-defense training, but I think security changes should go much deeper." A fact that one Emily Elouise Morgan Browne probably wouldn't like much, but oh well. "I believe that the MLE themselves need to be in better contact with their counterparts in other countries. See if they have any intelligence that could help in preventing any attacks on Britain. Also, the MLE needs to do a better job of catching actual criminals instead of keeping innocent YATIs out of desks." Okay, that last one was a bit personal. And Sky had said she didn't mind sitting on the floor, but still. "I plan on working with Ms. Browne to get this done." And she didn't agree to it? Well, she'd just cross that bridge when and if she got to it.
He bit back a sigh, apparently she hadn't appreciated something he'd said. He was going to get it later he was sure. Though he wasn't sure what he'd said wrong! Was it because he'd addressed her first? He nodded as Becca spoke. "You mentioned implementing new laws, are there are any that come to mind?" He definitely agreed with the basic self-defense training for those working near the entrances. To be honest he felt everyone should have that basic self-defense training.
He turned to Roxanne when she responded as well, and nodded in agreement about the self-defense training as well. Deeper? His eyes actually widened a little at how she appeared to bash the way MLE was being run. Perhaps there were issues here and there but as of late he hadn't... "Pardon? You feel MLE is actually not doing their job properly? How would you change that? Where do your concerns fall?"
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Simon wasn't all to interested in asking questions. No, he opted to stand in the back of things and simply listen and observe. The section that caught his interest the most was of course the one that surrounded his livelyhood so he had discretely stationed himself by the security booth. The auror turned security reconized both the candidates there yet it was only one that erked him. Roxanne seemed to be saying a lot against the department she used to be a part of. A department that a certain female relative of hers now worked in.
Yes Ms. Carter, he did catch a tone of familiarity in your words.
Genevieve's question and response was a nice reaction back in his opinion and Simon awaited a reaction ion return from either candidate. Would it be taken in stride or would it be hit back to the younger woman as the auror defending herself and her job? Each response could show something about the two women running for office.
Scout MacIntyre may have been new to the Daily Prophet, but she was certainly not new to politics or covering campaigns. And so for the moment, the older woman stood at the edge of the group, feverishly scribbling notes as she observed the interactions at the security booth.
She had questions of her own, sure, but for the moment, this conversation was potentially quite telling, either of shortcomings at the Ministry or of a candidate's personal bias, though it was yet uncertain as to which. She had not been in Britain for the start of the campaign, though she had certainly heard stories about the initial mixer for the candidates.
And so Scout watched. And waited.
Has anyone ever sung you a lullaby?
You can fly above the rain clouds
Close your eyes
Let the melody carry you
Leave all your fears behind
You can float across a rainbowsky
to once upon a time
Liz's Bestie ● Helvetica ● ● Jigglypuff ● Jeff Vader
Sufficient? That was a different story. "I would make sure that there are devoted staff to keep everyone in the Ministry safe. The old way of checking wands, checking ID, and checking suspicious bags didn't harm anyone before, so I think we could go back to that." Her eyes went to Ms. Carter and her 'I'm going to change the world even if it fights me' attitude. While she agreed that MLE should communicate more, she didn't think it was fair to start with saying they didn't do their job, and it made her somewhat irritated. Her eyes went to Gid as she took a deep breath to calm herself so she wouldn't curse the woman until she resembled a squashed toad.
How could the woman say they'd put their heads together when the only thing she listened to was a recording of her own voice??? When Gid spoke again, she focused and smiled at him. "I would bring back the checks at the door of the Ministry and make it so that MLE have more power in the street to stop and check people if they're suspicious of them. I would suggest doing more background checks on people applying for jobs that have sensitive information involved." she shrugged. "And constantly checking those who are in those positions."
As for the question that was aimed at Carter, Becca decided to answer now she'd had a moment to think and it did follow on from what she'd been talking about. "Aurors are those who we trust with the security of our country and we trust they will protect us at all costs. They're the best people to be able to work out who is lying, so I would definitely use them inside the Ministry to interview those people who do handle sensitive information. I would definitely include the Minister in that category, no matter who it is. It's about using the right people in the right places and making sure that all areas are covered by the people who have the correct knowledge to make sure there are no holes in the system." Examples? "Chizpurfles got into the Ministry. Does anyone know how? That's one thing I would really like to know, and I would most certainly have all deliveries to the Ministry screened and ensure that we know where anything in the Ministry actually came from."
