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Albert Kettleburn EraAll historical records pertaining to Ministry of Magic RPG under Minister for Magic, Albert Kettleburn [IC January 2081 - December 2086; OOC June 2013 - January 2015]
Wade, Alec, Ella, Ethan, Gunnar at the bottom with Minerva
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
SPOILER!!: Arthur
Originally Posted by nanyjj
He was ready to sign autographs for his fans. If he had any at all.
Arthur was not exactly early, there were fans and players AND a wasp present in the tent already, but none at his own team's table. He shuffled past the Magpies and took a seat behind the table. He was glad that his table was in the middle of tent, and did not catch much attention. Also, the Chaser was dressed casually, and probably looked more like a fan than a professional player.
He had heard that his fellow teammate, Ellie was going to be here. Looking around, Arthur noticed that she was not here yet. He had never probably talked with her before anyway, so the awkwardness he had right now would not change.
Arthur fiddled around with his quill for a while, practicing his signature. How embarrassing it would be if he did not have any fans at all.
This was just so exciting! The seven year old zoomed into the tents, where had her mommy went? Well it didn't matter she had found Uncle Jorge and had his hand pulling him around. He knew the players, right? Being from Spain she didn't know them all that well, but they were professional players and she wanted all their autographs! There was the wasp again, the Spanish girl beamed and waved at him before heading to a table of players.
"Hola!" in her excitement she forgot to use English and rambled about autographs and pictures and how she loved quidditch. Things that the player probably couldn't even understand, but she bounced and looked eagerly up at him.
Jorge was more than thrilled to see his older sister and his seven year old niece had come to surprise his fiance at her big event. It was the sweetest thing and now he was being pulled around by a seven year old that had him wrapped around her little finger since the day she was born. Jorge hadn't been one that let women walk all over him, but this one, she could do no wrong.
So as they moved into a tent and went up to the first player she saw he chuckled, "Hello, I'm sorry, my niece doesn't speak much English, but she is super excited. Could you sign an autograph for her and a picture possibly?" This could be a good reason to get a quote for the article as well, "I work for the Daily Prophet, wouldn't want to give me a quote about how the days been going would you?" He needed to keep work even if his focus ed moved to fun with Isa.
SPOILER!!: Robert
Originally Posted by Cinn-O-Bun
Robert Chambers walked into the tent and looked around with a smile at all the people. He didn't see any of his own teammates but he DID see a sign that had his teams name on it. Shoving his hands in his pockets he whistled to himself as he wandered over to his table and sat on the table instead of the chair swinging his left leg. Part of him wondered if he'd see anyone he knew here the other part wanted to go back home to his wife but obligations were obligations after all.
He reached over onto the table and grabbed the beaters bat that seemed to have been placed as decoration. Tossing it end over end in the air with one hand and catching it easily he hummed Puddlemere United's anthem as he watched the lines and the various people wandering around.
After seeing their first Professional player and trying to find the best place for a bouncing seven year old, he moved on to the next table. The best part of not really having a favorite team, you could get all the autographs. His niece wanted as many as possible. She was just like her mother, loved the sport, and he was terrified with that. Watching his older sister get injured was enough, but if he had to watch her play one day he would. Once it was their turn in line he gave the man a smile. "Hello, my niece would like a picture and autograph with you. She doesn't speak much English, but she is so excited to see everything and meet all the players." He grinned down at Isa who was bouncing beside him.
Isa's eyes were going all over the place as they waited in the line. She was bouncing trying to see around the adults in front of her. This was an awesome team. She liked the colors and the players looked super friendly. The man had a bat, could she touch it? Looking up at her Uncle she rambled about positions, and teams back home. Then her brown eyes searched the area. "Auntie Mariel?" Was she going to hang with them? Not the she understood that her soon to be Aunt was busy running the entire event. Smiling brightly at the man she listened to words that she could only half understand. "Picture.. please."
SPOILER!!: Alec, Ella, Wade
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
Text Cut: Ember and Manolo! :3
So... this was awkward. And Alec should know awkward: he was awkward.
The nineteen year old tilted his head and watched the two curiously. Did they know each other? It seemed like it. It was nice. Like... like old friends catching up. Maybe this was a reunion? Maybe. And the lady had nice hair, did she know? Not that he was staring, because... that would be creepy. But it was nice, the blue. He didn't think that he could pull it off. Nah! The dark brown was perfectly okay... right?
When he was finally introduced, Alec grinned at the woman (Ember). "You're not interrupting anything." Well... not really. Mr Quidditch Player was an interesting nickname. "Hey! It's nice to meet you too. Call me Alec," he said, holding out his hand for her. Because she might not appreciate hugs from a stranger.
His grey-blue eyes flew back to Manolo when the man started talking again. Wow? "Wow is right," he said, ruffling his own hair, "Didn't think I'd get this far but... yeah. This is great!" The early morning practices were... not. Definitely not. "That's good to hear. How are things at the Ministry?"
The conversation turning to Awar made the former Hufflepuff's heart hurt. Why? Because she was all the way in France and seeing her wasn't possible. "Well... yeah, it's good that she's good. Do you think she has lots of friends over there? Are you able to see her often?" He had a lot of questions. Ones that he could ask later because right now, the other former Hufflepuff was being awesome. "That's really nice of her, you know." Really. Mental notes to give her hugs was happening.
Meanwhile, Alec picked up a quill and wrote down the following:
... ... No!
Was it...? Was it REALLY...?!
Alec's eyes were initially wide but then a slow grin started spreading across his face when he realised that the blonde girl standing not too far away and waving at him was someone he knew very well. And he couldn't help it either. Enthusiastic waving was happening. All thoughts about looking cool in front of the fans were gone out of the window because his biggest fan was standing right there.
And he was wearing a silly grin, too. Her fault. Obviously.
"Are you going to come here for a hug or should I come there?" And why hadn't she told him that she was coming? He would have waited for her.
Minerva was carrying around Chloe now as Gunnar was getting wiggly in his seat. They all seemed to be having a good time at least she was hoping. Chloe was being a great baby just looking around and sleeping. She was way to young to even realize things were going on, but she knew the colors and images would give her some simulation. After stopping to feed her and get the rest of the family food and Gunnar a few cookies they made there way into the autograph tents. It was so busy, but she had a certain table she wanted to see.
Her eyes scanning the area and following the alphabet down she found the Tornado's. Smiling she bent towards the stroller, "Gunnar look it's Uncle Alec." There were so many fans near them she wasn't sure if they would get a good chance to see him or not. Spotting Wade as well she got excited to see her friends and of course get a picture with them and the kids. Staying in line and waiting until their turn she grinned once they were at the table. "Hello, I've been a really big fan of you both, honestly I've followed you since you were both Hufflepuff. I was really hoping to get your autograph and maybe a picture with my children." Did she sound like a crazy fan? She was at least trying to in case they hadn't looked up yet to know it was her. She chuckled and then noticed Ella, "Hi Ella." She glanced at Ethan with a big smile. Did he know how much fun she was having? It was a much needed day with her family and seeing old friends.
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
SPOILER!!: one of those brother creatures idk which one I mean like whatever there are so many HO HUM
Originally Posted by Cassirin
Ruby was embarrassing herself. She was like a butterfly. Or a hummingbird. Or some bat crap crazy, busy animal thing that couldn't decide which flower to pay attention to because OH LOOK SHINY. Camden pulled some faces at her behavior before deciding to do the only thing an older brother could do.
Walk away and pretend he didn't know her.
It was a very good day to be a Banner, it seemed. Not only for the hummingbird-girl, who was getting way more attention than was healthy, but for Camden as well. Both the pretty Quidditch players had given him some love. The Wasp had waved, the Magpie had winked, and now he was torn because they weren't sitting anywhere close to each other.
Nothing to say he couldn't talk to BOTH of them, but since the Magpie's line was longer, he sauntered over to the Wasp table. Name placard? Name... placard? Ah, there it was. "Hey, Montague." Excellent start there, Banner. "I think your mascot has a crush on you. Not that I blame him, but it must be a serious conflict of interest."
Y'know who else was pretending she totally didn't know someone? This girl. Because honestly it wasn't as if she (currently) needed her babysitter!brother. Though if anyone was mean to her or something she'd holler for him and play the baby sister card for sure. It usually worked.
But whatever to him right now. At least he was networking.
SPOILER!!: Tornadoes. Its easier just to groupy you all y'know XD And I didn't quote everything because effort. But hi other Tornadoes fans we are ignoring you
Originally Posted by DinosaursOnASpaceship
The Frenchman had arrived, he was slightly late because he wanted a bottle of water and there were just so many people here for all different teams. Beck looked around for the Tornados section and took a seat next to the Alec fellow. Beck waved at him and said a hello. "Bonjour." he had to say 'hello' in French even though he could speak perfect English. He just had to be different like that. But he knew that the ladies liked his French accent, at Hogwarts they fell head over heels for it which was very confusing to him back then but later on he figured it all out.
As Beck Salvatore looked around to see if anyone wanted his autograph, he wasn't sure if people even knew who he was because he was on of the new guys on the team and he was the only one with a French accent as well but the twenty-eight year old was totally used to that. Being at Hogwarts when he was younger really helped him out with the different accentness. He remembered people used to ask him why he didn't go to Beauxbatons but he did attend Beauxbatons but his mother wanted him to go to Hogwarts for a better schooling. Beck took a sip of water and looked around. THERE WAS A FAN! Beck sat up straight and smiled his signature smile that always seemed to win people over. "Bonjour." the man said to the fan.
Originally Posted by Saraie
So was this awesome or what? Meeting fans.... But scary to what if no one asked for his autograph. Really he was sitting at the same table with Cameron, Wade, Beck and Alec Summers for crying out loud. He wanted their autographs.
Walking over to the Tornadoes table he seen Alice! He waved at her. They may play against each as pros now but she was from his class, 2083 represent, Yo!
At the puddlemere table was CARTER PHILLIPS!! Could he have his autograph??? No wait. He had his already. He was friends with Phillips sister. Talk about friend perks. He did catch him and waved at him to.
Now he seen the familiar face of Summers. "Hey, Alec. Beck? Excited?" His bro for life. He grinned and put up a fist bump for him. Man those were never going to get old. Ever. Where was the rest of the team?Bayless? Wade? Oh look there was fans?
Cameron didn't like this being late. Who knew that it would take that long just to get water? Well he get delayed some what.
Once the got back to the tent where his teams table was. He headed over to his team. "Hey Summers, Romalotti Beck what's up guys?" He grinned at his younger teammates. At lease the delay gave them time time get here so he wouldn't be signing autographs alone. He smiled once the line started.
Originally Posted by Charely Potter
Wade thought this was pretty cool right now. Sitting with his teammates, where they could chill and hang out with the others and maybe see some fans. Yep, it sounded just right.
He waved at Cameron who was joining in, "Hey Cameron, glad that you could make it, mate." He positively beamed as others started forming in line, especially as one fan went up to Alec, playfully nudging his shoulder, "Hear that Spiffy? you're her favorite." Looks like she deserves a little something for that.
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
She was having fun now. Good. Alec approved. "It must be nice to be in a room full of famous people." Sometimes even he fanboyed about this but... that wasn't something he was going to tell her. He was trying to look cool, remember?
People knowing his name without him saying it was still a new concept to the former Hufflepuff so when the girl called his name, the boy was a little taken aback at first. "Yeah, that's me! And what do they call you?" Because it was polite and he didn't want to leave by calling her 'that sweet girl who was sitting on the table'.
And now he was her favourite. Her favourite. Was he proud? YEAH! "That makes me feel special, you know." GRIN. "Maybe you should get a bonus picture with your favourite." Or a hug. He was good at giving those.
"And don't worry, your secret's safe with me," he said, giving her a knowing smile. Good at giving those too. Apparently.
Text Cut: Teammates! (Beck, Asher, Cameron and Curly Wade)
And here were his teammates! Good. Please save him from saying something too dorky, yeah?
First came the Keeper, Beck, making Alec grin over in his direction. He was lucky in that he got the best of both worlds in this team; he knew two players very well and the others, he hardly knew. So, he still got the chance to meet some new people without feeling completely alone. "Hey Beck! Looks like you found the place okay." And where did he get the water bottle from?
Then came Cameron, Chaser of the team. More grinning and a wave for the older man. "Hey Cameron! We have fans!" But he could see that, right? "How are you?" Really, where was everyone getting the water from? And why had he bypassed that section entirely?
Lastly came the two people he knew well. Two boys who were similar in age to him and were married or engaged. "Hey Asher! Hey Curly! Glad you guys could make it." And he wanted to give hair ruffles but... fan. Cool. He could look cool, right? "Looks like I am. Where's your favourite fan, mate?" Indy. He was talking about Indy.
Speaking of, Alec turned his attention back to the younger girl (Ruby) and said, "Looks like you've got the whole team package here." Lucky fan.
Originally Posted by DinosaursOnASpaceship
More of his teammates were on there way over to the autograph table. This was great, Beck was so happy about this whole meet and greet but he wasn't sure if people even knew who he was. What if they didn't want his autograph? Beck looked over at Alec. "I thought I was going to get lost at first." The Frenchman chuckled. It was a good thing that he he didn't get lost because then he would be late for people that actually wanted to meet him.
Beck looked around the autograph tents to see if any fans were headed over to their side of the tent and he couldn't see anyone but there were more and more people arriving at the very moment. Maybe some of them didn't know where to go? Beck shrugged and took a sip of water out of the water bottle. Maybe he should have bought some for his teammates? then Cameron, Wade and Asher had arrived to their table. "Bonjour." Beck said with a little nod and smile.
"They call me Ruby. Ruby Banner. Its SOoooo nice to meet you." She said, with sweetness dripping from her voice. She crossed one leg over the other, still perched on the edge of the table right in front of the Tornadoes. Center stage pretty much. If a table could be a stage. Two more had arrived too, Asher and Cameron, only they weren't paying attention to HER, a FAN, they were more interested in their own teammates and other teams and why weren't they paying attention to herrrrr? She pouted a little but got distracted a second later because oooooerrrrr hot Frenchy was here! And she knew what Bonjour meant! That was helloooo! He was saying hello to herrrr! She giggled a little and offered a teeny finger wave. Helloooooo.
The one with the hair -Wade- was saying things now. She always thought that was a fitting name for a Quidditch player, since he probably had to wade his way through fangirls all the time. Not her though, since she was sitting ON the table and all, she was noticeable right? And not one of the masses? Right. She leaned forward at the waist, hearing him talking about HER to Alec (Spiffy? Did she WANT to know?). "Oooh don't worry, you can be my favourite too." She was sooooo nice.
It was getting busier in the tent now, which Ruby wasn't so fond of, mostly because it meant her one on one time was likely to get interrupted. So she figured she better make the most of it and stuff. GASP. AND NOW THERE WERE OTHERS PUSHING IN LIKE THEY THOUGHT THEY HAD DIBS. THEY DID NOT HAVE DIBS. How rude! Real fan here and stuff!
