I haven't posted in so long...geez. Well, finals week is upon me so I decided to post this before things got too insane.
This post's theme is Ace of Cakes. These drawings are based on illustrations in the Ace of Cakes book that I have. I hope you appreciate them.
First up, Celebration Cake. This is actually only in a little picture in the book, but it seems to be a reoccuring cake illustration on the show and around the shop.
Then we have a little Duff. This one is not my best, but whatever. Its not bad.
Then Mary Alice. I don't think this really looks like Mary Alice, but this is the illustration that's in the book, so I just went with it.
Now for a little Geof. *sigh* Geof's my favorite. I love him. However, this did not turn out very...Geof-like. It just looks off to me, but I had to try.
As much as I didn't like the first Duff drawing, I love this one. I think it looks quinticentially Duff. Awesome.
And this one is the crown jewel of my Ace of Cakes collection: Duff and Geof. Duff being all Duff-like and Geof being a perfectionist. I really like this one...I especially like the way that the Celebration Cake turned out.
Also, afterthought, going back and looking at these drawings, Duff really looks like one of my professors. Awesome.