Yesterday is not ours to recover But tomorrow is ours to win or lose.
Last edited by Becky; 01-12-2015 at 05:10 PM.
Reason: Why must I spell things incorrectly?
BOOMBAYAH! | #PuedoPorquePiensoQuePuedo | Certified Blank and Random Person | Raventastic
Security at the Ministry.
Working at the Ministry for 2 years, Dimitri didn't think that the Security at the time was enough. He was one of the victim, getting infected by some spore that caused him act weirdly like a muggle zombie who attracted by wand. He knew that might not happened again but.. who knows.
"Hello..." The 28 year-old guy greeted the candidates. "My name is Dimitri Burton. I used to work as level 5 employee a few years ago, and one day I got infected by a plague or something that I turned into a zombie. A wand-eater zombie to be exact." But glad that he was cured for now. It REALLY NOT a good experience, seriously. "So, what are your plans to make that incident like that would not happen again? I think this is NOT just the duties of Law enforcement since I got poisoned after having some meals at the food court." He didn't hear much about what caused him turned into zombie since he decided to resign after that, not because of the incident but he had to do something at the moment.
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ It's a fairytale evening, and you want the entire event to be totally dazzling and
a real experience with the friendliest people around you.
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Of course she'd be here. Penelope still hadn't properly decided who she'd want to vote for yet, and she WAS determined to vote and not just hope others would choose a good candidate, so she wouldn't miss this extravaganza thing.
All the topics seemed interesting, but first, she was gonna stop at this one. She had no questions of her own at the moment, but listening and observing was just as important really. And apparently she wasn't the only one with that idea since Simon was there too. He got a nod in greeting, but she wasn't gonna make small talk for now. Might miss something interesting that one of the candidates said.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Lorraine might not have been the first one there, but judging from the lack of one Sherman Clark, she was not the last either. Besides, the booth was about security and what better way to demonstrate the lax in Ministry Security than by blending in with the crowds as she awaited for questioning.
The brunette stood beside one of the young aurors in training (Penelope), as she listened to the two woman speak the minds on their plans for improving security.
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
all positions are covered, despite lack of people to play them, fyi ;)
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
Emily really had no interest in being here whatsoever, in fact, she could think of near a million things better to do than watch Roxanne Carter embarrass herself. Of course, her curiosity could not be ignored, and so here she was, in the flesh, just a casual distance away, hands in pockets.
And where was all of this nonsense coming from that there weren't checks in the atrium, when there very clearly were. Hence the security station there, wand weigher and all.
Some people didn't do their research, or were too dumb to realise the facts. merlin save them all, Kettleburn would be missed.
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
Sherman was here... finally. He was the last of the candidates meant to be at this booth, he noticed, though he wasn't all that late. After all, he couldn't be three places at once, no? And he did have to give the other topics his undivided attention as well, but he was here now. And since the others were in the middle of sharing their views, he chose to listen to theirs before piping up with his own. Know your competition, right?
Text Cut: Becca
Originally Posted by Becky
Sufficient? That was a different story. "I would make sure that there are devoted staff to keep everyone in the Ministry safe. The old way of checking wands, checking ID, and checking suspicious bags didn't harm anyone before, so I think we could go back to that." Her eyes went to Ms. Carter and her 'I'm going to change the world even if it fights me' attitude. While she agreed that MLE should communicate more, she didn't think it was fair to start with saying they didn't do her job, and it made her somewhat irritated. Her eyes went to Gid as she took a deep breath to calm herself so she wouldn't curse the woman until she resembled a squashed toad.
How could the woman say they'd put their heads together when the only thing she listened to was a recording of her own voice??? When Gid spoke again, she focused and smiled at him. "I would bring back the checks at the door of the Ministry and make it so that MLE have more power in the street to stop and check people if they're suspicious of them. I would suggest doing more background checks on people applying for jobs that have sensitive information involved." she shrugged. "And constantly checking those who are in those positions."
As for the question that was aimed at Carter, Becca decided to answer now she'd had a moment to think and it did follow on from what she'd been talking about. "Aurors are those who we trust with the security of our country and we trust they will protect us at all costs. They're the best people to be able to work out who is lying, so I would definitely use them inside the Ministry to interview those people who do handle sensitive information. I would definitely include the Minister in that category, no matter who it is. It's about using the right people in the right places and making sure that all areas are covered by the people who have the correct knowledge to make sure there are no holes in the system." Examples? "Chizpurfles got into the Ministry. Does anyone know how? That's one thing I would really like to know, and I would most certainly have all deliveries to the Ministry screened and ensure that we know where anything in the Ministry actually came from."