"Ohh." Dramatic siiiiigh and a shifty peek at Beck's water bottle. Was the Frenchy a gentleman? "I am soooo thirsty all of a sudden, but the concession stand is so far away and I don't want to lose my place in the line before I get autographs from all my favourite players." Pout. "Whatever shall I do?" She was parched. PARCHED! Ruby fanned herself a bit and apparently swooned some too, because obviously if she was feeling faint and all someone would have to be suuuper helpful and either share water or give it to her, or even go fetch her something. All of these would be perfect.
And MORE people were showing up now and acting like they were all old friends. Like srsly this was for fans right? Not boring people that totally didn't matter and totally got to see (hot) Quidditch players all the time because they were friends or whateverrrrr. She had to get the attention back on her, clearly.
"Okay, which Tornado is going to sign meeeee, your biggest fan, first?" Ruby said, loud enough for her voice to carry. They should aaaall hear her. She lifted up the bottom of her shirt, exposing a little more midriff because obviously her tummy was the best possible canvas for Quidditch Player Autographs. Don't be shhyyyy boys! Step right uppppp!
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Merlin. Baby fat? Was EVERYONE trying to embarrass her today?
"I had less baby fat than Paulie has brains, Louisa." Which was REALLY little, Alice was certain. "Why do you sound surprised?" She'd always known the masses would be flocking her one day. After all, she had the charisma for it, did she not? Ahem.
And her tongue? "That hasn't been candy-colored since I was, like, fourteen. Keep up."
Now, which body part did the former head girl want autographed?
Eyebrow quirk.
Louisa was surprised Alice and Paulie seemed to be... close? she didn't realize they even knew each other. But then again, she was technically away for four years. Lots could happen in four years. "You had cute cheek baby fat, don't get offended." Gryffindors.
"Fourteen isn't that far away." She rolled her eyes and averted her gaze momentarily to that sizziling hot Quidditch playah (Zoe's Colin). Oooh la laaaaa, she'd like HIM to autograph her, please, mhmmmmmm, look at that mature look.
...hmm? oh yeah, Alice was not bad to look at, either. hehe. "So, big girl Fischer, I'm sad to tell you that I'm not a Quidditch fan. I'm here to ask about Ellie and Max. Have you seen them?" SMIRK.
Aidella | King of Confusion | Brittana | Forever ACROMANTULA
SPOILER!!: quotes
Originally Posted by lemon
Was it Paulie's goal in life to embarrass her every chance he got? Because it was certainly starting to seem that way.
Wriggling out of his grasp, Alice whirled around to give him a look. "Do you WANT me to call security?" Was there even security here? 'Cause if there was, she would have to remember to tell them to keep all eyes on this idiot. He was mental. Needed proper supervision and stuff.
"If you shut up now, I'll sign your-"
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
Okay, okay, okayyy, she didn't like wasps, okay? She dind't like Quidditch, either, but she had dumb friends who did Quidditch so she was here. She wasn't here for the cute wasp. Louisa skillfully dodged the mascot as she entered this crowded tent.
Proudly, she had written Ellie and Max's teams on her arm, just in case she got caught up in a conversation with a stranger and she wanted to brag. Didn't want to mess up in a Quidditch-y conversation and end up being the doofus that got dragged into this after getting her fancy diplomacy degree. Doofus Louisa days were over...
... "Merlin's holy snitch! Where'd all the baby fat go!?!" Convinced it wasn't a foolish move, Louisa half-shouted when her eyes fell on the VERY familiar face of little demon Alice. ALICE!! The kid who kept tugging on her skirt and annoying her with kites and flying kites and string burns. ALICE was standing there looking all fancy with hair and shoes and a dress and-- well, she looked like a girl.
Louisa approached the former Gryffindor, completely ignoring whatever Paulie was doing to troll the poor girl, and grinned at her. "Look at yoooou, having fans and a tent of your own." Well, for her team. And a few other teams. "You don't even have a candy-colored tongue." Heh heh heh.
Originally Posted by lemon
Merlin. Baby fat? Was EVERYONE trying to embarrass her today?
"I had less baby fat than Paulie has brains, Louisa." Which was REALLY little, Alice was certain. "Why do you sound surprised?" She'd always known the masses would be flocking her one day. After all, she had the charisma for it, did she not? Ahem.
"IIIIII'll be your security," Paulie answered with a big, ol' wink. But now she was saying something about shutting up so she could sign..... she could sign.........?
Paulie was being cast aside, jilted, KICKED TO THE CURB so Alice could focus her attention on some CHILD. "Sign my what?" He asked, giving her a jumpercable on her one side to regain her attention. "Can I have anywhere signed?" Hmmmm? Alice ought to oblige her most avid fans.
And oh look. THERE was Louisa. Finally. Huh? Baby fat? He hadn't been paying attention to that part of their conversation, but he'd heard his name mentioned. "You an Alice Fischer fan, Helen?"
*cracks up* Tornados Table and the peeps there (mention of Alice!)
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Was that big smile for her? Because the boyfriend person looked especially happy right now and if it wasn't for the table separating them (and, y'know, the fans), she would have kissed his face right now. LOTS of kisses. Lots and lots and--yeah. Adorable Alec Summers was adorable and it wasn't even fair.
"I'll come there for hugs. You just sit and look pretty, superstar." Kidding, she was. Only not about the hugs part. She definitely wanted hugs. And so the blonde weaved her way through the crowd, a sea of 'excuse mes' and 'pardon mes' in her wake.
"Wade gets hugs too, y'know." GRIN! "Hey Curly, long time no see." Too long and the Ellaphant didn't approve. Also, did they know how proud she was right now? Practically felt like she was going to burst from all the pride swelling up in that little body of hers.
Only apparently hugs and talks of how proud she was would have to wait considering there was a girl-person-thing who seemed dead-set on having everyone's attention on her. Truth be told, the nineteen year old didn't know whether to be jealous or terribly amused. She was currently leaning towards the latter. She'd told Alec he'd have girls throwing themselves at him, yeah? Prime example right here and so the former badger simply smiled, eyebrows raised.
Yeah, Alec, who is going to sign that girl first?
Also, there was a Min with a baby and an ickle and an Ethan and Ella smiled, wiggling her fingers at the kiddos in greeting before her eyes fell on their mom and dad. "Hey Min, Ethan. Nice day, yeah?"
And was that THE Alice Fischer over there? Ella smiled and when she thought her Hulk was looking, she waaaaaved. HI HULK! HI! ...Was that Melanie the Clumsier TOO?!
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Text Cut: Minnie!
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Minerva was carrying around Chloe now as Gunnar was getting wiggly in his seat. They all seemed to be having a good time at least she was hoping. Chloe was being a great baby just looking around and sleeping. She was way to young to even realize things were going on, but she knew the colors and images would give her some simulation. After stopping to feed her and get the rest of the family food and Gunnar a few cookies they made there way into the autograph tents. It was so busy, but she had a certain table she wanted to see.
Her eyes scanning the area and following the alphabet down she found the Tornado's. Smiling she bent towards the stroller, "Gunnar look it's Uncle Alec." There were so many fans near them she wasn't sure if they would get a good chance to see him or not. Spotting Wade as well she got excited to see her friends and of course get a picture with them and the kids. Staying in line and waiting until their turn she grinned once they were at the table. "Hello, I've been a really big fan of you both, honestly I've followed you since you were both Hufflepuff. I was really hoping to get your autograph and maybe a picture with my children." Did she sound like a crazy fan? She was at least trying to in case they hadn't looked up yet to know it was her. She chuckled and then noticed Ella, "Hi Ella." She glanced at Ethan with a big smile. Did he know how much fun she was having? It was a much needed day with her family and seeing old friends.
He heard it. He heard the words 'Uncle Alec'. Where had it come from, though? He didn't know. And he had thought he was just imagining it until...
... "Minnie! Ethan!" GRIN. This was GREAT! Like a little reunion. "You've been a really great support, you know. Even at Hogwarts." Like a pseudo-older sister should be. Nodnod. "How are you two, by the way? Everything okay?" Because he still remembered the accident and he didn't like it one bit.
And did she say CHILDREN?! "Hey Chloe! Hey Gunnar! How's it going?" Of course pictures were going to happen but... could he possibly give them hugs too? Favourite Uncle perks?
Text Cut: Wade!
Originally Posted by Charely Potter
As for Alec, Wade couldn't help being happy for his best friend as his fans were going up to him. Seekers always got the most fans and he was perfectly happy with that, as he put one fan above the others.. that was so casually mentioned, "Oh yeah.. Indy's resting at home." He was sure Alec would figure out the why on that. "Now where's your number one-"
Indy's resting at home? Yeah, Alec understood why. He even grinned and nodded his head in approval. Relaxing was good in times like this, yeah? "Congrats again, by the way," he said, nudging the boy gently, "You must be really excited!" And... this meant that he needed to go shopping for baby clothes as well as start writing a Best Man's speech. Maybe he could get Nigel's help with the second thing once the Hogwarts situation was sorted out and once Nigel had done his NEWTs. Puns, you know? People liked that.
"And you know, Alec's not a bad name for a kid." Hint hint, Curly Wade.
He was joking.
And for his number one fan...
Text Cut: Ells!
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Was that big smile for her? Because the boyfriend person looked especially happy right now and if it wasn't for the table separating them (and, y'know, the fans), she would have kissed his face right now. LOTS of kisses. Lots and lots and--yeah. Adorable Alec Summers was adorable and it wasn't even fair.
"I'll come there for hugs. You just sit and look pretty, superstar." Kidding, she was. Only not about the hugs part. She definitely wanted hugs. And so the blonde weaved her way through the crowd, a sea of 'excuse mes' and 'pardon mes' in her wake.
And yeah, that big smile was for her. It was natural instinct, you know. It made him happy to see that she was happy. Which... she was, right? He didn't have any gummy worms on him but he did have hugs, which she was coming for. Pity there were people here, which meant no kisses.
"I..." Merlin, Ella Bishop, did you have to say that?! Pretty and a superstar and... a very sheepish expression crossed the nineteen year old's face. It just wasn't true, yeah? He was still the same Alec Summers. "You shouldn't tease, Bishop. It's not nice."
Text Cut: RUBY XD
Originally Posted by Tegz
"They call me Ruby. Ruby Banner. Its SOoooo nice to meet you." She said, with sweetness dripping from her voice. She crossed one leg over the other, still perched on the edge of the table right in front of the Tornadoes. Center stage pretty much. If a table could be a stage. Two more had arrived too, Asher and Cameron, only they weren't paying attention to HER, a FAN, they were more interested in their own teammates and other teams and why weren't they paying attention to herrrrr? She pouted a little but got distracted a second later because oooooerrrrr hot Frenchy was here! And she knew what Bonjour meant! That was helloooo! He was saying hello to herrrr! She giggled a little and offered a teeny finger wave. Helloooooo.
The one with the hair -Wade- was saying things now. She always thought that was a fitting name for a Quidditch player, since he probably had to wade his way through fangirls all the time. Not her though, since she was sitting ON the table and all, she was noticeable right? And not one of the masses? Right. She leaned forward at the waist, hearing him talking about HER to Alec (Spiffy? Did she WANT to know?). "Oooh don't worry, you can be my favourite too." She was sooooo nice.
It was getting busier in the tent now, which Ruby wasn't so fond of, mostly because it meant her one on one time was likely to get interrupted. So she figured she better make the most of it and stuff. GASP. AND NOW THERE WERE OTHERS PUSHING IN LIKE THEY THOUGHT THEY HAD DIBS. THEY DID NOT HAVE DIBS. How rude! Real fan here and stuff!
"Ohh." Dramatic siiiiigh and a shifty peek at Beck's water bottle. Was the Frenchy a gentleman? "I am soooo thirsty all of a sudden, but the concession stand is so far away and I don't want to lose my place in the line before I get autographs from all my favourite players." Pout. "Whatever shall I do?" She was parched. PARCHED! Ruby fanned herself a bit and apparently swooned some too, because obviously if she was feeling faint and all someone would have to be suuuper helpful and either share water or give it to her, or even go fetch her something. All of these would be perfect.
And MORE people were showing up now and acting like they were all old friends. Like srsly this was for fans right? Not boring people that totally didn't matter and totally got to see (hot) Quidditch players all the time because they were friends or whateverrrrr. She had to get the attention back on her, clearly.
"Okay, which Tornado is going to sign meeeee, your biggest fan, first?" Ruby said, loud enough for her voice to carry. They should aaaall hear her. She lifted up the bottom of her shirt, exposing a little more midriff because obviously her tummy was the best possible canvas for Quidditch Player Autographs. Don't be shhyyyy boys! Step right uppppp!
"It's nice to meet you too, Ruby." He could call her that, right? Probably. She seemed sweet enough, from what Alec could tell. At least she wasn't one of those crazy fangirls he had been warned about. She seemed normal enough too, even if it was a little... flirty...? The nineteen year old could never tell with these--
... ... Well this was new.
The thing about crazy fangirls? ... Was she one or...? Because all of a sudden, skin was showing. Tummy skin. And the former Hufflepuff didn't know what to say or do about from blink a couple of times before looking over at his teammates slowly. She had a good question: which Tornado was going to step up and sign the girl's waist? Erm...?
Was it going to be him?
It was going to be him.
Picking up a Sharpie -- quills could hurt the girl's... skin -- Alec scooted a little closer towards Ruby. It was probably a good thing that she was sitting on the table and that he was bending closer to her waist so that he could try and mask just how flustered he was. Stay cool, Summers. Stay cool.
Scribble... scribble... scribble...
There. The words 'Stay awesome' along with his signature had been scribbled on the right side of her belly button. "What do you think?" he asked, leaning away again and putting the cap on the Sharpie back again.
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Originally Posted by The1HBIC
Anyone that knew Marie knew she was not a huge quidditch fan. So why was she here, at an event focused solely on the sport?
To see her favorite Puddlemere chaser.
Holding Riley on her right hip she walked over to him. "Please tell me Destiny didn't make that cheesecake." Speaking of Destiny. Where was that woman? She was the other reason Marie was here. Because her friend convinced her it was time to get out of the house and let Matthias have some alone bonding time with his son.
Carter grinned seeing Marie. "Like I'd trust her making cheesecake." he responded making grabby hands for Riley. We'll just take her for a second. Because she liked Uncle Carter. Yes.
He took Riley and tossed her up in the air before catching her. Hehe. Babies were fun. Even though she was two now. He was still allowed to get away with that. "Hey Riiiiley." he greeted. He then took his seat again and offered a spoonful of cheesecake to the kid. "I heard you got a new baby brother."
Who wasn't there. And neither was Mr. Marie. He looked up at the blonde. "Things going well?" Because he was concerned. He hadn't forgotten his promise to punch the guy if needed.
Originally Posted by Destiny
Of course, Carter didn't have to ask them if they were going. They were going to go anyway.
