Originally Posted by
I like this take on it even better!
You did such an amazing job, I love the detail you put into it.

Can't wait for the next chapter! Are you PMing people when it's up?
iLuffers you,
Thanks Jesse! Yeah I'm gonna PM people

I'm so glad you like it. I wasn't so sure, especially with my chapters being so short.

sorry about that btw.
iLuffers you as always,
Originally Posted by
LAUREN!!!:tackle: Yay your story is back up. Its amazing! Aww I'm so happy!
Oooo...So there are tripets now!
So is Voldemort their daddy? Sorry
I hope you can post again soon!
Soph xx

I'm so glad you're reading this! YAY!

Thanks so much
yes there was always triplets I just hadn't gotten that far into my last version of the story to reveal that
Oh you never know...

but you'll find out eventually
I'm going to post again as soon as 3 more people comment. Does that sound fair? Hope so
lots of love,