He did manage to catch an earful of a fellow candidate's words, though, and he had a little to add. "The measures that you plan to implement are coincidentally already in place, Ms. Yenorin. There is a security checkpoint in the Ministry's Atrium that has a wand-weigher and an officer stationed at it. Workers from MLE's Security Office are also positioned in the Atrium and near the Golden Gates at all times of the day, and they always check visitors." Just in case she was wondering.
"As for the chizpurfle situation, I'm sure you know about the somewhat recent mutant scare? Those were most likely let inside by the creatures rounded up in various areas and brought into the Ministry." They were parasites, after all. "I think it was mentioned in the Prophet, though in less detail." And he did know more, due to the fact that he currently worked in the Ministry and all. But did anyone read the paper?
Of course, he had his own ideas about how to deal with all of these issues, but he'd wait until he was approached.
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
yes, we KNOW the postions are filled even if no one's playing them XD
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
Text Cut: Genevieve
Originally Posted by Cassirin
Security seemed like a topic that an Auror should be VERY interested in pursuing, and Genevieve meandered over to that table next. There were a slew of candidates here, from all over the Ministry and a spectrum of backgrounds. It would be very interesting to see what they had to say.
Carter was here, as well as Yenorin, and Yenorin's husband and some other lady. Genevieve nodded at the two candidates, a bit of a smirk tugging her mouth as she waited for their attention. Carter's answer was sort of... interesting to the Auror. Personal, really. "Could you be more specific, Ms. Carter? It seems to me that the MLE exists of a lot more people than the YATIL, and they patrol and run security outside of the Ministry proper. That's their job, not babysitting the building. How would you utilize them internally? And can you give some examples of lax security causing issues at the Ministry, and you would have handled them differently?"
She liked that Carter was being more specific than Yenorin (so far, at least, but it was early days), but she didn't find herself agreeing with the woman's conclusions.
"Yes, I realize that there are more people in the MLE than just the YATI, Ms. Branxton," she HAD gotten her start in Britain in that department, after all. "and that the Auror's and MLES' responsibilities don't include 'babysitting the building' as you put it. Which is why I agreed that wand weighers and such should get self-defense training; so that they would be responsible for protection of the building." Now, was that straightened out now? Or did she have to explain further, use smaller words, maybe?
The fact that she was having to explain to an Auror where their security was lax just revealed how much trouble the British MLE was in. Emily, what were you making your people do if not their jobs? Make yours and Legend's coffee? "There are so many examples that I don't know where to start. The Cult of Walpurgis' takeover, the zombie spore invasion," which she still had bad memories of to this very day, "the chizpurfle infestation and the beating up of a reporter by an Auror." Hi Simon! "Now, I believe that the Cult situation was handled in the best way possible, and that the spore problem was more down to the Environmental Department, though it would've been nice to have some help in finding those people," that last part was said under her breath with a pointed look at both Emily and Simon, who she spotted in the crowd "but the chirzpurfle infestation? Having the MLE in a subway section where they'd be more at risk of being caught out by Muggles? I would've found an abadoned warehouse away from town, something away from muggles. And attacking a reporter? That Auror would've found himself on desk duty for a long time, not promoted to head of security." Yes, that's right people, your head of security attacked someone. Basically, the MLE was in such disrepair that she didn't think it would ever get fixed.
Originally Posted by Lizasaurus
Text Cut: Becca and Roxanne
He bit back a sigh, apparently she hadn't appreciated something he'd said. He was going to get it later he was sure. Though he wasn't sure what he'd said wrong! Was it because he'd addressed her first? He nodded as Becca spoke. "You mentioned implementing new laws, are there are any that come to mind?" He definitely agreed with the basic self-defense training for those working near the entrances. To be honest he felt everyone should have that basic self-defense training.
He turned to Roxanne when she responded as well, and nodded in agreement about the self-defense training as well. Deeper? His eyes actually widened a little at how she appeared to bash the way MLE was being run. Perhaps there were issues here and there but as of late he hadn't... "Pardon? You feel MLE is actually not doing their job properly? How would you change that? Where do your concerns fall?"