How else was she supposed to get Marie out of her house? It had seemed like FOREVER since she had seen the other She-Snake, and if it meant inviting her to a place she probably wouldn't even enjoy, then that was what was going to happen. And happen it did! Sure, Destiny and Connor may have gotten just a little distracted by the HUGE food display and Marie and Riley had gotten ahead of them because of it, but it only took a few minutes and a little bit of spent money before they were standing right behind them in the tent that Carter was in.
And she had no idea what that was supposed to mean. She might not do much of it, because they still had that demon house elf that just insisted she do all the work, but she was an excellent cook. She didn't even burn the potatoes anymore! "If I made that, there would be more chocolate on it." So no. No, she did not make that.
Destiny hiked Connor up higher on her hip, since she thought he was having a hard time looking at Riley, but really, he was just having a hard time being all starry eyed and grabby hands towards the giant bee mascot that was in the tent with them.
"Beeeeee." He wanted to pull on its stinger.
And there was his baby! And his child. Look at what they were wearing! Sharks were awesome. He nodded when Destiny said there would be more chocolate. Why? Because if he asked her to make him a cheesecake, he was pretty sure he'd end up with a bowl of chocolate pudding... that he'd be forced to watch Destiny eat.
He tilted his head up making a 'You should kiss me' face at his wife. Because she should. He liked those. Connor should too. Because he'd grow out of that soon. Destiny wasn't allowed to grow out of it. He called dibs on her lips.
Aww. And look at his son. He knew what a bee was. Smart kid. "Hey Connor, have you been good for mommy?" Because that's how dessert was earned. And he must see that Riley already had some.
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
After seeing their first Professional player and trying to find the best place for a bouncing seven year old, he moved on to the next table. The best part of not really having a favorite team, you could get all the autographs. His niece wanted as many as possible. She was just like her mother, loved the sport, and he was terrified with that. Watching his older sister get injured was enough, but if he had to watch her play one day he would. Once it was their turn in line he gave the man a smile. "Hello, my niece would like a picture and autograph with you. She doesn't speak much English, but she is so excited to see everything and meet all the players." He grinned down at Isa who was bouncing beside him.
Isa's eyes were going all over the place as they waited in the line. She was bouncing trying to see around the adults in front of her. This was an awesome team. She liked the colors and the players looked super friendly. The man had a bat, could she touch it? Looking up at her Uncle she rambled about positions, and teams back home. Then her brown eyes searched the area. "Auntie Mariel?" Was she going to hang with them? Not the she understood that her soon to be Aunt was busy running the entire event. Smiling brightly at the man she listened to words that she could only half understand. "Picture.. please."
Robert stopped flipping the bat over in his hand when he spotted someone walking up to him and he grinned at the man and then at the little girl at his side. "Why hello there!" He looked up at the man and smiled, "What language does she speak?" Beauty of being him he was fluent in French and Spanish of course anything else and he was in trouble but that would be fine.
Hearing her speak he smiled and handed her the bat, "You can hold this in the picture." It would be awesome. Part of him wished he was a kid and could get again so he could attend this. "You know how to hold this? Put your hands like this," he said miming in the air how she should hold it. "Then look toward the camera and smile."
"Kaia is perfectly fine though. Married name, maiden name, actual name... Psh. Kai. Kaia. Lady that is awesome with a bat. Take your pick." Did she talk to much? A little bit. Not that it mattered. Who cared? He was here to see her and that was all that she cared about right now. That and the food she was going to escape and go get in a bit. Unless Lori hurried her backside up and brought something over. Hellllllllo little sister dying over here!!
"Well tell Eden I said hi, and she's lucky to have a cousin that would get her an autograph!" With the book in her hands now, she signed the page with a smiley face, a quick drawing of a wasp and a nice little message for Eden. "Might? Is that a yes or a no? I'll draw you a little wasp too." Maybe even two on the page for him. Or..she didn't have to. That was cool too. Didn't want to be signing things for people who didn't want it to happen. She'd done that once. Signed something for someone in a means to annoy them.
(It had worked)
"Team nap time. It's a thing." Or she expected that was it. "But the attention is nice."
Ah yes. The winking winker. She hadn't been expecting him to stray from the quidditch babies over there, but he was more than welcome over her. "Hey, not-Montague. How are you today?" Boom. Excellent. A hello and the first question all in one go. She was good at this conversation thing. "My mascot? Oh... Sting? Nah. It's probably the other way around." Crushing and whatnot. She wasn't going to tell the story of how she'd been a little girl and dressed up as a wasp for Halloween every year from the age of 4 to 10. Not at all.
"What can I do for you today?" Picture? Autograph? Kiss on the cheek? Were people giving anything else out? Hm? Hm? She did have little toy bats in her bag, but she was saving those for the little fans. The little ones who she could influence more.
They were never too young.
Ahhh, Sting was back and being perfect as usual. The mascot got another wave from her whilst he waved at people and stuff. She was fine though. Could totally handle herself here. Big girl. Adult. Mother.
Iwin smirked. She was younger than he was, he thought, and she was married! It didn't weird him out or anything, just...well, he felt like he needed to get a move on now! Ugh. His parents wanted grandchildren...and all that fun stuff...his father wanted an heir for him...
But Iwin just wanted to enjoy his time and meet someone in the NORMAL way, y'know? He sighed at the thought and ruffled his hair some more. It was probably all weird and puffy now, but pffft. He didn't care. "Ah, she will love it. And I'll be her favorite cousin for a little while.." it didn't much with Ed, though. She was nice. Generally more friendly than he was, though he was being very good today, yep.
He eyed the little wasp and thought it was so cute! He laughed. "Yes! I want one--or two--or whatever you want to draw--I'm not just saying, that, either, I just...I like Quidditch. I want EVERYONE'S autograph!" he said, sounding a looooottttt excited! Hehe.
SPOILER!!: Manny? lol, Alec, and Ellaish
Originally Posted by Awarlesta Black
ANOTHER FAN! Really... Alec didn't know that there were so many of--
Though... the last time the to had met was a brief encounter at the Prefect's Event back in his fifth year. Brief because the Dementors had wanted to party, too. It was a shame that they had ruined things because the meeting was going pretty well before that, according to the boy.
But... he was HERE! Searching for him, too. And could he tell how happy Alec was? Because he was. He even stood up, reached over and wrapped the older man into a hug. It just... called for it, yeah? "Hey! It's good to see you again," he said, patting the man's back and letting go, "How are you? And how's Awar?" She was keeping away from boys and bullies, right?
Speaking of Awar Bear, did she have something to do with this?
"Oh! There you are! Hey-" Oh...my...Dumbledore...the boy was hugging him. He won't deny was inner fangirling inside, but he will admit he felt just a teeny-weeny bit weird due to the fact that last time he saw Alec, he was kind of giving him a heavy dose of the Manolo stink eye. HIS APOLOGIES. The protective brother thought the boy was going to rob his younger sister from him, mmm'kay??? Now, he knows better thanks to Awar, who reminded him that Alec also warned her to stay away from boys. At this rate, she'll never get a husband! Perfect.
All that behind them though, yes? Manolo patted the boy on the back slowly. He was patting a Tornadoes seeker!!!!!"Great to see you too, kid! Wow! Look at you! Professional Quidditch player! Wow!" Wow. WOW. Awar had a great choice in buddies. "I'm good, I'm great. Still working at the Ministry, nothing new. Awar? Awar's good." He paused, "Well, as good as it gets when you're away from your loved ones, y'know?" Sorry, Lessie. The custody battle just wasn't in his favor. "But, she is the one who wanted me to stop by!" Unrolling the poster he bought earlier, he handed it over to Alec. "She says she'd love it if you and your teammates make it out to Awar-Bear." Weird pet name. Weird sister. Awesome in all.
Tapping. He felt tapping on his shoulder. The bloodhound handler turned to see who the culprit was. OH! EMBER! The new person he met during the meeting or orientation thing at the ministry! "Hey! How are you, Ember?" Smiiile. "It's going great! This is wonderful! I'm just saying hello to a friend of my sisters." He said, pointing to the quidditch player next to him.[/QUOTE]
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
She was back.
After stealing Xaria from Dylish for a bit and visiting with friends in the other tent, Ella returned to the place she knew Alec would be, a small smile playing on her lips. He had quite the fan base, it seemed. Could she say I told you so later because she had told him so and she was proud. SO so soooo proud. She was also sort of smiling like an idiot as she inched closer to where the Tornados were seated. ...What? She couldn't help it. Adorable boyfriend was adorable and that suit? Yeah. Just...yeah.
Deciding not to interrupt just yet, the nineteen year old simply stood off to the side and waved at him when she was sure he was looking, mouthing the word 'Surprise.' She knew she said she wasn't going to come but she just couldn't miss this.
And Wade and Asher were looking nice today, did they know? Helloooo, boys.
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
Text Cut: Ember and Manolo! :3
So... this was awkward. And Alec should know awkward: he was awkward.
The nineteen year old tilted his head and watched the two curiously. Did they know each other? It seemed like it. It was nice. Like... like old friends catching up. Maybe this was a reunion? Maybe. And the lady had nice hair, did she know? Not that he was staring, because... that would be creepy. But it was nice, the blue. He didn't think that he could pull it off. Nah! The dark brown was perfectly okay... right?
When he was finally introduced, Alec grinned at the woman (Ember). "You're not interrupting anything." Well... not really. Mr Quidditch Player was an interesting nickname. "Hey! It's nice to meet you too. Call me Alec," he said, holding out his hand for her. Because she might not appreciate hugs from a stranger.
His grey-blue eyes flew back to Manolo when the man started talking again. Wow? "Wow is right," he said, ruffling his own hair, "Didn't think I'd get this far but... yeah. This is great!" The early morning practices were... not. Definitely not. "That's good to hear. How are things at the Ministry?"
The conversation turning to Awar made the former Hufflepuff's heart hurt. Why? Because she was all the way in France and seeing her wasn't possible. "Well... yeah, it's good that she's good. Do you think she has lots of friends over there? Are you able to see her often?" He had a lot of questions. Ones that he could ask later because right now, the other former Hufflepuff was being awesome. "That's really nice of her, you know." Really. Mental notes to give her hugs was happening.
Meanwhile, Alec picked up a quill and wrote down the following:
... ... No!
Was it...? Was it REALLY...?!
Alec's eyes were initially wide but then a slow grin started spreading across his face when he realised that the blonde girl standing not too far away and waving at him was someone he knew very well. And he couldn't help it either. Enthusiastic waving was happening. All thoughts about looking cool in front of the fans were gone out of the window because his biggest fan was standing right there.
And he was wearing a silly grin, too. Her fault. Obviously.
"Are you going to come here for a hug or should I come there?" And why hadn't she told him that she was coming? He would have waited for her.
Ember thought Manolo was SO nice, to stop and talk to her regardless of what he was doing. But they were supposed to mingle, right?! SHe couldn't remember what exactly Manolo did, but whatever! That was okay! Hehe. She blushed a little and bowed her head at him. "I'm good--out and about--I thought I'd check this out even though I am not BIG into Quidditch, but I'd love to go to the games--they seem so fun! And it would be fun to have a team that you follow--and stuff--" she bounced a little and glanced at the guy he was talking to. He was a little cutie, wasn't he?! Hehe. She had brought a little book to get some autographs--she'd have to do her research later and see if she had gotten anyone good! And if not--she had made some player feel all great because GIVING AN AUTOGRAPH HAD TO FEEL GREAT. And Ember wanted everrrrryone to feel great!
OOooh a hand! She beamed and shook his hand back--wow-handshakes! She hardly gave them but--so friendly! Such warm fuzzies! Ah! She could tell he was eyeing her hair, and she didn't know whether he liked it or not--and she sort of played with it for a minute because most people so far at the ministry didn't like it, and she wished people would be more open-minded to COLOR, yo! "I'm Ember--nice to meet you! " she said, with a crooked grin.
Oh! He had a little girlfriend! Awww! SO CUTE EMBER COULD DIE. Love was amazing! It really was! She couldn't help it--SHE HUGGED THEM BOTH AND SQUEE-ED. "Aw! I don't know you two but you're SO cute! Stay together forever and make the world happy!" she cried.
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Originally Posted by Shanners
Ah yes. The winking winker. She hadn't been expecting him to stray from the quidditch babies over there, but he was more than welcome over her. "Hey, not-Montague. How are you today?" Boom. Excellent. A hello and the first question all in one go. She was good at this conversation thing. "My mascot? Oh... Sting? Nah. It's probably the other way around." Crushing and whatnot. She wasn't going to tell the story of how she'd been a little girl and dressed up as a wasp for Halloween every year from the age of 4 to 10. Not at all.
"What can I do for you today?" Picture? Autograph? Kiss on the cheek? Were people giving anything else out? Hm? Hm? She did have little toy bats in her bag, but she was saving those for the little fans. The little ones who she could influence more.
They were never too young.
That wasp thing was giving Camden the stink eye, and he pulled some not-very-polite faces in response. We're not threatening your claim on the pretty Quidditch players, mate. We're just talking here. Just. Talking.
Buzz off. He should tell the bloke to buzz off. It was possibly the only time EVER that it would be both literal and punny to say so.
But his attention was drawn back to Montague, who was willing to flirt a bit. That was always appreciated. Not everyone was a sport about these things. "Camden, actually. It's 'Camden-not-Montague', but my mates just call me Camden." He smiled a bit, only half smirk 'cause she didn't look like the type who appreciated smirkers.
What could she do for him? Run away with him? Fly off into the sunset on the back of her very high priced professional Quidditch broom. Which, honestly, he'd rather have, because hello, resale value. "I thought I might ask you to sign my face, but it's the only face I've got, you see? What else d'you have?" Like what else was there for her to sign, since he'd obviously only come in with a bratty little sister. And no one wanted to sign HER.
She pouted a little but got distracted a second later because oooooerrrrr hot Frenchy was here! And she knew what Bonjour meant! That was helloooo! He was saying hello to herrrr! She giggled a little and offered a teeny finger wave. Helloooooo.
"Ohh." Dramatic siiiiigh and a shifty peek at Beck's water bottle. Was the Frenchy a gentleman? "I am soooo thirsty all of a sudden, but the concession stand is so far away and I don't want to lose my place in the line before I get autographs from all my favourite players." Pout. "Whatever shall I do?" She was parched. PARCHED! Ruby fanned herself a bit and apparently swooned some too, because obviously if she was feeling faint and all someone would have to be suuuper helpful and either share water or give it to her, or even go fetch her something. All of these would be perfect.
And MORE people were showing up now and acting like they were all old friends. Like srsly this was for fans right? Not boring people that totally didn't matter and totally got to see (hot) Quidditch players all the time because they were friends or whateverrrrr. She had to get the attention back on her, clearly.
"Okay, which Tornado is going to sign meeeee, your biggest fan, first?" Ruby said, loud enough for her voice to carry. They should aaaall hear her. She lifted up the bottom of her shirt, exposing a little more midriff because obviously her tummy was the best possible canvas for Quidditch Player Autographs. Don't be shhyyyy boys! Step right uppppp!
Was this fan flirting with him for his water. Was she going to do a muggle thing where you can use the DNA from a drink and clone people? Beck really had to stop watching muggle TV but h just couldn't help it sometimes. Those things really hook you in. He was surprise that he was hooked to those medical and science shows. The Quidditch player didn't really know much about fans or having fans in general but he knew that some of them could get really crazy but this fan wasn't crazy yet but was she flirting or something?
It had been so long since the Frenchman had had a girlfriend or even gone on a date. He hadn't even been on a date since him and his fiancee broke up. But he really couldn't figure out this though. "Thirsty? Here." Beck nodded and handed her his water bottle. Well he couldn't just ignore her or not be a gentleman because was always the gentleman.
She wanted to be signed on her stomach? That just confused Beck. Should he sign her stomach? He just wasn't sure. Oh what the heck. Beck grabbed his blue marker and uncapped it. With smooth, quick strokes Beck wrote out his name on the girls body.
Originally Posted by Charely Potter
"Bonjour Beck," Wade greeted back at Beck, their Keeper. "Your arms still good for signing?" Grinning a little, why not have a little fun here while they were at it.
The man waved at Wade and nodded. Beck chuckled at him. "I think it might be good for some autographs." Beck had never been to an autograph signing where he had to sign autographs.
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Victoria had made her way to the other autograph tent. She had spent some time in the other tent checking on things and now she was here. Hopefully she could grab a few more autographs for Bart while she was at it. Making her way through she noticed all the fans and players interacting it was great. They day had been such a success so far and she anticipated it would be the rest of the day.
Watching she couldn't help, but sigh a little, she hadn't gotten much sleep from nerves and it might be catching up to her. Seeing the tornado's Victoria made her way closer stopping just to watch for a second. Seeing Wade a small smile crossed her lips. She hadn't spoken to him in awhile, but she figured that was expected. She wasn't with his father anymore and he was busy, but she still cared deeply for all of them and hoped he was doing well. Finally making her way over she looked at the entire team. "Thank you all for coming today." Then she turned towards Wade, "Hello Wade, how are you?" Giving a motherly smile, though she really had never officially became his step mother.
Then a person that must work in the game and sports department showed up. It seemed like she knew Wade. Beck gave her a friendly wave. "It's very nice of you and your department to think of this event. Bravo to all of you." Beck smiled.
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
Getting lost? Alec let out a small chuckle at that and shook his head. "I'm not surprised. There are a lot of people here." And getting lost in the crowd would be easy. Very easy. Especially with people still moving around, yeah? "You... don't think we're going to get bogged down by media, do you?" Because he didn't want that. Fans were alright.... great, even.
"And where'd you get the bottle of water from?"
The twenty-eight year had come prepared, well with water bottles that he got front he muggle store. She had about three or so. Beck took the other two water bottles out of his back pockets. "I actually went to the wrong tent because there were so many people that I never saw the sign." Beck chuckled. That really embarrassed him to even talk about it. This was a great time when wearing jeans really came in handy. He hoped that he had dressed alright because he had no idea what to wear.
"I went to some muggle store before I got here. Want one?"
maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise
SPOILER!!: Jorge and Isa, mentions Arthur Lee and Robert Chambers
Originally Posted by Bazinga
This was just so exciting! The seven year old zoomed into the tents, where had her mommy went? Well it didn't matter she had found Uncle Jorge and had his hand pulling him around. He knew the players, right? Being from Spain she didn't know them all that well, but they were professional players and she wanted all their autographs! There was the wasp again, the Spanish girl beamed and waved at him before heading to a table of players.
"Hola!" in her excitement she forgot to use English and rambled about autographs and pictures and how she loved quidditch. Things that the player probably couldn't even understand, but she bounced and looked eagerly up at him.
Jorge was more than thrilled to see his older sister and his seven year old niece had come to surprise his fiance at her big event. It was the sweetest thing and now he was being pulled around by a seven year old that had him wrapped around her little finger since the day she was born. Jorge hadn't been one that let women walk all over him, but this one, she could do no wrong.
So as they moved into a tent and went up to the first player she saw he chuckled, "Hello, I'm sorry, my niece doesn't speak much English, but she is super excited. Could you sign an autograph for her and a picture possibly?" This could be a good reason to get a quote for the article as well, "I work for the Daily Prophet, wouldn't want to give me a quote about how the days been going would you?" He needed to keep work even if his focus ed moved to fun with Isa.
After seeing their first Professional player and trying to find the best place for a bouncing seven year old, he moved on to the next table. The best part of not really having a favorite team, you could get all the autographs. His niece wanted as many as possible. She was just like her mother, loved the sport, and he was terrified with that. Watching his older sister get injured was enough, but if he had to watch her play one day he would. Once it was their turn in line he gave the man a smile. "Hello, my niece would like a picture and autograph with you. She doesn't speak much English, but she is so excited to see everything and meet all the players." He grinned down at Isa who was bouncing beside him.
Isa's eyes were going all over the place as they waited in the line. She was bouncing trying to see around the adults in front of her. This was an awesome team. She liked the colors and the players looked super friendly. The man had a bat, could she touch it? Looking up at her Uncle she rambled about positions, and teams back home. Then her brown eyes searched the area. "Auntie Mariel?" Was she going to hang with them? Not the she understood that her soon to be Aunt was busy running the entire event. Smiling brightly at the man she listened to words that she could only half understand. "Picture.. please."
"Always working.." Mariel grinned as she walked up behind Jorge, hearing his words to one of the Portree Chasers (Arthur). She wasn't surprised really, in her eyes this was a great opportunity to get an exclusive or some sort of story out of the event. Though she knew he had already planned on doing a follow-up article anyway. And she did appreciate it, especially knowing that this wasn't his typical kind of writing. Making her rounds through the area again to ensure things were running smoothly here as well, she was glad to have caught up to her fiance and his niece again. "I wondered where you two had run off to.. having a good time?" She beamed over at Isa, watching her ramble in Spanish to the players. Mariel had figured their running off had been most likely her doing in her excitement which was just adorable to watch. Even sweeter was watching her uncle tend to her.
As they moved to the Puddlemere table, she smiled softly as she watched Jorge explain to Robert what Isa wanted. "I could take a few pictures if you'd like," she said, reaching for the camera from her bag. "We already have a few good ones of Sting, don't we?" she chuckled, grinning at Isa before giving Jorge a little wink. Things were running smoothly as far as she could see, perhaps she could hang out with them for a little while. Oh and how sweet.. Isa not only got a demonstration but was going to get to hold the bat in the picture as well. "Ready?" she asked as she held up the camera.
SPOILER!!: Min and Chloe, Ella, Alec, Wade
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Minerva was carrying around Chloe now as Gunnar was getting wiggly in his seat. They all seemed to be having a good time at least she was hoping. Chloe was being a great baby just looking around and sleeping. She was way to young to even realize things were going on, but she knew the colors and images would give her some simulation. After stopping to feed her and get the rest of the family food and Gunnar a few cookies they made there way into the autograph tents. It was so busy, but she had a certain table she wanted to see.
Her eyes scanning the area and following the alphabet down she found the Tornado's. Smiling she bent towards the stroller, "Gunnar look it's Uncle Alec." There were so many fans near them she wasn't sure if they would get a good chance to see him or not. Spotting Wade as well she got excited to see her friends and of course get a picture with them and the kids. Staying in line and waiting until their turn she grinned once they were at the table. "Hello, I've been a really big fan of you both, honestly I've followed you since you were both Hufflepuff. I was really hoping to get your autograph and maybe a picture with my children." Did she sound like a crazy fan? She was at least trying to in case they hadn't looked up yet to know it was her. She chuckled and then noticed Ella, "Hi Ella." She glanced at Ethan with a big smile. Did he know how much fun she was having? It was a much needed day with her family and seeing old friends.
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Also, there was a Min with a baby and an ickle and an Ethan and Ella smiled, wiggling her fingers at the kiddos in greeting before her eyes fell on their mom and dad. "Hey Min, Ethan. Nice day, yeah?"
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
He heard it. He heard the words 'Uncle Alec'. Where had it come from, though? He didn't know. And he had thought he was just imagining it until...
... "Minnie! Ethan!" GRIN. This was GREAT! Like a little reunion. "You've been a really great support, you know. Even at Hogwarts." Like a pseudo-older sister should be. Nodnod. "How are you two, by the way? Everything okay?" Because he still remembered the accident and he didn't like it one bit.
And did she say CHILDREN?! "Hey Chloe! Hey Gunnar! How's it going?" Of course pictures were going to happen but... could he possibly give them hugs too? Favourite Uncle perks?
Gunnar finished up the last of his cookie as he was being pushed into a place with lots of people, blue eyes taking them all in. Mommy had already taken Chloe out of the stroller, he wanted out too. And as soon as the stroller came to a stop, the 16 month old reached his body forward, trying to climb out. It did not make him very happy that he was strapped in and his efforts were rather futile. "Ahh.. AHHH!" he whined in protest until Mommy bent down and was talking. His eyes locked on to hers for a moment, then he craned his neck to try to see who she was talking to next.
First there was a lady (Ella) waving at him and he gave her a little up and down wave in return, like Mommy taught him how to wave back when people did that. And then.. Uncle Alec? He heard Mommy say that name before and this man looked a little bit familiar. He was smiling big which made Gunnar smile a big toothy grin back at him too. But he still wanted out of this stroller.
There were a couple people Ethan had wanted to say hello to that he thought might be in the Autograph Tent and this table in particular was the obvious first stop, he figured. A couple of their friends who had recently graduated had gotten signed to the Tornados and so they'd go see Alec and Wade first. It did seem that the further they walked, however, the more restless Gunnar became. Tired of being confined in the stroller maybe, but there really were too many people out for him to just be running around. The stroller was the easiest though maybe he'd carry him for a little bit to see if that change might appease him.
"You just want out of there, don't you buddy?" he chuckled as he heard him whining then spotted Gunnar reaching his body over the front of the stroller. Ethan returned Minerva's grin, chuckling a bit as she pretended to be a random avid fan, then he reached down to pull their son out of the stroller, doing his best to balance him on his hip. "Hi Ella," he nodded to her as she greeted them all. "Should have figured we'd see you here," he added with a grin. She and Alec had been pretty inseparable back in school, he wondered if that was still true.
He grinned back at Alec who seemed pretty excited to see them there and he readjusted Gunnar in his arms as the boy reached for the ground. "Hey Alec.. we're doing well.. and yourself?" Of course he'd let Min speak on how she herself was doing after the accident though he knew she had been recovering fine, and it was really nice to ask. Did they have something for them to sign? He kind of glanced at Min wondering if she had thought of that, then looked to the diaper bag at the back of the stroller thinking they had put their camera in there. "You wanted a picture?" He could probably juggle Gunnar a bit to reach it. And Wade in it of course too..
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
This was great the team was all here well most of the team was here. The cool ones anyway. He went and sat next to Wade, "Glad to be here. Looks like we have a good turn out." Fans were arriving. Cameron just chuckled as a particaly excited fan walked up to the Torandoes table. Apparently a Big fan of Alec's. The chaser turned and looked at Alec. With a chuckle "I see that mate, but it looks like your her favorite." Wink... Just kidding Alec had a girl. Seriously he loved his teammates. He quickly glanced around for Rae was she here yet or not? Or was she even coming?
He the turned his attention down to Asher "Hey, Mate. Surprised to see you back so soon." His wife did just have twins. But it was good to him here. Then there was Beck. His french teammate. "Bonjour." He returned the greeting. Yes he knew french. Mostly he learned it while dating Ivy. Why did he just think about her? Where did that come from?
Just a short time later Vic showed up Cam gave her a smile and wave. "No problem. I've really enjoyed myself today." He talked to her already today and wouldn't take up much more of her time today. He knew how busy she was. This was something that he will remember for a long time in his career.
Alec's (Ruby) fan was yelling. He chuckled. She wanted all of there autographs. He waited a moment for he more wanted to see who would take her up on her offer. Beck! Hahaha man. Could he be next? Unless someone else wanted too. Cam grabbed one of the pens and scribbled his signature on her stomach. He looked at her and smiled. "Thank you for coming out today." Good good to see such happy and excited fans. Not only of certain players but the whole team. She lucked out today getting five of them.
The more the day continued the more Asher missed his family at home. But he was having a good time with his teammates and the fans. And they seem to be having a good time too. One was totally fangirling over Alec. He grinned over at Summers. "You a
Have a fan there, bro." He could always picture this day with his bro.
His attention went to Cameron. He smiled at his older teammate. "Yeah, I'm here. I wouldn't miss this." The nineteen year old was glad to have Cam around for fatherly advice. So then there was Wade and Beck. He waved to them shooting both of them a grin "Hey Wade, Hey Beck! What's up?" The team had a good turn out.
He looked up when a familiar looking blonde showed up. Ella!
He grinned. Sure he still seen her around and stuff most because of Alec. "Hey, Ella. So nice of you to come and get my autograph." He said with a small chuckle. No he knew why she was here. It was always great to see ellephant.
The beater noticed one of the ministries games and sports person (Victoria) over by the table. "Its a pleasure to be here." Smile. Asher was surprised that he hadn't seen his sisters there. He would have loved to seen his nieces and nephew here, too! He understood too. That they had there on lives and families plus today was their birthday. So they were probably busy with that. He did owl then presents this morning like a good like brother.
Man, Alec's number one (Ruby) over there was quite the feisty one wasn't she? She got Asher's attention fast by shouting like that. He laughed and signed her stomach after Beck and Cameron. He gave her a big smile asked her. "Do you play?" Yes socializing they the fans. Man they loved that.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
SPOILER!!: Ella, Alec, Ethan, Gunnar
Originally Posted by Ella
Also, there was a Min with a baby and an ickle and an Ethan and Ella smiled, wiggling her fingers at the kiddos in greeting before her eyes fell on their mom and dad. "Hey Min, Ethan. Nice day, yeah?"
Originally Posted by Alec
He heard it. He heard the words 'Uncle Alec'. Where had it come from, though? He didn't know. And he had thought he was just imagining it until...
... "Minnie! Ethan!" GRIN. This was GREAT! Like a little reunion. "You've been a really great support, you know. Even at Hogwarts."Like a pseudo-older sister should be. Nodnod. "How are you two, by the way? Everything okay?" Because he still remembered the accident and he didn't like it one bit.
And did she say CHILDREN?! "Hey Chloe! Hey Gunnar! How's it going?" Of course pictures were going to happen but... could he possibly give them hugs too? Favourite Uncle perks?