Well, at least someone had heard her correctly. "Correct. MLE is clearly not doing their job correctly, since these security breaches keep happening. In fact, judging by what I've been hearing in the past few weeks from both insiders and others, they may not even be aware that there's a problem." Knowing Emily and her ego, that was probably exactly the case. "I outlined my concerns in my response to Ms. Branxton, so I'll continue to your next question. Honestly, I think a change in leadership may be needed to fix the problems in that department. If elected, I would try to work with Ms. Browne to implement the changes the department needs, but....... ego.
Originally Posted by RandomRaven
Security at the Ministry.
Working at the Ministry for 2 years, Dimitri didn't think that the Security at the time was enough. He was one of the victim, getting infected by some spore that caused him act weirdly like a muggle zombie who attracted by wand. He knew that might not happened again but.. who knows.
"Hello..." The 28 year-old guy greeted the candidates. "My name is Dimitri Burton. I used to work as level 5 employee a few years ago, and one day I got infected by a plague or something that I turned into a zombie. A wand-eater zombie to be exact." But glad that he was cured for now. It REALLY NOT a good experience, seriously. "So, what are your plans to make that incident like that would not happen again? I think this is NOT just the duties of Law enforcement since I got poisoned after having some meals at the food court." He didn't hear much about what caused him turned into zombie since he decided to resign after that, not because of the incident but he had to do something at the moment.
"Yes, Mr. Burton, I am aware of the incident that you are referring to."Very well aware. "I believe that was caused by a foreign plant that had been brought in by the Environmental Department. I believe that the department should be more vigilant about what plants they being in, which I was when I headed the department and I believe the current department head has done the same, so I really don't think that's a big worry anymore." Thank goodness.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Liz's Bestie ● Helvetica ● ● Jigglypuff ● Jeff Vader
Hmm. People seemed to be picking and choosing what they heard. Taking it all in her stride, Becca looked to the man (RandomRaven) who'd introduced himself. "All currently existing protocols would have stopped this from happening in the first place, what with food hygiene and the delivery chain being monitored. Everything should have a paper train and everything should be being checked. I would just ensure those protocols are actually followed and not ignored." It wasn't always easy, but it was able to be done.
When the oldest candidate (lemon) spoke up, Becca gave him a polite bow of the head. Always respect your elders. She was teaching the kids that and was definitely following it herself too. "I acknowledge that they are in place, but when was the last time a Ministry employee went to a wand weigher or had a security check? Employees have even more access to the Ministry than visitors do and I honestly believe that we should do random spot checks too." Mhmm! She knew people could hide as much as possible to get the job and then show themselves afterward. You had to keep on top of this stuff!
"I do." Mhmmmm. "It was briefly touched upon, but I find that media can be manipulated by those who do not wish for unpleasant things to be publicly aired." A statement from the Minister himself might have made her believe it. "That is another security breach. All creatures that are brought into the Ministry should be put in complete isolation until they can be checked thoroughly by operatives within the department, and all operatives should be given the necessary equipment and skills to be able to identify problems such as the one we recently had."
Roxanne (lazykitty) caught her attention with mentioning the tube. "Excuse me, Ms. Carter, I heard that MLE were in an abandoned underground station. Those are not open to the muggle public and trains do not pass anywhere near them. People accept that these stations are closed and do not attempt to enter them. Most of them are a very good place to be considering they're quite far underground and can hold quite a few people." Maybe she wasn't clear about this since she'd been in France. "There are very few entrances into these stations and strategically, it was a good decision."
Yesterday is not ours to recover But tomorrow is ours to win or lose.
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
Originally Posted by Becky
Roxanne (lazykitty) caught her attention with mentioning the tube. "Excuse me, Ms. Carter, I heard that MLE were in an abandoned underground station. Those are not open to the muggle public and trains do not pass anywhere near them. People accept that these stations are closed and do not attempt to enter them. Most of them are a very good place to be considering they're quite far underground and can hold quite a few people." Maybe she wasn't clear about this since she'd been in France. "There are very few entrances into these stations and strategically, it was a good decision."