Originally Posted by Ethan and Gunnar
Gunnar finished up the last of his cookie as he was being pushed into a place with lots of people, blue eyes taking them all in. Mommy had already taken Chloe out of the stroller, he wanted out too. And as soon as the stroller came to a stop, the 16 month old reached his body forward, trying to climb out. It did not make him very happy that he was strapped in and his efforts were rather futile. "Ahh.. AHHH!" he whined in protest until Mommy bent down and was talking. His eyes locked on to hers for a moment, then he craned his neck to try to see who she was talking to next.
First there was a lady (Ella) waving at him and he gave her a little up and down wave in return, like Mommy taught him how to wave back when people did that. And then.. Uncle Alec? He heard Mommy say that name before and this man looked a little bit familiar. He was smiling big which made Gunnar smile a big toothy grin back at him too. But he still wanted out of this stroller.
There were a couple people Ethan had wanted to say hello to that he thought might be in the Autograph Tent and this table in particular was the obvious first stop, he figured. A couple of their friends who had recently graduated had gotten signed to the Tornados and so they'd go see Alec and Wade first. It did seem that the further they walked, however, the more restless Gunnar became. Tired of being confined in the stroller maybe, but there really were too many people out for him to just be running around. The stroller was the easiest though maybe he'd carry him for a little bit to see if that change might appease him.
"You just want out of there, don't you buddy?" he chuckled as he heard him whining then spotted Gunnar reaching his body over the front of the stroller. Ethan returned Minerva's grin, chuckling a bit as she pretended to be a random avid fan, then he reached down to pull their son out of the stroller, doing his best to balance him on his hip. "Hi Ella," he nodded to her as she greeted them all. "Should have figured we'd see you here," he added with a grin. She and Alec had been pretty inseparable back in school, he wondered if that was still true.
He grinned back at Alec who seemed pretty excited to see them there and he readjusted Gunnar in his arms as the boy reached for the ground. "Hey Alec.. we're doing well.. and yourself?" Of course he'd let Min speak on how she herself was doing after the accident though he knew she had been recovering fine, and it was really nice to ask. Did they have something for them to sign? He kind of glanced at Min wondering if she had thought of that, then looked to the diaper bag at the back of the stroller thinking they had put their camera in there. "You wanted a picture?" He could probably juggle Gunnar a bit to reach it. And Wade in it of course too..
Minerva couldn’t help the smile as she saw Alec look up and say their names. “Hi Alec” She wanted to hug him, but was that allowed? Plus she had her hands full with Chloe all snuggled against her. “Oh stop, you’ve been an amazing player from the start and what type of sister would I be if I didn’t support you, but I always knew you’d be a pro one day.” She was proud, could he tell? Looking over to Ethan as he held Gunnar and greeted Alec and then answered she had to agree they were doing well. “Everything is going great. Everyone is adjusting wonderfully and Gunnar is so sweet to his little sister.” He tried to be a bit rough at times, but he was just a baby himself still so no one could blame him.
Seeing and hearing Ella, Min turned towards her a bit more. “Ella, hello. How are you doing? Having fun today?” She hadn’t seen her since Gunnar’s birthday and hoped she was doing well at Uni and things. Not that anyone could really see her, her little world had been keeping her at home and she was easily forgotten in the world of the busy.
Looking back towards Ethan at his words she beamed even more. “Yes actually a few if that’s alright.” She looked at both men, Ethan for taking a few pictures and Alec if he was alright taking a few. “I’d love to get one of him and the kids if we can get Gunnar to stay still long enough, then one of maybe one of all of us.” Was that alright with both of them? She hoped at least. “Want to take your niece for a picture?” If he was busy she knew they could get pictures with him at anytime though.
SPOILER!!: Robert and Mariel
Originally Posted by Robert
Robert stopped flipping the bat over in his hand when he spotted someone walking up to him and he grinned at the man and then at the little girl at his side. "Why hello there!" He looked up at the man and smiled, "What language does she speak?" Beauty of being him he was fluent in French and Spanish of course anything else and he was in trouble but that would be fine.
Hearing her speak he smiled and handed her the bat, "You can hold this in the picture." It would be awesome. Part of him wished he was a kid and could get again so he could attend this. "You know how to hold this? Put your hands like this," he said miming in the air how she should hold it. "Then look toward the camera and smile."
Originally Posted by Mariel
"Always working.." Mariel grinned as she walked up behind Jorge, hearing his words to one of the Portree Chasers (Arthur). She wasn't surprised really, in her eyes this was a great opportunity to get an exclusive or some sort of story out of the event. Though she knew he had already planned on doing a follow-up article anyway. And she did appreciate it, especially knowing that this wasn't his typical kind of writing. Making her rounds through the area again to ensure things were running smoothly here as well, she was glad to have caught up to her fiance and his niece again. "I wondered where you two had run off to.. having a good time?" She beamed over at Isa, watching her ramble in Spanish to the players. Mariel had figured their running off had been most likely her doing in her excitement which was just adorable to watch. Even sweeter was watching her uncle tend to her.
As they moved to the Puddlemere table, she smiled softly as she watched Jorge explain to Robert what Isa wanted. "I could take a few pictures if you'd like," she said, reaching for the camera from her bag. "We already have a few good ones of Sting, don't we?" she chuckled, grinning at Isa before giving Jorge a little wink. Things were running smoothly as far as she could see, perhaps she could hang out with them for a little while. Oh and how sweet.. Isa not only got a demonstration but was going to get to hold the bat in the picture as well. "Ready?" she asked as she held up the camera.
Hearing her words Jorge turned and put his arms around her leaning in for a kiss. “My life is my work and you.” He turned towards the bouncing child again. He couldn’t’ help but chuckle at her excitement. “Maybe I’m finding a new calling in sports.” He was only joking of course, he could never be this type of writer. It wasn’t bad for a few times, but a life time of just sports, that wasn’t his sort of thing. “Oh you know running around seeing what all a seven year old can get into. She knows she can usually get whatever she wants with Uncle Jorge.” He chuckled and lifted the bag from the souvenir shop.
Looking towards player, “She speaks Spanish, some English, but she’s so excited it probably won’t be much.” His own Spanish accent coming through with his own speech. His smile growing as he watched the player interact with Isa. That little girl could light up the dark with her excitement Jorge was sure of it. “ Mr. Chambers, if you would want. I’d love to get a quote from you for an article I’m doing for the Prophet about today’s event. “ He glanced back at Mariel and grinned, yes working again wasn’t he. She had a camera, well that worked even though he did have his own that he had been taking pictures to go with the article. “Oh you have? I can’t wait to see them.” He grinned towards her and then back at Isa.
She was going to hold the bat, he was going to let her hold the bat. Eeeep! She clapped in excitement. This was the greatest day ever and this man was awesome! Taking the bat in her hands, “Gracious” Looking towards her uncle she beamed as she saw Auntie Mariel. In very quick rambling Spanish of hyper excitement she pointed towards the bat, ‘ “Look I get to hold a bat, Auntie Mariel he’s letting me hold his bat!” Her brown eyes turned to the man again and she was showing her how to old it. The seven year old put her hands like he was showing, “Like this?” she said in slower English. She leaned against him and smiled towards her Auntie and Uncle for the picture.
SPOILER!!: Beck, Cam, Ash
Originally Posted by Beck
Then a person that must work in the game and sports department showed up. It seemed like she knew Wade. Beck gave her a friendly wave. "It's very nice of you and your department to think of this event. Bravo to all of you." Beck smiled.
Originally Posted by Cam
Just a short time later Vic showed up Cam gave her a smile and wave. "No problem. I've really enjoyed myself today." He talked to her already today and wouldn't take up much more of her time today. He knew how busy she was. This was something that he will remember for a long time in his career.
Originally Posted by Asher
The beater noticed one of the ministries games and sports person (Victoria) over by the table. "Its a pleasure to be here." Smile. Asher was surprised that he hadn't seen his sisters there. He would have loved to seen his nieces and nephew here, too! He understood too. That they had there on lives and families plus today was their birthday. So they were probably busy with that. He did owl then presents this morning like a good like brother.
As Victoria spoke to Wade she couldn’t help but smile at the others. Looking towards Beck first she nodded, “It is our pleasure. I’m glad you are all here and enjoying the day with us.” Her eyes turned to Cam as he spoke again. “I’m not following you like some stalkerish fan I promise.” chuckling as she smiled sweetly to him. Her focus went to another player, they were all so friendly, “I’m so glad. I hope you are all having a good time. Please make sure once you are done or if you need a break to see the rest of the events going on today.” Pulling out a team picture from her bag she smiled at them all, “Would you mind signing this photo for my son who couldn’t be here?” That would be great if they could.
Rucole Club Club|| film lyfe || mac and cheese queen|| *exits with trunkshot*
Text Cut: Ember xD and Mr. Quidditch Player <3
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
Text Cut: Ember and Manolo! :3
So... this was awkward. And Alec should know awkward: he was awkward.
The nineteen year old tilted his head and watched the two curiously. Did they know each other? It seemed like it. It was nice. Like... like old friends catching up. Maybe this was a reunion? Maybe. And the lady had nice hair, did she know? Not that he was staring, because... that would be creepy. But it was nice, the blue. He didn't think that he could pull it off. Nah! The dark brown was perfectly okay... right?
When he was finally introduced, Alec grinned at the woman (Ember). "You're not interrupting anything." Well... not really. Mr Quidditch Player was an interesting nickname. "Hey! It's nice to meet you too. Call me Alec," he said, holding out his hand for her. Because she might not appreciate hugs from a stranger.
His grey-blue eyes flew back to Manolo when the man started talking again. Wow? "Wow is right," he said, ruffling his own hair, "Didn't think I'd get this far but... yeah. This is great!" The early morning practices were... not. Definitely not. "That's good to hear. How are things at the Ministry?"
The conversation turning to Awar made the former Hufflepuff's heart hurt. Why? Because she was all the way in France and seeing her wasn't possible. "Well... yeah, it's good that she's good. Do you think she has lots of friends over there? Are you able to see her often?" He had a lot of questions. Ones that he could ask later because right now, the other former Hufflepuff was being awesome. "That's really nice of her, you know." Really. Mental notes to give her hugs was happening.
Meanwhile, Alec picked up a quill and wrote down the following:
Originally Posted by kayquilz
Ember thought Manolo was SO nice, to stop and talk to her regardless of what he was doing. But they were supposed to mingle, right?! SHe couldn't remember what exactly Manolo did, but whatever! That was okay! Hehe. She blushed a little and bowed her head at him. "I'm good--out and about--I thought I'd check this out even though I am not BIG into Quidditch, but I'd love to go to the games--they seem so fun! And it would be fun to have a team that you follow--and stuff--" she bounced a little and glanced at the guy he was talking to. He was a little cutie, wasn't he?! Hehe. She had brought a little book to get some autographs--she'd have to do her research later and see if she had gotten anyone good! And if not--she had made some player feel all great because GIVING AN AUTOGRAPH HAD TO FEEL GREAT. And Ember wanted everrrrryone to feel great!
OOooh a hand! She beamed and shook his hand back--wow-handshakes! She hardly gave them but--so friendly! Such warm fuzzies! Ah! She could tell he was eyeing her hair, and she didn't know whether he liked it or not--and she sort of played with it for a minute because most people so far at the ministry didn't like it, and she wished people would be more open-minded to COLOR, yo! "I'm Ember--nice to meet you! " she said, with a crooked grin.
Oh! He had a little girlfriend! Awww! SO CUTE EMBER COULD DIE. Love was amazing! It really was! She couldn't help it--SHE HUGGED THEM BOTH AND SQUEE-ED. "Aw! I don't know you two but you're SO cute! Stay together forever and make the world happy!" she cried.
What had gotten into her?!
Manolo grinned at Ember, "Yeah, its nice to have a team to follow. Gives you a sense of pride at games, y'know?" He looked down at his shirt, tugging at the bottom of it. "My team is Puddlemere United," He said, gesturing to the other team with a nod of his head. "But, when the Tornadoes have someone as great as Alec, here, it's hard to have a favorite." The 23 year-old reached over to ruffle the quidditch player's hair with a smile. He can have pride for sister's friends too!! He turned back to Ember, "If you find one, let me know and we can attend a game together!" Merlin knows he needs to get out more.
"Alec," Nolo began, straightening himself out and puffing out his chest. Yes, inspirational words were coming. "You are here for a reason, dude. Don't you ever doubt your talent. Awar and I know you are destined for greatness if you haven't already achieved it, kid, and we expect invitations when you get inducted into the Quidditch Hall of Fame." LOL that last one was obviously him kidding. An invite would be nice, though.
He watched him scribble words down on the poster, "Things at the Ministry are great. We had a little pest problem awhile, but that's all good now. Also met this one," The man patted Ember on the back gently, "She's a new addition to our department."
Talking about Awar made them both sad, he supposed. It was being shown the boy's face. "She doesn't really say, to be honest, but I'm sure she does!" Well, he at least hoped she did. "Saw her a bit around Christmas break, but mainly just communicate through letters." The Black descendant smiled as he ran over the little passage Alec had written on the poster, "Thanks a lot, mate. She'll love it."
People were pushing and shoving now at the Tornadoes tent. At his side, it seemed that Alec's girlfriend was there, now. She was really pretty. The kid had it all, huh? Manolo thought he'd ought to move out of the way, so she can get in and get some time with him before it got too hectic. "Thanks again!" He yelled as he got sucked into the crowd, "GOOD LUCK!!"
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
SPOILER!!: Alec! (and some Ruby)
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
And yeah, that big smile was for her. It was natural instinct, you know. It made him happy to see that she was happy. Which... she was, right? He didn't have any gummy worms on him but he did have hugs, which she was coming for. Pity there were people here, which meant no kisses.
"I..." Merlin, Ella Bishop, did you have to say that?! Pretty and a superstar and... a very sheepish expression crossed the nineteen year old's face. It just wasn't true, yeah? He was still the same Alec Summers. "You shouldn't tease, Bishop. It's not nice."
"It's nice to meet you too, Ruby." He could call her that, right? Probably. She seemed sweet enough, from what Alec could tell. At least she wasn't one of those crazy fangirls he had been warned about. She seemed normal enough too, even if it was a little... flirty...? The nineteen year old could never tell with these--
... ... Well this was new.
The thing about crazy fangirls? ... Was she one or...? Because all of a sudden, skin was showing. Tummy skin. And the former Hufflepuff didn't know what to say or do about from blink a couple of times before looking over at his teammates slowly. She had a good question: which Tornado was going to step up and sign the girl's waist? Erm...?
Was it going to be him?
It was going to be him.
Picking up a Sharpie -- quills could hurt the girl's... skin -- Alec scooted a little closer towards Ruby. It was probably a good thing that she was sitting on the table and that he was bending closer to her waist so that he could try and mask just how flustered he was. Stay cool, Summers. Stay cool.
Scribble... scribble... scribble...
There. The words 'Stay awesome' along with his signature had been scribbled on the right side of her belly button. "What do you think?" he asked, leaning away again and putting the cap on the Sharpie back again.