She was actually very familiar with the situation, having helped Katelynn secure the Environmental Department's place. One that had it's own set of security that she'd 'explained the situation to', telling them that they were an environmental activist organization whose offices were being tented for termites. "And what if their location had reached the ears of anyone who meant to cause harm? What if someone slipped up and exposed the magical world? Accidently dropped a file somewhere?" She'd seen how careless certain people in the department could be. Any number of things could've happened.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Originally Posted by Becky
How could the woman say they'd put their heads together when the only thing she listened to was a recording of her own voice??? When Gid spoke again, she focused and smiled at him. "I would bring back the checks at the door of the Ministry and make it so that MLE have more power in the street to stop and check people if they're suspicious of them. I would suggest doing more background checks on people applying for jobs that have sensitive information involved." she shrugged. "And constantly checking those who are in those positions."
Examples? "Chizpurfles got into the Ministry. Does anyone know how? That's one thing I would really like to know, and I would most certainly have all deliveries to the Ministry screened and ensure that we know where anything in the Ministry actually came from."
Yeah, for sure, Genevieve liked the idea that Aurors could have more autonomy out in the Wizarding public, although the side of her brain that spoke sensibly and with reason (and sounded like her mother) knew there was a fine line between stopping someone for being up to something and stopping someone because you thought they were up to something. It was called profiling, and it wasn't something they wanted to bring into the MLE if they could help it.
"There already are some security clearances in place, but it never hurts to be cautious. Of course, once you've jumped through the hoops of being hired, the assumption is that you're no longer a liability. Do you believe there are any positions that require an increased level of clearance?"
As for the chizpurfle example, she was dismissing it as a non-starter. That was like blaming the MLE for mold spores in the elevator shaft. MLE didn't handle environmental hazards and couldn't have stopped the pests from appearing. "It sounds like your proposal is really more about having security be a concern for every department, isn't it? Rather than an expectation that Security would know how to handle plant or creature samples?"
Originally Posted by lemon
He did manage to catch an earful of a fellow candidate's words, though, and he had a little to add. "The measures that you plan to implement are coincidentally already in place, Ms. Yenorin. There is a security checkpoint in the Ministry's Atrium that has a wand-weigher and an officer stationed at it. Workers from MLE's Security Office are also positioned in the Atrium and near the Golden Gates at all times of the day, and they always check visitors." Just in case she was wondering.
"As for the chizpurfle situation, I'm sure you know about the somewhat recent mutant scare? Those were most likely let inside by the creatures rounded up in various areas and brought into the Ministry." They were parasites, after all. "I think it was mentioned in the Prophet, though in less detail." And he did know more, due to the fact that he currently worked in the Ministry and all. But did anyone read the paper?
Of course, he had his own ideas about how to deal with all of these issues, but he'd wait until he was approached.
It was very nice to hear from Mr. Clark, since he'd arrived after Genevieve asked her questions. She offered him a hand as well. Mystery man, wasn't he? And he looked SO dapper in his jacket. And he was really well researched, which the former Ravenclaw appreciated.
"What are your thoughts about security, Mr. Clark? You've been employed at the Ministry for some time, under various leadership styles. How could we approve? Or, as the other candidates suggested, do you feel that you could better utilize MLE?"
Originally Posted by lazykitty
"Yes, I realize that there are more people in the MLE than just the YATI, Ms. Branxton," she HAD gotten her start in Britain in that department, after all. "and that the Auror's and MLES' responsibilities don't include 'babysitting the building' as you put it. Which is why I agreed that wand weighers and such should get self-defense training; so that they would be responsible for protection of the building." Now, was that straightened out now? Or did she have to explain further, use smaller words, maybe?
The fact that she was having to explain to an Auror where their security was lax just revealed how much trouble the British MLE was in. Emily, what were you making your people do if not their jobs? Make yours and Legend's coffee? "There are so many examples that I don't know where to start. The Cult of Walpurgis' takeover, the zombie spore invasion," which she still had bad memories of to this very day, "the chizpurfle infestation and the beating up of a reporter by an Auror." Hi Simon! "Now, I believe that the Cult situation was handled in the best way possible, and that the spore problem was more down to the Environmental Department, though it would've been nice to have some help in finding those people," that last part was said under her breath with a pointed look at both Emily and Simon, who she spotted in the crowd "but the chirzpurfle infestation? Having the MLE in a subway section where they'd be more at risk of being caught out by Muggles? I would've found an abadoned warehouse away from town, something away from muggles. And attacking a reporter? That Auror would've found himself on desk duty for a long time, not promoted to head of security." Yes, that's right people, your head of security attacked someone. Basically, the MLE was in such disrepair that she didn't think it would ever get fixed.
Emily was floating around on the perimeter of Genevieve's vision, which kept the young Auror from reacting with her gut. Impulse control had never been a strength, although she'd improved dramatically from her days at Hogwarts. Having her boss watching left Genevieves only option to be as diplomatic as possible, although she didn't agree with Carter's assessment of MLE and the Auror office at all.
Instead, she tilted her head and smiled slightly, asking, "The head of security manages the wand weighing, and he's a fully trained Auror. Very skilled at self defense. Perhaps he and the other Aurors who rotate in and out of that office have the training you're referring to, and it's just a matter of making sure everyone is at the same level of competency?" It wasn't like the doors were hanging open and letting everyone in, or that they were putting unpaid interns on the front desk.
Did they have unpaid interns? How miserable.
"I'm afraid I don't agree with you about the chizpurfle incident, but I would be interested in you answering the question I posted to Ms. Yenorin. Is your desire that security really be a concern in every department, rather than the responsibility of MLE? The chizpurfles were a pest infestation, entirely unrelated to any MLE protocol, but security protocols in A&C might have prevented the problem. It's hard to say, what with hindsight making it all seem so clear now. But as for our subway section, it was probably the best guarded and warded temporary headquarters in all of Britain. The fact that no Muggles found it or were even remotely suspicious of extra activity says a lot. It's easy to worry about things that could have gone wrong, but that nothing did is very indicative, don't you think?"
She wasn't quite sure about the incident with Simon, and she hoped he'd step up and speak to it himself if he wanted to clear the air. It hadn't gone on the books, so it was likely one of those personal tiffs. Genevieve had more than a few people she'd like to punch in the face, so she didn't blame him. Made him a lot more interesting, actually.
Sorry it's so short & snapish. I think I'm getting the flu :(
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
Text Cut: Genevieve
Originally Posted by Cassirin
Yeah, for sure, Genevieve liked the idea that Aurors could have more autonomy out in the Wizarding public, although the side of her brain that spoke sensibly and with reason (and sounded like her mother) knew there was a fine line between stopping someone for being up to something and stopping someone because you thought they were up to something. It was called profiling, and it wasn't something they wanted to bring into the MLE if they could help it.
"There already are some security clearances in place, but it never hurts to be cautious. Of course, once you've jumped through the hoops of being hired, the assumption is that you're no longer a liability. Do you believe there are any positions that require an increased level of clearance?"
As for the chizpurfle example, she was dismissing it as a non-starter. That was like blaming the MLE for mold spores in the elevator shaft. MLE didn't handle environmental hazards and couldn't have stopped the pests from appearing. "It sounds like your proposal is really more about having security be a concern for every department, isn't it? Rather than an expectation that Security would know how to handle plant or creature samples?"
It was very nice to hear from Mr. Clark, since he'd arrived after Genevieve asked her questions. She offered him a hand as well. Mystery man, wasn't he? And he looked SO dapper in his jacket. And he was really well researched, which the former Ravenclaw appreciated.
"What are your thoughts about security, Mr. Clark? You've been employed at the Ministry for some time, under various leadership styles. How could we approve? Or, as the other candidates suggested, do you feel that you could better utilize MLE?"
Emily was floating around on the perimeter of Genevieve's vision, which kept the young Auror from reacting with her gut. Impulse control had never been a strength, although she'd improved dramatically from her days at Hogwarts. Having her boss watching left Genevieves only option to be as diplomatic as possible, although she didn't agree with Carter's assessment of MLE and the Auror office at all.
Instead, she tilted her head and smiled slightly, asking, "The head of security manages the wand weighing, and he's a fully trained Auror. Very skilled at self defense. Perhaps he and the other Aurors who rotate in and out of that office have the training you're referring to, and it's just a matter of making sure everyone is at the same level of competency?" It wasn't like the doors were hanging open and letting everyone in, or that they were putting unpaid interns on the front desk.
Did they have unpaid interns? How miserable.
"I'm afraid I don't agree with you about the chizpurfle incident, but I would be interested in you answering the question I posted to Ms. Yenorin. Is your desire that security really be a concern in every department, rather than the responsibility of MLE? The chizpurfles were a pest infestation, entirely unrelated to any MLE protocol, but security protocols in A&C might have prevented the problem. It's hard to say, what with hindsight making it all seem so clear now. But as for our subway section, it was probably the best guarded and warded temporary headquarters in all of Britain. The fact that no Muggles found it or were even remotely suspicious of extra activity says a lot. It's easy to worry about things that could have gone wrong, but that nothing did is very indicative, don't you think?"