"I'm always nice." Ask anyone. GRIN! Besides, she wasn't teasing, not really. He was awfully pretty and he was a superstar. Did he see his fans because she did. Hard to miss, actually. Especially the one in particular. Ella's amusement was quickly curbed and she averted her eyes, shifting uncomfortably. She thought it was adorable that Alec got to sign autographs and everything but what ever happened to signing t-shirts and photos, hm? Just...yeah. She'd wait over here until that was over and look for another distraction like--
Hi Asher.
SPOILER!!: Asher
Originally Posted by Saraie
He looked up when a familiar looking blonde showed up. Ella!
He grinned. Sure he still seen her around and stuff most because of Alec. "Hey, Ella. So nice of you to come and get my autograph." He said with a small chuckle. No he knew why she was here. It was always great to see ellephant. .
"I'm a big fan, Romalotti. You're quite scary with that bat of yours." Ella smiled and fished around in her bag distractedly, pulling out some gummy worms. "Hungry?" She'd just leave the bag in case, yeah?
SPOILER!!: lol Ember and being squished
Originally Posted by kayquilz
Oh! He had a little girlfriend! Awww! SO CUTE EMBER COULD DIE. Love was amazing! It really was! She couldn't help it--SHE HUGGED THEM BOTH AND SQUEE-ED. "Aw! I don't know you two but you're SO cute! Stay together forever and make the world happy!" she cried.
What had gotten into her?! [/COLOR]
But then hugs were happening. Ella's eyebrows raised but she didn't fight it, mostly because there was an Alec somewhere in this hug and she figured she could steal him after this. Blushing was happening too, just saying. No one was watching this, right?
"I...erm thanks?" Sheepish Ellaphant was sheepish and hoping Alec had something more eloquent to say because the nineteen year old was sort of at a loss.
...The world, though? Interesting woman, really.
SPOILER!!: Ethan and Minnie and Fam
Originally Posted by emjay
First there was a lady (Ella) waving at him and he gave her a little up and down wave in return, like Mommy taught him how to wave back when people did that. And then.. Uncle Alec? He heard Mommy say that name before and this man looked a little bit familiar. He was smiling big which made Gunnar smile a big toothy grin back at him too. But he still wanted out of this stroller.
There were a couple people Ethan had wanted to say hello to that he thought might be in the Autograph Tent and this table in particular was the obvious first stop, he figured. A couple of their friends who had recently graduated had gotten signed to the Tornados and so they'd go see Alec and Wade first. It did seem that the further they walked, however, the more restless Gunnar became. Tired of being confined in the stroller maybe, but there really were too many people out for him to just be running around. The stroller was the easiest though maybe he'd carry him for a little bit to see if that change might appease him.
"You just want out of there, don't you buddy?" he chuckled as he heard him whining then spotted Gunnar reaching his body over the front of the stroller. Ethan returned Minerva's grin, chuckling a bit as she pretended to be a random avid fan, then he reached down to pull their son out of the stroller, doing his best to balance him on his hip. "Hi Ella," he nodded to her as she greeted them all. "Should have figured we'd see you here," he added with a grin. She and Alec had been pretty inseparable back in school, he wondered if that was still true.
He grinned back at Alec who seemed pretty excited to see them there and he readjusted Gunnar in his arms as the boy reached for the ground. "Hey Alec.. we're doing well.. and yourself?" Of course he'd let Min speak on how she herself was doing after the accident though he knew she had been recovering fine, and it was really nice to ask. Did they have something for them to sign? He kind of glanced at Min wondering if she had thought of that, then looked to the diaper bag at the back of the stroller thinking they had put their camera in there. "You wanted a picture?" He could probably juggle Gunnar a bit to reach it. And Wade in it of course too..
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Seeing and hearing Ella, Min turned towards her a bit more. “Ella, hello. How are you doing? Having fun today?” She hadn’t seen her since Gunnar’s birthday and hoped she was doing well at Uni and things. Not that anyone could really see her, her little world had been keeping her at home and she was easily forgotten in the world of the busy.
Looking back towards Ethan at his words she beamed even more. “Yes actually a few if that’s alright.” She looked at both men, Ethan for taking a few pictures and Alec if he was alright taking a few. “I’d love to get one of him and the kids if we can get Gunnar to stay still long enough, then one of maybe one of all of us.” Was that alright with both of them? She hoped at least. “Want to take your niece for a picture?” If he was busy she knew they could get pictures with him at anytime though. [/COLOR]
Gunnar was growing up fast and Ella couldn't help but grin when the little one returned her wave. The smile widened at the little guy's reaction to seeing Alec and her heart just about melted, Merlin. Little kids tended to have that effect on her.
"Couldn't miss Alec's big signing," the blonde said cheerfully, green eyes landing on Ethan. He looked so at ease being a dad and it was nice, him and Min's little family. Ella was starting to think she'd like that someday with-- BLUSH! Not someday soon but yeah. "He's getting big, huh?" More smiles for the little man. Hiiii buddy.
As for Minnie's questions, Ella smiled and shrugged. "I'm okay. Uni is taking up all my time but it's nice, keeping busy." And it helped with the missing Alec and missing home. "You?" Also, "This is great. It's nice seeing some many familiar faces here."
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Text Cut: Ohmygosh XD Ember + hugging!
Originally Posted by kayquilz
OOooh a hand! She beamed and shook his hand back--wow-handshakes! She hardly gave them but--so friendly! Such warm fuzzies! Ah! She could tell he was eyeing her hair, and she didn't know whether he liked it or not--and she sort of played with it for a minute because most people so far at the ministry didn't like it, and she wished people would be more open-minded to COLOR, yo! "I'm Ember--nice to meet you! " she said, with a crooked grin.
Oh! He had a little girlfriend! Awww! SO CUTE EMBER COULD DIE. Love was amazing! It really was! She couldn't help it--SHE HUGGED THEM BOTH AND SQUEE-ED. "Aw! I don't know you two but you're SO cute! Stay together forever and make the world happy!" she cried.
What had gotten into her?!
Ember. "It's great to meet you too, Ember!" he said, matching her beam with a grin of his own as he shook her hand. Maybe it was just the excitement in the atmosphere that was making him grin so much. That, or the good company. "You a big fan of Quidditch?" That was why she was here, right?
... ... Erm...? What even...?
There was squealing and hugging and Alec... didn't know what to do. Yet again. He didn't mind the hug, but the woman's words made the nineteen year old turn a little red in the face. Was she implying what he thought she was implying? Because if so, this was officially awkward. "I... thanks! It's nice to know that something like that would make the world happy." The whole world? That was... yeah, that was a lot.
Yep. Awkward. It was just a good thing that she hadn't mentioned babies.
Text Cut: Beck!
Originally Posted by DinosaursOnASpaceship
The twenty-eight year had come prepared, well with water bottles that he got front he muggle store. She had about three or so. Beck took the other two water bottles out of his back pockets. "I actually went to the wrong tent because there were so many people that I never saw the sign." Beck chuckled. That really embarrassed him to even talk about it. This was a great time when wearing jeans really came in handy. He hoped that he had dressed alright because he had no idea what to wear.
"I went to some muggle store before I got here. Want one?"
Beck went to the wrong tent? Alec wasn't surprised. Not that he thought Beck was the type of person; it was more... anyone would get lost, thanks to the crowd. "There are a lot of people here, aren't there?" Good on the people who had organised all of this. Really. "I didn't know it would be such a popular event." Was that naive of him? Probably. "It's a good thing you managed to find the place."
Was he... was he offering him a water bottle? "I... really? Yeah! If you have any spare?"
Text Cut: Gunnar, Ethan, Minnie!
Originally Posted by emjay
Gunnar finished up the last of his cookie as he was being pushed into a place with lots of people, blue eyes taking them all in. Mommy had already taken Chloe out of the stroller, he wanted out too. And as soon as the stroller came to a stop, the 16 month old reached his body forward, trying to climb out. It did not make him very happy that he was strapped in and his efforts were rather futile. "Ahh.. AHHH!" he whined in protest until Mommy bent down and was talking. His eyes locked on to hers for a moment, then he craned his neck to try to see who she was talking to next.
First there was a lady (Ella) waving at him and he gave her a little up and down wave in return, like Mommy taught him how to wave back when people did that. And then.. Uncle Alec? He heard Mommy say that name before and this man looked a little bit familiar. He was smiling big which made Gunnar smile a big toothy grin back at him too. But he still wanted out of this stroller.
There were a couple people Ethan had wanted to say hello to that he thought might be in the Autograph Tent and this table in particular was the obvious first stop, he figured. A couple of their friends who had recently graduated had gotten signed to the Tornados and so they'd go see Alec and Wade first. It did seem that the further they walked, however, the more restless Gunnar became. Tired of being confined in the stroller maybe, but there really were too many people out for him to just be running around. The stroller was the easiest though maybe he'd carry him for a little bit to see if that change might appease him.
"You just want out of there, don't you buddy?" he chuckled as he heard him whining then spotted Gunnar reaching his body over the front of the stroller. Ethan returned Minerva's grin, chuckling a bit as she pretended to be a random avid fan, then he reached down to pull their son out of the stroller, doing his best to balance him on his hip. "Hi Ella," he nodded to her as she greeted them all. "Should have figured we'd see you here," he added with a grin. She and Alec had been pretty inseparable back in school, he wondered if that was still true.
He grinned back at Alec who seemed pretty excited to see them there and he readjusted Gunnar in his arms as the boy reached for the ground. "Hey Alec.. we're doing well.. and yourself?" Of course he'd let Min speak on how she herself was doing after the accident though he knew she had been recovering fine, and it was really nice to ask. Did they have something for them to sign? He kind of glanced at Min wondering if she had thought of that, then looked to the diaper bag at the back of the stroller thinking they had put their camera in there. "You wanted a picture?" He could probably juggle Gunnar a bit to reach it. And Wade in it of course too..
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Minerva couldn’t help the smile as she saw Alec look up and say their names. “Hi Alec” She wanted to hug him, but was that allowed? Plus she had her hands full with Chloe all snuggled against her. “Oh stop, you’ve been an amazing player from the start and what type of sister would I be if I didn’t support you, but I always knew you’d be a pro one day.” She was proud, could he tell? Looking over to Ethan as he held Gunnar and greeted Alec and then answered she had to agree they were doing well. “Everything is going great. Everyone is adjusting wonderfully and Gunnar is so sweet to his little sister.” He tried to be a bit rough at times, but he was just a baby himself still so no one could blame him.
Seeing and hearing Ella, Min turned towards her a bit more. “Ella, hello. How are you doing? Having fun today?” She hadn’t seen her since Gunnar’s birthday and hoped she was doing well at Uni and things. Not that anyone could really see her, her little world had been keeping her at home and she was easily forgotten in the world of the busy.
Looking back towards Ethan at his words she beamed even more. “Yes actually a few if that’s alright.” She looked at both men, Ethan for taking a few pictures and Alec if he was alright taking a few. “I’d love to get one of him and the kids if we can get Gunnar to stay still long enough, then one of maybe one of all of us.” Was that alright with both of them? She hoped at least. “Want to take your niece for a picture?” If he was busy she knew they could get pictures with him at anytime though.
The pride that Minnie showed? Yeah... Alec liked that. He liked it a lot. It was always something he aimed for, making people proud. He didn't know if many people understood it but he certainly did. "You've been a really great support, you know." Yep. From giving advice to being proud. "So thanks! Really. I appreciate it all." It was nice to know that the McCarthys were doing well. Really. And he approved of Ethan, you know? Dude wasn't scary... no! And seemed to keep Minnie happy. Good. "I'm really glad. You two look like you're adjusting really well to things." Two kids and Minnie was only a year older than him! "I'm great! This whole event is a blast! I... didn't expect there to be so many people." He was going to end up saying that a lot, wasn't he?
That big, toothy grin from Gunnar? That was going to be one of the highlights of today, so far. Why? Because it was a sign that the little boy actually recognised him! HIM! It even made Alec wave enthusiastically at the boy. "Being an awesome big brother already, Gunnar?" He approved. Maybe he could tell the boy about his rules so that Gunnar could say it to Chloe one day.
And then there was talk about pictures! Alec listened out to what the couple had to say, nodding here and there. He liked the idea of pictures -- his hair looked okay, right? -- and a picture with everyone sounded like an even better idea. But not as good as... "Yeah, I can take Chloe!" he said, grinning widely and holding out his arms. He got to hold his niece!
Text Cut: Cameron!
[QUOTE=Saraie;11637782]Cameron just chuckled as a particaly excited fan walked up to the Torandoes table. Apparently a Big fan of Alec's. The chaser turned and looked at Alec. With a chuckle "I see that mate, but it looks like your her favorite." Wink... Just kidding Alec had a girl. Seriously he loved his teammates. He quickly glanced around for Rae was she here yet or not? Or was she even coming?
Ruby... had been loud, hadn't she? Because now the whole team knew the midriff showing girl to call him her favourite fan. Sheepish Summers was sheepish. Regardless of this, he ended up chuckling as well and shaking his head. "Looks like it. You think any more fans will come?" The table was quite crowded already but... you never know, right?
Text Cut: Asher!
Originally Posted by Saraie
The more the day continued the more Asher missed his family at home. But he was having a good time with his teammates and the fans. And they seem to be having a good time too. One was totally fangirling over Alec. He grinned over at Summers. "You a
Have a fan there, bro." He could always picture this day with his bro.
Trust his bro to make him even more sheepish. Maybe this was a Seeker thing. He didn't understand it but for some reason, Seekers got a lot of glory. They were also the ones that were targeted the most during matches so this Seeker was glad that this Beater was a brilliant one. "Seems like it, yeah," he said, grinning at the former Slytherin, "Are Adeline and the kids coming?"
Text Cut: Manolo!
Originally Posted by Awarlesta Black
Manolo grinned at Ember, "Yeah, its nice to have a team to follow. Gives you a sense of pride at games, y'know?" He looked down at his shirt, tugging at the bottom of it. "My team is Puddlemere United," He said, gesturing to the other team with a nod of his head. "But, when the Tornadoes have someone as great as Alec, here, it's hard to have a favorite." The 23 year-old reached over to ruffle the quidditch player's hair with a smile. He can have pride for sister's friends too!! He turned back to Ember, "If you find one, let me know and we can attend a game together!" Merlin knows he needs to get out more.
"Alec," Nolo began, straightening himself out and puffing out his chest. Yes, inspirational words were coming. "You are here for a reason, dude. Don't you ever doubt your talent. Awar and I know you are destined for greatness if you haven't already achieved it, kid, and we expect invitations when you get inducted into the Quidditch Hall of Fame." LOL that last one was obviously him kidding. An invite would be nice, though.
He watched him scribble words down on the poster, "Things at the Ministry are great. We had a little pest problem awhile, but that's all good now. Also met this one," The man patted Ember on the back gently, "She's a new addition to our department."