She wasn't quite sure about the incident with Simon, and she hoped he'd step up and speak to it himself if he wanted to clear the air. It hadn't gone on the books, so it was likely one of those personal tiffs. Genevieve had more than a few people she'd like to punch in the face, so she didn't blame him. Made him a lot more interesting, actually.
Roxanne was getting the urge to pinch her nose. Was the girl being purposely dense? "So you're saying that this Ministry has no wand weighers or welcome people anymore? The Ministry's just guarded by an Auror with no control of his emotions? I suppose it's better than him being out in the streets. Unless he's doing that too?" Gah, she hated learning information on the fly like this!
Genevieve's second question only revealed her youth. "Security should always be the concern of everyone in the Ministry. Security inside the building should be the responsibility of each individual department. Security outside and of the wizarding world should be the responsibility of the MLE. Neither of which I feel have been taken very seriously." Did that clear things up?
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Alright, this had gone far enough.
Simon wasn't about to stand around silent any longer as the woman bashed his character like that was the purpose of this gathering. He also wasn't going to give her the benefit of seeing him lose his emotions so he took a discrete deep breath to gather himself before speaking up. "What she means is I oversee the wand-weighers," he remarked calmly. " They and the welcome wizards are still very much in existance and do a fine job. Something every candidate should know of course," he added looking to all of them gathered out of politeness before adding, "what exactly makes up the entity they wish to take leadership of. " Because they would be default boss and should know its employees and structure.
"But then if you had truly done your research, you would know the incident you speak off with the reporter involved the man nearly breaking statute. And that He attacked me as I sought to keep him from doing so not I attacking him." And really where had she gotten her information as she hadn't been there and it hadn't been made record? " So how can one moment you be against the actions to keep our world safe and the next be accusing Ms. Browne," yes he was going formal, " of not doing all that was needed to keep the muggles from our temporary office ? Both times you obviously being completely unaware of the entire circumstances." And yes Roxanne, I believe I've figured out your problem with the department.
"As to the chizpurfle incident and the illness, yes they should have been controlled from other departments. One of them being the very department you used to lead," Environment and creatures should have both had a hand in helping out.Yet she hadn't any more then Harmony really.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
She had been perfectly content with observing, but when people ran their mouths on matters they didn't understand... well... it was only her civic duty to perhaps stir the pot a little, or, 'inform'.
Originally Posted by lazykitty
She was actually very familiar with the situation, having helped Katelynn secure the Environmental Department's place. One that had it's own set of security that she'd 'explained the situation to', telling them that they were an environmental activist organization whose offices were being tented for termites. "And what if their location had reached the ears of anyone who meant to cause harm? What if someone slipped up and exposed the magical world? Accidently dropped a file somewhere?" She'd seen how careless certain people in the department could be. Any number of things could've happened.
Did Carter hear what she was saying? "And how is that any different to any other secured establishment or facility which contains government or otherwise important documentation and the like? How is it different to you dropping a folder on your way to an appointment or debrief? How is it any different to any of our kind who let slip our existence and expose the magical world?" Hhhhmmm? No really, she wanted to know. She asked many questions, yes, but it all boiled down to one thing in the end, and that was that location wasn't what made a place secure, it was the people running it.
"I would have thought you of all people, Ms Carter, would understand the value of the Department of Accidents and Catastrophes and entrust them to carry out their duties in managing any such issues should they arise, because of course, they do..." It was a thing that happened, and though it wasn't something to be openly accepted, issues concerning the statute of secrecy have been managed remarkably well over the years. "Wards, repelling charms... well, I should have to explain to you the task of securing a premises from wandering eyes and ears. But if you think it an impossible task, then perhaps you may want to consider brushing up on how to manage a department before you take on a Ministry in its entirety."
Was that too much? Emily wasn't fazed, if Carter was to be elected it would be good to know the woman could handle criticism and remain cool under pressure. Headless chooks didn't make great leaders last she checked. Though, judging by the tone she took with Branxton, the woman was already cracking. Excellent Auror material right there. Bennett too with wise and informative words. And so THIS is what she loved about MLE, such a family feel to the team.
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline
Alright, this had gone far enough.