Talking about Awar made them both sad, he supposed. It was being shown the boy's face. "She doesn't really say, to be honest, but I'm sure she does!" Well, he at least hoped she did. "Saw her a bit around Christmas break, but mainly just communicate through letters." The Black descendant smiled as he ran over the little passage Alec had written on the poster, "Thanks a lot, mate. She'll love it."
People were pushing and shoving now at the Tornadoes tent. At his side, it seemed that Alec's girlfriend was there, now. She was really pretty. The kid had it all, huh? Manolo thought he'd ought to move out of the way, so she can get in and get some time with him before it got too hectic. "Thanks again!" He yelled as he got sucked into the crowd, "GOOD LUCK!!"
There were a lot of compliments being flung his way and Alec didn't know how to take it. He was going to look like he had slept with a coat hanger in his mouth by the end of this. THAT was how much he was grinning. And he grinned even more at the hair ruffle from Manolo. Hair ruffles, you know? They were great!
Before he got too accustomed to it, though, there... was a speech coming? Yeah? Alec could feel it. He didn't know why but he found it a little hard to take the man seriously with the puffed out chest action. It was just... it was funny, yeah? Yeah. His plan on trying hard not to laugh ended up failing when the man mentioned something about the Quidditch Hall of Fame. WAS there such a thing? "You'll get invites as long as you come and have pizza or ice cream once in a while." No pressure. "And thanks for the wise words, Yoda. That means a lot to me." Really. Nodnod.
"Oh... yeah, I heard about the pest problem." Chizpurfles, was it? "It's great that everything's okay now. Must have been a real pain to have those creatures there." Hadn't they been locked out, too? Yeah... pain. But he had made friends, it seemed. "Looks like something good came out of the infestation. You made a new friend!" Bright side? He thought so!
She didn't say. Could this be something he asked her in the next owl he sent to the girl? Yeah. For the time being, the former Hufflepuff nodded at Manolo before saying, "She's really friendly, I'd be surprised if she didn't have any friends." It was true! He remembered how hey had met, too. Back in the Great Hall at the sleepover. "That's nice that you get to see her. She must miss you lots." He didn't... understand their whole situation but... he wasn't going to ask. "Anytime! Tell her I said hey!"
... Wait... was Manolo leaving?! Could he stay? No? "Thanks for coming, Manolo!" he called, waving and smiling at the man, "And thanks!" For the luck. Merlin knows, he'd probably need it.
Text Cut: Ells!
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
"I'm always nice." Ask anyone. GRIN! Besides, she wasn't teasing, not really. He was awfully pretty and he was a superstar. Did he see his fans because she did. Hard to miss, actually. Especially the one in particular. Ella's amusement was quickly curbed and she averted her eyes, shifting uncomfortably. She thought it was adorable that Alec got to sign autographs and everything but what ever happened to signing t-shirts and photos, hm? Just...yeah. She'd wait over here until that was over and look for another distraction like--
Hi Asher.
She was always nice? That was true. Yeah. It was why everyone had wanted to be friends with her back at Hogwarts. Minus Lottie."Not when you're teasing me," he said, sticking out his tongue at her because... he was that mature. And she did tease him quite a bit. Or... well... used her charm, as he liked to put it. He did remember their failed attempt at studying for their NEWTs together, you know.
And... he noticed that. The shifting and just... the uncomfortableness. It made him reach out for her hand and kiss the back of it before she could take it away in protest. Cheer up, fun-sized girlfriend.
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Marilyn just knew she was going to have a time with her child today. Just. Knew. It.
For one, there were a bunch of people crowding this venue. It was like openly inviting Miss Liv to play mass Hide and Seek. Precautions had been taken, of course, in the event she got ideas. And Merlin knew, she would.
...buuuuuut given that she didn't allow Olivia to fly (or go near brooms), her being a proper fan was hardly dangerous. Especially since her uncle and father played...and would be signing autographs today. They were almost required to make an appearance. She wanted to have words with her brother, anyway.
Entering the gigantic tent, the blond immediately clasped a hand on her daughter's shoulder. Not. So. Fast.
"Where did you want to start?" SQUEEEEE!
She obviously wanted to start at the Magpies table...because Alice Fischer played for them. She needed to MEET Alice Fischer before she did anything else today. Olivia had told her mum a zillion times already this morning. Especially over pancakes, because she always bothered her mum about things over breakfast. Obviously, she wanted to see her daddy and Uncle Ash, too...but she also seen them allllll times.
"Alice, mum. Pleeeeease."
UGH....She wished Chloe was here with her. SHE'D UNDERSTAND...Alice was a princess. SHE WAS.
Oh...OOOOOH...and they were walking in that direction. EEEEEEEP. AND THEY WERE IN LINE. Couldn't they go any faaaaaster?!?!?!?
Olivia was practically bouncing in place, awaiting her turn...not at all patient. EEEEEEEP.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
Marilyn just knew she was going to have a time with her child today. Just. Knew. It.
For one, there were a bunch of people crowding this venue. It was like openly inviting Miss Liv to play mass Hide and Seek. Precautions had been taken, of course, in the event she got ideas. And Merlin knew, she would.
...buuuuuut given that she didn't allow Olivia to fly (or go near brooms), her being a proper fan was hardly dangerous. Especially since her uncle and father played...and would be signing autographs today. They were almost required to make an appearance. She wanted to have words with her brother, anyway.
Entering the gigantic tent, the blond immediately clasped a hand on her daughter's shoulder. Not. So. Fast.
"Where did you want to start?" SQUEEEEE!
She obviously wanted to start at the Magpies table...because Alice Fischer played for them. She needed to MEET Alice Fischer before she did anything else today. Olivia had told her mum a zillion times already this morning. Especially over pancakes, because she always bothered her mum about things over breakfast. Obviously, she wanted to see her daddy and Uncle Ash, too...but she also seen them allllll times.
"Alice, mum. Pleeeeease."
UGH....She wished Chloe was here with her. SHE'D UNDERSTAND...Alice was a princess. SHE WAS.
Oh...OOOOOH...and they were walking in that direction. EEEEEEEP. AND THEY WERE IN LINE. Couldn't they go any faaaaaster?!?!?!?
Olivia was practically bouncing in place, awaiting her turn...not at all patient. EEEEEEEP.
Ariana wanted food, she did and she was heading in that general direction with Xaria in tow wrapped up in a blanket. The child didn't like being cold not in the slightest, plus Ari thought maybe she'd fall asleep in her arms if she was covered. She looked down and stroked her child's cheek with her thumb as she weaved through the crown. "go to sleep, princess. it---"Thoughts were interrupted as she heard a voice.. a very familiar child's voice. Turning to her left she blew some of her black hair from her face as she smiled wide. "Marilyn!!" She was waiting in a line but Ariana really didn't care as she shifted the child in her arms and bounced over to the older former Slytherin. "Liv, you look precious." So cute!
[QUOTE=Bazinga;11637490]This was just so exciting! The seven year old zoomed into the tents, where had her mommy went? Well it didn't matter she had found Uncle Jorge and had his hand pulling him around. He knew the players, right? Being from Spain she didn't know them all that well, but they were professional players and she wanted all their autographs! There was the wasp again, the Spanish girl beamed and waved at him before heading to a table of players.
"Hola!" in her excitement she forgot to use English and rambled about autographs and pictures and how she loved quidditch. Things that the player probably couldn't even understand, but she bounced and looked eagerly up at him.
Jorge was more than thrilled to see his older sister and his seven year old niece had come to surprise his fiance at her big event. It was the sweetest thing and now he was being pulled around by a seven year old that had him wrapped around her little finger since the day she was born. Jorge hadn't been one that let women walk all over him, but this one, she could do no wrong.
So as they moved into a tent and went up to the first player she saw he chuckled, "Hello, I'm sorry, my niece doesn't speak much English, but she is super excited. Could you sign an autograph for her and a picture possibly?" This could be a good reason to get a quote for the article as well, "I work for the Daily Prophet, wouldn't want to give me a quote about how the days been going would you?" He needed to keep work even if his focus ed moved to fun with Isa. /QUOTE]
Watching all the other players reunite with their old friends and fans, Arthur wondered if his friends from France would come visit. Pffff, of course not, they would not even know he had become a professional player. Looking back to the front, he found with a jolt that there was someone in front of the table. A KID. "Er.. Hola?" Arthur replied. That was hello, right? But what she said next meant absolutely nothing to him.
Help came fast! A man was pulled into the tent along with the girl. Wait, what if he starts talking Spanish too? The nineteen-year-old mentally sighed in relief before concentrating on his first fans. He nodded, listening. He could definitely tell that the girl was excited, and gave her a nervous smile. "Sure-o." Arthur picked up his quill. "Could you ask her whether she wants something specific written?" He asked, pausing. Yep he was nice.
Before he could get to the photograph part, the man said something that made the Chase look up in surprise. He wanted a quote? From Arthur? Merlin. Glancing at the other famous players at the other tables before saying, "It has been a fantastic day, meeting fans and interacting with them. It was good to know that there are so many fans that love Quidditch and support the teams." Ugh that sucked.
∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe
Originally Posted by kayquilz
Iwin smirked. She was younger than he was, he thought, and she was married! It didn't weird him out or anything, just...well, he felt like he needed to get a move on now! Ugh. His parents wanted grandchildren...and all that fun stuff...his father wanted an heir for him...
But Iwin just wanted to enjoy his time and meet someone in the NORMAL way, y'know? He sighed at the thought and ruffled his hair some more. It was probably all weird and puffy now, but pffft. He didn't care. "Ah, she will love it. And I'll be her favorite cousin for a little while.." it didn't much with Ed, though. She was nice. Generally more friendly than he was, though he was being very good today, yep.
He eyed the little wasp and thought it was so cute! He laughed. "Yes! I want one--or two--or whatever you want to draw--I'm not just saying, that, either, I just...I like Quidditch. I want EVERYONE'S autograph!" he said, sounding a looooottttt excited! Hehe.
"I know alllllll about being the favourite cousin. Mine love me much more now I went pro." And now that she made sure they each got tickets to games at least once a year. For most of them, that was the only time she actually saw them, and even still...she'd once hit a bludger so hart it actually smacked into a cousins arm and broke it. (And it had been wonderful, because she'd gotten married first and that was rude of her) "So how old is your cousin?" Was she one of the baby kids? Would she want a plastic bat? She really needed to stop wanting to plug these all the time. Plastic bats with her name on.
Well, her father's. Barnard. Their surname. Thing. Maybe. Deeeeetails.
"What's your name, chickpea?" Who was she making this second one out to? She left a space for his name and wrote a super happy message for him telling him she would one day be his favourite player, and drew three wasps and a couple of hearts. Because he was going to love the Wasps - geddit?
Originally Posted by Cassirin
That wasp thing was giving Camden the stink eye, and he pulled some not-very-polite faces in response. We're not threatening your claim on the pretty Quidditch players, mate. We're just talking here. Just. Talking.
Buzz off. He should tell the bloke to buzz off. It was possibly the only time EVER that it would be both literal and punny to say so.
But his attention was drawn back to Montague, who was willing to flirt a bit. That was always appreciated. Not everyone was a sport about these things. "Camden, actually. It's 'Camden-not-Montague', but my mates just call me Camden." He smiled a bit, only half smirk 'cause she didn't look like the type who appreciated smirkers.
What could she do for him? Run away with him? Fly off into the sunset on the back of her very high priced professional Quidditch broom. Which, honestly, he'd rather have, because hello, resale value. "I thought I might ask you to sign my face, but it's the only face I've got, you see? What else d'you have?" Like what else was there for her to sign, since he'd obviously only come in with a bratty little sister. And no one wanted to sign HER.
Totally ignoring any sort of exchange with Sting and Camden-not-Montague, Kai rested her elbow on the table and her chin in her hand, only to smile. Well, he was a hoot! She'd have laughed right then, but she was exceptionally conscious of the fact she snorted when she was genuinely amused - like right now. But she wasn't his 'mate', and so she'd call him by his "full name". "Well then, Camden-not-Montague, if it's only one face you have.. I'll have to sign your arm or leg. I also sign shoes." Because he clearly hadn't brought something with him. However, she would have been perfectly fine with signing his face. With something permanent, too. That way he'd never forget his Kaia experience. (xoxoxoxo)
"You could always have a plastic bat that I was saving for the kiddies. I'll sign one of those for you if you promise to write me some awesome fan mail." Okay, so she wouldn't even be checking or expecting fan mail, but if she could convince someone to send her some? Hell yea, she was gonna try. Attention was nice. It wasn't like Chandler read her stuff anyway. She read most of it in the locker room or when she was at the park with the kids.
Caroline had already had it with her daughter this morning already. Phillip on the other hand was always so well behaved for her. And always helped her out. After many threats of "We're not going if you keep it". Her six year old finely got her act together. Or enough where they could go out in public without Kat making a seen. She had been a total wild child this morning. Jumping and running around the house and on everything that was going to work at a public event.
So she took the kids to the park before coming here to get some of Kat's energy out. It had worked for the most part. Except for Kat deciding to get into the creek up to her knees in the water. Over the years the blonde had learn to carry extra sets of clothes around for both of her kids. They always ended up need them at some point. Especially her two.
It would be so strange not seeing Jonny at the tornados table. But at lease she got to see Asher. Since she didn't spend that much time with the team anymore she never seen Asher anymore. They really needed to talk. So many people here Caroline grabbed Kat's hand. She looked around for a sign of Marilyn and Liv. Spotting them and steered her family over toward her sister and niece. "Mar, Liv." She called out to them
Why did they go to the park before coming here? She hated to break it to her mom but she still had a lot of energy left. Mom would see. There were so many people here now. Now they would have to stand in long lines and be bored. While everyone else got famous quidditch players autographs.
She wanted Alice Fischers autograph because she was pretty even when she was playing. She also wanted Selina Skylers because she was a beast or that's what she heard someone say. And Ellie Stone the bestest seeker ever. And of course Carter!!! And uncle Asher.
Why was mum dragging her away from the players. "Mummmmm the players are that way." That way, she wiggled her hand out of her moms hand and was planning a mad dash back to the players tables. But a flash of familiar blonde hair caught her eyes. "Livy!" It was Livy. She ran to her cousin holding out her arms and hugged her when she got to her. Giggle.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
Text Cut: Louisa and Paulie!
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
Eyebrow quirk.
Louisa was surprised Alice and Paulie seemed to be... close? she didn't realize they even knew each other. But then again, she was technically away for four years. Lots could happen in four years. "You had cute cheek baby fat, don't get offended." Gryffindors.
"Fourteen isn't that far away." She rolled her eyes and averted her gaze momentarily to that sizziling hot Quidditch playah (Zoe's Colin). Oooh la laaaaa, she'd like HIM to autograph her, please, mhmmmmmm, look at that mature look.
...hmm? oh yeah, Alice was not bad to look at, either. hehe. "So, big girl Fischer, I'm sad to tell you that I'm not a Quidditch fan. I'm here to ask about Ellie and Max. Have you seen them?" SMIRK.
Originally Posted by Cedric
"IIIIII'll be your security," Paulie answered with a big, ol' wink. But now she was saying something about shutting up so she could sign..... she could sign.........?
Paulie was being cast aside, jilted, KICKED TO THE CURB so Alice could focus her attention on some CHILD. "Sign my what?" He asked, giving her a jumpercable on her one side to regain her attention. "Can I have anywhere signed?" Hmmmm? Alice ought to oblige her most avid fans.
And oh look. THERE was Louisa. Finally. Huh? Baby fat? He hadn't been paying attention to that part of their conversation, but he'd heard his name mentioned. "You an Alice Fischer fan, Helen?"
"I had no baby fat whatsoever." Psh. Psh. Her cheeks were fatless, thank you very much.
... but no, really, did she have chipmunk cheeks? Or did they look hollow? Was something wrong with them? Alice patted at her face subconsciously.
Fourteen definitely felt like far away, that was for sure. "I'm afraid I haven't seen either. But who'd need them when you've got ME? I'll even throw in a free hug for ya." Clearly, that was a joke, because she did not give out hugs. But she'd sign her face if Louisa wanted!
And speaking of signing.... she WOULD have autographed random paulie parts if he handed been jabbing her in the sides. Merlin. Did he know she was ticklish? Letting out a quiet stream of giggles before she could stop herself, Alice gave the guy a scowl. "Not anymore, you can't."
And pfft. Was she an Alice Fischer fan? "Everyone is an Alice Fischer fan." Truth.
Text Cut: Melanie!
Originally Posted by iBeJenn
Alice was right. What was Melanie going to do with a mold of her teeth anyways? She wasn't a muggle dentist. And even if she were to sell it to some quidditch fanatics it wouldn't be as easy as selling it online and no one in the muggle world knew what quidditch was. "Be sure to take care of those teeth. I don't want to see you in a few years because you bit a tough skinned person and lost a few," Melanie said seriously. Silver teeth was not attractive.
She looked at the quaffle and smiled. "Look at you, all official and the whatnot with your very own autograph. I'm so proud." Was she tearing up a little? Maybe but she wasn't going to admit it. It's been such a long time since she'd seen the little biter.
"We both know if I wanted to find a worse picture, I could," Melanie said with a grin, wiping away any tears she may have in her eyes. Crying was inappropriate. "I have pictures of you snuggling up next to Piggit if you wanna sign that next time." Because she had those. And Piggit was adorable.
Now... "Am I ever going to get a hug from my favorite quidditch player ever? Or do I have to keep waiting here?"
"Me? Lose teeth?" No, really. Was she crazy? Worriedly raising a hand to her jaw, Alice gave her a look. "They're all there, aren't they?"
Freaking her out for no reason was NOT cool. First Louisa, now Melanie. Merlin.
But her autograph was something to be proud of, and the eighteen year old found herself effectively distracted by it. "I practiced it for ages." She had, truly. The amount of parchment she wasted while doing it drove her grandmother nuts, too, but never mind that.
A good enough friend to ignore the watery eyes because no one liked it when their tears were pointed out (and also a little bit because Alice sucked at that 'there, there' stuff), she went back to frowning at the poster. "Couldn't you have used a REAL one?" Alice didn't find any photographs of hers particularly attractive, even the professional ones, but at least they'd be a little bit better than this. "And Piggit is private." Very private. Shh.
"A hug?" Paaaause. Alice sighed, pretending to be dragging about it when it was actually appreciated. Yes please. "Don't squeeze my guts out."
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
And was that THE Alice Fischer over there? Ella smiled and when she thought her Hulk was looking, she waaaaaved. HI HULK! HI!
Why, yes it WAS. In the flesh. Alice waaaved back, grinning at Ella and tossing in a wink for her boyfriend, too. Were they gonna come over here sometime or? 'Cause Alec's table was WAY too far away and had an absurd amount of fangirls surrounding it. All male team. Psh.
No way she was getting into that mob.
Text Cut: Olivia! And... Kat? Sorta? Idk, man.
Originally Posted by Govoni
Marilyn just knew she was going to have a time with her child today. Just. Knew. It.
For one, there were a bunch of people crowding this venue. It was like openly inviting Miss Liv to play mass Hide and Seek. Precautions had been taken, of course, in the event she got ideas. And Merlin knew, she would.
...buuuuuut given that she didn't allow Olivia to fly (or go near brooms), her being a proper fan was hardly dangerous. Especially since her uncle and father played...and would be signing autographs today. They were almost required to make an appearance. She wanted to have words with her brother, anyway.
Entering the gigantic tent, the blond immediately clasped a hand on her daughter's shoulder. Not. So. Fast.
"Where did you want to start?"
She obviously wanted to start at the Magpies table...because Alice Fischer played for them. She needed to MEET Alice Fischer before she did anything else today. Olivia had told her mum a zillion times already this morning. Especially over pancakes, because she always bothered her mum about things over breakfast. Obviously, she wanted to see her daddy and Uncle Ash, too...but she also seen them allllll times.
"Alice, mum. Pleeeeease."
UGH....She wished Chloe was here with her. SHE'D UNDERSTAND...Alice was a princess. SHE WAS.
Oh...OOOOOH...and they were walking in that direction. EEEEEEEP. AND THEY WERE IN LINE. Couldn't they go any faaaaaster?!?!?!?
Olivia was practically bouncing in place, awaiting her turn...not at all patient. EEEEEEEP.
Originally Posted by Saraie
Why did they go to the park before coming here? She hated to break it to her mom but she still had a lot of energy left. Mom would see. There were so many people here now. Now they would have to stand in long lines and be bored. While everyone else got famous quidditch players autographs.
She wanted Alice Fischers autograph because she was pretty even when she was playing. She also wanted Selina Skylers because she was a beast or that's what she heard someone say. And Ellie Stone the bestest seeker ever. And of course Carter!!! And uncle Asher.
Why was mum dragging her away from the players. "Mummmmm the players are that way." That way, she wiggled her hand out of her moms hand and was planning a mad dash back to the players tables. But a flash of familiar blonde hair caught her eyes. "Livy!" It was Livy. She ran to her cousin holding out her arms and hugged her when she got to her. Giggle.
And then there were... children.
For the love of garden gnomes, someone please tell her that the little girl there was here for Alexis. Colin? Even Brody, 'cause who didn't wanna play with a little boy as cute as he was? But... her? How were you supposed to handle... kids? Coaches needed to write manuals on this stuff.
ANOTHER tiny female ran up to greet the first, and Alice mentally cringed.
At least they hadn't spoken to her yet. So she just stared at her quill, trying to look busy and hoped another Magpie would come to her rescue. Thanks.
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Originally Posted by Saraie
Caroline had already had it with her daughter this morning already. Phillip on the other hand was always so well behaved for her. And always helped her out. After many threats of "We're not going if you keep it". Her six year old finely got her act together. Or enough where they could go out in public without Kat making a seen. She had been a total wild child this morning. Jumping and running around the house and on everything that was going to work at a public event.
So she took the kids to the park before coming here to get some of Kat's energy out. It had worked for the most part. Except for Kat deciding to get into the creek up to her knees in the water. Over the years the blonde had learn to carry extra sets of clothes around for both of her kids. They always ended up need them at some point. Especially her two.
It would be so strange not seeing Jonny at the tornados table. But at lease she got to see Asher. Since she didn't spend that much time with the team anymore she never seen Asher anymore. They really needed to talk. So many people here Caroline grabbed Kat's hand. She looked around for a sign of Marilyn and Liv. Spotting them and steered her family over toward her sister and niece. "Mar, Liv." She called out to them
Why did they go to the park before coming here? She hated to break it to her mom but she still had a lot of energy left. Mom would see. There were so many people here now. Now they would have to stand in long lines and be bored. While everyone else got famous quidditch players autographs.
She wanted Alice Fischers autograph because she was pretty even when she was playing. She also wanted Selina Skylers because she was a beast or that's what she heard someone say. And Ellie Stone the bestest seeker ever. And of course Carter!!! And uncle Asher.
Why was mum dragging her away from the players. "Mummmmm the players are that way." That way, she wiggled her hand out of her moms hand and was planning a mad dash back to the players tables. But a flash of familiar blonde hair caught her eyes. "Livy!" It was Livy. She ran to her cousin holding out her arms and hugged her when she got to her. Giggle.
Kat was so ANNOYING. A N N O Y I N G.
All that energy? Was it NECESSARY, KAT? They had to go to the park for some reason and it was all down to HER, he knew it. The seven year old just shook his head at his younger half-sister before looking up at his mum and grinning widely to show that she did have at least ONE sane child in the family. And HE appreciated the fact that they were going to go to--
Phillip's eyes were wide and staring around at EVERYTHING. This was a Quidditch event! Q U I D D I T C H! And he was in a room FULL of stars! It was a good thing he had brought his handy little notebook along for this. It was tiny and only had IMPORTANT things written in there, like a list of friends he had and a list of presents he wanted for his next birthday but he was sure he could spare a few pages for the STARS.
They were being steered in an unknown direction and all Phillip could do was STARE at everything. WHERE was mum taking them? To the famous people? Yes? No? He wanted to go and see THAT one over there but apparently, his mum and Kat had other ideas. SIGH. Being the little man in the family was difficult but he did a GOOD JOB. Self pats for you, Phillip Roma--
OH LOOK WHO IT WAS! "HEY Liv! It's nice to see you!" Big grin for the blonde one. Another big grin for the pretty Quidditch lady (Alice) over there while his clutch around his tiny notebook tightened. Hi.
And he shot Kat a weird look. STOP GIGGLING. It was WEIRD.
Ariana, Xaria, Caroline, Kat, Phillip, and Alice. <3
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
SPOILER!!: Ariana/Xaria!
Originally Posted by JennMarie
Ariana wanted food, she did and she was heading in that general direction with Xaria in tow wrapped up in a blanket. The child didn't like being cold not in the slightest, plus Ari thought maybe she'd fall asleep in her arms if she was covered. She looked down and stroked her child's cheek with her thumb as she weaved through the crown. "go to sleep, princess. it---"Thoughts were interrupted as she heard a voice.. a very familiar child's voice. Turning to her left she blew some of her black hair from her face as she smiled wide. "Marilyn!!" She was waiting in a line but Ariana really didn't care as she shifted the child in her arms and bounced over to the older former Slytherin. "Liv, you look precious." So cute!
Merlin, this energic child.
Marilyn could already tell this was going to be a long day for both of them...
...but THANKFULLY, apparently she had friends at this fiasco. So, Olivia could do her thing...and mommy could spend time with adults, which was so very rare. Like Ariana Logan...who now had a baby on her hip. The blond beamed at the now grown woman and then little Xaria. "Oh, she looks just like you, Ariana." Marilyn, of course, hadn't seen this Oakey boy...but he couldn't have been that terrible looking.
Congratulations, she supposed. "It's so good to see you...and this little one." Babies. Marilyn loved babies.
Olivia heard people speaking to her...but she only had eyes for Alice Fischer. Alice was so pretty!!....and she had BLUE eyes like her!! BLUE EYES. YAY! Not blond hair, obviously...but that was okay. She could still be a princess with brown hair...
SPOILER!!: Caroline/Kat!
Originally Posted by Saraie
Caroline had already had it with her daughter this morning already. Phillip on the other hand was always so well behaved for her. And always helped her out. After many threats of "We're not going if you keep it". Her six year old finely got her act together. Or enough where they could go out in public without Kat making a seen. She had been a total wild child this morning. Jumping and running around the house and on everything that was going to work at a public event.
So she took the kids to the park before coming here to get some of Kat's energy out. It had worked for the most part. Except for Kat deciding to get into the creek up to her knees in the water. Over the years the blonde had learn to carry extra sets of clothes around for both of her kids. They always ended up need them at some point. Especially her two.
It would be so strange not seeing Jonny at the tornados table. But at lease she got to see Asher. Since she didn't spend that much time with the team anymore she never seen Asher anymore. They really needed to talk. So many people here Caroline grabbed Kat's hand. She looked around for a sign of Marilyn and Liv. Spotting them and steered her family over toward her sister and niece. "Mar, Liv." She called out to them
Why did they go to the park before coming here? She hated to break it to her mom but she still had a lot of energy left. Mom would see. There were so many people here now. Now they would have to stand in long lines and be bored. While everyone else got famous quidditch players autographs.
She wanted Alice Fischers autograph because she was pretty even when she was playing. She also wanted Selina Skylers because she was a beast or that's what she heard someone say. And Ellie Stone the bestest seeker ever. And of course Carter!!! And uncle Asher.
Why was mum dragging her away from the players. "Mummmmm the players are that way." That way, she wiggled her hand out of her moms hand and was planning a mad dash back to the players tables. But a flash of familiar blonde hair caught her eyes. "Livy!" It was Livy. She ran to her cousin holding out her arms and hugged her when she got to her. Giggle.
...and look! It was her sister, niece, and nephew! Marilyn hadn't known they were coming out today...but she also supposed it was rather obvious now that she thought about it. Asher was present. The family would, of course, come out to support him. Sigh. Bless her and her frazzled nerves.
"Olivia is demanding to see this Fischer player."Scoff. BEFORE HER FATHER. It was so weird that Liv hadn't made a mad dash for the Puddlemere table. It was usually always like that. "...You look well. Where's Johnny?"
Kat had seen Liv and obviously had no words for her aunt. Phillip, neither. These kids. Inseparable. Merlin.
The only two people that could've pulled her away from THE ALICE FISCHER...were suddenly there doing just that. IT WAS A KAT. EEP. "KAT! YOU CAME!" Kat would understand about Princess Alice! SHE WOULD. "Kat!!! Loooook!!! IT'S ALICE FISCHER!!!"FLAAAAAAAILING.
.........AND Liv hadn't seen Phillip in FOOOOOREVER...BUT HE WAS HERE. And he'd said hello to her. Forgetting all about the quidditch players for a moment, Olivia flung herself at him. Yay cousins!!!
All her favorite people were here now...Aunt Carly, her mum, Phillip, Kat, Alice Fischer, her dad...Sniffle. Too bad Chloe was missing this. WHY HADN'T HER MUM BROUGHT HER?!
"Phillip, come with me to talk to Alice." She immediately locked hands with him, whether he liked it or not....and did the same with Kat's, because Kat wouldn't mind...and stepped up the table with BIG SHINING EYES!
"..........." Liv was simply staring at the woman, in awe. AWE. She was so pretty. SO CLEARLY A PRINCESS! "..........Can.....you sign...............my book?" Her voice was all breathless and shaky with excitement and nerves...and ALICE. ALIIIIIIIICE.
Marilyn was utterly concerned about her child fainting. She was monitoring the situation, yes; staring down this Alice player. The former She-snake supposed she was lovely enough.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____