Simon wasn't about to stand around silent any longer as the woman bashed his character like that was the purpose of this gathering. He also wasn't going to give her the benefit of seeing him lose his emotions so he took a discrete deep breath to gather himself before speaking up. "What she means is I oversee the wand-weighers," he remarked calmly. " They and the welcome wizards are still very much in existance and do a fine job. Something every candidate should know of course," he added looking to all of them gathered out of politeness before adding, "what exactly makes up the entity they wish to take leadership of. " Because they would be default boss and should know its employees and structure.
"But then if you had truly done your research, you would know the incident you speak off with the reporter involved the man nearly breaking statute. And that He attacked me as I sought to keep him from doing so not I attacking him." And really where had she gotten her information as she hadn't been there and it hadn't been made record? " So how can one moment you be against the actions to keep our world safe and the next be accusing Ms. Browne," yes he was going formal, " of not doing all that was needed to keep the muggles from our temporary office ? Both times you obviously being completely unaware of the entire circumstances." And yes Roxanne, I believe I've figured out your problem with the department.
"As to the chizpurfle incident and the illness, yes they should have been controlled from other departments. One of them being the very department you used to lead," Environment and creatures should have both had a hand in helping out.Yet she hadn't any more then Harmony really.
"Well, maybe you should be informing your fellow Auror of that, because young Ms. Branxton seems under the impression that that you're the only one that checks the wands. And maybe if you let the wand weighers learn a little about defense, it wouldn't be so easy to sneak things in." And they had finally hit the crux of things. Lack of communication. It was apparently rampant in the Ministry.
"Or so you claim anyway. According to my research, you attacked just because he was talking to a woman you liked." And yes, she was pretty nsure her research was correct. "One Mrs. De La Garza, or as she was known at the time, Ms. Morgan?"
"Those chizpurfles you speak of came in on the mutant creatures that Creatures brought in. Had nothing to do with Environment, which you would know if you communicated with others in the Ministry, Mr. Bennett, Roxanne replied calmly. Wasn't her fault the MLE was out of communication with everyone else. And it hadn't been a problem until......
Originally Posted by Hera
She had been perfectly content with observing, but when people ran their mouths on matters they didn't understand... well... it was only her civic duty to perhaps stir the pot a little, or, 'inform'.
Did Carter hear what she was saying? "And how is that any different to any other secured establishment or facility which contains government or otherwise important documentation and the like? How is it different to you dropping a folder on your way to an appointment or debrief? How is it any different to any of our kind who let slip our existence and expose the magical world?" Hhhhmmm? No really, she wanted to know. She asked many questions, yes, but it all boiled down to one thing in the end, and that was that location wasn't what made a place secure, it was the people running it.
"I would have thought you of all people, Ms Carter, would understand the value of the Department of Accidents and Catastrophes and entrust them to carry out their duties in managing any such issues should they arise, because of course, they do..." It was a thing that happened, and though it wasn't something to be openly accepted, issues concerning the statute of secrecy have been managed remarkably well over the years. "Wards, repelling charms... well, I should have to explain to you the task of securing a premises from wandering eyes and ears. But if you think it an impossible task, then perhaps you may want to consider brushing up on how to manage a department before you take on a Ministry in its entirety."
Was that too much? Emily wasn't fazed, if Carter was to be elected it would be good to know the woman could handle criticism and remain cool under pressure. Headless chooks didn't make great leaders last she checked. Though, judging by the tone she took with Branxton, the woman was already cracking. Excellent Auror material right there. Bennett too with wise and informative words. And so THIS is what she loved about MLE, such a family feel to the team.
......this one took over. [B]"So, you're saying you believe, in spite of all evidence to the contrary, that the employees in your charge are responsible? Responsible enough that they can be trusted out in the muggle world? Even when it was in the muggle world that Mr. Bennett attacked the reporter in question?" All this was said in a conversational tone with a raised brow. As if she doubted what she was hearing, which she did.
Of course, it seemed that Emily had lost sight of the topic at hand. "So your plan for the security of the wizarding world is to do nothing and hope nothing happens? And you think that Accidents & Catastrophes should clean up the things that MLE just let happen, because 'that's their job'? They have no other responsibilities than to clean up after the MLE?" She was letting that bit about her go, putting it down to Emily's anger at her arrogance being called out. "If wizards were more careful, and didn't think they were so above using muggle devices, there would be no need for any of those. Plus, they won't hold forever. If and when they fail, then where will everyone be?" No headless chooks here.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!